List of the latest Danish movies in 2024 and the best Danish movies of 2023 & the 2010's. Top Danish movies to watch on Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, Disney+ & other Streaming services, out on DVD/Blu-ray or in cinema's right now.
New Danish movies in 2024 in Cinema & on VOD
Top movies up for release in 2024 in cinema and on VODEternal
DIRECTOR: Ulaa Salim
CAST: Simon Sears, Nanna Øland Fabricius & Magnus Krepper
Climate change is about to get a whole lot worse for the entire planet. When a violent earthquake shakes the very foundation of the planet, a strange fracture opens up within the ocean floor. With this latest development, the weather grows increasingly worse and it looks like humanity will be facing its final days. Only the scrappy nature of a handful of survivors may live through this dangerous event. As a disaster epic, this Danish action picture was written and directed by Ulaa Salim (Sons of Denmark, Fædreland), starring Ari Alexander, Nanna Øland Fabricius, Halldóra Geirharðsdóttir, Helga Kristín Helgadóttir, Morten Holst, and Magnus Krepper. Read more
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DIRECTOR: Gustav Möller
CAST: Sidse Babett Knudsen, Dar Salim & Jacob Ulrik Lohmann
Eva was a mother that had her son murdered by a vicious killer. That killer happens to end up behind the bars of a prison where’s posted as a guard. Though bound by her job to uphold the law, Eva becomes overwhelmed with a sensation to seek out bloody revenge. But will she break the law to find vengeance in prison? This thrilling prison picture was directed by Gustav Möller (The Guilty, Before The Frost) with a script co-written by Emil Nygaard Albertsen (1899). The cast features the talents of Dar Salim, Sidse Babett Knudsen, Jacob Lohmann, and Sebastian Bull. Read more
Watch the trailer of Vogter
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Best Danish movies on Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, Disney+ or DVD in 2025
2023, 2022, 2021, 2020 and the 2010's best rated Danish movies out on DVD, Bluray or streaming on VOD (Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, Disney+ & More).Father & Mothers
DIRECTOR: Paprika Steen
CAST: Amanda Collin, Nikolaj Lie Kaas & Lisa Loven Kongsli
Piv and Ulrik are parents trying to do right by their daughter’s new school. The problem is that in order to have a say in the parent group, they have to navigate the rivalries and agenda that threatens to keep them out of the loop. Parenthood turns into a tougher ordeal as the parents grow competitive in everything from meetings to camping trips. Directed by Paprika Steen (That Time of the Year) and written by Jacob Weis (Deliver Us), this dramatic comedy stars Katrine Greis-Rosenthal and Jacob Lohmann. Read more
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DIRECTOR: Karoline Lyngbye
CAST: Marie Bach Hansen, Mikkel Boe Følsgaard & Mihlo Olsen
City life is left behind for a couple and their son as they depart for the forests of Sweden. But they're not alone as another family resides around the lake they live near. The encounter leads to the couple questioning their relationship when problems of the past rise to the present. Can the family persever in a rural setting? Directed by Karoline Lyngbye, this brooding thriller stars the talents of Marie Bach Hansen, Mikkel Boe Følsgaard, and Milo Olsen. Read more
Watch the trailer of Superposition
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Copenhagen Does Not Exist
DIRECTOR: Martin Skovbjerg
CAST: Angela Bundalovic, Jonas Holst Schmidt & Zlatko Burić
Ida is a young woman who mysteriously disappears one day without leaving a trace of her whereabouts. Her boyfriend Sander becomes a prime suspect as he is soon arrested and brought in for questioning by both Ida’s father and brother. While Sander seems willing to talk, he may not be revealing the whole truth as darker secrets may lie beneath his facade that could lead to the whereabouts of Ida. Directed by Martin Skovbjerg (Sticks and Stones, Anton90) and written by Eskil Vogt (The Worst Person in the World, The Innocents), this crime thriller stars the talents of Zlatko Buric, Angela Bundalovic, Christopher Læssø, and Ella Schartner. Read more
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As in Heaven
DIRECTOR: Tea Lindeburg
CAST: Flora Ofelia Hofmann Lindahl, Ida Cæcilie Rasmussen &
It is the late 1800s and there’s great tension on a farm. A woman has just gone into labor and the wait is on to see when the baby will arrive. The 14-year-old girl Lise tries to help out her mother but finds that there may be more she has to prepare for this night. Her life will be forever changed by an extraordinary series of events. Directed and written by Tea Lindeburg (Kødkataloget, Normalerweize) and based on the novel by Marie Bregendahl, this period coming-of-age drama stars Flora Ofelia Hofmann Lindah, lIda Cæcilie Rasmussen, and Palma Lindeburg Leth. Read more
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Speak no Evil
DIRECTOR: Christian Tafdrup
CAST: Morten Burian, Sidsel Siem Koch & Fedja van Huêt
There’s a culture clash when a Danish and Dutch family meet each other on vacation. Both had hoped for an easy-going weekend but the Danes may find themselves trapped in a weekend of hell. They try to remain calm in the face of an uneasy situation but realize there’s something darker lurking under the surface of their trip. Directed by Christian Tafdrup (Parents, A Horrible Woman), this nightmare-vacation horror stars Morten Burian, Sidsel Siem Koch, and Fedja van Huêt Read more
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Riders of Justice
DIRECTOR: Anders Thomas Jensen
CAST: Mads Mikkelsen, Nikolaj Lie Kaas & Lars Brygmann
Markus is a father who just wants to get home to his teenage daughter Mathilde. That trip home turns tragic when trying to deal with his wife having died in an accident with a train. Or at least it seemed like an accident. A math expert who was on that train takes a look at the incident and believes there may be more to this than just an unfortunate tragedy. This off-beat thriller comedy comes from director Anders Thomas Jensen (Men & Chicken, Adam’s Apples). Read more
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Marco effekten
DIRECTOR: Martin Zandvliet
CAST: Ulrich Thomsen, Zaki Youssef & Sofie Torp
Based on the Danish crime novel written by Jussi Adler-Olsen, this crime thriller follows the teenager Marco who happens to stumble across a dead body. Being from a gypsy family, he flees the scene and tries to hide this information. But the pursuing commissioner Carl Mørck (Ulrich Thomsen) needs to find this teenager if he wants to find any hope of finding out who murdered this victim. Directed by Martin Zandvliet, this stirring crime thriller additionally stars Thomas W. Gabrielsson and Sofie Torp. Read more
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Before the Frost
DIRECTOR: Michael Noer
CAST: Jesper Christensen, Magnus Krepper & Ghita Nørby
During the tough winter of 1851, a poor Danish farmer faces a horrible dilemma; should he allow his daughter to marry a wealthy farmer he has known (and disliked) all his life? Read more
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Into the Darkness
DIRECTOR: Anders Refn
CAST: Jesper Christensen, Patricia Schumann, Julie Agnete Vang, Erik Madsen
Karl Skov runs a successful factory in Copenhagen and is well respected within the community. When the Nazi's occupy Denmark, he wishes to proceed his business like he always did, but this appears to be more morally problematic then he could fathom. Read more
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Queen of Hearts
DIRECTOR: May el-Toukhy
CAST: Trine Dyrholm, Magnus Krepper, Gustav Lindh, Mads Wille
Anne is a successful lawyer, specialized in juvenile crime. When her husband takes in his troubled son from a previous marriage, an unhealthy relationship unfolds between the boy and Anne. Danish melodrama a la Susanne Bier at its best. Read more
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The Outsider
DIRECTOR: Martin Zandvliet
CAST: Jared Leto, Tadanobu Asano, Kippei Shîna, Shioli Kutsuna
Danish Director Zandvliet has a big English-language film out in 2018. It's a post-World War 2 Gangster story about an American Soldier joining the Japanese Yakuza. It's a Netflix Original starring big names like Jared Leto & Emile Hirsch Read more
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RATING: 85/100
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DIRECTOR: Isabella Eklöf
CAST: Victoria Carmen Sonne, Lai Yde, Thijs Römer, Koray Alay
Sascha is the sweetheart of a wealthy gangster. They live a life full of luxury on the French coast. But this life takes its toll too. So when Sacha bumps into a honest fisherman, she finds herself entangled in a complicated and dangerous menage-a-trois. Read more
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The House That Jack Built
DIRECTOR: Lars von Trier
CAST: Matt Dillon, Bruno Ganz, Uma Thurman, Siobhan Fallon Hogan
Denmark most iconic director is back with a refreshing take on the serial killer genre, examining each murder and how it defined the killer. Read more
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RATING: 91/100
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Du Forsvinder
DIRECTOR: Peter Schønau Fog
CAST: Trine Dyrholm Nikolaj Lie Kaas Michael Nyqvist
Somewhat reminiscent of Susanne Bier's finest drama films, 'You Disappear' tells the touching and thought-provoking story of a successful headmaster who gets caught stealing from his own school. When it is discovered that there's a huge brain tumor in his skull, his wife tries to prevent him going to jail. She believes his personality has changed because of the tumor. Read more
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RATING: 75/100
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Mesteren (The Man)
DIRECTOR: Charlotte Sieling
CAST: Jakob Oftebro Ane Dahl Torp Søren Malling
Simon is a successful, wealthy and respected artist living in Copenhagen with his much younger wife. One day , his unknown son Casper shows up, who happens to be a quite talendted painter too. Soon, the two of them compete instead bond. 'The Man' is not only a clever exploration of a complicated father-son relationship, but often a funny portrayal of the art world at the same time. Read more
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RATING: 79/100
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DIRECTOR: Thomas Vinterberg
CAST: Mads Mikkelsen Thomas Bo Larsen Annika Wedderkopp
The struggle of a lonely teacher for his son's custody seems to ease when he meets a woman and then a good news from the son follows but the ephemeral joy soon... Read more
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RATING: 8.3/100
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DIRECTOR: Thomas Vinterberg
CAST: Fares Fares Ulrich Thomsen Trine Dyrholm
A great new film by Thomas Vinterberg, one of Denmark's greatest directors (Jagten, Festen). Kollektivet reminds of Tillsammans, that other great Scandinavian commune film by Lukas Moodysson. In Kollektivet, a young bourgouis couple decides to turn their new home into a commune. At first, the group seems to live a life in full harmony, but it doesn't take long they face some serious challenges. Read more
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RATING: 65/100
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When Animals Dream
DIRECTOR: Jonas Alexander Arnby
CAST: Sonia Suhl Lars Mikkelsen Sonja Richter
When Animal Dreams is the first feature film of video clip director Arnby turned film director. And that shows; this unusual coming of age werewolf story about a young girl in a remote fishing village who has to come to terms with her strange powers looks very flashy. Plot-wise, When Animals Dreams falls short from time to time, but Arnby succeeds in creating an outlandish world that feels very naturalistic and poetic at the same time. Read more
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RATING: 5.8/100
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Stille Hjerte
DIRECTOR: Bille August
CAST: Ghita Nørby, Paprika Steen Danica Curcic
An old woman suffers from a fatal disease and wishes to die before the disease worsens but the desire is not easy to handle when old conflicts reappear as three... Read more
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RATING: 7.2/100
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DIRECTOR: Niels Arden Oplev
CAST: Villads Bøye Anders W. Berthelsen Sidse Babett Knudsen
The film is set in 1970s in a Danish province where the grown ups are under the effect of porn liberation moment while a young boy who has just lost his mother has to... Read more
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RATING: 6.7/100
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DIRECTOR: Tobias Lindholm
CAST: Pilou Asbæk Søren Malling Dar Salim
Kapringen or The Hijacking is the new Tobias Lindhom film. Lindhom is probably the most important new name in the Danish cinema of the 10’s. He is best known for writing screenplays for Vinterberg’s drama’s, like for Jagten and Submarino, but he made his own directorial debut with R in 2010, together with action film director Michael Noer. Now at the end of 2012 (released internationally in 2013) he made a film about the hot international topic of Somali pirating, and can therefore best be explained in contrast to that other hijacking film, Paul Greengrass’ Captain Phillips (2013) with Tom Hanks. In Kapringen a ship also gets hijacked by Somalian pirates, but where Captain Phillips relies heavily on suspense, and is tense and jittery with a shaky cam, only to become emotionally engaging at the very end, Kapringen is much more understated and has a lot less ‘action’, but leaves the viewer behind with a better understanding of the pirates, and leaves you behind much more devastated. Read more
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RATING: 7.2/100
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DIRECTOR: Katrine Wiedemann
CAST: Lars Mikkelsen Julie Zangenberg Peter Plaugborg
This small by Lars von Trier executively produced absurdist, and pleasantly disturbing erotic tale, is one of the most interesting films to have been released in 2013. It was written by Kim Fupz Aakeson (best known for the British Perfect Sense, 2011) who is not unfamiliar with writing screenplays about films in which sex and perversions are exposed incredibly honestly. The premise of Vicevaerten (English title: The Caretaker’s tale) is very rich: it is about a bitter and unpleasant man who comes across a beautiful and mysterious girl who lives in his apartment building, and is completely naked and turns out to have sexual healing powers. He is not very reluctant to make full use of this. It was pretty well exploited, but I cannot help feeling that there was a bit more there. It stays perhaps a little bit too superficial, but this was probably what director Katrine Wiedemann was going for. A film you should definitely check out. Here is a trailer with English subtitles. Read more
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RATING: 5.4/100
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At elske Pia (To Love Pia)
DIRECTOR: Daniel Borgman
CAST: Pia Skovgaard Jens Jensen Céline Skovgaard
To Love Pia is a touching and sometimes uneasy film about an old, mentally disabled woman looking for love. Read more
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RATING: 74/100
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The Guilty
DIRECTOR: Gustav Möller
CAST: Jakob Cedergren, Jessica Dinnage, Omar Shargawi, Johan Olsen
Police officer Asger Holm, demoted to desk work as an alarm dispatcher, answers a call from a panicked woman who claims to have been kidnapped. Confined to the police station and with the phone as his... Read more
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DIRECTOR: Brian De Palma
CAST: Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, Carice van Houten, Guy Pearce
When his partner dies, a Copenhagen police inspector is determined to find out what happened. Read more
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RATING: 83/100
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