Twice Upon a Time

Twice Upon a Time

time travel TV series | French TV series

Nathalie Leuthreau
Gaspard Ulliel, Freya Mavor & Patrick d'Assumçao
Air Date
Aug 29th, 2019
Months after a crushing breakup, a man receives a mysterious package that opens a portal to the past -- and gives him a chance to win back his ex.

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TV Air Date Aug 29th, 2019
DVD Release date TBA
Netflix DVD release date TBA
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On 2019-08-29 Sci-Fi & Fantasy/Drama TV Series Twice Upon a Time first aired on Arte. Written and created by Guillaume Nicloux & Nathalie Leuthreau, and produced by ARTE & UNITÉ, Twice Upon a Time has ended and last broadcasted on 2019-08-29.

IMDb Rating: /10
Twice Upon a Time Official page on Arte
All Seasons: 1
All Episodes: 4
Average Episode length: 52 minutes


Season 1 - 2019-08-29 with 4 Episodes