Voyage to Terengganu
Malaysian moviesDirector Amir Muhammad CastBadrul Hisham Ismail Amir MuhammadRelease Apr 25th, 2017 Synopsis The laid-back, scenic and conservative Terengganu was the only one out of the 13 states of Malaysia that director Amir Muhammad had never been to. So he decided to go there for the first time in December 2015 and do a kind-of-travelogue about it. Voyage to Terengganu is directed by Amir Muhammad and was released on Apr 25th, 2017.
All release dates
Cinema Release Date | Tuesday April 25, 2017 |
DVD Release date | TBA |
Netflix DVD release date | TBA |
Netflix streaming | Not available |
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No trailer released yetProduction details
Director Badrul Hisham Ismail, Amir Muhammad's movie Voyage to Terengganu is produced by Da Huang Pictures & was released 2016-08-20.Costs: $0 Box Office Results: $0 Length/Runtime: 62 min