Lady and the Tramp

Lady and the Tramp

animation movies

Charlie Bean
Tessa Thompson, Justin Theroux & Kiersey Clemons
Nov 12th, 2019
The love story between a pampered Cocker Spaniel named Lady and a streetwise mongrel named Tramp. Lady finds herself out on the street after her owners have a baby and is saved from a pack by Tramp, who tries to show her to live her life footloose and collar-free.

Lady and the Tramp is directed by Charlie Bean and was released on Nov 12th, 2019.

All release dates

Cinema Release Date Tuesday November 12, 2019
DVD Release date Wednesday March 11, 2020
Netflix DVD release date Wednesday March 11, 2020
Netflix streaming Not available
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Production details

Director Charlie Bean's Family & Romance movie Lady and the Tramp is produced by Walt Disney Pictures & Taylor Made Entertainment & was released 2019-11-12.

Costs: $0
Box Office Results: $0
Length/Runtime: 111 min
Lady and the Tramp Official page