Oh, Ramona!

Oh, Ramona!

Romanian movies

Cristina Jacob
Basil Eidenbenz, Aggy K. Adams & Holly Horne
Jun 1st, 2019
Oh, Ramona! seeks the transformation of Andrew from a teenager into an adult who lives candidly and selflessly his first love story, innocent and uninvolved, alternating with the second, intense and insane story, incapable of making a choice. Oh, Ramona! is the cinematic rewriting of Andrei Ciobanu's book "Suge-o, Ramona!".

Oh, Ramona! is directed by Cristina Jacob and was released on Jun 1st, 2019.

All release dates

Cinema Release Date Saturday June 1, 2019
DVD Release date Saturday June 1, 2019
Netflix DVD release date Saturday June 1, 2019
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Production details

Director Cristina Jacob's Comedy & Romance movie Oh, Ramona! is produced by Zazu Film & was released 2019-02-14.

Costs: $0
Box Office Results: $0
Length/Runtime: 109 min
Oh, Ramona! Official page