Miss Julie

Miss Julie

costume drama movies

Liv Ullmann
Jessica Chastain, Colin Farrell Samantha Morton
Sep 10th, 2014
The story depicts the course of events following a mid summer night when a valet is encouraged by his lord's unsettled daughter who is an Anglo-Irish aristocrat, to seduce her. Miss Julie is directed by Liv Ullmann and was released on Sep 10th, 2014.

All release dates

Cinema Release Date Wednesday September 10, 2014
DVD Release date Friday November 6, 2015
Netflix DVD release date Friday November 6, 2015
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Production details

Director Liv Ullmann's Drama & Romance movie Miss Julie is produced by Maipo Film & The Apocalypse Films & was released 2014-09-07.

Costs: $5,500,000
Box Office Results: $5,000,000
Length/Runtime: 129 min