Blue Jean

Blue Jean

lgbt / gay movies

Georgia Oakley
Rosy McEwen, Kerrie Hayes & Lucy Halliday
Dec 10th, 2022
Jean, a PE teacher, is forced to live a double life. When a new student arrives and threatens to expose her sexuality, Jean is pushed to extreme lengths to keep her job and her integrity.

Blue Jean is directed by Georgia Oakley and was released on Dec 10th, 2022.

All release dates

Cinema Release Date Saturday December 10, 2022
DVD Release date TBA
Netflix DVD release date TBA
Netflix streaming Not available
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Production details

Director Georgia Oakley's Drama movie Blue Jean is produced by BBC Film & Kleio Films & was released 2023-02-10.

Costs: $0
Box Office Results: $110,722
Length/Runtime: 97 min
Blue Jean Official page