Both Sides of the Blade

Both Sides of the Blade

French movies | romance movies

Claire Denis
Juliette Binoche, Vincent Lindon & Grégoire Colin
Aug 31st, 2022
Jean and Sara have been living together for 10 years. When they first met, Sara was living with François, Jean’s best friend and an admirer from back when he played rugby. Jean and Sara love each other. One day, Sara sees François in the street. He does not notice her, but she is overtaken by the sensation that her life could suddenly change. François gets back in touch with Jean. For the...

Both Sides of the Blade is directed by Claire Denis and was released on Aug 31st, 2022.

All release dates

Cinema Release Date Wednesday August 31, 2022
DVD Release date TBA
Netflix DVD release date TBA
Netflix streaming Not available
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Production details

Director Claire Denis's Drama & Romance movie Both Sides of the Blade is produced by Curiosa Films & was released 2022-07-08.

Costs: $0
Box Office Results: $1,747,438
Length/Runtime: 116 min
Both Sides of the Blade Official page