

Kameron Hale
Miranda Nieman, Hayley Sunshine & Scott Hale
Jan 18th, 2022
On the same day Abbey is diagnosed with ovarian cancer, she and her girlfriend, Miranda, are invited to dinner by Miranda’s former self-help group to celebrate the return of their estranged friend, Scott, who left to discover the origins of their practices. Throughout the night, Abbey realizes that all is not as it seems, that no one is as who they’ve portrayed themselves to be, and that Scott...

Entropy is directed by Kameron Hale and was released on Jan 18th, 2022.

All release dates

Cinema Release Date Tuesday January 18, 2022
DVD Release date Tuesday January 18, 2022
Netflix DVD release date Tuesday January 18, 2022
Netflix streaming Not available
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Production details

Director Kameron Hale's Horror movie Entropy is produced by HaleHouse Productions & was released 2022-01-18.

Costs: $0
Box Office Results: $0
Length/Runtime: 80 min