Nos Tempos do Imperador

Nos Tempos do Imperador

Vinicius Coimbra
Mariana Ximenes, &
TV Globo
Air Date
Mar 30th, 2020
In 1856, the emperor Dom Pedro II lived a marriage of appearances with Teresa Cristina, with whom he was forced to marry at a young age by his parents' political alliance, having two daughters with her: Isabel and Leopoldina. He truly loves Countess Luisa, a cultured and time-ahead woman who fights for the abolitionist cause and women's rights, married to Eugenio, the emperor's cousin. At the same...

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TV Air Date Mar 30th, 2020
DVD Release date TBA
Netflix DVD release date TBA
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On 2021-08-09 Soap/Drama TV Series Nos Tempos do Imperador first aired on TV Globo. Written and created by Alessandro Marson & Thereza Falcão, and produced by Estúdios Globo, Nos Tempos do Imperador has ended and last broadcasted on 2022-02-04.

IMDb Rating: /10
Nos Tempos do Imperador Official page on TV Globo
All Seasons: 1
All Episodes: 154
Average Episode length: 60 minutes


Season 1 - 2021-08-09 with 154 Episodes