Banana Fish

Banana Fish

Utsumi Hiroko
Fuji TV
Air Date
Jul 6th, 2018
Nature made Ash Lynx beautiful; nurture made him a cold ruthless killer. A runaway brought up as the adopted heir and sex toy of "Papa" Dino Golzine, Ash, now at the rebellious age of seventeen, forsakes the kingdom held out by the devil who raised him. But the hideous secret that drove Ash's older brother mad in Vietnam has suddenly fallen into Papa's insatiably ambitious hands—and it's exactly...

All release dates

TV Air Date Jul 6th, 2018
DVD Release date TBA
Netflix DVD release date TBA
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Air dates of all seasons

On 2018-07-06 Animation/Drama TV Series Banana Fish first aired on Fuji TV. Written and created by , and produced by MAPPA, Banana Fish has ended and last broadcasted on 2018-12-21.

IMDb Rating: 8.2/10
Banana Fish Official page on Fuji TV
All Seasons: 1
All Episodes: 24
Average Episode length: 23 minutes


Season 1 - 2018-07-06 with 24 Episodes