After Life

After Life

comedy TV series

Ricky Gervais
Ricky Gervais, Tom Basden & Tony Way
Air Date
Mar 8th, 2019
Tony had a perfect life. But after his wife Lisa suddenly dies, Tony changes. After contemplating taking his own life, he decides instead to live long enough to punish the world by saying and doing whatever he likes from now on.

All release dates

TV Air Date Mar 8th, 2019
DVD Release date TBA
Netflix DVD release date TBA
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Air dates of all seasons

On 2019-03-08 Comedy/Drama TV Series After Life first aired on Netflix. Written and created by Ricky Gervais, and produced by Derek Productions, After Life has ended and last broadcasted on 2022-01-14.

IMDb Rating: /10
After Life Official page on Netflix
All Seasons: 3
All Episodes: 18
Average Episode length: 30 minutes


Season 1 - 2019-03-08 with 6 Episodes
Season 2 - 2020-04-24 with 6 Episodes
Season 3 - 2022-01-14 with 6 Episodes