The Paras: Men of War

The Paras: Men of War

Bill Fellows, Nick French
Air Date
Jan 10th, 2019
Documentary series filmed over 12 months and featuring unparalleled access to the elite Parachute Regiment following the process by which new recruits are turned into elite soldiers trained to kill.

All release dates

TV Air Date Jan 10th, 2019
DVD Release date TBA
Netflix DVD release date TBA
Netflix streaming Not available
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DVD/Bluray via Amazon


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Air dates of all seasons

On 2019-01-10 Documentary TV Series The Paras: Men of War first aired on ITV1. Written and created by , The Paras: Men of War has ended and last broadcasted on 2019-01-24.

IMDb Rating: 7.3/10
All Seasons: 1
All Episodes: 3
Average Episode length: minutes


Season 1 - 2019-01-10 with 3 Episodes