Elisa di Rivombrosa

Elisa di Rivombrosa

Italian TV series

Marco Alessi, Piero Bodrato
Vittoria Puccini, Antonino Juorio & Cesare Bocci
Canale 5
Air Date
Feb 5th, 2008
The series portrays the story of romantic love between a poor maiden and a handsome rich man, and the potential threat to it by the jealous feelings of another woman who has fallen for the same man.

All release dates

TV Air Date Feb 5th, 2008
DVD Release date TBA
Netflix DVD release date TBA
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Air dates of all seasons

On 2003-12-17 Drama TV Series Elisa di Rivombrosa first aired on Canale 5. Written and created by Cinzia TH Torrini, Elisa di Rivombrosa has ended and last broadcasted on 2006-03-02.

IMDb Rating: 7.6/10
Elisa di Rivombrosa Official page on Canale 5
All Seasons: 2
All Episodes: 52
Average Episode length: 50 minutes


Season 1 - 2003-12-17 with 26 Episodes
Season 2 - 2005-09-22 with 26 Episodes