Karei-naru ichizoku

Karei-naru ichizoku

Japanese TV series

Takuya Kimura, Kyôka Suzuki, Kyoko Hasegawa
Air Date
Jan 14th, 2007
The series based on a novel and highlights the conflicts and struggle within the a powerful family of Japan; Manpyo family where a son and father bear a rivalry for each other.

All release dates

TV Air Date Jan 14th, 2007
DVD Release date TBA
Netflix DVD release date TBA
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Air dates of all seasons

On 2007-01-14 Drama TV Series Karei-naru ichizoku first aired on TBS. Written and created by Toyoko Yamasaki, Karei-naru ichizoku has ended and last broadcasted on 2007-03-18.

IMDb Rating: 7.4/10
Karei-naru ichizoku Official page on TBS
All Seasons: 1
All Episodes: 10
Average Episode length: 45 minutes


Season 1 - 2007-01-14 with 10 Episodes