Spanish to English
Alcorán: 1. Koran
Alejandro: 1. Alexander
Alemania: 1. Germany
Alpes: 1. Alps
Amberes: 1. Antwerp
Amsterdam: 1. Amsterdam
América: 1. America
América del Sur: 1. South America
América meridional: 1. South America
América septentrional: 1. North America
Andalucía: 1. Andalusia
Andorra: 1. Andorra
Antillas: 1. Antilles
Anunciación: 1. Annunciation, Lady Day
Apocalipsis: 1. Apocalypse
Aquisgrán: 1. Aix-la-Chapelle
Arabia: 1. Arabia
Argel: 1. Algiers
Argentina: 1. Argentina
Arizona: 1. Arizona
Aruba: 1. Aruba
Ascensión: 1. Ascension Day
Asia: 1. Asia
Asia Menor: 1. Asia Minor
Asturias: 1. Asturias
Atenas: 1. Athens
Australia: 1. Australia
Austria: 1. Austria
Balkanes: 1. Balkans
Barcelona: 1. Barcelona | 2. Barcelona
Bengala: 1. Bengal
Berlín: 1. Berlin
Biblia: 1. Bible
Blanca-Nieve: 1. Little Snow White
Bolivia: 1. Bolivia
Brasil: 1. Brazil
Bruselas: 1. Brussels
Bulgaria: 1. Bulgaria
Burdeos: 1. Bordeaux
Báltico: 1. Baltic Sea
Bélgica: 1. Belgium
Canadá: 1. Canada
Candelaria: 1. Candlemas
Castilla: 1. Castile
Cataluña: 1. Catalonia
Cenicienta: 1. Cinderella
Cenopegias: 1. Feast of Tabernacles
Cerdeña: 1. Sardinia | 2. Sardinia | 3. Sardina | 4. Sardinia
Checoeslovaquia: 1. Czechoslovakia
Chile: 1. Chile
China: 1. China
Colombia: 1. Colombia
Colonia: 1. Cologne
Colón: 1. Columbus
Costa Brava: 1. Costa Brava
Costa Rica: 1. Costa Rica
Creta: 1. Crete
Cristo: 1. Christ
Cruz Roja: 1. Red Cross
Cuba: 1. Cuba
Curazao: 1. Curaçao
Cáucaso: 1. Caucasus
Córcega: 1. Corsica
Córdoba: 1. Cordova
Dinamarca: 1. Denmark
Dios: 1. God
Ecuador: 1. Ecuador
Egipto: 1. Egypt
El Salvador: 1. El Salvador
Escalda: 1. Scheldt
Escandinavia: 1. Scandinavia | 2. Scandinavia
Escocia: 1. Scotland
España: 1. Spain
Estados Unidos: 1. United States of America, USA
Estonia: 1. Estonia
Estrasburgo: 1. Strasbourg
Estrecho de Gibraltar: 1. Strait of Gibraltar
Etna: 1. Etna
Europa: 1. Europa | 2. Europe | 3. Europa
Europa occidental: 1. Western Europe
Extremadura: 1. Estremadura
Extremo Oriente: 1. Far East, the Far East | 2. Far East
Fiesta de los Tabernáculos: 1. Feast of Tabernacles
Finlandia: 1. Finland
Flandes: 1. Flanders
Florencia: 1. Florence
Francia: 1. France
Frisia: 1. Friesland
Gales: 1. Wales
Galicia: 1. Galicia
Gante: 1. Ghent
Gibraltar: 1. Gibraltar
Ginebra: 1. Geneva
Gran Bretaña: 1. Britain, Great Britain
Grecia: 1. Greece
Groenlandia: 1. Greenland | 2. Greenland
Guatemala: 1. Guatemala | 2. Guatemala City
Guinea Ecuatorial: 1. Equatorial Guinea
Güeldres: 1. Guelderland, Guelders
Génova: 1. Genoa
Havana: 1. Havana
Holanda: 1. Holland | 2. Holland, the Netherlands
Holanda septentrional: 1. North Holland
Honduras: 1. Honduras
Hungría: 1. Hungary
India: 1. India
Indonesia: 1. Indonesia
Inglaterra: 1. England | 2. England
Irlanda: 1. Ireland
Islandia: 1. Iceland
Islas Baleares: 1. Balearic Islands
Islas Canarias: 1. Canary Islands
Islas Malvinas: 1. Falkland Islands, Falklands
Italia: 1. Italy
Japón: 1. Japan
Java: 1. Java
Jesucristo: 1. Jesus Christ
Laponia: 1. Lapland
Latvia: 1. Latvia
La Haya: 1. The Hague
Letonia: 1. Latvia
Lieja: 1. Liège
Lisboa: 1. Lisbon
Lituania: 1. Lithuania
Livonia: 1. Livonia
Londres: 1. London
Lorena: 1. Lorraine, Lothringen
Los Países Bajos: 1. Holland, the Netherlands
Lovaina: 1. Louvain
Luxemburgo: 1. Luxemburg | 2. Luxemburg
Madrid: 1. Madrid
Mahoma: 1. Mohammed, Muhammad
Malinas: 1. Malines, Mechlin
Mallorca: 1. Majorca
Marruecos: 1. Morocco
Marsella: 1. Marseilles
Mar Cantábrico: 1. Bay of Biscay
Mediterráneo: 1. Mediterranean
Moisés: 1. Moses
Mosa: 1. Meuse
Moscú: 1. Moscow
Mosela: 1. Moselle
Munich: 1. Munich
Méjico: 1. Mexico
México: 1. Mexico | 2. Mexico City
Navidad: 1. Christmas, Yule
Nicaragua: 1. Nicaragua
Nilo: 1. Nile
Nimega: 1. Nimwegen
Norteamérica: 1. North America
Noruega: 1. Norway
Noé: 1. Noah
Nuestra Señora: 1. Our Lady | 2. Our Lady
Nueva Gales del Sur: 1. New South Wales
Nueva York: 1. New Amsterdam, New York, New York City
Nápoles: 1. Naples
Oceanía: 1. Oceania, Oceanica
Océano Pacífico: 1. Pacific, Pacific Ocean
Pacífico: 1. Pacific, Pacific Ocean
Panamá: 1. Panama
Paraguay: 1. Paraguay
París: 1. Paris
Pascua: 1. Easter
Patagonia: 1. Patagonia
País Vasco: 1. Basque Country
Pentecostés: 1. Pentecost, Whitsunday
Persia: 1. Persia
Perú: 1. Peru
Pirineos: 1. Pyrenees
Polonia: 1. Poland
Portugal: 1. Portugal
Prusia: 1. Prussia
Purificación: 1. Candlemas
Redentor: 1. Redeemer, Saviour | 2. Redeemer, Saviour | 3. Saviour
Rin: 1. Rhine
Rio Brava: 1. Rio Grande
Rio Grande del Norte: 1. Rio Grande
Roma: 1. Rome
Rumania: 1. Romania | 2. Romania
Rusia: 1. Russia
Sahara: 1. Sahara
Sajonia: 1. Saxe, Saxony | 2. Saxe, Saxony
Salvador: 1. Redeemer, Saviour | 2. Redeemer, Saviour | 3. Saviour
Satanás: 1. Lucifer, Satan
Satán: 1. Lucifer, Satan
Sevilla: 1. Seville
Siberia: 1. Siberia
Suecia: 1. Sweden
Suiza: 1. Switzerland
Surinam: 1. Surinam
Tajo: 1. Tagus
Todos los Santos: 1. All Hallows, All Saints’ Day | 2. All Souls’ Day
Trinidad: 1. Trinity
Turquía: 1. Turkey
Támesis: 1. Thames
Túnez: 1. Tunis
Union Europea: 1. European Union
Unión soviética: 1. Soviet Union, USSR
Uruguay: 1. Uruguay
Valencia: 1. Valencia
Venezuela: 1. Venezuela
Viena: 1. Vienna
Viernes Santo: 1. Good Friday
Vizcaya: 1. Biscay | 2. Biscay
Vístula: 1. Vistula
Yugoeslavia: 1. Yugoslavia
Zelandia: 1. Zealand
¿cuánto tiempo?: 1. how long? | 2. how long?
¿cómo está usted?: 1. how are you?, how do you do?
¿qué hora es?: 1. what time is it?
a: 1. at, to, toward, towards | 2. a, in, inside, into, on, per, within
abad: 1. abbot | 2. abbot | 3. archimandrite
abadesa: 1. abbess
abadía: 1. abbey
abajo: 1. below, downstairs, underneath | 2. below, underneath
abandonar: 1. cede, give in, give up, give way, relinquish, yield | 2. abandon, forsake, desert, leave, quit
abastacimiento: 1. catering | 2. catering
abatido: 1. dejected, depressed
abecé: 1. alphabet
abedul: 1. birch
abeja: 1. bee
abeto: 1. fir
abierto: 1. open | 2. open
abismo: 1. abyss, chasm, gulf, precipice
abjurar: 1. abjure, forswear, swear off, renounce
abolas: 1. bearing
abolición: 1. abolition, abrogation | 2. abolition, abrogation | 3. abolition
abolir: 1. abolish, abrogate | 2. do away with, get rid of, remove
abominable: 1. abhorrent, abominable, alien, awful, hideous, horrible, gruesome
abonado: 1. subscriber
abonar: 1. fertilize
abonarse: 1. subscribe, subscribe to
abono: 1. subscription | 2. dressing, fertilization, manuring
abordaje: 1. collision
abordar: 1. land | 2. collide with, crash into
abrazar: 1. embrace | 2. embrace, hug
abrelatas: 1. can opener, tin-opener
abreviación: 1. abbreviation
abreviar: 1. abbreviate, abridge, shorten
abreviatura: 1. abbreviation
abridor de tapones: 1. bottle opener
abrigo: 1. cloak, mantle | 2. coat, overcoat | 3. coat, overcoat
abril: 1. April
abrir: 1. open, open up
abrogar: 1. abolish, abrogate | 2. do away with, get rid of, remove
absceso: 1. abscess
abstinencia: 1. teetotalism, total abstinence
abuela: 1. grandmother
abuelo: 1. grandfather
aburrido: 1. boring, stodgy | 2. boring, stodgy, tiresome
aburrir: 1. bore
acabado: 1. finishing off | 2. completed, done, finished, over, through
acabar: 1. finish, work out | 2. accomodate, end, finish, terminate | 3. finish | 4. use up | 5. use up | 6. waste
academia: 1. academy
acampar: 1. camp, be encamped, lie encamped, camp out
acaso: 1. accidence, chance, hazard
accidente: 1. accident
accionista: 1. shareholder
acción: 1. action, activity | 2. achievement, act, action | 3. share | 4. accomplishment, achievement, act, action
acechar: 1. set a trap, set a trap for
aceite: 1. oil
aceite de oliva: 1. oil of olives, olive-oil
aceituna: 1. olive
acelerador: 1. accelerator, accelerator pedal | 2. accelerator, accelerator pedal
acento: 1. accent, stress | 2. accent | 3. accent mark, supersign
acentuar: 1. accent, accentuate, stress
aceptable: 1. acceptable | 2. acceptable
aceptación: 1. acceptance, admission
aceptar: 1. accept, receive, take, take in
acera: 1. pavement, sidewalk
acercarse: 1. advance, come close, come closer, come on
acero: 1. steel
acertar: 1. catch, hit, run across, strike
achicoria: 1. chicory
acidez de estómago: 1. heartburn
acoger: 1. greet, salute
acogida: 1. greeting, salutation
acometer: 1. commit aggression | 2. assault, attack | 3. assault, violate
acometida: 1. access, aggression, attack
acomodado: 1. in easy circumstances, well-to-do
acomodar: 1. accomodate
acompañamiento: 1. accompaniment, escort
acompañar: 1. accompany
aconsejar: 1. advise, counsel
acontecer: 1. become, come about, grow, happen | 2. come about, happen, occur
acontecimiento: 1. chance, event, occurence, opportunity
acordar: 1. accede, agree, consent
acordarse: 1. think
acorde: 1. accord, accordance, agreement, concurrence | 2. concord
acordeón: 1. accordion
acortar: 1. abbreviate, abridge, shorten
acostar: 1. put to bed
acostarse: 1. go to bed
acostumbrarse: 1. accustom oneself, get used
activo: 1. active | 2. active, in action | 3. assets | 4. active, hardworking | 5. transitive
actor: 1. actor
actriz: 1. actress
actual: 1. current, present, present-day, topical, up-to-date
actualmente: 1. at present, now
acuarela: 1. water-colour
acuario: 1. aquarium
acuerdo: 1. accord, accordance, agreement, concurrence | 2. accommodation, adjustment, arrangement | 3. accommodation, accord, agreement
acumulador: 1. accumulator, battery, storage battery
acusación: 1. accusal, accusation | 2. accusation | 3. accusal, accusation, charge, complaint, indictment
acusado: 1. accused, defendant | 2. accused, defendant
acusar: 1. accuse | 2. accuse, denounce | 3. accuse
adaptar: 1. accomodate | 2. affiliate
adelantar: 1. overhaul, overtake, pass | 2. overhaul, overtake, pass
adelante: 1. ahead, foreward, on
adelgazar: 1. fall away, lose, lose flesh, lose in weight
además: 1. besides, in addition, moreover | 2. besides, in addition, moreover
además de: 1. apart from, besides, except, except for
adiestrar: 1. tame, train | 2. break
adivinar: 1. guess
adiós: 1. adieu, farewell, bye, goodbye
adjetivo: 1. adjective
administración: 1. administration, management | 2. administration, management
administración del Sacramento: 1. administration of the last sacraments
administrador: 1. manager | 2. administrator
administrar: 1. administer, manage
admirar: 1. admire
admisible: 1. acceptable | 2. acceptable
admitir: 1. accept, receive, take, take in
adoptivo: 1. adopted
adoración: 1. adoration, worship
adorar: 1. adore, worship
adornado: 1. adorned
adquisición: 1. accession, acquisition, gain | 2. accession, acquisition, asset
aduana: 1. customs
adular: 1. flatter
adverbio: 1. adverb
advertidor de incendios: 1. fire-alarm, firecall
adyacente: 1. adjacent | 2. adjacent, adjoining | 3. adjacent, nearby, neighbouring
aeroplano: 1. aeroplane, airplane, plane
aeropuerto: 1. aerodrome, airdrome, airfield | 2. airport | 3. airport
aeróstato: 1. balloon, air-balloon | 2. balloon
afable: 1. lovable
afectación: 1. affectation | 2. affectation
afectar: 1. affect
afectuosidad: 1. adherence, attachment | 2. adherence, affection, attachment | 3. attachement | 4. attachment
afectuoso: 1. affectionate, devoted, selfless | 2. devoted, selfless
afeitar: 1. shave
aficionado: 1. amateur, fancier
afligido: 1. sad | 2. bleak, dismal, dreary, gaunt, miserable, sad, somber | 3. dismal, gaunt, miserable, sad
afligir: 1. afflict, grieve | 2. afflict, cause pain, cause pain to, distress, give pain to
africana: 1. African woman
africano: 1. African | 2. African
afán: 1. attempt, effort | 2. efforts | 3. effort | 4. tension
agarrar: 1. grasp | 2. clutch, grapple
agencia: 1. agency
agencia de viaje: 1. tourist agency, travel agency
agenda: 1. agenda, appointment book
agente: 1. agent
agilidad: 1. expertness, skilfulness, skill, skillfulness
agosto: 1. August
agotado: 1. exhausted, tired out, worn out
agradable: 1. agreeable, enjoyable, lovely, nice, pleasant | 2. comfortable | 3. pleasing
agradar: 1. please
agradecer: 1. thank
agrado: 1. pleasure
agrario: 1. agrarian, agricultural, farm-
agresión: 1. access, aggression, attack | 2. assault
agresor: 1. aggressor, assailant, attacker
agridulce: 1. sweet-and-sour
agrio: 1. acetous, acid, sour, tart | 2. acid
agua: 1. water
aguardar: 1. bide, abide, stay for, wait, await, wait for
aguas: 1. spa
agua dolce: 1. fresh water
agua dulce: 1. fresh water
agua potable: 1. drinking-water
agudo: 1. acute
aguijón: 1. sting
aguja: 1. needle
agujero: 1. hole
agüero: 1. indication, omen, portent, precursor, presage, sign | 2. indication, omen, presage, portent, sign
ah: 1. ah, aha | 2. oh
ahogarse: 1. drown
ahora: 1. at present, now | 2. currently, nowadays, these days
ahora mismo: 1. at once, immediately, just, right away, right now
ahumado: 1. smoked
aire: 1. air
aire acondicionado: 1. air conditioning | 2. air conditioning
aislado: 1. remote
aislamiento: 1. insulation, isolation | 2. isolation, separation
ajuar: 1. furniture
ajustar: 1. make a contract | 2. adjust
ají: 1. chilli
ala: 1. wing
alabar: 1. commend, laud, praise
alambre: 1. wire | 2. wire, iron wire
alargar: 1. give | 2. hand, hand over | 3. extend, strech out | 4. pass, spend | 5. lengthen | 6. convey, hand, hand over, pass
alarma: 1. alarm
albaricoque: 1. apricot
albaricoquero: 1. apricot-tree | 2. apricot-tree
albergue: 1. hostel, inn
albergue juvenil: 1. youth hostel
alcachofa: 1. artichoke
alcade: 1. mayor | 2. burgomaster, mayor, provost
alcanzable: 1. accessible
alcanzar: 1. achieve, acquire, attain, get, obtain | 2. accomplish, achieve, attain, get, reach
alcohol: 1. alcohol, booze, liquor, spirits, strong drink | 2. alcohol
alcohol de quemar: 1. methylated spirit
alcázar: 1. fortification
aldea: 1. village
alegre: 1. happy, glad
alegría: 1. gladness, joy
alemana: 1. German, German woman
alemán: 1. German | 2. German, German language | 3. German
alentar: 1. encourage
aleta: 1. fin
alfabeto: 1. alphabet
alfiler: 1. pin, needle
alfombra: 1. carpet
algo: 1. anything, something
algodón: 1. cotton | 2. cotton
alguien: 1. a, any, anybody, some, somebody, one, someone, some one
alguno: 1. a, any, anybody, some, somebody, one, someone, some one
alhaja: 1. adornment, decoration, ornament | 2. adornment, ornament
aliento: 1. breath
alimentar: 1. feed, nourish
alimento: 1. food, nourishment
alistar: 1. recruit | 2. recruit
alma: 1. soul
almacén: 1. warehouse
almanaque: 1. almanac
almeja: 1. mussel
almendra: 1. almond
almirante: 1. admiral
almohada: 1. pillow | 2. cushion
almorranas: 1. haemorhoids
almorzar: 1. lunch
almuerzo: 1. lunch, snack
almíbar: 1. syrup
alojamiento: 1. accommodation
alojarse: 1. be a guest of, stay with | 2. be on a visit, stay, stop
alondra: 1. lark
alquilado: 1. hired out
alquilar: 1. let | 2. hire | 3. let, rent out
alquitrán: 1. tar
alrededores: 1. environment, environs, surroundings
alrededor de: 1. about, round, around, towards
altar: 1. altar
alternar: 1. alternate
alternativa: 1. alternation
altitud: 1. altitude, height
alto: 1. contralto, contralto voice | 2. high, lofty, tall | 3. loud
altura: 1. height
altura barométrica: 1. barometer reading, height of the barometer
alumbrado: 1. lighting
alumbrar: 1. illuminate, light
alumbre: 1. alum
aluminio: 1. aluminium, aluminum
al amanecer: 1. at daybreak
al contrario: 1. reverse, reversed
al dorso: 1. at the back | 2. behind
al día: 1. a day
al fin: 1. at last, finally, ultimately
al la derecha: 1. on the right
al menos: 1. at least
al mismo tiempo: 1. at the same time
al norte de: 1. above
al presente: 1. currently, nowadays, these days
al principio: 1. first, firstly, first of all
al revés: 1. reverse, reversed | 2. vice-versa
amable: 1. affable, friendly, good-natured, kind | 2. dainty, kind, nice, pretty | 3. lovable
amainar: 1. abate, weaken | 2. abate, decrease, diminish, drop, fall
amanecer: 1. dawn, daybreak
amar: 1. love
amargo: 1. acerbic, bitter
amarillo: 1. yellow | 2. yellow
amarradero: 1. landing-stage, pier
amasadura: 1. massage
amazona: 1. Amazon
ambos: 1. both
amenaza: 1. menace, threat
amenazar: 1. menace, threaten
americana: 1. jacket | 2. American woman
americano: 1. American | 2. American | 3. American | 4. American, US citizen
amerindio: 1. Indian, American Indian
amianto: 1. asbestos
amiga: 1. friend
amigo: 1. friend
amistad: 1. friendship
amnistía: 1. act of grace, amnesty
amo: 1. boss, chief, leader | 2. chief, boss
amojonar: 1. mark out, trace, trace out
amoníaco: 1. ammonia
amor: 1. affection, love
amortiguador: 1. shock-absorber
amortización: 1. redemption
amortizar: 1. amortize, deaden | 2. pay off, redeem
ampliación: 1. aggrandizement, enlargement, increase | 2. enlargement, increase
ampolla: 1. bulb | 2. blister | 3. blister
amputar: 1. amputate
amén: 1. amen
amén de: 1. apart from, besides, except, except for
anales: 1. annals
analfabeto: 1. illiterate
ananás: 1. pineapple
anatema: 1. anathema, ban, excommunication | 2. anathema, ban, excommunication
ancas de rana: 1. frog’s legs
anchas: 1. comfort
ancho: 1. broad
anchoa: 1. anchovy
anchura: 1. width | 2. width
anciano: 1. old
ancla: 1. anchor
anclar: 1. anchor
andar: 1. march, walk
andas: 1. litter, strecher
andén: 1. platform, quay, wharf
anexar: 1. annex
anexionar: 1. annex
anexión: 1. annexation
anguila: 1. eel
angustia: 1. agony, anguish, fear | 2. fright
angustioso: 1. afraid, fearful
anillo: 1. ring
animación: 1. encouragement
animal: 1. animal | 2. animal, beast
animar: 1. encourage, impel, instigate, spur on, stimulate, urge | 2. encourage | 3. cheer, fire, inspire, stimulate | 4. fan, fire, inspire, stimulate, stir up, urge on | 5. rouse, stimulate, stir up
ano: 1. anus, arse
anoche: 1. last night
anonchecer: 1. dusk
anormal: 1. abnormal | 2. abnormal | 3. abnormal | 4. abnormal
anotación: 1. annotation, note
anotar: 1. note, make a note, write down
anteayer: 1. the day before yesterday
antebrazo: 1. lower-arm
antecedente: 1. antecedent | 2. antecedent
antena: 1. aerial, antenna
anteriormente: 1. ahead, formerly, previously
antes: 1. before, in front of | 2. first, firstly, first of all
antes de que: 1. before, previous to
anticongelante: 1. antifreeze
antideslizante: 1. non-skid
antiguo: 1. ancient, antique
antigüedad: 1. antiquity
antiséptico: 1. antiseptic | 2. antiseptic | 3. antiseptic
anualidad: 1. instalment, repayment
anualmente: 1. annual, yearly
anudar: 1. tie on
anular: 1. cancel, countermand | 2. abjure, abolish, abrogate, annul, cancel, remit
anunciar: 1. advertise, announce, give notice | 2. advise, counsel, notify
anuncio: 1. announcement, notification, notice | 2. ad, advertisement | 3. notification, notice
anzuelo: 1. hook
anécdota: 1. anecdote
anís: 1. anise
anónimo: 1. anonymous | 2. anonymous, nameless, without a name
apagar: 1. extinguish, put out
aparador: 1. chest, dresser
aparador de cocina: 1. dresser
aparato: 1. apparatus, device, set
aparato para sordos: 1. hearing aid | 2. hearing aid
aparcamiento: 1. parking garage | 2. car park, lay-by, parking bay, parking garage, parking place
aparcamiento de taxis: 1. cab-stand
aparecer: 1. appear, emerge, perform
apariencia: 1. appearance
apartado: 1. paragraph | 2. remote
apartamento: 1. apartment, flat
apartar: 1. divide, separate | 2. turn away
aparte: 1. apart, particular, separate, special | 2. apart, separately
apelación: 1. appeal
apellido: 1. surname
apenas: 1. barely, hardly, only just, scarcely
aperitivo: 1. dram, nip, peg, snifter, snorter
apestar: 1. reek, smell, smell bad, stink
apetito: 1. appetite
apio: 1. celery | 2. turnip-rooted celery
aplaudir: 1. acclaim, applaud, clap
aplauso: 1. acclaim, acclamation, approval
apoplejía: 1. fit, apoplectic fit, seizure, stroke, stroke of apoplexy
aporrear: 1. thrash
apostar: 1. bet, wager
apostatar: 1. apostatize
apoyarse: 1. lean
aprender: 1. learn
apresurarse: 1. go fast, hurry, rush | 2. hurry, rush | 3. hurry
apretar: 1. press, oppress, squeeze | 2. fasten, tighten, turn, turn on
aprovechar: 1. avail | 2. make use of, turn to good account, utilize
aprovecharse: 1. profit
aprovisionamiento: 1. arrival, arrivals, supply | 2. arrival, arrivals, supply
aproximarse: 1. advance, come close, come closer, come on
apróximadamente: 1. about, approximately
apuntar: 1. note, make a note, write down
apéndice: 1. accessory, side-issue | 2. addition, adjunct | 3. appendix
apócrifo: 1. apocryphal
apóstata: 1. apostate
apóstol: 1. apostle
arabesco: 1. arabesque
arado: 1. plough
araña: 1. spider
arbusto: 1. bush, shrub
arca: 1. ark | 2. box, chest
archi-: 1. arch-, chief-
archiduque: 1. archduke
archipiélago: 1. archipelago | 2. archipelago | 3. archipelago
archivero: 1. archivist, keeper of the records
archivista: 1. archivist, keeper of the records
archivo: 1. archive, archives, files, records
arcilla: 1. clay
arco iris: 1. rainbow
arder: 1. burn
ardilla: 1. squirrel
arena: 1. arena | 2. sand
arenas movedizas: 1. quicksand, quicksands | 2. quicksand, quicksands
arenque: 1. herring
arenque ahumado: 1. red herring
argelina: 1. Algerian woman
argelino: 1. Algerian | 2. Algerian
argentina: 1. Argentinian woman
argentino: 1. Argentine, Argentinean | 2. Argentine
argumento: 1. argument, plea
aristócrata: 1. aristocrat
arma: 1. weapon
armar: 1. arm
armario: 1. cabinet, closet, cupboard, sideboard
armario para libros: 1. bookcase
armario ropero: 1. clothes-press, wardrobe
arquitecto: 1. architect
arrancar: 1. pick, pluck, tear off | 2. put on, start, switch on, turn on | 3. start running | 4. extort, wrest, wring | 5. abstract, take away | 6. start
arranque: 1. run
arreglar: 1. arrange, put in order, tidy
arreglo: 1. accommodation, adjustment, arrangement | 2. accommodation, accord, agreement
arrendar: 1. hire
arrepentimiento: 1. repentance
arrestar: 1. arrest
arresto: 1. apprehension, arrest, detention | 2. apprehension, arrest, detention
arriba: 1. above, on top, overhead, upstairs
arriesgado: 1. adventurous, hazardous, risky
arriesgar: 1. hazard, risk, venture
arroba: 1. atpersand, commercial-at sign, snail
arrodillarse: 1. kneel | 2. kneel | 3. kneel | 4. kneel
arrogante: 1. arrogant | 2. arrogant | 3. arrogant | 4. arrogant
arrojar: 1. result
arromar: 1. blunt
arroyo: 1. stream
arroz: 1. rice
arruinar: 1. ruin
arrurruz: 1. curry
arte: 1. art
arteria: 1. artery
artesanía: 1. handiwork
artificial: 1. artificial
artillero: 1. artilleryman, gunner | 2. artilleryman, gunner
artillería: 1. artillery
artista: 1. artist
artículo: 1. article, commodity | 2. article | 3. article
artículos de cuero: 1. leather goods
artículo determinado: 1. definite article
artístico: 1. artistic
arzo-: 1. arch-, chief-
arzobispado: 1. archbishopric
arzobispo: 1. archbishop | 2. archbishop
as: 1. ace
asado: 1. roasted
asalter: 1. assault, violate
asar: 1. roast, toast
ascender: 1. ascend, climb, scale
ascender a: 1. amount to
ascensor: 1. elevator, lift
asediar: 1. besiege
asedio: 1. siege
asegurador: 1. insurer
asegurar: 1. insure | 2. affirm, assure
asentir: 1. affirm, assent, say yes
asfalto: 1. asphalt
asiento: 1. seat
asilo: 1. asylum
asir: 1. clutch, grab, grasp, grip, seize | 2. clutch, grapple | 3. capture, catch, grapple
asistencias: 1. alimony
asistente: 1. aid, assistant, helper
asiático: 1. Asian, Asiatic | 2. Asian
asma: 1. asthma, shortness of breath, wheeziness
asombrar: 1. amaze
asombrarse: 1. marvel, marvel at, wonder
aspecto: 1. appearance, aspect, look, sight, view | 2. exterior
aspirina: 1. aspirin
aster: 1. aster
astilla: 1. splinter | 2. splinter
astrigente antidiárrico: 1. adstringent | 2. adstringent | 3. adstringent
astronauta: 1. astronaut, spaceman
astucia: 1. snare | 2. craft, craftiness, cunning, guile
astuto: 1. insidious | 2. malicious, mischievous, nasty, vicious
asumir: 1. guess, presume, suppose, surmise
asunto: 1. affair, business, business deal, case, matter
así: 1. so, such, thus
así así: 1. so so
así como: 1. and also, and … as well, as well as, together with | 2. and also, and … as well, as well as, together with
atacador: 1. aggressor, assailant, attacker
atacar: 1. commit aggression | 2. assault, attack
ataque: 1. access, aggression, attack | 2. assault
atención: 1. acuity, advertence, advertency, attention
atender: 1. advert, pay attention, pay attention to, watch out for
atender a: 1. advert, pay attention, pay attention to, watch out for | 2. look after
atentado: 1. assault
atento: 1. attentive | 2. attentive
aterrizaje: 1. landing
aterrizar: 1. land
atleta: 1. athlete
atletismo: 1. athletics
atlántico: 1. Atlantic
atlético: 1. athletic
atmosférico: 1. atmospheric
atmósfera: 1. atmosphere
atomización: 1. fission
atornillar: 1. screw
atracar: 1. land
atractivo: 1. attractive
atraer: 1. attract, draw | 2. attract
atrasado: 1. backward, mentally deficient, retarded
atrasarse: 1. be late
atrasos: 1. arrears
atravesar: 1. cross, go beyond, transfer | 2. go beyond
atrayente: 1. attractive
atreverse: 1. be bold, dare
atropallamiento: 1. collision
atropellar: 1. collide, run
atrás: 1. at the back, behind, in the rear | 2. behind | 3. backward, backwards | 4. backwards | 5. back, backwards
aturdir: 1. drug | 2. drug, intoxicate, stun, stupefy
atún: 1. tuna, tuna-fish, tunny
audiencia: 1. audience
aula magna: 1. auditorium
aumentar: 1. accrue, grow | 2. increase, freshen | 3. accrue, increase
aumento: 1. accretion, growth
aunque: 1. though, although
ausencia: 1. absence
ausente: 1. absent | 2. absent | 3. absent
australiano: 1. Australian
austriaco: 1. Austrian | 2. Austrian
autobús: 1. bus, autobus, omnibus
autoestrada: 1. motor road, motorway | 2. motor road, motorway
automático: 1. automatic | 2. automoton
automóvil: 1. car
autopista: 1. motor road, motorway | 2. motor road, motorway
autor: 1. author | 2. author, writer
autoridad: 1. authority
autorización: 1. authorization
autovía: 1. motorway, super highway, turnpike
autócrata: 1. absolute ruler, autocrat
autónomo: 1. autonomic, autonomous
avalancha: 1. avalanche
ave: 1. bird
avellana: 1. hazelnut
avena: 1. oats
avenida: 1. avenue
aventajar: 1. exceed, surpass
aventura: 1. adventure
aventurero: 1. adventurous | 2. adventurous | 3. adventurer
avergonzarse: 1. be ashamed
averia: 1. brakedown
aversión: 1. abhorrence, abomination, horror | 2. aversion, dislike | 3. disgust, nausea
avería: 1. damage
aves: 1. birds | 2. fowl, poultry
avestruz: 1. ostrich
aviación: 1. aeronautics, aviation
avisar: 1. caution, warn
aviso: 1. warning | 2. notification, notice
avispa: 1. wasp
avión: 1. aeroplane, airplane, plane | 2. aircraft
axioma: 1. axiom
ay: 1. ah, oh, ow | 2. woe
ayer: 1. yesterday
ayuda: 1. aid, help | 2. aid, help
ayudante: 1. adjutant, aide-de-camp | 2. aid, assistant, helper
ayudar: 1. accomodate, aid, assist, help
ayunar: 1. fast
ayuntamiento: 1. town-hall | 2. city hall, town hall
azada: 1. hoe
azafata: 1. stewardess
azteca: 1. Aztec
azucarero: 1. sugar-bowl, sugarbowl
azul: 1. blue | 2. sky blue
azulejo: 1. tile
azúcar: 1. sugar
aún: 1. still, yet
a bordo: 1. aboard
a cuadros: 1. checked, chequered
a eso de: 1. about, approximately
a instancias de: 1. at the instance of
a la cubana: 1. in the Cuban way
a la izquierda: 1. on the left
a lo largo de: 1. along | 2. through
a lo menos: 1. at least | 2. at least
a menudo: 1. frequently, often, regularly
a propósito: 1. by the way
a que: 1. until, till
a saber: 1. that is
a su salud: 1. cheers, good health
a tiempo: 1. at the right time, in time
a través de: 1. across, beyond, on the other side of
a veces: 1. several times, sometimes
año: 1. year
año bisiesto: 1. leap-year
año nuevo: 1. New Year’s Day
babero: 1. bib
babor: 1. port side
babosa: 1. slug
bacalao: 1. cod, codfish
bache: 1. pole | 2. cavity | 3. cave, cavity
bacteria: 1. bacterium
badajo: 1. clapper
bagatela: 1. trifle
bagazo: 1. bagasse
bahía: 1. bay
bailar: 1. dance
bailarín de ballet: 1. ballet dancer
baile: 1. ball, dance | 2. dance
baja: 1. abatement | 2. decay
bajamar: 1. low tide
bajar: 1. get out | 2. descend, go down | 3. decrease, lower | 4. descend, get off, go down | 5. discount, rebate
bajo: 1. bass, bass voice | 2. low
bajorrelieve: 1. bas-relief, low relief
bala: 1. bale
balance: 1. balance sheet
balancear: 1. rock, swing | 2. balance, poise
balanza: 1. scales
balaustrada: 1. balustrade, banisters, parapet, railing
balcón: 1. balcony
baliza: 1. buoy | 2. beacon
ballena: 1. baleen, whalebone | 2. whale | 3. baleen, whalebone | 4. busk, steel
ballet: 1. ballet
balneario: 1. spa
baloncesto: 1. basketball
balotaje: 1. ballot, balloting, voting by ballot
bambú: 1. bamboo
bancarrota quiebra: 1. bankruptcy, failure
banco: 1. bank | 2. bench
bandeja: 1. tray
bandera: 1. banner, flag | 2. flag, standard
bandido: 1. bandit
banquero: 1. banker, bank manager
banquete: 1. banquet | 2. banquet, feast
bar: 1. buffet | 2. bar, pub
barato: 1. cheap, inexpensive
barba: 1. beard | 2. chin
barbero: 1. barber | 2. barber | 3. barber
barco: 1. bark, barque | 2. boat | 3. ship, vessel
barco de remos: 1. row-boat, rowing-boat
barco de vapor: 1. steamship
barman: 1. barman, bartender
baronesa: 1. baroness
barraca: 1. barrack, barn, shack, shanty, shed
barra de chocolate: 1. bar of chocolate
barrena: 1. bore
barrendero: 1. sweeper
barrer: 1. sweep
barricada: 1. barricade
barrio: 1. district, neighbourhood, quarter
barrio bajo: 1. back street, slum
barro: 1. mud
barítono: 1. baritone
barómetro: 1. barometer
barón: 1. baron
basalto: 1. basalt, whimstone
basar: 1. base
bastante: 1. a little, rather, some, somewhat, to some extent | 2. rather | 3. enough, sufficient | 4. enough, quite, rather, sufficiently
bastar: 1. suffice
bastardo: 1. bastard
bastidor: 1. flat
basurero: 1. dump, refuse dump, tip, rubbish tip | 2. dump, refuse dump, tip, rubbish tip
bata: 1. négligé, undress
batalla: 1. action, battle, scuffle, struggle
batallón: 1. battalion
batata: 1. sweet potato, yam
batería: 1. battery | 2. battery
batista: 1. batiste, cambric, lawn
baya: 1. berry
bayeta: 1. baize
bazar: 1. bazaar, fair, market | 2. bazaar
baúl: 1. trunk
bañador: 1. swimming trunks
bañar: 1. bathe
bañarse: 1. bathe, have a bath
bañero: 1. bath superintendant, baths superintendant
baño: 1. bath | 2. bath
beber: 1. drink
bebida: 1. beverage, drink
bebé: 1. baby
beige: 1. beige
belga: 1. Belgian | 2. Belgian, Belgian woman | 3. Belgian
belleza: 1. beauty
bencina: 1. gasolene, gasoline, petrol
besar: 1. kiss
beso: 1. kiss
bestia: 1. animal, beast
bestial: 1. beastly, bestial
biblioteca: 1. library
bicarbonato: 1. bicarbonate of soda
bicicleta: 1. bike, cycle, bicycle | 2. bike, bicycle
bien: 1. okay, well
bienvenida: 1. welcome
bife: 1. steak, beefsteak
biftec: 1. steak, beefsteak
bigoti: 1. moustache
bilis: 1. bile, gall
billete: 1. bill, ticket, note
billete del tren: 1. railway ticket, train ticket
billete de banco: 1. bank-note
billete de entrada: 1. admission ticket
billete de equipaje: 1. luggage ticket
billete de ida y vuelta: 1. return-ticket
billete de viaje: 1. ticket
billete por un día: 1. day-ticket
biquini: 1. bikini
birrete: 1. beret | 2. cap
bisnieta: 1. greatgranddaughter
bisnieto: 1. greatgrandson
bistec: 1. steak, beefsteak
bisté: 1. steak, beefsteak
bizcocho: 1. bicuit | 2. biscuit, cookie
blanco: 1. white
bloc de notas: 1. notepad | 2. notepad | 3. notepad
bloque: 1. block, pad
blusa: 1. blouse
boca: 1. mouth
bocadillo: 1. roll | 2. sandwich
boca arriba: 1. backward, on one’s back | 2. backwards
bocina: 1. hooter | 2. hooter, horn, klaxon
boda: 1. wedding, wedding-party | 2. wedding, wedding-party
boina: 1. beret
bola: 1. chunk, clod, lump | 2. bullet
bolsa: 1. hand-bag
bolsa de trabajo: 1. employment exchange, labor exchange, labour exchange
bolsa para bicicletas: 1. cycle-bag
bolsa para señoras: 1. lady’s bag, vanity bag
bolígrafo: 1. ballpoint pen
bomba: 1. bomb | 2. pump
bomba atómica: 1. atom bomb
bomba incendiaria: 1. incendiary bomb
bombón: 1. bonbon, bon-bon
bondad: 1. goodness
boniato: 1. sweet potato, yam
bonito: 1. affable, friendly, good-natured, kind | 2. beautiful, fine, handsome, lovely | 3. nice | 4. delightful, lovely | 5. charming, lovely
borde: 1. border, brim, brink, edge, edging, fringe, rim
borracho: 1. drunk, intoxicated
bosque: 1. forest, woods
bota: 1. boot
bota de montaña: 1. mountaineering boot
botella: 1. bottle
botella de gas: 1. gas cannister, gas cylinder
botica: 1. chemist’s shop, drugstore
boticario: 1. chemist
botón: 1. button | 2. button
botón de presión: 1. push-button
boxeador: 1. boxer
boya: 1. buoy
braguitas: 1. briefs
branquia: 1. gill
brasileña: 1. Brazilian woman
brasileño: 1. Brazilian | 2. Brazilian
bravo: 1. brave, courageous, valiant
brazalete: 1. bracelet | 2. bracelet
brazo: 1. arm
brema: 1. bream
brezal: 1. heath
brillar: 1. shine
britano: 1. Briton
británico: 1. British
brocha de afeitar: 1. shaving-brush
broma: 1. gag, joke
bromear: 1. jest, joke
bronco: 1. abrupt | 2. brutal, gruff, harsh, rough, sour, surly, unkind, unpleasant
brumoso: 1. fuzzy, misty
brusco: 1. abrupt
brusko: 1. brutal, gruff, harsh, rough, sour, surly, unkind, unpleasant
brújula: 1. compass
bucear: 1. dive, plunge | 2. dive, sink
buenas noches: 1. good night
buenas tardes: 1. good evening
bueno: 1. good, nice, okay
buenos días: 1. good morning | 2. good day
buey: 1. ox
buho: 1. owl
bujía: 1. plug, spark plug
bula: 1. indulgence
burdel: 1. brothel
burla: 1. gag, joke
burro: 1. ass, donkey
buscar: 1. fetch, get, pick up | 2. get, lay hold of, pick up, take | 3. look for, seek
butaca: 1. armchair
butifarra de hígado: 1. liver sausage
buzón: 1. letterbox, mailbox
bálsamo: 1. balm, balsam
báltico: 1. Baltic
bárbaro: 1. barbarian
bázico: 1. basic
búfalo: 1. buffalo
búlgara: 1. Bulgarian woman
búlgaro: 1. Bulgarian | 2. Bulgar, Bulgarian
cabal: 1. absolute, complete | 2. entire, overall, whole
caballero: 1. cavalier, knight
caballería: 1. cavalry
caballo: 1. horse
caballos: 1. horsepower | 2. horsepower
caballo padre: 1. stallion
cabana: 1. cabin, hut, shack
cabeza: 1. head, pate
cabina: 1. bathing box | 2. bathing box | 3. barn, shed, stand
cabina telefónica: 1. call box, telephone kiosk, phone booth, telephone booth
cable: 1. cable
cable de remolque: 1. towing-line
cabra: 1. goat
cabrón: 1. he-goat
cacahuete: 1. peanut
cacahué: 1. peanut
cacao: 1. cocoa
cacerola: 1. casserole, saucepan
cacto: 1. cactus
cada vez: 1. each time, every time
cadena: 1. chain
cadena antideslizante: 1. non-skid chain
cadera: 1. hip
caer: 1. drop, fall
caer enfermo: 1. be taken ill, fall ill
cafetera: 1. coffee-pot | 2. coffee-pot
cafetería: 1. cafetaria
café: 1. café, coffee-house
caja: 1. cashier’s stand, fund, money box, money-box, till | 2. box, chest | 3. box | 4. jug, box, container, vessel
caja de cambios: 1. gear-box, gear-case | 2. gear-box, gear-case
cal: 1. lime
calabacín: 1. courgette, zucchini
calabaza: 1. calabash, gourd
calamar: 1. sepia
calcetín: 1. sock
calcular: 1. calculate, count, figure, work out
caldo: 1. bouillon
calefacción: 1. heating
calefacción central: 1. central heating
calendario: 1. almanac
calentar: 1. heat, stoke
calidad: 1. property, quality
caliente: 1. warm | 2. hot
callarse: 1. be quiet
calle: 1. street
calleja: 1. alley, lane
callo: 1. corn
calmar: 1. appease, calm, quiet, soothe, still
calmarse: 1. abate, subside | 2. calm down
calor: 1. heat
caloría: 1. calorie
calumniar: 1. slander
calzador: 1. shoe-horn, shoe-lift
calzoncillos: 1. drawers, panties, underpants
cama: 1. sleeping-accomodation, sleeping-place | 2. bed
camarera: 1. dressing-gown | 2. waitress | 3. dressing-gown
camarero: 1. waiter
camarote: 1. cabin
cama de matrimonio: 1. double bed
cambiar: 1. alter, change | 2. interchange, swap | 3. vary | 4. change, turn
cambio: 1. variety | 2. change
camello: 1. camel
camilla: 1. litter, strecher
camino: 1. path, road, way | 2. road, route, way
camino sin salida: 1. blind alley, cul-de-sac
camisa: 1. shirt
camisa de deporte: 1. sports shirt
camiseta: 1. shirt
camisón: 1. night-shirt
camita: 1. bedstead
camita de niño: 1. child’s bed, cot
camión: 1. lorry, truck | 2. lorry, truck
camote: 1. sweet potato, yam
campamento: 1. camping ground, camping site | 2. camp of tents, tented camp
campana: 1. hood, suction apparatus
campanilla: 1. bell | 2. bell | 3. blister
campesino: 1. farmer
camping: 1. camping ground, camping site
campo: 1. field | 2. country, countryside | 3. field
campo deportivo: 1. sports ground
campo santo: 1. cemetery, God’s acre, graveyard
canal: 1. canal, channel
canapé: 1. couch, sofa
canario: 1. Canary
canción: 1. song
candelero: 1. candlestick
cangrejo: 1. crayfish | 2. crab
cansado: 1. tired
cansar: 1. fag out, jade, overdrive, override
cantar: 1. sing
cantidad: 1. quantity | 2. amount, sum
cantor: 1. singer
cantora: 1. singer, female singer
cantábrico: 1. Cantabrian
caos: 1. chaos, tangle
capacidad: 1. ability | 2. ability, capability, fitness, suitability
capaz: 1. able, capable
capital: 1. capital | 2. metropolis | 3. capital, capital city, metropolis
capitanear: 1. govern, head up, restrain | 2. command, be in command, order
capitular: 1. capitulate, surrender
capitán: 1. boss, chief, leader | 2. chief, boss
capot: 1. bonnet, hood
cara: 1. face
caracol: 1. snail
carburador: 1. carburettor
carbón: 1. charcoal
cardo: 1. thisle
carga: 1. burden, charge, load
cargar: 1. burden, load
cargo: 1. accusal, accusation | 2. accusation | 3. function | 4. accusal, accusation, charge, complaint, indictment | 5. function, job, office, post
carnada: 1. bait
carnaval: 1. carnival
carne: 1. flesh | 2. meat
carnero: 1. ram, tup | 2. mutton
carnestolendas: 1. carnival
carnet: 1. notebook | 2. attempt, test
carnet de conducir: 1. driving-licence
carne de cerdo: 1. pork
carne de cordero: 1. lamb
carne de ternera: 1. veal
carne de vaca: 1. beef
carne picada: 1. minced meat
carne salada: 1. salt meat, salted meat
carnicero: 1. butcher
carnicería: 1. butcher’s shop | 2. butcher’s shop
carné: 1. attempt, test
caro: 1. dear, expensive, valuable | 2. dear, expensive | 3. costly, dear, expensive, pricey
carrera: 1. career
carrete: 1. film
carretera: 1. motor road, motorway | 2. motor road, motorway
carretera principal: 1. major road | 2. major road
carretera resbaladiza: 1. danger of skidding
carretera secundaria: 1. by-way, side-way
carrete de rueda: 1. hub, nave
carro: 1. cart, chariot
carrocería: 1. body, coach-work
carroña: 1. carrion
carta: 1. letter
carta aérea: 1. air letter, aerogramme
cartearse: 1. correspond
cartel: 1. notice, placard, poster
cartera: 1. wallet | 2. briefcase, file
cartero: 1. postman
casa: 1. house
casada: 1. married
casado: 1. married
casarse: 1. marry, be married, get married | 2. marry, be married, get married | 3. marry, be married, get married
casa de huéspedes: 1. boarding house, boarding school
cascada: 1. waterfall | 2. waterfall
cascajo: 1. broken stones, chippings, road-metal, rubble, stone-chippings
casi: 1. almost, nearly
caso: 1. affair, case, matter
caspa: 1. dandruff
castaña: 1. chestnut, horse-chestnut
castaño: 1. chestnut-tree | 2. chestnut-tree
castellano: 1. Castillian
castigar: 1. punish
castigo: 1. redemption | 2. punishment
castillo: 1. castle
castor: 1. beaver
catalán: 1. Catalonian
catecismo: 1. catechism
catedral: 1. cathedral
catorce: 1. fourteen
catálogo: 1. catalogue, directory
católico: 1. Catholic | 2. catholic
cauce: 1. bed, watercourse
caucho: 1. rubber
caudillo: 1. boss, chief, leader | 2. chief, boss
causa: 1. cause, reason
causar: 1. activate, cause, give rise to
cavar: 1. dig, grub, spade
cazar: 1. chase, hunt
caótico: 1. chaotic
caña: 1. fishing rod
caña de pescar: 1. fishing rod
cebada: 1. barley
cebo: 1. bait
cebolla: 1. onion
cebollana: 1. chive
ceder: 1. cede, give in, give up, give way, relinquish, yield
ceja: 1. brow, eyebrow
celebrar: 1. celebrate
celebrar su cumpleaños: 1. celebrating one’s birthday
celebrar una fiesta: 1. celebrate
celo: 1. fervor, fervour, zeal
cementerio: 1. cemetery, God’s acre, graveyard
cena: 1. dinner, midday meal | 2. evening meal, supper
cenicero: 1. ashtray
ceniciento: 1. ashen
ceniza: 1. ash, cinder
censura: 1. censor | 2. criticism | 3. observation, remark, reproof | 4. observation, remark
censurable: 1. blameworthy, censurable, condemnable, objectionable
censurar: 1. censor | 2. censure, criticize | 3. reproach, rebuke, reprove, scold
centeno: 1. rye
central: 1. central
centro: 1. centre | 2. average, mean, middle
centímetro: 1. centimetre
cepillar: 1. brush
cepillo: 1. brush | 2. plane
cepillo de dientes: 1. tooth-brush
cerca: 1. close, near, nearby
cercar: 1. bar, obstruct
cerca de: 1. at, beside, by, near, nearby, near to, next to | 2. about, approximately
cerda: 1. sow
cerdo: 1. hog, pig, swine | 2. boar
cerebro: 1. brain
ceremonia: 1. ceremony | 2. ceremony
cereso: 1. cherry-tree
cereza: 1. cherry
cero: 1. nought, zero
cerrado: 1. closed, shut
cerradura: 1. lock
cerrar: 1. close, shut | 2. lock
certificación: 1. certificate, testimony
certificado: 1. certificate, testimony | 2. registered | 3. registered
certificar: 1. record, register
cerveza: 1. ale, beer
cerámica: 1. crockery, earthenware, pottery
cesión: 1. abandonment
cesto: 1. basket
chal: 1. shawl
chaleco: 1. vest, waistcoat
champaña: 1. champagne
champiñon: 1. mushroom
champú: 1. shampoo
chanza: 1. gag, joke
chaqueta: 1. jacket
charco: 1. pool
charlar: 1. chat, chatter
chauffeur: 1. chauffeur, driver
checo: 1. Czech | 2. Czech
cheque: 1. check, cheque
chicle: 1. chewing-gum
chico: 1. boy, lad, laddie | 2. diminutive, little, small
chilena: 1. Chilean woman
chileno: 1. Chilean | 2. Chilean
chino: 1. Chinese | 2. Chinaman, Chinese
chispa: 1. spark | 2. spark
chocar kun: 1. collide with, crash into
chocolate: 1. chocolate
choque: 1. collision
chuleta: 1. cutlet
chupar: 1. suck
chófer: 1. conductor, driver | 2. driver | 3. chauffeur, driver
ciclo: 1. cycle
ciclomotor: 1. moped
ciclón: 1. cyclone
ciego: 1. blind
cielo: 1. heaven, sky
ciencia: 1. science
ciento: 1. hundred, one hundred
ciertamente: 1. certainly
cierto: 1. certain, sure | 2. a, any, anybody, some, somebody, one, someone, some one
cifra: 1. cipher, digit, figure, numeral
cigarillo: 1. cigarette
cigarro: 1. cigar
cilindro: 1. cylinder, roller
cincel: 1. chisel
cinco: 1. five
cine: 1. cinema, movie theatre
cinta: 1. bond, tie | 2. connection, league | 3. ribbon
cinta pegante: 1. adhesive tape
cinto: 1. belt, girdle
cintura: 1. waist, waistline
cinturón: 1. belt, girdle
ciprés: 1. cypres
circo: 1. circus
circuito: 1. circuit
circular: 1. circular
circuncisión: 1. circumcision
circunspecto: 1. thoughtful | 2. careful, cautious | 3. careful, cautious | 4. careful, cautious
ciruela: 1. plum
cirujano: 1. surgeon
cita: 1. citation, quotation | 2. appointment, date, rendezvous
citación: 1. citation, quotation
citar: 1. cite, quote
ciudad: 1. city, town
ciudadela: 1. citadel
civil: 1. civil, civilian, non-military
civilización: 1. civilization
cizalla para setos: 1. hedge clippers, hedge shears
claro: 1. bright, clear, light | 2. clear, distinct, plain
clase: 1. class | 2. kind, sort
clasificar: 1. classify
clavel: 1. carnation, pink
clavo: 1. nail
cliente: 1. buyer, client, purchaser | 2. client, customer
clientela: 1. clientèle
clima: 1. climate
cloaca: 1. sewer
cloro: 1. chlorine
club: 1. club, society
cláusula: 1. clause
coartada: 1. alibi
cobertizo: 1. penthouse, shed | 2. penthouse, shed | 3. barrack, barn, shack, shanty, shed | 4. penthouse, shed
cobrador: 1. guard
cobre: 1. copper
cocaína: 1. cocaine
cocer: 1. bake
coche-cama: 1. sleeping-car
coche: 1. car | 2. carriage, coach | 3. carriage, coach, railway carriage, waggon
coche remolque: 1. trailer
cochina: 1. sow
cochinillo: 1. piglet
cocina: 1. kitchen
cocinar: 1. cook
cocinera: 1. cook, female cook
cocinero: 1. cook, male cook
cocodrilo: 1. crocodile
codiciar: 1. covet
codicioso: 1. acquisitive, eager, greedy
codo: 1. elbow
coger: 1. clutch, grab, grasp, grip, seize | 2. clutch, grapple | 3. fetch, get, pick up | 4. capture, catch, grapple | 5. get, lay hold of, pick up, take
cohete: 1. rocket
cojear: 1. limp
cojo: 1. lame
col: 1. cabbage
cola: 1. glue | 2. glue | 3. tail
colcha de cama: 1. bedspread, counterpane, coverlet
colchón: 1. mattress
colecta: 1. collection
colega: 1. colleague | 2. colleague
colegio: 1. college
coles de Bruselas: 1. Brussels-sprouts
colgar: 1. droop, hang | 2. hang
coliflor: 1. cauliflower
colina: 1. hill
colisión: 1. collision
colocar: 1. invest | 2. lay | 3. lay down, place, put, put down
colonia: 1. colony, settlement
color: 1. colour, dye
columna: 1. column, pillar
comadrona: 1. nurse, dry-nurse, monthly nurse
comandante: 1. boss, chief, leader | 2. commander | 3. chief, boss
comarca: 1. region
combiar: 1. change
combinación: 1. combination | 2. undergarment
comedor: 1. dining-room | 2. dining-room
comenzar: 1. begin, commence, start | 2. begin, commence, start
comer: 1. lunch
comerciante: 1. merchant | 2. businessman, merchant
comercio: 1. business, commerce, trade
comerse: 1. eat up
comestible: 1. edible
comestibles: 1. food
cometer: 1. achieve, act, do, make, perform | 2. accomplish, achieve, keep, observe, perform
comida: 1. meal | 2. dinner, midday meal
comienzo: 1. beginning, commencement, start | 2. beginning, commencement, start
comisaría: 1. police-station
comisión: 1. commission
comitiva: 1. procession
comité: 1. committee
communicación: 1. account, communication
como: 1. how, in what way
como es debido: 1. decently, properly
como si: 1. as if, as though, in a way
compadecer a: 1. have compassion on, pity
comparar: 1. compare
compartir: 1. divide, separate, share
compañero: 1. colleague | 2. colleague
compañía: 1. company
compensar: 1. compensate
competencia: 1. competition
competidor: 1. rival
competir: 1. compete, rival
complacer: 1. meet with, satisfy
complekso: 1. complex
completamente: 1. completely, entirely, through | 2. completely, fully
completar: 1. complete
completo: 1. absolute, complete | 2. entire, overall, whole
componerse: 1. consist of
compositor: 1. composer
compra: 1. accession, acquisition, asset | 2. acquisition, purchase
comprador: 1. buyer, client, purchaser | 2. client, customer
comprender: 1. understand, realize
comprendido: 1. understood
comprensible: 1. understandable
compromiso: 1. accommodation
computador: 1. computer
computar: 1. calculate, count, figure, work out
comunicación: 1. connection
comunicar: 1. communicate, report | 2. connect, connect up, plug in
comunista: 1. communist
comunión: 1. communion
común: 1. commonplace, dismal, trite | 2. common, joint | 3. common, ordinary, usual
con: 1. with
concernir: 1. concern
concha: 1. shell
concierto: 1. concert
concisión: 1. brevity, briefness, conciseness
conciso: 1. concise
concluir: 1. accomodate, end, finish, terminate
conclusión: 1. conclusion, inference
concordación: 1. accord, accordance, agreement, concurrence
concurso: 1. competition, contest
condenar: 1. condemn, sentence
condición: 1. circumstance | 2. condition, stipulation, terms
condom: 1. condom, rubber
conducir: 1. conduct, guide, lead | 2. go, ride, travel
conducirse: 1. behave, conduct oneself
conejo: 1. rabbit
conejo macho: 1. buck, buck-rabbit
conexión: 1. relation
confección: 1. making, manifacture | 2. making, manufacture
conferencia: 1. conference
confesar: 1. acknowledge, admit, confess, profess | 2. confess
confesión: 1. acknowledgement, admission, confession | 2. confession
confianza: 1. confidence
confirmación: 1. confirmation | 2. confirmation
confirmar: 1. affirm, assent, say yes | 2. acknowledge, confirm, corroborate
confiscar: 1. confiscate
conflicto: 1. conflict
conforme: 1. agreed, okay
congreso: 1. congress, convention
conminación: 1. menace, threat
conminar: 1. menace, threaten
conmovedor: 1. affecting, moving, touching | 2. affecting, moving, touching
conmover: 1. move, stir | 2. affect, agitate, move
conmovido: 1. seized with emotion | 2. seized with emotion
conocido: 1. famous | 2. famous | 3. acquaintance
conocimiento: 1. acquaintance, knowledge
conocimientos: 1. fame, renown
conquistar: 1. conquer
consecuencia: 1. consequence, consistency
consecuente: 1. consistent
consecutivo: 1. following, next
conseguir: 1. succeed
consejero: 1. counsellor
consejo: 1. advice, counsel
consentir: 1. spoil
consequir: 1. achieve, acquire, attain, get, obtain
conserje: 1. porter
conservación: 1. conservation, maintenance, preservation, retention
conservador: 1. conservative
conservar: 1. conserve, keep, maintain, preserve
conservatorio: 1. academy of music
considerable: 1. considerable, sizable
consideración: 1. consideration, deliberation
considerar: 1. account, consider, esteem, regard, take into account
consolar: 1. comfort, console
constipado: 1. constipation
constitución: 1. constitution
construcción: 1. accommodation, adjustment, arrangement | 2. building | 3. building
construir: 1. build, construct
consulado: 1. consulate
consulta: 1. consultation
consumidor: 1. consumer
consumir: 1. consume, use up
consumo: 1. demand, sale
contable: 1. book-keeper
contacto: 1. contact
contador público: 1. accountant
contagiado: 1. contaminated, infected
contagiar: 1. infect | 2. communicate
contagioso: 1. catching, contagious, infectious | 2. catching, contagious, infectious
contante: 1. cash, in cash
contar: 1. count | 2. narrate, relate, tell
contemplación: 1. consideration, deliberation | 2. examination
contemplar: 1. account, consider, esteem, regard, take into account
contemporáneo: 1. current, present | 2. current, present
contener: 1. bridle, check, restrain | 2. comprise, contain, include | 3. control, govern, restrain, rule
contento: 1. contented, pleased, satisfied
contestación: 1. answer, reply
contestar: 1. answer, reply, respond
contestar a: 1. answer
contiguo: 1. adjacent | 2. adjacent, adjoining | 3. adjacent, nearby, neighbouring
continuamente: 1. constantly, continually, continuously | 2. all the time, ceaselessly
continuar: 1. continue, hold, last | 2. continue, endure, keep on, last | 3. continue, go on, proceed with
continuo: 1. abiding, lasting | 2. constant, continual, permanent, sustained | 3. lasting | 4. continuous | 5. continuous | 6. constant, lasting, sustained
contra: 1. across from, against, in exchange for, opposed to, opposite, upon
contradecir: 1. contradict
contramandar: 1. cancel, countermand | 2. abjure, abolish, abrogate, annul, cancel, remit
contraste: 1. contrast
contratar: 1. invite tenders for, put out to tender | 2. make a contract
contrato: 1. contract
contribución: 1. tax
contribuyente: 1. ratepayer, taxpayer
controlar: 1. audit, check, check up on, supervise, verify
conulla: 1. inverted comma, quotation mark, quote
conullas: 1. quotation marks, quotes | 2. inverted commas, quotation marks, quotes
convencer: 1. convince, persuade
convenido: 1. agreed, okay
conveniente: 1. decent, fitting, proper, suitable | 2. appropriate, becoming, seemly, suitable
convenio: 1. accord, accordance, agreement, concurrence | 2. accommodation, accord, agreement
convenir: 1. befit, be fitting | 2. agree | 3. be appropriate, suit, be suitable
convento: 1. monastery
conversar: 1. converse
conversión: 1. conversion
convertir: 1. convert
con motivo de: 1. because of, on account of
copa: 1. goblet
copia: 1. copy
copiar: 1. copy | 2. print
copla: 1. verse
copo de nieve: 1. snowflake
corazón: 1. heart
corbata: 1. tie, necktie
corcho: 1. cork
cordel: 1. line
cordero: 1. lamb
cordillera: 1. chain of mountains, mountain chain, mountain range, rand
cordón: 1. shoe-lace
coronar: 1. crown
correcto: 1. correct, right
corregir: 1. correct
correo: 1. mail, post
correo aéreo: 1. airmail
correr: 1. flow | 2. race, run | 3. run
corresponder al: 1. answer, answer to, come up to | 2. correspond to
corriente: 1. current, flow, stream | 2. current
corromper: 1. spoil
corrupción: 1. corruption
cortacircuito: 1. short circuit
cortar: 1. cut off | 2. pick, pluck, tear off | 3. behead, decapitate | 4. clip, cut, shear | 5. cut, slice
cortesía: 1. politeness
corteza: 1. bark | 2. bast
cortina: 1. curtain
corto: 1. short | 2. brief, short
cortés: 1. courteous, polite, well-mannered
corzo: 1. roe
cosa: 1. thing
cosecha: 1. harvest
coser: 1. sew
costa: 1. coast, seaside, shore
costar: 1. cost
costear: 1. bear the cost of, defray the cost of, pay the expenses of
costumbre: 1. custom, habit, way
costura: 1. seam | 2. seam
costurera: 1. tailor, female tailor
coñac: 1. brandy, cognac
crecer: 1. accrue, grow
creer: 1. account, accredit, believe, deem | 2. create | 3. think
crema: 1. cream
cremallera: 1. zipper
crema para zapatos: 1. polish, wax
crepe: 1. pancake
criada: 1. maid, servant | 2. maid
criado: 1. boy, servant
crimen: 1. crime
crisis: 1. crisis, depression, emergency
cristianismo: 1. Christianity
cristiano: 1. Christian | 2. Christian
criticar: 1. censure, criticize | 2. judge
cruce: 1. cross roads
crudo: 1. crude, raw, rough | 2. raw, uncooked
cruz: 1. cross
cráneo: 1. skull
crítica: 1. criticism
crítico: 1. alarming, grave, serious
cuadra: 1. stable, stall, sty
cuadro: 1. bed | 2. painting, picture
cuartel: 1. barracks | 2. barracks
cuarto: 1. apartment, flat | 2. fourth | 3. fourth | 4. chamber, room
cuarto de baño: 1. bathroom
cuatro: 1. four
cubierta: 1. deck
cubierto: 1. forks, knives and spoons
cubierto de verdor: 1. covered, grown over, overgrown
cubo: 1. bucket, pail
cubrir: 1. cover
cucaracha: 1. cockroach
cuchara: 1. spoon
cuchichear: 1. whisper
cuchillo: 1. knife
cuello: 1. neck | 2. collar
cuenta: 1. account, bill, invoice | 2. account, bill, calculation | 3. account
cuenta bancaria: 1. bank account, banking account
cuerda: 1. cord, rope, string
cuerno: 1. horn
cuero: 1. leather
cuerpo: 1. body
cuervo: 1. raven
cuesta: 1. acclivity, hillside, slope
cuesta abajo: 1. down the slope, downhill
cueva: 1. cave, grotto | 2. cave, cavern, den
cuidado: 1. care, concern
cuidar: 1. attend, nurse, tend to | 2. care, see, take care, worry
cuidarse de: 1. care about, take care of
cuidar de: 1. look after
culpa: 1. blame, fault, guilt
culpable: 1. guilty
cultivar: 1. cultivate, grow | 2. plant
cultivo: 1. planting
culto: 1. service, worship service
cultura: 1. culture
cumpleaños: 1. birthday
cumplimiento: 1. replacement, replenishment, supplement | 2. compliment
cuna: 1. cradle, place of birth
cuota: 1. dues, subscription
cupón: 1. coupon
cura: 1. treatment | 2. pastor, vicar | 3. clergyman, pastor, priest
curar: 1. care for, cure, treat | 2. cure, heal, remedy | 3. cure, heal, remedy
curioso: 1. agog, curious, inquisitive
cursillo: 1. class, course
curso: 1. class, course | 2. exchange rate, rate of exchange
curva: 1. bend, curve
curvar: 1. bend | 2. bend
cáliz: 1. goblet
cámara: 1. camera | 2. camera
cámara de películas: 1. camera
cándido: 1. guileless, inoffensive
cápsula: 1. capsule, firing-cap
cáscara: 1. bark, husk, peel, shell
célula: 1. cell
címbalo: 1. cymbal
cínico: 1. cynical
círculo: 1. circle
cítara: 1. zither
código: 1. code
cólera: 1. cholera
cómico: 1. amusing, entertaining, funny
cómo: 1. how, in what way
cómodo: 1. homy | 2. close, intimate
cónsul: 1. consul
dado que: 1. supposing that
dama: 1. lady
damas: 1. checkers | 2. checkers
danés: 1. Danish | 2. Dane
dar: 1. give
darse de baja: 1. quit, resign
darse tono: 1. attitudinize, pose, put on airs
dar a destajo: 1. invite tenders for, put out to tender
dar a la bomba: 1. pump
dar a luz: 1. bear, give birth to
dar dentelladas a: 1. snap at, snarl at, snub
dar de comer: 1. feed
dar el pésame a: 1. express condolences
dar gracias a: 1. thank
dar la bienvenida: 1. welcome
dar lugar a: 1. cause, cause to take place
dar parte de: 1. issue, proclaim
dañar a: 1. be detrimental to, detract from, do harm to | 2. harm
daño: 1. damage | 2. damage | 3. harm
de: 1. from, of | 2. from, out of
debajo de: 1. below, beneath, under, underneath
deber: 1. duty, obligation | 2. owe
debutante: 1. beginner
decadencia: 1. decay
decentar: 1. cut into | 2. begin, commence, start
decidirse: 1. decide
decir: 1. say, tell
decisivo: 1. decisive
decisión: 1. decision
declaración: 1. declaration, proclamation, statement | 2. acknowledgement, admission, confession | 3. agreement, consent, permission
declarar: 1. declare, state | 2. acknowledge, admit, confess, profess | 3. accede, agree, consent
declararse en huelga: 1. strike
decorar: 1. adorn, decorate, ornament
decrecer: 1. abate, decrease, diminish, drop, fall
decrépito: 1. decayed, decrepit, dilapidated, lapsed, rickety
decudir: 1. abstract, deduce, gather | 2. abstract, induce, gather, infer
decímetro: 1. decimetre
dedo: 1. finger
dedo de pie: 1. toe
deducción: 1. demand, sale
deducir: 1. count down
defecto: 1. damage
defender: 1. protect
defensa: 1. defence, defense | 2. protection
definir: 1. define, determine
dejar: 1. allow, leave, let, release | 2. leave behind
dejar en pos: 1. leave behind
dejo: 1. accent
delante: 1. ahead, formerly, previously
delante de: 1. before, in front of
delatar: 1. accuse, denounce
delegar: 1. delegate | 2. depute
deletrear: 1. spell
demandar: 1. ask, ask for, beg, bid, request
demasiado: 1. too, too much
demoler: 1. break down, demolish, pull down, take down
demolición: 1. demolition | 2. demolition
demontar: 1. take apart
demostrable: 1. apparent
demás: 1. besides, in addition, moreover
dengoso: 1. prudish
dentista: 1. dentist
dentro: 1. inside
dentro de: 1. a, in, inside, into, on, per, within | 2. inside, within
denuncia: 1. accusation
denunciar: 1. accuse | 2. accuse, denounce | 3. accuse
departamento: 1. compartment, coupé | 2. section
departamento de fumar: 1. smokers
dependencia: 1. dependence
depender: 1. depend
depender de: 1. be dependent on, depend onldepend upon
dependienta: 1. saleswoman
dependiente: 1. dependent | 2. clerk
deplorable: 1. regrettable | 2. dismal, miserable, pitiful, poor
deplorar: 1. be sorry about, regret | 2. begrudge, regret | 3. mourn
deporte: 1. sport
depositar: 1. deposit
depósito: 1. depository
depósito de gasolina: 1. gas tank, petrol tank | 2. fuel tank
derecho: 1. claim, presumption, pretence | 2. right | 3. direct, straight
derechos de consumo: 1. excise, excise-duty
derivación: 1. derivation
derivar: 1. derive
derivar del rumbo: 1. drift, be adrift
derramar: 1. pour, scatter, shed
derretir: 1. melt
derretirse: 1. melt
derribar: 1. break down, demolish, pull down, take down
derribos: 1. rubbish, old materials
derrota: 1. defeat
derruirse: 1. crumble, crumble away, crumble off
desaconsejar: 1. advise against, dissuade from
desacostumbrar: 1. break of a habit, teach
desagüe: 1. draining
desanimado: 1. dejected, depressed
desaprender: 1. unlearn
desaprobación: 1. censure, condemnation, disapprobation, disapproval
desaprobar: 1. condemn, disapprove, disapprove of, rebuke | 2. reproach, rebuke, reprove, scold
desarrollar: 1. account for, explain | 2. account for, clarify, explain
desatinar: 1. drivel, twaddle
desayuno: 1. breakfast
descalzo: 1. barefoot
descansar: 1. repose, rest
descanso: 1. break, intermission, pause, recess | 2. repose, rest
descargar: 1. write off | 2. abreact | 3. unload
descendencia: 1. lineage | 2. origin
descender: 1. accrue, come, derive, originate, result | 2. descend, get off, go down
descendiente: 1. offspring, successor
descolgar: 1. abstract, take away
desconcharse: 1. flake off, peel off, scale off
desconocido: 1. unknown
descortés: 1. rude
describir: 1. describe
descripción: 1. account, description
descubrimiento: 1. discovery
descubrir: 1. discover, uncover
descuento: 1. abatement, discount, rebate
descuidado: 1. careless, negligent | 2. careless, negligent
descuidar: 1. neglect
desde: 1. from, since
desear: 1. ache | 2. desire, wish
desechos: 1. clippings, cuttings, parings, refuse, rubbish, waste, windfall | 2. remainder, rest | 3. debris, rubbish, rubble
desembarcadero: 1. landing-stage, pier | 2. landing-stage, pier | 3. landing-stage, pier
desembocadura: 1. mouth
desempeñar: 1. occupy, take
desenfrenado: 1. lawless, licentious, riotous
desentenderse de: 1. ignore, leave out of account
deseo: 1. avidity, covetousness, eagerness, greediness | 2. desire, want, wish
deserción: 1. apostasy, defection
desertar: 1. apostatize, desert, secede
desfiladero: 1. pass
desgastarse: 1. wear away, wear off, wear out
desgracia: 1. accident
desgraciadamente: 1. unfortunately | 2. unfortunately
deshielo: 1. melting, thaw
deshonesto: 1. nasty
desierto: 1. desert
designar: 1. indicate, suggest | 2. indicate, point out, show
desigual: 1. bumpy | 2. different | 3. coarse, rough
desinteresado: 1. disinterested
desistir de: 1. relinquish, renounce, waive
deslumbar: 1. dazzle
desmayado: 1. unconscious
desmayarse: 1. faint, swoon
desmayo: 1. faint, swoon
desmejorarse: 1. decline, go back, fall off
desmoronarse: 1. crumble, crumble away, crumble off
desnatar: 1. cream, skim
desnudo: 1. bare, naked, nude
despachar: 1. dispatch, send off, ship | 2. conclude, dispatch, expedite, finnish, settle | 3. dismiss, turn away | 4. send, transmit
despacho: 1. demand, sale
despedida: 1. farewell, goodbye, good-bye
despedir: 1. dismiss, turn away | 2. discharge, dismiss, fire, sack | 3. discard
despedirse: 1. say goodbye, say goodbye to, take leave, take leave from
despeñadero: 1. abyss, chasm, gulf, precipice
despojar: 1. rob
despreciar: 1. despise
desprecio: 1. contempt
desprendimiento de tierras: 1. landslide | 2. landslide
despuntar: 1. blunt
después: 1. after, behind | 2. afterwards, next, subsequently | 3. beyond, next, then, thereafter
destajar: 1. make a contract
destajista: 1. builder, contractor, building contractor, master builder
destajo: 1. contract | 2. tender
desterrado: 1. exile
destierro: 1. exile
destinatario: 1. consignee, recipient
destino: 1. destiny, fate
destituir: 1. depose
destornillador: 1. screwdriver
destreza: 1. expertness, skilfulness, skill, skillfulness
destruir: 1. destroy, quash
desviar: 1. divert
desviarse: 1. deviate | 2. turn | 3. deflect, diverge, wander
desván: 1. attic
desvío: 1. aberrance, aberration
detalle: 1. detail
detective: 1. detective
detención: 1. apprehension, arrest, detention | 2. apprehension, arrest, detention
detener: 1. arrest
detenido: 1. arrested person, prisoner
deterioración: 1. corruption, decay, depravation, taint | 2. decay
deteriorar: 1. damage, injure, spoil
deterioro: 1. damage
determinar: 1. determine, fix
detestar: 1. abhor, abominate, loathe
detrimento: 1. harm
detrito: 1. clippings, cuttings, parings, refuse, rubbish, waste, windfall | 2. remainder, rest | 3. debris, rubbish, rubble
detrás: 1. at the back, behind, in the rear | 2. behind
detrás de: 1. behind, after
deuda: 1. debt
deudo: 1. relative
devanar: 1. unroll, unwind, wind off | 2. unroll
devolver: 1. give back, return
de acuerdo: 1. agreed, okay
de aire acondicionado: 1. air conditioned
de confianza: 1. reliable, trustworthy
de cuando en cuando: 1. now and then
de dia: 1. by day, during the day | 2. by day, during the day, in the daytime
de espaldas: 1. backward, on one’s back | 2. backwards
de golpe: 1. all of a sudden, suddenly
de hierro: 1. iron
de madera: 1. wooden
de mala fama: 1. of ill repute
de memoria: 1. by heart
de nilón: 1. nylon
de ninguna manera: 1. by no means, in no way, not at all, not on any account
de ningún modo: 1. not at all
de nuevo: 1. afresh, again, all over again, anew | 2. afresh, again, once more
de otra manera: 1. differently, else | 2. differently
de paso: 1. by the way
de poca profundidad: 1. shallow, superficial
de prisa: 1. fast, quickly, swiftly
de propósito: 1. deliberately, on purpose
de repente: 1. all of a sudden, suddenly
de segunda mano: 1. second hand, secondhand
de sopetón: 1. all of a sudden, suddenly
de todos los días: 1. daily
de veras: 1. absolutely, genuinly, indeed, really, truly
diabetes: 1. diabetes
diamante: 1. diamond
diariamente: 1. daily
diario: 1. daily
diarrea: 1. diarrhoea
dibujar: 1. design, draw
diccionario: 1. dictionary, vocabulary
dicho: 1. concerned, in question
diciembre: 1. December
dieciocho: 1. eighteen
diestro: 1. adroit, clever, dexterous, skillful
dieta: 1. diet
dietario: 1. agenda, appointment book
diez: 1. ten
diez y nueve: 1. nineteen
diez y ocho: 1. eighteen
diez y seis: 1. sixteen
diez y siete: 1. seventeen
diferencia: 1. difference
diferente: 1. different
diferir: 1. differ, be different
dificil: 1. difficult, hard, inconvenient
dificultar: 1. hamper, hinder, thwart
difundir: 1. send, transmit
digestión: 1. digestion
digresar: 1. stray from one’s subject, wander from one’s subject
dimensión: 1. dimension, measurement
dimitir: 1. resign | 2. quit, resign
dinamarqués: 1. Danish | 2. Dane
dinero: 1. money
dinero del embase: 1. pledge, security
diputado: 1. delegate | 2. delegate, deputy, representative
diputar: 1. delegate | 2. depute
dirección: 1. address | 2. direction
directamente: 1. at once, instantly, immediately, without delay
director: 1. director, manager
directorio: 1. address list
dirigir: 1. address | 2. conduct, guide, lead
dirigirse: 1. go
dirigirse a: 1. accost, address
dirigir la palabra a: 1. accost, address
disco: 1. grammophone disc
discreto: 1. discrete
discriminación: 1. discrimination
disculpa: 1. apology
disculparse: 1. apologize
disferente: 1. different
disfrutar: 1. delight in, enjoy
disminuir: 1. abate, decrease, diminish | 2. abate, decrease, diminish, drop, fall
disponible: 1. available
disposición: 1. ability, capability, fitness, suitability
disputar: 1. quarrel, wrangle
dispénseme: 1. excuse me
distancia: 1. distance, offset
distinguir: 1. distinguish
distinto: 1. different | 2. different
distracción: 1. distraction, diversion | 2. distraction, diversion
distraer: 1. distract, divert, entertain
distraído: 1. absent-minded, abstracted, distracted
distribuir: 1. distribute
distrito: 1. district
divergente: 1. different
diversión: 1. amusement, fun
divertido: 1. amusing, entertaining, funny
divertimento: 1. amusement, fun
divertir: 1. amuse
divertirse: 1. enjoy oneself, have a good time
dividir: 1. divide, separate, share
divorcio: 1. divorce
divulgar: 1. publish, reveal | 2. acquaint, let know, inform
diámetro: 1. diameter
doblar: 1. fold | 2. bend | 3. bend
doble: 1. double, dual
doce: 1. twelve
doctor: 1. doctor, physician
documento: 1. document, paper
doler: 1. ache, be painful, hurt
dolerse por: 1. have compassion on, pity
dolor: 1. ache, pain
dolor de muelas: 1. toothache
domesticado: 1. tame
domicilio: 1. abode, dwelling-place, residence | 2. abode, dwelling-place-residence
dominga de Ramos: 1. Palm Sunday
domingo: 1. Sunday
donde: 1. where
dormir: 1. be asleep, sleep
dos: 1. two
dosis: 1. dose
dos veces: 1. twice
dotado: 1. gifted, talented | 2. accomplished, talented | 3. gifted, talented
dotar: 1. endow
dromedario: 1. dromedary
ducha: 1. shower
ducharse: 1. take a shower
duda: 1. hesitation, wavering | 2. hesitation
dudar: 1. doubt
dueño: 1. boss, chief, leader | 2. boss, master | 3. owner
dueño de sí mismo: 1. composed, restrained, self-possessed
dulce: 1. gentle, soft, sweet, tender | 2. delicacy, tidbit, sweet
durar: 1. continue, endure, keep on, last
duro: 1. hard | 2. leather | 3. hard
dyschatell: 1. couch, divan
dátil: 1. date
débil: 1. faint, light, weak
día: 1. day
día del Corpus: 1. Corpus Christi
dólar: 1. dollar
dómine: 1. pastor
ebrio: 1. drunk, intoxicated
echar: 1. throw
echar a perder: 1. spoil
echar la siesta: 1. doze, nap, slumber
económico: 1. thrifty
edad: 1. age
edad media: 1. Middle Ages
edecán: 1. adjutant, aide-de-camp
edificar: 1. erect, establish | 2. erect, establish, found | 3. build, construct
edificio: 1. building
edificio anexo: 1. annexation
editor: 1. publisher
eficaz: 1. effective, effectual, efficacious
efigie: 1. effigy, head
egipcio: 1. Egyptian | 2. Egyptian
egipcíaco: 1. Egyptian | 2. Egyptian
egoísta: 1. self-interested, selfish | 2. self-interested, selfish
eje: 1. axis, axle
ejemplo: 1. example
ejercicio: 1. exercise, practice
ejército: 1. army | 2. army
el: 1. the
elección: 1. choice, election
electricidad: 1. electricity
elefante: 1. elephant
elegante: 1. elegant | 2. chic
elegir: 1. choose, elect, pick out
elevación: 1. altitude, height
ella: 1. her, she
eléctrico: 1. electric
el día de Todos los Santos: 1. All Souls’ Day
embajada: 1. embassy | 2. embassy
embajador: 1. ambassador | 2. ambassador, emissary, envoy, messenger
embalsamar: 1. embalm | 2. embalm
embarcación: 1. ship, vessel
embarcarse: 1. embark
embargar: 1. confiscate
embelesar: 1. charm
embotado: 1. blunt | 2. dull, obtuse
embragar: 1. couple
embriaguez: 1. drunkenness, inebriety
embudo: 1. funnel
embuste: 1. swindle
embustero: 1. cheat, deceiver, imposter
emigrar: 1. emigrate
emigrarse: 1. emigrate
emoción: 1. emotion
empacar: 1. pack, package, wrap up
empalmar: 1. correspond
empalme: 1. connection
empezar: 1. begin, commence, start | 2. begin, commence, start
empleado: 1. employee | 2. clerk | 3. officer, official
emplear: 1. apply, practice
empleo: 1. post
emprender: 1. undertake
empresa: 1. industry
empujar: 1. push, thrust
en: 1. a, in, inside, into, on, per, within | 2. on, upon
enamorarse de: 1. fall in love with
encadenación: 1. order
encadenamiento: 1. order
encajar: 1. palm off on
encaje: 1. lace
encamado: 1. bedridden, confined to one’s bed, laid up
encantador: 1. charming, lovely
encantar: 1. attract, draw | 2. charm
encanto: 1. charm
encargarse de: 1. undertake
encendedor: 1. lighter
encender: 1. burn | 2. kindle, light | 3. light | 4. illuminate, light
encentar: 1. cut into
enciclopedia: 1. encyclopaedia
encima de: 1. above, over
encogido: 1. afraid, timid
encontrar: 1. come across, encounter, meet, see | 2. find
encontrarse: 1. be found, be located, find oneself | 2. be found, be located, find oneself
encuadernación: 1. binding, cover
encuentro: 1. encounter
encuesta: 1. inquiry, investigation
encía: 1. gum
endrino: 1. sledge, sleigh | 2. sledge, sleigh
enemigo: 1. adversary, enemy
enero: 1. January
enfermedad venérea: 1. venereal disease
enfermera: 1. nurse
enfrenar: 1. brake
enfrente de: 1. opposite | 2. opposite
enfriar: 1. cool, cool down | 2. get cold
engañar: 1. fool, hoax, mystify, trick | 2. take in | 3. cheat, deceive
engaño: 1. swindle
engañoso: 1. deceptive, delusive, fallacious | 2. deceitful
enjugar: 1. dry | 2. delete, wipe, wipe off
enlace: 1. starting point | 2. connection
enmohecerse: 1. get mouldy
enorme: 1. enormous
enrollar: 1. envelop
ensalada: 1. salad
ensangrentado: 1. blood-stained, covered with blood | 2. blood-stained, covered with blood
enseñar: 1. indicate, suggest | 2. teach | 3. teach | 4. indicate, point out, show
enteblar: 1. begin, commence, start
entender: 1. understand, realize
enteramente: 1. at all, entirely, quite, wholly
entero: 1. entire, overall, whole
enterramiento: 1. burial, funeral, interment | 2. burial, funeral, interment
enterrar: 1. bury | 2. bury, entomb, inter | 3. flood, overwhelm
entierro: 1. burial, funeral, interment | 2. burial, funeral, interment
entonar: 1. intone, raise
entonces: 1. then | 2. then
entrada: 1. entrance, portal | 2. access, admission, admittance
entrante: 1. future | 2. close, near, nearby, next | 3. following, next | 4. next
entrar: 1. go in, enter, perform
entrar en cuenta: 1. be considered, count
entre: 1. among, between
entrecortado: 1. broken
entrega: 1. delivery | 2. delivery
entregar: 1. hand, hand over | 2. deliver, furnish, supply | 3. pass, spend | 4. convey, hand, hand over, pass
entretener: 1. amuse
entristecer: 1. afflict, grieve | 2. afflict, cause pain, cause pain to, distress, give pain to
envejecer: 1. be on the decline, go downhill, go off
envenenar: 1. poison
enviar: 1. dispatch, send off, ship | 2. dismiss, turn away | 3. send, transmit
envidia: 1. envy
envidiar: 1. envy
envidioso: 1. envious
envolver: 1. pack, package, wrap up
en alta voz: 1. loudly
en casa: 1. at home
en cuanto a: 1. about, concerning | 2. about, concerning, on, upon | 3. as to, as regards, concerning
en cuestón: 1. concerned, in question
en efecto: 1. absolutely, actually, in fact | 2. absolutely, genuinly, indeed, really, truly
en el acto: 1. at once, immediately, just, right away, right now
en el extranjero: 1. abroad
en el fondo: 1. below, downstairs, underneath
en ninguna parte: 1. nowhere
en orden: 1. agreed, okay
en otra parte: 1. elsewhere
en parte: 1. partially, partly
en pos: 1. at the back, behind, in the rear | 2. behind
en primer lugar: 1. first, firstly, first of all
en principio: 1. in principle
en realidad: 1. absolutely, genuinly, indeed, really, truly
en seguida: 1. at once, instantly, immediately, without delay | 2. at once, immediately, just, right away, right now
en su mayor parte: 1. for the greater part, for the most part | 2. for the greater part, for the most part
en todas partes: 1. all about, everywhere | 2. everywhere
en todos conceptos: 1. in every way | 2. in all respects, in every respect, in every way
en torno de: 1. about, round, around, towards
en un principio: 1. at first, at the outset, in the beginning | 2. at first, at the outset, in the beginning
en vano: 1. in vain
equipaje: 1. baggage, luggage
equipajes: 1. baggage, luggage
equis: 1. X
equivocación: 1. aberration, error, mistake
equivocarse: 1. err, make a mistake
error: 1. aberration, error, mistake
escala: 1. ladder
escalar: 1. ascend, climb, scale
escalera: 1. staircase, stairs
escama: 1. scale
escandaloso: 1. aggravating
escandálo: 1. offence, scandal | 2. commotion, scandal
escaparate: 1. show window
escarola: 1. endive
escarpado: 1. abrupt, steep
escaño: 1. bank
esclusa: 1. lock, sluice
escocés: 1. Scottish | 2. Scot, Scotsman
escoger: 1. choose, elect, pick out
escombro: 1. mackerel
escopeta: 1. gun, rifle
escribir: 1. write
escribir a máquina: 1. type
escrupuloso: 1. accurate, scrupulous
escuchar: 1. listen
escuela: 1. school
escultor: 1. sculptor
escupir: 1. spit | 2. spit
esforzarse por: 1. aim, attempt, endeavour, take steps, undertake
eslavo: 1. Slavic | 2. Slav
eso: 1. that, that over there, those
espacio: 1. room, space
espalda: 1. back
espantar: 1. deter, discourage, scare
espanto: 1. fright
esparadrapo: 1. plaster
español: 1. Spanish | 2. Spanish, Spanish language | 3. Spaniard
española: 1. Spanish woman
especia: 1. spice
especial: 1. particular, special
especie: 1. kind, sort
espejo: 1. looking-glass, mirror
esperanto: 1. Esperanto
esperanza: 1. hope
esperar: 1. foresee | 2. abide, expect, wait, await, wait for | 3. hope | 4. bide, abide, stay for, wait, await, wait for
espiga: 1. ear
espinaca: 1. spinach
espina dorsal: 1. spine
espolear: 1. encourage, impel, instigate, spur on, stimulate, urge | 2. incite, rouse, spur, stimulate, stir up
esponja: 1. sponge
esposa: 1. wife
esposo: 1. husband
espuma: 1. foam, froth
esputo: 1. mucus, phlegm
espárrago: 1. asparagus
esqueleto: 1. skeleton | 2. skeleton
esquiar: 1. ski
esquimal: 1. Eskimo
esquina: 1. corner
esquí: 1. ski
esta: 1. these, this, this here | 2. these, this, this here
establo: 1. stable, stall, sty
estación: 1. season | 2. station
estación balnearia: 1. spa
estación de servicio: 1. filling station
estado: 1. state
estafar: 1. fleece
estandarte: 1. flag, standard
estanque: 1. pond
estar: 1. be | 2. be | 3. be found, be located, find oneself
estar …ando: 1. busy oneself
estar de acuerdo con: 1. agree to
estar de pie: 1. stand
estar sentado: 1. sit
estar tendido: 1. lie, recline
estatua: 1. statue
esta mañana: 1. this morning
esta tarde: 1. this evening
estaño: 1. tin
este: 1. east, East
estima: 1. esteem, regard | 2. esteem, regard, respect
estimación: 1. esteem, regard | 2. esteem, regard, respect
estimar: 1. esteem, think well of | 2. appraise, estimate, rate
estimular: 1. rouse, stimulate, stir up
estipular: 1. set conditions, stipulate
estofado de carne húngaro: 1. goulash, stew
estorbar: 1. bar, inhibit, prevent | 2. bar, hinder, inhibit, prevent
estornudar: 1. sneeze
estrecho: 1. narrow | 2. close, cramped | 3. strait
estrella: 1. star
estrofa: 1. verse
estropeado: 1. broken, damaged
estuche: 1. jug, box, container, vessel
estudiante: 1. academic, student
estudiar: 1. learn | 2. study
estudio: 1. study
estufa: 1. furnace, kiln, oven, stove
estómago: 1. stomach
es decir: 1. that is
es una lástima: 1. alas, regrettably, unfortunately | 2. that’s too bad, what a pity
europeo: 1. European | 2. European
evidente: 1. clear, distinct, plain
evidentemente: 1. apparently, obviously
evitar: 1. avoid, evade
exacción: 1. exaction, extortion
exacto: 1. exact
exagerar: 1. exaggerate
examen: 1. investigation, examination, test
examinar: 1. examine
excelente: 1. fine, great
excepto: 1. apart from, but, except, other than
excluir: 1. exclude
excursión: 1. excursion, outing, sightseeing trip
excusado: 1. toilet
exhortación: 1. admonition, exhortation
exhortar: 1. admonish, scold
exigir: 1. demand, postulate, require
existencia: 1. existence
existir: 1. exist
expedir: 1. dispatch, send off, ship | 2. dismiss, turn away
experiencia: 1. experience
experto: 1. experienced, expert, skilful, skilled, skillful, practised | 2. adroit, clever, dexterous, skillful
expiración: 1. end, terminate
expirar: 1. end, come to an end, end up, expire
explicación: 1. account, explanation | 2. account, explanation
explicar: 1. account for, explain | 2. account for, clarify, explain
explotar: 1. exploit, utilize
exposición: 1. exhibition, exposition
exterior: 1. external, outer, outside
externo: 1. external, outer, outside
extorsión: 1. exaction, extortion
extra: 1. additional, extra
extracto: 1. extract, infusion
extranjero: 1. alien, foreigner | 2. alien, foreign | 3. foreigner
extraviarse: 1. go astray, stray off
extremamente: 1. extremely | 2. most
fabricación: 1. making, manifacture | 2. making, manufacture
fabricar: 1. fabricate, manufacture | 2. achieve, act, do, make, perform
faisán: 1. pheasant
falaz: 1. deceptive, delusive, fallacious | 2. deceitful
falda: 1. skirt
falta: 1. absence, lack, shortage, shortcoming
faltar: 1. be lacking, be missing
familia: 1. family
familiar: 1. relative
famoso: 1. famous | 2. famous | 3. famous, glorious | 4. famous
fardo: 1. bale
farmacia: 1. chemist’s shop, drugstore
farmacéutico: 1. chemist
faro: 1. headlight
farol: 1. lantern
farsante: 1. attitudinizer, poseur
fatal: 1. fateful, ill-fated
fatigar: 1. fag out, jade, overdrive, override
favor: 1. favor, favour
favorable: 1. advantageous, favourable
favorecer: 1. favor, favour
faz: 1. face
febrero: 1. February
fecha: 1. date
federal: 1. federal
felicitar: 1. congratulate
feminino: 1. female, feminine
fender: 1. split
fenomenal: 1. phenomenal
feo: 1. nasty, ugly
fidedigno: 1. plausible | 2. plausible
fiebre: 1. ague, fever
fiel: 1. faithful
fiero: 1. savage, wild
fiesta: 1. celebration, festival, party
figurado: 1. figurative
figurarse: 1. fancy, imagine
fijar: 1. attach, determine, fasten, fix, affix, make fast, secure
fijo: 1. fixed | 2. fast, firm, stable
fila: 1. grade, rank, rate
filete: 1. slice
filtro: 1. filter
fin: 1. aim, goal, purpose, target | 2. end, ending
final: 1. end, ending
finalmente: 1. at last, finally, ultimately
finca: 1. estate, farm, property, ranch
finesa: 1. Finnish, Finnish woman
fingir: 1. give as an excuse, pretend | 2. feign, pretend
finlandesa: 1. Finnish, Finnish woman
finlandés: 1. Finnish | 2. Finnish, Finnish language | 3. Finn
fino: 1. dainty, delicate, fine, refined | 2. gaunt, lean, slender, thin
finés: 1. Finnish | 2. Finnish, Finnish language | 3. Finn
firma: 1. company, firm | 2. signature
firmar: 1. sign
fisonomía: 1. face
flamenco: 1. Flemmish | 2. Flemming
flan: 1. cream
flauta: 1. flute
flecha: 1. arrow
flema: 1. mucus, phlegm
flor: 1. bloom, flower
florin: 1. guilder, gulden
foca: 1. seal, sea-dog
folleto: 1. leaflet, pamphlet, paperback
fondear: 1. anchor
fondo: 1. background | 2. background
formulario: 1. blank, form
forrar: 1. cover, overlay
forro: 1. lining
forta leza: 1. fortress
forzar: 1. compel, force
foto: 1. photograph | 2. photograph
fotografía: 1. photograph | 2. photograph
fotógrafo: 1. photographer | 2. photographer
frambuesa: 1. raspberry
francesa: 1. Frenchwoman
francés: 1. French | 2. French, French language | 3. Frenchman
franela: 1. flannel
franqueo: 1. postage
frase: 1. sentence
fregadero: 1. dresser
fregar: 1. wash up
freir: 1. fry
freno: 1. brake
freno de emergencia: 1. communication-cord
frente: 1. forehead
fresa: 1. strawberry
fresco: 1. fresh, recent | 2. cool
fresno: 1. ash
friolera: 1. trifle
frisio: 1. Frisian | 2. Frisian | 3. Frisian
frisona: 1. Frisian, Frisian woman
frisón: 1. Frisian | 2. Frisian | 3. Frisian
frontera: 1. boundary, frontier, limit
frontón: 1. façade | 2. front, battlefront, frontage
frotar: 1. rub
fruta: 1. fruit
frutal: 1. fruit-tree
frío: 1. bleak, chilly, cold | 2. bleak, chilly, cold | 3. bleak, chilly, cold
fuego: 1. fire
fuente: 1. fountain | 2. fountain, source, spring | 3. basin, bowl, pelvis
fuera: 1. abroad, out, outside
fuera de: 1. outside, outside of
fuerte: 1. strong | 2. firm, robust, sturdy | 3. firm, solid
fuerza: 1. force, strength, vigour
fuerza de caballos: 1. horsepower | 2. horsepower
fulminante: 1. acute
fumar: 1. smoke
funcionar: 1. function, operate, run, work
funcionario: 1. officer, official
función: 1. function, job, office, post
fundar: 1. base | 2. erect, establish, found
furgón: 1. luggage-van
fusilar: 1. shoot dead
fábrica: 1. factory | 2. factory
fácil: 1. easy, facile
fácilmente: 1. easily
fécula: 1. potato flour
fécula de patata: 1. potato flour
fértil: 1. fertile
física: 1. physics
fósforo: 1. match
gafas: 1. glasses, spectacles
gafas oscuras: 1. sun-glasses
gallego: 1. Galician
galleta: 1. biscuit, cookie
gallina: 1. chicken, fowl
gallo: 1. cock, rooster
ganado: 1. livestock
ganancia: 1. accession, acquisition, gain | 2. accession, acquisition, asset
ganar: 1. earn, gain, win
gancho: 1. hook
ganso: 1. goose
garaje: 1. garage
garantía: 1. guarantee, warrant
garganta: 1. throat
garra: 1. claw
garrafa: 1. carafe, decanter
gas: 1. gas
gasolina: 1. gasolene, gasoline, petrol
gastado: 1. worn
gastar: 1. pay out, spend
gastos: 1. charge, cost, expense
gas natural: 1. natural gas
gata: 1. female cat
gato: 1. cat | 2. jack
gaviota: 1. seagull
gemelos: 1. twins | 2. twin
gemir: 1. groan, moan
general: 1. general, usual
generalmente: 1. generally
gente: 1. people
geografía: 1. geographic, geographical | 2. geography
gerente: 1. manager | 2. administrator | 3. manager
geógrafo: 1. geographer | 2. geographer
ginebra: 1. gin
girar: 1. turn | 2. endorse
giro postal: 1. money order
globo terráqueo: 1. globe, worldglobe
gobernar: 1. control, govern, restrain, rule
gobierno: 1. administration, government
godo: 1. Goth
golondrina: 1. swallow
golpe: 1. blow
golpear: 1. beat, hit, strike
goma: 1. rubber | 2. rubber
gordo: 1. fat, fatty, greasy
gorrión: 1. sparrow
gorro: 1. cap | 2. cap
gota: 1. arthritis | 2. drip, drop | 3. gout
grabado: 1. image, picture
gracia: 1. charm
gracias: 1. gratitude, thanks | 2. thank you, thanks
gracioso: 1. affable, friendly, good-natured, kind
grado: 1. degree, grade
gram: 1. gram, gramme
gramática: 1. grammar
grande: 1. big, great, large
granero: 1. barn, shed, stand
granito: 1. granite
granizo: 1. hail
granja: 1. estate, farm, property, ranch
grasa: 1. fat, grease
gratitud: 1. gratitude
gratuito: 1. free
grave: 1. important, serious | 2. court, yard, courtyard | 3. alarming, grave, serious
greda: 1. chalk
grieco: 1. Greek
griega: 1. Greek woman
griego: 1. Greek | 2. Greek
grieta: 1. crack, crevice | 2. burst, crack, flaw
grifo: 1. faucet, tap
gripe: 1. flu, grip, influenza
gris: 1. grey
gritar: 1. cry out, scream, shout
grito: 1. cry, shout
grosella: 1. gooseberry | 2. currant | 3. currant, red currant
grosero: 1. rude
grueso: 1. bold, corpulent, fat, thick | 2. fat, fatty, greasy
grupo: 1. bevy, collection, group, heap, herd, set | 2. group
guadaña: 1. scythe
guante: 1. glove, mitten
guardabarros: 1. mudguard
guardar: 1. guard, preserve, protect, save | 2. conserve, keep, maintain, preserve | 3. protect | 4. shelter, protect
guardarropa: 1. cloakroom
guardavía: 1. signalman
guardia: 1. guard | 2. policeman | 3. policeman
guardiamarina: 1. middy, midshipsman, naval cadet
guerra: 1. war
guiar: 1. conduct, direct, guide, head, lead
guisante: 1. pea
gusano: 1. worm
gustar: 1. please | 2. appreciate, like
gusto: 1. taste
guía: 1. leader | 2. guide | 3. handbook, guide, guidebook
gámba: 1. prawn
gótico: 1. Gothic
haba: 1. bean
haber: 1. credit
habilidad: 1. ability
habitación: 1. chamber, room
habitante: 1. inhabitant | 2. inhabitant
habitar: 1. dwell, live
habituarse: 1. accustom oneself, get used
hablar: 1. speak, talk
hacer: 1. achieve, act, do, make, perform | 2. accomplish, achieve, keep, observe, perform
hacerse: 1. become, come about, grow, happen | 2. become, get, grow
hacer dimisión: 1. quit, resign
hacer incribir: 1. register
hacer las compras: 1. shop
hacer la manicura: 1. manicure
hacer uso de: 1. employ, use, make use of
hace …: 1. … ago
hace poco: 1. just, just now
hacha: 1. axe
hacia atrás: 1. backward, backwards
halcón: 1. falcon
hallar: 1. come across, encounter, meet, see | 2. find
hallarse: 1. be found, be located, find oneself | 2. be found, be located, find oneself
hambre: 1. fame, hearsay, renown, repute, rumor, rumour | 2. hunger
harina: 1. flour | 2. flour, meal
hasta la vista: 1. bye, goodbye, so long
hasta luego: 1. bye, goodbye, so long
hasta que: 1. until, till
hay: 1. there is, there are
haya: 1. beech
haz el favor: 1. please
haz favor: 1. please
hebilla: 1. buckle
hebraico: 1. Hebrew, Jewish | 2. Hebrew, Jew
hebreo: 1. Hebrew, Jewish | 2. Hebrew, Jew | 3. Israelite
hecho: 1. fact
hectolitro: 1. hectolitre
helada: 1. freezing cold, frost | 2. frost
hemorroides: 1. haemorhoids
hendedura: 1. crack, crevice | 2. burst, crack, flaw
henderse: 1. burst, split | 2. burst
hendidura: 1. ravine
heno: 1. hay
heredar: 1. inherit
herida: 1. injury, wound
herido: 1. injured, wounded
herir: 1. hurt, wound
hermana: 1. sister
hermano: 1. brother
hermanos: 1. brothers and sisters, siblings
hermoso: 1. lovely
herramienta: 1. agent, means, tool
hervir: 1. boil
hiedra: 1. ivy
hielo: 1. ice
hiena: 1. hyaena
hierba: 1. grass
hierro: 1. iron
higo: 1. fig
higuera: 1. fig-tree | 2. fig-tree
hija: 1. daughter
hijo: 1. son
hilo: 1. thread
hinchable: 1. airbed, air mattress
hindú: 1. Hindu
hipopótamo: 1. hippo, hippopotamus
historia: 1. story, history
hoja: 1. leaf, sheet | 2. blank, form
hojalata: 1. sheet metal, tin, tin plate
hoja de afeitar: 1. razor-blade
holandés: 1. Dutch | 2. Dutchman, Hollander | 3. Dutch | 4. Dutchman
holgazán: 1. lazy
hombre: 1. man, human being | 2. fellow, man
hombre de ciencia: 1. scientist
hombre político: 1. politician
hombro: 1. shoulder
homenaje: 1. honor, honour
hongo: 1. mushroom
honor: 1. honor, honour
honorable: 1. respectable
honrado: 1. above-board, honest
hora: 1. hour, o’clock, time
horario: 1. schedule, time-table
horizonte: 1. horizon
hormiga: 1. ant, emmet
hormigón: 1. concrete
hornada: 1. baked goods
horrible: 1. abhorrent, abominable, alien, awful, hideous, horrible, gruesome | 2. bleak, dismal, dreary, horrible, ghastly, grisly, nasty | 3. dismal, dreary, horrible, nasty | 4. agonizing, hideous, horrible, ghastly
horror: 1. abhorrence, abomination, horror | 2. abhorrence, horror
horroroso: 1. abhorrent, abominable, alien, awful, hideous, horrible, gruesome | 2. dismal, dreary, horrible, nasty | 3. agonizing, hideous, horrible, ghastly
hospital: 1. hospital
hospitalidad: 1. hospitality
hotel: 1. hotel
hoy: 1. today
hoy día: 1. currently, nowadays, these days
hueco: 1. fantastic, of fantasy | 2. frivolous | 3. concave, hollow | 4. cavity | 5. hollow | 6. cave, cavity | 7. airy-fairy | 8. conceited, frivolous, vain | 9. chimerical
huelga: 1. strike
hueso: 1. bone
huevas: 1. spawn
huevo: 1. egg
huevo frito: 1. boiled egg
huir: 1. flee, run away
humear: 1. smoke
humedo: 1. damp, humid, moist | 2. moist
humillante: 1. humiliating
hurtar: 1. rob
huésped: 1. guest
hábil: 1. experienced, expert, skilful, skilled, skillful, practised | 2. able, capable | 3. adroit, clever, dexterous, skillful
hígado: 1. liver
húngara: 1. Hungarian, Hungarian woman
húngaro: 1. Hungarian | 2. Hungarian
ibérico: 1. Iberian
idea: 1. idea | 2. concept, idea
ideal: 1. ideal
idem: 1. equally, likewise
identificar: 1. identify
idolatría: 1. idolatry, idol worship | 2. idolatry, idol worship
iglesia: 1. church, church-building, house of worship, place of worship
ignición: 1. ignition
igual: 1. equal, even, level
igualdad: 1. draw, equality
iguana: 1. iguana
imagen: 1. image, picture
imitación: 1. imitation
imitar: 1. imitate
impedimento: 1. handicap, impediment, obstacle
impedir: 1. bar, inhibit, prevent | 2. bar, hinder, inhibit, prevent
imperdible: 1. safety-pin, safety pin
imperio: 1. empire
implorar: 1. implore, invoke
imponer: 1. tax
importancia: 1. concern
importante: 1. important, serious
importar: 1. amount to
importe: 1. amount, sum
imposible: 1. impossible
impresión: 1. trace, track
imprimir: 1. print
impuesto: 1. tax
imán: 1. magnet
incendio: 1. conflagration, fire
incitar: 1. encourage, impel, instigate, spur on, stimulate, urge | 2. cheer, fire, inspire, stimulate | 3. fan, fire, inspire, stimulate, stir up, urge on | 4. rouse, stimulate, stir up
inclemente: 1. severe, strict
inclinado: 1. oblique, slanting
incluído: 1. including, inclusively
incomodar: 1. bother, disturb, hinder, trouble
inconveniente: 1. difficulty, trouble
incremento: 1. accretion, growth
increíble: 1. incredible
incrustación: 1. fur, scale
indeciso: 1. indecisive
indemnizar: 1. compensate
indicación: 1. index | 2. indication
indicar: 1. indicate, suggest | 2. indicate, point out, show
indicio: 1. index | 2. indication
indico: 1. Indian
indigencia: 1. misery | 2. destitution, distress, indigence, need, penury
indigente: 1. miserable, poor | 2. miserable, needy
indio: 1. Indian | 2. Indian | 3. Indian, Red Indian
indio americano: 1. Indian, American Indian
indispuesta: 1. not well, upset
individuo: 1. individual
indole: 1. character, nature, personality
indonesio: 1. Indonesian
indonésico: 1. Indonesian
indulgencia: 1. indulgence
indígena: 1. aboriginal, domestic | 2. aboriginal, native
infamar: 1. slander
infección: 1. infection
infectar: 1. infect
infeliz: 1. unhappy
inferior: 1. inferior
inficionar: 1. infect | 2. communicate
inflamación: 1. inflammation
inflar: 1. inflate
influir en: 1. act, affect, influence
información: 1. account, information
informar: 1. acquaint, inform, report | 2. communicate, report | 3. acquaint, let know, inform
ingeniero: 1. engineer
ingenuo: 1. guileless, inoffensive
inglesa: 1. English, Englishwoman
inglés: 1. English | 2. English, English language | 3. Englishman, Sassenach
ingrediente: 1. component, element, ingredient, part
iniciador: 1. pioneer
inicial: 1. initial
injuria: 1. abuse, insult | 2. abuse
injuriar: 1. abuse, insult, offend | 2. jeer, jeer at, taunt
inmediatamente: 1. at once, immediately, just, right away, right now
inmóvil: 1. motionless
innato: 1. congenital, inborn, inbred, innate, native | 2. congentital, inborn, inbred, innate, native
innovador: 1. pioneer
inocente: 1. guiltless, innocent
impulsar: 1. encourage, impel, instigate, spur on, stimulate, urge
inquieto: 1. agitated, anxious
inscribir: 1. enter | 2. record, register
insecto: 1. bug, insect
insectos dañinos: 1. vermin
insistencia: 1. insistence, pressure, urgency | 2. insistence, pressure, urgency
insistir: 1. insist
insolente: 1. rude
inspector: 1. checker, controller
instancia: 1. insistence, pressure, urgency | 2. insistence, pressure, urgency
instar: 1. insist
instigador: 1. firebrand, instigator
instigar: 1. abet, excite, incite, provoke, rouse, stimulate, stir up | 2. initiate, start | 3. activate, cause, give rise to
instinto: 1. access, impetus, impulse | 2. instinct
instruir: 1. teach
instrumento: 1. agent, means, tool
insultar: 1. jeer, jeer at, taunt | 2. abuse, insult, offend
insulto: 1. abuse, insult
inteligencia: 1. notion, sense, realization | 2. understanding
inteligible: 1. understandable
intención: 1. intention, meaning, plan
intentar: 1. attempt, test, try
interesante: 1. interesting
interesar: 1. interest
interior: 1. inner, inside, internal
interna: 1. inner, inside, internal
interprete: 1. interpreter
interrumpir: 1. interrupt
interruptor: 1. switch
interés: 1. interest | 2. interest
intestinos: 1. intestines
inventar: 1. invent | 2. invent
invierno: 1. winter
invitar: 1. invite
invocar: 1. invoke | 2. invoke
inválido: 1. disabled | 2. disabled person
inyección: 1. injection
ir: 1. go
irlandés: 1. Irish | 2. Irishman
irregular: 1. abnormal | 2. abnormal | 3. abnormal | 4. abnormal
irse: 1. go
ir a buscar a: 1. take along | 2. meet, pick up
ir por: 1. fetch, get, pick up
isla: 1. island
islas Filipinas: 1. Philippine Islands, Philippines
israelita: 1. Israelite
israelí: 1. Israelian | 2. Israeli
italiana: 1. Italian woman
italiano: 1. Italian | 2. Italian, Italian language | 3. Italian
jabalí: 1. wild boar
jadeante: 1. breathless
jamás: 1. never
jamón: 1. ham
japonesa: 1. Japanese woman
japonés: 1. Japanese | 2. Japanese, Japanese language | 3. Japanese
jardinero: 1. gardener
jardín zoológico: 1. zoo
jarra: 1. jug, pitcher
jarro: 1. jug, pot | 2. jug, box, container, vessel
javanesa: 1. Javanese woman
javanés: 1. Javan, Javanese | 2. Javanese
jefe: 1. boss, chief, leader | 2. chief, superior | 3. chef | 4. chief, boss
jengibre: 1. ginger
jerez: 1. sherry
jirafa: 1. giraffe
joven: 1. young | 2. youngster, youth
joya: 1. gem, jewel | 2. jewel
joyero: 1. jeweller | 2. jeweller
judía: 1. haricot
judía verde: 1. haricot
judío: 1. Israelite
juego: 1. game
juego de damas: 1. checkers
jueves: 1. Thursday
juez: 1. judge
jugar: 1. play | 2. play
jugo: 1. juice, sap
jugo de grosellas: 1. currant juice
jugo de manzana: 1. apple juice
juguete: 1. toy
juicio: 1. judgment
julio: 1. July
junco: 1. cane, reed
junio: 1. June
juntamente: 1. together | 2. at the same time
juntar: 1. join, unite
juntarse: 1. associate, come together, join, pool | 2. associate, join, pool
jurar: 1. blaspheme, cuss, curse, swear | 2. swear
justamente: 1. exactly | 2. exactly, sharp
juventud: 1. youth
juzgado: 1. tribunal
juzgar: 1. judge | 2. judge
kilo: 1. kilo
kilómetro: 1. kilometre
la: 1. the
labio: 1. lip
laborioso: 1. active, hardworking
labrador: 1. builder
laca para las uñas: 1. nail-varnish
lado: 1. side
lado inferior: 1. bottom
ladrar: 1. give tongue, bark
ladrillo: 1. brick
ladrón: 1. thief
lago: 1. lake, loch
lago Lemán: 1. Lake of Geneva
lamer: 1. lick
lanchamotora: 1. motor-boat, motor-launch
langosta: 1. lobster
lanzar: 1. throw
largo: 1. long
largura: 1. length | 2. length
las: 1. the
lastre: 1. ballast
lata: 1. can, tin, tin can
latino: 1. Latin
latín: 1. Latin
latón: 1. brass | 2. brass
laurel: 1. laurel
lava: 1. lava
lavadero: 1. laundry
lavaplatos: 1. dishwasher
lavar: 1. wash | 2. wash up | 3. wash
lazo: 1. bond, tie | 2. connection, league
lección: 1. lesson
leche: 1. milk
lechería: 1. dairy
lecho: 1. bed
lechuga: 1. lettuce
lechón: 1. piglet
leer: 1. read
legúa: 1. mile
lejano: 1. distant, far, remote
lejos: 1. away | 2. afar, far, far away, remotely
lengua: 1. tongue | 2. language, tongue
lenguado: 1. sole
lenguaje figurado: 1. metaphor
lente: 1. lens
lenteja: 1. lentil
lento: 1. slow
letón: 1. Latvian, Lett
levantar: 1. lever, lift, raise
levantarse: 1. get up, rise, stand, stand up | 2. get up, rise, stand, stand up
ley: 1. law
león: 1. lion
leño: 1. timber, wood
liar: 1. bind, connect, join, tie, tie up
libertino: 1. lawless, licentious, riotous
libra: 1. pound | 2. plate, sheet, slab
librero: 1. bookseller
librería: 1. bookshop, bookstore
libritode memoria: 1. notebook
libro: 1. book
libréria: 1. bookcase
licor: 1. liqueur
liebre: 1. hare
liebre macho: 1. buck, buck-hare
ligar: 1. bind, connect, join, tie, tie up
ligero: 1. light
lila: 1. lilac
lima: 1. file
lima para uñas: 1. nail-scissors
limitado: 1. confined, limited, restricted
limitar: 1. abridge, confine, limit, restrict
limosna: 1. alms, charity
limpiar: 1. polish | 2. clean, cleanse, make clean, purge | 3. delete, wipe, wipe off
limpieza: 1. cleanliness, purity
limpio: 1. clean
limón: 1. lemon
lince: 1. lynx
lindo: 1. delightful, lovely | 2. charming, lovely
lisera: 1. shoulder, verge, verge of a road
liso: 1. even, flat, level, smooth | 2. smooth
lista: 1. list | 2. menu | 3. menu
lista de precios: 1. price-list
listo: 1. finished, ready, through
litro: 1. liter, litre
llama: 1. flame
llamada: 1. appeal | 2. parade, roll-call | 3. parade, roll-call
llamar: 1. appeal to, invoke | 2. hit, knock, strike | 3. call | 4. call, summon
llamarse: 1. be called
llamar a la puerta: 1. knock at the door, rap at the door
llano: 1. plain | 2. flat
llanta: 1. felly, felloe, rim
llanura: 1. plain
llave: 1. key, wrench | 2. adjustable wrench, spanner
llave inglesa: 1. monkey-wrench, shifting spanner
llegada: 1. arrival
llegar: 1. pass, spend
llenar: 1. complete | 2. fill, fill in, fill up
lleno: 1. complete, full
llevar: 1. bring, fetch | 2. bring along, take along | 3. carry, wear | 4. wear
llorar: 1. cry, weep
llover: 1. rain
lluvia: 1. rain
lo: 1. the
lobo: 1. wolf
loma: 1. hill
londinense: 1. Londoner
loro: 1. parrot
los: 1. the
los dos: 1. both
loza: 1. crockery, earthenware, pottery | 2. pottery
lucio: 1. pike
lucir: 1. shine
luego: 1. soon | 2. afterwards, next, subsequently | 3. beyond, next, then, thereafter
lugar: 1. inducement, occasion, motive | 2. inducement, motive, occasion | 3. account, motive, reason
lujo: 1. luxury
lumbar: 1. loin
luna: 1. moon
lunes: 1. Monday
luxemburgués: 1. Luxemburger | 2. Luxemburg | 3. Luxemburger
luz: 1. light
luz de Bengala: 1. bengal-light, bengal-lights
luz posterior: 1. rear-lamp, rear-light, tail-light
luz trasera: 1. rear-lamp, rear-light, tail-light
lágrima: 1. tear
lámina: 1. plate, sheet, slab
lámpara: 1. lamp
lápiz: 1. pencil
línea: 1. line
líquido: 1. liquid
lúgubre: 1. bleak, dismal, dreary, horrible, ghastly, grisly, nasty
macarrones: 1. macaroni
maciso: 1. massive
madera: 1. timber, wood
madre: 1. bed, watercourse | 2. mother
maduro: 1. mature, ripe
maestra: 1. teacher, female teacher
maestro: 1. instructor, teacher
magnetófono: 1. tape-recorder
magnífico: 1. lovely | 2. bright, brilliant
majo: 1. pretty
malayo: 1. Malay | 2. Malay
mala costumbre: 1. habit, trick
mala suerte: 1. bad luck
malentendido: 1. misunderstanding
maleta: 1. trunk | 2. suitcase, valise
maleta de mano: 1. suitcase, valise
malo: 1. erroneous, mistaken, wrong | 2. bad, miserable, nasty, poor
mal olor: 1. stench
mal reputado: 1. of ill repute
mancebía: 1. brothel
mancha: 1. blot, spot
mandar: 1. direct, guide, manage, steer | 2. steer
mandarina: 1. tangerine
mandato: 1. command
mando: 1. command
mandíbula: 1. jaw, jawbone
manga: 1. sleeve
manido: 1. stale
mano: 1. hand
manso: 1. tame
manta: 1. blanket
mantel: 1. table-cloth
mantequilla: 1. butter | 2. blueberry
manzana: 1. apple
manzano: 1. apple-tree
mapa: 1. map | 2. map
maquinar: 1. initiate, start | 2. activate, cause, give rise to
mar: 1. sea
marcar: 1. dial
marea: 1. tide
mareado: 1. dizzy
mareado en avión: 1. airsick
marfil: 1. ivory
margarina: 1. margarine
marido: 1. husband
marina: 1. navy
marinero: 1. sailor
mariposa: 1. butterfly
marroquí: 1. Moroccan | 2. Moroccan
marroquía: 1. Moroccan woman
marroquín: 1. Moroccan | 2. Moroccan
marroquína: 1. Moroccan woman
marrón: 1. brown
martes: 1. Tuesday
martes de carnestolendas: 1. Shrove-Tuesday
martillo: 1. hammer
marzo: 1. March
mar Báltico: 1. Baltic Sea
mar Rojo: 1. Red Sea
mar del Norte: 1. North Sea
mas: 1. but
masa: 1. lump, mass | 2. dough, paste
masaje: 1. massage
masajear: 1. massage
masculino: 1. male | 2. male
masticar: 1. chew
matar: 1. butcher, slaughter | 2. kill, liquidate, slay
materia: 1. matter
material: 1. data, material
matrimonio: 1. marriage, matrimony | 2. marriage | 3. marriage
matrícula: 1. numberplate
mayo: 1. May
mayoría: 1. majority
maíz: 1. corn, Indian corn, maize, mealies
mañana: 1. morning | 2. tomorrow
mañana pasado: 1. the day after tomorrow
mañana por la mañana: 1. tomorrow morning
mañana por la tarde: 1. tomorrow evening
mear: 1. urinate | 2. urinate
mecanógrafa: 1. stenotypist, female stenotypist
mechero: 1. lighter
mecánico: 1. mechanic | 2. mechanic | 3. chauffeur, driver
media: 1. stocking
media noche: 1. midnight
medicamento: 1. drug, medicine, pharmaceutical
medicina: 1. drug, medicine, pharmaceutical
medida: 1. measure, measurement
medio: 1. half | 2. half | 3. agent, means, tool | 4. average, mean, middle | 5. means, remedy, resources
mediodía: 1. midday, noon
medir: 1. measure
medroso: 1. afraid | 2. afraid | 3. afraid, fearful
medusa: 1. jelly-fish
mejicana: 1. Mexican woman
mejicano: 1. Mexican
mejikano: 1. Mexican
mejilla: 1. cheek
mejor: 1. better
melindroso: 1. prudish
melocotón: 1. peach
melón: 1. melon
mencionar: 1. cite, quote | 2. mention
mendicidad: 1. begging
mendigar: 1. beg
mendigo: 1. beggar
menesteroso: 1. abject, dismal, meager, miserable, wretched | 2. miserable, needy
menguar: 1. abate, decrease, diminish, drop, fall
menos: 1. apart from, but, except, other than | 2. fewer, less
menos y menos: 1. less and less
mensaje: 1. errand, message
mensualmente: 1. monthly
menta: 1. mint
mentir: 1. lie, tell a lie
mentira: 1. lie
menú: 1. menu | 2. menu
mercado: 1. fair, market | 2. market, sales activity | 3. market, marketplace
mercado de consumo: 1. market, sales activity
merecer: 1. be worthy of, deserve, merit
merluza: 1. haddock
mermelada: 1. jam, marmelade
mermelada de manzanas: 1. apple-sauce | 2. apple-sauce
mes: 1. month
mesa: 1. table
metal: 1. metal
meter: 1. lay down, place, put, put down
meticuloso: 1. accurate, scrupulous
metro: 1. metre | 2. subway, underground
mezcla: 1. admixture, mixture
mezquino: 1. petty, small-minded
mezquita: 1. mosque
mi: 1. my
miedo: 1. agony, anguish, fear | 2. afraid | 3. afraid | 4. fright | 5. afraid, timid
miedoso: 1. afraid | 2. afraid
miel: 1. honey
miembro: 1. limb, member
mil: 1. thousand, one thousand
millón: 1. million
milímetro: 1. millimetre
mimar: 1. spoil
mimoso: 1. affectionate, caressing, cuddlesome, cuddly
mineral: 1. mineral
ministerio: 1. ministry
minuto: 1. minute
miope: 1. near-sighted, short-sighted
mirada: 1. look
mirlo: 1. blackbird
misa: 1. mass
miserable: 1. miserable, poor | 2. abject, dismal, meager, miserable, wretched
misericordia: 1. charity, mercifulness, mercy
misericordioso: 1. charitable, merciful
mismo: 1. even
mito: 1. myth
mitología: 1. mythology
mitra: 1. miter, mitre
miércoles: 1. Wednesday
mobilario: 1. furniture
mochila: 1. backpack, knapsack
moda: 1. fashion, mode
moderno: 1. modern
modesto: 1. modest
modista: 1. milliner
modo subjuntivo: 1. subjunctive
mofarse de: 1. laugh at
mohoso: 1. mouldy
mojado: 1. wet
moler: 1. grind, pulverize
molestar: 1. bother, disturb, hinder, trouble
molestia: 1. hindrance | 2. disquiet, disturbance, interference, unrest | 3. trouble
momentito: 1. instant, moment
momento: 1. instant, moment
mondar habas: 1. string
moneda: 1. coin
monedas: 1. change
monje: 1. monk
mono: 1. ape, monkey | 2. overalls
monopolio: 1. monopoly
monstruo: 1. colossus
montar: 1. go in, enter, perform
montaña: 1. mountain
monte: 1. mountain
monumental: 1. monumental
monólogo: 1. monologue, soliloquy
morado: 1. violet
morar: 1. dwell, live
morder: 1. bite
mordisco: 1. bite
moreno: 1. brown
morera: 1. mulberry-tree
morir: 1. die, expire, pass away
mosaico: 1. mosaic, mosaic work
mosca: 1. fly, housefly
mosquito: 1. mosquito
mostaza: 1. mustard
mostrador: 1. counter
mostrar: 1. indicate, point out, show
motel: 1. motel
motivo: 1. inducement, occasion, motive | 2. inducement, motive, occasion | 3. account, motive, reason
moto: 1. motorcycle
motocicleta: 1. moped
motor: 1. engine, motor
moverse: 1. move
mozo: 1. porter
muchacha: 1. girl, lass, wench
muchacho: 1. boy, lad, laddie
muchacho travieso: 1. naughty boy, pickle
mucho: 1. a lot of, much | 2. a lot of, much, plenty of
mudar: 1. alter, change | 2. change, turn
mudo: 1. dumb, mute, speechless
mueblaje: 1. furniture
muelle: 1. spring
muerte: 1. death
muerto: 1. dead
mujer: 1. wife | 2. woman
mulo: 1. mule
multa: 1. fine | 2. minutes, protocol
multar: 1. fine | 2. give a ticket, take somebody’s name
multiplicar: 1. multiply | 2. duplicate, multiply
mundo: 1. world
municipio: 1. community
museo: 1. museum
muslo: 1. thigh
muy: 1. quite, very, very much
muérdago: 1. mistletoe
muñeca: 1. wrist | 2. wrist | 3. doll, puppet
máquina: 1. engine, machine
máquina de escribir: 1. typewriter
mármol: 1. marble
más: 1. more
mástil: 1. mast
más adelante: 1. afterwards, next, subsequently
más bien: 1. preferably | 2. preferably, rather
más y más: 1. increasingly, more and more
máximo: 1. maximum
máximum: 1. maximum
médico: 1. doctor, physician
método: 1. method
músculo: 1. muscle
música: 1. music
músico: 1. musician
nabo: 1. turnip
nacer: 1. arise, be born
nacimiento: 1. birth
nacional: 1. national
nacionalidad: 1. nationality
nada: 1. nothing
nadar: 1. float, swim
nadie: 1. neither, nobody, none, no-one
naranja: 1. orange
naranjo: 1. orange-tree | 2. orange-tree
nariz: 1. nose
nata batida: 1. whipped cream
natural: 1. coming
naturaleza: 1. character, nature, personality | 2. nature | 3. character, nature
naturalmente: 1. naturally
navegar: 1. navigate
necesario: 1. necessary
necesidad: 1. need, want | 2. necessity
necesitado: 1. abject, dismal, meager, miserable, wretched | 2. miserable, needy
necesitar: 1. need, require
neerlandesa: 1. Dutch woman
neerlandés: 1. Dutch | 2. Dutchman | 3. Dutch, Dutch language
negar: 1. deny
negativa: 1. refusal
negativo: 1. negative
negocio: 1. enterprise
negro: 1. Negro | 2. black
nene: 1. baby
nervio: 1. nerve
neumático: 1. tyre | 2. tire, tyre | 3. cover, outer cover
nevado: 1. snowy
nevar: 1. snow
niebla: 1. fog, mist
nieto: 1. grandson
nieve: 1. snow
nilón: 1. nylon
ninguno: 1. neither, nobody, none, no-one
nivel: 1. level
ni mucho menos: 1. not at all
niño: 1. bairn, child, infant | 2. child
no: 1. no | 2. not
noble: 1. of noble birth
nobleza: 1. nobility
noche: 1. night | 2. evening
noción: 1. concept, idea
nogal: 1. walnut-tree | 2. walnut-tree
nombramiento: 1. appointment, appointment to office
nombrar: 1. appoint
nombre: 1. appellation, name
nombre de pila: 1. first name
normal: 1. normal | 2. normal
norte: 1. north, North
noruega: 1. Norwegian woman
noruego: 1. Norwegian | 2. Norwegian
nosotras: 1. us, we
nosotros: 1. us, we
nostalgia: 1. nostalgia
notable: 1. considerable, sizable
notar: 1. note, make a note, write down
notario: 1. notary
noticia: 1. account, communication | 2. advice, announcement, communication, message, notice, report
noticias: 1. news, novelty, something new | 2. advice, announcement, communication, message, notice, report
notificar: 1. instruct, notify, summon
notoriedad: 1. acquaintance, conversance, familiarity
notorio: 1. well-known
novela: 1. novel
noviembre: 1. November
novio: 1. beloved, loved one, lover, sweetheart, well-beloved
no … del todo: 1. not at all
no … mas: 1. no longer
no … mas que: 1. exclusively, just, only
no … nunca: 1. never
no tener razón: 1. be wrong
no tocar: 1. keep one’s hands off
nube: 1. cloud
nudo: 1. knot, node
nueve: 1. nine
nuevo: 1. new, novel
nuez: 1. nut
nuez moscada: 1. nutmeg
nunca: 1. never
níquel: 1. nickel
número: 1. amount, number | 2. number, numeral
o: 1. or
oasis: 1. oasis
obedecer: 1. obey
obispo: 1. bishop
objeción: 1. objection
objecto: 1. article, object, thing
objeto: 1. thing | 2. aim, goal, purpose, target
obligar: 1. compel, force
obligatorio: 1. compulsory
obra: 1. work
obrera: 1. female laborer, femal labourer, femal worker
obrero: 1. hand, laborer, labourer, operative, worker, working man, workman
observar: 1. keep, mind, observe
obstrucción: 1. dam | 2. barrier, fence | 3. bar, barrier
obtener: 1. achieve, acquire, attain, get, obtain | 2. get, have, receive
obtuso: 1. blunt | 2. dull, obtuse
oca: 1. goose
ocasionar: 1. activate, cause, give rise to | 2. cause, cause to take place
occipucio: 1. back of the head, occiput
ochenta: 1. eighty
ocho: 1. eight
ochocientos: 1. eight hundred
octavo: 1. eighth
octubre: 1. October
oculista: 1. oculist, ophtalmologist
ocultar: 1. conceal, hide
ocultarse: 1. hide, hide oneself
oculto: 1. hidden
ocupado: 1. busy
ocupar: 1. occupy, take
océano: 1. ocean
odiar: 1. hate
odio: 1. hate
oeste: 1. west, West | 2. west
ofender: 1. abuse, insult, offend
ofensa: 1. abuse, insult | 2. abuse
oferta: 1. offer | 2. presentation | 3. presentation
oficial: 1. official | 2. official
oficina: 1. bureau, office
oficina de correos: 1. post office
oficina de informaciones: 1. inquiry-office
oficio: 1. handicraft, occupation, trade | 2. function, job, office, post
oficioso: 1. accommodating, helpful
ofrecer: 1. bid, offer, make an offer of
ofrecimiento: 1. offer | 2. presentation | 3. presentation
ojo: 1. eye
ola: 1. wave
oleaje: 1. billow
oler: 1. give off an odour, reek, smell
oler a: 1. smell of
oler mal: 1. reek, smell, smell bad, stink
olivo: 1. olive-tree
olla: 1. jug, pot | 2. jug, box, container, vessel
olmo: 1. elm
olor: 1. aroma, flavour | 2. odor, odour, scent, smell
olvidar: 1. forget
omnipotencia: 1. omnipotence
omnipotente: 1. almighty, all-powerful, omnipotent
omnisciente: 1. all-knowing, omniscient
once: 1. eleven
opinión: 1. opinion
opio: 1. opium
oponerse: 1. confront, stand up to, withstand | 2. resist, withstand
oprimido: 1. stale | 2. airless, oppressive, stiffling, sultry
oprimir: 1. suppress
oración: 1. appeal, entreaty, supplication
orden: 1. order | 2. warrant, writ
ordenador: 1. computer
orden del día: 1. agenda
orden por escrito: 1. warrant, writ
oreja: 1. ear
orgulloso: 1. proud
origen: 1. lineage | 2. beginning, commencement, start | 3. origin
original: 1. aboriginal, original | 2. original
originario: 1. coming
orina: 1. urine
orinal: 1. pot, chamber pot
orinar: 1. urinate | 2. urinate
oro: 1. gold
ortiga: 1. nettle
ortografía: 1. orthography
oruga: 1. caterpillar
osa: 1. she-bear
oscuro: 1. dark, dim
oso: 1. bear
ostra: 1. oyster
otoño: 1. autumn
otra vez: 1. afresh, again, all over again, anew | 2. afresh, again, once more
otro: 1. other, another, else
otro lado: 1. opposite side
oveja: 1. sheep
oír: 1. hear
paciencia: 1. patience
padre: 1. father | 2. father
padres: 1. parents
padre y madre: 1. parents
pagar: 1. pay
pagar a plazos: 1. pay on account
pago: 1. payment
paisaje: 1. landscape, scenery
pala: 1. shovel
palabra: 1. word
palacio: 1. palace
palmera: 1. palm, palmtree
palo: 1. baton, cane, stick
paloma: 1. pigeon
pan: 1. bread, loaf
pana: 1. brakedown
panadero: 1. baker
panadería: 1. bakery
panecillo: 1. roll
panne: 1. brakedown
pantalón: 1. pants, trousers
pantalón corto: 1. short pants, shorts | 2. short pants, shorts
pantorrilla: 1. calf
papel: 1. paper
papelería: 1. stationer’s shop
papel de cartas: 1. writing-paper
papel higiénico: 1. toilet-paper
papel pintado: 1. tapestry, wall covering
papel secante: 1. blotter, blotting paper
paquete: 1. packet, parcel
par: 1. pair | 2. even | 3. pair
para: 1. for, to, in order to, per
parachoques: 1. buffer, bumper
parada: 1. stop
parada del autobús: 1. bus stop | 2. bus stop, busstop
paraguas: 1. umbrella
paralelo: 1. parallel
paraninfo: 1. auditorium
parar: 1. turn away | 2. halt, come to a halt, stop | 3. halt, stop | 4. shut off, stop, switch off, turn off
para que: 1. so, so that
para una persona: 1. one person
parche: 1. adhesive plaster
pardo: 1. brown | 2. grey
pardone usted: 1. excuse me
parecer: 1. appear, look | 2. appear, appear to be, seem
parecerse: 1. be similar, resemble
pared: 1. wall
pariente: 1. relative, female relative | 2. relative
parir: 1. bear, give birth to
parisiense: 1. Parisian
parque: 1. park
parra: 1. vine, grapevine
parroquiano: 1. client, customer
parte: 1. part, Parthian, share | 2. part, piece, share | 3. share | 4. share
parte trasera: 1. back, reverse, reverse side
particular: 1. affair, business, business deal, case, matter | 2. apart, particular, separate, special
partidario: 1. acolyte, member, supporter | 2. member, supporter
partido: 1. adherents, disciples, following, party, supporters | 2. adherents, disciples, followers, party members | 3. faction, party, side | 4. adherents, disciples, followers, following, party, supporters
pasada: 1. former, last, previous, prior | 2. last
pasado: 1. former | 2. past
pasado mañana: 1. the day after tomorrow
pasaporte: 1. passport
pasar: 1. pass, spend
pasillo: 1. corridor, passage
paso: 1. pass | 2. gate, gangway, passage, passageway | 3. pace, step, stride | 4. passage
paso a nivel: 1. level-crossing
paso de montaña: 1. pass
pasta dentrífica: 1. tooth-paste
pasta de almendras: 1. almond paste
pastel: 1. baked goods | 2. pie, tart
pastelero: 1. confectioner
pastelería: 1. confectionery
pastel de almendra: 1. almound pastry
pastor protestante: 1. pastor
patada: 1. kick
patata: 1. potato
patillas: 1. whiskers, side-whiskers
patinar: 1. skate | 2. skate
patinete: 1. scooter | 2. scooter
patio: 1. court, yard, courtyard
pato: 1. duck
patria: 1. cradle, place of birth | 2. fatherland
patriarca: 1. patriarch
patrono: 1. patron
patrón: 1. boss, chief, leader | 2. chief, boss
pavo: 1. turkey
paz: 1. peace
país: 1. country, land
pañal: 1. swaddling cloth
peatón: 1. pedestrian
pecho: 1. bosom, breast, chest
pedal: 1. pedal
pedazo: 1. bit, lump, piece
pedido: 1. order
pedir: 1. book, order, reserve | 2. ask, ask for, beg, bid, request
pedir limosna: 1. beg
pegar: 1. sew, sew on | 2. thrash | 3. glue, stick
peinar: 1. comb
peine: 1. comb
peligro: 1. danger, peril
peligroso: 1. dangerous
pelota: 1. ball
peludo: 1. hairy, hirsute
peluquera: 1. hairdresser, female hairdresser
peluquero: 1. barber, hairdresser
pelvis: 1. basin, bowl, pelvis
película: 1. film, motion picture, movie
pendiente: 1. ear-drop, earring | 2. pending
pensamiento: 1. thought
pensar: 1. think
pensión: 1. boarding house, boarding school
península: 1. peninsula
pepino: 1. gherkin | 2. cucumber
pequeño: 1. diminutive, little, small
pera: 1. pear
peral: 1. pear-tree
perca: 1. bass
perder: 1. miss | 2. lose
perderse: 1. lose one’s way
perdida: 1. loss
perdido: 1. lost
perdiz: 1. partridge
peregrinación: 1. pilgrimage
perejil: 1. parsley
perfume: 1. perfume
periodista: 1. journalist, female journalist | 2. journalist | 3. journalist, female journalist | 4. journalist
perito de contabilidad: 1. accountant
periódico: 1. gazette, magazine, newspaper, periodical
perjudicar a: 1. harm
perla: 1. pearl
permiso: 1. permission
permitir: 1. accord, admit, afford, allow, permit
pero: 1. but
perpetrar: 1. achieve, act, do, make, perform | 2. accomplish, achieve, keep, observe, perform
perro: 1. dog
persa: 1. Persian | 2. Persian
perseguir: 1. chase, persecute, prosecute, pursue
persona: 1. person
personal: 1. personal
pertenecer a: 1. belong to | 2. belong to, be one of
peruana: 1. Peruvian woman
peruano: 1. Peruvian | 2. Peruvian
perímetro: 1. circumference | 2. outskirts, periphery
pesado: 1. burdensome, heavy, onerous
pesar: 1. weigh
pescador: 1. fisherman
pescar: 1. fish
peso: 1. weight
petición: 1. request
petroleo: 1. paraffin-oil, petroleum
petróleo: 1. crude oil | 2. crude oil
petulancia: 1. wantonness | 2. wantonness
petulante: 1. wanton | 2. wanton
pez: 1. fish
pezuña: 1. hoof
pez de colores: 1. goldfish
pez dorado: 1. goldfish
picar: 1. pick, stab, sting
picazón: 1. itch
pichón: 1. dove, pigeon
pico: 1. beak, bill | 2. mountain peak, mountain top, pinnacle | 3. woodpecker
pic nic: 1. picnic
piedra: 1. stone
piel: 1. fur, hide, skin | 2. skin | 3. fur, fur coat, fur piece
pierna: 1. leg | 2. leg, paw
piernas torcidas hacia afuera: 1. knock-kneed legs, turned-in legs
pieza: 1. fragment, lump, piece | 2. part, piece, share
pijama: 1. pyjamas
pila: 1. battery
pimienta: 1. pepper
pimiento: 1. paprika
pino: 1. pine, pine-tree
pintar: 1. paint
pintor: 1. painter
pintoresco: 1. picturesque
pintura: 1. dye, paint | 2. painting, picture
piojo: 1. louse
pipa: 1. pipe
pirenaico: 1. Pyrenean
piscina: 1. pool, swimming-bath, swimming-pool
piso: 1. apartment, flat | 2. floor, storey, story
piso bajo: 1. ground-floor
pistón: 1. piston
piña: 1. pineapple
placer: 1. pleasure | 2. fun, pleasure
plancha: 1. iron, flat-iron
planchar: 1. iron, iron clothes
plano: 1. even, flat, level, smooth | 2. map | 3. design, diagram, plan, plane
planta: 1. sole | 2. plant
plantar: 1. plant
plantío: 1. planting
plata: 1. silver
plataforma: 1. platform
plataforma posterior: 1. rear platform
platija: 1. plaice
platillo: 1. cymbal | 2. saucer
plato: 1. food | 2. menu | 3. plate
playa: 1. beach
plaza: 1. plaza, square, public square
plaza de toros: 1. bullring | 2. bullring
pleito: 1. complaint
plemear: 1. high tide
plombo: 1. lead
pluma: 1. feather
plástico: 1. plastic
plátano: 1. banana | 2. banana
población: 1. population | 2. folk, nation, people | 3. city, town
pobre: 1. miserable, poor | 2. abject, dismal, meager, miserable, wretched | 3. poor | 4. miserable, needy
pobreza: 1. poverty
pobrezo: 1. misery
poco: 1. a little, rather, some, somewhat, to some extent | 2. a little, rather | 3. little
poco a poco: 1. gradually, little by little
podadera: 1. bill, pruning-knife
podadera de mango largo: 1. pole pruner
podadera de mano tipo yunque: 1. anvil pruner
podadera de vanilla: 1. pole pruner
poder: 1. be able to | 2. ability
podrido: 1. addled, bad, rotten
poesía: 1. poetry
polaca: 1. Polish woman
polaco: 1. Polish | 2. Pole
polaina: 1. gaiter, legging
policía: 1. police
pollo: 1. chick, chicken
polonesa: 1. Polish woman
polonés: 1. Polish | 2. Pole
polvo: 1. dust
polvos: 1. powder, cosmetic powder | 2. powder
política: 1. policy, politics
político: 1. politician
pomelo: 1. grapefruit
poner: 1. put on, start, switch on, turn on | 2. turn on | 3. lay | 4. lay down, place, put, put down
ponerse: 1. attitudinize, pose, put on airs | 2. put on | 3. dress, get dressed | 4. dress
poner en depósito: 1. deposit
poner pleito a: 1. sue
poney: 1. pony
popa: 1. poop, poopdeck, stern | 2. stern | 3. poop, poopdeck, stern
poquito: 1. a little, rather
por: 1. a, in, inside, into, on, per, within | 2. a, per | 3. through
porciento: 1. percent, percentage
porque: 1. because, for the reason that | 2. because, for the reason that | 3. as, because, for, since
portamonedas: 1. purse, wallet
portero: 1. porter
portuguesa: 1. Portuguese woman
portugués: 1. Portuguese | 2. Portuguese, Portuguese language | 3. Portuguese
portátil: 1. portable
porvenir: 1. future
por decirlo así: 1. so to speak
por ejemplo: 1. for example, for instance
por eso: 1. on that account, therefore | 2. on that account, therefore
por favor: 1. please
por fin: 1. at last, finally, ultimately
por fortuna: 1. fortunately | 2. unfortunately
por la derecha: 1. right, to the right
por la izquierda: 1. left, to the left
por la mañana: 1. in the morning
por la noche: 1. in the evening
por la tarde: 1. in the evening
por lo más: 1. at most | 2. at most
por lo tocante a: 1. about, concerning | 2. about, concerning, on, upon | 3. as to, as regards, concerning
por medio de: 1. by, by means of, on, through, with
por qué: 1. what for, why | 2. why | 3. what for, wherefore, why | 4. what for, wherefore, why
por razón de oficio: 1. officially
por separado: 1. apart, separately
por suerte: 1. by accident, by chance
poseer: 1. own, possess
posible: 1. possible
postal: 1. picture postcard | 2. postcard
poste: 1. pole, post, stanchion, stake
postre: 1. dessert
postrero: 1. last
practicable: 1. passable, practicable | 2. passable, practicable
precavido: 1. careful, cautious | 2. careful, cautious
precio: 1. price
precio de entrada: 1. admission, admission fee
precipicio: 1. abyss, chasm, gulf, precipice
precipitadamente: 1. hastily, hurriedly, in a hurry
preciso: 1. accurate, precise | 2. correct, exact, proper, right
preferir: 1. prefer
pregunta: 1. question
preguntar: 1. ask
preguntarse: 1. ask oneself, wonder
prejuicio: 1. prejudice
premiar: 1. award a prize
preocupar: 1. agitate, alarm
preparar: 1. prepare
presa: 1. dam
presencia: 1. presence
presentación: 1. accession | 2. presentation
presente: 1. present
preservativo: 1. condom, rubber
presión: 1. pressure
prestar: 1. borrow | 2. borrow, lend, loan
preste: 1. priest
presumido: 1. attitudinizer, poseur
presupuesto: 1. budget, estimate, estimates
pretensión: 1. offer, offer of parriage | 2. offer, offer of marriage, proposal | 3. claim, presumption, pretence
pretina: 1. belt, girdle
prever: 1. foresee
prima: 1. cousin
primavera: 1. spring, springtime
primeramente: 1. first, firstly, first of all
primero: 1. first | 2. first, firstly, first of all
primeros socorros: 1. first aid | 2. first aid
primitivo: 1. initial
primo: 1. cousin
primo segundo: 1. second cousin
princesa: 1. princess
principal: 1. most important | 2. main, predominant, principal | 3. chief, main, major, principal
principalmente: 1. above all, especially, chiefly, mainly, principally | 2. chiefly
principiante: 1. beginner
principiar: 1. begin, commence, start
principio: 1. beginning, commencement, start | 2. beginning, commencement, start | 3. principle
prisa: 1. haste | 2. speed | 3. urgency
prisión: 1. jail, gaol, prison | 2. jail, gaol, prison | 3. jail, gaol, prison
privar: 1. rob
probablemente: 1. probably
probar: 1. attempt, test, try | 2. prove | 3. try on | 4. try on
procedente de: 1. a native of, coming from
proceso: 1. action, lawsuit
proceso verbal: 1. minutes, protocol
proclamación: 1. proclamation
proclamar: 1. issue, proclaim
procurarse: 1. achieve, acquire, attain, get, obtain | 2. buy, get, procure | 3. buy, get, procure
producción: 1. making, manifacture | 2. making, manufacture
producir: 1. activate, cause, give rise to | 2. afford, bear, produce
producto: 1. product
profesional: 1. professional
profesión: 1. profession
profundidad: 1. depth
profundo: 1. deep, profound
progreso: 1. advance, advancement, progress
prohibir: 1. forbid, prohibit
prohijar: 1. affiliate
promesa: 1. affirmation, promise
prometer: 1. promise
prometida: 1. bride, fiancée
prometido: 1. fiancé
promulgar: 1. issue, proclaim
pronombre demonstrativo: 1. demonstrative, demonstrative pronoun | 2. demonstrative, demonstrative pronoun
pronto: 1. soon | 2. fast, quickly, swiftly
pronunciación: 1. pronunciation
pronunciar: 1. pronounce | 2. pronounce
propiedad: 1. ownership
propietario: 1. owner
propina: 1. tip
propio: 1. own, personal
proposición: 1. offer, tender
propulsión: 1. drive
propósito: 1. design, diagram, plan, plane | 2. plan, project, scheme
prostituta: 1. prostitute
protección: 1. protection
protectar: 1. protect
protector: 1. patron
proteger: 1. protect
protegido: 1. protégé
protesta: 1. protest
protestante: 1. Protestant
protestar: 1. protest
provecho: 1. benefit, gain, profit | 2. gain, profit | 3. advantage, benefit
proveniente: 1. coming
provisionalmente: 1. for the time being, temporarily
proyectar: 1. make a project of, plan
prudente: 1. thoughtful | 2. careful, cautious
prueba: 1. problem, trouble | 2. proof, sign, token
prusiano: 1. Prussian | 2. Prussian
prémio: 1. premium, prize
príncipe: 1. prince
próximo: 1. future | 2. close, near, nearby, next | 3. following, next | 4. next
psiquiatra: 1. psychiatrist
publicación: 1. advice, announcement, communication, message, notice, report
publicar: 1. advertise, announce, give notice | 2. publish, reveal | 3. acquaint, let know, inform
pudín: 1. pudding
pueblecito: 1. hamlet, township
pueblo: 1. folk, nation, people | 2. village
puente: 1. bridge
puerta: 1. gate, gateway, portal | 2. door
puerta trasera: 1. back-door
puerto: 1. harbor, harbour, port
puesta del sol: 1. sunset
puesto: 1. barn, shed, stand
puesto de Primeros Auxilios: 1. first-aid station
puesto que: 1. because, for the reason that | 2. because, for the reason that | 3. as, because, for, since
pulga: 1. flea
pulgar: 1. thumb | 2. thumb
pulmón: 1. lung
pulsera: 1. bracelet | 2. bracelet
punta: 1. peak, point, tip, summit
puntiagudo: 1. pointed, spiked
punto: 1. dot, period, point, spot
punto de contacto: 1. starting point
punto de partida: 1. starting point
punto inicial: 1. starting point
purgante: 1. laxative
puro: 1. pure
puré de patatas: 1. mashed potatoes
pus: 1. pus
puta: 1. hooker, whore
putrefacción: 1. corruption, decay, depravation, taint | 2. decay
puño: 1. fist
pájaro: 1. bird
pálido: 1. pale, sallow
párpado: 1. eyelid
párrafo: 1. paragraph
píldora: 1. pill
póliza: 1. policy, insurance policy
que: 1. that | 2. than
quebraja: 1. crack, crevice | 2. burst, crack, flaw
quebrar: 1. break
quedar: 1. meet | 2. be situated
quedarse: 1. remain, stay, stay over
quedarse atrás: 1. be kept in, be detained, remain, stay on
queja: 1. complaint
quejarse: 1. complain
quemado: 1. burnt
quemar: 1. burn | 2. be burnt down | 3. burn down
quemarse: 1. stick to the pan
queque: 1. cake
querer: 1. love | 2. desire, wish
querer decir: 1. aim, intend | 2. mean
querido: 1. beloved, loved one, lover, sweetheart, well-beloved | 2. best
queso: 1. cheese
quieto: 1. calm, quiet
quince: 1. fifteen
quinto: 1. fifth | 2. fifth
quitar: 1. abstract, take away
quitarse: 1. take off, put off | 2. absent onself, depart, go away, leave
quitar el polvo: 1. dust
quitar el polvo a: 1. dust
quizás: 1. maybe, mayhap, perchance, perhaps, possibly
química: 1. chemistry | 2. chemistry
químico: 1. chemist | 2. chemist
ración: 1. share
radiador: 1. radiator
radio: 1. radio, wireless
radio de acción: 1. radius
ralea: 1. property, quality
rama: 1. bough, branch
rana: 1. frog
raramente: 1. seldom
raro: 1. rare
rascar: 1. scratch
rata: 1. rat
ratón: 1. mouse
raya: 1. ray, strip, stripe
rayo: 1. beam, ray
rayos de Röntgen: 1. X-rays
rayos x: 1. X-rays
raza: 1. breed, race
razonable: 1. acceptable
reaccionar: 1. react, respond
realizar: 1. accomplish, achieve, act out | 2. produce
realizarse: 1. come about, happen, occur
rebaja: 1. abatement, discount, rebate
rebanada: 1. bread and butter
rebuznar: 1. bray
recado: 1. errand, message
recalar: 1. end up
recelo: 1. suspicion | 2. suspicion
recelocaz: 1. suspicion
receloso: 1. suspicious | 2. suspicious | 3. suspicious
receta: 1. prescription, recipe
rechazar: 1. reject | 2. reject | 3. refuse, reject
recibir: 1. get, have, receive
recibo: 1. receipt | 2. acknowledgement, receipt
recientemente: 1. recently
recipiente de agua: 1. basin, reservoir
recitar: 1. recite
recoger: 1. collect, gather, pick up | 2. get, lay hold of, pick up, take
recoger la mesa: 1. clear away, remove the cloth
recomendable: 1. recommendable
recomendación: 1. recommendation
recompensa: 1. compensation, reward
recompensar: 1. compensate, reward
recorrer: 1. cover, go through, pass through
recreación: 1. entertainment
recuerdo: 1. keepsake, memento, souvenir | 2. keepsake, memento, souvenir | 3. memory, recollection | 4. recollection
red: 1. net, network
redicho: 1. hackneyed | 2. hackneyed, hard-worked, stale, trite, worn-out
redondear: 1. round, round off
redondel: 1. arena
redondo: 1. round
reducción: 1. abatement, discount, rebate
reflexionar: 1. think, think about, reflect on
reflexión: 1. consultation, deliberation
reflujo: 1. low tide
refrenar: 1. control, govern, restrain, rule
refugio: 1. asylum | 2. Alpine hut, climber’s hut, mountain hut
regalo: 1. gift, present | 2. gift
regar: 1. irrigate, water | 2. water
registrar: 1. examine | 2. audit, check, check up on, supervise, verify | 3. record, register
registro: 1. account book, record, register
región: 1. region
regla: 1. regulation, rule
reglamento: 1. regulations, rules
rehusar: 1. reject | 2. refuse, reject
reina: 1. queen
reino: 1. kingdom
reja: 1. barrier, fence
relación: 1. relation, understanding | 2. relation
relampaguear: 1. lighten
relevar: 1. take the place of
relevo: 1. replacement, substitution
religión: 1. religion
relleno: 1. replacement, replenishment, supplement
reloj: 1. watch | 2. clock, watch
relojero: 1. watchmaker
reloj de pulsera: 1. watch, wrist-watch
relámpago: 1. lightning
remar: 1. row
remendar: 1. mend, patch, patch up
remitente: 1. sender | 2. sender
remo: 1. oar
remolacha: 1. beet
remolcar: 1. drag, tow
remolque: 1. trailer
renegado: 1. unfaithful
renunciar a: 1. relinquish, renounce, waive
reparar: 1. fix, repair
reparo: 1. criticism | 2. observation, remark, reproof | 3. observation, remark
repeler: 1. protect from, ward off
repetir: 1. repeat | 2. repeat
reponerse: 1. revive
reprender: 1. reproach, rebuke, reprove, scold | 2. blame, rebuke, reproach, reprove, scold
representante: 1. agent
representante exclusivo: 1. sole agent
representar: 1. act for, represent
reprimir: 1. bridle, check, restrain | 2. control, govern, restrain, rule
reprobable: 1. blameworthy, censurable, condemnable, objectionable
reprobación: 1. censure, condemnation, disapprobation, disapproval
reprobar: 1. condemn, disapprove, disapprove of, rebuke | 2. reproach, rebuke, reprove, scold | 3. blame, rebuke, reproach, reprove, scold
reproducción: 1. image, picture | 2. figure, diagram, image, picture, representation
reproducir: 1. depict, represent
repugnancia: 1. aversion, dislike | 2. disgust, nausea
repulsar: 1. reduce the price
república: 1. republic
requerir: 1. admonish, scold
resabio: 1. habit, trick
reservar: 1. reserve | 2. reserve | 3. book
resfriado: 1. cold | 2. cold
resignación: 1. acquiescence, rezignation
resistir: 1. resist, withstand
resolver: 1. decide
respaldo: 1. prop, support
respectar: 1. esteem, think well of
respecto de: 1. about, concerning | 2. about, concerning, on, upon | 3. as to, as regards, concerning
respetable: 1. respectable
respetar: 1. respect
respiración: 1. respiration | 2. breath
respirar: 1. exhale | 2. breathe
responder: 1. answer, reply, respond
responder a: 1. answer
responsabilidad: 1. responsibility
responsable: 1. accountable, responsible | 2. accountable, responsible
respuesta: 1. answer, reply
resquebrajarse: 1. burst, split | 2. burst
restar: 1. remain, stay, stay over
restaurante: 1. restaurant
resultado: 1. result
resultar: 1. point out to be
resumen: 1. abridgement, abstract, resumé, summery
retaguardia: 1. rear, rearguard | 2. defence, rear, rearguard
retener: 1. detain, hold back, retain
retirarse: 1. retreat
retiro: 1. isolation, separation
retraso: 1. delay, retardation | 2. adjournment, delay
retratar: 1. depict, represent
retrato: 1. image, picture | 2. figure, diagram, image, picture, representation
retrete: 1. toilet
retroceder: 1. go back, go backwards
retroceso: 1. decline, going down
retrovisor: 1. driving mirror
retrógrado: 1. backward, retrograde
reumatismo: 1. rheumatism
reunir: 1. join, unite | 2. join, unite
reunirse: 1. join
reunión: 1. joining, junction
revelar: 1. develop, reveal
reverso: 1. back, reverse, reverse side
revisar: 1. examine | 2. audit, check, check up on, supervise, verify | 3. revise
revisor: 1. guard
revista: 1. periodical | 2. magazine, periodical, revue
revés: 1. back, reverse, reverse side | 2. back, reverse, reverse side | 3. back, rear
rey: 1. king
rezagado: 1. laggard, straggler
rezar: 1. pray
reír: 1. laugh
reírse de: 1. laugh at
reñir: 1. quarrel, wrangle
rico: 1. nice, tasty
ridiculizar: 1. ridicule
ridículo: 1. ridiculous
riesgo: 1. hazard, risk
rigido: 1. rigid, stiff
rinceronte: 1. rhino, rhinoceros
riqueza: 1. abundance, affluence, wealth
risa: 1. laughter
ritmo: 1. rhythm
riñón: 1. kidney
robar: 1. rob | 2. steal
roble: 1. oak
robo: 1. abstraction, theft
roca: 1. reef | 2. rock
rocío: 1. dew
rodar: 1. roll
rodilla: 1. knee
rojo: 1. red | 2. red
romano: 1. Roman | 2. Roman | 3. Roman | 4. Roman
romería: 1. pilgrimage
romper: 1. break
románico: 1. Romanesque
ron: 1. rum
roncar: 1. snore
ropa: 1. clothes, clothing
ropa de la cama: 1. bed-clothes, bedding
rosa: 1. rose
rosado: 1. pink
rostro: 1. face
roto: 1. broken
rubio: 1. blond, fair
rueda posterior: 1. back wheel, hind wheel, rear wheel
ruego: 1. appeal, entreaty, supplication
ruido: 1. ado, din, noise | 2. sound | 3. agitation, riot, tumult
ruina: 1. ruin
ruiseñor: 1. nightingale
rumano: 1. Romanian, Rumanian | 2. Romanian
rusa: 1. Russian woman
ruso: 1. Russian | 2. Russian
ruta: 1. route | 2. route
rábano: 1. radish
rábano picante: 1. horse-radish, horseradish
rápido: 1. fast, quick, rapid, speedy, swift | 2. fast train | 3. fast train
récord: 1. record
río: 1. river
río Amazonas: 1. Amazon
saber: 1. know, know how
sabido: 1. well-known
saborear: 1. taste
sacacorchos: 1. corkscrew
sacerdote: 1. priest
sajón: 1. Saxon | 2. Saxon
salario: 1. salary, wage, wages
saldar: 1. liquidate | 2. pay
salida: 1. demand, sale | 2. exit, way out | 3. departure
salida del sol: 1. sunrise
salir: 1. exit, go out | 2. absent onself, depart, go away, leave | 3. drive away, drive off
salmo: 1. psalm
salmón: 1. salmon
salsa: 1. gravy, sauce
salsa de malzanas: 1. apple-sauce
salsa de manzanas: 1. apple-sauce
saltamontes: 1. grasshopper, locust
saltar: 1. jump, leap, spring
salteo: 1. assault
salto: 1. jump, leap
salud: 1. health
saludar: 1. greet, salute
saludo: 1. greeting, salutation | 2. greeting
salvar: 1. keep, save, rescue
salvia: 1. sage
salvo: 1. bar, barring, except for, subject to, without prejudice
sanar: 1. recover
sandalia: 1. sandal
sandwich: 1. sandwich
sangrar: 1. bleed
sangre: 1. blood
sangría: 1. bleeding, blood-letting
santa: 1. saint
santo: 1. saint
sapo: 1. toad
saque de comienzo: 1. kick-off
sartén: 1. frying-pan, frying pan
sastre: 1. tailor
satélite de la tierra: 1. earth satellite
sauce: 1. willow
secar: 1. dry
sección: 1. section
seco: 1. dry
secreción: 1. secretion
secreto: 1. hidden | 2. secret
secta: 1. sect
sed: 1. thirst
seducir: 1. attract, draw
segregar: 1. divide, separate
seguido: 1. directly, straigh ahead | 2. straight ahead, straight along
seguir: 1. follow
segundo: 1. second | 2. second
seguridad: 1. safety, security
seguro: 1. insurance | 2. safe, secure
seis: 1. six
sellar: 1. mark, stamp
sello: 1. stamp, postage stamp
sello de correos: 1. stamp, postage stamp
semanalmente: 1. weekly
sembrar: 1. sow
semejante: 1. like, alike, similar
sencillo: 1. simple, straightforward
sendero: 1. path
sensible: 1. sensitive
sentarse: 1. sit down | 2. sit down
sentencia: 1. decision, judgement
sentimiento: 1. feel, feeling, sensation
sentir: 1. be sorry about, regret | 2. feel, sense
sentirse: 1. feel
separación: 1. separation, partition | 2. isolation, separation
separado: 1. apart, particular, separate, special | 2. remote
separar: 1. divide, separate
septiembre: 1. September
ser: 1. be
sereno: 1. serene, untroubled
serie: 1. series, set
serio: 1. earnest, serious, staid
serpiente: 1. serpent, snake
servicial: 1. accommodating, helpful
servicio: 1. service, worship service | 2. attendance, service, waiting | 3. house charge, service charge | 4. service
servilleta: 1. napkin
servir: 1. accomodate | 2. serve | 3. serve
ser arrojado a la playa: 1. be washed ashore | 2. be washed ashore
ser de: 1. belong to
ser partidario de: 1. adhere to
ser presuntuoso: 1. attitudinize, pose, put on airs
sesenta: 1. sixty
seta: 1. fungus, mushroom | 2. mushroom
seudónimo: 1. pseudonym
severo: 1. severe, strict
sexo: 1. sex
sexto: 1. sixth
sexual: 1. generative, sexual
seña: 1. character, mark, sign, signal, token
señal: 1. mark, sign, signal, token
señas: 1. address
señorita: 1. madam, Mrs.
si: 1. as, like, such as | 2. if, provided that
siberiana: 1. Siberian
siberiano: 1. Siberian
sidra: 1. cider
siempre: 1. constantly, continually, continuously | 2. always, ever
sien: 1. temple
sierra: 1. mountain chain | 2. chain of mountains, mountain chain, mountain range, rand | 3. saw
siete: 1. seven
siglo: 1. centennial, century
significar: 1. imply, mean, signify
siguiente: 1. following, next
silbar: 1. whistle
silencio: 1. calm, quiet, silence | 2. silence
silla: 1. chair
sillón: 1. armchair
simple: 1. simple, straightforward
sin: 1. without
sincero: 1. above-board, honest | 2. above-board, sincere
sin aliento: 1. breathless
sin duda: 1. no doubt, undoubtedly
sistema: 1. system
sitiar: 1. besiege
sitio: 1. place | 2. location, place, spot | 3. seat | 4. siege
sobre: 1. envelope | 2. on, upon
sobretodo: 1. above all, especially, chiefly, mainly, principally | 2. chiefly
sobre todo: 1. above all, especially
sobrino: 1. nephew
sofocar: 1. choke, quell, suffocate, suppress
sol: 1. sun
solicitación: 1. request
solicitar: 1. ask, ask for, beg, bid, request
solicitud: 1. request
sollo: 1. sturgeon
solo: 1. alone, only, sole, solitary
soltero: 1. single, unmarried
solterona: 1. unmarried woman, spinster
solterón: 1. bachelor
sombra: 1. shadow | 2. shade
sombrero: 1. hat
somero: 1. shallow, superficial
sonido: 1. sound
sonreír: 1. smile
sonrisa: 1. smile
sopa: 1. soup
soplar: 1. blow
sordo: 1. deaf
sorprender: 1. surprise
sorpresa: 1. surprise
sosegado: 1. calm, tranquil
sosegar: 1. appease, calm, quiet, soothe, still
sosegarse: 1. abate, subside | 2. calm down
sospecha: 1. suspicion | 2. suspicion
sospechar: 1. suspect
sostener: 1. abet, support, sustain
sostén: 1. bra
soñar: 1. dream
su: 1. her, his, its, their | 2. her
subasta: 1. tender
subir: 1. ascend, get up, go up, lift, rise, arise | 2. ascend, climb, go up
subir a: 1. ascend, climb, scale
subscripción: 1. subscription
subscriptor: 1. subscriber
substantivo: 1. noun, substantive
substituir: 1. take the place of | 2. replace, substitute
subyugar: 1. govern, head up, restrain | 2. control, govern, restrain, rule
sucesivamente: 1. consecutively
sucesivo: 1. following, next
sucinto: 1. concise
sucio: 1. dirty, filthy, nasty, soiled, unclean
sudafricano: 1. South African
sudamericano: 1. South American
sudar: 1. sweat
sudor: 1. perspiration, sweat
sueco: 1. Swedish | 2. Swede
suela: 1. sole
suelo: 1. bottom, foundation, ground | 2. floor
suelto: 1. loose
suerte: 1. destiny, fate, fortune, luck | 2. kind, sort | 3. chance, luck
sueño: 1. sleep | 2. dream
suizo: 1. Swiss | 2. Swiss
sujetador: 1. bra
sujetar: 1. hang onto, hold
suma: 1. amount, sum
sumar: 1. add up, sum up
superficie: 1. summit, surface, top
supermercado: 1. supermarket | 2. supermarket
suplemento: 1. replacement, replenishment, supplement
suplicar: 1. implore, invoke
suponer: 1. guess, presume, suppose, surmise
sur: 1. south
surtido: 1. assortment
suscribirse: 1. subscribe, subscribe to
suscripción: 1. subscription
suscriptor: 1. subscriber
suspender: 1. reject
suspicaz: 1. suspicious | 2. suspicious | 3. suspicious
suspirar: 1. sigh
sustraer: 1. subtract
sábana: 1. sheet
séptimo: 1. seventh
sí: 1. yes
sólido: 1. firm, robust, sturdy | 2. firm, solid
sólo: 1. exclusively, just, only
sótano: 1. basement, cellar
tabaco: 1. tobacco
taberna: 1. bar, pub
tabique: 1. wall
tabla: 1. shelf | 2. lath, slat | 3. board, plank
tabla de planchar: 1. ironing board
taburete: 1. bar stool
taco: 1. nail | 2. taco
tacón: 1. heel
tajada: 1. slice
tal: 1. such, such a, that kind of
talento: 1. aptitude, disposition, talent, turn
talentoso: 1. gifted, talented | 2. accomplished, talented | 3. gifted, talented
taller: 1. workplace
talonario: 1. cheque-book
talón: 1. heel | 2. acknowledgement, receipt
tal vez: 1. maybe, mayhap, perchance, perhaps, possibly
tamaño: 1. dimension, measurement | 2. size
también: 1. also, likewise, too
tambor: 1. drum
tampoco: 1. neither, nor
tampón: 1. plug, tampon
tanque: 1. cistern, tank | 2. tank
tantico: 1. a little, rather
tanto: 1. that much
tapacubo: 1. hub-cap
tapicero: 1. paperer, paper-hanger
tapizar: 1. paper
tapon: 1. hub-cap
taquilla: 1. window, ticket-window
tardar: 1. be kept in, be detained, remain, stay on
tarde: 1. afternoon | 2. evening
tardío: 1. late, tardy
tarjeta: 1. card, map, menu | 2. postcard
tarjeta de crédito: 1. credit card
tarjeta postal: 1. picture postcard | 2. postcard
tarjeta postal ilustrada: 1. picture postcard | 2. picture postcard
tarta de manzana: 1. apple-tart
tasa: 1. assessment
taxi: 1. taxi
taza: 1. cup
teatro: 1. theatre
teatro de varietés: 1. variety entertainment
tejado: 1. roof
tela: 1. bit, lump, piece | 2. cloth, material
telegrama: 1. telegram
telemando: 1. remote control
televisión: 1. television, TV
teléfono: 1. telephone
temer: 1. be afraid of, fear
temeroso: 1. afraid | 2. afraid | 3. horrible
temor: 1. fear
temperatura: 1. temperature
tempestad: 1. storm
templo: 1. temple
temporada: 1. season
temprano: 1. early
tenazas: 1. pincers | 2. tongs | 3. pincers, pair of pincers
tenedor: 1. fork
tenedor de libros: 1. book-keeper
tener: 1. desire, wish | 2. have, have got | 3. own, possess | 4. hang onto, hold
tener cuidado: 1. advert, pay attention, pay attention to, watch out for
tener el propósito: 1. intend, mean
tener lugar: 1. come about, happen, occur
tener puesto: 1. wear
tener que: 1. have to, must, ought to, should
tener éxito: 1. succeed
tenga: 1. behold, here is, here are, look, there
tenis: 1. tennis
tensión: 1. tension
tentación: 1. disposal, inclination, tendency | 2. temptation
tercero: 1. third
tercio: 1. third
terciopelo: 1. velvet
terminado: 1. completed, done, finished, over, through
terminante: 1. effective, effectual, efficacious
terminar: 1. accomodate, end, finish, terminate
terminarse: 1. end, come to an end, end up, expire
termos: 1. thermos bottle | 2. thermos, thermos flask
termómetro: 1. thermometer
ternero: 1. calf
terraza: 1. terrace
terremoto: 1. earthquake
terrenal: 1. terrestrial | 2. earthen, earthly, terrestrial | 3. terrestrial
terreno: 1. ground, grounds, terrain
terreno del camping: 1. camping ground, camping site
terreno pantanoso: 1. marsh, swamp
terrestre: 1. terrestrial | 2. earthen, earthly, terrestrial | 3. terrestrial
testigo: 1. witness
tetera: 1. teapot | 2. tea-pot
texto: 1. lyric, text
teñir: 1. dye, tint
tibio: 1. lukewarm
tiburón: 1. shark
tiempo: 1. time, while | 2. weather
tienda: 1. boutique, shop, store
tienda de campaña: 1. tent
tierno: 1. soft
tierra: 1. earth, land, soil
tigre: 1. tiger
tijeras: 1. scissors
tijera para setos: 1. hedge clippers, hedge shears
tilo: 1. lime-tree, linden-tree
timbrar: 1. mark, stamp
timbre: 1. bell | 2. bell
timbre de alarma: 1. alarmbell
timón: 1. handlebars, helm, rudder | 2. rudder
tinieblas: 1. darkness, murk
tinta: 1. ink
tirantes: 1. braces, suspenders
tirar: 1. fire, shoot | 2. drag, draw, haul, pull, tug
titubear: 1. hesitate | 2. hesitate, waver
toalla: 1. towel
tobillo: 1. ankle
tocar: 1. touch upon | 2. play | 3. play | 4. sound | 5. touch
tocino: 1. bacon
todavia: 1. still, yet
toda clase de: 1. all, every kind of | 2. all sorts, all sorts of, miscellaneous, of all sorts
todo: 1. entire, overall, whole | 2. all, altogether, everything
todopoderoso: 1. almighty, all-powerful, omnipotent
todos: 1. all
tolerar: 1. endure, put up with, tolerate
tomar: 1. accept, receive, take, take in | 2. engulf, swallow up | 3. get, lay hold of, pick up, take
tomar en consideración: 1. account, consider, esteem, regard, take into account
tomate: 1. tomato
tomo: 1. volume
toque: 1. touch | 2. touch
torcido: 1. furious
tormenta: 1. storm
tornillo: 1. screw
toro: 1. bull
torre: 1. castle, tower
torta: 1. pie, tart
tortilla: 1. omelette
toser: 1. cough
trabajador: 1. hand, laborer, labourer, operative, worker, working man, workman
trabajar: 1. work
trabajo: 1. job, work
traducir: 1. translate
traer: 1. bring, fetch
tragar: 1. engulf, swallow up | 2. swallow
traje: 1. costume, outfit, suit
traje de baño: 1. bathing suit, bathing-suit
tranquilo: 1. calm, tranquil
transbordador: 1. ferry
transitable: 1. passable, practicable | 2. passable, practicable
transitivo: 1. transitive
transpirar: 1. sweat
transportar: 1. transport
transporte: 1. transport
tranvía: 1. streetcar, tram
tras: 1. behind, after
trasladar: 1. copy
traslado: 1. copy
trasporte: 1. transport
trastornar: 1. overthrow, turn, turn over, upset
tratado: 1. treaty
tratamiento: 1. treatment | 2. treatment | 3. treatment
tratar: 1. treat | 2. deal with, handle, treat
tratar de: 1. aim, attempt, endeavour, take steps, undertake
trato: 1. treatment
trece: 1. thirteen
treinta: 1. thirty
tremblar: 1. quiver, shiver, tremble
tren: 1. train | 2. train
tren corrido: 1. corridor train
trepar: 1. climb
tres: 1. three
tresillo: 1. lounge suite, three-piece suite
tres veces: 1. three times, thrice
tributo: 1. tax | 2. tribute
tricar: 1. carrier cycle, carrier tricycle
trigo: 1. wheat
trillado: 1. hackneyed | 2. hackneyed, hard-worked, stale, trite, worn-out
trinquete: 1. clique, coterie, junto, set
tripulación: 1. crew | 2. crew
triste: 1. sad | 2. bleak, dismal, dreary, gaunt, miserable, sad, somber | 3. dismal, gaunt, miserable, sad
tristeza: 1. sadness, sorrow
trivial: 1. commonplace, dismal, trite
trombón: 1. trumpet
tronar: 1. thunder
tronco: 1. stem, trunk, tree-trunk | 2. stem, trunk
trono: 1. throne
trozo: 1. slice
trucha: 1. trout
trueno: 1. thunder
tráfico: 1. traffic
tráfico de dirección única: 1. one-way traffic
tu: 1. your | 2. your
tubo receptor: 1. cathode tube | 2. cathode tube
tuerca: 1. nut | 2. nut
tumba: 1. grave, tomb
tumor: 1. tumor, tumour
turca: 1. Turkish lady, Turkish woman
turco: 1. Turkish | 2. Turk
turista: 1. tourist
turno: 1. file, line, rank, row, turn
tutear: 1. thee and thou
tápa: 1. cover, hood, lid
té: 1. tea
técnica: 1. technics, technique
término: 1. end, ending
tía: 1. aunt
tímido: 1. afraid, timid
tío: 1. uncle
título: 1. superscription
tóxico: 1. poisonous
tú: 1. thou, you | 2. thou, you
túnel: 1. tunnel
uf: 1. shame
ultrajar: 1. abuse, insult, offend
un: 1. one | 2. a, an
una: 1. one | 2. a, an
unas: 1. a few, any, some
una vez: 1. once, one time
unirse: 1. associate, join, pool
universal: 1. general, usual
universidad: 1. university
unión: 1. joining, junction
uno: 1. one
unos: 1. a few, any, some
uno y medio: 1. one and a half
un momento: 1. a few minutes, a moment
urbano: 1. urban
urgente: 1. pressing, urgent
urgentemente: 1. urgently
urraca: 1. magpie
usado: 1. worn | 2. used
usar: 1. use up, wear out | 2. employ, use, make use of
uso: 1. use
usted: 1. thou, you | 2. ye, you
ustedes: 1. ye, you
uva: 1. grape
uña: 1. nail
vaca: 1. cow
vacaciones: 1. vacation
vaciar: 1. empty | 2. bottle
vacilación: 1. hesitation, wavering | 2. hesitation
vacilar: 1. hesitate | 2. hesitate, waver
vacío: 1. empty, void
vainilla: 1. vanilla
vale: 1. agreed, okay
valer: 1. be worth
valle: 1. valley
valor: 1. courage | 2. value, worth
valorar en: 1. blame, hold against
valuta: 1. currency
vampiro: 1. vampire
variar: 1. vary
variedad: 1. variety
varios: 1. several
vasco: 1. Basque | 2. Basque, Basque language | 3. Basque
vascuence: 1. Basque | 2. Basque, Basque language
vaso: 1. glass | 2. vase, vessel
vecino: 1. adjacent | 2. adjacent, adjoining | 3. adjacent, nearby, neighbouring | 4. neighbour
vegetación: 1. vegetation
vegetariano: 1. vegetarian
veinte: 1. twenty
veinte y uno: 1. twenty-one
vejiga: 1. bladder, bubble
vela: 1. candle
velludo: 1. hairy, hirsute
velocidad: 1. speed
velocidad inicial: 1. initial velocity
vena: 1. vein
vencimiento: 1. end, terminate
vendaje: 1. bandage | 2. bandage
vendar: 1. dress
vendedor: 1. salesman
vendedora: 1. saleswoman
vender: 1. dispose of, sell, vend
veneno: 1. poison
venganza: 1. revenge, vengeance
vengar: 1. avenge, avenge oneself
venir: 1. come
venir después: 1. arrive afterwards, come afterwards, come later, follow
venta: 1. sale
ventaja: 1. advantage, benefit | 2. advantage, benefit
ventana: 1. window
ventilador: 1. electric fan, ventilator
ventilar: 1. aerate, air out, give an airing, ventilate
ver: 1. see
verano: 1. summer
verbena: 1. fair
verdad: 1. reality, truth
verdaderamente: 1. absolutely, genuinly, indeed, really, truly
verdadero: 1. true
verde: 1. green | 2. green
verduras: 1. vegetable
vergonzoso: 1. ashamed | 2. humiliating
vergüenza: 1. shame
vermut: 1. vermouth
verter: 1. pour in
vestido: 1. dress, gown, robe
vestir: 1. cover, overlay | 2. clothe, dress
vestirse: 1. dress, get dressed | 2. dress
vestíbulo: 1. hall
veterinario: 1. veterinarian | 2. veterinarian
viajar: 1. travel
viaje: 1. journey, trip, voyage
viajero: 1. traveller
viaticar: 1. administer the last sacraments
victoria: 1. victory
vida: 1. life
vidrio: 1. glass
viejo: 1. old | 2. old
viento: 1. wind
vientre: 1. abdomen, belly, tummy
viernes: 1. Friday
viga: 1. beam, girder
vigilar: 1. guard, keep, look after, watch over
vinagre: 1. vinegar
violento: 1. acute, intense, intensive
violoncelo: 1. cello
virtud: 1. energy | 2. force, strength, vigour | 3. courage | 4. ability | 5. morality, vice | 6. chastity, purity
visado: 1. visa, visé
visita: 1. visit
visitación: 1. inspection
visitar: 1. attend, call on, see, visit
vista: 1. appearance, aspect, look, sight, view | 2. exterior | 3. view | 4. view | 5. examination | 6. sight, view
vitamina: 1. vitamin
viudo: 1. widower
vivir: 1. be alive, live
vivo: 1. alive
viña: 1. vine
volante: 1. handlebars, helm, rudder | 2. joystick, steering-wheel
volar: 1. fly
voltaje: 1. tension, voltage
voluntad: 1. will, willingness, wish
voluntariamente: 1. willingly
volver: 1. turn away | 2. go back, return | 3. come back, return | 4. turn, turn around, turn round
vomitar: 1. throw up, vomit
vosotras: 1. you
vosotros: 1. you
votar: 1. vote
voz: 1. voice
vuelo: 1. flight
válido: 1. valid
válvula: 1. tube, valve
vía: 1. path, road, way | 2. road, route, way
víbora: 1. adder, viper
xilófono: 1. xylophone
y: 1. and
ya: 1. already, by now, yet
yate: 1. yacht
ya … no: 1. no longer
ya que: 1. because, for the reason that | 2. because, for the reason that | 3. as, because, for, since
yedra: 1. ivy
yerba: 1. grass
yerno: 1. son-in-law
yerro: 1. aberration, error, mistake
yo: 1. I | 2. I | 3. I | 4. I
yodo: 1. iodine
yogur: 1. yoghourt, yoghurt
yugo: 1. yoke
y tambien: 1. and also, and … as well, as well as, together with
y también: 1. and also, and … as well, as well as, together with
zalamero: 1. affectionate, caressing, cuddlesome, cuddly
zambullirse: 1. dive, plunge
zanahoria: 1. carrot
zanja: 1. hole, ditch, pit
zapatero: 1. shoemaker
zapatilla: 1. slipper
zapato: 1. shoe
zarza: 1. blackberry, blackberry bush, bramble
zarzamora: 1. blackberry
zelandés: 1. Zealand | 2. Zealander
zinc: 1. zinc
zona: 1. zone
zorro: 1. fox
zote: 1. addled, foolish, stupid
zumo: 1. juice, sap
zumo de naranja: 1. orange juice
zurrar: 1. thrash
África: 1. Africa
África del Sur: 1. South Africa
ágata: 1. agate
ágil: 1. adroit, clever, dexterous, skillful
águila: 1. eagle
álamo: 1. poplar
álbum: 1. album
álgebra: 1. algebra
ámbar amarillo: 1. amber
ángulo: 1. angle
árabe: 1. Arabian, Arabic | 2. Arab
árbol: 1. tree
árido: 1. barren | 2. dreary
áspero: 1. coarse, rough | 2. severe, strict
áspid: 1. adder, viper
átomo: 1. atom
ávido: 1. acquisitive, eager, greedy
él: 1. he, him
ídolo: 1. idol
ópera: 1. opera
óptico: 1. optician
órbita: 1. orbit
úlcera: 1. ulcer, sore
último: 1. last
único: 1. alone, only, sole, solitary | 2. unique
útero: 1. uterus, womb
ñajú: 1. gumbo, okra, okra plant
ñame: 1. yam
ñandu: 1. American ostrich, nandu
ñaña: 1. elder sister
ñaño: 1. elder brother