
Rumanian to English

Africa: 1. Africa
Africa de Sud: 1. South Africa
Albania: 1. Albania
Alexandru: 1. Alexander
America de Sud: 1. South America
Anglia: 1. England | 2. England
Argentina: 1. Argentina
Asia: 1. Asia
Australia: 1. Australia
Austria: 1. Austria
Belgia: 1. Belgium
Bessarabia: 1. Bessarabia
Brazilia: 1. Brazil
Bucures,ti: 1. Bucharest
Bulgaria: 1. Bulgaria
Canada: 1. Canada
Carpat,ii: 1. Carpathians; Carpathian mountains
Cehoslovacia: 1. Czechoslovakia
Crauciun: 1. Christmas; Yule
Danemarca: 1. Denmark
Dumnezeu: 1. God
Dunaurea: 1. Danube
Egipt: 1. Egypt
Elvet,ia: 1. Switzerland
Europa: 1. Europa | 2. Europe | 3. Europa
Finlanda: 1. Finland
Frant,a: 1. France
Germania: 1. Germany
Grecia: 1. Greece
India: 1. India
Iran: 1. Iran; Persia
Irlanda: 1. Ireland
Islanda: 1. Iceland
Italia: 1. Italy
Iugoslavia: 1. Yugoslavia
Izrael: 1. Israel | 2. Israel
Japonia: 1. Japan
Londra: 1. London
Marea Britanie: 1. Britain; Great Britain
Marea Neagrau: 1. Black Sea; Euxine Sea
Mexic: 1. Mexico
Moldova: 1. Moldavia
Muntenia: 1. Wallachia | 2. Wallachia
Norvegia: 1. Norway
Noua Zelandau: 1. New Zealand
Olanda: 1. Holland
Pakistan: 1. Pakistan
Polonia: 1. Poland
Portugalia: 1. Portugal
Roma: 1. Rome
România: 1. Romania
Rusia: 1. Russia
S.U.A.: 1. United States of America; USA
Scot,ia: 1. Scotland
Spania: 1. Spain
Statele Unite ale Americii: 1. United States of America; USA
Suedia: 1. Sweden
Transilvania: 1. Transylvania
Turcia: 1. Turkey
Ungaria: 1. Hungary
Valahia: 1. Wallachia | 2. Wallachia
abandona: 1. abandon; forsake; desert; leave; quit
aboli: 1. abolish; abrogate
abona: 1. subscribe; subscribe to
abroga: 1. abolish; abrogate | 2. abjure; abolish; abrogate; annul; cancel; remit
absent: 1. absent | 2. absent
acasau: 1. at home
accepta: 1. accept; receive; take; take in
accident: 1. accident
acomoda: 1. adapt; adjust
acoperi: 1. cover
acord: 1. accede; agree; consent
actor: 1. actor
acum: 1. at present; now
acuma: 1. at present; now
acum …: 1. … ago
acuza: 1. accuse
adapta: 1. adapt; adjust
adesea: 1. frequently; often; regularly
adevaurat: 1. actual; practical; real | 2. true
adicau: 1. namely; viz.
admira: 1. admire
adora: 1. adore; worship
adormi: 1. lull; rock
adresau: 1. address
aduce: 1. bring; fetch
aduna: 1. abstract; deduce; gather | 2. collect; gather; pick up
adînc: 1. deep; profound
adauuga: 1. add
aer: 1. air
aeroplan: 1. aeroplane; airplane; plane | 2. aircraft
aeroport: 1. aerodrome; airdrome; airfield | 2. airport | 3. airport
afacere: 1. affair; business; business deal; case; matter
afinau: 1. blueberry
agita: 1. agitate; shake; shock
agaut,a: 1. droop; hang
ajunge: 1. accomplish; achieve; attain; get; reach
ajuta: 1. abet; aid; assist; help | 2. accomodate; aid; assist; help
ajutor: 1. aid; help | 2. aid; help
alb: 1. white
albastru: 1. blue
alcool: 1. alcohol
alege: 1. choose; elect; pick out
alerga: 1. collide; run
aliment: 1. food
alinta: 1. coddle; pamper; pet
alt: 1. other; another; else
altfel: 1. differently; else
aluminiu: 1. aluminium; aluminum
aluneca: 1. skid; slip | 2. glide; slip
alunga: 1. chase away; drive away; expel
amenint,a: 1. menace; threaten
american: 1. American | 2. American
aminti: 1. recall; recollect; remember
amuza: 1. amuse
an: 1. year
ancorau: 1. anchor
animal: 1. animal | 2. animal; beast
aniversa: 1. celebrate
antebrat,: 1. lowerarm
antrena: 1. coach; train
anula: 1. abjure; abolish; abrogate; annul; cancel; remit
anume: 1. namely; viz.
anunt,: 1. ad; advertisement
anunt,a: 1. advertise; announce; give notice
apartament: 1. apartment; flat
apleca: 1. incline; be inclined
aplica: 1. apply; practice
aprecia: 1. appraise; estimate; rate
aprilie: 1. April
aproape: 1. nearby | 2. afar; far; far away; remotely | 3. almost; nearly
aproape de: 1. at; beside; by; near; nearby; near to; next to
apropo: 1. by the way | 2. about; concerning; on; upon
apuca: 1. capture; catch; grapple
apau: 1. water
apaura: 1. defend
apaurea: 1. appear; emerge; perform
apausa: 1. push; thrust
aranja: 1. arrange; put in order; tidy
arde: 1. burn
arhitect: 1. architect
arma: 1. arm
armatau: 1. army | 2. army
armonicau: 1. accordion
articol: 1. article; commodity
artificial: 1. artificial
artau: 1. art
arunca: 1. throw
asculta: 1. listen
ascunde: 1. conceal; hide
asigura: 1. attach; determine; fasten; fix; affix; make fast; secure
aspirinau: 1. aspirin
atent: 1. attentive
atent,ie: 1. acuity; advertence; advertency; attention
atinge: 1. touch
atrage: 1. attract; draw | 2. attract; decoy; lure
atîrna: 1. droop; hang
august: 1. August
autobuz: 1. bus; autobus; omnibus
automat: 1. automatic
autor: 1. author | 2. author; writer
autoridade: 1. authority
auzi: 1. hear
avansa: 1. advance; march on
avea: 1. have; have got | 2. own; possess
avea încredere: 1. have faith; have faith in; trust | 2. confide; have confidence in; trust; entrust
avion: 1. aeroplane; airplane; plane | 2. aircraft
azi: 1. today
as,a: 1. so; such; thus
as,eza: 1. lay | 2. lay down; place; put; put down
as,tepta: 1. abide; expect; wait; await; wait for
at,ît,a: 1. abet; excite; incite; provoke; rouse; stimulate; stir up | 2. encourage; impel; instigate; spur on; stimulate; urge
bagaj: 1. baggage; luggage
baie: 1. bath | 2. bathroom
balansa: 1. rock; swing
balcon: 1. balcony
bancnotau: 1. banknote
bancau: 1. bank | 2. bench
bani: 1. money
bar: 1. bar; pub
bate: 1. beat; hit; strike
bea: 1. drink; drink to excess | 2. drink
bere: 1. ale; beer
bibliotecau: 1. bookcase
biftec: 1. steak; beefsteak
bilet: 1. bill; ticket; note
bine: 1. okay; well
birou: 1. desk; writing desk; writingdesk
bisericau: 1. church; churchbuilding; house of worship; place of worship
blasfemia: 1. blaspheme; cuss; curse; swear
blestema: 1. blaspheme; cuss; curse; swear | 2. curse; cuss; swear
bluzau: 1. blouse
bogat: 1. affluent; rich; wealthy; welloff
bolnav: 1. ill; sick
bolta: 1. arc; bow
bomba incendiarau: 1. incendiary bomb
bomboanau: 1. gentle; soft; sweet; tender
bombau: 1. bomb
brat,: 1. arm | 2. upper arm; upperarm
britanic: 1. British
bucautaurie: 1. kitchen
bulevard: 1. boulevard
bun: 1. good; nice; okay
butoi: 1. barrel
buzunar: 1. pocket
bauga la închisoare: 1. imprison; jail
bauiat: 1. boy; lad; laddie
baurbat: 1. fellow; man
bautrinau: 1. gammer; old woman
bautrîn: 1. old | 2. old man
cabanau: 1. cabin; hut; shack
cafea: 1. coffee
caisau: 1. apricot
cal: 1. horse
cald: 1. warm
cam: 1. a little; rather; some; somewhat; to some extent
camerau: 1. chamber; room
camerau fotografica: 1. camera
canal: 1. canal; channel
canau: 1. jug; pitcher
cap: 1. head; pate
capabil: 1. able; capable
captura: 1. capture; catch; grapple
carte: 1. book
cartof: 1. potato
casau: 1. house
categorie: 1. category
causau: 1. cause; reason
cauzau: 1. account; reason
cazarma: 1. barracks | 2. barracks
ceai: 1. tea
ceas: 1. clock; watch
ceas,cau: 1. cup
celebra: 1. celebrate
centru: 1. centre
cer: 1. heaven; sky
cerceta: 1. examine; explore; investigate; research
cere: 1. ask; ask for; beg; bid; request
cernealau: 1. ink
cetate: 1. citadel | 2. city; metropolis | 3. city; town
ceva: 1. anything; something
chelner: 1. waiter
cheltui: 1. transact money
chema: 1. call; summon
chiar: 1. even
ci: 1. but
cinci: 1. five
cinema: 1. cinema; movie theatre
ciocolatau: 1. chocolate
circula: 1. be about; circulate
citi: 1. read
cititor: 1. reader
clar: 1. clearly
clarifica: 1. account for; clarify; explain
clasau: 1. class
client: 1. client; customer
claudi: 1. build
claudire: 1. building
clautina: 1. agitate; shake; shock
coastau: 1. coast; seaside; shore
cofetaurie: 1. café; coffeehouse
colabora: 1. cooperate; cooperate
colecta: 1. collect; gather; pick up
coleg: 1. colleague
colora: 1. colour; paint
colt,: 1. corner
comanda: 1. command; be in command; order | 2. command; order; tell
combina: 1. combine
comedie: 1. comedy
compune: 1. compose; create; write
compautimi: 1. have compassion on; pity
concert: 1. concert
concluziona: 1. compose; conclude; dispatch; settle
concura: 1. compete; rival
conduce: 1. conduct; direct; guide; head; lead | 2. command; be in command; order | 3. conduct; guide; lead | 4. control; govern; restrain; rule
constata: 1. ascertain; establish; take note
construi: 1. build; construct | 2. build
cont: 1. account
contabilul: 1. bookkeeper
continua: 1. continue; hold; last
contra: 1. across from; against; in exchange for; opposed to; opposite; upon
controla: 1. control; govern; restrain; rule
conversat,ie: 1. conversation
convinge: 1. convince; persuade
cont,ine: 1. comprise; contain; include
coopera: 1. cooperate; cooperate
copia: 1. copy
corp: 1. body
costa: 1. cost
costum: 1. costume; outfit; suit
costum de baie: 1. bathing suit; bathingsuit
cos,: 1. basket
crap: 1. carp
crea: 1. create | 2. compose; create; write
crede: 1. account; accredit; believe; deem
creion: 1. pencil
cres,te: 1. breed; keep; raise; rear | 2. breed; bring up; educate; raise
craupa: 1. splinter; split
cu: 1. with
culege: 1. collect; gather; pick up
culoare: 1. colour; dye
cumpaurautor: 1. client; customer
cunoas,te: 1. be acquainted with; know | 2. know; know how
cuprinde: 1. comprise; contain; include
curaj: 1. courage
curge: 1. flow
curios: 1. agog; inquisitive | 2. agog; inquisitive
curmezis,ul: 1. across; beyond; on the other side of
curte: 1. court; yard; courtyard
curînd: 1. soon
curaut,a: 1. clean; cleanse; make clean; purge
cutie: 1. box
cuvînt: 1. word
cîine: 1. dog
cîmpie: 1. plain
cînta: 1. sing
s,tiga: 1. earn; gain; win | 2. defeat; win over
cau: 1. that
caudea: 1. drop; fall
caulca: 1. pace; stalk; step; stride; tread | 2. tread
caulautori: 1. travel
caulautorie: 1. journey; trip; voyage
caumilau: 1. camel
causautori: 1. marry; wed
cautre: 1. at; to; toward; towards
cauuta: 1. search
da: 1. give | 2. yes
dacau: 1. if; provided that
dansa: 1. dance
dar: 1. but
datau: 1. date
da voie: 1. allow; leave; let; release
deal: 1. hill
deasupra: 1. above; over
debloca: 1. unlock
decembrie: 1. December
deci: 1. on that account; therefore
decide: 1. decide
decor: 1. décor; decoration
decora: 1. adorn; decorate; ornament | 2. adorn; decorate; ornament
deja: 1. already; by now; yet
deltau: 1. delta
demola: 1. break down; demolish; pull down; take down
demonstra: 1. demonstrate; prove | 2. demonstrate; manifest; show
demonta: 1. dismantle; unrig
dentist: 1. dentist
denunt,a: 1. accuse; denounce
deoarece: 1. as; because; for; since
deosebi: 1. distinguish
departe: 1. away
depune: 1. lay down; place; put; put down
depaus,i: 1. overhaul; overtake; pass
deranja: 1. bother; disturb; hinder; trouble
derapa: 1. skid; slip
des: 1. frequently; often; regularly
deschide: 1. open; open up
descoperi: 1. discover; uncover
descrie: 1. describe
descuia: 1. unlock
descuraja: 1. deter; discourage; scare
desena: 1. design; draw
desert: 1. dessert
desface: 1. dismantle; unrig
desfiint,a: 1. abolish; abrogate
desigur: 1. certainly
despica: 1. splinter; split
despre: 1. about; concerning; on; upon
despaurt,i: 1. divide; separate; share | 2. splinter; split
determina: 1. determine; fix | 2. abstract; induce; gather; infer
detesta: 1. abhor; abominate; loathe | 2. hate
devansa: 1. overhaul; overtake; pass
deveni: 1. become; come about; grow; happen | 2. become; get; grow
devreme: 1. early
dezamaugi: 1. disappoint
dezbrauca: 1. bare; naked; nude
dezghet,a: 1. melt; thaw
dezgoli: 1. bare; naked; nude
deziluziona: 1. disappoint
dezlega: 1. untie
dezmint,i: 1. deny
dezvolta: 1. develop; evolve
des,i: 1. though; although
det,ine: 1. own; possess
de aceea: 1. on that account; therefore
de ajuns: 1. enough; quite; rather; sufficiently
de lemn: 1. wooden
de loc: 1. not at all
de unde: 1. from where; whence
dialog: 1. dialogue
dicta: 1. dictate
dict,ionar: 1. dictionary; vocabulary
dimineat,au: 1. morning
din: 1. from; out of
dinte: 1. tooth
dintre: 1. among; between
din nou: 1. afresh; again; all over again; anew | 2. afresh; again; once more
direct: 1. direct; straight
direct,iona: 1. direct; guide; manage; steer
discredita: 1. cry down; cut up; demolish; pull to pieces; run down; write down
discuta: 1. speak; talk
dispersa: 1. scatter
disponibil: 1. available | 2. available
dispaurea: 1. disappear
distinge: 1. distinguish
distrat: 1. absentminded; abstracted; distracted
distruge: 1. destroy; quash
diviniza: 1. adore; worship
diviza: 1. divide; separate; share
divort,a: 1. divorce
doctor: 1. doctor; physician
doctorie: 1. drug; medicine; pharmaceutical
doi: 1. two
dori: 1. be willing to; want; wish
dorint,a: 1. desire; want; wish
dormi: 1. be asleep; sleep
dormitor: 1. bedroom
douau: 1. two
dovedi: 1. demonstrate; prove
drag: 1. affection; love
dragoste: 1. affection; love
dresa: 1. tame; train
drogherie: 1. chemist’s shop; drugstore
drum: 1. road; route; way
draugut,: 1. pretty
duce: 1. carry; wear
duminicau: 1. Sunday
dumneaei: 1. her; she
dumnealui: 1. he; him
dupau: 1. behind; after | 2. after; behind
dupauamiazau: 1. afternoon
dura: 1. continue; hold; last
durea: 1. ache; be painful; hurt
durere: 1. ache; pain
ea: 1. her; she
echilibra: 1. balance; poise
echipament: 1. accoutrement; accoutrements; equipment | 2. equipment
educa: 1. breed; bring up; educate; raise
egala: 1. equal
el: 1. he; him
emot,iona: 1. move; stir
enerva: 1. annoy; grieve; vex; worry
englez: 1. Englishman; Sassenach | 2. Englishman; Sassenach
englezesc: 1. English
englezoaicau: 1. English; Englishwoman
enorm: 1. enormous | 2. enormous; huge; immense
epuiza: 1. use up
est: 1. east; East
este: 1. there is; there are
etaj: 1. floor; storey; story
evacua: 1. evacuate
evada: 1. escape; flee
evalua: 1. appraise; estimate; rate
evita: 1. avoid; evade
evolua: 1. develop; evolve
exact: 1. exact
exagera: 1. exaggerate
examina: 1. examine
excelent: 1. fine; great
excita: 1. agitate; excite; rouse; stir up
excursie: 1. excursion; outing; sightseeing trip
executa: 1. execute
exemplar: 1. copy
exemplu: 1. example
exista: 1. exist
expedia: 1. send; transmit
explica: 1. account for; explain
exploda: 1. explode
explora: 1. examine; explore; investigate; research
extrem: 1. extreme
ezita: 1. hesitate
es,ua: 1. abort; fail
fabrica: 1. fabricate; manufacture
face: 1. achieve; act; do; make; perform
face curat: 1. clean; cleanse; make clean; purge
falsifica: 1. falsify
familie: 1. family
farmacie: 1. chemist’s shop; drugstore
fatau: 1. daughter | 2. girl; lass; wench
februarie: 1. February
fel: 1. kind; sort
felicita: 1. congratulate
femeie: 1. woman
fereastrau: 1. window
fericit: 1. fortunate; happy
ficat: 1. liver
fier: 1. iron
fierbe: 1. boil
fierbinte: 1. hot
fiicau: 1. daughter
fiindcau: 1. as; because; for; since
film: 1. film; motion picture; movie
filosofa: 1. philosophize
filtra: 1. filter
finant,a: 1. finance
fiu: 1. son
fixa: 1. determine; fix | 2. attach; determine; fasten; fix; affix; make fast; secure
flexa: 1. bend
floare: 1. bloom; flower
fluiera: 1. whistle
foame: 1. hunger
foarte: 1. quite; very; very much
folosi: 1. employ; use; make use of
folositor: 1. of use; suitable
fonda: 1. erect; establish; found
forma: 1. form; shape
fort,a: 1. compel; force | 2. force; impose
fotbal: 1. football; soccer
fotografie: 1. photograph | 2. photograph
fotoliu: 1. armchair
fractura: 1. fracture
frate: 1. brother
freca: 1. rub
frig: 1. bleak; chilly; cold
frige: 1. roast; toast
frizer: 1. barber; hairdresser
frumos: 1. beautiful; fine; handsome; lovely
frîna: 1. brake
fugi: 1. collide; run | 2. escape; flee
fuma: 1. smoke
funct,iona: 1. function; operate; run; work
fura: 1. steal
furnicau: 1. ant; emmet
furtunau: 1. storm
fauinau: 1. flour; meal
faurau: 1. without
galben: 1. yellow
galerie: 1. gallery
gara: 1. dock; put away
garanta: 1. guarantee; warrant
garnisi: 1. garnish; fit out; trim
garau: 1. railway station
gata: 1. finished; ready; through
geamantan: 1. suitcase; valise
geme: 1. groan; moan
genera: 1. beget; generate
general: 1. general; usual
genunchi: 1. knee
geografie: 1. geography
ger: 1. freezing cold; frost | 2. frost
ghici: 1. guess
ghid: 1. leader
ghida: 1. direct; guide; manage; steer | 2. conduct; direct; guide; head; lead
gleznau: 1. ankle
glumi: 1. jest; joke
glumau: 1. gag; joke
gol: 1. empty; void
goli: 1. empty
gram: 1. gram; gramme
gramaticau: 1. grammar
gras: 1. fat; fatty; greasy
grava: 1. engrave
greu: 1. difficult; hard; inconvenient | 2. burdensome; heavy; onerous
gres,ealau: 1. aberration; error; mistake
gres,i: 1. err; make a mistake
gri: 1. grey
graubi: 1. hurry; press; urge
graudinau: 1. garden
gusta: 1. taste
guverna: 1. control; govern; restrain; rule
gînd: 1. thought
gît: 1. throat
gausi: 1. find
gauti: 1. cook
harnic: 1. active; hardworking
hipnotiza: 1. hypnotize
hotel: 1. hotel
hrauni: 1. feed; nourish
huli: 1. blaspheme; cuss; curse; swear
hârtia sugautoare: 1. blotter; blotting paper
hîrtie: 1. paper
hauitui: 1. chase; hunt
haurt,ui: 1. harass; press hard
ia: 1. now; well; well then
ianuarie: 1. January
iar: 1. afresh; again; all over again; anew | 2. and | 3. afresh; again; once more | 4. but
iarnau: 1. winter
iaraus,i: 1. afresh; again; all over again; anew | 2. afresh; again; once more
iatau: 1. behold; here is; here are; look; there
idee: 1. idea
identifica: 1. identify
ieftin: 1. cheap; inexpensive | 2. cheap; inexpensive
ieri: 1. yesterday
ierta: 1. forgive; pardon
ies,i: 1. exit; go out
ignora: 1. ignore; leave out of account
imagina: 1. fancy; imagine
imita: 1. imitate
important: 1. important; serious
imprima: 1. print; imprint
impulsiona: 1. impel
impune: 1. force; impose
incita: 1. abet; excite; incite; provoke; rouse; stimulate; stir up
include: 1. comprise; contain; include
incomoda: 1. bother; disturb; hinder; trouble
indica: 1. indicate; point out; show
indispune: 1. bother; disturb; hinder; trouble
infecta: 1. infect
informa: 1. acquaint; inform; report
inimau: 1. heart
insista: 1. insist
inspira: 1. inspire
instala: 1. install
instiga: 1. encourage; impel; instigate; spur on; stimulate; urge
intent,iona: 1. plan
interesa: 1. concern
interpreta: 1. interpret
interzice: 1. forbid; prohibit
intra: 1. go in; enter; perform
invada: 1. invade
inventa: 1. invent
invidia: 1. envy
invita: 1. invite
invitat,ie: 1. invitation
ispiti: 1. attract; decoy; lure
istorie: 1. story; history
istorisi: 1. narrate; relate; tell
iubi: 1. love
iulie: 1. July
iunie: 1. June
iute: 1. fast; quickly; swiftly
izgoni: 1. chase away; drive away; expel
izola: 1. insulate; isolate; seclude
izvorî: 1. spring; well up
jilt,ul: 1. armchair
joi: 1. Thursday
jos: 1. below; downstairs; underneath | 2. below; underneath
jumautate: 1. half
jura: 1. swear
kilogram: 1. kilo
kilometru: 1. kilometre
la: 1. at; to; toward; towards
lac: 1. lake; loch
ladau: 1. box
laic: 1. lay
lampau: 1. lamp
lapte: 1. milk
lect,ie: 1. lesson
lege: 1. law
legendau: 1. legend
legauna: 1. rock; swing | 2. lull; rock
lemn: 1. timber; wood
leu: 1. lion
librauriau: 1. bookshop; bookstore
lift: 1. elevator; lift
limbau: 1. language; tongue
lipsi: 1. be lacking; be missing
listau: 1. menu
literaturau: 1. literature
litoral: 1. coast; seaside; shore
loc: 1. place | 2. location; place; spot
locui: 1. dwell; live
lojau: 1. box
lor: 1. their
lua: 1. get; lay hold of; pick up; take
lucru: 1. thing | 2. article; object; thing
lume: 1. world
lumînare: 1. candle
lung: 1. long
luni: 1. Monday
lunau: 1. moon | 2. month
luptau: 1. action; battle; scuffle; struggle
lîngau: 1. at; beside; by; near; nearby; near to; next to
laumîie: 1. lemon
lausa: 1. allow; leave; let; release
magazin: 1. boutique; shop; store
mai: 1. afresh; again; all over again; anew | 2. May | 3. afresh; again; once more
mamau: 1. mother
manifesta: 1. demonstrate; manifest; show
mansardau: 1. attic; garret | 2. attic
mare: 1. big; great; large | 2. sea
marmeladau: 1. jam; marmelade
maro: 1. brown
martie: 1. March
masau: 1. table
matematicau: 1. mathematics
mas,inau: 1. engine; machine
meci: 1. game; match
medic: 1. doctor; physician
medicament: 1. drug; medicine; pharmaceutical
memora: 1. recall; remind
ment,iona: 1. mention
merge: 1. function; operate; run; work | 2. travel
merge pe jos: 1. tread; walk; walk upon
metru: 1. metre
mic: 1. diminutive; little; small
mie: 1. thousand; one thousand
miercuri: 1. Wednesday
mijloc: 1. method
milion: 1. million
minge: 1. ball
minut: 1. minute
mirean: 1. lay
mis,ca: 1. move; stir
modern: 1. modern
moment: 1. instant; moment
monument: 1. monument
multiplica: 1. multiply
mult,ime: 1. accumulation; crowd; heap; mass; multitude; pile
mult,umi: 1. thank
mult,umire: 1. gratitude; thanks
munte: 1. mountain
munt,ii Carpat,i: 1. Carpathians; Carpathian mountains
muri: 1. die; expire; pass away
muzeu: 1. museum
muzical: 1. musical
muzicau: 1. music
mîine: 1. tomorrow
mînca: 1. feed
mîngîia: 1. coddle; pamper; pet
mînau: 1. hand
maunus,au: 1. glove; mitten
maunaustire: 1. monastery
maur: 1. apple
maurime: 1. bulk; dimension; extend; size
mautus,au: 1. aunt
nara: 1. narrate; relate; tell
nas: 1. nose
natural: 1. natural
nat,ional: 1. national
neamt,: 1. German
necauji: 1. afflict; grieve
nega: 1. deny
negru: 1. black
nepoatau: 1. granddaughter | 2. niece
nepot: 1. grandson | 2. nephew
neu: 1. snow
niciodatau: 1. never
nimeni: 1. neither; nobody; none; noone
nimic: 1. nothing
ninge: 1. snow
nisip: 1. sand
noapte: 1. night
noi: 1. us; we
noiembrie: 1. November
nor: 1. cloud
nord: 1. north; North
nouau: 1. nine
numai: 1. exclusively; just; only
nume: 1. appellation; name
numeral: 1. number; numeral
numaur: 1. quantity
numaura: 1. count
naumol: 1. mud
obicei: 1. custom; habit; way
obiect: 1. thing | 2. article; object; thing
obis,nuit: 1. accustomed; customary; used to; usual; wonted
obosit: 1. tired
observa: 1. keep; mind; observe
ochelari: 1. glasses; spectacles
ochiul boului: 1. aster
octombrie: 1. October
ogor: 1. field
om: 1. fellow; man
ondula: 1. corrugate; wave
opri: 1. forbid; prohibit
opt: 1. eight
optimist: 1. optimistic
opune: 1. oppose
oras,: 1. city; town
orchestrau: 1. orchestra
ordine: 1. command; order
ordona: 1. arrange; put in order; tidy | 2. command; order; tell
orez: 1. rice
oriunde: 1. anywhere; somewhere
orna: 1. adorn; decorate; ornament | 2. garnish; fit out; trim | 3. adorn; decorate; ornament
orau: 1. hour; o’clock; time
os: 1. bone
ospitalitate: 1. hospitality
ou: 1. egg
ot,et: 1. vinegar
pahar: 1. glass
pantof: 1. shoe
parc: 1. park
parca: 1. park
parcau: 1. apparently; seemingly
pardesiu: 1. coat; overcoat
parte: 1. part; Parthian; share
pastau: 1. dough; paste
pasaure: 1. bird
pat: 1. bed
patru: 1. four
pe: 1. on; upon
perie: 1. brush
permite: 1. accord; admit; afford; allow; permit
peron: 1. platform; quay; wharf
persoanau: 1. person
peste: 1. above; over
pes,te: 1. fish
pe cînd: 1. for; during; whereas; while; whilst
piat,au: 1. plaza; square; public square
picta: 1. paint | 2. colour; paint
picturau: 1. painting; picture
piept: 1. bosom; breast; chest
pieptene: 1. comb
pierde: 1. lose
piesau: 1. play
pilulau: 1. pill
pisicau: 1. cat
plajau: 1. beach
planifica: 1. plan
plasa: 1. lay down; place; put; put down
platau: 1. account; bill; calculation
pleca: 1. absent onself; depart; go away; leave | 2. go
plecare: 1. departure
plin: 1. complete; full
ploaie: 1. rain
ploua: 1. rain
pluti: 1. float; swim
plaucere: 1. fun; pleasure
plaucut: 1. pleasing
plauti: 1. pay
poartau: 1. gate; gateway; portal
poate: 1. maybe; mayhap; perchance; perhaps; possibly
pod: 1. bridge
poftau: 1. appetite
poimîine: 1. the day after tomorrow
pom: 1. tree
ponegri: 1. cry down; cut up; demolish; pull to pieces; run down; write down
porc: 1. hog; pig; swine
porni: 1. begin; commence; start
port: 1. harbor; harbour; port
poseda: 1. own; possess
povesti: 1. narrate; relate; tell
povestire: 1. account; narrative; story; tale
pos,tau: 1. mail; post | 2. post office
practic: 1. practical
prea: 1. quite; very; very much
prefera: 1. prefer
pret,: 1. price
prieten: 1. friend
prietenau: 1. friend
primi: 1. accept; receive; take; take in | 2. get; have; receive
primauvarau: 1. spring; springtime
prin: 1. a; in; inside; into; on; per; within | 2. through
prinde: 1. capture; catch; grapple
printre: 1. among; between
proaspaut: 1. fresh; recent
produce: 1. fabricate; manufacture
profesor: 1. professor
provoca: 1. abet; excite; incite; provoke; rouse; stimulate; stir up | 2. encourage; impel; instigate; spur on; stimulate; urge
praubus,i: 1. break down; demolish; pull down; take down
prauji: 1. fry | 2. roast; toast
praujiturau: 1. cake
prauvaulie: 1. boutique; shop; store
pulpa: 1. calf
pune: 1. lay down; place; put; put down
purifica: 1. clean; cleanse; make clean; purge
putea: 1. be able to
put,in: 1. a little; rather
pîine: 1. bread; loaf
pînau: 1. at; beside; by; near; nearby; near to; next to
pînau la: 1. until; till
paucat: 1. sin; transgression
paucauli: 1. cheat; do something crooked
paudure: 1. forest; woods
paulaurie: 1. hat
paur: 1. hair
paurea: 1. appear; appear to be; seem
paurausi: 1. abandon; forsake; desert; leave; quit
paus,i: 1. pace; stalk; step; stride; tread
radio: 1. radio; wireless
rar: 1. seldom
rece: 1. bleak; chilly; cold
reforma: 1. reform
regiune: 1. region
repede: 1. fast; quick; rapid; speedy; swift | 2. fast; quickly; swiftly
rest: 1. remainder; rest
restaurant: 1. restaurant
restitui: 1. give back; return
revistau: 1. magazine; periodical; revue
rezultat: 1. conclusion; effect; result | 2. result
ret,etau: 1. prescription; recipe
rinichi: 1. kidney
risca: 1. hazard; risk; venture
rivaliza: 1. compete; rival | 2. rival
rochie: 1. dress; gown; robe
rom: 1. rum
român: 1. Romanian; Rumanian | 2. Romanian
româncau: 1. Romanian woman
ros,ie: 1. tomato
ros,u: 1. red | 2. red
ruinau: 1. ruin
rupe: 1. break; break off
rus,inos: 1. shy
rîu: 1. river
raucealau: 1. cold
raumîne: 1. remain; stay; stay over
raunit: 1. injured; wounded
rausfoi: 1. glance
rauspunde: 1. answer; reply; respond
rausauri: 1. ascend; get up; go up; lift; rise; arise
rausaurit: 1. sunrise
rauu: 1. bad; miserable; nasty; poor
salam: 1. salami
salatau: 1. salad
salon: 1. lounge; parlour; salon; sittingroom
salau: 1. hall
sat: 1. village
sau: 1. or
scaun: 1. chair
schi: 1. ski
schimba: 1. alter; change | 2. change; turn
schimbare: 1. alteration; change; conversion; transformation | 2. aboutface; alteration; change; conversion; transformation
scop: 1. aim; goal; purpose; target
scrie: 1. write | 2. compose; create; write
scrisoare: 1. letter
scrumiera: 1. ashtray
scump: 1. costly; dear; expensive; pricey
scurt: 1. short | 2. brief; short
scuza: 1. forgive; pardon
searau: 1. evening
secol: 1. centennial; century
semn: 1. character; mark; sign; signal; token
semnala: 1. indicate; point out; show
septembrie: 1. September
serios: 1. earnest; serious; staid
servi: 1. serve
sete: 1. thirst
se amuza: 1. enjoy oneself; have a good time
se apropia: 1. advance; approach; come on
se arauta: 1. appear; emerge; perform
se ascunde: 1. hide; hide oneself
se aventura: 1. hazard; risk; venture
se as,eza: 1. sit down
se bucura: 1. be glad; enjoy; rejoice
se culca: 1. go to bed
se causautori: 1. marry; be married; get married
se distra: 1. enjoy oneself; have a good time
se enerva: 1. get angry
se furis,a: 1. steal
se ghemui: 1. cower; crouch; squat
se graubi: 1. go fast; hurry; rush
se gîndi: 1. account; consider; esteem; regard; take into account
se gausi: 1. be found; be located; find oneself
se hotaurî: 1. decide
se hrauni: 1. feed
se instrui: 1. learn
se ivi: 1. appear; emerge; perform
se opri: 1. cease; stop
se plimba: 1. go for a walk; stroll | 2. tread; walk; walk upon
se preface: 1. adulterate; falsify
se sfîrs,i: 1. end; come to an end; end up; expire
se strecura: 1. steal
se straudui: 1. aim; attempt; endeavour; try
se vaursa: 1. flow
se îmbauta: 1. get drunk
se înapoia: 1. go back; return
se încrede: 1. have faith; have faith in; trust
se încault,a: 1. put on
se îndepaurta: 1. absent onself; depart; go away; leave
se îndoi: 1. doubt
se îneca: 1. drown
se înfuria: 1. get angry
se îngrijora: 1. care; see; take care; worry
se întoarce: 1. go back; return | 2. come back; return
se întrece: 1. compete; rival
se întuneca: 1. darken
se întîmpla: 1. come about; happen; occur
sfat: 1. advice; counsel
sfîrs,it: 1. end; ending
sigur: 1. certain; sure
sili: 1. compel; force
simplu: 1. simple; straightforward
singur: 1. alone; only; sole; solitary
sistem: 1. system
slab: 1. faint; light; weak
slavau: 1. fame; glory; renown
soare: 1. sun
somn: 1. sleep
sorau: 1. sister
sosire: 1. arrival
sot,: 1. husband
sot,ie: 1. wife
sparanghel: 1. asparagus
spate: 1. back
spectacol: 1. show; spectacle
spera: 1. hope
speria: 1. deter; discourage; scare | 2. alarm; frighten
spital: 1. hospital
sport: 1. sport
spre: 1. at; to; toward; towards
spune: 1. say; tell
sta: 1. remain; stay; stay over
stat,ie: 1. stop
sticlau: 1. bottle
stilou: 1. fountainpen; fountain pen
stimula: 1. abet; excite; incite; provoke; rouse; stimulate; stir up | 2. cheer; fire; inspire; stimulate
stomac: 1. stomach
stopa: 1. cease; stop
stradau: 1. street
strica: 1. destroy; quash
strauin: 1. foreigner
student: 1. academic; student
studentau: 1. student; female student
sub: 1. below; beneath; under; underneath
sud: 1. south
suferi: 1. abide; bear; carry out; endure; put up with; suffer
supau: 1. soup
sutau: 1. hundred; one hundred
sînt: 1. there is; there are
saunautate: 1. health
sauptaumînau: 1. week
saupun: 1. soap
saurac: 1. miserable; poor | 2. poor
saurbautori: 1. celebrate
sauri: 1. jump; leap; spring
sauruta: 1. kiss
tare: 1. strong
taxi: 1. taxi
teatru: 1. theatre
telefon: 1. telephone
telefona: 1. telephone
telegramau: 1. telegram
televiziune: 1. television; TV
televizor: 1. TV set; television set
termina: 1. accomplish; achieve; finish | 2. accomodate; end; finish; terminate
testa: 1. attempt; test; try
text: 1. lyric; text
timbru pos,tal: 1. stamp; postage stamp
timid: 1. shy
timp: 1. time; while | 2. weather
tipauri: 1. print; imprint | 2. print
toaletau: 1. toilet
toamnau: 1. autumn
tocit: 1. blunt
topi: 1. melt; thaw | 2. fuse; wick
tot: 1. equally; likewise | 2. entire; overall; whole | 3. all; altogether; everything
totdeauna: 1. always; ever
totodatau: 1. at the same time
totul: 1. all; altogether; everything
totus,i: 1. but; however; nevertheless; yet
traduce: 1. translate
tragedie: 1. tragedy
traversa: 1. cross
trei: 1. three
tren: 1. train | 2. train
trimite: 1. send; transmit
tris,a: 1. cheat; do something crooked
trup: 1. body
tuna: 1. thunder
tunul: 1. cannon
turc: 1. Turk
turist: 1. tourist
turn: 1. castle; tower
tînaur: 1. young
tîrziu: 1. late
tauia: 1. cut; slice
ud: 1. wet
uita: 1. forget
umbrelau: 1. umbrella
umili: 1. abase
una: 1. one
unde: 1. where
uneori: 1. several times; sometimes
unt: 1. butter
unu: 1. one
ura: 1. hurray
ureche: 1. ear
urmauri: 1. keep; mind; observe
urî: 1. abhor; abominate; loathe | 2. hate
urît: 1. nasty; ugly
us,or: 1. easy; facile | 2. easily
us,au: 1. door
vacau: 1. cow
vale: 1. valley
varau: 1. summer
vatau: 1. cottonwool; wadding
vedea: 1. see
venera: 1. adore; worship
veni: 1. come
verde: 1. green
vermut: 1. vermouth
vest: 1. west; West
vestit: 1. famous | 2. famous
viat,au: 1. life
viitor: 1. future | 2. future
vin: 1. wine
vineri: 1. Friday
visa: 1. dream; daydream; fancy
vizita: 1. attend; call on; see; visit
vizitau: 1. visit
vit,el: 1. calf
voie: 1. will; willingness; wish
vopsi: 1. paint | 2. dye; tint
vorbi: 1. speak; talk
vorbi de rauu: 1. cry down; cut up; demolish; pull to pieces; run down; write down
vorbau: 1. word
vota: 1. vote
vreme: 1. time; while | 2. weather
vîna: 1. chase; hunt
vînt: 1. wind
vîrf: 1. peak; point; tip; summit
vîrstau: 1. age
vauluri: 1. corrugate; wave
zahaur: 1. sugar
zece: 1. ten
zero: 1. nought; zero
zi: 1. day
ziar: 1. gazette; magazine; newspaper; periodical
zilnic: 1. daily
zaupadau: 1. snow
îmblînzi: 1. tame; train
îmbolnauvi: 1. be taken ill; fall ill
îmbrauca: 1. clothe; dress
îmbraut,is,a: 1. embrace; hug
îmbunautaut,i: 1. improve
împacheta: 1. pack; package; wrap up
împerechea: 1. couple; match; pair; unite
împinge: 1. push; thrust
împleti: 1. knit
împodobi: 1. adorn; decorate; ornament | 2. adorn; decorate; ornament
împotriva: 1. across from; against; in exchange for; opposed to; opposite; upon
împotrivi: 1. oppose
împovaura: 1. burden; load
împreunau: 1. together
împrumuta: 1. advance; lend | 2. borrow; lend; loan
împraus,tia: 1. scatter
împus,ca: 1. fire; shoot
împaurt,i: 1. divide; separate; share
în: 1. a; in; inside; into; on; per; within
înainta: 1. advance; march on
înaintea: 1. before; in front of
înapoia: 1. give back; return
începe: 1. begin; commence; start
început: 1. beginning; commencement; start
încerca: 1. aim; attempt; endeavour; try | 2. attempt; test; try
încet: 1. leasurely; slowly
înceta: 1. cease; stop
închide: 1. close; shut
închiria: 1. hire
înclina: 1. incline; be inclined
înconjura: 1. surround
încredint,a: 1. entrust; tell
încrucis,a: 1. cross
încuia: 1. lock
încuraja: 1. cheer; fire; inspire; stimulate
încurajare: 1. encouragement
încurca: 1. confuse; puzzle
încînta: 1. delight
încau: 1. other; another; else | 2. still; yet
încaurca: 1. charge; load | 2. burden; load
îndatau: 1. at once; immediately; just; right away; right now
îndeplini: 1. accomplish; achieve; finish
îndepaurta: 1. do away with; get rid of; remove
îndoi: 1. bend
îndrepta: 1. reform
înduios,a: 1. move; stir
îndura: 1. abide; bear; carry out; endure; put up with; suffer
îneca: 1. drown
înfricos,a: 1. deter; discourage; scare
înfrumuset,a: 1. embellish
îngenunchia: 1. kneel
înghesui: 1. accumulate; amass; heap; pile up; stack
înghet,a: 1. freeze
înghet,atau: 1. ice; icecream
înghit,i: 1. swallow
îngreuna: 1. burden; load
îngriji: 1. breed; keep; raise; rear | 2. care; see; take care; worry
îngropa: 1. bury; entomb; inter
îngraumaudi: 1. accumulate; amass; heap; pile up; stack
îngaudui: 1. accord; admit; afford; allow; permit
înjosi: 1. abase
înjura: 1. blaspheme; cuss; curse; swear | 2. curse; cuss; swear
înlautura: 1. do away with; get rid of; remove
înmormînta: 1. bury; entomb; inter
înmuia: 1. dip; immerse; soak
înmult,i: 1. multiply
înnebuni: 1. go crazy
înnoda: 1. knot
înnoi: 1. renew
înota: 1. float; swim
înregistra: 1. register
însemna: 1. imply; mean; signify
înseta: 1. be thirsty
însot,i: 1. accompany
însuma: 1. abstract; deduce; gather
însau: 1. but | 2. but; however; nevertheless; yet
întemeia: 1. erect; establish; found
întemnit,a: 1. imprison; jail
între: 1. among; between
întreba: 1. ask
întrebare: 1. question
întrece: 1. overhaul; overtake; pass
întrerupe: 1. interrupt
întrista: 1. afflict; grieve
întîlni: 1. meet
întîlnire: 1. appointment; date; rendezvous
întîrzia: 1. adjourn; delay; postpone
învinge: 1. conquer | 2. defeat; win over
învaut,a: 1. learn
îns,ela: 1. cheat; do something crooked
înt,elege: 1. understand; realize
în curînd: 1. soon
în fat,au: 1. before; in front of
în fine: 1. at last; finally; ultimately
în jurul: 1. about; round; around; towards
în loc de: 1. instead of
în spatele: 1. behind; after
în strauinautaute: 1. abroad
în timp ce: 1. for; during; whereas; while; whilst
în urma: 1. after; behind
înault,a: 1. build; construct
înault,ime: 1. altitude; height
T,ara Galilor: 1. Wales
s,apte: 1. seven
s,ase: 1. six
s,coalau: 1. school
s,i: 1. also; likewise; too | 2. already; by now; yet | 3. and
s,ic: 1. chic
s,ti: 1. be acquainted with; know | 2. know; know how
s,tiint,au: 1. science
t,arau: 1. country; land
t,igarau: 1. cigarette
t,igarau de foi: 1. cigar
t,ine: 1. continue; hold; last | 2. hang onto; hold
t,ine minte: 1. recall; remind | 2. recall; recollect; remember