Modern Greek to English
a’dussos: 1. abyss; chasm; gulf; precipice
a’galma: 1. statue
a’gamos: 1. single; unmarried
a’ggelma: 1. errand; message
a’ggelos: 1. angel
a’gkura: 1. anchor
a’gios: 1. holy; sacred
a’zumos: 1. nitrogen
a’lgedra: 1. algebra
a’logo: 1. horse
a’lfa: 1. alpha
a’mmos: 1. sand
a’nemos: 1. wind
a’neu: 1. without
a’nðos: 1. bloom; flower
a’nðrwpos: 1. man; human being
a’noizh: 1. spring; springtime
a’ntras: 1. husband | 2. fellow; man
a’zonas: 1. axis; axle
a’rguros: 1. silver
a’rgillos: 1. clay
a’roma: 1. aroma; flavour
a’rotro: 1. plough
a’rpa: 1. harp
a’rtos: 1. bread; loaf
a’sðma: 1. asthma; shortness of breath; wheeziness
a’ssos: 1. ace
a’stro: 1. star
a’stu: 1. city; town
a’sfaltos: 1. asphalt
a’xuro: 1. hay | 2. straw
e’ggrafo: 1. document; paper
e’gkuos: 1. important; serious
e’zra: 1. chair
e’ðnos: 1. nation
e’ðimo: 1. custom; habit; way | 2. tradition
e’krhzh: 1. explosion
e’lato: 1. fir
e’los: 1. marsh; swamp
e’na: 1. one
e’nas: 1. one
e’nteka: 1. eleven
e’zh: 1. custom; habit; way
e’zi: 1. six
e’tos: 1. year
e’fhdos: 1. youngster; youth
e’xizna: 1. adder; viper
h’lios: 1. sun
h’misu: 1. half
h’par: 1. liver
h’xos: 1. sound
i’ntsa: 1. inch
i’ppos: 1. horse
i’riza: 1. rainbow
o’ash: 1. oasis
o’zon: 1. ozone
o’morfos: 1. beautiful; fine; handsome; lovely
o’mws: 1. but; however; nevertheless; yet
o’noma: 1. appellation; name
o’zinos: 1. acetous; acid; sour; tart
o’pera: 1. opera
o’rkos: 1. oath
o’rniða: 1. chicken; fowl
o’ros: 1. mountain
o’rofos: 1. floor; storey; story
o’ruza: 1. rice
o’rxhs: 1. orchid | 2. testicle
o’sios: 1. holy; sacred
w’mos: 1. shoulder
w’ra: 1. hour; o’clock; time
u’alos: 1. glass
u’aina: 1. hyaena
u’zwr: 1. water
u’lh: 1. data; material | 2. matter
u’mnos: 1. anthem; hymn
u’pnos: 1. sleep
Ai’guptos: 1. Egypt
Au’goustos: 1. August
Aggli’a: 1. England | 2. England
Aggli’za: 1. English; Englishwoman
Aldani’a: 1. Albania
Aldano’s: 1. Albanian
Algeri’a: 1. Algeria
Algerino’s: 1. Algerian
Amerikh’: 1. United States of America; USA
Amerikano’s: 1. American; US citizen
Apri’lhs: 1. April
Arme’nhs: 1. Armenian
Austri’a: 1. Austria
Australo’s: 1. Australian
Austriako’s: 1. Austrian
Afrikh’: 1. Africa
Afrikano’s: 1. African
Aigu’ptios: 1. Egyptian
Be’lgos: 1. Belgian
Be’lgio: 1. Belgium
Boulgari’a: 1. Bulgaria
Boulgaro’s: 1. Bulgar; Bulgarian
Ga’llos: 1. Frenchman
Galli’a: 1. France
Gena’rhs: 1. January
Germani’a: 1. Germany
Germaniko’s: 1. German
Graiko’s: 1. Greek
Giougkosla’dos: 1. Yugoslav; Yugoslavian
Giougkosladi’a: 1. Yugoslavia
dani’a: 1. Denmark
dano’s: 1. Dane
deute’ra: 1. Monday
Eu’zeinos Po’ntos: 1. Black Sea; Euxine Sea
Edrai’os: 1. Hebrew; Jew | 2. Jew
Eggle’zos: 1. Englishman; Sassenach
Eldeti’a: 1. Switzerland
Eldeto’s: 1. Swiss
Ella’za: 1. Greece
Ella’s: 1. Greece
Ellhni’za: 1. Greek woman
Euaggelismo’s: 1. Annunciation; Lady Day
Hnwme’nes Politei’es Amerikh’s: 1. United States of America; USA
Ia’pwnas: 1. Japanese
Iapwni’a: 1. Japan
Inzi’a: 1. India
Inzo’s: 1. Indian
Inzonh’sios: 1. Indonesian
Inzonhsi’a: 1. Indonesia
Inzia’nos: 1. Indian; American Indian
Iou’lios: 1. July
Iou’nios: 1. June
Ira’n: 1. Iran; Persia
Irlanzi’a: 1. Ireland
Irlanzo’s: 1. Irishman
Ispani’a: 1. Spain
Ispano’s: 1. Spaniard
Israh’l: 1. Israel | 2. Israel
Israhli’th: 1. Israelian | 2. Israeli
Itali’a: 1. Italy
Italo’s: 1. Italian
Ki’na: 1. China
Ku’pros: 1. Cyprus
Ku’prios: 1. Cypriot
Kanazo’s: 1. Canadian
Kanazas: 1. Canada
Kuriakh’: 1. Sunday | 2. Sabbath
Kine’zos: 1. Chinaman; Chinese
Li’dano: 1. Lebanon
Li’duos: 1. Libyan
Lamprhh’: 1. Easter
Louzemdou’rgo: 1. Luxemburg
Lidu’h: 1. Libya
Lidane’zos: 1. Lebanese
Ma’hs: 1. May
Ma’rths: 1. March
Ma’ios: 1. May
Maro’ko: 1. Morocco
Marokino’s: 1. Moroccan
Meso’geios: 1. Mediterranean
Noe’mdrhs: 1. November
Noe’mdrios: 1. November
Nordhgi’a: 1. Norway
Nordhgo’s: 1. Norwegian
Ou’ggros: 1. Hungarian
Oktw’drios: 1. October
Ollanze’zos: 1. Dutchman; Hollander | 2. Dutchman
Ollanzi’a: 1. Holland | 2. Holland; the Netherlands
Ouggari’a: 1. Hungary
Pa’pas: 1. pope
Pa’sxa: 1. Easter
Pe’mpth: 1. Thursday
Pe’rshs: 1. Iranian; Persian | 2. Persian
Persi’a: 1. Iran; Persia | 2. Persia
Polwni’a: 1. Poland
Portoga’los: 1. Portuguese
Portogali’a: 1. Portugal
Rw’mh: 1. Rome
Rw’sos: 1. Russian
Rouma’nos: 1. Romanian
Roumani’a: 1. Romania | 2. Romania
Rwmai’os: 1. Roman | 2. Roman
Rwmio’s: 1. Greek
Rwsi’a: 1. Russia
Sa’ddato: 1. Sabbath
Su’rios: 1. Syrian
Satana’s: 1. Lucifer; Satan
Septe’mdros: 1. September
Septe’mdrios: 1. September
Souhzi’a: 1. Sweden
Souhzo’s: 1. Swede
Suri’a: 1. Syria
Teta’rth: 1. Wednesday
Tou’rkos: 1. Turk
Tourki’a: 1. Turkey
Tri’th: 1. Tuesday
Tse’xos: 1. Czech
Tsexoslodaki’a: 1. Czechoslovakia
Tunh’sios: 1. Tunisian
Tunhsi’a: 1. Tunisia
Fedroua’rios: 1. February
Fleda’rhs: 1. February
Finlanzi’a: 1. Finland
Finlanzo’s: 1. Finn
Xristo’s: 1. Christ
Xristou’genna: 1. Christmas; Yule
ae’ras: 1. air
ae’rio: 1. gas
ai’ma: 1. blood
au’rio: 1. tomorrow
adaðh’s: 1. shallow; superficial
aga’ph: 1. affection; love
aggeli’a: 1. ad; advertisement
aggliko’s: 1. English
aggou’ri: 1. cucumber
agela’za: 1. cow
agka’ði: 1. thorn
agkw’nas: 1. elbow
agkina’ra: 1. artichoke
aze’lfia: 1. brothers and sisters; siblings
azelfh’: 1. sister
azelfo’s: 1. brother
aero’liðos: 1. meteoric stone
aero’stato: 1. balloon; air-balloon
aerozro’mio: 1. aerodrome; airdrome; airfield | 2. airport
aerolime’nas: 1. aerodrome; airdrome; airfield | 2. airport
aeropla’no: 1. aeroplane; airplane; plane
aeristh’ras: 1. electric fan; ventilator
ahzo’ni: 1. nightingale
aðlhth’s: 1. athlete
akaki’a: 1. acacia
akri’za: 1. grasshopper; locust | 2. grasshopper
akroda’ths: 1. acrobat
akrogia’li: 1. coast; seaside; shore
akrido’s: 1. dear; expensive; valuable | 2. costly; dear; expensive; pricey
akti’na: 1. beam; ray
ala’dastro: 1. alabaster
ale’tri: 1. plough
alh’ðeia: 1. truth | 2. reality; truth
alati’zw: 1. salt
aldaniko’s: 1. Albanian
algeri’nikos: 1. Algerian
aleu’ri: 1. flour; meal
alepou’: 1. fox
alkuo’na: 1. halcyon; kingfisher | 2. halcyon; kingfisher
alla’: 1. but; however; nevertheless; yet
allergi’a: 1. allergy
allozapo’s: 1. foreigner
alusi’za: 1. chain
alfa’dhto: 1. alphabet
ame’sws: 1. at once; immediately; just; right away; right now
ami’antos: 1. asbestos
amu’gzalo: 1. almond
amazo’na: 1. Amazon
amarta’nw: 1. sin; transgression
amerika’nikos: 1. American
amno’s: 1. lamb
amnhsti’a: 1. act of grace; amnesty
amoidh’: 1. compensation; reward
ampazou’r: 1. lamp-shade
amfo’teroi: 1. both
amfore’as: 1. amphora
amfiðe’atro: 1. amphitheatre
ana’ktoro: 1. palace
ana’luson: 1. analysis
ana’mesa: 1. among; between
ana’sa: 1. breath
ano’ptos: 1. foolish
anu’panzros: 1. single; unmarried
anaggeli’a: 1. ad; advertisement
anametazu’: 1. among; between
anana’s: 1. pineapple
anapnoh’: 1. breath
anapth’ras: 1. lighter
anarxi’a: 1. anarchy
anati’nazh: 1. explosion
anatomi’a: 1. anatomy
anzrei’a: 1. courage
anzrei’os: 1. brave; courageous; valiant
anemw’na: 1. anemone
anemisth’ras: 1. electric fan; ventilator
anepsia’: 1. niece
anepsio’s: 1. nephew
anðrwpo’ths: 1. human race; mankind
ante’na: 1. aerial; antenna
anti’zi: 1. endive
anti’ka: 1. ancient; antique
anti’lalos: 1. echo
anti’xeiras: 1. thumb | 2. thumb
antzou’gia: 1. anchovy
aziwmatiko’s: 1. officer; official
apa’ðeia: 1. apathy
apa’nthsh: 1. answer; reply
apo’gema: 1. afternoon
apo’rrhtos: 1. secret
apo’stash: 1. distance; offset
apo’sthma: 1. abscess
apo’strofos: 1. apostrophe
apeilh’: 1. menace; threat
aploïko’s: 1. naïf; naïve
apokri’nomai: 1. answer; reply
apoladh’: 1. benefit; gain; profit
apoxwrhth’rio: 1. toilet
apoiki’a: 1. colony; settlement
arado’sito: 1. corn; Indian corn; maize; mealies
aradiko’s: 1. Arabian; Arabic
arðrogra’fos: 1. journalist
arkou’za: 1. bear
arktiko’s: 1. Arctic
arni’: 1. lamb
arradwniastiki’a: 1. bride; fiancée
arradwniastiko’s: 1. fiancé
arxiepi’skopos: 1. archbishop
ariðmo’s: 1. number; numeral
ash’mi: 1. silver
asanse’r: 1. elevator; lift
asmi’za: 1. shield; sign-board
aste’ri: 1. star
astako’s: 1. lobster
astei’o: 1. gag; joke
astraph’: 1. lightning
astrologi’a: 1. astrology
astronau’ths: 1. astronaut; spaceman
astronomi’a: 1. astronomy
astuno’mos: 1. policeman | 2. policeman
astunomi’a: 1. police
asuli’a: 1. asylum
atmo’ploio: 1. steamship
atmo’sfaira: 1. atmosphere
atmo’s: 1. steam; vapor; vapour
atsa’li: 1. steel
augh’: 1. dawn; daybreak
augo’: 1. egg
aulai’a: 1. curtain
australiako’s: 1. Australian
auti’: 1. ear
auto’matos: 1. automatic
autoki’nhto: 1. car
autokra’twras: 1. emperor
autokratori’a: 1. empire
ax: 1. ah; oh; ow
axla’zi: 1. pear
axno’s: 1. steam; vapor; vapour
aiguptiako’s: 1. Egyptian
aimomizi’a: 1. incest
da’zo: 1. vase; vessel
da’lanos: 1. acorn
da’ls: 1. waltz
da’ltos: 1. marsh; swamp
da’raðro: 1. abyss; chasm; gulf; precipice
de’los: 1. arrow
dh’ta: 1. beta
dh’xas: 1. cough
di’dlos: 1. bible
di’os: 1. life
do’zi: 1. bovine; bovine animal
do’mda: 1. bomb
do’reios: 1. northern
dago’ni: 1. carriage; coach; railway carriage; waggon
dazeli’nh: 1. vaseline
dahi’thta: 1. depth
daðu’s: 1. deep; profound
daðu’thta: 1. depth | 2. depth
dakala’os: 1. cod; codfish
dali’tsa: 1. suitcase; valise
dalani’zi: 1. acorn
dalanizia’: 1. oak
dapo’ri: 1. steamship
daro’metro: 1. barometer
dasi’leio: 1. kingdom
dasi’lissa: 1. queen
dasiko’s: 1. elemental; elementary
dasile’as: 1. king
dasilei’a: 1. kingdom
dato’mouro: 1. blackberry; blackberry bush; bramble
dat: 1. cotton-wool; wadding
delo’na: 1. needle
delgiko’s: 1. Belgian
denzi’nh: 1. gasolene; gasoline; petrol
deri’kokko: 1. apricot
dhzi’: 1. bosom; breast; chest
dle’faro: 1. eyelid
dou’turo: 1. butter
dozino’: 1. beef
dorra’s: 1. north; North
douda’li: 1. buffalo
douzzisth’s: 1. Buddhist
doulgariko’s: 1. Bulgarian
douno’: 1. mountain
dra’zu: 1. evening
dra’xos: 1. rock
dre’fos: 1. baby
drw’mh: 1. oats
drazia’: 1. evening
draxi’onas: 1. lower-arm
draxio’li: 1. bracelet | 2. bracelet
dronth’: 1. thunder
droxh’: 1. rain
druko’lakas: 1. vampire
dwmo’s: 1. altar
didli’o: 1. book
didliografi’a: 1. bibliography
ditami’nh: 1. vitamin
ga’zos: 1. cod; codfish
ga’la: 1. milk
ga’ma: 1. gamma
ga’ta: 1. cat
ga’izaros: 1. ass; donkey
ge’nna: 1. birth
ge’nnhsh: 1. birth
ge’nos: 1. breed; race
ge’ros: 1. old man
ge’fhra: 1. bridge
gh’inos: 1. earthen; earthly; terrestrial
gi’gas: 1. giant
go’nato: 1. knee
gu’ros: 1. circle
gala’zios: 1. blue | 2. sky blue
galano’s: 1. blue
galliko’s: 1. French
gene’ðlia: 1. birthday
genea’: 1. generation | 2. breed; race
geneia’s: 1. beard
gennai’os: 1. brave; courageous; valiant
gennaio’thta: 1. courage
gera’ki: 1. hawk
germaniko’s: 1. German
gewgra’fos: 1. geographer
gewgrafi’a: 1. geography
gewlo’gos: 1. geologist
gewlogi’a: 1. geology
gewmetri’a: 1. geometry
gewponi’a: 1. agriculture; farming; tillage
geia’: 1. health
geia’sas: 1. adieu; farewell; bye; goodbye | 2. hello
gkarso’nh: 1. waiter
gkri’zos: 1. grey
gkiw’nhs: 1. owl
gla’ros: 1. seagull
glw’ssa: 1. tongue | 2. language; tongue
glafuro’s: 1. elegant
glukoxa’ragma: 1. dusk | 2. dawn; daybreak
gna’ðos: 1. jaw; jawbone
gnw’mh: 1. opinion
gori’llas: 1. gorilla
gourou’ni: 1. hog; pig; swine
gra’mma: 1. letter
gri’pph: 1. flu; grip; influenza
gru’llos: 1. piglet
gramma’rio: 1. gram; gramme
grammato’shmo: 1. stamp; postage stamp
grammatikh’: 1. grammar
grani’ths: 1. granite
grafei’o: 1. desk; writing desk; writing-desk
grafeiokrati’a: 1. bureaucracy; officialdom
grafomhxanh’: 1. typewriter
gria’: 1. gammer; old woman
gunai’ka: 1. woman
guio’s: 1. son
gwniako’s: 1. gaunt
giw’t: 1. yacht
gia: 1. as; because; for; since
giagia’: 1. grandmother
gialo’s: 1. coast; seaside; shore
giaou’rti: 1. yoghourt; yoghurt
giatro’s: 1. doctor; physician
giga’ntios: 1. enormous | 2. gigantic; huge
giougkosladiko’s: 1. Yugoslav; Yugoslavian
za’ktulos: 1. finger
za’skalos: 1. instructor; teacher
za’sos: 1. forest; woods
ze’ka: 1. ten
ze’lta: 1. delta
ze’nzro: 1. tree
zi’aita: 1. diet
zi’pla: 1. at; beside; by; near; nearby; near to; next to
zi’plwma: 1. diploma
zi’s: 1. twice
zi’xws: 1. without
zi’psa: 1. thirst
zo’gma: 1. dogma
zo’nti: 1. tooth
zo’za: 1. fame; glory; renown
zo’ru: 1. lance; spear
zw’zeka: 1. twelve
zu’namh: 1. force; strength; vigour
zu’o: 1. two
zai’mwn: 1. demon
zaktuli’zi: 1. ring
zaktulogra’fos: 1. typist
zama’skhno: 1. plum
zaniko’s: 1. Danish
zaska’la: 1. teacher; female teacher
zekae’zi: 1. sixteen
zekaenne’a: 1. nineteen
zekaepta’: 1. seventeen
zekaoktw’: 1. eighteen
zekape’nte: 1. fifteen
zekate’ssera: 1. fourteen
zekate’sseris: 1. fourteen
zekatri’a: 1. thirteen
zekatrei’s: 1. thirteen
zelfi’ni: 1. dolphin
zhmokra’ths: 1. democrat
zhmokrati’a: 1. democracy | 2. republic
zhmokratiko’s: 1. democratic | 2. republican
zhmosiogra’fos: 1. journalist
zhmofilh’s: 1. popular
zou’kas: 1. duke
zou’kissa: 1. duchess
zou’lh: 1. slave
zou’los: 1. slave
zorufo’ros: 1. satellite
zra’kos: 1. dragon
zra’ma: 1. drama
zro’mos: 1. street | 2. road; route; way
zru’s: 1. oak
zroma’s: 1. dromedary
zruokola’pths: 1. magpie
zunami’tiza: 1. dynamite
zunato’s: 1. strong
zunato’thta: 1. possibility
zuseizh’s: 1. nasty; ugly
zutiko’s: 1. western
zwzeka’za: 1. dozen
zwma’tio: 1. bedroom
zia’lektos: 1. dialect
zia’logos: 1. dialogue
zia’metros: 1. diameter
zia’rroia: 1. diarrhoea
zih’ghma: 1. account; narrative; story; tale
zio’ti: 1. as; because; for; since
ziw’riga: 1. canal; channel
ziermhne’as: 1. interpreter
ziplo’s: 1. half
ziplwma’ths: 1. diplomat
zipsasme’nos: 1. thirsty
ei’zwlo: 1. idol
ei’kosi: 1. twenty
edzoma’za: 1. week
edzomh’nta: 1. seventy
edraïko’s: 1. Hebrew; Jewish | 2. Jewish
eggo’ni: 1. grandchild
eggle’zikos: 1. English
eggono’s: 1. grandson
egke’falos: 1. brain
egkuklopai’zeia: 1. encyclopaedia
ek: 1. from; out of
ekato’: 1. hundred; one hundred
ekatosto’metro: 1. centimetre
ekklhsi’a: 1. church; church-building; house of worship; place of worship
ela’fi: 1. deer
ele’fas: 1. elephant
eldetiko’s: 1. Swiss
ellhniko’s: 1. Greek
elonosi’a: 1. malaria
eliodasi’lema: 1. sunset
emei’s: 1. us; we
ene’rgeia: 1. energy
enenh’nta: 1. ninety
enne’a: 1. nine
eza’zelfos: 1. cousin
ezh’nta: 1. sixty
ezw’sths: 1. balcony
epi’skopos: 1. bishop
epw’numo: 1. surname
epta’: 1. seven
epida’ths: 1. passenger
episth’mh: 1. science
episth’mwn: 1. scientist
episthmoniko’s: 1. scientific
epistolh’: 1. letter
epituxi’a: 1. achievement; success
eruðro’s: 1. red
estiato’rio: 1. restaurant
eunow’: 1. favor; favour
eureth’rio: 1. index | 2. catalogue; directory
eurwpaïko’s: 1. European
euxaristw’: 1. thank you; thanks
efhmeri’za: 1. gazette; magazine; newspaper; periodical
efia’lths: 1. nightmare
exðe’s: 1. yesterday
exðro’s: 1. adversary; enemy
eizwlola’trhs: 1. idolator | 2. pagan
eiko’na: 1. image; picture
eirh’nh: 1. peace
eirwnei’a: 1. irony
eisth’rio: 1. bill; ticket; note
za’xarh: 1. sugar
ze’sth: 1. heat | 2. warmth
zh’ta: 1. zeta
zw’nh: 1. zone
zw’o: 1. animal
zu’ðos: 1. ale; beer
zampo’: 1. ham
zeni’ð: 1. zenith
zestasia’: 1. heat | 2. warmth
zou’gkla: 1. jungle
zouzou’ni: 1. bug; insect
zwh’: 1. life
zwgrafia’: 1. painting; picture
zwgrafikh’: 1. painting; picture
zwhro’thta: 1. heat | 2. warmth
zwna’ri: 1. belt; girdle
zwologi’a: 1. zoology
h: 1. the
hlektro’nio: 1. electron
hlektronikh’: 1. electronics
hlektriko’: 1. electricity
hlektriko’s: 1. electric
hlektrismo’s: 1. electricity
hliako’s: 1. solair; sun; sun-; of the sun
hliki’a: 1. age
hmi’fws: 1. dusk
hmeromhni’a: 1. date
hrwi’za: 1. heroine
hrwi’nh: 1. heroin
hrwiko’s: 1. heroic
hfai’steio: 1. volcano
hxw’: 1. echo
ða’lamos: 1. chamber; room
ða’lassa: 1. sea
ða’natos: 1. death
ðe’atro: 1. theatre
ðe’rmh: 1. ague; fever
ðe’ros: 1. harvest | 2. summer
ðh’kh: 1. box
ðu’ella: 1. storm
ðu’ma: 1. victim
ðanh’: 1. death
ðei’a: 1. aunt
ðei’os: 1. divine | 2. uncle | 3. holy; sacred
ðeo’s: 1. god
ðeatri’nos: 1. actor
ðeokrati’a: 1. theocracy
ðeologi’a: 1. theology
ðermo’metro: 1. thermometer
ðermo’s: 1. warm
ðermo’thta: 1. heat | 2. warmth
ðermokrasi’a: 1. temperature
ðewri’a: 1. theory
ðeia’fi: 1. brimstone; sulphur
ðeïko’s: 1. divine
ðro’nos: 1. throne
ðrhskei’a: 1. religion
ðugate’ra: 1. daughter
ka’douras: 1. crab
ka’ðisma: 1. chair
ka’ktos: 1. cactus
ka’llos: 1. beauty
ka’mara: 1. chamber; room
ka’mpia: 1. caterpillar
ka’ssa: 1. box | 2. jug; box; container; vessel
ka’stro: 1. castle
ke’zros: 1. cedar
ke’ntro: 1. centre
kh’pos: 1. garden
kh’tos: 1. whale
ki’nzunos: 1. danger; peril
ki’trinos: 1. yellow
ko’kkalo: 1. bone
ko’kkinos: 1. red
ko’koras: 1. cock; rooster
ko’lpo: 1. subterfuge; trick; trickery
ko’mdos: 1. knot; node
ko’mhs: 1. count; earl
ko’rh: 1. daughter | 2. girl; lass; wench | 3. virgin
ko’smos: 1. world | 2. universe
ko’tta: 1. chicken; fowl
kw’zikas: 1. code
kw’los: 1. anus; arse | 2. backside; rump
kw’ma: 1. comma
ku’klos: 1. circle
ku’knos: 1. swan
ku’ma: 1. wave
kai’toi: 1. though; although
kaðhghth’s: 1. instructor; teacher | 2. professor
kaðhmerino’s: 1. daily
kaðre’fths: 1. looking-glass; mirror
kaka’o: 1. cocoa
kakoglwssia’: 1. backbiting; scandal; slander
kakokairi’a: 1. foul weather
kala’ði: 1. basket
kalo’geros: 1. monk
kalo’gria: 1. nun
kalw’zio: 1. cord; rope; string
kalu’teros: 1. better
kalama’ri: 1. well; inkpot; ink-well
kalampo’ki: 1. corn; Indian corn; maize; mealies
kalampou’ri: 1. gag; joke
kalhme’ra: 1. good morning
kalhnu’xta: 1. good night
kalhspe’ra: 1. good afternoon | 2. good evening
kallonh’: 1. beauty
kalluntika’: 1. make up; make-up
kallite’xnhs: 1. artist
kalokai’ri: 1. summer
kalwsori’zw: 1. welcome
kamh’la: 1. camel
kamhlopa’rzalh: 1. giraffe
kampine’s: 1. toilet
kamfora’: 1. camphor
kamio’ni: 1. lorry; truck | 2. lorry; truck
kamina’za: 1. chimney; smokestack
kana’li: 1. canal; channel
kana’ta: 1. jug; pitcher | 2. jug; box; container; vessel
kane’is: 1. a; any; anybody; some; somebody; one; someone; some one
kanaziko’s: 1. Canadian
kanape’s: 1. couch; sofa | 2. sofa
kanari’ni: 1. canary
kanna’di: 1. hemp
kanni’dalos: 1. cannibal
kapa’ki: 1. cover; hood; lid
kape’llo: 1. hat
kapnozo’xos: 1. chimney; smokestack
kara’di: 1. ship; vessel
kari’na: 1. keel
karo’to: 1. carrot
karu’zi: 1. walnut
karzia’: 1. heart
karki’nos: 1. cancer; canker | 2. cancer | 3. crab
karnada’li: 1. carnival
karpo’s: 1. wrist | 2. wrist
karpou’zi: 1. water-melon | 2. water-melon
karro’: 1. diamond
karuzia’: 1. walnut-tree | 2. walnut-tree
karxari’as: 1. shark
kasto’ri: 1. beaver
kata’logos: 1. catalogue; directory | 2. list
kata’logos: 1. menu
kata’rti: 1. mast
kath’goros: 1. accuser
katarra’kths: 1. waterfall | 2. waterfall
katastrofh’: 1. catastrophe
kataigi’za: 1. storm
kathgori’a: 1. accusal; accusation | 2. category | 3. class
katourlio’: 1. urine
katra’mi: 1. asphalt | 2. barrel-organ; hurdy-gurdy
katsi’ka: 1. she-goat | 2. goat
katsi’ki: 1. kid
katsadi’zi: 1. screwdriver
katsari’za: 1. cockroach
kafe’s: 1. coffee
kafenei’o: 1. café; coffee-house
kafetie’ra: 1. coffee-pot
kairo’s: 1. period | 2. time; while | 3. weather
kei’meno: 1. lyric; text
kella’ri: 1. basement; cellar
kelli’: 1. cell
kentri’: 1. thorn | 2. sting
kera’si: 1. cherry
keri’: 1. wax
kerasia’: 1. cherry-tree
khpouro’s: 1. gardener
kle’pths: 1. thief
kle’fths: 1. thief
kle’psimo: 1. abstraction; theft
klh’ma: 1. vine; grapevine
kli’ma: 1. climate
kli’maka: 1. staircase; stairs | 2. ladder
kleizi’: 1. key; wrench
kloph’: 1. abstraction; theft
kloudi’: 1. cage
kou’kos: 1. cuckoo
kou’telo: 1. forehead
kolw’na: 1. column; pillar
kolosso’s: 1. giant
kolossiai’os: 1. enormous | 2. gigantic; huge
kommounisth’s: 1. communist
konse’rto: 1. concert
konia’k: 1. brandy; cognac
kopa’zi: 1. bevy; collection; group; heap; herd; set
kope’lla: 1. girl; lass; wench
kopi’zi: 1. chisel
kori’tsi: 1. girl; lass; wench | 2. virgin
kormi’: 1. body
koruzallo’s: 1. lark
kouzi’na: 1. kitchen
koukouda’gia: 1. owl
koune’li: 1. rabbit
kounou’pi: 1. mosquito
kounoupi’zi: 1. cauliflower
kounia’za: 1. sister-in-law
kounia’zos: 1. brother-in-law
koupi’: 1. oar
koursa’ros: 1. pirate
kourti’na: 1. curtain
kouta’li: 1. spoon
kouti’: 1. box | 2. jug; box; container; vessel
koufa’ri: 1. body
koxli’as: 1. snail | 2. screw
koila’za: 1. valley
koilia’: 1. abdomen; belly; tummy
koimhth’rio: 1. cemetery; God’s acre; graveyard
koitw’nas: 1. bedroom
kra’nos: 1. helmet
kre’as: 1. flesh | 2. meat
krh’nh: 1. fountain
kri’nos: 1. lily
kro’kos: 1. crocus
krani’o: 1. skull
krasi’: 1. wine
kredda’ti: 1. bed
kreddatoka’mara: 1. bedroom
krith’s: 1. judge
kte’ni: 1. comb
kuklw’nas: 1. cyclone
kupari’ssi: 1. cypres
kupriako’s: 1. Cypriot; Cypriote
kwfa’lalos: 1. deaf and dumb
kidw’tio: 1. box
kiða’ra: 1. guitar
kilo’: 1. kilo
kimwli’a: 1. chalk
kine’zikos: 1. Chinese
kinhmatogra’fos: 1. cinema; movie theatre
kinhth’ras: 1. engine; motor
kisso’s: 1. ivy
la’da: 1. lava
la’ðos: 1. aberration; error; mistake
la’mpa: 1. lamp
la’stixo: 1. rubber
la’xano: 1. cabbage
le’zh: 1. word
le’sxh: 1. casino | 2. club; society
li’an: 1. quite; very; very much
li’dra: 1. pound
li’go: 1. a little; rather; some; somewhat; to some extent
li’gos: 1. a little; rather; some; somewhat; to some extent
li’ðinos: 1. metalled; stone
li’mnh: 1. lake; loch
li’sta: 1. catalogue; directory | 2. list
li’tra: 1. pound | 2. liter; litre
lo’gos: 1. speech
lo’gxh: 1. bayonet | 2. lance; spear
lu’kos: 1. wolf
la’zi: 1. oil of olives; olive-oil
lao’s: 1. crowd; mass; multitude
ladwmatia’: 1. injury; wound
lago’s: 1. hare
lagka’zi: 1. ravine
lali’a: 1. voice
laou’to: 1. lute
larh’ggi: 1. throat
laru’ggi: 1. larynx
latinika’: 1. Latin
laimo’o’s: 1. neck
leu’ka: 1. poplar
lemo’ni: 1. lemon
lemona’za: 1. lemonade
lemonia’: 1. lemon-tree | 2. lemon-tree
leziko’: 1. dictionary; vocabulary
leonta’ri: 1. lion
leopa’rzalh: 1. leopard
lepta’: 1. money
lerwme’no s: 1. dirty; filthy; nasty; soiled; unclean
leuteria’: 1. freedom
lewfo’ros: 1. avenue | 2. boulevard
lewforei’o: 1. bus; autobus; omnibus
lhsth’s: 1. bandit | 2. robber
logote’xnhs: 1. author | 2. author; writer
logotexni’a: 1. literature
logikh’: 1. logic
louka’niko: 1. sausage
liaka’za: 1. sun; sunshine
lidane’zikos: 1. Lebanese
liduko’s: 1. Libyan
liga’ki: 1. a little; rather; some; somewhat; to some extent
liða’ri: 1. stone
like’r: 1. liqueur
limnoða’lassa: 1. lagoon
lina’ri: 1. flax
lionta’ri: 1. lion
ma’geiras: 1. cook; male cook
ma’gos: 1. enchanter; magician; sorcerer; warlock; wizard
ma’goulo: 1. cheek
ma’gissa: 1. witch
ma’ðhma: 1. lesson
ma’llinos: 1. wool
ma’mmh: 1. grandmother
ma’nths: 1. prophet | 2. enchanter; magician; sorcerer; warlock; wizard
ma’ppas: 1. fool
ma’rmaro: 1. marble
ma’ska: 1. mask
me’ðozos: 1. method | 2. system
me’li: 1. honey
me’lissa: 1. bee
me’sh: 1. average; mean; middle
me’sos: 1. average; mean | 2. average; mean; middle
me’tallo: 1. metal
me’twpo: 1. brow; eyebrow | 2. forehead
mh’lo: 1. apple
mh’nas: 1. month
mh’za: 1. mucus; phlegm | 2. snot
mh’tra: 1. uterus; womb
mi’a: 1. one
mi’li: 1. mile
mi’tra: 1. miter; mitre
mu’ga: 1. fly; housefly
mu’zi: 1. mussel
mu’ðos: 1. fable | 2. legend | 3. myth
mu’khtas: 1. fungus; mushroom
mu’rioi: 1. ten thousand
mu’th: 1. nose
magazi’: 1. boutique; shop; store
magnh’sio: 1. magnesium
magnh’ths: 1. magnet
magnhtismo’s: 1. magnetism
magio’: 1. bathing suit; bathing-suit
maðhmatika’: 1. mathematics
maðhmatiko’s: 1. mathematical
maðhth’s: 1. academic; student
malli’: 1. wool
mama’: 1. mam; mammy; mom; mommy
manou’dra: 1. maneuver; manœuvre; manoeuvre
manou’la: 1. mam; mammy; mom; mommy
mantari’ni: 1. tangerine
mantei’o: 1. oracle
mazila’ri: 1. cushion
maragko’s: 1. carpenter
margari’nh: 1. margarine
margari’ta: 1. daisy
margarita’ri: 1. pearl
marmela’za: 1. jam; marmelade
marou’li: 1. lettuce
maso’nos: 1. freemason; Mason
mato’fullo: 1. eyelid
maxai’ri: 1. knife
maïmou’: 1. ape; monkey
meli’ssi: 1. swarm of bees | 2. beehive
melwzi’a: 1. melody; tune
meta’lleuma: 1. ore
meta’llinos: 1. metal; metallic
meta’llio: 1. medal
meta’zi: 1. silk
mete’wro: 1. atmospheric phenomenon
metallei’o: 1. mine
metalliko’s: 1. mineral
metazu’: 1. among; between
metazoskw’lhkas: 1. silkworm
metriko’s: 1. metric
mhze’n: 1. nought; zero
mhli’ggi: 1. temple
mhli’ths: 1. cider
mhn: 1. month
mhsth’rio: 1. secret
mhte’ra: 1. mother
mhtro’polh: 1. metropolis | 2. city; metropolis | 3. capital; capital city; metropolis
mhxanh’: 1. engine; machine
mnh’ma: 1. grave; tomb
mnhmei’o: 1. monument
mnhsth’: 1. bride; fiancée
mnhsth’ras: 1. fiancé
mou’mia: 1. mummy
mono’tonos: 1. monotonous | 2. monotonous
monasth’ri: 1. monastery
monaxh’: 1. nun
monaxo’s: 1. monk
monogami’a: 1. monogamy
monopwlw’: 1. monopoly
monte’lo: 1. model
monte’rnos: 1. modern
morfi’nh: 1. morphia; morphine
mosxa’ri: 1. veal | 2. calf
motosukle’ta: 1. motorcycle
mourlo’s: 1. crazy; insane; mad; nuts
mourou’na: 1. cod; codfish
mouria’: 1. mulberry-tree | 2. mulberry-tree
mousafi’rhs: 1. guest | 2. caller; visitor
mousei’o: 1. museum
mousta’ki: 1. moustache
mousta’rza: 1. mustard
mousikh’: 1. music
mousiko’s: 1. musical
mpa’starzos: 1. bastard
mpe’mphs: 1. baby
mpi’ra: 1. ale; beer
mpo’mpa: 1. bomb
mpo’ta: 1. boat
mpale’to: 1. ballet
mpalo’ni: 1. balloon
mpalko’ni: 1. balcony
mpalnta’s: 1. axe
mpampa’s: 1. dad; daddy
mpana’na: 1. banana
mpanie’ra: 1. bath
mpaze’s: 1. garden
mpatari’a: 1. battery
mpatzana’khs: 1. brother-in-law
mpeto’: 1. concrete
mple: 1. blue
mplou’za: 1. blouse
mpoti’lia: 1. bottle
mpouka’li: 1. bottle
mpri’ki: 1. coffee-pot
mprou’ntzos: 1. bronze
mpize’li: 1. pea
mpisko’to: 1. biscuit; cookie
muðologi’a: 1. mythology
muðiko’s: 1. legendary | 2. mythical
muðisto’rhma: 1. novel
mulwna’s: 1. miller
murmh’gki: 1. ant; emmet
musth’rio: 1. mystery
musth’rios: 1. abstruse; mysterious
musthriw’zhs: 1. abstruse; mysterious
mustiko’: 1. secret
mus: 1. muscle
mwameðano’s: 1. Mohammedan; Moslem; Muslim; Mussulman
mwro’: 1. baby
mwsaïko’: 1. mosaic; mosaic work
mikro’dio: 1. germ; microbe
mikro’s: 1. diminutive; little; small
mikro’fwno: 1. microphone
mikrosko’pio: 1. microscope
miso’: 1. half
miso’s: 1. half
misðo’s: 1. salary; wage; wages
na’lon: 1. nylon
na’nos: 1. dwarf; midget | 2. pigmy
na’rkissos: 1. daffodil; narcissus
na’trio: 1. sodium
ne’a: 1. girl; lass; wench
ne’ktar: 1. nectar
ne’os: 1. new; novel
ne’fos: 1. cloud
nh’pio: 1. baby
no’misma: 1. money
no’tos: 1. south
no’tios: 1. south; southern
nu’xta: 1. night
nu’xi: 1. nail
nao’s: 1. church; church-building; house of worship; place of worship | 2. temple
nau’arxos: 1. admiral
nau’ths: 1. sailor
nautiko’: 1. navy
nai: 1. certainly; indeed; rather; surely
nekro’s: 1. dead | 2. dead
nekrotafei’o: 1. cemetery; God’s acre; graveyard
nekropsi’a: 1. autopsy
neoellhniko’s: 1. Modern Greek
nero’: 1. water
nefro’: 1. kidney
nhsi’: 1. island
nhstiko’s: 1. hungry
noh’mwn: 1. intelligent; sagacious
nou’faro: 1. waterlily
nohmosh’nh: 1. intellect; mind | 2. intelligence
nomikh’: 1. law
nordhgiko’s: 1. Norwegian
nosokomei’o: 1. hospital
notia’: 1. south
noikokhra’: 1. housewife
ntou’s: 1. shower
ntoma’ta: 1. tomato
ntouzi’na: 1. dozen
ntida’ni: 1. couch; divan
nufi’tsa: 1. weasel
nuxteri’za: 1. bat
nike’lio: 1. nickel
nifa’za: 1. snowflake
za’zerfos: 1. cousin
zi’linos: 1. wooden
zu’zi: 1. vinegar
zu’lo: 1. timber; wood
zaze’rfh: 1. cousin
zanðo’s: 1. blond; fair
zenozoxei’o: 1. hotel
zura’fi: 1. razor
zifolo’gxh: 1. bayonet
oi’kos anoxh’s: 1. brothel
oi’nos: 1. wine
ou’ra: 1. urine
o: 1. the
ogzo’nta: 1. eighty
ozonti’atros: 1. dentist
ozonto’dourtsa: 1. tooth-brush
ozoipo’ros: 1. traveller
oktw’: 1. eight
oktapo’zi: 1. octopus
ollanziko’s: 1. Dutch | 2. Dutch
omi’xlh: 1. fog; mist
omele’ta: 1. omelette
omorfia’: 1. beauty
ompre’lla: 1. umbrella
onomasi’a: 1. appellation; name
ozu’: 1. acid
ozua’: 1. birch
ozugo’no: 1. oxygen
oplh’: 1. hoof
opli’ths: 1. pawn; soldier
opwrika’: 1. fruit
orðo’zozos: 1. orthodox
oroseira’: 1. chain of mountains; mountain chain; mountain range; rand
oruxei’o: 1. mine
orfano’s: 1. orphan
orxh’stra: 1. orchestra
ostou’n: 1. bone
ouggariko’s: 1. Hungarian
ouze’pote: 1. never
ouzei’s: 1. neither; nobody; none; no-one
oura’nio: 1. uranium
ourano’s: 1. heaven; sky
ousiastiko’: 1. noun; substantive
ous: 1. ear
oxia’: 1. adder; viper
oiki’a: 1. home
oikozo’mhma: 1. building
oikoume’nh: 1. world | 2. universe
oino’pneuma: 1. alcohol
pa’gos: 1. freezing cold; frost | 2. frost | 3. ice
pa’nðhras: 1. panther
pa’rko: 1. park
pa’tos: 1. bottom; foundation; ground
pe’zilo: 1. sandal
pe’nte: 1. five
pe’os: 1. penis
pe’rzrika: 1. partridge
pe’strofa: 1. trout
pe’tsa: 1. skin
pe’tsinos: 1. leather
pe’psh: 1. digestion
pi’ðhkos: 1. ape; monkey
pi’ssa: 1. asphalt | 2. tar
po’lemos: 1. war
po’lh: 1. city; town
po’los: 1. pole
po’nos: 1. ache; pain
po’ntos: 1. sea
po’rnh: 1. hooker; whore | 2. hooker; prostitute; whore
pi’ssa: 1. pitch
pago’douno: 1. iceberg
pagw’ni: 1. peacock
pageto’s: 1. freezing cold; frost | 2. frost
pagwnia’: 1. freezing cold; frost | 2. frost
pagwto’: 1. ice; icecream
pala’ti: 1. palace
palaio’s: 1. old
panzoxei’o: 1. hostel; inn
pantalo’ni: 1. pants; trousers
pantaxou’: 1. all about; everywhere
pantou’: 1. all about; everywhere
papa’s: 1. priest
papou’tsi: 1. shoe
pappou’s: 1. grandfather
para’grafos: 1. paragraph
para’zeisos: 1. paradise
para’ðuro: 1. window
para’ li’go: 1. almost; nearly
parape’tasma: 1. curtain
parhgoria’: 1. consolation
parðe’nos: 1. virgin
parnto’n: 1. excuse me
pasofo’ros: 1. priest
pasxalia’: 1. lilac
pata’ta: 1. potato
patri’za: 1. fatherland
patriarxei’o: 1. patriarch
peu’ko: 1. pine; pine-tree
pezi’o: 1. plain
pezh’: 1. afoot; on foot
pezo’s: 1. pedestrian
pezozro’mio: 1. pavement; sidewalk
peðera’: 1. mother-in-law
peðero’s: 1. father-in-law
pela’ths: 1. client; customer
peleka’nos: 1. pelican
penh’nta: 1. fifty
pepo’ni: 1. melon
peri’: 1. about; concerning; on; upon
persiko’s: 1. Iranian | 2. Persian
perido’li: 1. garden
perigia’li: 1. coast; seaside; shore
perikokla’za: 1. bindweed
periste’ri: 1. dove; pigeon | 2. pigeon
perixarh’s: 1. cheerful; gay; merry
peta’li: 1. pedal
petalou’za: 1. butterfly
petre’laio: 1. paraffin-oil; petroleum
peirath’s: 1. pirate
phga’zi: 1. fountain; source; spring
phgh’: 1. fountain; source; spring
phgou’ni: 1. chin
pla’tanos: 1. plane; plane-tree; sycamore
planh’ths: 1. planet
plhuh’: 1. injury; wound
pmenzi’na: 1. gasolene; gasoline; petrol
pneu’ma: 1. soul
pneu’monas: 1. lung
poi’hma: 1. poem
pou’zra: 1. powder; cosmetic powder
pou’ro: 1. cigar
pou’si: 1. fog; mist
pozh’lato: 1. bike; cycle; bicycle
polu’pous: 1. polyp
poluðro’na: 1. armchair
polwniko’s: 1. Polish
politei’a: 1. state
politeuth’s: 1. politician
politika’: 1. policy; politics
politikh’: 1. policy; politics
pono’zontos: 1. toothache
ponoke’falos: 1. headache
pontiko’s: 1. mouse | 2. rat
porzh’: 1. fart
pornei’o: 1. brothel
portogaliko’s: 1. Portuguese
portoka’li: 1. orange
portokalia’: 1. orange-tree | 2. orange-tree
portrai’to: 1. portrait
poth’ri: 1. glass
poto’: 1. beverage; drink
pouðena’: 1. nowhere
pouka’miso: 1. shirt
pouli’: 1. bird
pouta’na: 1. hooker; whore | 2. hooker; prostitute; whore
pra’gma: 1. affair; business; business deal; case; matter | 2. thing
pra’gmati: 1. actually; as a matter of fact; indeed; in fact
pro’dato: 1. sheep
pro’geuma: 1. breakfast
pro’ezros: 1. chairman; president
pro’logos: 1. prologue
propaga’nza: 1. propaganda; publicity
proso’psi: 1. towel
proswmi’za: 1. mask
proswmei’o: 1. mask
proxðe’s: 1. the day before yesterday
prwkto’s: 1. anus; arse
prwino’: 1. morning
pthno’: 1. bird
ptuxi’o: 1. diploma
purami’za: 1. pyramid
pureto’s: 1. high; lofty; tall
putza’ma: 1. pyjamas
pwlh’tria: 1. saleswoman
pia’no: 1. piano
pipe’ri: 1. pepper
piperia’: 1. pepper
pissw’nw: 1. tar | 2. pitch
pisto’li: 1. pistol; spray gun
ra’zio: 1. radium
ra’tsa: 1. breed; race
ra’xh: 1. back | 2. spine | 3. spine | 4. spine
re’w: 1. current; flow; stream
rh’gas: 1. king
rh’ma: 1. verb | 2. word
ri’za: 1. root
ri’ma: 1. rhyme
ro’za: 1. wheel
ro’zo: 1. rose
ru’zi: 1. rice
raddi’nos: 1. rabbi
razio’fwno: 1. radio; wireless
rapa’ni: 1. radish
raptika’: 1. tailor
rasofo’ros: 1. monk
raxokokkalia’: 1. spine | 2. spine | 3. spine
realisth’s: 1. realist
repa’ni: 1. radish
reperto’rio: 1. repertoire
reumatismo’s: 1. rheumatism
rhma’zi: 1. ruin
rou’mi: 1. rum
rolo’i: 1. clock; watch
rologa’s: 1. watchmaker
romantiko’s: 1. romantic
roumaniko’s: 1. Romanian; Rumanian
roumpi’ni: 1. ruby
routi’na: 1. routine
rua’ki: 1. stream
ruðmo’s: 1. rhythm
rwmaïko’s: 1. Roman
rino’keros: 1. rhino; rhinoceros
sa’ddato: 1. Saturday
sa’kos: 1. jug; box; container; vessel
sa’lpigka: 1. trumpet
sa’ltsa: 1. gravy; sauce
sa’li: 1. shawl
sa’liagkas: 1. snail
sa’ntouits: 1. sandwich
sa’rka: 1. flesh
se’lino: 1. celery
sh’ragga: 1. tunnel
si’goura: 1. certainly
si’gouros: 1. certain; sure
si’zero: 1. iron
si’zhros: 1. iron
si’kalh: 1. rye
su’zugos: 1. spouse
su’ko: 1. fig
su’mdolo: 1. emblem | 2. character; mark; sign; signal; token | 3. symbol
su’nðhma: 1. mark; sign; signal; token
su’nnefo: 1. cloud
su’nozos: 1. congress; convention
su’rma: 1. wire
su’stash: 1. address
su’filh: 1. syphilis
saï’ta: 1. dart | 2. arrow
sau’ra: 1. lizard
saddatokh’riako: 1. week-end
sago’ni: 1. chin
sazismo’s: 1. sadism
sazisth’s: 1. sadist
saka’ki: 1. coat; overcoat
saki’: 1. jug; box; container; vessel
sala’mi: 1. salami
sanza’li: 1. sandal
sapou’ni: 1. soap
sara’nta: 1. forty
sarantaposarou’sa: 1. centipede
sarze’la: 1. anchovy | 2. sardine
sarkofa’gos: 1. carnivorous | 2. carnivorous
sataniko’s: 1. Satanic
satra’phs: 1. Titan
safh’s: 1. evident; obvious | 2. clear; distinct; plain
safw’s: 1. apparently; obviously | 2. clearly
saxlo’s: 1. addled; foolish; stupid
saizo’n: 1. season
sde’ltos: 1. slender; slim
selh’nh: 1. moon
seli’ni: 1. shilling
serdito’ra: 1. waitress
serdito’ros: 1. waiter
seismo’s: 1. earthquake
shkw’ti: 1. liver
shmai’a: 1. banner; flag
ske’leðro: 1. skeleton | 2. skeleton
skh’ptro: 1. sceptre
ski’ouros: 1. squirrel
sko’lh: 1. holiday
sko’ros: 1. moth
sko’rpios: 1. scorpion
sko’tos: 1. darkness; murk
skata’: 1. dung; excrement
skeleto’s: 1. skeleton | 2. skeleton
skeptiko’s: 1. skeptical
skla’dos: 1. slave
skni’pa: 1. gnat
skou’pa: 1. broom
skota’zi: 1. darkness; murk
skoulh’ki: 1. worm
skuli’: 1. dog
sme’ouro: 1. raspberry
smi’lh: 1. chisel
smara’gzi: 1. emerald
smhni’as: 1. sergeant
sou’pa: 1. soup
soka’ki: 1. alley; lane
sokola’ta: 1. chocolate
solomo’s: 1. salmon
sosialisth’s: 1. socialist
souhziko’s: 1. Swedish
soulta’nos: 1. sultan
spe’rma: 1. seed | 2. sperm | 3. sperm
spe’rmo: 1. germ
spo’ros: 1. seed | 2. sperm | 3. germ
spaði’: 1. sword
spana’ki: 1. spinach
spara’ggi: 1. asparagus
sta’kth: 1. ash; cinder
ste’gasma: 1. roof
ste’gh: 1. roof
ste’psh: 1. coronation
stauro’lezo: 1. crossword puzzle
stauro’s: 1. crucifix | 2. cross
stafu’li: 1. grape
steno’s: 1. narrow
stenografi’a: 1. shorthand; stenography
stenwpo’s: 1. alley; lane
sterli’na: 1. pound sterling
stoi’xos: 1. file; line; rank; row; turn
stolh’: 1. costume; outfit; suit | 2. uniform
stoixeio’: 1. ghost; phantom
stri’ggla: 1. witch
stri’gla: 1. witch
stratw’nas: 1. barracks | 2. barracks
strathgo’s: 1. general
strathgikh’: 1. strategy
strathgiko’s: 1. strategic
stratia’: 1. army
stratiw’ths: 1. pawn; soldier
strei’zi: 1. oyster
strouðoka’mhlos: 1. ostrich
stile’to: 1. dagger
suggrafe’as: 1. author | 2. author; writer
sukia’: 1. fig-tree | 2. fig-tree
sumdi’a: 1. wife
sunoliko’s: 1. overall; total | 2. entire; overall; whole
sunousi’a: 1. coition | 2. sex
sunta’kths: 1. author | 2. author; writer
suntagh’: 1. formula
suntagmata’rxhs: 1. colonel
suriako’s: 1. Syrian
suxna’: 1. frequently; often; regularly
sfh’ka: 1. wasp
sfuri’: 1. hammer
sxolei’o: 1. school
swsi’dio: 1. life-belt; lifebelt; safety-belt
swfe’r: 1. chauffeur; driver
siagw’na: 1. jaw; jawbone
sigare’to: 1. cigarette
sizera’s: 1. smith
sizere’nios: 1. iron
sizhrourgo’s: 1. smith
siloue’ta: 1. outline; silhouette
sina’pi: 1. mustard
sita’ri: 1. wheat
sifo’ni: 1. siphon
siwph’: 1. silence
siwphro’s: 1. silent
ta’kt: 1. musical time; tact
ta’fos: 1. grave; tomb
ta’xa: 1. maybe; mayhap; perchance; perhaps; possibly | 2. as if; as though; in a way | 3. apparently; seemingly
ta’xates: 1. maybe; mayhap; perchance; perhaps; possibly | 2. as if; as though; in a way | 3. apparently; seemingly
te’lma: 1. marsh; swamp
te’menos: 1. temple
te’nta: 1. tent
te’nis: 1. tennis
te’ssara: 1. four
te’sseris: 1. four
te’tartos: 1. fourth
te’fra: 1. ash; cinder
th’dennos: 1. toga
ti’grh: 1. tiger
ti’mhma: 1. cost | 2. price | 3. value; worth
to’pos: 1. place | 2. location; place; spot | 3. position
tw’ra: 1. currently; nowadays; these days
tu’mdos: 1. grave; tomb
tu’rannos: 1. tyrant
tu’fla: 1. blindness
tau’ros: 1. bull
ta: 1. the
tada’ni: 1. ceiling
tade’rna: 1. inn; tavern
takou’ni: 1. heel
taktikh’: 1. method | 2. strategy | 3. tactic; tactics
tazi’: 1. taxi
tazi’zi: 1. journey; trip; voyage
taziarxi’a: 1. brigade
taziziw’ths: 1. traveller
tape’to: 1. carpet
tasa’ki: 1. ashtray | 2. saucer
taxuzro’mos: 1. postman
tzami’: 1. mosque
thle’grafos: 1. telegraph
thle’fwno: 1. telephone
thleo’rash: 1. television; TV
thlegra’fhma: 1. telegram
thlesko’pio: 1. telescope
toi’xos: 1. wall
to: 1. the
topi’o: 1. landscape; scenery
torpi’lh: 1. torpedo
touale’ta: 1. toilet
touli’pa: 1. tulip
touri’stas: 1. tourist
tourkiko’s: 1. Turkish
tra’gos: 1. goat
tra’m: 1. streetcar; tram
tre’la: 1. craziness; insanity; lunacy; madness
tri’a: 1. three
tri’gwno: 1. triangle
tri’mma: 1. element; fragment; item; particle | 2. fragment; lump; piece
trai’no: 1. train | 2. train
tragwzi’a: 1. tragedy
trakte’r: 1. tractor
trelo’s: 1. crazy; insane; mad; nuts
treis: 1. three
tromero’s: 1. abysmal; dreadful; gruesome; horrible; terrible
tromokrati’a: 1. terrorism
trompe’ta: 1. trumpet
trompo’ni: 1. trombone
tria’nta: 1. thirty
trigwnometri’a: 1. trigonometry
trigwniko’s: 1. triangular
trikumi’a: 1. hurricane | 2. storm
trifu’lli: 1. clover; shamrock; trefoil
trixia’: 1. cord; rope; string
tsa’i: 1. tea
tse’k: 1. check; cheque
tsi’gkos: 1. zinc
tsi’rko: 1. circus
tsi’rla: 1. diarrhoea
tsagka’rhs: 1. shoemaker | 2. shoemaker
tsagie’ra: 1. tea-pot
tsaka’li: 1. jackal
tsatsa’ra: 1. comb
tsekou’ri: 1. axe
tsexiko’s: 1. Czech
tsou’xtra: 1. jelly-fish
tsompa’nhs: 1. shepherd
tsopa’nhs: 1. shepherd
tsiga’ro: 1. cigarette
tsigga’nos: 1. gypsy; Gypsy
tsime’nto: 1. cement
tsimpou’ki: 1. pipe
tunhsiako’s: 1. Tunisian
turi’: 1. cheese
turanni’a: 1. tyranny
tufw’nas: 1. cyclone | 2. typhoon | 3. hurricane
tuflo’s: 1. blind
tuflopo’ntikas: 1. mole
tuxo’n: 1. by accident; by chance
tuxai’ws: 1. by accident; by chance
ugei’a: 1. health
ugro’s: 1. liquid
ugrasi’a: 1. damp | 2. damp
ugih’s: 1. healthy; well
ugieino’s: 1. healthy; well
uzra’rguros: 1. mercury; quicksilver
uzro’dios: 1. aquatic; water; water-; of water
uzro’geios: 1. earth; land; soil
uzragwgei’o: 1. aqueduct
uzratmo’s: 1. steam; vapor; vapour
uzrofodi’a: 1. rabies
upo’sxesh: 1. affirmation; promise
upoziastolh’: 1. comma
upoðh’kh: 1. mortgage
upourgo’s: 1. minister
usteri’a: 1. hysteria
usteriko’s: 1. hysterical
ufh’lios: 1. earth; land; soil
uio’s: 1. affiliate; affiliation; branch
fa’laina: 1. whale
fa’mprika: 1. factory | 2. factory
fa’ntasma: 1. ghost; phantom
fa’ra: 1. breed; race
fa’ros: 1. lighthouse
fa’sh: 1. phase; stage
fa’sma: 1. ghost; phantom
fi’zi: 1. serpent; snake
fi’lh: 1. friend
fi’lhma: 1. kiss
fi’lm: 1. film; motion picture; movie
fw’kia: 1. seal; sea-dog
fu’llo: 1. leaf; sheet
fallo’s: 1. phallus
fami’lia: 1. family
fana’ri: 1. lamp
fanero’s: 1. evident; obvious | 2. clear; distinct; plain
farma’ki: 1. poison
farmakei’o: 1. chemist’s shop; drugstore
farmakopoio’s: 1. chemist
fasiano’s: 1. pheasant
fegga’ri: 1. moon
fermoua’r: 1. zipper
fou’rnarhs: 1. baker
fodi’a: 1. agony; anguish; fear | 2. fright
foithth’s: 1. academic; student
fra’oula: 1. strawberry
fru’zi: 1. brow; eyebrow
fte’rna: 1. heel
ftai’zimo: 1. aberration; error; mistake
fthno’s: 1. cheap; inexpensive
fulh’: 1. breed; race | 2. tribe
fulakh’: 1. jail; gaol; prison | 2. jail; gaol; prison | 3. jail; gaol; prison
fulaxto’: 1. amulet; charm; talisman
fusikh’: 1. physics
fusiko’: 1. custom; habit; way
fusiko’s: 1. physical
fwlia’: 1. den; nest
fwnh’en: 1. vowel
fwsfo’ros: 1. phosphorus
fwtogra’fos: 1. photographer | 2. photographer
fwtografi’a: 1. photograph | 2. photograph
fia’lh: 1. bottle
fili’a: 1. friendship
filo’sofos: 1. philosopher
filosofi’a: 1. philosophy
finlanziko’s: 1. Finnish
xa’ros: 1. death
xa’rths: 1. paper
xa’xas: 1. idiot
xe’li: 1. eel
xe’ri: 1. hand
xh’na: 1. goose
xh’ra: 1. widow
xh’ros: 1. widower
xi’lioi: 1. thousand; one thousand
xai’rete: 1. hello
xadia’ri: 1. caviar
xala’zi: 1. hail
xali’: 1. carpet
xamo’gelo: 1. smile
xare’mi: 1. harem
xaraugh’: 1. dawn; daybreak
xasi’si: 1. hashish
xelw’na: 1. tortoise
xelizo’ni: 1. swallow
xerso’nhsos: 1. peninsula
xeimw’nas: 1. winter
xeirourgo’s: 1. surgeon
xhmei’a: 1. chemistry | 2. chemistry
xðe’s: 1. yesterday
xlw’rio: 1. chlorine
xloero’s: 1. green
xnw’to: 1. breath
xoi’ros: 1. hog; pig; swine
xole’ra: 1. cholera
xolh’: 1. bile; gall
xoro’s: 1. dance | 2. chorus; coir
xorwzi’a: 1. chorus; coir
xourma’s: 1. date
xoirino’: 1. pork
xrh’ma: 1. money
xro’nos: 1. time; while
xronia’: 1. year
xrusa’fi: 1. gold
xruso’s: 1. gold
xruso’psaro: 1. goldfish
xrusoxo’os: 1. jeweller | 2. jeweller | 3. goldsmith
xrusiko’s: 1. jeweller | 2. jeweller | 3. goldsmith
xristiano’s: 1. Christian
xristianismo’s: 1. Christianity
xte’ni: 1. comb
xtapo’zi: 1. octopus
xwrato’: 1. gag; joke
xwrio’: 1. village
xio’ni: 1. snow
xilia’za: 1. thousand; one thousand
xilio’grammo: 1. kilo
xilio’metro: 1. kilometre
ximpantzh’s: 1. chimpanzee
psa’ða: 1. straw
psa’ri: 1. fish
psalmo’s: 1. psalm
pseu’zomai: 1. lie
pseu’tikos: 1. false
pseuza’rguros: 1. zinc
pseuzh’s: 1. false
pseutia’: 1. lie
psuxh’: 1. soul
psuxi’atros: 1. psychiatrist
psuxolo’gos: 1. psychologist
psuxologi’a: 1. psychology
psuxiatrikh’: 1. psychiatry
psuxiko’s: 1. psychic
pswma’s: 1. baker
pswmi’: 1. bread; loaf
w: 1. ah; oh; ow
wkeano’s: 1. ocean
wle’nh: 1. lower-arm
wrai’a: 1. beautiful; fine; handsome; lovely
wrosko’pio: 1. horoscope
ws: 1. until; till
iw’zio: 1. iodine
iapwne’zikos: 1. Japanese
iatro’s: 1. doctor; physician
iatrikh’: 1. drug; medicine; pharmaceutical
idi’kos: 1. hibiscus
izi’wma: 1. dialect | 2. idiom
iere’as: 1. priest
iero’s: 1. holy; sacred
inzonhsiako’s: 1. Indonesian
inziko’s: 1. Indian
ippopo’tamos: 1. hippo; hippopotamus
irlanziko’s: 1. Irish
ispaniko’s: 1. Spanish
israhlino’s: 1. Israelian | 2. Israeli
istori’a: 1. story; history | 2. account; narrative; story; tale
isxi’o: 1. hip
italiko’s: 1. Italian
itia’: 1. willow
ixðu’s: 1. fish
iwniko’s: 1. Ionian