afaLa – a bad man [Hittite appala’i- (to mislead)]
afari – a deed of conveyance [Latin ops ‘wealth’, Hittite happara’i- ‘to sell’]
akTa – belonging to a dead man [Hittite akk- (to die)]
alus’ – a priest [Hittite alwu- ‘magic’, Phrygian alu- ‘priest’]
ama- to love [IE *am- (to love), Latin amo (I love)]
amu I, me [IE *mé (me), Hittite ammuk (I, me)]
arlili- own [IE *arjo- ‘a master’, Hittite ara’ija- ‘to assume’]
ãrTe- to define
as’aa- kindness [IE *wesu- (good, kind)]
as’êmi- beloved? [Hittite assija- ‘to love’]
as’trho-, as’tarho- a defender [IE *wesu- (good, kind)]
avka- legal
aLas’ – other, another [IE *al- / *ol- (beyond)]
basos’akNãki- to do harm
bi- to give [Hittite peja- (to give)]
bi- he, this [IE *ebho- (that), Hittite, Luwian apa- (he, that)]
bifers’t – he, she will define
bira- a house [Hittite par-, Luwian parna- (a house)]
borli-, forli- a year
brafr- a member of the commune [IE *bhrátér- (a brother)]
brvãs’ – a year
-bu-, -buk or
da- to give [IE *dó- (to give)]
daul- to press [IE *dhaw- (to press, to kill)]
dêt- property
do- up to [Russian do-]
Da-, Di- to devote
Divi- a god [IE *deiwo- (a god)]
DivNali- divine [IE *deiwo- (a god)]
Duve- to construct [Luwian tuwa (to put)]
e- to be [IE *es- (to be)]
ebad – here, there [IE *ebho- (that), Hittite apa- (this)]
êmi- my [IE *mé me, my, Hittite ammel (my)]
es- this [IE *s- (demonstrative pronoun), Hittite asa-, asi- (that)]
es’a- a grandson [Hittite hassa-, Luwian hamša ‘a grandson’]
êna- mother
ên-sarb- to write in [IE *en- (in, inside)]
êt- in- [IE *en- (in, inside)]
êtam- a prescription
êtos’- to surround
êtqra- to complete
fa- on-, upon [Slavic po-, Lithuanian pa-]
fênani- to complete
fênsLifi- to spoil
fêtamN- to define
fabaLko- broad
fadol – he constructed
fakarse- to destroy
fakatvãmi- to go forward
fakorfi- to spoil
fas’fên- to grasp, to steal
faTa- defense
fra- across, through, by- [Lithuanian pra-, Latin pro]
fratinid – does, effects
i- to do [Hittite aia-, ai- (to do)]
ifrli- a robber
isqasãnvN- we possess
istamin- a family
-k and [IE *-kwe (and), Lycian -ke (and)]
kan- – a dog [IE *kwon- (a dog)]
kantoru – I trust
kardal – he made, constructed
karTT- to abolish
katanil – he has built
katsarloki- to curse
kave- a priest [IE k’ou- ‘to foresee’, Phrygian kavar- ‘a sacrwed place’]
kaTTadmê- an inscription
kLida- land
ko- to discover
kofu- water
kot he swears
kot how [IE *kw- (interrogative pronoun stem), Hittite kuwat (how)]
labrus – a pole-ax [Luwian lawar- ‘to break’]
lailas – a sovereign [Hittite lahhijala- ‘a warrior’]
laLe- to speak [Greek lalos (talkative), Hittite lala (a tongue)]
laqrisa- a wall
mêtrid – he breaks
mruvaa- a stele [Avestan mrav-, mru- ‘to speak’, Lycian B mrBBa ‘a word, speech’]
mLvênda- a part
nãrs’- virtue, valor [IE *ner-, *aner-t- (man’s strength), Luwian anarummi- (strong)]
ni- not (negative particle) [IE *@n- (negative pronoun), Luwian ni-, niš- (not)]
ora- a month
qaLmLus – a king
qelis- everything, anything
qela- an area
qên- to kill [IE *kwen- (to kill), Hittite kwen- (to kill)]
qi-, qy- which, that [IE *kwi- (relative pronoun) Hittite kui- (which)]
qira- property
sav- the good
savênt- they flourish
savtarid- he approves
serli- a leader
s’fa- self (reflexive pronoun) [IE *swe- (reflexive pronoun)]
s’fard- Sardis [Hittite ispart- ‘to tower over’]
silavad – to take care
s’rfas’ti- upper [Luwian sarri (up)]
tarb-, trfno- to possess
tas’e- a column
tavs’a- powerful [IE *teu- ‘powerful’, Hittite *taw-, Lycian B tewê ‘evil’]
ti- this [IE *to- (that), Hittite ati- (that very, the same)]
tro-, tor- to speak [Anatolian *tr- (to speak), Luwian tatar (to curse)]
Tên-, Dên- to sanctify
Tes’a- a sarcophagus
u-, uve- to prescribe
vanã- a tomb
ves’fas’ – elder
vis’i- good [IE *wesu- (good)]
viD- to build [IE *widhu- (wood, tree), Palaic wete- (to build)]
vs’ta- a heir
vDbaqên- to destroy, to eliminate