The Lydian language was spoken from 700 to 200 BC in the region of Lydia, which is now where Turkey is located. Lydian Language is strikingly different from the other languages that are part of the Anatolian language family. Below you can find a list of Lydian words & their meanings translated to English.


aara – a yard, an estate
afaLa – a bad man [Hittite appala’i- (to mislead)]
afari – a deed of conveyance [Latin ops ‘wealth’, Hittite happara’i- ‘to sell’]
akTa – belonging to a dead man [Hittite akk- (to die)]
alus’ – a priest [Hittite alwu- ‘magic’, Phrygian alu- ‘priest’]
ama- to love [IE *am- (to love), Latin amo (I love)]
amu I, me [IE *mé (me), Hittite ammuk (I, me)]
arlili- own [IE *arjo- ‘a master’, Hittite ara’ija- ‘to assume’]
ãrTe- to define
as’aa- kindness [IE *wesu- (good, kind)]
as’êmi- beloved? [Hittite assija- ‘to love’]
as’trho-, as’tarho- a defender [IE *wesu- (good, kind)]
avka- legal
aLas’ – other, another [IE *al- / *ol- (beyond)]
basos’akNãki- to do harm
bi- to give [Hittite peja- (to give)]
bi- he, this [IE *ebho- (that), Hittite, Luwian apa- (he, that)]
bifers’t – he, she will define
bira- a house [Hittite par-, Luwian parna- (a house)]
borli-, forli- a year
brafr- a member of the commune [IE *bhrátér- (a brother)]
brvãs’ – a year
-bu-, -buk or
da- to give [IE *dó- (to give)]
daul- to press [IE *dhaw- (to press, to kill)]
dêt- property
do- up to [Russian do-]
Da-, Di- to devote
Divi- a god [IE *deiwo- (a god)]
DivNali- divine [IE *deiwo- (a god)]
Duve- to construct [Luwian tuwa (to put)]
e- to be [IE *es- (to be)]
ebad – here, there [IE *ebho- (that), Hittite apa- (this)]
êmi- my [IE *mé me, my, Hittite ammel (my)]
es- this [IE *s- (demonstrative pronoun), Hittite asa-, asi- (that)]
es’a- a grandson [Hittite hassa-, Luwian hamša ‘a grandson’]
êna- mother
ên-sarb- to write in [IE *en- (in, inside)]
êt- in- [IE *en- (in, inside)]
êtam- a prescription
êtos’- to surround
êtqra- to complete
fa- on-, upon [Slavic po-, Lithuanian pa-]
fênani- to complete
fênsLifi- to spoil
fêtamN-  to define
fabaLko-  broad
fadol – he constructed
fakarse- to destroy
fakatvãmi- to go forward
fakorfi- to spoil
fas’fên- to grasp, to steal
faTa- defense
fra- across, through, by- [Lithuanian pra-, Latin pro]
fratinid – does, effects
i- to do [Hittite aia-, ai- (to do)]
ifrli- a robber
isqasãnvN- we possess
istamin- a family
-k and [IE *-kwe (and), Lycian -ke (and)]
kan- – a dog [IE *kwon- (a dog)]
kantoru – I trust
kardal – he made, constructed
karTT- to abolish
katanil – he has built
katsarloki- to curse
kave- a priest [IE k’ou- ‘to foresee’, Phrygian kavar- ‘a sacrwed place’]
kaTTadmê- an inscription
kLida- land
ko- to discover
kofu- water
kot he swears
kot how [IE *kw- (interrogative pronoun stem), Hittite kuwat (how)]
labrus – a pole-ax [Luwian lawar- ‘to break’]
lailas – a sovereign [Hittite lahhijala- ‘a warrior’]
laLe- to speak [Greek lalos (talkative), Hittite lala (a tongue)]
laqrisa- a wall
mêtrid – he breaks
mruvaa- a stele [Avestan mrav-, mru- ‘to speak’, Lycian B mrBBa ‘a word, speech’]
mLvênda- a part
nãrs’- virtue, valor [IE *ner-, *aner-t- (man’s strength), Luwian anarummi- (strong)]
ni- not (negative particle) [IE *@n- (negative pronoun), Luwian ni-, niš- (not)]
ora- a month
qaLmLus – a king
qelis- everything, anything
qela- an area
qên- to kill [IE *kwen- (to kill), Hittite kwen- (to kill)]
qi-, qy- which, that [IE *kwi- (relative pronoun) Hittite kui- (which)]
qira- property
sav- the good
savênt- they flourish
savtarid- he approves
serli- a leader
s’fa- self (reflexive pronoun) [IE *swe- (reflexive pronoun)]
s’fard- Sardis [Hittite ispart- ‘to tower over’]
silavad – to take care
s’rfas’ti- upper [Luwian sarri (up)]
tarb-, trfno- to possess
tas’e- a column
tavs’a- powerful [IE *teu- ‘powerful’, Hittite *taw-, Lycian B tewê ‘evil’]
ti- this [IE *to- (that), Hittite ati- (that very, the same)]
tro-, tor- to speak [Anatolian *tr- (to speak), Luwian tatar (to curse)]
Tên-, Dên- to sanctify
Tes’a- a sarcophagus
u-, uve- to prescribe
vanã- a tomb
ves’fas’ – elder
vis’i- good [IE *wesu- (good)]
viD- to build [IE *widhu- (wood, tree), Palaic wete- (to build)]
vs’ta- a heir
vDbaqên- to destroy, to eliminate