ada- (a fine)
aha- A (to sit) [IE *es- ‘to sit’, Hittite as-]
ahãma A (beloved) [Hittite assija- ‘to love’]
aitãta- (eight)
ala (beyond, upon) [IE *alyo- (other), Lydian aLa- (other)]
alb- (clear, white) [IE *albho- ‘white’]
amu, êmu, êmi, -mu (I, me, my) [IE *me’ ‘my, me’, Hittite ammuk ‘me, I’]
arawemi- (released, liberated) [Hittite arawa- (free)]
asati, astti- B (to sit) [IE *es- ‘to sit’, Hittite as-]
cetu (imperative), ciciciti (present) B (to put, to lie) [IE *k’ei- ‘to lay, to lie’, Hittite kikki-]
ci, cezi, cedi B, cehi A (he, that) [Hittite ka’s (this)]
cumezeine A (to pay) [IE *k’eu- ‘to shine’, Luwian kummi- ‘clear’]
cupriti, cuprimi B (?, but something positive) [IE *kupro- ‘to desire’]
da- B (to give) [IE *do’- ‘to give’]
dde- A, de- B (up to, until)
ddelupeli- B (earthenware) [Luwian taluppi- ‘clay’]
ddenewe- (thin)
ddewe- (a city)
dewi- B, ddawa- A (constant) [Hittite tawana- ‘constant’]
dezi B (strong) [Hittite tassijawar ‘strength’]
ebe- (this, he, that) [IE *ebho- (that), Hittite apa-, api- (that)]
ecãnc- (a death), ece- (dead people)
epeqzze- (posterity)
epide (ready) [Hittite appa’i- (to be ready)]
epirije- A (to appropriate) [IE *arjo- ‘a master’, Hittite araija- ‘to assume’]
epñ (after, for, back)
eri- (from, out of)
erite A (he managed, he won), inf. erijeinela (to win) [Hittite ara’i- ‘to stop, to prevail’]
esbedi (cavalry) [IE *ekwo- (a horse)]
esêne-, asa’na- B (blood) [IE *esór-, *esr- (blood), Common Anatolian (CA) *eshar- (blood), Luwian ašhar- (blood)]
êke (how)
ênê (under)
hãkka- A (to demand) [Hittite sanh- ‘to attempt’]
hebeli- (a river) [IE *Hap- ‘a river, water’, Hittite ap- ‘water’]
hla- (to glorify) [IE *k’leu- (to hear; fame), Slavic*slaviti (to glorify)]
hri- (above) [CA *ser- (up), Luwian šarri (top)]
hrppi, hri (above, for)
izre- (a hand) [IE *g’hesr- (a hand), CA *khesro- (a hand), Luwian iššari- (a hand)]
kbane A (to surrender)
-ke (and) [IE *-kwe (and), Lydian -k]
kerþþi- (a city)
kiki- (to beat, to punish) [IE *ghéi- ‘to be empty’]
klusa B (hostility, a quarrel) [Hittite halluwa’i- ‘to be at odds’]
kpparãma A (sold) [Latin ops ‘wealth’, Hittite happara’i- ‘to sell’]
kride- (a heart) [IE *kerd- (a heart), Hittite kir-, kardi-, Palaic kart- (a heart)]
kTTãna, kTTa A (relatives) [CA *has- ‘to give birth’]
kttba- (harm)
kudrehila A (a name of a servant) [Luwian hutarli- ‘a servant’]
kudi (where)
kultti A (he will beat?) [Hittite hulla’i- ‘to win’]
kzzãta B [Hittite hassant- ‘a son’]
laBra- B (a stone plate) [Luwian lawar- (to break)]
laka- B (a battle) [Hittite lahha- ‘a campaign’]
lebi, lelebi B (an agressor?) [IE *lebh- ‘to grasp’]
lihbezi A (a bodyguard) [Hittite lipsa’i- ‘to repel’]
luga- B (to burn down) [IE *leuk- ‘to shine, light’, Hittite lukk- ‘to put light on’]
mahañ A (a god)
mãmre B (to die?) [IE *mer-, Hittite mer- ‘to die’]
maskkM (wealth, good) [Hieroglyphic masahani- ‘to help’]
me- (here; an introductory particle)
medi, metu (to destine?) [IE *me- ‘to aim at’]
meri- B (a man, a warrior?) [Hittite *mari-]
mireñ- (a man)
mla-, mle- (an offspring, a clan) [IE *ml- ‘to appear’]
mrBBa- B (a word) [Avestan mru-, mrav- ‘to speak’, CA *maruwa-]
mrskka- B (to falsify) [Hittite marsahh- ‘to falsify’]
mukssa (a prayer) [Hittite mukessar ‘a prayer’]
muni B (a ritual mask) [Hittite munna’i- ‘to hide, to conceal’]
ne- (direct object particle)
nei, na-, nija-, neitala B (to lead, a leader) [Sanskrit nayati ‘he leads’, Hittite nija- ‘to lead’]
nênije- B (to lead) [Hittite nannija- ‘to turn out’]
ni- (not) [IE *n- (negative particle), Luwian ni-, niš- (not)]
nice… nice (neither…, nor…)
ñke (how, when)
ñte, ñtepi (in, inside) [IE *en- (in, inside)]
ñuñtãta- (nine) [IE *newn (nine)]
pabrati A (to turn out) [Luwian papra- ‘to turn out’]
pdde- (a place) [Hittite pedan, pieti, pídi (a place)]
pe- (on, upon)
pere (forward) [Slavic *pro- (forward), Sanskrit pra- (before)]
pije-, pibije- (to give) [Hittite pai-, pija- (to give)]
pina- B (to present) [Hittite pijana’i- ‘to present’]
plqqka- (wide) [IE *pl-t- (wide), CA *plha- (wide), Luwian palha (wide)]
pri- (over-) [Slavic *pre- (over-), Lithuanian per (over, across)]
prije-, pruwa- (high) [IE *bhergh- > CA *phrkhu- (high), Luwian parrai- (high)]
prñna- (a house) [Luwian parna- (a house)]
prñnawa- (to build) [Luwian parna- (a house)]
puce- B (to beat) [IE peug- ‘to beat, to push’, Hittite pugga’i- ‘to hate’]
putu (let him press) [Hittite puwa’i-]
pzzi-, pssa- B (to throw) [Sanskrit asyati ‘he throws’, Hittite pessija- ‘to throw’]
qaja B (a temple?) [Latin omen, Hittite ha’- ‘to believe’]
qehñ A, qzze B (descendants) [Hittite hassa- ‘grandsons’]
qezMmi, kezM B (people) [Hieroglyphic hasami- ‘people, a nation’]
qidri- B (a personal name) [Hittite hatra’i- ‘to write’]
qirze B (a ritual share) [Hittite harsi ‘bread for rituals’]
qlija- (a place of worship)
qñza- B (posterity, a descendant) [Hittite hanzassa ‘descendants’]
qrbblali B (an altar) [Hittite harpali- ‘a religious thing’]
qretu (let him destroy) [Hittite harra’i- ‘to destroy’]
qtti- (to beat) [IE *Het- (to beat)]
sbirte B (a monument) [Hittite ispart- ‘to rise, to tower’]
si- (this, he)
se-si (him)
sla- B (to propitiate) [IE *selH- ‘to favour’]
slamati- (to keep memory)
sñta (one) [IE *sem-, *sm- (one, alone)]
ta-, tti-, stta- (to put, to set) [IE *stá- (to stand, to set), Luwian išta- (to stand)]
tabahaza A (sky) [IE *nebho-, *nebh-es- (sky), CA *ntephes- (sky), Luwian tappaš- (sky)]
tali (a priest) [Hittite tallija- ‘to call gods’]
tas-, tesêni B, tah-, teseti (a priest) [Hieroglyphic tasi’- ‘a stele’]
te-, teli (here) [Lydian tL]
tetbe B, teb- A (to spoil) [Hittite tep-aweh- ‘to humiliate’]
tewê B (evil) [IE *teu- ‘powerful’, Lydian tavs’a ‘strong’]
Tri- (to speak) [CA *tr- (to speak), Luwian tatar- (to damn)]
tedi- (a father) [Lithuanian te.tis (a father), Greek tetta (a father)]
teteri (four) [IE *kwetwores (four), Greek tettares]
teTTi- (paternal)
trei, trije (three) [IE *treyes (three, neuter *tri), Hittite tara- (three)]
trppali, trbbdi B (he turns), trbbi A (against) [IE *trep- ‘to turn’, Luwian tarpalli- ‘a change’]
tuta B (an army) [IE *teuta- ‘people’, Hittite tuzzi- ‘an army’]
tuwa (two) [IE *duwo, *dwo’ (two), Hittite tuwa- (two)]
uni (that)
utã-, uten- (a priest)
utetu (imperative), utaci B (to bring) [IE *wedh- (to bring), CA *weth – to bring]
uwe- (a person), uwedri (a community) [IE *swe- ‘self’, Hittite uwa- ‘a masculine’]
uwêti- (writes)
wakssa- B (courage) [Hittite wahessar ‘sacred’]
warasija-, wirasaja- B (an assistant) [Hittite warri- ‘help’]
wawa (a bull) [CA *wawa – a bull, Hittite wawa]
wazzis- (an army), wazala- A (a warrior) [IE *wedh- ‘to thrust’]
wedri- (a city)
xabe- (a river) [IE *Hap- (water) CA *hap- (a river), Luwian hapi- (a river)]
xabwa- (a sheep) [IE *owi- (a sheep), Luwian hawi- (a sheep)]
xñna (a mother)
xñta- (first) [Gaulish cintu- (first), Old Irish ce’t (first)]
zajala B (a criminal) [Hittite za’i- ‘to cross, to overdo’]
zazati B (he puts) [IE dhe’- ‘to put, to set’]
zbali- (a deity) [IE *deiwo- (the sky god), Hittite šiwali- (a deity)]
zini B (a destroyer) [Hittite zinna- ‘to eliminate’]
ziw- (god) [IE *deiwo- (the sky god), CA *diu- (god of daylight), Luwian tiwat- (god of the sun)]
zrêtêni A (a renegade) [Hittite sarra- ‘to separate’]
zrigali- (a warrior)
zrqqi- B (to fight, to attack) [Hittite sarh- ‘to attack’, Luwian sarhija-]
zusi (Zeus) (borrowed from Greek) [IE *deiwo- (the sky god)]