Latin to English
Academia: 1. Academy
Achaia: 1. Achaea, Achaia | 2. Greece
Achaias: 1. Greek woman
Acheron: 1. Acheron | 2. Acheron
Achivus: 1. Greek
Achæmenius: 1. Persian
Actiacus: 1. of Actium
Actium: 1. Actium
Adam: 1. Adam
Afer: 1. African | 2. African
Africa: 1. Africa
Alpes: 1. Alps
Amor: 1. Cupid
Aprilis: 1. April
Arabicus: 1. Arabian, Arabic
Arabius: 1. Arabian, Arabic
Arabs: 1. Arab
Ares: 1. Ares
Argo: 1. Argus
Aries: 1. Aries
Asia: 1. Asia
Astræa: 1. Astraea
Atheniensis: 1. Athenian | 2. Athenian
Attica: 1. Attica
Ausonius: 1. Westener
Aventinus: 1. Aventine
Avernus: 1. Avernus
Babylon: 1. Babel, Babylon
Bacchus: 1. Bacchus
Bellona: 1. Bellona
Capitolium: 1. Capitol
Capricornus: 1. Capricorn
Carthaginiensis: 1. Carthaginian
Carthago: 1. Carthage
Centaurus: 1. centaur
Cerberus: 1. Cerberus
Ceres: 1. Ceres
Ceritus: 1. crazy, insane, mad, nuts
Cerritus: 1. crazy, insane, mad, nuts
Chaldæi: 1. Chaldean
Charon: 1. Charon
Charybdis: 1. Charybdis
Chimæra: 1. Chimera
Christianismus: 1. Christianity
Christianizare: 1. become a Christian
Christianus: 1. Christian
Christus: 1. Christ
Cicero: 1. Cicero
Circe: 1. Circe
Colosseus: 1. colossal, huge
Colossicus: 1. colossal, huge
Colossus: 1. Colossus
Creta: 1. Crete
Cybele: 1. Cybele
Cytherea: 1. Venus | 2. Evening Star, Venus
Cæsar: 1. Caesar
Deus: 1. God
Diana: 1. Diana
Etruria: 1. Etruria
Europa: 1. Europa | 2. Europe
Februarius: 1. February
Gallia: 1. Gaul
Gallus: 1. Gaul
Græcia: 1. Greece
Græcus: 1. Greek
Hadria: 1. Adriatic, Adriatic Sea
Hafnia: 1. Copenhagen
Harpyia: 1. harpy
Hesperus: 1. Hesperus
Hiberus: 1. Ebro
Hispania: 1. Spain
Hister: 1. Danube
Holmia: 1. Stockholm
Iacchus: 1. Bacchus
Ianuarius: 1. January
Ianus: 1. Janus
Ilion: 1. Troy
Ilium: 1. Troy
Italia: 1. Italy
Iulius: 1. July
Iunius: 1. June
Liber: 1. Bacchus
Lyæus: 1. Bacchus
Mars: 1. Mars
Martius: 1. March
Melita: 1. Malta
Messias: 1. Messiah
Minerva: 1. Minerva
Mulciber: 1. Vulcan
Oceanus: 1. Oceanus
Orcus: 1. death
Padus: 1. Po
Pegasus: 1. Pegasus
Poenicus: 1. Carthaginian
Poenus: 1. Carthaginian
Pontus: 1. Black Sea, Euxine Sea
Pontus Axenus: 1. Black Sea, Euxine Sea
Prusia: 1. Prussia
Punicus: 1. Carthaginian
Rhodanus: 1. Rhone
Roma: 1. Rome
Romanus: 1. Roman | 2. Roman
Ruthenia: 1. Russia
Satanas: 1. Lucifer, Satan
Scandia: 1. Scandinavia | 2. Scandinavia
Sicilia: 1. Sicily
Styx: 1. Styx
Syria: 1. Syria
Tiber: 1. Tiber
Trinacria: 1. Sicily
Tros: 1. Trojan
Venus: 1. Venus | 2. Evening Star, Venus
Vesta: 1. Vesta
Vulcanus: 1. Vulcan
Zabulus: 1. Lucifer, Satan
Zama: 1. Zama
… abhinc: 1. … ago
a: 1. ah, oh, ow | 2. since, ever since | 3. since | 4. by | 5. from, since | 6. from, out of | 7. at, by, on, upon | 8. as a result of, in consequence of, owing to
ab: 1. since, ever since | 2. since | 3. by | 4. from, since | 5. from, out of | 6. at, by, on, upon | 7. as a result of, in consequence of, owing to
abactor: 1. cattle-lifter, cattle-stealer | 2. cattle-lifter, cattle-stealer | 3. abductor
abacus: 1. abacus | 2. abacus, ball-frame, counting-frame | 3. abacus | 4. buffet
abavus: 1. great-grandfather | 2. forefather
abbas: 1. abbot
abbatia: 1. abbey
abbatissa: 1. abbess
abbreviare: 1. abbreviate, abridge, shorten
abdere: 1. abstract, take away | 2. conceal, hide
abdicatio: 1. abdication
abecedarius: 1. alphabetical
abesse: 1. be absent, be missing
abhinc …: 1. … ago
abiectus: 1. commonplace, dismal, trite
abies: 1. fir | 2. lance, spear | 3. ship, vessel
abigere: 1. chase away, drive away, expel | 2. steal
abire: 1. absent onself, depart, go away, leave
abitere: 1. absent onself, depart, go away, leave
abiungere: 1. divide, separate
abiurare: 1. abjure, abnegate
ablativus: 1. ablative
ablegare: 1. dismiss, turn away
ablocare: 1. invite tenders for, put out to tender | 2. let, rent out
abnatare: 1. swim away
abnegare: 1. abnegate, deny oneself
abnegatio: 1. abnegation
abnepos: 1. greatgrandchild
abnuere: 1. shake one’s head | 2. deny
abnutare: 1. shake one’s head
abolere: 1. abolish, abrogate
abolescere: 1. disappear
abolicio: 1. abolition, abrogation
abolitio: 1. abolition, abrogation | 2. act of grace, amnesty
abomiamentum: 1. abomination
abominabilis: 1. abhorrent, abominable, alien, awful, hideous, horrible, gruesome
abominare: 1. abhor, abominate, loathe
abominari: 1. abhor, abominate, loathe
abominatio: 1. abhorrence, abomination, horror
aboriri: 1. disappear
aborisci: 1. disappear
abrenuntiare: 1. abjure, abnegate
abrenuntiatio: 1. abjuration
abrogatio: 1. abolition, abrogation | 2. abolition, abrogation
abrumpere: 1. divide, separate | 2. break, break off
abrupte: 1. abruptly
abruptum: 1. abyss, chasm, gulf, precipice
abs: 1. since, ever since | 2. since | 3. by | 4. from, since | 5. from, out of | 6. at, by, on, upon | 7. as a result of, in consequence of, owing to
abscedere: 1. absent onself, depart, go away, leave | 2. disappear
abscondere: 1. conceal, hide
absconse: 1. clandestinely, secretly
absens: 1. absent | 2. absent
absimilis: 1. different
absinthiatum: 1. vermouth
absinthium: 1. absinth
absque: 1. apart from, but, except, other than | 2. without
absurdus: 1. absurd
abyssus: 1. abyss, chasm, gulf, precipice
abætere: 1. absent onself, depart, go away, leave
ac: 1. and
acacia: 1. acacia
acalanthis: 1. goldfinch
acanthus: 1. acacia | 2. acanthus
acatium: 1. little boat
accelerare: 1. accelerate, speed up
accensere: 1. add
accentus: 1. accent, stress | 2. sound
acceptabilis: 1. agreeable, enjoyable, lovely, nice, pleasant | 2. acceptable
acceptatio: 1. acceptance, admission
acceptator: 1. acceptor
accidens: 1. accident
accidere: 1. become, come about, grow, happen | 2. come about, happen, occur
accipere: 1. accept, receive, take, take in
accipiter: 1. hawk | 2. money-grubber
accipitrina: 1. prey | 2. prey
acclamare: 1. acclaim, applaud
acclamatio: 1. acclamation | 2. acclaim, acclamation, approval
accommodare: 1. add
accrescere: 1. accrue, grow | 2. accrue, increase
accretio: 1. accretion, growth | 2. enlargement, increase
accusare: 1. accuse
accusatio: 1. accusal, accusation
accusativus: 1. accusative
accusator: 1. accuser
acer: 1. maple, sycamore
acerbitas: 1. acerbity, bitterness | 2. acerbity, bitterness | 3. severity, rigour, sterness
acerbus: 1. acerbic, acid, acrid, harsh, sour, tart | 2. acerbic, acrid, tart | 3. acerbic, bitter | 4. cruel | 5. unripe | 6. severe, strict
acere: 1. be acid, be sour
acernus: 1. maple, maple-, of a maple
acescere: 1. acidify, sour, grow sour
acetabulum: 1. vinager-bottle
acetum: 1. vinegar
acia: 1. thread
acidus: 1. acid | 2. bleak, dismal, dreary, horrible, ghastly, grisly, nasty
acies: 1. acerbity, acrimony, acuity, sharpness
acinus: 1. berry | 2. grape
acipenser: 1. sturgeon
aconitum: 1. aconite, monkshood | 2. poison
acritas: 1. acerbity, acrimony, acuity, sharpness
acroama: 1. reciter | 2. concert | 3. soloist
acror: 1. acerbity, acrimony, acuity, sharpness
acta: 1. coast, seaside, shore | 2. beach
actio: 1. achievement, act, action
actor: 1. actor
actuariola: 1. boat, ship’s boat, shallop, sloop
actum: 1. achievement, act, action | 2. accomplishment, achievement, act, action
aculeus: 1. sting
acumen: 1. acerbity, acrimony, acuity, sharpness | 2. witticism
acurere: 1. sharpen
acus: 1. needle | 2. needle
acutus: 1. dangerous
ad: 1. at, to, toward, towards | 2. until, till
adagium: 1. adage, proverb
adamas: 1. steel
addubitare: 1. doubt
adducere: 1. bring, fetch
adesse: 1. attend, be present, witness
adesurire: 1. get hungry
adhuc: 1. yet
adimere: 1. abstract, take away
adire: 1. advance, approach, come on
adiutare: 1. abet, aid, assist, help | 2. accomodate, aid, assist, help
adiuvare: 1. abet, aid, assist, help | 2. accomodate, aid, assist, help
adjectivum: 1. adjective
admirabilis: 1. admirable | 2. paradoxical
admirabilitas: 1. admiration
admirari: 1. admire
admiratio: 1. admiration
admirator: 1. admirer
admodum: 1. quite, very, very much
admonere: 1. admonish, scold | 2. caution, warn
admonitus: 1. admonition, exhortation
adolescens: 1. adolescent | 2. adolescent
adolescere: 1. accrue, grow
ador: 1. spelt
adorabilis: 1. adorable
adorare: 1. adore, worship
adoratio: 1. adoration, worship
adorea: 1. triumph | 2. victory
adoria: 1. triumph | 2. victory
adulter: 1. adulterous | 2. adulterer
adultera: 1. adulteress
adunare: 1. join, unite
adunatio: 1. combination, joining, junction, union
adusque: 1. until, till
advena: 1. alien, foreign | 2. foreigner, foreign lady, foreign woman | 3. foreigner | 4. alien, foreign, strange
adventicius: 1. alien, foreign
adventus: 1. arrival
adverbium: 1. adverb
advocare: 1. appeal to, invoke
affigere: 1. affix, attach
affluere: 1. come flocking in, flow towards, rush towards, stream towards
agamus: 1. single, unmarried
agape: 1. agape | 2. affection, love
agaso: 1. donkey-driver | 2. groom, stableman | 3. groom, stableman
ager: 1. field
agere: 1. act, take action
agna: 1. lamb
agnellina: 1. lamb
agnina: 1. lamb
agninus: 1. lamb, of lamb
agnomen: 1. byname, nickname, sobriquet
agnoscere: 1. acknowledge, recognize
agon: 1. competition, contest
agoris: 1. farmer
agricultio: 1. agriculture, farming, tillage | 2. agriculture
agricultura: 1. agriculture, farming, tillage | 2. agriculture
ah: 1. ah, oh, ow
aheneus: 1. bronze | 2. copper
ai: 1. ah, oh, ow
ala: 1. armpit | 2. wing | 3. belt, girdle
alauda: 1. lark
albare: 1. blanch, whiten
alcedo: 1. halcyon, kingfisher | 2. halcyon, kingfisher
alces: 1. elk, moose
alcyon: 1. halcyon, kingfisher | 2. halcyon, kingfisher
alea: 1. die
alere: 1. attend, nurse, tend to | 2. feed, nourish
ales: 1. indication, omen, portent, precursor, presage, sign | 2. indication, omen, presage, portent, sign | 3. bird
alga: 1. alga, seaweed
alias: 1. another time
alibi: 1. elsewhere
alienigenus: 1. alien, foreign
alienus: 1. another man’s, other people’s
aliqua: 1. anyway, somehow
aliquis: 1. a, any, anybody, some, somebody, one, someone, some one | 2. any
alius: 1. other, another, else | 2. another, another man
allophylus: 1. alien, foreign | 2. alien, foreign, strange
alneus: 1. alder, alder-, of an alder
alnus: 1. alder
aloe: 1. aloe | 2. acerbity, bitterness | 3. acerbity, bitterness
alogia: 1. absurdity, nonsense, rubbish
alsus: 1. cool
altaria: 1. altar
altitudo: 1. height
altum: 1. height | 2. depth | 3. depth
altus: 1. high, lofty, tall | 2. proud
alumen: 1. alum
alvarium: 1. beehive
alveus: 1. beehive | 2. bath | 3. basin, reservoir | 4. boat | 5. jug, box, container, vessel
alvus: 1. beehive | 2. stomach | 3. abdomen, belly, tummy
amandare: 1. dismiss, turn away
amanuensis: 1. clerk
amaracus: 1. majoram
amaranthus: 1. sweet william
amarare: 1. make bitter
amare: 1. love
amarescere: 1. become bitter
amarities: 1. acerbity, bitterness | 2. acerbity, bitterness
amaritudo: 1. acerbity, bitterness | 2. acerbity, bitterness
amarulentus: 1. acerbic, bitter
amarus: 1. acerbic, bitter | 2. bleak, dismal, dreary, horrible, ghastly, grisly, nasty
amator: 1. lover
ambactus: 1. boy, servant | 2. serf, villain
ambiguus: 1. ambiguous | 2. ambiguous
ambire: 1. circumvent, go around
ambitio: 1. ambition
ambrosia: 1. ambrosia
ambulare: 1. go for a walk, stroll
amens: 1. crazy, insane, mad, nuts
amentia: 1. craziness, insanity, lunacy, madness | 2. craziness, insanity, lunacy, madness
amethystus: 1. amethyst
amica: 1. friend
amicitia: 1. friendship
amicus: 1. friendly | 2. friend
amita: 1. aunt
amnis: 1. current, flow, stream | 2. current
amoliri: 1. turn away
amor: 1. affection, love | 2. love, sexual love
amphibolus: 1. ambiguous | 2. ambiguous
amphitheatrum: 1. amphitheatre
amphora: 1. amphora
amplus: 1. ample, bulky, extensive | 2. extensive, spacious, vast, wide
ampulla: 1. bulb
amputare: 1. amputate
anapæstus: 1. anapaest
anas: 1. duck
anathema: 1. anathema, ban, excommunication
anatina: 1. duck, duck meat
anatinus: 1. duck, duck-, duck’s, of a duck
anatomia: 1. anatomy
anatomicus: 1. anatomist
ancilla: 1. maid, servant | 2. bondwoman, slave, female slave
ancon: 1. elbow
ancora: 1. anchor
ancula: 1. maid, servant
anculare: 1. serve
anculus: 1. boy, servant
anethum: 1. dill
angela: 1. angel, female angel
angelicus: 1. angelic
angelus: 1. angel
anguilla: 1. eel
anguis: 1. serpent, snake
angularis: 1. gaunt
angulatus: 1. gaunt
angulosus: 1. gaunt
angulus: 1. angle | 2. corner
angustus: 1. narrow | 2. close, cramped
anima: 1. soul | 2. breath | 3. wind
animal: 1. animal
animus: 1. soul
annihilare: 1. destroy, quash
anniversarius: 1. annual, yearly
annotare: 1. note, make a note, write down
annullare: 1. destroy, quash
annuntiare: 1. advertise, announce, give notice
annus: 1. year
annuus: 1. annual, yearly
anser: 1. goose
antarcticus: 1. south, southern
ante: 1. before, in front of | 2. ahead, formerly, previously
antecedere: 1. precede
antecenium: 1. entrée
antehac: 1. ahead, formerly, previously
anteire: 1. precede
antelogium: 1. prologue
anteludium: 1. overture, prelude
antenna: 1. yard
antepassio: 1. presentiment
antepes: 1. foreleg, front paw
antepollere: 1. exceed, surpass
antestare: 1. exceed, surpass
antevenire: 1. prevent | 2. exceed, surpass
antevertere: 1. prevent
anteviare: 1. precede
antichristus: 1. Antichrist
antidotum: 1. antidote | 2. antidote
antigerio: 1. quite, very, very much
antistes: 1. bishop
antitheus: 1. devil
antrum: 1. cave, grotto | 2. cavity | 3. cave, cavern, den | 4. cave, cavity
anulus: 1. ring
anus: 1. anus, arse | 2. old | 3. gammer, old woman
apator: 1. fatherless
aper: 1. wild boar
apium: 1. celery
apographon: 1. copy
apolactizare: 1. despise
apoplexia: 1. fit, apoplectic fit, seizure, stroke, stroke of apoplexy
aporia: 1. bashfulness, shyness, timidity
aporiatio: 1. bashfulness, shyness, timidity
apostolicus: 1. apostolic
apostolus: 1. apostle
apparere: 1. appear, emerge, perform
appellare: 1. accost, address
applaudere: 1. acclaim, applaud, clap
appotus: 1. drunk, intoxicated
appretiare: 1. appraise, estimate, rate
apprime: 1. quite, very, very much
approbare: 1. approve
appugnare: 1. assault, attack
aprugnus: 1. of a wild boar
apud: 1. at, beside, by, near, nearby, near to, next to | 2. in the presence of
apyrenus: 1. pomegranate
aqua: 1. water
aqualiculus: 1. stomach | 2. abdomen, belly, tummy
aqualis: 1. aquatic, water, water-, of water | 2. jug, pitcher | 3. bucket, pail
aquarium: 1. bar, pub
aquarius: 1. aquatic, water, water-, of water
aquila: 1. eagle
aquosus: 1. abounding in water
aquæ: 1. spa
aquæductus: 1. aqueduct
ara: 1. altar
arabilis: 1. arable
aranea: 1. spiderweb | 2. spider
araneum: 1. spiderweb
araneus: 1. of a spider
arare: 1. plough
arbiter: 1. arbiter, arbitrator, referee, umpire
arbitrarius: 1. arbitrary
arbitratus: 1. arbiter, arbitrator
arbor: 1. tree
arboreus: 1. arboreal, tree, tree-, of a tree
arbutum: 1. arbutus fruit
arbutus: 1. arbutus, strawberry tree
arca: 1. box, chest | 2. coffin
arcano: 1. clandestinely, secretly
arcanus: 1. abstruse, mysterious | 2. secret
archangelus: 1. archangel
archetypus: 1. aboriginal, original
archiepiscopus: 1. archbishop
archimagirus: 1. chef
archimandrita: 1. archimandrite
archipirata: 1. pirate-chief
arcus: 1. arch | 2. arc, bow
ardere: 1. glow, glow with heat
arduitas: 1. steepness
arduum: 1. precipice
arduus: 1. high, lofty, tall | 2. abrupt, steep
area: 1. area
arena: 1. arena | 2. desert | 3. beach | 4. sand
arenaceus: 1. sand, sand-, of sand
arenarius: 1. sand, sand-, of sand
arenosus: 1. sand, sand-, of sand
argenteus: 1. silver
argentum: 1. silver
argilla: 1. clay | 2. white clay
argumentum: 1. attempt, test
aries: 1. ram, tup
arista: 1. ear
arma: 1. weapon
armare: 1. arm
armarium: 1. cabinet, closet, cupboard, sideboard
armilla: 1. bracelet | 2. bracelet
armus: 1. arm | 2. shoulderblade | 3. upper arm, upper-arm
ars: 1. work of art | 2. art | 3. ruse, trick | 4. tactic, tactics | 5. theory
arteria: 1. artery
arthritis: 1. arthritis
articulus: 1. article
artifex: 1. artist | 2. expert, specialist
artus: 1. joint | 2. narrow | 3. close, cramped
arundineus: 1. cane, cane-
arundo: 1. baton, cane, stick | 2. fishing rod | 3. cane, reed | 4. arrow | 5. pen
arvina: 1. fat, grease | 2. bacon
arvum: 1. farmland
arx: 1. castle
asella: 1. jenny-ass, she-ass
asellus: 1. haddock
asilus: 1. gadfly, horse-fly
asinarius: 1. ass’s, donkey, donkey-, of an ass | 2. donkey-driver
asininus: 1. ass’s, donkey, donkey-, of an ass
asinus: 1. ass, donkey
asparagus: 1. asparagus
aspectamen: 1. appearance, aspect, look, sight, view
aspirare: 1. breathe | 2. blow
aspis: 1. adder, viper
asportare: 1. bring away, carry away
asser: 1. pole, rod
assessor: 1. aid, assistant, helper | 2. aid, assistent, helper
assiccare: 1. dry
assidere: 1. sit down | 2. defecate | 3. sit down
assignare: 1. assign
assula: 1. splinter
aster: 1. heavenly body | 2. star
asticus: 1. urban
astralis: 1. sideral, star, star-, of a star
astrangulare: 1. choke, strangle
astrologia: 1. astrology | 2. astronomy
astrologicus: 1. astronomic, astronomical
astrologus: 1. astrologer | 2. astronomer
astronomia: 1. astronomy
astrosus: 1. crazy, insane, mad, nuts
astrum: 1. heavenly body | 2. star
asylum: 1. asylum
at: 1. but, however, nevertheless, yet
atabulus: 1. sirocco
ater: 1. dark, dim | 2. black
atheos: 1. atheist
athleta: 1. athlete
athletice: 1. athletic
atomus: 1. atom
atque: 1. and
atramentum: 1. ink
atritas: 1. blackness
atrium: 1. abode, accommodation, dwelling, residence | 2. living-room, sitting-room | 3. palace | 4. reception room
atrox: 1. abhorrent, abominable, alien, awful, hideous, horrible, gruesome | 2. cruel
attemptare: 1. attempt, test, try
aucella: 1. little bird
audere: 1. be bold, dare
audiens: 1. listener
audire: 1. hear
aura: 1. breeze
auraria: 1. gold-mine
aurarius: 1. gold, golden
aureus: 1. lovely | 2. gold, golden | 3. gold-coloured, golden
aurichalcum: 1. brass | 2. brass
auricilla: 1. earlobe, lobe of the ear | 2. ear
auricomus: 1. golden
auricula: 1. earlobe, lobe of the ear | 2. ear
aurifex: 1. goldsmith
auris: 1. ear
aurulentus: 1. gold-coloured, golden
aurum: 1. gold
auscultare: 1. listen
auster: 1. south wind | 2. storm
austerus: 1. acerbic, acrid, tart | 2. acerbic, bitter | 3. severe, strict
australis: 1. south, southern
aut: 1. or
autochton: 1. native
automatum: 1. automoton
autumare: 1. assert, state
autumnum: 1. autumn
autumnus: 1. autumn
auxiliator: 1. aid, assistant, helper | 2. aid, assistent, helper
auxilium: 1. aid, help | 2. aid, help
avaritia: 1. avarice, miserliness, stinginess
avarities: 1. avarice, miserliness, stinginess
avarus: 1. avaricious, miserly, stingy | 2. miser, niggard, skinflint
ave: 1. adieu, farewell, bye, goodbye | 2. hello
avena: 1. oats
aversabilis: 1. abhorrent, abominable, alien, awful, hideous, horrible, gruesome
aves: 1. bird
avia: 1. grandmother
aviarium: 1. aviary
avicula: 1. little bird
avis: 1. indication, omen, portent, precursor, presage, sign
avitus: 1. bird, bird-, bird’s, of a bird
avolare: 1. fly away
avus: 1. grandfather | 2. great-grandfather | 3. forefather
axicia: 1. scissors
axilla: 1. armpit
axioma: 1. axiom
axis: 1. axis, axle | 2. heaven, sky
baca: 1. berry | 2. pearl
baccar: 1. valerian
baceolus: 1. fool
bacillum: 1. stick, little stick
baculum: 1. baton, cane, stick
baculus: 1. baton, cane, stick
balare: 1. bleat
balbutire: 1. stammer, stutter
ballio: 1. good-for-nothing
balneum: 1. bath
balæna: 1. whale
baptisma: 1. baptism, christening
baptismus: 1. baptism, christening
baptisterium: 1. baptistery | 2. pool, swimming-bath, swimming-pool
baptizare: 1. baptize, christen
barathrum: 1. ravine
barba: 1. beard
barbaria: 1. foreign country | 2. want of civilization
barbaries: 1. foreign country | 2. want of civilization
barbarismus: 1. barbarism
barbarus: 1. barbaric | 2. barbarian | 3. alien, foreign | 4. foreigner | 5. cruel | 6. uncivilized | 7. Persian
barbitos: 1. lute
bardus: 1. bard | 2. addled, foolish, stupid
barrinus: 1. elephant, elephant-, elephant’s, elephantine, of an elephant
barrus: 1. elephant
basiare: 1. kiss
basiatio: 1. kiss
basilicus: 1. lovely | 2. regal, royal
basis: 1. element, foundation | 2. pedestal | 3. supporting base
basium: 1. kiss
battuere: 1. fight, struggle | 2. beat, hit, strike | 3. make love
beccus: 1. beak, bill
bellare: 1. make war, wage war
bellari: 1. make war, wage war
bellator: 1. martial, warlike | 2. warrior
bellatorius: 1. military
bellatrix: 1. martial, warlike
bellax: 1. martial, warlike
bellicosus: 1. martial, warlike
bellicus: 1. military
belligerare: 1. make war, wage war
belligerator: 1. warrior
bellum: 1. war
bellus: 1. pretty | 2. charming, lovely
belua: 1. monster
bene: 1. okay, well
benedictio: 1. blessing, boon
beryllus: 1. beryl
bestia: 1. animal, beast
beta: 1. beet
betaceus: 1. beet, beet-, of a beet
bibere: 1. drink
bibilis: 1. drinkable
bibitor: 1. boozer, alcoholic | 2. boozer, alcoholic
bibliopola: 1. bookseller
bibliotheca: 1. bookcase
bibliothecarius: 1. librarian
biblus: 1. paper
bicolor: 1. bicolour, bicoloured, of two colours
bifurcum: 1. cross
bilis: 1. bile, gall
bimus: 1. biennial, two-year, two-year-old
bipes: 1. two-footed
bis: 1. twice
bison: 1. aurochs
bitumen: 1. asphalt
blasphemare: 1. blaspheme, cuss, curse, swear
blasphematio: 1. blasphemy
blasphemia: 1. blasphemy
blasphemus: 1. blasphemer
blatta: 1. moth
blennus: 1. addled, foolish, stupid
bliteus: 1. tasteless
blitum: 1. orache
boare: 1. cry out, scream, shout
boiæ: 1. collar
boletus: 1. mushroom
bombax: 1. darn
bombycinus: 1. silk, silk-, silken, of silk
bombyx: 1. silkworm
bonum: 1. good
bonus: 1. good, nice, okay
borealis: 1. northern
borrire: 1. bubble
bos: 1. bovine, bovine animal
botrus: 1. grape
botrys: 1. grape
bovile: 1. byre, cowhouse, cowshed
bovillus: 1. bovine, cow, cow-
bovinari: 1. howl, roar
bovinus: 1. bovine, cow, cow-
bracatus: 1. alien, foreign | 2. trousers wearing
bracchialis: 1. arm, arm-
bracchium: 1. lower-arm | 2. arm | 3. thigh | 4. collateral branch, side-branch | 5. arm of the sea, estuary, firth | 6. scissors
bracæ: 1. pants, trousers
brassica: 1. cabbage
breviare: 1. abbreviate, abridge, curtail, shorten
breviarium: 1. abridgement, abstract, resumé, summery
brevis: 1. short | 2. low | 3. brief, short | 4. shallow, superficial
brumalis: 1. winter, winter-, of the winter
brutus: 1. awkward | 2. obtuse | 3. dull, stupid | 4. burdensome, heavy, onerous
bubalus: 1. buffalo | 2. gazelle
bubile: 1. byre, cowhouse, cowshed
bublus: 1. bovine, cow, cow-
bubo: 1. little owl
bubulus: 1. bovine, cow, cow-
bucca: 1. jaw, jawbone
bufo: 1. toad
bulbus: 1. bulb | 2. onion
burdo: 1. hinny
buxus: 1. box-tree
caballinus: 1. equestrian, horse, horse-, of a horse
caballus: 1. horse
cacare: 1. defecate
cachetcta: 1. consumptive
cachexia: 1. consumption, tuberculosis
cachinnare: 1. roar with laughter
cactus: 1. artichoke
cadaver: 1. cadaver, corpse
cadere: 1. drop, fall
calamus: 1. fishing rod | 2. cane, reed | 3. blade, stalk | 4. arrow | 5. pen | 6. stalk, stem | 7. blade, stalk
calathus: 1. basket
calautica: 1. kerchief | 2. veil
calcanium: 1. heel
calceolarius: 1. shoemaker | 2. shoemaker
calceus: 1. boot | 2. shoe
calculare: 1. calculate, count, figure, work out
calculo: 1. book-keeper
caldor: 1. heat
caldus: 1. warm
calere: 1. glow, glow with heat
caliandrum: 1. hairpiece, wig
calidus: 1. warm
caliendrum: 1. hairpiece, wig
caligatio: 1. darkness, murk
caligineus: 1. dark, dim
caliginosus: 1. dark, dim | 2. fuzzy, misty
caligo: 1. darkness, murk | 2. fog, mist
calix: 1. goblet
callis: 1. forest path | 2. mountain path
callum: 1. corn
calo: 1. boy, servant
calor: 1. heat
caltha: 1. marigold
calumnia: 1. backbiting, scandal, slander
calva: 1. nut
calvescere: 1. be balding
calvities: 1. baldness
calvus: 1. bald
calx: 1. hoof | 2. heel | 3. lime
camelus: 1. dromedary | 2. camel
caminus: 1. hearth | 2. firebox | 3. furnace, kiln, oven, stove | 4. fire on the hearth
campus: 1. plain
canaba: 1. cabin, hut, shack
canalis: 1. canal, channel | 2. barrel, channel, pipe, tube
cancer: 1. crayfish
candela: 1. candle
candidatus: 1. candidate
canens: 1. grey
canere: 1. sing
canis: 1. dog
canistrum: 1. small basket
canna: 1. cane, reed
cannabis: 1. hemp
cannetum: 1. cane-field
canneus: 1. cane, cane-
canor: 1. melody, tune | 2. sound
cantare: 1. sing
canterinus: 1. equestrian, horse, horse-, of a horse
canterius: 1. gelding
cantharis: 1. cantharides, Spanish fly | 2. poison
cantharus: 1. weever
cantor: 1. singer
cantrix: 1. singer, female singer
canturire: 1. sing
cantus: 1. singing | 2. song | 3. music
canus: 1. grey
capacitas: 1. room, space | 2. ability, capability, fitness, suitability
capax: 1. ample, bulky, extensive
caper: 1. he-goat
capere: 1. capture, catch, grapple | 2. get, lay hold of, pick up, take
capillamentum: 1. hairpiece, wig
capillus: 1. hair
capra: 1. she-goat | 2. chamois
caprea: 1. roe
capreolus: 1. wild goat | 2. chamois
capsa: 1. box
captiosus: 1. clever, cunning, sly, smart
captura: 1. prey
captus: 1. catch, prey
capulus: 1. cemetery, God’s acre, graveyard | 2. coffin
caput: 1. head, pate | 2. chapter
carbo: 1. charcoal
carcer: 1. cell
cardimona: 1. stomach ache
cardinalis: 1. fine, great
carduelis: 1. goldfinch
carduetum: 1. thisle-field
carduus: 1. thisle
carere: 1. card
caries: 1. rottenness
carina: 1. keel | 2. ship, vessel
cariosus: 1. addled, bad, rotten
caritas: 1. affection, love | 2. value, worth | 3. love, value, worth | 4. value, worth
carmen: 1. singing | 2. song | 3. poem
carnatus: 1. bold, corpulent, fat, thick
carnifex: 1. hangman, executioner | 2. torturer
carnificare: 1. behead, decapitate
carnificina: 1. torture
carnivorus: 1. carnivorous | 2. carnivorous
caro: 1. flesh | 2. meat
carpere: 1. pick, pluck
carrus: 1. vehicle
caryota: 1. date
caryotis: 1. date
casa: 1. cottage | 2. cabin, hut, shack
caseus: 1. cheese
casia: 1. cinnamon | 2. lavender
cassare: 1. thrash
casses: 1. spiderweb | 2. snare, trap
cassis: 1. helmet
cassita: 1. tufted lark
cassus: 1. concave, hollow
castanea: 1. chestnut-tree | 2. chestnut-tree
castellum: 1. fortification
castificare: 1. bowdlerize, chasten, expurgate, purify
castimonia: 1. chastity, purity
castitas: 1. chastity, purity
castor: 1. beaver
castrare: 1. castrate
castratus: 1. eunuch
castrum: 1. fortification
castus: 1. pious | 2. clean | 3. chaste
casualis: 1. by accident, by chance
casus: 1. accident | 2. fall | 3. accidence, chance, hazard | 4. aberration, false step
catachresis: 1. abuse
cataclysmus: 1. deluge, flood
catadupa: 1. waterfall | 2. waterfall | 3. waterfall
catalogus: 1. ennumeration
cataracta: 1. waterfall | 2. waterfall | 3. lock, sluice
catasta: 1. scaffold
catastropha: 1. catastrophe
catax: 1. lame
catechesis: 1. education
catechismus: 1. catechism
categoria: 1. accusal, accusation
catena: 1. chain
caterva: 1. troop, troupe
catharticum: 1. laxative
cathedra: 1. armchair | 2. pulpit
catholicus: 1. Catholic | 2. general, usual
catægis: 1. hurricane
cauda: 1. penis | 2. tail
caudex: 1. stem, trunk, tree-trunk | 2. block, pad | 3. book | 4. list
caudicalis: 1. wooden
caudicarius: 1. wooden
caudiceus: 1. wooden
caulis: 1. stalk of cabbage | 2. penis | 3. stalk, stem
caulæ: 1. cavity | 2. cave, cavity
causa: 1. affair, business, business deal, case, matter | 2. cause, reason | 3. account, reason | 4. concern | 5. action, lawsuit
cautela: 1. preservative | 2. caution | 3. caution
cautim: 1. carefully, gently, lightly
cautio: 1. caution | 2. caution
cautus: 1. certain, sure | 2. careful, cautious
cavea: 1. beehive | 2. cavity | 3. cave, cavity | 4. orbit
caverna: 1. cave, grotto | 2. cave, cavern, den
cavum: 1. cavity | 2. cave, cavity | 3. hole
cavus: 1. concave, hollow | 2. cavity | 3. cave, cavity | 4. hole
cedrinus: 1. cedar, of a cedar
cedrus: 1. cedar
celare: 1. conceal, hide
celatim: 1. clandestinely, secretly
celebrare: 1. celebrate
cella: 1. pantry | 2. chamber, room
cellarium: 1. pantry
cellulanus: 1. hermit
celsus: 1. high, lofty, tall | 2. northern
cenobita: 1. monk
cenobium: 1. monastery
censere: 1. decide | 2. judge | 3. think | 4. appraise, estimate, rate
centum: 1. hundred, one hundred
centum milia: 1. hundred thousand
cera: 1. wax
cerastes: 1. cerastes, horned viper
cerasus: 1. cherry | 2. cherry-tree
cercops: 1. ape, monkey
cerebellum: 1. brain
cerebrosus: 1. crazy, insane, mad, nuts | 2. lunatic
cerebrum: 1. brain
cereus: 1. taper, wax candle
cerevisia: 1. ale, beer
cerium: 1. honeycomb
cernere: 1. sift
cerritulus: 1. crack-brained, daft, loopy, nuts, weird
certe: 1. certainly | 2. no doubt, undoubtedly
certim: 1. certainly
certitudo: 1. certainty
certo: 1. certainly
certus: 1. certain, sure
ceruchus: 1. cord, rope, string
cerva: 1. doe, hind
cervical: 1. pillow
cervinus: 1. deer, deer-, of a deer
cervisia: 1. ale, beer
cervix: 1. force, strength, vigour | 2. neck | 3. courage | 4. back of the neck, nape
cervus: 1. deer
ceryx: 1. herald
ceterum: 1. as for the rest, besides, for the rest, moreover, what’s more
ceterus: 1. additional, remaining, rest of
cetus: 1. sea-monster
chalceus: 1. copper
chalybs: 1. steel
chalybæus: 1. steal, of steal
chaos: 1. chaos, tangle
character: 1. branding iron | 2. brand
charta: 1. letter | 2. paper
chasma: 1. atmospheric phenomenon
chelys: 1. lyre | 2. tortoise
chersus: 1. land tortoise
chirurgia: 1. surgery | 2. surgery
chorda: 1. cord, string
chorea: 1. round dance
chorus: 1. round dance
chrestus: 1. slave
chrisma: 1. administration of the last sacraments
chrysanthes: 1. marigold
chryseus: 1. gold, golden
chrysizon: 1. gold-coloured, golden
chrysolithus: 1. topaz
chrysos: 1. gold
cicaro: 1. darling
cicatrix: 1. scar
cichorium: 1. chicory | 2. endive
cicirrus: 1. fighting cock, gamecock, ruff
ciconia: 1. stork
cicur: 1. tame
cicurare: 1. tame
cicuta: 1. hemlock
cimeterium: 1. cemetery, God’s acre, graveyard
cimex: 1. bug, bedbug | 2. arsehole, bastard, son-of-a-bitch
cinis: 1. ash, cinder | 2. gammer, old woman | 3. barrow, burial mound, grave-mound, tumulus
cinnamomum: 1. cinnamon
cinnamum: 1. cinnamon
circa: 1. about, approximately | 2. about, round, around, towards
circulus: 1. hoop | 2. ring | 3. circle
circus: 1. circle
cithara: 1. zither
citrus: 1. lemon-tree | 2. lemon-tree
classis: 1. class
claudere: 1. close, shut | 2. lock
claudus: 1. lame
clavis: 1. key, wrench
clavus: 1. nail
clepere: 1. steal
clepsere: 1. steal
clepta: 1. thief
clericus: 1. clergyman
cliens: 1. protégé | 2. boy, servant | 3. serf, villain
clienta: 1. protégée
clima: 1. climate
clinamen: 1. acclivity, hillside, slope
clinicus: 1. doctor, physician
clinopale: 1. coition
cloaca: 1. sewer
clura: 1. ape, monkey
coaxare: 1. croak
cochlea: 1. snail
codex: 1. stem, trunk, tree-trunk | 2. block, pad | 3. book | 4. list
coercere: 1. compel, force
coetus: 1. coition
cogitare: 1. think
cognomen: 1. surname | 2. byname, nickname, sobriquet
cognomentum: 1. byname, nickname, sobriquet
cohabitare: 1. huddle
coire: 1. assemble, congregate, gather, meet | 2. associate, join, pool
coitus: 1. coition
colere: 1. cultivate, grow | 2. dwell, live
collaborare: 1. cooperate, co-operate
collega: 1. colleague
collis: 1. hill
colluctari: 1. struggle, wrestle
colluctator: 1. adversary, enemy
collum: 1. neck | 2. back of the neck, nape
colonia: 1. colony, settlement
colonus: 1. farmer | 2. agrarian, farmer
color: 1. colour, dye
colorare: 1. colour, paint
columba: 1. dove, pigeon
columbula: 1. dove, female pigeon
columbus: 1. cock-pigeon
combinare: 1. couple, match, pair, unite
cometes: 1. comet
comis: 1. affable, friendly, good-natured, kind
commentarius: 1. diary
communis: 1. common, joint
compactus: 1. compact
comparare: 1. compare
comparere: 1. appear, emerge, perform
compati: 1. have compassion on, pity
conciliare: 1. achieve, acquire, attain, get, obtain
concitare: 1. abet, agitate, incite, stir up
consul: 1. consul
continuus: 1. coherent, connected, consistent
contus: 1. pole, rod
converti: 1. convert
copa: 1. hostess, landlady | 2. host, innkeeper, landlord
cophinus: 1. basket
copula: 1. belt, girdle
copulare: 1. connect, join
coquus: 1. cook, male cook
cor: 1. soul | 2. heart
corax: 1. raven
corbis: 1. basket
coriandrum: 1. coriander
corium: 1. leather
cornix: 1. crow
cornu: 1. horn
cornum: 1. cornel, dogberry
cornus: 1. cornel, dogberry
corona: 1. corona
corporalis: 1. bodily, body, body-, corporal, corporeal, of the body, physical
corporeus: 1. bodily, body, body-, corporal, corporeal, of the body, physical
corpus: 1. flesh | 2. body
cortex: 1. bark | 2. cork
corvus: 1. raven
corylus: 1. hazel, hazel-tree | 2. hazel, hazel-tree
costa: 1. side | 2. abdomen, belly, tummy
cotidianus: 1. daily
cotidie: 1. daily
coturnix: 1. quail
coxa: 1. hip
coxendix: 1. hip
crabro: 1. hornet
crambe: 1. cabbage
cras: 1. tomorrow
crassus: 1. bold, corpulent, fat, thick | 2. fat, fatty, greasy
crater: 1. abyss, chasm, gulf, precipice | 2. basin, reservoir | 3. ravine
creare: 1. create
credere: 1. account, accredit, believe, deem
cremare: 1. burn down
crepusculum: 1. dusk
crescere: 1. accrue, grow
creta: 1. chalk
cribellare: 1. sift
cribrare: 1. sift
cribrum: 1. sieve
crimen: 1. accusal, accusation | 2. crime | 3. blame, fault, guilt | 4. reproach
crocodilus: 1. crocodile
crudelis: 1. cruel
crudus: 1. crude, raw, rough
crus: 1. leg, paw
crux: 1. cross
crystallus: 1. crystal
cubus: 1. die
cuculus: 1. cuckoo
cucumis: 1. cucumber
cucurbita: 1. gourd, pumpkin, squash
culina: 1. kitchen
culmen: 1. summit, surface, top | 2. summit, surface, top
culpa: 1. blame, fault, guilt
cultor: 1. friend
culus: 1. anus, arse
cumba: 1. boat
cuniculus: 1. rabbit
cunnus: 1. slut, trollop
cupa: 1. barrel
cupressus: 1. cypres
cura: 1. thoughtfulness | 2. care, concern
curculio: 1. penis
curis: 1. javelin
currere: 1. race, run | 2. run
cursor: 1. runner | 2. courier
curtare: 1. abbreviate, abridge, shorten
curvus: 1. bent | 2. bent, curved
cuspis: 1. sting | 2. javelin
cutis: 1. skin
cyathus: 1. goblet
cybium: 1. tuna, tuna-fish, tunny
cycnus: 1. swan
cylindrus: 1. cylinder, roller
cymba: 1. boat
cymbalum: 1. cymbal
cyparissus: 1. cypres
cæcare: 1. dazzle
cæcitudo: 1. blindness
cæcus: 1. blind
cædere: 1. butcher, slaughter | 2. drop, overthrow
cælebs: 1. single, unmarried
cæles: 1. celestial, heavenly
cælestis: 1. divine | 2. celestial, heavenly
cælicus: 1. celestial, heavenly
cælum: 1. heaven, sky
cæmentarius: 1. stone-cutter, stonemason
cænum: 1. mud
cæpa: 1. onion
cæpe: 1. onion
cæremonia: 1. ceremony, solemnity | 2. ceremony | 3. respectability, venerability | 4. deference, devotion, respect | 5. respect | 6. holy deed | 7. holiness | 8. ceremony | 9. ceremony, solemnity | 10. ceremony
cærimonia: 1. ceremony, solemnity | 2. ceremony | 3. respectability, venerability | 4. deference, devotion, respect | 5. respect | 6. holy deed | 7. holiness | 8. ceremony | 9. ceremony, solemnity | 10. ceremony
cæruleus: 1. dark blue | 2. dark, dim | 3. green
cæspes: 1. sod, sod of grass, turf
dare: 1. give
debere: 1. owe
decem: 1. ten
decies centena milia: 1. million
decimus: 1. tenth
defendere: 1. defend
delphin: 1. dolphin
delubrum: 1. sanctuary, sanctum | 2. temple
demens: 1. crazy, insane, mad, nuts | 2. foolish
dementia: 1. craziness, insanity, lunacy, madness | 2. craziness, insanity, lunacy, madness
dens: 1. tooth
desperare: 1. despair
desperatio: 1. despair
deus: 1. god
dicere: 1. say, tell
dictator: 1. dictator
dies: 1. day
digitus: 1. finger
dimicare: 1. fight, struggle
dius: 1. divine
divus: 1. divine | 2. god
docere: 1. teach | 2. teach
domina: 1. housewife | 2. mistress
dominus: 1. despot | 2. emperor | 3. boss, master | 4. ruler | 5. gentleman, lord
domus: 1. house
donare: 1. give
donec: 1. until, till
donum: 1. gift, present
draco: 1. dragon
dubitare: 1. doubt
dubium: 1. doubt
ducere: 1. conduct, guide, lead
dum: 1. for, during, whereas, while, whilst
duo: 1. two
duodecim: 1. twelve
duodeviginti: 1. eighteen
durus: 1. hard | 2. hard
dux: 1. boss, chief, leader | 2. chief, boss
duæ: 1. two
e: 1. from, out of
elementa: 1. element
elephantus: 1. elephant
eo: 1. that way, there, thither, yonder
episcopus: 1. bishop
epistola: 1. letter
equus: 1. horse
errare: 1. err, make a mistake
error: 1. aberration, error, mistake
ex: 1. from, out of
exercitus: 1. army
exhalare: 1. exhale
exigere: 1. demand, postulate, require
experiri: 1. prove
faba: 1. bean
fabrica: 1. workplace
facere: 1. achieve, act, do, make, perform
facies: 1. appearance, aspect, look, sight, view | 2. form, shape | 3. face
facile: 1. easily
facilis: 1. easy, facile
factum: 1. accomplishment, achievement, act, action
fagus: 1. beech
falsus: 1. false
falx: 1. sickle | 2. scythe
fama: 1. fame, hearsay, renown, repute, rumor, rumour | 2. rumor, rumour
fames: 1. famine | 2. hunger
familia: 1. family
famosus: 1. famous
fanum: 1. sanctuary, sanctum | 2. temple
farferis: 1. coltsfoot
farferus: 1. coltsfoot
fascia: 1. bandage | 2. hair ribbon, fillet | 3. bra | 4. bandage, swathe
fascinum: 1. penis
fascis: 1. bunch, bundle, cluster, sheaf
fauces: 1. abyss, chasm, gulf, precipice | 2. throat | 3. strait
faustus: 1. advantageous, favourable
favea: 1. favourite
faventia: 1. favor, favour
favere: 1. favor, favour
favor: 1. favor, favour
favus: 1. honeycomb
fax: 1. comet | 2. atmospheric phenomenon | 3. torch
febris: 1. ague, fever
fecundus: 1. fertile | 2. fertile, fruitful
feles: 1. cat
femina: 1. woman
femineus: 1. female, feminine | 2. female
femininus: 1. female, feminine | 2. female
femur: 1. thigh | 2. hip
fendere: 1. fight, struggle
fenestra: 1. window
feniculum: 1. fennel
fenum: 1. hay
fera: 1. animal, beast
fere: 1. almost, nearly
feriæ: 1. vacation
ferocia: 1. audacity, boldness, daring
ferre: 1. bring, fetch
ferrum: 1. iron
fessus: 1. tired
festum: 1. celebration, festival, party
fibra: 1. fiber, fibre
ficus: 1. fig-tree | 2. fig | 3. fig-tree
fides: 1. confidence, faith, trust
figura: 1. figure, diagram, image, picture, representation
filia: 1. daughter
filius: 1. son
filum: 1. thread
finis: 1. end, ending | 2. boundary, frontier, limit
firmus: 1. fast, firm, stable
fiscus: 1. cashier’s stand, fund, money box, money-box, till
fistula: 1. barrel, channel, pipe, tube
flagrare: 1. glow, glow with heat | 2. burn
flamma: 1. flame
flectere: 1. bend
fligere: 1. beat, hit, strike
flos: 1. bloom, flower
fluctus: 1. wave
fluere: 1. flow
flumen: 1. river
fluvius: 1. river
focus: 1. hearth
fodere: 1. dig, grub, spade
folium: 1. leaf, sheet
forma: 1. form, shape
formica: 1. ant, emmet
formosus: 1. beautiful, fine, handsome, lovely
fortasse: 1. maybe, mayhap, perchance, perhaps, possibly
fortis: 1. strong
fortuna: 1. fortune
forum: 1. fair, market
fossa: 1. hole, ditch, pit
fragmentum: 1. fragment, lump, piece
fragum: 1. strawberry
framea: 1. lance, spear
frater: 1. brother
fraus: 1. swindle
fraxinus: 1. ash
fricare: 1. rub
frigus: 1. cold
frons: 1. forehead
fructus: 1. fruit
fuga: 1. flight, run
fulgere: 1. lighten
fulmen: 1. lightning
fumus: 1. smoke
fungus: 1. fungus, mushroom
funis: 1. cord, rope, string
funus: 1. death
fur: 1. thief, female thief | 2. thief
furca: 1. fork
gallina: 1. chicken, fowl
gallus: 1. cock, rooster
gavia: 1. seagull
gelu: 1. freezing cold, frost | 2. frost
gemere: 1. groan, moan
genista: 1. greenweed
gens: 1. family | 2. nation | 3. breed, race
genu: 1. knee
genus: 1. breed, race
geographia: 1. geography
germinare: 1. germinate
gibba: 1. bump, hump
gladius: 1. sword
glans: 1. acorn
globus: 1. bullet
gloria: 1. fame, glory, renown
gradi: 1. pace, stalk, step, stride, tread
gradus: 1. pace, step, stride
grammatica: 1. grammar
grammaticus: 1. linguistic
grandis: 1. big, great, large
gravis: 1. important, serious | 2. burdensome, heavy, onerous
grex: 1. flock, herd
griphus: 1. enigma, puzzle, riddle
gubernare: 1. control, govern, restrain, rule
gustos: 1. guard
gustus: 1. taste
guttur: 1. throat
habere: 1. have, have got | 2. hang onto, hold
habitare: 1. dwell, live
halare: 1. breathe
haliaeetus: 1. white-tailed eagle
halos: 1. halo
hara: 1. sty
harena: 1. sand
harmonia: 1. harmony
harpa: 1. harp
harpagare: 1. plunder, rob
hasta: 1. pole, rod
haud dubie: 1. no doubt, undoubtedly
hedera: 1. ivy
hedychrum: 1. perfume
hei: 1. ah, oh, ow | 2. woe
helica: 1. snail-shell | 2. spiral
hem: 1. ah, oh, ow
hepar: 1. liver
here: 1. yesterday
heres: 1. heir
heri: 1. yesterday
heroicus: 1. of a demigod
heroine: 1. demigodess | 2. heroine
herois: 1. demigodess | 2. heroine
heros: 1. demigod | 2. hero
heu: 1. ah, oh, ow | 2. hey, say | 3. woe
hibernum: 1. winter
hibrida: 1. bastard
hiemalis: 1. winter, winter-, of the winter
hiems: 1. winter
hinc: 1. here, hither, this way
hinnire: 1. neigh
hinnus: 1. mule
hippopotamus: 1. hippo, hippopotamus
hircus: 1. he-goat
hirudo: 1. leech
hirundo: 1. swallow
hodie: 1. today
homo: 1. man, human being
honor: 1. honor, honour
hora: 1. hour, o’clock, time
hordeum: 1. barley
horror: 1. horror
hortus: 1. park | 2. garden
hospes: 1. foreigner, stranger | 2. guest
hospita: 1. stranger, female stranger | 2. hostess
hospitalis: 1. hospitable
hospitalitas: 1. hospitality
hospitator: 1. guest
hospitium: 1. friendship
hospitus: 1. alien, foreign, strange | 2. hospitable
hosticus: 1. adverse, hostile
hostifer: 1. adverse, hostile
hostilis: 1. adverse, hostile
hostis: 1. adversary, enemy
huc: 1. here, hither, this way
hui: 1. now, well, well then
humanus: 1. human
humus: 1. ground, soil | 2. earth, land, soil
hymnus: 1. anthem, hymn
hypotheca: 1. mortgage
hystericus: 1. hysterical
hystrix: 1. porcupine
hyæna: 1. hyaena
iacere: 1. throw
iam: 1. already, by now, yet
ianitor: 1. porter
ianitrix: 1. doorwoman
ianua: 1. door
ibis: 1. ibis
ictis: 1. weasel
ignis: 1. fire
ilex: 1. holly
illuc: 1. that way, there, thither, yonder
illudere: 1. jeer at, make fun of, mock
imago: 1. image, picture
imber: 1. rain
imperator: 1. emperor
inanis: 1. empty, void
incaste: 1. lewdly
incendium: 1. fire
incertus: 1. uncertain
incestum: 1. incest
incestus: 1. lewd
incubare: 1. incubate, sit
indigena: 1. aboriginal, native
indivisibilis: 1. indivisible
inexplanabilis: 1. inexplicable
inobsequens: 1. disobedient, insubordinate | 2. disobedient, insubordinate
insula: 1. island
intellegere: 1. understand, realize
inter: 1. among, between
iocare: 1. jest, joke
iocatio: 1. gag, joke
ioculatio: 1. gag, joke
iocus: 1. gag, joke
ire: 1. go
iudicare: 1. judge
iugum: 1. yoke
iurare: 1. swear
ius: 1. oath
iuvare: 1. abet, aid, assist, help | 2. accomodate, aid, assist, help
labea: 1. lip
labia: 1. lip
labium: 1. lip
labor: 1. job, work
labrum: 1. bath | 2. lip | 3. border, brim, brink, edge, edging, fringe, rim
lac: 1. milk
lacertus: 1. arm
lacrima: 1. tear
lacus: 1. lake, loch
lama: 1. marsh, swamp
lamentari: 1. lament, wail
lamia: 1. vampire
lamina: 1. ghost, phantom
lamium: 1. dead-nettle
lanterna: 1. lantern
lapathum: 1. dock, sorrel
lapis: 1. marble | 2. stone
lappa: 1. burr
larix: 1. larch
larus: 1. seagull
larva: 1. ghost, phantom
lassus: 1. tired
later: 1. brick
latrina: 1. brothel | 2. toilet | 3. bawdy, brothel, house of ill fame, whorehouse
latus: 1. side | 2. broad | 3. extensive, spacious, vast, wide
laudare: 1. commend, laud, praise
laurus: 1. laurel
legere: 1. read
legio: 1. army | 2. legion
lenis: 1. soft
lente: 1. leasurely, slowly
leo: 1. lion
lepidus: 1. affable, friendly, good-natured, kind
letum: 1. death
levare: 1. lever, lift, raise
levir: 1. brother-in-law
lex: 1. law
liber: 1. book
liberare: 1. release
libido: 1. lust, sexual pleasure
licentia: 1. permission
ligare: 1. bind, connect, join, tie, tie up
lignum: 1. timber, wood
ligo: 1. pick-axe
ligustrum: 1. privet
lilium: 1. lily
lima: 1. file
limare: 1. file
limax: 1. slug
limbus: 1. border, brim, brink, edge, edging, fringe, rim
limen: 1. sill, threshold
limes: 1. boundary, frontier, limit
limus: 1. mud
linea: 1. line
lingua: 1. tongue | 2. language, tongue
linum: 1. thread | 2. flax
lira: 1. lyre
littera: 1. letter | 2. letter
litus: 1. coast, seaside, shore
locus: 1. place | 2. location, place, spot
locusta: 1. grasshopper | 2. lobster
lolium: 1. corn cockle
longus: 1. long
loquere: 1. speak, talk
loqui: 1. speak, talk
lucinia: 1. nightingale
lucinius: 1. nightingale
lucrum: 1. gain, profit
ludere: 1. play
luere: 1. wash
lumbricus: 1. earthworm
lumen: 1. light
luna: 1. moon
lunaris: 1. lunar
lupa: 1. she-wolf
lupus: 1. wolf
lustrum: 1. forest, woods | 2. brothel | 3. marsh, swamp | 4. bawdy, brothel, house of ill fame, whorehouse
lutum: 1. mud
lux: 1. light
luxus: 1. luxury
lynx: 1. lynx
lætus: 1. happy, glad
maccus: 1. buffoon, jester | 2. clown
machina: 1. work of art | 2. tool | 3. engine, machine | 4. ruse, trick
machinamentum: 1. tool
machinatio: 1. tool
mactare: 1. butcher, slaughter
macula: 1. blot, spot
maga: 1. witch
magia: 1. enchantment, magic, sorcery, witchcraft, wizardry | 2. sorcery
magicus: 1. magic
magirus: 1. cook, male cook
magnus: 1. big, great, large
magus: 1. magic | 2. enchanter, magician, sorcerer, warlock, wizard
maialis: 1. hog, pig, swine
mala: 1. jaw, jawbone
malacus: 1. soft
male: 1. badly
malle: 1. prefer
malleus: 1. hammer
malogranatum: 1. pomegranate
malus: 1. bad, miserable, nasty, poor
mamma: 1. udder | 2. breast, teat
mane: 1. in the morning
manere: 1. remain, stay, stay over
mantellum: 1. cloak, mantle
manus: 1. hand
marcus: 1. hammer
mare: 1. sea
margarita: 1. pearl
maritimus: 1. maritime, sea, sea-, of the sea
marmor: 1. marble
martes: 1. marten
martyr: 1. martyr
martyria: 1. martyr, female martyr
mas: 1. male
massa: 1. accumulation, crowd, heap, mass, multitude, pile
masturbari: 1. masturbate
matara: 1. javelin
mater: 1. mother
materia: 1. matter
mathematica: 1. astrology | 2. mathematics
mathematicus: 1. astrologer | 2. mathematician
matrix: 1. stem, trunk, tree-trunk | 2. account book, record, register
maturus: 1. mature, ripe
medicus: 1. doctor, physician
medius: 1. average, mean, middle
mel: 1. honey
melior: 1. better
memoranculum: 1. monument
memoria: 1. memory, recollection
mens: 1. mind
mensa: 1. table
mensis: 1. month
menta: 1. mint
mentiri: 1. lie, tell a lie
mentula: 1. penis
merces: 1. salary, wage, wages
merda: 1. dung, excrement
meretricium: 1. prostitution
meretrix: 1. prostitute
meritorium: 1. brothel | 2. house to let | 3. hired house, rented house | 4. bawdy, brothel, house of ill fame, whorehouse
metallum: 1. ore | 2. metal | 3. mine
metiri: 1. measure
metropolis: 1. metropolis
migrare: 1. migrate, roam, wander, wander about
miles: 1. pawn, soldier
milium: 1. millet
mille: 1. thousand, one thousand
miluus: 1. kite
mima: 1. actress
mimus: 1. actor
minister: 1. aid, assistant, helper | 2. aid, assistent, helper | 3. boy, servant
ministrare: 1. serve
minus: 1. fewer, less
mirari: 1. marvel, marvel at, wonder
miscere: 1. blend, mingle, mix, shuffle
mitis: 1. soft
mittere: 1. send, transmit
mnemosynon: 1. monument
modo: 1. exclusively, just, only
moecha: 1. adulteress
moechus: 1. adulterer
mollis: 1. soft
molybdus: 1. lead
monachus: 1. monk
monasterium: 1. monastery
monere: 1. caution, warn | 2. advise, counsel, notify
monogamia: 1. monogamy
monopolium: 1. monopoly
mons: 1. mountain
monstrare: 1. indicate, point out, show
monumentum: 1. monument
morari: 1. act crazy, rave
mordere: 1. bite
mori: 1. die, expire, pass away
mors: 1. death
mortificare: 1. kill, liquidate, slay
mortuus: 1. dead
mos: 1. custom, habit, way | 2. custom, mores
movere: 1. actuate, move
mox: 1. soon
mucus: 1. mucus, phlegm
mulier: 1. woman
mullus: 1. barbel | 2. barbel
multitudo: 1. accumulation, crowd, heap, mass, multitude, pile | 2. crowd, mass, multitude
murra: 1. myrrh
murus: 1. wall
mus: 1. mouse
musca: 1. fly, housefly
musculus: 1. muscle
muscus: 1. moss
mustela: 1. weasel
mustum: 1. must
mutare: 1. alter, change | 2. change, turn
myrrha: 1. myrrh
mæna: 1. anchovy | 2. arsehole, bastard, son-of-a-bitch
mæstitia: 1. grief, sadness, sorrow | 2. sadness, sorrow
narcissus: 1. daffodil, narcissus
nare: 1. float, swim
naris: 1. nose | 2. nostril
narrare: 1. narrate, relate, tell
nasci: 1. arise, be born
nasus: 1. nose
natare: 1. float, swim
natio: 1. nation | 2. birth | 3. breed, race
natura: 1. nature | 2. character, nature
natus: 1. son
nauta: 1. sailor
navia: 1. boat
navis: 1. ship, vessel
nebula: 1. cloud
necare: 1. kill, liquidate, slay
nefas: 1. sinful
negare: 1. deny
nemo: 1. neither, nobody, none, no-one
nervus: 1. muscle | 2. nerve | 3. sinew, string, tendon
niger: 1. black
nihil: 1. nothing
nix: 1. snow
noctu: 1. at night, by night, during the night
nodare: 1. knot
nomen: 1. appellation, name
non: 1. no | 2. not
nonaginta: 1. ninety
nonnus: 1. nun | 2. monk
nonus: 1. ninth
novem: 1. nine
novus: 1. new, novel
nox: 1. night
nubes: 1. cloud
nullus: 1. neither, nobody, none, no-one
numerus: 1. number, numeral
nunc: 1. at present, now
nunquam: 1. never
nuntius: 1. errand, message
nutrire: 1. feed, nourish
obedire: 1. obey
obesus: 1. bold, corpulent, fat, thick
obitus: 1. death
oblectare: 1. amuse
obscurus: 1. dark, dim
obses: 1. hostage | 2. hostage
occasio: 1. chance, event, occurence, opportunity
occasus: 1. west, West
occidaneus: 1. western
occidens: 1. west, West
occidentalis: 1. western
occidere: 1. kill, liquidate, slay
occidualis: 1. western
octavus: 1. eighth
octo: 1. eight
octoginta: 1. eighty
oculus: 1. eye
odisse: 1. hate
odium: 1. hate
odor: 1. odor, odour, scent, smell
officium: 1. function, job, office, post
olea: 1. olive-tree | 2. olive | 3. olive-tree
oleum: 1. oil
oliva: 1. olive-tree | 2. olive | 3. olive-tree
olla: 1. jug, pot | 2. jug, box, container, vessel
olor: 1. swan
olus: 1. vegetable
omen: 1. indication, omen, portent, precursor, presage, sign | 2. indication, omen, presage, portent, sign
omnipotens: 1. almighty, all-powerful, omnipotent
onagrus: 1. onager
onagus: 1. donkey-driver
oncare: 1. bray
onus: 1. weight | 2. burden, charge, load
onyx: 1. onyx
opera: 1. effort
operire: 1. cover
opilio: 1. shepherd
opinari: 1. account, deem, opine, think
oppidum: 1. city, town
opplere: 1. fill, fill in, fill up
oppugnare: 1. assault, attack
ops: 1. aid, help | 2. force, strength, vigour | 3. aid, help | 4. ability
optare: 1. desire, wish | 2. choose, elect, pick out
optimus: 1. best
opus: 1. work
ora: 1. boundary, frontier, limit | 2. coast, seaside, shore | 3. border, brim, brink, edge, edging, fringe, rim
orare: 1. speak, talk | 2. pray
orarius: 1. coast, coast-, coastal, of the coast
orbis: 1. circle | 2. circle
orichalcum: 1. brass | 2. brass
origo: 1. lineage | 2. origin
ornithon: 1. aviary
orphanus: 1. orphan
orthografia: 1. orthography
ortigometra: 1. quail
oryza: 1. rice
os: 1. bone
oscitare: 1. yawn
oscitari: 1. yawn
ostes: 1. earthquake
ostrea: 1. oyster
otacustes: 1. spy
ovile: 1. fold, pen
ovis: 1. sheep
ovum: 1. egg
padus: 1. thread
palatium: 1. palace
palpitare: 1. pulsate, throb
palus: 1. pole, post, stanchion, stake | 2. marsh, swamp | 3. penis
pancratium: 1. chicory
panis: 1. bread, loaf
panthera: 1. panther | 2. giraffe
papaver: 1. poppy
papilio: 1. butterfly
papyrus: 1. paper
par: 1. equal, even, level
paradisus: 1. paradise
paralysis: 1. paralysis
parazonium: 1. dagger
pardalis: 1. female panther
pardus: 1. panther
parens: 1. parent
parentes: 1. parents
parere: 1. obey
pars: 1. part, Parthian, share
parus: 1. titmouse
parvus: 1. diminutive, little, small
passer: 1. canary | 2. sparrow | 3. ostrich
passus: 1. pace, step, stride
pastor: 1. shepherd
pater: 1. father | 2. father
patiri: 1. abide, bear, endure, put up with, suffer
patria: 1. fatherland
patruus: 1. uncle
pavo: 1. peacock
pax: 1. peace
pecunia: 1. money
pedes: 1. pedestrian
pedis: 1. louse
peior: 1. worse
pelicanus: 1. pelican
pellere: 1. beat, hit, strike
pellis: 1. skin
pelvis: 1. basin, bowl, pelvis
pendere: 1. droop, hang
penetrare: 1. penetrate
penis: 1. penis | 2. tail
pentecoste: 1. Pentecost, Whitsunday
perca: 1. bass
periculum: 1. danger, peril
perire: 1. perish
permittere: 1. accord, admit, afford, allow, permit
perpetuum: 1. continuous
persona: 1. person
persuadere: 1. persuade
perubique: 1. all about, everywhere
pervenire: 1. accomplish, achieve, attain, get, reach
pervertere: 1. ruin
pervetere: 1. bribe
pessulus: 1. bolt
petere: 1. ask, ask for, beg, bid, request
petilus: 1. gaunt, lean, meager, skimpy, skinny, thin | 2. gaunt, lean, slender, thin
petra: 1. rock
petro: 1. ibex | 2. ibex
petroselinum: 1. parsley
phalarica: 1. lance, spear
phallus: 1. phallus
phaselus: 1. haricot
phasianus: 1. pheasant
phasma: 1. ghost, phantom
phaulius: 1. bad, miserable, nasty, poor
philema: 1. kiss
phoca: 1. seal, sea-dog
phoenicopterus: 1. flamingo
phthisis: 1. consumption, tuberculosis
phui: 1. shame
phylaca: 1. jail, gaol, prison | 2. jail, gaol, prison | 3. jail, gaol, prison
phylacterium: 1. amulet, charm, talisman
physica: 1. physics
physicus: 1. physical | 2. physicist
pica: 1. magpie
picea: 1. pine, pine-tree
picus: 1. woodpecker
piger: 1. lazy
pila: 1. ball
pingere: 1. paint
pinguis: 1. fat, fatty, greasy
pinus: 1. pine, pine-tree
piper: 1. pepper
pirus: 1. pear-tree
piscis: 1. fish
pius: 1. pious
pix: 1. pitch
placidus: 1. peaceful
planta: 1. plant
planus: 1. even, flat, level, smooth
platanus: 1. plane, plane-tree, sycamore
plebs: 1. folk, nation, people
plectere: 1. braid, plait, twine, wreathe | 2. punish
plenus: 1. complete, full
plicare: 1. fold
plumbum: 1. pencil | 2. lead
plus: 1. more
pluvia: 1. rain
podagra: 1. gout
podex: 1. anus, arse
poema: 1. poem
poena: 1. punishment
poeta: 1. poet
polliceri: 1. promise
polus: 1. pole
polypus: 1. polyp
pomum: 1. fruit-tree | 2. fruit | 3. apple
pomus: 1. fruit-tree
pondus: 1. weight
ponere: 1. lay down, place, put, put down
pons: 1. bridge
pontus: 1. sea
poples: 1. knee
populus: 1. folk, nation, people
porca: 1. sow
porcarius: 1. pig, pig-, of a pig
porcella: 1. piglet
porcellus: 1. young of a wild boar
porcina: 1. pork
porcula: 1. piglet
porculus: 1. young of a wild boar
porcus: 1. hog, pig, swine
porta: 1. gate, gateway, portal
portare: 1. carry, wear
portio: 1. share
portus: 1. harbor, harbour, port
posse: 1. be possible | 2. be able to
possibilis: 1. possible
possibilitas: 1. possibility
possidere: 1. own, possess
post: 1. after, behind
postulare: 1. demand, postulate, require
potens: 1. powerful
potentia: 1. power
potestas: 1. power
potissimum: 1. above all, especially, chiefly, mainly, principally | 2. chiefly
potui: 1. be able to
precare: 1. pray
premere: 1. press, oppress, squeeze
pretium: 1. value, worth | 2. value, worth
primus: 1. first
pro: 1. instead of | 2. before, in front of
probare: 1. prove
proelium: 1. action, battle, scuffle, struggle
profligare: 1. conquer
profugere: 1. flee, run away
profundus: 1. deep, profound
prohibere: 1. prevent
prohibire: 1. forbid, prohibit
proles: 1. child, offspring, young | 2. offspring, successor
promittere: 1. promise
propagare: 1. spread
prope: 1. almost, nearly
prostituere: 1. prostitute
provincia: 1. province
proximare: 1. advance, come close, come closer, come on
præ: 1. before, in front of
præbia: 1. amulet, charm, talisman
præmium: 1. compensation, reward
prænomen: 1. first name
præter: 1. beyond, by, past, straight past
psittaca: 1. parrot
publicus: 1. public
puella: 1. girl, lass, wench
puelus: 1. bath
puer: 1. boy, lad, laddie
puera: 1. girl, lass, wench
pugil: 1. boxer | 2. boxer
pugio: 1. dagger
pugna: 1. action, battle, scuffle, struggle | 2. competition, contest
pugnare: 1. fight, struggle
pugnus: 1. fist
pulcher: 1. beautiful, fine, handsome, lovely
pulmo: 1. lung
pulpa: 1. meat
pulsare: 1. beat, hit, strike
pulvis: 1. dust
punire: 1. punish
pupa: 1. doll, puppet
puppis: 1. poop, poopdeck, stern | 2. poop, poopdeck, stern
purgare: 1. clean, cleanse, make clean, purge
purpura: 1. purple
purus: 1. pure | 2. clean
pus: 1. pus
putare: 1. guess, presume, suppose, surmise
putus: 1. pure | 2. clean
pæne: 1. almost, nearly
pæninsula: 1. peninsula
pænula: 1. raincoat
quadraginta: 1. forty
quaqua: 1. wherever
quartus: 1. fourth
quasi: 1. as if, as though, in a way
quattuor: 1. four
quattuordecim: 1. fourteen
quercus: 1. oak
quia: 1. as, because, for, since
quindecim: 1. fifteen
quinquaginta: 1. fifty
quinque: 1. five
quintus: 1. fifth
quisquis: 1. any, whichever, whoever
quo: 1. somewhere, to some place
quod: 1. as, because, for, since
quærere: 1. ask
radix: 1. root | 2. radish
ramus: 1. bough, branch
rana: 1. toad | 2. frog
raphanum: 1. radish
raphanus: 1. cabbage
rapulum: 1. radish
rapum: 1. turnip
raro: 1. seldom
rarus: 1. rare
raucus: 1. hoarse
ravus: 1. grey
re-: 1. re-
rectus: 1. direct, straight
red-: 1. re-
refugere: 1. flee back
regalis: 1. regal, royal
regere: 1. control, govern, restrain, rule
regificus: 1. regal, royal
regillus: 1. regal, royal
regimen: 1. administration, government
regimentum: 1. administration, government
regina: 1. queen
regio: 1. district | 2. region
regius: 1. regal, royal
regnare: 1. control, govern, restrain, rule
regnum: 1. kingship, royalty | 2. kingdom
relegare: 1. do away with, get rid of, remove | 2. dismiss, turn away
religio: 1. religion | 2. superstition
remex: 1. rower
remigare: 1. row
remus: 1. oar
ren: 1. kidney
renovare: 1. renew
reparare: 1. earn back, regain, win back | 2. renew | 3. fix, repair
repente: 1. all of a sudden, suddenly
repentinus: 1. abrupt, sudden
repere: 1. crawl, creep
reperire: 1. discover, uncover | 2. find
requiescere: 1. repose, rest
requirere: 1. need, require
reri: 1. think
res: 1. affair, business, business deal, case, matter
resistere: 1. resist, withstand
respondere: 1. answer, reply, respond
responsum: 1. answer, reply
respublica: 1. state
rex: 1. king
rhinoceros: 1. rhino, rhinoceros
risus: 1. laughter
ritus: 1. rite
robur: 1. oak, oak-wood
robustus: 1. strong
rodere: 1. gnaw
rogare: 1. ask, ask for, beg, bid, request
rosa: 1. rose
rota: 1. wheel
ruber: 1. red
rubus: 1. blackberry, blackberry bush, bramble
rumex: 1. dock, sorrel
rumpere: 1. break
rus: 1. country, countryside
russus: 1. red
rusticus: 1. rural
sacer: 1. divine | 2. holy, sacred
sacerdos: 1. priest
sacerdotalis: 1. priestly
sacrare: 1. sanctify
sacratus: 1. holy, sacred
sacricola: 1. priest
sacrum: 1. holy object, sacred object
sagitta: 1. arrow
sal: 1. salt
salamandra: 1. salamander
salire: 1. jump, leap, spring
saliva: 1. saliva
salix: 1. willow
salmo: 1. salmon
salsus: 1. salty
salus: 1. safety
salutare: 1. greet, salute
sambucus: 1. elder
sancire: 1. sanctify
sanctescere: 1. become holy
sanctificare: 1. sanctify
sanctimonialis: 1. nun | 2. pious
sanctus: 1. divine | 2. pious | 3. holy, sacred
sandalium: 1. sandal
sanguis: 1. blood
sanitas: 1. health
sanus: 1. healthy, well
sapiens: 1. sagacious, sage, wise
sapientia: 1. wisdom
sapo: 1. soap
satis: 1. enough, quite, rather, sufficiently
saurion: 1. mustard
saxum: 1. rock
scabere: 1. scratch
scalpere: 1. cut, slice
scandalum: 1. commotion, scandal
scapha: 1. boat
scarabæus: 1. beetle | 2. beetle
scelus: 1. crime
sceptrum: 1. sceptre
schola: 1. school
scire: 1. know, know how
sciurus: 1. squirrel
scolopendra: 1. centipede
scorpio: 1. scorpion
scribere: 1. write
scrofa: 1. sow
scæna: 1. scene
secare: 1. cut, slice
secundus: 1. second
sedecim: 1. sixteen
segregare: 1. divide, separate
seiungere: 1. divide, separate
semen: 1. seed
semideus: 1. of a demigod | 2. demigod
semper: 1. always, ever
sentire: 1. feel, sense
sepia: 1. sepia
septem: 1. seven
septendecim: 1. seventeen
septimus: 1. seventh
septuaginta: 1. seventy
sequi: 1. follow
serpens: 1. dragon | 2. serpent, snake
serpere: 1. crawl, creep
serus: 1. late, tardy
serva: 1. bondwoman, slave, female slave
servire: 1. serve
servus: 1. slave
severus: 1. severe, strict
sex: 1. six
sexaginta: 1. sixty
sextus: 1. sixth
sexus: 1. sex
si: 1. if, provided that
sic: 1. so, such, thus
sidus: 1. star
signum: 1. mark, sign, signal, token
silens: 1. silent
silex: 1. flint, gravel
silva: 1. forest, woods
simia: 1. ape, monkey
sisurna: 1. mattress
sisymbrium: 1. watercress
socer: 1. father-in-law
socrus: 1. mother-in-law
sol: 1. sun
solaris: 1. solair, sun, sun-, of the sun
solidus: 1. firm, solid
solum: 1. exclusively, just, only
solus: 1. alone, only, sole, solitary
somnus: 1. sleep
sophia: 1. wisdom
sophus: 1. sagacious, sage, wise
sopor: 1. sleep
sorbum: 1. mountain-ash berry, rowan berry
sorbus: 1. mountain-ash, rowan
sperare: 1. hope
spes: 1. hope
spiritus: 1. spirit
spodium: 1. ash, cinder
squama: 1. scale
stare: 1. stand
statua: 1. statue
stella: 1. star
sterilis: 1. barren, infertile | 2. barren, infertile, sterile, unfruitful | 3. sterile
stigma: 1. brand
stigmare: 1. brand
stimulare: 1. rouse, stimulate, stir up
struthocamelus: 1. ostrich
studium: 1. study
stulte: 1. stupidly
stultus: 1. foolish | 2. addled, foolish, stupid
suavis: 1. gentle, soft, sweet, tender
subito: 1. all of a sudden, suddenly
subnotatio: 1. signature
successus: 1. achievement, success
sulphur: 1. brimstone, sulphur
sulpur: 1. brimstone, sulphur
super: 1. above, over | 2. above, on top, overhead, upstairs
supera: 1. above, over
superare: 1. exceed, surpass
supereffluere: 1. overflow
superstitio: 1. superstition
synagoge: 1. synagogue
sæpe: 1. frequently, often, regularly
sævus: 1. savage, wild
tabula: 1. board, plank
talpa: 1. mole
tamarix: 1. tamarisk
tamen: 1. but, however, nevertheless, yet
tangere: 1. touch
tantum: 1. exclusively, just, only
tata: 1. dad, daddy
taurus: 1. bull
taxare: 1. appraise, estimate, rate
taxus: 1. yew-tree | 2. javelin
tegere: 1. cover
tela: 1. spiderweb | 2. fabric, textile
tellus: 1. earth, land, soil
tempestas: 1. time, while | 2. storm
tempestus: 1. weather
templum: 1. temple
tempus: 1. time, while
tenebricosus: 1. dark, dim
tenere: 1. hang onto, hold
terra: 1. earth, land, soil
tertius: 1. third
tetragonum: 1. quadrangle
texere: 1. weave
textile: 1. fabric, textile
textura: 1. fabric, textile
textus: 1. fabric, textile | 2. lyric, text
thalassicus: 1. maritime, sea, sea-, of the sea
theatrum: 1. theatre
theologia: 1. theology
theologus: 1. theologian
thesis: 1. essay, thesis
thorax: 1. chest
thridax: 1. lettuce
thynnus: 1. tuna, tuna-fish, tunny
tibi: 1. thee, to thee, to you, to thee
tibia: 1. shin-bone, tibia
tigris: 1. tiger
tilia: 1. lime-tree, linden-tree
tiliaceus: 1. lime, lime-, of a lime-tree
tiliagineus: 1. lime, lime-, of a lime-tree
tiliaris: 1. lime, lime-, of a lime-tree
timere: 1. be afraid of, fear
tinca: 1. tench
tinea: 1. cockroach | 2. moth
titulus: 1. degree, heading, title
toga: 1. toga
tolerare: 1. endure, put up with, tolerate
tonus: 1. tone
tornare: 1. turn, turn around, turn round
tragula: 1. javelin
trebax: 1. clever, cunning, sly, smart
tredecim: 1. thirteen
tremere: 1. quiver, shiver, tremble
tremor: 1. earthquake | 2. quiver, quivering, vibration
tres: 1. three
tria: 1. three
triangularis: 1. triangular
triangulum: 1. triangle
triangulus: 1. triangular
tribacca: 1. ear-drop, earring
tribulus: 1. thisle
tribunal: 1. rostrum, speaker’s platform
tribunus: 1. tribune
trifolium: 1. clover, shamrock, trefoil
trigarium: 1. team of three horses
triginta: 1. thirty
trigonicus: 1. triangular
trigonium: 1. triangle
trigonus: 1. triangular
triquetrus: 1. triangular
triticum: 1. wheat
triumphare: 1. triumph
triumphus: 1. triumph
trochus: 1. hoop
tropæum: 1. monument
tructa: 1. trout
trudis: 1. pole, rod
tuba: 1. clarion | 2. trumpet
tulere: 1. carry, wear
tumba: 1. grave, tomb
tunica: 1. tunic
turba: 1. accumulation, crowd, heap, mass, multitude, pile
turda: 1. thrush
turdus: 1. thrush
turibulum: 1. censer, incensory, thurible
turpis: 1. nasty, ugly
turricula: 1. turret
turris: 1. castle | 2. palace | 3. castle, tower
turtur: 1. turtle-dove
tus: 1. incense
tussis: 1. cough
tympanum: 1. tambourine, timbrel
typhon: 1. whirlwind
typhus: 1. pride
tyrannicus: 1. despotic
tyrannis: 1. tyranny
tyrannus: 1. tyrant
tæda: 1. pine, pine-tree
uber: 1. udder | 2. breast, teat
ulcus: 1. ulcer, sore
una: 1. one
unda: 1. wave
unde: 1. from where, whence
undecim: 1. eleven
undeviginti: 1. nineteen
universus: 1. entire, overall, whole
unum: 1. one
unus: 1. one
upilio: 1. shepherd
upupa: 1. hoopoo
urbs: 1. city, town
urina: 1. water | 2. urine
ursa: 1. she-bear
ursus: 1. bear
urtica: 1. nettle
urus: 1. aurochs
uterus: 1. grub, larva
uti: 1. employ, use, make use of
utriculus: 1. uterus, womb
uxor: 1. wife
vacca: 1. cow
vaccinium: 1. larkspur
vacerra: 1. pole, post, stanchion, stake
vacuus: 1. empty, void
vadare: 1. wade
vadere: 1. go
vafer: 1. clever, cunning, sly, smart
vaframentum: 1. ruse, stratagem, trick
vagari: 1. roam, wander
vagina: 1. vagina
vallis: 1. valley
vanus: 1. abortive, futile, useless, vain
vapor: 1. steam, vapor, vapour
vapos: 1. steam, vapor, vapour
varia: 1. panther
vas: 1. barrel | 2. vase, vessel
vectigal: 1. tax
vehere: 1. carry, wear | 2. go, ride, travel
velum: 1. sail
vendere: 1. dispose of, sell, vend
venenare: 1. poison
venenum: 1. poison
venire: 1. come
venter: 1. stomach | 2. abdomen, belly, tummy
ventus: 1. wind
verbum: 1. verb | 2. word
veritas: 1. truth | 2. reality, truth
vermis: 1. worm
verpa: 1. penis
verres: 1. boar
verruca: 1. wart
versutia: 1. cunning, subtlety, slyness
veru: 1. javelin
verus: 1. true
verutum: 1. javelin
vesica: 1. bladder, bubble
vespa: 1. wasp
vesper: 1. west, West | 2. evening
vesperalis: 1. western
vespertilio: 1. bat
vespertinus: 1. western
vestire: 1. clothe, dress
vetare: 1. forbid, prohibit
vetus: 1. old | 2. old
vetustus: 1. old | 2. old
via: 1. canal, channel | 2. manner, mode, way | 3. method | 4. street | 5. journey, trip, voyage | 6. road, route, way
viburnum: 1. guelder rose, snowball
victima: 1. victim
victor: 1. victor
victoria: 1. victory
vicus: 1. estate, farm, property, ranch | 2. district, neighbourhood, quarter | 3. street | 4. village
videre: 1. see
viginti: 1. twenty
villa: 1. estate, farm, property, ranch
vincere: 1. conquer
vinum: 1. wine
viola: 1. violet
vir: 1. fellow, man
virga: 1. broom | 2. twig | 3. bough, branch
virgo: 1. virgin
virus: 1. mucus, phlegm
vis: 1. force, strength, vigour
vita: 1. life
vitare: 1. avoid, evade
vitellus: 1. calf
vitis: 1. vine, grapevine
vitrum: 1. glass
vitulina: 1. veal
vivere: 1. be alive, live
vix: 1. with effort
vocabulum: 1. appellation, name | 2. word
vocare: 1. call, summon
volare: 1. fly | 2. race, run
volucris: 1. bird
voluntas: 1. will, willingness, wish
volva: 1. uterus, womb
vox: 1. voice
vulpes: 1. fox
vultur: 1. vulture
vultus: 1. face
zamia: 1. loss
zaplutus: 1. immensely rich, rolling in money
zona: 1. belt, girdle | 2. zone
Æneas: 1. Aeneas
Æolus: 1. Aeolus
Æthiops: 1. Abyssinian | 2. Ethiopian
ædes: 1. house
ædificatio: 1. building
ædificium: 1. building
ædon: 1. nightingale
æger: 1. faint, light, weak | 2. ill, sick
ægoceros: 1. ibex | 2. ibex
ægre: 1. hardly, not easily, with difficulty
ægrere: 1. be ailing
ægrescere: 1. be taken ill, fall ill
ægrimonia: 1. grief, sadness, sorrow | 2. sadness, sorrow
ægrotare: 1. be ailing
ægrotus: 1. ill, sick
ælinos: 1. elegy
æneus: 1. bronze | 2. copper
ænigma: 1. enigmatic character, mysteriousness | 2. enigma, puzzle, riddle
æon: 1. aeon
æquabilitas: 1. draw, equality
æquilibrium: 1. equilibrium
æquor: 1. sea
æquoreus: 1. maritime, sea, sea-, of the sea
æquus: 1. even, flat, level, smooth | 2. equal, even, level
ær: 1. air | 2. cloud
ærarius: 1. copper
æruscare: 1. beg
æruscator: 1. beggar | 2. market trader
æs: 1. bronze | 2. copper | 3. money | 4. salary, wage, wages
æsculetum: 1. oak-wood
æstas: 1. summer
æstimare: 1. appraise, estimate, rate
ætaluta: 1. love, sexual love
ætas: 1. age | 2. generation
æternalis: 1. eternal
æternitas: 1. eternity
æternus: 1. eternal
æther: 1. air | 2. ether | 3. heaven, sky
ætherius: 1. celestial, heavenly
æthra: 1. heaven, sky
ævitas: 1. eternity
ævum: 1. age | 2. eternity