Italian to English
Acheronte: 1. Acheron | 2. Acheron
Achille: 1. Achilles
Adamo: 1. Adam
Ade: 1. Hades
Adone: 1. Adonis
Afghanistan: 1. Afghanistan
Africa: 1. Africa
Aiace: 1. Ajax
Alasca: 1. Alaska
Albania: 1. Albania
Alessandria d’Egitto: 1. Alexandria
Alessandro: 1. Alexander
Algeri: 1. Algiers
Algeria: 1. Algeria
Alpi: 1. Alps
Alsazia-Lorena: 1. Alsace-Lorraine
Amburgo: 1. Hamburg
America: 1. America | 2. United States of America, USA
America del Nord: 1. North America
America del Sud: 1. South America
Anatolia: 1. Anatolia, Asia Minor
Andalusia: 1. Andalusia
Ande: 1. Andes
Andorra: 1. Andorra
Angola: 1. Angola
Annunciazone: 1. Annunciation, Lady Day
Antartico: 1. Antarctic | 2. Antarctic, the Antarctic
Antartide: 1. Antarctic, the Antarctic
Antille: 1. Antilles
Anversa: 1. Antwerp
Apocalisse: 1. Apocalypse
Appennini: 1. Apennines
Aquisgrana: 1. Aix-la-Chapelle
Arabia: 1. Arabia
Arabia Saudita: 1. Saudi Arabia
Arcadia: 1. Arcadia
Archimede: 1. Archimedes
Ardenne: 1. Ardennes
Argentina: 1. Argentina
Aristotele: 1. Aristotle
Armenia: 1. Armenia
Artico: 1. Arctic, the Arctic
Ascensione: 1. Ascension Day
Asia: 1. Asia
Asia Minore: 1. Asia Minor
Assiria: 1. Assyria
Assisi: 1. Assisi
Assunzione: 1. Assumption
Atene: 1. Athens
Atlantico: 1. Atlantic, Atlantic Ocean
Atlantide: 1. Atlantis
Australia: 1. Australia
Austria: 1. Austria
Azerbaigian: 1. Azerbaijan
Bacco: 1. Bacchus
Balcani: 1. Balkans
Baltico: 1. Baltic Sea
Befana: 1. Epiphany, Twelfth-night
Belgio: 1. Belgium
Berlino: 1. Berlin
Bibbia: 1. Bible
Birmania: 1. Burma
Borgogna: 1. Burgundy
Brasile: 1. Brazil
Bretagna: 1. Bretagne, Brittany
CAP: 1. postal code, ZIP code
Caino: 1. Cain
Cairo: 1. Cairo
Canadà: 1. Canada
Canarie: 1. Canary Islands
Cappuccetto Rosso: 1. Little Red Ridinghood
Capricorno: 1. Capricorn
Cartagine: 1. Carthage
Castiglia: 1. Castile
Catone: 1. Cato
Cecoslovacchia: 1. Czechoslovakia
Cerbero: 1. Cerberus
Cesare: 1. Caesar
Cile: 1. Chile
Cina: 1. China
Cipro: 1. Cyprus
Città del Capo: 1. Cape Town
Città del Messico: 1. Mexico City
Città del Vaticano: 1. Vatican City
Corano: 1. Koran
Corea: 1. Korea
Corsica: 1. Corsica
Cremlino: 1. Kremlin
Cristo: 1. Christ
Croazia: 1. Croatia
Dalmazia: 1. Dalmatia
Damasco: 1. Damascus
Danimarca: 1. Denmark
Danubio: 1. Danube
Dio: 1. God
Dublino: 1. Dublin
Egitto: 1. Egypt
Eolo: 1. Aeolus
Epifania: 1. Epiphany, Twelfth-night
Etiopia: 1. Abyssinia, Ethiopia
Europa: 1. Europa | 2. Europe | 3. Europa
Eva: 1. Eva
Finlandia: 1. Finland
Francia: 1. France
Galles: 1. Wales
Genova: 1. Genoa
Gerico: 1. Jericho
Germania: 1. Germany
Gerusalemme: 1. Jerusalem
Giappone: 1. Japan
Ginevra: 1. Geneva
Giordania: 1. Jordan
Giordano: 1. Jordan
Giosuè: 1. Joshua
Giunone: 1. Juno
Giuseppe: 1. Joseph
Gran Bretagna: 1. Britain, Great Britain
Grecia: 1. Greece
Groenlandia: 1. Greenland | 2. Greenland
Guascogna: 1. Gascony
Guinea: 1. Guinea
Iddio: 1. God
India: 1. India
Indocina: 1. Indo-China
Inghilterra: 1. England | 2. England
Irlanda: 1. Ireland
Islam: 1. Islam
Islanda: 1. Iceland
Istria: 1. Istria
Italia: 1. Italy
Iugoslavia: 1. Yugoslavia
Lapponia: 1. Lapland
Lettonia: 1. Latvia
Libano: 1. Lebanon
Lisbona: 1. Lisbon
Lituania: 1. Lithuania
Livorno: 1. Leghorn
Londra: 1. London
L’Aia: 1. The Hague
Machiavelli: 1. Machiavelli
Maometto: 1. Mohammed, Muhammad
Mare Arabico: 1. Arabian Sea
Mar Adriatico: 1. Adriatic, Adriatic Sea
Mar Tirreno: 1. Tyrrhenian Sea
Mecca: 1. Mecca
Messia: 1. Messiah
Messico: 1. Mexico
Milano: 1. Milan
Mosca: 1. Moscow
Nabucodonosor: 1. Nebuchadnezzar
Natale: 1. Christmas, Yule
Nembrod: 1. Nimrod
Norvegia: 1. Norway
Nuova York: 1. New Amsterdam, New York, New York City
Oceano Antartico: 1. Antarctic Ocean
Ognissanti: 1. All Hallows, All Saints’ Day
Olanda: 1. Holland | 2. Holland, the Netherlands
Olandese: 1. Dutchman
Orcadi: 1. Orkney Islands, Orkneys
Orfeo: 1. Orpheus
Pakistan: 1. Pakistan
Parigi: 1. Paris
Pasqua: 1. Easter
Po: 1. Po
Polonia: 1. Poland
Polo Sud: 1. Antarctic, the Antarctic
Portogallo: 1. Portugal
Renania: 1. Rhineland
Reno: 1. Rhine
Rio delle Amazzoni: 1. Amazon
Roma: 1. Rome
Russia: 1. Russia
Sardegna: 1. Sardinia | 2. Sardina
Satana: 1. Lucifer, Satan
Sciangai: 1. Shanghai
Scozia: 1. Scotland
Sicilia: 1. Sicily
Spagna: 1. Spain
Stati Uniti: 1. United States of America, USA
Stoccolma: 1. Stockholm
Svezia: 1. Sweden
Svizzera: 1. Switzerland
Tailandia: 1. Siam, Thailand
Tamigi: 1. Thames
Tangeri: 1. Tangier
Terranova: 1. Newfoundland
Torino: 1. Turin
Turchia: 1. Turkey
Ungheria: 1. Hungary
Unione Europea: 1. European Union
Uruguai: 1. Uruguay
Venecia: 1. Venice
Venere: 1. Venus | 2. Evening Star, Venus
Venezia: 1. Venetia
Vienna: 1. Vienna
Vietnam: 1. Vietnam
Zurigo: 1. Zurich
… fa: 1. … ago
a: 1. at, to, toward, towards | 2. a, in, inside, into, on, per, within | 3. at, beside, with
abaco: 1. abacus
abate: 1. abbot
abbandonare: 1. abandon, forsake, desert, leave, quit | 2. leave behind
abbastanza: 1. enough, quite, rather, sufficiently
abbonamento: 1. subscription
abbonato: 1. subscriber
abbondanza: 1. abundance | 2. abundance, plenty
abbracciare: 1. embrace | 2. embrace, hug
abbreviazione: 1. abbreviation
abdicazione: 1. abdication
abete: 1. fir
abile: 1. able, capable | 2. adroit, clever, dexterous, skillful
abilità: 1. ability | 2. expertness, skilfulness, skill, skillfulness
abissino: 1. Abyssinian | 2. Abyssinian
abisso: 1. abyss, chasm, gulf, precipice
abitante: 1. inhabitant
abitare: 1. dwell, live
abito: 1. costume, outfit, suit | 2. dress, gown, robe | 3. article of clothing, garment
abituarsi: 1. accustom oneself, get used
abitudine: 1. habit, trick
abolire: 1. abolish, abrogate
abolizione: 1. abolition, abrogation | 2. abolition, abrogation
abortire: 1. abort, miscarry
aborto: 1. abortion, miscarriage
abrogare: 1. abolish, abrogate
abrogazione: 1. abolition, abrogation | 2. abolition, abrogation
accademia: 1. academy
accadere: 1. come about, happen, occur
accanto: 1. beside, alongside, next to
accelerare: 1. accelerate, speed up
acceleratore: 1. accelerator, accelerator pedal
accendere: 1. burn | 2. kindle, light | 3. illuminate, light | 4. switch, turn on
accendino: 1. lighter
accentare: 1. accent, accentuate, stress
accento: 1. accent, stress | 2. accent
accesso: 1. approach
accettabile: 1. acceptable
accettare: 1. accept, receive, take, take in
acciaio: 1. steel
accidente: 1. accident
acciuga: 1. anchovy
acclamare: 1. acclaim, applaud
acclimarsi: 1. become accustomed
accoglienza: 1. acceptance, admission | 2. greeting
accogliere: 1. accept, receive, take, take in
accoglimento: 1. acceptance, admission
accomodamento: 1. accommodation, adjustment, arrangement | 2. accommodation, accord, agreement
accompagnare: 1. accompany
accordo: 1. accord, accordance, agreement, concurrence | 2. chord | 3. harmony | 4. accommodation, accord, agreement | 5. agreement, consent, permission
accorgersi: 1. descry, perceive
accumulatore: 1. accumulator, battery, storage battery | 2. accumulator, battery, storage battery
accumulazione: 1. accumulation | 2. accumulation, assembly
accusa: 1. accusal, accusation
accusare: 1. accuse
accusato: 1. accused, defendant | 2. accused, defendant
accusatore: 1. accuser
aceto: 1. vinegar
acido: 1. acetous, acid, sour, tart
acino: 1. grape
acqua: 1. water
acquaforte: 1. etching
aculeo: 1. sting
acuto: 1. acute | 2. nasty
adatto: 1. able, capable | 2. of use, suitable
addio: 1. adieu, farewell, bye, goodbye | 2. farewell, goodbye, good-bye
adorare: 1. adore, worship
adottivo: 1. adopted
adulterio: 1. adultery
adultero: 1. adulterous | 2. adulterer
ad alta voce: 1. loudly
ad un tratto: 1. all of a sudden, suddenly
aerare: 1. aerate, air out, give an airing, ventilate
aereo: 1. aeroplane, airplane, plane
aeroplano: 1. aeroplane, airplane, plane
aeroporto: 1. airport | 2. airport
affare: 1. affair, business, business deal, case, matter
affascinante: 1. charming, lovely
affaticare: 1. fag out, fatigue, jade, overdrive, override, tire out | 2. fag out, jade, overdrive, override
affermare: 1. affirm, assent, say yes
afferrare: 1. clutch, grab, grasp, grip, seize
affettazione: 1. affectation
affetto: 1. affection
affezione: 1. affection
affigere: 1. attach, put onto
affilato: 1. sharp
affisso: 1. notice, placard, poster
affittare: 1. let, rent out
afflitto: 1. sad | 2. bleak, dismal, dreary, gaunt, miserable, sad, somber | 3. dismal, gaunt, miserable, sad
affluenza: 1. abundance, plenty | 2. crowd, mass, multitude
affrancare: 1. prepay, put on stamps
affrancatura: 1. postage
affrettarsi: 1. go fast, hurry, rush | 2. hurry, rush | 3. hurry
afgano: 1. Afghan | 2. Afghan
africano: 1. African | 2. African
agente: 1. agent
agenzia: 1. agency
aggettivo: 1. adjectival | 2. adjective
aggiungere: 1. add
aggiustamento: 1. accommodation
aggredire: 1. assault, violate
aggressivo: 1. aggressive
aggressore: 1. aggressor, assailant, attacker
agile: 1. agile
agire: 1. act, take action
agitazione: 1. agitation, commotion
agnello: 1. lamb
ago: 1. needle
agonia: 1. agony, death throes
agosto: 1. August
agricoltore: 1. agrarian, farmer
agricoltura: 1. agriculture
agro: 1. acetous, acid, sour, tart
aiutante: 1. adjutant, aide-de-camp
aiutare: 1. abet, aid, assist, help | 2. accomodate, aid, assist, help
aiuto: 1. aid, help | 2. aid, help
ala: 1. wing
alba: 1. aurora, dawn | 2. dawn, daybreak
albanese: 1. Albanian | 2. Albanian
albergo: 1. hotel
albero: 1. tree | 2. mast | 3. poplar | 4. arbor, shaft, spindle
albicocca: 1. apricot
album: 1. album
alcool: 1. alcohol
alcoolico: 1. alcoholic
alcool denaturato: 1. methylated spirit
alcova: 1. alcove, recess
alfabet: 1. alphabet
alfabeto: 1. ABC, alphabet
algerino: 1. Algerian | 2. Algerian
alice: 1. anchovy
alimentare: 1. feed, nourish
alimento: 1. food, nourishment
alito: 1. breath
allarme: 1. alarm
allattare: 1. suckle
alla fine: 1. at last, finally, ultimately
allegro: 1. cheerful, gay, merry
allestire: 1. prepare
allettante: 1. attractive
allievo: 1. pupil, scholar
allodola: 1. lark
alloggio: 1. abode, accommodation, dwelling, residence
allora: 1. then
alloro: 1. laurel
allo stesso tempo: 1. at the same time
alludere: 1. allude, hint
allume: 1. alum
all’estero: 1. abroad | 2. abroad
all’indietro: 1. backwards
all’inizio: 1. at first, at the outset, in the beginning
almeno: 1. at least
alsaziano: 1. Alsatian | 2. Alsatian | 3. Alsatian
altare: 1. altar
alta marea: 1. high tide
alternativa: 1. alternative, option
altitudine: 1. height | 2. altitude, height
alto: 1. high, lofty, tall
altro: 1. other, another, else
altrove: 1. elsewhere
altura: 1. height
alveare: 1. beehive
alzare: 1. lever, lift, raise
alzarsi: 1. get up, rise, stand, stand up | 2. get up, rise, stand, stand up
al mese: 1. monthly
amabile: 1. lovable | 2. charming, lovely
amare: 1. love
amaro: 1. acerbic, bitter
amazzone: 1. Amazon
ambasciata: 1. embassy | 2. embassy
ambasciatore: 1. ambassador
ambientarsi: 1. become accustomed
ambiente: 1. environment, environs, surroundings
ambiguo: 1. ambiguous | 2. ambiguous
ambizione: 1. ambition
ambra gialla: 1. amber
americano: 1. American | 2. American | 3. American | 4. American, US citizen
amianto: 1. asbestos
amica: 1. friend
amicale: 1. friendly
amichevole: 1. affable, friendly, good-natured, kind | 2. friendly
amicizia: 1. friendship
amico: 1. friend
ammalarsi: 1. be taken ill, fall ill
ammazzare: 1. kill, liquidate, slay
amministrare: 1. administer, manage
amministrare gli ultimi sacramenti: 1. administer the last sacraments
amministratore: 1. manager
amministratore delegato: 1. director, manager
amministrazione: 1. administration, management | 2. administration, management
ammirabile: 1. admirable
ammiraglio: 1. admiral
ammirare: 1. admire
ammirazione: 1. admiration
ammogliarsi: 1. marry, be married, get married
ammonimento: 1. admonition, exhortation
ammontare a: 1. amount to
ammortizzamento: 1. redemption
ammortizzare: 1. amortize, deaden
ammuffito: 1. mouldy
amnistia: 1. act of grace, amnesty
amo: 1. hook
amore: 1. affection, love
ampolla: 1. bulb
amputare: 1. amputate
analizzare: 1. analyse
analizzatore: 1. analyst, analytical chemist
ananas: 1. pineapple
ananasso: 1. pineapple
anatema: 1. anathema, ban, excommunication
anca: 1. hip
anche: 1. also, likewise, too
anche se: 1. even if
ancora: 1. still, yet | 2. anchor | 3. afresh, again, all over again, anew | 4. afresh, again, once more
andaluso: 1. Andalusian | 2. Andalusian
andare: 1. go
andarsene: 1. absent onself, depart, go away, leave
andatura: 1. speed
andorrano: 1. Andorrian | 2. Andorrian
anello: 1. ring
anemia: 1. anaemia
anemone: 1. anemone
angelo: 1. angel
angolano: 1. Angolan | 2. Angolese
angolo: 1. angle
angoscia: 1. agony, anguish, fear | 2. fright
angoscioso: 1. afraid | 2. afraid, timid
anguilla: 1. eel
animale: 1. animal | 2. animal, beast
animare: 1. animate
anitra: 1. duck
annaffiare: 1. irrigate, water
annegare: 1. drown
annegarsi: 1. drown
annessione: 1. annexation
anno: 1. year
annoiare: 1. bore
anno bisestile: 1. leap-year
annuale: 1. annual, yearly
annualmente: 1. yearly
annullare: 1. abjure, abolish, abrogate, annul, cancel, remit
annullare un ordine: 1. cancel, countermand
annunciare: 1. advertise, announce, give notice | 2. communicate, report
annuncio: 1. ad, advertisement
annunziare: 1. advertise, announce, give notice
annunzio: 1. advice, announcement, communication, message, notice, report
anormale: 1. abnormal
ansia: 1. anxiety
ansietà: 1. anxiety
antartico: 1. Antarctic
antenato: 1. forefather
antenna: 1. aerial, antenna
antibiotico: 1. antibiotic
anticipare: 1. anticipate, think ahead
antico: 1. ancient, antique | 2. old
anticongelante: 1. antifreeze
antisettico: 1. antiseptic
antologia: 1. anthology
antracite: 1. anthracite
apatia: 1. apathy
ape: 1. bee
aperto: 1. open
apicoltore: 1. apiarist, bee-keeper, bee-master
apicoltura: 1. bee-keeping
apicultore: 1. apiarist, bee-keeper, bee-master
apicultura: 1. bee-keeping
apoplessia: 1. fit, apoplectic fit, seizure, stroke, stroke of apoplexy
apostolo: 1. apostle
apparecchio: 1. apparatus, device, set
apparenza: 1. appearance, aspect, look, sight, view | 2. appearance
apparire: 1. appear, emerge, perform
appartamento: 1. apartment, flat | 2. abode, accommodation, dwelling, residence
appartenere: 1. belong to
appena: 1. barely, hardly, only just, scarcely
appetito: 1. appetite
appiccicare: 1. glue, stick
appiccicaticcio: 1. sticky | 2. sticky
applaudire: 1. acclaim, applaud, clap
applausi: 1. acclaim, acclamation, approval
applicare: 1. apply, practice
applicazione: 1. industry
appoggiare: 1. abet, support, sustain
appoggiarsi: 1. lean
apposta: 1. deliberately, on purpose
apprestare: 1. finish, prepare
apprezzare: 1. appreciate | 2. appraise, estimate, rate | 3. appreciate, like
approfittare: 1. profit
approvare: 1. approve
approvazione: 1. acclaim, approval
appuntamento: 1. appointment, date, rendezvous
appuntato: 1. pointed, spiked
aprile: 1. April
aprire: 1. open, open up
aquila: 1. eagle
arabo: 1. Arabian, Arabic | 2. Arab
arachide: 1. peanut
aragosta: 1. lobster
arancia: 1. orange
arancio: 1. orange-tree | 2. orange-tree
aratro: 1. plough
arbitrario: 1. arbitrary
arbitro: 1. arbiter, arbitrator, referee, umpire
arbusto: 1. bush, shrub
architetto: 1. architect
archivista: 1. archivist, keeper of the records
arciduca: 1. archduke
arcivescovo: 1. archbishop
arco: 1. arc, bow
arcobaleno: 1. rainbow
ardente: 1. ablaze, afire, aflame, aglow, ardent
ardere: 1. burn
ardore: 1. glow, heat, passion | 2. fervor, fervour, zeal
arena: 1. arena
argentino: 1. Argentine
argento: 1. silver
argilla: 1. clay
argomento: 1. argument, plea
aria: 1. air | 2. air, aria | 3. appearance, aspect, look, sight, view | 4. climate | 5. expression | 6. appearance
arieggiare: 1. aerate, air out, give an airing, ventilate
aringa: 1. herring
aristocratico: 1. aristocratic | 2. of noble birth
arma: 1. weapon
armadio: 1. cabinet, closet, cupboard, sideboard
armare: 1. arm
armeno: 1. Armenian | 2. Armenian
arnese: 1. agent, means, tool
arnesi: 1. means
arnia: 1. beehive
aroma: 1. aroma, flavour
arrendersi: 1. capitulate, surrender
arrestare: 1. arrest
arrestato: 1. arrested person, prisoner
arresto: 1. apprehension, arrest, detention
arrischiare: 1. hazard, risk, venture
arrivare: 1. accomplish, achieve, attain, get, reach | 2. come about, happen, occur
arrivederci: 1. bye, goodbye, so long
arrivo: 1. arrival
arrotondare: 1. round, round off
arrugginito: 1. rusty
arruolare: 1. recruit | 2. recruit
arsenale: 1. armoury, arsenal
arte: 1. art
arteria: 1. artery
articolo: 1. article | 2. article
artiglieria: 1. artillery
artiglio: 1. claw
ascensore: 1. elevator, lift
ascesso: 1. abscess
ascia: 1. axe
asciugamano: 1. towel
asciutta: 1. nurse, dry-nurse, monthly nurse
ascoltare: 1. listen
asfalto: 1. asphalt
asiatico: 1. Asian, Asiatic | 2. Asian
asilo: 1. asylum
asino: 1. ass, donkey
asma: 1. asthma, shortness of breath, wheeziness
asparago: 1. asparagus
aspettare: 1. abide, expect, wait, await, wait for | 2. advert, pay attention, pay attention to, watch out for
aspetto: 1. appearance, aspect, look, sight, view
assai: 1. extremely | 2. quite, very, very much
assale: 1. axis, axle
assalire: 1. assault, violate
assalitore: 1. aggressor, assailant, attacker
assalto: 1. access, aggression, attack
asse: 1. axis, axle | 2. shelf
assediare: 1. besiege
assedio: 1. siege
assegno: 1. check, cheque
assegno bancario: 1. check, cheque
assente: 1. absent | 2. absent
assenza: 1. absence
asserire: 1. assert, state
asserzione: 1. contention, assertion
assicurare: 1. affirm, assure
assicurazione: 1. insurance
assioma: 1. axiom
assiro: 1. Assyrian | 2. Assyrian
assistente: 1. assistant, lady help | 2. aid, assistant, helper
assistenza: 1. aid, help
assistere: 1. abet, aid, assist, help
asso: 1. ace
assurdo: 1. absurd
astratto: 1. abstract
ateniese: 1. Athenian | 2. Athenian
atlantico: 1. Atlantic
atmosfera: 1. atmosphere | 2. atmosphere, ethos, mood
atomo: 1. atom
attaccare: 1. assault, attack
attacco: 1. access, aggression, attack
attendere: 1. advert, pay attention, pay attention to, watch out for
attentato: 1. assault
attento: 1. attentive
attenzione: 1. acuity, advertence, advertency, attention
attirare: 1. attract
attivo: 1. active | 2. active, in action | 3. assets | 4. assets | 5. active, hardworking
attizzatore: 1. firebrand, instigator
attore: 1. actor
attraente: 1. attractive
attrarre: 1. attract, draw
attraversare: 1. cross, go beyond, transfer
attraverso: 1. through | 2. across, beyond, on the other side of
attrice: 1. actress
attuale: 1. current, present, present-day, topical, up-to-date | 2. current, present
augurio: 1. indication, omen, portent, precursor, presage, sign | 2. indication, omen, presage, portent, sign
aurora: 1. aurora, dawn
australiano: 1. Australian | 2. Australian
austriaco: 1. Austrian | 2. Austrian
autista: 1. chauffeur, driver
auto: 1. car
autobus: 1. bus, autobus, omnibus
autocarro: 1. lorry, truck | 2. lorry, truck
autocrate: 1. absolute ruler, autocrat
automa: 1. automoton
automobile: 1. car
autore: 1. author | 2. author, writer
autorimessa: 1. garage
autorità: 1. authority
autunno: 1. autumn
avambraccio: 1. lower-arm
avanti: 1. ahead, foreward, on
avaria: 1. damage
avaro: 1. avaricious, miserly, stingy
avena: 1. oats
avere: 1. have, have got | 2. credit
avere fame: 1. be hungry
avere la coincidenza: 1. correspond
aver bisogno di: 1. need, require
aver timore: 1. be afraid of, fear
aviazione: 1. aeronautics, aviation
avido: 1. acquisitive, eager, greedy
avvelenare: 1. poison
avvenire: 1. future | 2. future | 3. future
avventura: 1. adventure
avverbio: 1. adverb
avversione: 1. aversion, dislike | 2. disgust, nausea
avvertire: 1. caution, warn
avvezzarsi: 1. accustom oneself, get used
avvicinarsi: 1. advance, come close, come closer, come on
avviso: 1. ad, advertisement | 2. warning | 3. notification, notice | 4. advice, counsel
avvolgere: 1. pack, package, wrap up
azione: 1. achievement, act, action | 2. share | 3. process
azionista: 1. shareholder
azzurro: 1. blue | 2. sky blue
a buon mercato: 1. cheap, inexpensive
a casa: 1. at home
a caso: 1. by accident, by chance
a destra: 1. on the right
a lungo: 1. a long time, for a long time, long
a memoria: 1. by heart
a proposito: 1. by the way
a rovescio: 1. backward, on one’s back | 2. backwards
a sinistra: 1. on the left
babordo: 1. port side
bacca: 1. berry
bacca di mirtillo: 1. blueberry
baciare: 1. kiss
bacino: 1. basin, bowl, pelvis
bacio: 1. kiss
badare: 1. look after, nurse
badessa: 1. abbess
badia: 1. abbey
baffi: 1. moustache | 2. whiskers, side-whiskers
bagagliaio: 1. luggage-van
bagaglio: 1. baggage, luggage
bagassa: 1. bagasse
bagnare: 1. irrigate, water | 2. bathe
bagnarsi: 1. bathe, have a bath
bagnato: 1. wet
bagni: 1. spa
bagno: 1. bath
baia: 1. bay
baionetta: 1. bayonet
balcone: 1. balcony
balena: 1. whale
baleno: 1. lightning
balia: 1. nurse, dry-nurse, monthly nurse
balla: 1. bale
ballare: 1. dance
ballata: 1. ballad, ballade
ballerina: 1. dancer
ballerino: 1. ballet dancer | 2. dancer
balletto: 1. ballet
ballo: 1. ball, dance | 2. dance
baluardo: 1. bastion
bambinaia: 1. babysitter
bambino: 1. bairn, child, infant | 2. child
bambola: 1. doll, puppet
bambù: 1. bamboo
banale: 1. commonplace, dismal, trite
banana: 1. banana
banca: 1. bank
bancarotta: 1. bankrupt
banchiere: 1. bank clerk, bank official
banco: 1. desk, writing desk, writing-desk | 2. counter
banconota: 1. bank-note
banda: 1. connection, league
bandiera: 1. banner, flag
bandire: 1. exile
bandito: 1. bandit
bar: 1. buffet | 2. bar, pub
baracca: 1. barrack, barn, shack, shanty, shed
barba: 1. beard
barbabietola: 1. beet
barbaforte: 1. horse-radish, horseradish
barbaro: 1. barbaric | 2. barbarian
barbiere: 1. barber
barca: 1. boat
barella: 1. stretcher | 2. stretcher
barile: 1. barrel
barometro: 1. barometer
barone: 1. baron
barra: 1. pole, rod
barriera: 1. barrier
basare: 1. base
bassa marea: 1. low tide
basso: 1. low | 2. shallow, superficial | 3. superficial
bastardo: 1. bastard
bastare: 1. suffice
bastione: 1. bastion
battaglia: 1. action, battle, scuffle, struggle
battaglione: 1. battalion
battere: 1. beat, hit, strike
battere le mani: 1. acclaim, applaud, clap
batteria: 1. battery | 2. battery
batterio: 1. bacterium
battesimo: 1. baptism, christening
battezzare: 1. baptize, christen
baule: 1. trunk
bazar: 1. bazaar, fair, market
becco: 1. beak, bill
belare: 1. bleat
belga: 1. Belgian
bellezza: 1. beauty
bellino: 1. pretty
bello: 1. beautiful, fine, handsome, lovely
benche: 1. though, although
bene: 1. okay, well
beneficio: 1. gain, profit | 2. advantage, benefit
benevole: 1. affable, friendly, good-natured, kind
bene arrivate: 1. welcome
benvenuto: 1. welcome
benzina: 1. gasolene, gasoline, petrol
bere: 1. drink
beretta: 1. beret
bestemmiare: 1. blaspheme, cuss, curse, swear
bestia: 1. animal, beast
betulla: 1. birch
bevanda: 1. beverage, drink
biancheria da letto: 1. bed-clothes, bedding
bianco: 1. white | 2. white
biasimare: 1. condemn, disapprove, disapprove of, rebuke
biasimevole: 1. blameworthy, censurable, condemnable, objectionable
bibita: 1. beverage, drink
biblioteca: 1. library
bibliotecario: 1. librarian
bicchiere: 1. glass | 2. goblet
bicicletta: 1. bike, cycle, bicycle | 2. bike, bicycle
bigio: 1. grey
biglietto: 1. bill, ticket, note
biglietto d’andata e ritorno: 1. return-ticket
bilancia: 1. scales
bilancio: 1. balance sheet | 2. budget
bile: 1. bile, gall
biliardo: 1. billiards
biondo: 1. blond, fair
birra: 1. ale, beer
bisbigliare: 1. whisper
biscotto: 1. bicuit | 2. biscuit, cookie
bisnonna: 1. great-grandmother
bisnonno: 1. great-grandfather
bisogno: 1. need, want
bistecca: 1. steak, beefsteak
bloccare: 1. block, blockade
blocco: 1. block, pad
blu: 1. blue
blusa: 1. blouse
blu scuro: 1. dark blue
boa: 1. beacon
bocca: 1. mouth
boccale: 1. goblet
boia: 1. hangman, executioner | 2. torturer
bolla: 1. blister
bollire: 1. boil
bollo: 1. stamp, postage stamp
bomba: 1. bomb
bomba atomica: 1. atom bomb
bomba incendaria: 1. incendiary bomb
bosco: 1. forest, woods
bottiglia: 1. bottle
bracchio: 1. arm
braccialetto: 1. bracelet | 2. bracelet
bramoso: 1. acquisitive, eager, greedy
branchia: 1. gill
brasiliano: 1. Brazilian
breve: 1. concise
brezza: 1. breeze
brigante: 1. bandit
brigata: 1. detachment
brillante: 1. bright, brilliant
brillare: 1. shine
brillo: 1. drunk, intoxicated
brocca: 1. jug, pitcher
bronzo: 1. bronze
bruciare: 1. burn | 2. burn down
bruco: 1. caterpillar
bruno: 1. brown
brusco: 1. brutal, gruff, harsh, rough, sour, surly, unkind, unpleasant
buca delle lettere: 1. letterbox, mailbox
buco: 1. hole
bue: 1. ox
bufalo: 1. buffalo
bugia: 1. lie
buio: 1. bleak, dark, dismal, dreary
buonanotte: 1. good night
buonasera: 1. good evening
buona notte: 1. good night
buongiorno: 1. good morning | 2. good day
buono: 1. good, nice, okay
burro: 1. butter
burrone: 1. abyss, chasm, gulf, precipice
bussola: 1. compass
busta: 1. envelope
cabina: 1. cabin
cacao: 1. cocoa
cacciare: 1. chase, hunt
cacciavite: 1. screwdriver
cacto: 1. cactus
caffettiera: 1. coffee-pot
caffé: 1. coffee
calce: 1. lime
calcestruzzo: 1. concrete
calco: 1. cast
calcolare: 1. calculate, count, figure, work out
caldaia: 1. steam-boiler
calderotto: 1. boiler, cauldron, kettle
caldo: 1. warm
calice: 1. goblet
callo: 1. corn
calmare: 1. appease, calm, quiet, soothe, still
calmo: 1. calm, tranquil
calore: 1. heat
calunniare: 1. slander
calzolaio: 1. shoemaker | 2. shoemaker
calzoni: 1. pants, trousers
cambiale: 1. bill of exchange, draft
cambiamento: 1. alteration, change, conversion, transformation | 2. about-face, alteration, change, conversion, transformation
cambiare: 1. change, turn
cambiarsi: 1. alter, change | 2. change
camera: 1. chamber, room
camera da letto: 1. bedroom
cameriera: 1. maid
cameriere: 1. waiter
camion: 1. lorry, truck | 2. lorry, truck
camminare: 1. go | 2. march, walk | 3. go, ride, travel
cammino: 1. road, route, way
campagna: 1. country, countryside
campana: 1. bell
campione: 1. sample, specimen | 2. champion
campo: 1. field | 2. field | 3. field | 4. field
camposanto: 1. cemetery, God’s acre, graveyard
candela: 1. candle | 2. plug, spark plug
cane: 1. dog
canna: 1. fishing rod
cantante: 1. singer, female singer | 2. singer
cantare: 1. sing
cantoniere: 1. signalman
canzone: 1. song
capace: 1. able, capable | 2. of use, suitable
capacità: 1. ability
capanna: 1. cabin, hut, shack
capelli: 1. hair, hairs
capire: 1. understand, realize
capitale: 1. fund
capitano: 1. captain | 2. captain
capo: 1. boss, chief, leader | 2. chief, boss
capocuoco: 1. chef
capostazione: 1. station-master
capotreno: 1. guard
capoverso: 1. paragraph
cappellano militare: 1. chaplain, army chaplain, padre
cappotta: 1. bonnet, hood
capra: 1. she-goat | 2. goat
capro becco: 1. he-goat
carattere: 1. character, nature
caratteristico: 1. characteristic
carbone: 1. coal
carciofo: 1. artichoke
caricare: 1. accuse | 2. strech, wind up | 3. burden, load
carico: 1. burden, charge, load
carino: 1. affable, friendly, good-natured, kind | 2. beautiful, fine, handsome, lovely
carnagione: 1. complexion
carne: 1. flesh | 2. meat
carne di montone: 1. mutton
carne di vitello: 1. veal
caro: 1. dear, lovely | 2. dear, expensive, valuable | 3. costly, dear, expensive, pricey
carota: 1. carrot
carta: 1. card, map, menu | 2. paper
carta asciugante: 1. blotter, blotting paper
carta assorbente: 1. blotter, blotting paper
carta igienica: 1. toilet-paper
cartellone: 1. notice, placard, poster
cartolina illustrata: 1. picture postcard
cartolina postale: 1. postcard
casa: 1. house | 2. home
cascata: 1. waterfall | 2. waterfall
casellante: 1. signalman
caserma: 1. barracks | 2. barracks
caso: 1. accidence, chance, hazard
cassa: 1. jug, box, container, vessel
cassa sa morto: 1. coffin
casseruola: 1. casserole, saucepan
cassetto: 1. drawer
castagna: 1. chestnut, horse-chestnut
castagno: 1. chestnut-tree | 2. chestnut-tree
castello: 1. castle
castigare: 1. punish
catalogo: 1. catalogue, directory
catedrale: 1. cathedral
catena: 1. chain
catrame: 1. tar
cattivo: 1. bad, miserable, nasty, poor | 2. airy-fairy, frolic, frolicsome, petulant
causa: 1. cause, reason
causare: 1. activate, cause, give rise to
cauto: 1. careful, cautious
cavalletta: 1. grasshopper, locust | 2. grasshopper
cavallo: 1. horse
cavallo vapore: 1. horsepower
cavatappi: 1. corkscrew
caviglia: 1. ankle
cavo: 1. cable | 2. concave, hollow
cavolfiore: 1. cauliflower
cavolo: 1. cabbage
cazzo: 1. cock, prick
cecita: 1. blindness
cedere: 1. cede, give in, give up, give way, relinquish, yield
cedola: 1. coupon
celebrare: 1. celebrate
celebre: 1. famous | 2. famous
cena: 1. evening meal, supper
cenere: 1. ash, cinder
censura: 1. censor
centesimo: 1. cent
centimetro: 1. centimetre
cento: 1. hundred, one hundred
centrale: 1. central
centro: 1. centre
cercare: 1. look for, seek
certamente: 1. certainly
certificato attestato: 1. certificate, testimony
certo: 1. certain, sure
cervello: 1. brain
cessare: 1. cease, stop
cessione: 1. abandonment
cesso: 1. toilet
cestino dei rifiuti: 1. garbage can
cestino per la carta: 1. paper-basket
cesto: 1. basket
cetriolino: 1. gherkin
champagne: 1. champagne
che: 1. that | 2. than
che ora è?: 1. what time is it?
chiacchierare: 1. chat, chatter
chiacchierone: 1. chatterbox, tattler, telltale
chiamare: 1. call | 2. call, summon
chiamarsi: 1. be called
chiamata: 1. parade, roll-call | 2. parade, roll-call
chiaro: 1. evident, obvious
chiatta: 1. barge | 2. barge, Rhine barge
chiave: 1. key, wrench | 2. adjustable wrench, spanner
chicco d’uva: 1. grape
chiedere: 1. ask, ask for, beg, bid, request
chiesa: 1. church, church-building, house of worship, place of worship
chiglia: 1. keel
chimica: 1. chemistry | 2. chemistry
chimico: 1. chemist | 2. chemist
chiocciola: 1. snail | 2. atpersand, commercial-at sign, snail
chiocciolina: 1. atpersand, commercial-at sign, snail
chiodo: 1. nail
chirurgo: 1. surgeon
chitarra: 1. guitar
chiudere: 1. close, shut
chiuso: 1. closed, shut
ciao: 1. hello
cibo: 1. food, nourishment
cibreo: 1. ragout, stew
ciclomotore: 1. moped
cieco: 1. blind | 2. blind, sightless person
cielo: 1. heaven, sky
ciliegia: 1. cherry
ciliegio: 1. cherry-tree
cilindro: 1. cylinder, roller
cima: 1. summit, surface, top
cimitero: 1. cemetery, God’s acre, graveyard
cinema: 1. cinema, movie theatre
cinese: 1. cinema | 2. Chinaman, Chinese
cinghiale: 1. wild boar
cinquanta: 1. fifty
cinque: 1. five
cintura: 1. belt, girdle
cioccolata: 1. chocolate
cioé: 1. that is
cipolla: 1. onion
cipollina: 1. chive
cipresso: 1. cypres
circa: 1. about, approximately
circo: 1. circus
circolo: 1. circle
circondare: 1. surround
circondario: 1. district | 2. district | 3. district, neighbourhood, quarter
citare: 1. cite, quote
citazione: 1. citation, quotation
cittadella: 1. citadel
cittadinanza: 1. nationality
città: 1. city, town
ciuco: 1. ass, donkey
civile: 1. civil, civilian, non-military
cliente: 1. buyer, client, purchaser | 2. client, customer
clima: 1. climate
cloro: 1. chlorine
coccodrillo: 1. crocodile
coda: 1. tail
codardia: 1. cowardice | 2. cowardice
codice: 1. code
codice di avviamento postale: 1. postal code, ZIP code
cognac: 1. brandy, cognac
cognata: 1. sister-in-law
cognato: 1. brother-in-law
cognome: 1. surname
coincidenza: 1. connection
coito: 1. coition
colazione: 1. breakfast | 2. dinner, midday meal
colle: 1. hill
collega: 1. college
collegio: 1. colleague
collina: 1. hill
collo: 1. neck
colore: 1. colour, dye
colpevole: 1. guilty
colpire: 1. hit, knock, strike | 2. catch, hit, run across, strike
colpo: 1. blow
coltello: 1. knife
coltivare: 1. cultivate, grow
comandante: 1. commander
comando: 1. command
combattere: 1. be at loggerheads, tussle | 2. fight
come se: 1. as if, as though, in a way
come sta?: 1. how are you?, how do you do?
comico: 1. comic, comical, funny
cominciare: 1. begin, commence, start | 2. begin, commence, start
comitato: 1. committee
commedia: 1. comedy
commerciante: 1. merchant | 2. businessman, merchant
commercio: 1. business, commerce, trade
commestibile: 1. edible
commettere: 1. achieve, act, do, make, perform
commissario: 1. chief of police | 2. purser
comodo: 1. comfortable
compagnia: 1. company | 2. company | 3. gang, squad | 4. circle, club, society
compare: 1. godfather
comperare: 1. buy, purchase | 2. buy
compiere: 1. accomplish, achieve, keep, observe, perform
compitare: 1. spell
compito: 1. job, assigned job, task
compleanno: 1. anniversary | 2. birthday
completamente: 1. completely, entirely, through | 2. completely, fully
completare: 1. complete
completo: 1. absolute, complete | 2. entire, overall, whole
complimento: 1. compliment
comportarsi: 1. behave, conduct oneself
compositore: 1. composer
comprare: 1. buy, purchase | 2. buy
compratore: 1. buyer, client, purchaser | 2. client, customer
comprendere: 1. understand, realize
comprensibile: 1. understandable
compromesso: 1. accommodation
computer: 1. computer
comune: 1. common, joint
comunicare: 1. communicate, report
comunicato: 1. advice, announcement, communication, message, notice, report
comunista: 1. communist
concernere: 1. about, concerning | 2. concern
concerto: 1. concert
conchiglia: 1. shell
concimare: 1. fertilize
conciso: 1. concise
concludere: 1. abstract, deduce, gather | 2. abstract, induce, gather, infer | 3. make a contract
conclusione: 1. conclusion, inference
concordare: 1. accede, agree, consent
concorrenza: 1. competition
concorso: 1. competition, contest
condannare: 1. condemn, sentence
condotta: 1. behavior, behaviour, conduct, deportment
condotto: 1. barrel, channel, pipe, tube
condurre: 1. conduct, direct, guide, head, lead
condursi: 1. behave, conduct oneself
conferenza: 1. conference
confermare: 1. acknowledge, confirm, corroborate
confessare: 1. acknowledge, admit, confess, profess | 2. confess
confessione: 1. acknowledgement, admission, confession | 2. confession
confetto: 1. bonbon, bon-bon
confine: 1. boundary, frontier, limit
conflitto: 1. conflict
confrontare: 1. compare
confuso: 1. dazed, perplexed, upset
congedo: 1. farewell, goodbye, good-bye
congelare: 1. freeze
congiungere: 1. join, unite
congiunto: 1. affined, akin, related
congresso: 1. congress, convention
coniglio: 1. rabbit
coniugi: 1. couple, married people
conoscenza: 1. acquaintance | 2. knowledge
conoscenze: 1. know how
conoscere: 1. be acquainted with, know
conosciuto: 1. well-known
conquistare: 1. conquer
consapevolezza: 1. awareness, consciousness
consegna: 1. delivery
conservare: 1. conserve, keep, maintain, preserve
conservatorio: 1. academy of music
conservazione: 1. conservation, maintenance, preservation, retention
considerare: 1. account, consider, esteem, regard, take into account
considerato che: 1. as, because, for, since
considerazione: 1. esteem, regard
considerevole: 1. considerable, sizable
consigliare: 1. advise, counsel
consigliere: 1. counsellor
consiglio: 1. advice, counsel
consolare: 1. comfort, console
consolato: 1. consulate
console: 1. consul
consorti: 1. couple, married people
constatare: 1. ascertain, establish, take note
consueto: 1. accustomed, customary, used to, usual, wonted
consulto: 1. consultation
contabile: 1. book-keeper
contabilità: 1. accounting, book-keeping
contadino: 1. farmer
contagio: 1. contagion, contamination, infection
contagioso: 1. catching, contagious, infectious
contante: 1. cash, in cash
contare: 1. count
contatto: 1. contact
contenere: 1. comprise, contain, include
contento: 1. contented, pleased, satisfied
contenuto: 1. contents | 2. contents
contestare: 1. challenge, question
continuare: 1. continue, go on, proceed with
continuo: 1. abiding, lasting
conto: 1. account, bill, calculation | 2. account
conto bancario: 1. bank account, banking account
contraddire: 1. contradict
contrasto: 1. contrast
contratto: 1. contract
contravvenzione: 1. fine | 2. minutes, protocol
contribuire: 1. contribute
contributo: 1. contribution
contribuzione: 1. tax
contro: 1. across from, against, in exchange for, opposed to, opposite, upon
controllare: 1. audit, check, check up on, supervise, verify
controlore: 1. checker, controller
convegno: 1. assemblage, gathering, meeting
conveniente: 1. appropriate, becoming, seemly, suitable
convenire: 1. befit, be fitting | 2. agree
conversazione: 1. conversation
convertire: 1. convert
convertito: 1. convert, proselyte | 2. convert, proselyte
convincere: 1. convince, persuade
convocare: 1. convoke
coperta: 1. deck | 2. cover, hood, lid | 3. blanket
coperto: 1. covered
copiare: 1. copy
coprire: 1. cover
coraggio: 1. courage
coricarsi: 1. go to bed
corpo: 1. body
correggere: 1. correct
corrente: 1. current, flow, stream
correre: 1. run
corretto: 1. correct, right
corridoio: 1. corridor, passage
corsia: 1. road, route, way
corteccia: 1. bark | 2. bast
cortese: 1. affable, friendly, good-natured, kind | 2. courteous, polite, well-mannered
cortesia: 1. politeness
cortile: 1. court, yard, courtyard
cortina: 1. curtain
corto: 1. short | 2. brief, short
corvo: 1. raven
cosa: 1. thing | 2. article, object, thing
coscia: 1. thigh
cosciente: 1. aware, conscious
coscienza: 1. awareness, consciousness
costa: 1. coast, seaside, shore
costante: 1. constant, continual, permanent, sustained
costare: 1. cost
costoletta: 1. cutlet
costoso: 1. dear, expensive, valuable | 2. costly, dear, expensive, pricey
costretto a letto: 1. bedridden, confined to one’s bed, laid up
costringere: 1. compel, force
costruire: 1. build, construct
costume: 1. costume, outfit, suit | 2. custom, habit, way
costume da bagno: 1. bathing suit, bathing-suit
così: 1. so, such, thus
così così: 1. so so
cotto: 1. cooked
covare: 1. incubate, sit
cranio: 1. skull
cravatta: 1. tie, necktie
credere: 1. account, accredit, believe, deem
credito: 1. credit
crema: 1. cream
crepa: 1. crack, crevice | 2. burst, crack, flaw
crepuscolo: 1. dusk
crescere: 1. accrue, grow
crescimento: 1. accretion, growth
cresta: 1. coping
creta: 1. chalk
cricco: 1. jack
crisi: 1. crisis, depression, emergency
cristiano: 1. Christian
critica: 1. criticism
criticare: 1. censure, criticize
critico: 1. judge
croce: 1. cross
crudele: 1. cruel
crudo: 1. crude, raw, rough
cubo: 1. die
cucchiaio: 1. spoon
cucina: 1. kitchen
cugina: 1. cousin
cugino: 1. cousin
culla: 1. cradle, place of birth
cuoca: 1. cook, female cook
cuocere: 1. bake
cuoio: 1. leather
cuore: 1. heart
cura: 1. care, concern
curare: 1. attend, nurse, tend to
curato: 1. pastor, vicar | 2. clergyman, pastor, priest
curioso: 1. agog, inquisitive | 2. agog, inquisitive
curva: 1. bend, curve
curvarsi: 1. stoop | 2. bend, stoop
curvo: 1. bent, curved
cuscino: 1. cushion
dabbasso: 1. below, underneath
dado: 1. die
danese: 1. Dane
danneggiare: 1. damage | 2. damage, injure, spoil
danno: 1. damage
danza: 1. dance
dappertutto: 1. all about, everywhere
dapprima: 1. at first, at the outset, in the beginning | 2. first, firstly, first of all
dapprincipio: 1. at first, at the outset, in the beginning
dare: 1. give
dar del tu a: 1. thee and thou
data: 1. date
datare: 1. date
dattero: 1. date | 2. date
dattilografa: 1. stenotypist, female stenotypist
davanti: 1. ahead, formerly, previously
davvero: 1. absolutely, genuinly, indeed, really, truly
dazio consumo: 1. excise, excise-duty
da molto: 1. a long time, for a long time, long
da qui: 1. from here, hence
debilitare: 1. weaken
debito: 1. debt
debole: 1. faint, light, weak
decente: 1. decent, fitting, proper, suitable
decidere: 1. decide
decimetro: 1. decimetre
decisione: 1. decision
decisivo: 1. decisive | 2. decisive
declinare: 1. decline, go back, fall off
decorare: 1. adorn, decorate, ornament
decrepito: 1. decayed, decrepit, dilapidated, lapsed, rickety
decreto: 1. decree | 2. decision, judgement
dedurre: 1. abstract, deduce, gather | 2. abstract, induce, gather, infer
deficiente: 1. backward, mentally deficient, retarded
definire: 1. define, determine
definitivo: 1. definite, definitive
definito: 1. defining, determining
delegato: 1. delegate | 2. delegate, deputy, representative
delfino: 1. dolphin
deliberazione: 1. decision, judgement
delicato: 1. dainty, delicate, fine, refined
delimitare: 1. mark out, trace, trace out
delitto: 1. crime
delle Antille: 1. Antillian
democratico: 1. democratic
demolire: 1. break down, demolish, pull down, take down
demolizione: 1. demolition | 2. demolition
demonio: 1. devil
denaro: 1. money
denso: 1. concentrated, dense, thick
dentatura: 1. teeth
denti: 1. teeth
dentista: 1. dentist
dentro: 1. a, in, inside, into, on, per, within | 2. inside
denuncia: 1. accusation
denunciare: 1. accuse, denounce
deperire: 1. decline, go back, fall off
deputato: 1. delegate | 2. delegate, deputy, representative
derivare: 1. derive
derubare: 1. rob
descrivere: 1. describe
deserto: 1. desert
desiderabile: 1. desirable
desiderare: 1. desire, wish
desiderio: 1. desire, want, wish
despota: 1. despot
dessert: 1. dessert
destinare: 1. destine, earmark, ordain
destinario: 1. consignee, recipient
destra: 1. right-hand side
destrezza: 1. expertness, skilfulness, skill, skillfulness
destro: 1. right, righthand | 2. adroit, clever, dexterous, skillful | 3. direct, straight
detenuto: 1. arrested person, prisoner
determinato: 1. defining, determining
detestare: 1. abhor, abominate, loathe
dettaglio: 1. detail
di: 1. from, of | 2. than
diabolico: 1. diabolical, devilish
dialetto: 1. dialect
diamante: 1. diamond
diario: 1. diary
diarrea: 1. diarrhoea
diavolo: 1. devil
dicembre: 1. December
dichiarazione: 1. declaration, proclamation, statement
diciannove: 1. nineteen
diciasette: 1. seventeen
diciotto: 1. eighteen
dieci: 1. ten
dieta: 1. diet
dietro: 1. behind, after | 2. after, behind | 3. afterwards, next, subsequently
difendere: 1. defend
difesa: 1. defence, defense
difetto: 1. damage
differente: 1. different
difficile: 1. difficult, hard, inconvenient
dilettante: 1. amateur, fancier
diligenza: 1. industry
dimensione: 1. dimension, measurement
dimenticare: 1. forget
diminuire: 1. abate, decrease, diminish | 2. go down | 3. abate, decrease, diminish, drop, fall
dimorare: 1. dwell, live
dinamite: 1. dynamite
dio: 1. god
dipendente: 1. dependent
dipendere: 1. depend
dipendere da: 1. be dependent on, depend onldepend upon
dipingere: 1. paint
diploma: 1. diploma
diplomatico: 1. diplomat
dire: 1. say, tell
direttamente: 1. at once, instantly, immediately, without delay
direttore: 1. manager | 2. director, manager
direzione: 1. administration, management | 2. administration, management
dire addio: 1. say goodbye, say goodbye to, take leave, take leave from
dirigere: 1. administer, manage
dirimpetto: 1. opposite
diritto: 1. right
disapprovare: 1. condemn, disapprove, disapprove of, rebuke
disapprovazione: 1. censure, condemnation, disapprobation, disapproval
discendente: 1. offspring, successor
discendenza: 1. lineage
discendere: 1. accrue, come, derive, originate, result
disco: 1. grammophone disc
discreto: 1. discrete
discutere: 1. discuss | 2. discuss
disegnare: 1. design, draw
disegno: 1. design, drawing
disfatta: 1. defeat
disgrazia: 1. accident
disimparare: 1. unlearn
disintegrazione nukleare: 1. fission
disonesto: 1. nasty
disponibile: 1. available
disporre: 1. absorb, have at one’s disposal
disposizione: 1. disposition
disposto: 1. inclined
disprezzare: 1. despise
disputare: 1. challenge, question
dissoluto: 1. lawless, licentious, riotous
distante: 1. distant, far, remote
distanza: 1. distance, offset
distillare: 1. distil
distinguere: 1. distinguish
distinto: 1. clear, distinct, plain
distretto: 1. district | 2. district | 3. district, neighbourhood, quarter
distribuire: 1. distribute
distruggere: 1. destroy, quash
disturbare: 1. bother, disturb, hinder, trouble
dito: 1. finger
dito del piede: 1. toe
diversamente: 1. differently, else
divertente: 1. amusing, entertaining, funny
divertimento: 1. entertainment | 2. amusement, fun
divertire: 1. amuse
dividere: 1. divide, separate, share
divisione: 1. section
divorzio: 1. divorce
dizionario: 1. dictionary, vocabulary
di buon’ora: 1. early
di dietro: 1. behind
di fatto: 1. actually, as a matter of fact, indeed, in fact
di loro: 1. their
di là: 1. from there, thence
di mattina: 1. in the morning
di meno in meno: 1. less and less
di nascosto: 1. behind one’s back, underhand
di nuovo: 1. afresh, again, all over again, anew | 2. afresh, again, once more
di ogni genere: 1. all sorts, all sorts of, miscellaneous, of all sorts
di più in più: 1. increasingly, more and more
di quando in quando: 1. now and then
di sera: 1. in the evening
di sopra: 1. above, on top, overhead, upstairs
doccia: 1. shower
documento: 1. document, paper
dodici: 1. twelve
dogana: 1. customs
dolce: 1. gentle, soft, sweet, tender
dolore: 1. ache, pain
doloroso: 1. painful
domanda: 1. question | 2. appeal, entreaty, supplication
domandare: 1. ask
domani: 1. tomorrow
domani sera: 1. tomorrow evening
domattina: 1. tomorrow morning
domenica: 1. Sunday
dominare: 1. control, govern, restrain, rule
donna: 1. woman
dono: 1. gift, present
dopo: 1. behind, after | 2. after, behind | 3. afterwards, next, subsequently | 4. beyond, next, then, thereafter
dopodomani: 1. the day after tomorrow
doppio: 1. double, dual
dormire: 1. be asleep, sleep
dorso: 1. back
dose: 1. dose
dotato: 1. gifted, talented | 2. gifted, talented
dote: 1. dowry
dotto: 1. scholar | 2. scholar
dottore: 1. doctor | 2. doctor, physician
dovere: 1. duty, obligation | 2. owe
dozzina: 1. dozen
drago: 1. dragon
dragone: 1. dragon
dubbioso: 1. doubtful
dubitare: 1. doubt
due: 1. two
duellare: 1. be at loggerheads, tussle | 2. fight
due volte: 1. twice
duomo: 1. cathedral
dura: 1. hard
durante: 1. for, during, whereas, while, whilst
durare: 1. continue, endure, keep on, last
durevole: 1. abiding, lasting
duro: 1. hard
d’altronde: 1. as for the rest, besides, for the rest, moreover, what’s more | 2. besides, in addition, moreover
ecc.: 1. etc.
eccetera: 1. and so on, et cetera
eccetto: 1. apart from, but, except, other than | 2. bar, barring, except for, subject to, without prejudice
ecclesiastico: 1. clergyman
edificio: 1. building
edizione della sera: 1. evening paper
efficace: 1. effective, effectual, efficacious
egoistico: 1. self-interested, selfish
eguaglianza: 1. draw, equality
eguale: 1. equal, even, level
elefante: 1. elephant
elegante: 1. elegant
eleggere: 1. choose, elect, pick out
elemento: 1. element
elemosina: 1. alms, charity
elettricità: 1. electricity
elettronico: 1. electronic
elica: 1. helix, propeller
energia atomica: 1. atomic energy
energico: 1. energetic
enorme: 1. enormous | 2. enormous, huge, immense
entrare: 1. go in, enter, perform
entrata: 1. entrance, portal
entusiasmo: 1. alacrity, enthusiasm
epopea: 1. epic poem
equatore: 1. equator
equilibrio: 1. equilibrium
equipaggio: 1. crew
equivoco: 1. ambiguous | 2. ambiguous
erba: 1. grass
ereditare: 1. inherit
ereditario: 1. hereditary
errare: 1. err, make a mistake
errore: 1. aberration, error, mistake
erudito: 1. scholar | 2. scholar
esagerare: 1. exaggerate
esame: 1. investigation, examination, test
esaminare: 1. examine
esatto: 1. accurate, on time, prompt, punctual | 2. exact
esausto: 1. exhausted, tired out, worn out
esca: 1. bait
escludere: 1. exclude
eseguire: 1. accomplish, achieve, keep, observe, perform
esempio: 1. example
esercito: 1. army | 2. army
esercizio: 1. exercise, practice
esiliare: 1. exile
esiliato: 1. exile
esilio: 1. exile
esistenza: 1. existence
esistere: 1. exist
esitare: 1. hesitate | 2. hesitate, waver
esito: 1. result
esortazione: 1. admonition, exhortation
esposizione: 1. exhibition, exposition
esserer d’accordo: 1. accede, agree, consent
essere seduto: 1. sit
essere utile: 1. avail
est: 1. east, East
estate: 1. summer
esteriore: 1. exterior
esterne: 1. external, outer, outside
estero: 1. foreign country
estinguibile: 1. redeemable, repayable
estorcere: 1. extort, wrest, wring
estremamente: 1. extremely | 2. most
estremo: 1. extreme
esule: 1. exile
eterno: 1. eternal
etichetta: 1. etiquette
età: 1. age
europeo: 1. European
evidente: 1. evident, obvious
evidentemente: 1. apparently, obviously
evitare: 1. avoid, evade
fabbisogno: 1. need, want
fabbrica: 1. factory | 2. factory
fabbricare: 1. fabricate, manufacture
faccenda: 1. affair, business, business deal, case, matter
facchino: 1. porter
faccia: 1. face
facile: 1. easy, facile
faggio: 1. beech
fagiano: 1. pheasant
fagiolo: 1. haricot
fagiuolo: 1. haricot
falce: 1. scythe
fallimento: 1. bankrupt | 2. bankruptcy, failure
falso: 1. false
fame: 1. hunger
famigerato: 1. of ill repute
famiglia: 1. family
famoso: 1. famous | 2. famous
fanale posteriore: 1. rear-lamp, rear-light, tail-light
fanatico: 1. fanatical
fango: 1. mud
fantasia: 1. fantasy
fare: 1. achieve, act, do, make, perform
fare il pugilato: 1. box
fare sciopero: 1. strike
farfalla: 1. butterfly
farmacia: 1. chemist’s shop, drugstore
farmacista: 1. chemist
faro: 1. lighthouse
far bollire: 1. boil
far fronte a: 1. confront, face | 2. confront, stand up to, withstand
far la barba: 1. shave
far la birra: 1. brew
far male: 1. ache, be painful, hurt
fascicolo: 1. exercise-book, folder, notebook
fascino: 1. charm
fata: 1. fairy
fatto: 1. fact
fattoria: 1. estate, farm, property, ranch
fattura: 1. account, bill, invoice
fava: 1. bean
favola: 1. fairy tale
favorire: 1. favor, favour
febbraio: 1. February
febbre: 1. ague, fever
fecondo: 1. fertile | 2. fertile, fruitful
fedele: 1. faithful | 2. faithful, loyal
fegato: 1. liver
felice: 1. fortunate, happy
felicitare: 1. congratulate
femminile: 1. female, feminine | 2. female
fendere: 1. split
ferire: 1. hurt, wound
ferita: 1. injury, wound
fermare: 1. halt, stop | 2. stop
fermarsi: 1. halt, come to a halt, stop
fermata: 1. stop
fermo: 1. fixed
ferro: 1. iron
ferrovia: 1. railroad, railway
ferro da stiro: 1. iron, flat-iron
fessura: 1. crack, crevice | 2. burst, crack, flaw
festa: 1. celebration, festival, party
fetta di pane: 1. bread and butter
fiaba: 1. fairy tale
fiaccola: 1. torch
fiamma: 1. flame
fiammifero: 1. match
fianciullo: 1. bairn, child, infant | 2. child
fianco: 1. side
fico: 1. fig-tree | 2. fig | 3. fig-tree
fidanzata: 1. bride, fiancée
fiducia: 1. confidence, faith, trust | 2. confidence
fieno: 1. hay
fiero: 1. proud
figlia: 1. daughter
figlio: 1. son
figliola: 1. daughter
figliolo: 1. son
figlio adottivo: 1. foster-son
figliuola: 1. daughter
figura: 1. figure, diagram, image, picture, representation
figurarsi: 1. fancy, imagine
film: 1. film, motion picture, movie
filo: 1. wire | 2. thread
filosofo: 1. philosopher
filtro: 1. filter
finalmente: 1. at last, finally, ultimately
finanziario: 1. financial
fine: 1. end, ending
finestra: 1. window
finire: 1. accomodate, end, finish, terminate
finito: 1. completed, done, finished, over, through
finlandese: 1. Finn
fiore: 1. bloom, flower
fiore della farina: 1. flour, meal
firma: 1. signature
firmare: 1. sign
fisarmonica: 1. accordion
fischiare: 1. whistle
fisico: 1. physical
fissare: 1. attach, determine, fasten, fix, affix, make fast, secure | 2. gaze, peer, stare
fissato: 1. defining, determining
fiume: 1. river
flanella: 1. flannel
flauto: 1. flute
fluire: 1. flow
foca: 1. seal, sea-dog
foco: 1. focus
foglia: 1. leaf, sheet
foglio: 1. leaf, sheet
folla: 1. accumulation, crowd, heap, mass, multitude, pile | 2. crowd, mass, multitude
fondamento: 1. element, foundation
fondare: 1. base
fondere: 1. erect, establish, found
fondo: 1. fund | 2. background | 3. bottom, foundation, ground | 4. deep, profound
fontana: 1. fountain
fonte: 1. fountain, source, spring
fonte battesimale: 1. font, baptismal font
forbici: 1. scissors
forchetta: 1. fork
forestiere: 1. foreigner
formaggio: 1. cheese
formale: 1. formal
formica: 1. ant, emmet
formula: 1. formula
formulare: 1. formulate
fornaio: 1. baker
forse: 1. maybe, mayhap, perchance, perhaps, possibly
forte: 1. strong | 2. loudly
fortuna: 1. fortune
forza: 1. force, strength, vigour
forzare: 1. compel, force
forza attrativa: 1. attraction
fotografia: 1. photography
fotografo: 1. photograph | 2. photograph
fragola: 1. strawberry
francese: 1. French | 2. Frenchman
francobollo: 1. stamp, postage stamp
frangia: 1. frindge
frase: 1. sentence
frassino: 1. ash
fratellastro: 1. half-brother | 2. step-brother
fratello: 1. brother
fra poco: 1. soon | 2. at once, immediately, just, right away, right now
freccia: 1. wisdom
freddo: 1. bleak, chilly, cold
frenare: 1. brake
freno: 1. brake
frequentemente: 1. frequently, often, regularly
fresco: 1. fresh, recent | 2. cool
fretta: 1. haste
friggere: 1. fry
frizione: 1. clutch
fronte: 1. forehead
frontiera: 1. boundary, frontier, limit
frumento: 1. wheat
frutta: 1. fruit
frutteto: 1. orchard
fucilare: 1. shoot dead
fucile: 1. gun, rifle
fuga: 1. flight, run
fuggire: 1. abscond | 2. flee, run away
fumaiuolo: 1. chimney, smokestack
fumare: 1. smoke
fumatori: 1. smokers
fumo: 1. smoke
fungo: 1. fungus, mushroom
funzionario: 1. officer, official
funzione: 1. function | 2. function, job, office, post
fuoco: 1. fire
fuori: 1. abroad, out, outside
furgone: 1. van
furibondo: 1. furious
furioso: 1. furious
furto: 1. abstraction, theft
gabbiano: 1. seagull
gabinetto: 1. toilet
galleria: 1. gallery
gallina: 1. chicken, fowl
gallo: 1. cock, rooster
galoppare: 1. gallop
gamba: 1. leg | 2. leg, paw
gambero: 1. crayfish
garanzia: 1. guarantee, warrant
garofano: 1. carnation, pink
gas: 1. gas
gatto: 1. cat
gavitello: 1. beacon
gazza: 1. magpie
gelare: 1. freeze
gelo: 1. freezing cold, frost | 2. frost
gelosia: 1. jealousy
gelso: 1. mulberry-tree | 2. mulberry-tree
gemelli: 1. twin | 2. twin
gemere: 1. groan, moan
generale: 1. general, usual
generalmente: 1. generally
generazione: 1. generation | 2. offspring | 3. offspring
genere: 1. kind, sort
genero: 1. son-in-law
gengiva: 1. gum
genitori: 1. parents
genitori adottivi: 1. foster-parents
gennaio: 1. January
gente: 1. people
geografia: 1. geography
gestione: 1. administration, management | 2. administration, management
gesto: 1. gesture
gettare: 1. throw
ghiaccio: 1. ice
ghianda: 1. acorn
giallo: 1. yellow | 2. yellow
giapponese: 1. Japanese
giardiniere: 1. gardener
giardino: 1. garden
giardino zoologico: 1. zoo
ginocchio: 1. knee
giocare: 1. play | 2. play
gioia: 1. gladness, joy | 2. gladness, joy
gioielliere: 1. jeweller | 2. jeweller
giornale: 1. daily paper, journal, newspaper
giornale della sera: 1. evening paper
giornaliero: 1. daily
giornalista: 1. journalist, female journalist | 2. journalist
giorno: 1. day
giovane: 1. young
giovare: 1. avail
giovedì: 1. Thursday
giraffa: 1. giraffe
girare: 1. turn
giudicare: 1. judge
giudice: 1. judge
giudizio: 1. judgment
giugno: 1. June
giuocattolo: 1. toy
giuoco: 1. game
giuramento: 1. oath
giurare: 1. swear
giustamente: 1. exactly | 2. exactly, sharp
giusto: 1. exactly | 2. exactly, sharp
giú: 1. below, underneath
già: 1. already, by now, yet
gli: 1. the
globo: 1. ball, ball-bearing, globe
goccia: 1. drip, drop
gola: 1. throat
gomito: 1. elbow
gomma: 1. rubber | 2. tyre | 3. tire, tyre | 4. rubber
gorga: 1. throat
governare: 1. control, govern, restrain, rule
governo: 1. administration, government
gradevole: 1. affable, friendly, good-natured, kind | 2. agreeable, enjoyable, lovely, nice, pleasant
grado: 1. degree, grade
granaio: 1. barn, shed, stand
granata: 1. broom
granchiolino: 1. prawn
grande: 1. big, great, large
grandezza: 1. size
grandine: 1. hail
granturco: 1. corn, Indian corn, maize, mealies
grasso: 1. fat, fatty, greasy | 2. fat, grease
gratitudine: 1. gratitude | 2. gratitude
grato: 1. thankful
grave: 1. important, serious
grazie: 1. gratitude, thanks
grazioso: 1. affable, friendly, good-natured, kind | 2. lovable | 3. pretty | 4. charming, lovely
greco: 1. Greek | 2. Greek
gridare: 1. cry out, scream, shout
grido: 1. cry, shout
grigio: 1. grey
grosso: 1. bold, corpulent, fat, thick
gruppo: 1. bevy, collection, group, heap, herd, set | 2. group
guadagnare: 1. earn, gain, win
guadagno: 1. accession, acquisition, gain | 2. gain, profit | 3. advantage, benefit
guancia: 1. cheek
guanciale: 1. pillow
guardaroba: 1. cloakroom
guardia: 1. policeman | 2. policeman
guarire: 1. care for, cure, treat
guarnigione: 1. garrison
guerra: 1. war
gufo: 1. owl
guidare: 1. conduct, direct, guide, head, lead
gustare: 1. taste
gusto: 1. taste
i: 1. the
idea: 1. idea | 2. notion
idolo: 1. idol
idoneo: 1. able, capable | 2. of use, suitable
ieri: 1. yesterday
ieri l’altro: 1. the day before yesterday
ieri sera: 1. last night
ignorante: 1. addled, foolish, stupid
il: 1. the
illuminare: 1. enlighten, illuminate | 2. illuminate, light
illustrazione: 1. image, picture
il giorno dei Morti: 1. All Souls’ Day
imbarcare: 1. put off, send about his business
imboccatura: 1. mouth
imbroglio: 1. swindle, swindling
imbroglione: 1. cheat, deceiver, imposter
imitare: 1. imitate
immagine: 1. image, picture | 2. imagination
immediatamente: 1. at once, immediately, just, right away, right now
imparare: 1. learn
imparare a memoria: 1. memorize
imparentato: 1. by marriage, related by marriage
impaurire: 1. deter, discourage, scare
impedire: 1. bar, hinder, inhibit, prevent
impero: 1. empire
impertinente: 1. impertinent
impiegare: 1. make use of, turn to good account, utilize | 2. employ, use, make use of
impiegato: 1. employee | 2. officer, official
impiego: 1. function, job, office, post | 2. use
importante: 1. important, serious
importanza: 1. concern
importo: 1. amount, sum
impossibile: 1. impossible
imposta: 1. tax
impresa: 1. enterprise
improvvisamente: 1. all of a sudden, suddenly
imputato: 1. accused, defendant | 2. accused, defendant
imputazione: 1. accusal, accusation
incanto: 1. charm
inchiostro: 1. ink
incidente: 1. accident
incitare: 1. abet, excite, incite, provoke, rouse, stimulate, stir up
incontrare: 1. come across, encounter, meet, see
incontro: 1. encounter
incoraggiamento: 1. encouragement
incredibile: 1. incredible
incriminazione: 1. accusal, accusation
indecente: 1. aggravating
indiano: 1. Indian, American Indian
indiano americano: 1. Indian, American Indian
indicare: 1. indicate, suggest
indicazione: 1. indication
indietreggiare: 1. go back, go backwards
indietro: 1. backward, backwards | 2. backwards
indirizzare: 1. address
indirizzario: 1. address list
indirizzo: 1. address
indivia: 1. endive
indole: 1. character, nature
indulgenza: 1. indulgence
inezia: 1. trifle
infatti: 1. absolutely, genuinly, indeed, really, truly
infedele: 1. unfaithful
infelice: 1. unhappy
infermiera: 1. nurse
infettare: 1. infect | 2. communicate
infettivo: 1. catching, contagious, infectious
infezione: 1. infection
informare: 1. acquaint, inform, report
ingaggiare: 1. recruit | 2. recruit
ingannare: 1. cheat, deceive
inganno: 1. swindle, swindling
ingegnere: 1. engineer
ingegno: 1. aptitude, disposition, talent
inginocchiarsi: 1. kneel | 2. kneel | 3. kneel | 4. kneel
inglese: 1. English | 2. Englishman, Sassenach
ingrandire: 1. aggrandize, augment, enlarge, increase
ingrato: 1. thankless, ungrateful, unthankful
ingrediente: 1. component, element, ingredient, part
iniziatore: 1. pioneer
inizio: 1. beginning, commencement, start
innaffiare: 1. irrigate, water
inoltre: 1. as for the rest, besides, for the rest, moreover, what’s more | 2. besides, in addition, moreover | 3. besides, in addition, moreover | 4. besides, furthermore, in addition, moreover
inquieto: 1. afraid
insalata: 1. salad
insegnare: 1. acquaint, inform, report | 2. teach | 3. acquaint, let know, inform
inseguimento: 1. persecution, pursuit | 2. persecution, pursuit
inserzione: 1. ad, advertisement
insetto: 1. bug, insect
insieme: 1. together
insistere: 1. insist
insolente: 1. impertinent
instruire: 1. teach
insudiciare: 1. soil
insultare: 1. abuse, insult, offend | 2. abuse, insult, offend
intendere: 1. intend, mean
intenzione: 1. intention, meaning, plan
interessante: 1. interesting
interessare: 1. interest
interesse: 1. interest | 2. interest
interno: 1. inner, inside, internal
intero: 1. entire, overall, whole
interrompere: 1. interrupt | 2. stop
interruttore: 1. switch
intestino: 1. intestine
intorno a: 1. about, round, around, towards
intravedere: 1. descry, perceive
invano: 1. in vain
inventare: 1. invent | 2. invent
inverno: 1. winter
investire: 1. invest
invidia: 1. envy
invidiare: 1. envy
invitare: 1. invite
in casa: 1. at home
in fondo: 1. behind
in modo diverso: 1. differently, else
in nessun luogo: 1. nowhere
in nessun modo: 1. by no means, in no way, not at all, not on any account
in parte: 1. partially, partly
in primo luogo: 1. first, firstly, first of all
in qualche luogo: 1. anywhere, somewhere
in seguito: 1. beyond, next, then, thereafter
in tempo: 1. at the right time, in time
ippopotamo: 1. hippo, hippopotamus
irato: 1. angry, cross
irlandese: 1. Irishman
irritare: 1. tease
isola: 1. island
isolato: 1. remote
italiano: 1. Italian
la: 1. the
labbro: 1. lip
laborioso: 1. active, hardworking
ladra: 1. thief, female thief
ladro: 1. thief
laggiú: 1. over there, yon, yonder
lagnarsi: 1. complain
lago: 1. lake, loch
lagrima: 1. tear
lampadina: 1. bulb
lampone: 1. raspberry
lapis: 1. pencil
lardo: 1. bacon
larghezza: 1. width | 2. width
largo: 1. broad
lasciare: 1. leave behind
lato: 1. side
latta: 1. sheet metal, tin, tin plate
latte: 1. milk
lattuga: 1. lettuce
lavanderia: 1. laundry
lavare: 1. wash | 2. wash
lavorare: 1. work
lavoro: 1. job, work
le: 1. the
legame: 1. bond, tie
legare: 1. bind, connect, join, tie, tie up
legatura: 1. binding, cover
leggere: 1. read
leggero: 1. light
legno: 1. timber, wood
legume: 1. vegetable
lei: 1. her, she
lenticchia: 1. lentil
lento: 1. slow
lenza: 1. line
lenzuolo: 1. sheet
leone: 1. lion
lepre: 1. hare
lesto: 1. adroit, clever, dexterous, skillful
lettera: 1. letter
letto: 1. bed
levar del sole: 1. sunrise
lezione: 1. lesson
le domando scusa: 1. excuse me
li: 1. there
liberare: 1. release
librario: 1. bookseller
libreria: 1. bookshop, bookstore | 2. bookcase
libro: 1. book
licenzioso: 1. lawless, licentious, riotous
lima: 1. file
limitare: 1. abridge, confine, limit, restrict
limone: 1. lemon
linea: 1. line
lingua: 1. tongue | 2. language, tongue
liquido: 1. liquid
liscio: 1. smooth
lista: 1. list | 2. menu | 3. menu
livello: 1. level
lo: 1. the
locomotiva: 1. engine
lodare: 1. commend, laud, praise
logorare: 1. use up, wear out
lontano: 1. away | 2. distant, far, remote
luccio: 1. pike
luce: 1. light
luce del giorno: 1. daylight
luce di posizione: 1. rear-lamp, rear-light, tail-light
luglio: 1. July
lui: 1. he, him
lumaca: 1. slug
luna: 1. moon
lunedì: 1. Monday
lungo: 1. long
luogo: 1. place | 2. location, place, spot
luogo d’origine: 1. cradle, place of birth
lupo: 1. wolf
lusingare: 1. flatter
lusso: 1. luxury
là: 1. that way, there, thither, yonder | 2. there
lì: 1. that way, there, thither, yonder
macchina: 1. engine, machine
macchina da scrivere: 1. typewriter
macellaio: 1. butcher
macelleria: 1. butcher’s shop
macerie: 1. rubbish, old materials
macinare: 1. grind, pulverize
madre: 1. mother
madrevite: 1. nut | 2. nut
maestra: 1. teacher, female teacher
maestro: 1. instructor, teacher | 2. boss, master
maggio: 1. May
maggioranza: 1. majority
magro: 1. gaunt, lean, meager, skimpy, skinny, thin
mai: 1. never
maiale: 1. pork
malato: 1. ill, sick
maldicenza: 1. backbiting, scandal, slander
male: 1. badly
mal di mare: 1. seasickness
mal di pancia: 1. stomach ache, tummy ache
mancanza: 1. absence, lack, shortage, shortcoming
mancia: 1. tip
mandare: 1. send, transmit
mandorla: 1. almond
mangiabile: 1. edible
maniera: 1. manner, mode, way
manifestazione: 1. demonstration
mano: 1. hand
manzo: 1. beef
mare: 1. sea
marina: 1. navy
marinaio: 1. sailor
maritarsi: 1. marry, be married, get married
marito: 1. husband
marmelata: 1. jam, marmelade
marmo: 1. marble
marrone: 1. brown
martedì: 1. Tuesday
martello: 1. hammer
marzo: 1. March
mascella: 1. jaw, jawbone
maschio: 1. male, masculine
massa: 1. lump, mass
massimo: 1. maximum
masticare: 1. chew
materasso: 1. mattress
materia: 1. matter
materiale: 1. data, material
matita: 1. pencil
matrigno: 1. step-mother | 2. step-mother
matrimonio: 1. marriage
mattina: 1. morning
matto: 1. crazy, insane, mad, nuts
mattone: 1. brick
maturo: 1. mature, ripe
meccanico: 1. mechanic
mediante: 1. by, by means of, on, through, with
medico: 1. doctor, physician
medio: 1. average, mean, middle
megera: 1. shrew, vixen, Xanthippe
mela: 1. apple
melo: 1. apple-tree
melone: 1. melon
membro: 1. acolyte, member, supporter | 2. limb, member
memorabile: 1. memorable
memoria: 1. keepsake, memento, souvenir | 2. memory, recollection
memorizzare: 1. memorize
mendicante: 1. beggar
mendicare: 1. beg
mensilmente: 1. monthly
menta: 1. mint
mentire: 1. lie, tell a lie
mento: 1. chin
menzionare: 1. mention | 2. touch lightly on, touch on
mercanteggiare: 1. bargain, haggle
mercato: 1. market, marketplace
merce: 1. article, commodity
mercoledì: 1. Wednesday
meritare: 1. be worthy of, deserve, merit
merlo: 1. blackbird
merluzzo: 1. cod, codfish
mese: 1. month
messaggio: 1. errand, message
mestiere: 1. handicraft, occupation, trade
metallo: 1. metal
metodo: 1. method
mettere: 1. lay down, place, put, put down
metà: 1. half
mezzadro: 1. farmer
mezzanotte: 1. midnight
mezzo: 1. half | 2. average, mean, middle
mezzodì: 1. midday, noon
miele: 1. honey
miglioramento: 1. progress
migliorare: 1. improve
migliore: 1. best | 2. better
milione: 1. million
mille: 1. thousand, one thousand
millepiedi: 1. centipede
minaccia: 1. menace, threat
minacciare: 1. menace, threaten
minerale: 1. mineral
minestra: 1. soup
ministero: 1. ministry
minorità: 1. minority
mio: 1. my
miope: 1. near-sighted, short-sighted
mirare a: 1. mean
miserabile: 1. abject, dismal, meager, miserable, wretched
miseria: 1. misery
misericordioso: 1. charitable, merciful | 2. charitable, merciful
misero: 1. abject, dismal, meager, miserable, wretched
misterioso: 1. abstruse, mysterious
mistura: 1. admixture, mixture
misura: 1. measure, measurement
misurare: 1. measure
misurato: 1. measured
mite: 1. gentle, mild
mobile: 1. mobile
mobili: 1. furniture | 2. furniture
modesto: 1. modest
modista: 1. milliner
modo: 1. manner, mode, way
moglie: 1. wife
molla: 1. spring
molle: 1. soft
moltiplicare: 1. multiply | 2. duplicate, multiply
molto: 1. extremely | 2. a lot of, much | 3. quite, very, very much
mondo: 1. world
moneta: 1. coin
monologo: 1. monologue, soliloquy
monotono: 1. monotonous | 2. monotonous
montagna: 1. mountain
montagne: 1. mountain chain
monte: 1. mountain
monumento: 1. monument
mordere: 1. bite
morire: 1. die away, fail | 2. die, expire, pass away
mortale: 1. deadly
morte: 1. death
morto: 1. dead
mosca: 1. fly, housefly
mostarda: 1. mustard
mostrare: 1. indicate, suggest | 2. indicate, point out, show
mostro: 1. monster
mostruoso: 1. dismal, dreary, horrible, nasty
motocicletto: 1. motorcycle
motore: 1. engine, motor
movimento: 1. movement | 2. movement
muggire: 1. howl, roar
mulo: 1. mule
multa: 1. fine
multare: 1. fine
municipio: 1. town-hall
muovere: 1. actuate, move
muoversi: 1. move
muro: 1. wall
muscolo: 1. muscle
museo: 1. museum
musicista: 1. musician
mutande: 1. drawers, panties, underpants
muto: 1. dumb, mute, speechless
nano: 1. dwarf, midget
nascere: 1. arise, be born
nascita: 1. lineage | 2. birth | 3. origin
nascondere: 1. conceal, hide
nascondersi: 1. hide, hide oneself
naso: 1. nose
nastro: 1. ribbon
natura: 1. nature | 2. character, nature
naturalmente: 1. naturally
nazionale: 1. national
nebbia: 1. fog, mist
necessario: 1. necessary
negare: 1. deny
negligente: 1. careless, negligent
negozio: 1. boutique, shop, store
nemico: 1. adversary, enemy
nero: 1. black | 2. black
nervo: 1. nerve
neve: 1. snow
nevicare: 1. snow
niente affatto: 1. not at all
nipote: 1. grandchild | 2. granddaughter | 3. grandson | 4. niece | 5. nephew
no: 1. not
nobile: 1. of noble birth
nobiltà: 1. nobility
nocciola: 1. hazelnut
nocciuola: 1. hazelnut
noce: 1. walnut-tree | 2. walnut-tree | 3. nut
nocivo: 1. adverse, harmful | 2. harmful
nodo: 1. knot, node
noi: 1. us, we
nome: 1. appellation, name
nome di battetismo: 1. Christian name
nomina: 1. appointment, appointment to office
nominare: 1. appoint
non: 1. no
noncurante: 1. careless, negligent
nonna: 1. grandmother
nonni: 1. grandparents
nonno: 1. grandfather
non … che: 1. exclusively, just, only
non … mai: 1. never
non … più: 1. no longer
non toccare: 1. keep one’s hands off
nord: 1. north, North
norvegese: 1. Norwegian
notaio: 1. notary
notevole: 1. considerable, sizable
noto: 1. well-known
notte: 1. night
novanta: 1. ninety
nove: 1. nine
novella sposa: 1. bride
novembre: 1. November
nozione: 1. idea | 2. notion
nube: 1. cloud
nudo: 1. bare, naked, nude
numero: 1. amount, number | 2. number, numeral
nuocere: 1. harm
nuotare: 1. float, swim
nuovo: 1. new, novel
nuvola: 1. cloud
nuvolo: 1. cloud
oca: 1. goose
occhiali: 1. glasses, spectacles
occorrente: 1. necessary
occupare: 1. occupy, take
occupato: 1. busy
occupazione: 1. activity, occupation
odiare: 1. hate
odio: 1. hate
offendere: 1. abuse, insult, offend | 2. abuse, insult, offend
offerta: 1. offer
offrire: 1. bid, offer, make an offer of
ogetto: 1. article, object, thing
oggi: 1. today
oggigiorno: 1. currently, nowadays, these days
ogni giorno: 1. daily
ogni sorta di: 1. all sorts, all sorts of, miscellaneous, of all sorts
ogni tanto: 1. now and then
olandese: 1. Dutchman, Hollander
olio: 1. oil
oliva: 1. olive
olivo: 1. olive-tree | 2. olive-tree
olmo: 1. elm
ombra: 1. shadow | 2. shade
omero: 1. upper arm, upper-arm
onda: 1. wave
onesto: 1. above-board, honest
onnipotente: 1. almighty, all-powerful, omnipotent
onnisciente: 1. all-knowing, omniscient
onore: 1. honor, honour
onorevole: 1. respectable
ontano: 1. alder
opera: 1. work
operaio: 1. hand, laborer, labourer, operative, worker, working man, workman
operoso: 1. active
opporsi a: 1. confront, stand up to, withstand
opprimere: 1. suppress
orario: 1. schedule, time-table
ordinare: 1. book, order, reserve
ordine: 1. order | 2. command, order | 3. order
orecchio: 1. ear
orgoglioso: 1. proud
origine: 1. lineage | 2. origin
origliare: 1. bug, eavesdrop, listen in, monitor, tap | 2. eavesdrop
orinare: 1. urinate
orizzonte: 1. horizon
orlo: 1. border, brim, brink, edge, edging, fringe, rim
orlogiaio: 1. watchmaker
oro: 1. gold
orologio: 1. clock, watch
orrendo: 1. abhorrent, abominable, alien, awful, hideous, horrible, gruesome | 2. agonizing, hideous, horrible, ghastly
orribile: 1. abhorrent, abominable, alien, awful, hideous, horrible, gruesome | 2. agonizing, hideous, horrible, ghastly
orrore: 1. abhorrence, abomination, horror | 2. abhorrence, horror
orso: 1. bear
ortica: 1. nettle
orzo: 1. barley
osare: 1. be bold, dare
oscurità: 1. darkness, murk
oscuro: 1. dark, dim
ospedale: 1. hospital
ospitale: 1. hospitable
ospite: 1. host | 2. guest
osservare: 1. keep, mind, observe | 2. notice
osservazione: 1. notice, observation
osso: 1. bone
osso di balena: 1. baleen, whalebone | 2. baleen, whalebone | 3. busk, steel
ostinato: 1. obstinate, stubborn
ostrica: 1. oyster
ottanta: 1. eighty
ottavo: 1. eighth
ottenere: 1. fetch, get, pick up
ottico: 1. optician
otto: 1. eight
ottobre: 1. October
ottone: 1. brass | 2. brass
ovest: 1. west, West | 2. west
pacco: 1. packet, parcel
pace: 1. peace
padre: 1. father | 2. father
padre e madre: 1. parents
padrone: 1. boss, master
paese: 1. country, land
paesello: 1. hamlet, township
paga: 1. salary, wage, wages
pagamento: 1. acquittal, payment, full payment | 2. payment
pagamento a rate: 1. installment payment
pagare: 1. pay
pagina: 1. page
palazzo: 1. palace
palese: 1. evident, obvious
palla: 1. bullet | 2. ball
pallido: 1. pale, sallow
pallone: 1. balloon
pallottoliere: 1. abacus, ball-frame, counting-frame
palma: 1. palm
palpebra: 1. eyelid
pane: 1. bread, loaf
panetteria: 1. bakery
panino: 1. roll
panka: 1. bench
panna: 1. cream
pantaloni: 1. pants, trousers
pappagallo: 1. parrot
parafango: 1. mudguard
parallelo: 1. parallel
parapetto: 1. balustrade, banisters, parapet, railing
pareggiamento dei conti: 1. account, settlement
parentado: 1. relations, relatives | 2. affiliation, blood-relationship, affinity, relationship
parente: 1. relative, female relative | 2. relative
parentela: 1. affiliation, blood-relationship, affinity, relationship
parento: 1. affined, akin, related
parere: 1. appear, look | 2. appear, appear to be, seem
parete: 1. wall
parlare: 1. speak, talk
parola: 1. word
parrucchiera: 1. hairdresser, female hairdresser
parrucchiere: 1. barber, hairdresser
parte: 1. part, Parthian, share
partenza: 1. departure | 2. departure
participio: 1. participle
particolare: 1. detail
particulare: 1. private
partire: 1. absent onself, depart, go away, leave
partito: 1. adherents, disciples, following, party, supporters | 2. faction, party, side
parzialmente: 1. partially, partly
passaggio a livello: 1. level-crossing
passagiere: 1. passenger
passaporto: 1. passport
passare: 1. pass, spend
passato: 1. former | 2. past | 3. last | 4. past
passeggiata: 1. promenade
passero: 1. sparrow
passo: 1. pace, step, stride
pasta: 1. dough, paste
pasticciere: 1. confectioner
patata: 1. potato
patria: 1. fatherland
patrigno: 1. step-father | 2. step-father
patto: 1. accommodation, accord, agreement
pattuire: 1. agree
paura: 1. fright | 2. fear
pauroso: 1. afraid | 2. afraid, timid
pavimento: 1. floor
pazienza: 1. patience
pazzo: 1. lunatic
pecora: 1. sheep
peggiorare: 1. decline, go back, fall off
pelegrinaggio: 1. pilgrimage | 2. pilgrimage
pelle: 1. fur, hide, skin | 2. skin
pellicola: 1. film, motion picture, movie
pendere: 1. droop, hang
penetrare: 1. penetrate
penisola: 1. peninsula
penna: 1. feather
penna a sfera: 1. ballpoint pen
penna stilografica: 1. fountain-pen, fountain pen
pensare: 1. think
pensiero: 1. thought
pensione: 1. boarding house, boarding school
pentimento: 1. repentance
pentito: 1. contrite, penitent, repentant
pepe: 1. pepper
pera: 1. pear
perciò: 1. on that account, therefore
percorrere: 1. cover, go through, pass through
perdere: 1. lose
perdere l’abitunide di: 1. break oneself of a habit, get out of a habit, unlearn
perdersi: 1. go astray, stray off
perdita: 1. loss | 2. loss
perduto: 1. lost
perfetto: 1. perfect
perfino: 1. even
pericolo: 1. danger, peril
pericoloso: 1. dangerous
perito contabile: 1. accountant
permanente: 1. abiding, lasting
permesso: 1. excuse me
permettere: 1. accord, admit, afford, allow, permit
pernice: 1. partridge
perno: 1. axis, axle
pero: 1. pear-tree
perseguire: 1. chase, persecute, prosecute, pursue
perseguitare: 1. chase, persecute, prosecute, pursue
persiana: 1. roller-blind
persona: 1. person
personale: 1. personal
per così dire: 1. so to speak
per esempio: 1. for example, for instance
per fortuna: 1. fortunately | 2. unfortunately
per lo meno: 1. at least
per lo più: 1. for the greater part, for the most part | 2. for the greater part, for the most part
per mezzo di: 1. by, by means of, on, through, with
per molto tempo: 1. a long time, for a long time, long
per quésto: 1. on that account, therefore
per sfortuna: 1. unfortunately | 2. unfortunately
per via di matrimonio: 1. by marriage, -in-law
pesante: 1. difficult, hard, inconvenient
pesare: 1. weigh | 2. weigh
pescare: 1. fish
pescatore: 1. fisherman
pesce: 1. fish
pescecane: 1. shark
pesce persico: 1. bass
peso: 1. weight
pestare: 1. prepay, put on stamps
petente: 1. applicant, petitioner
petizione: 1. petition
petrolio: 1. paraffin-oil, petroleum
pettegolezzo: 1. chat
pettinare: 1. comb
petto: 1. bosom, breast, chest
pezzo: 1. bit, lump, piece
piacere: 1. please | 2. fun, pleasure
piacevole: 1. agreeable, enjoyable, lovely, nice, pleasant
piacevolmente: 1. agreeably, comfortably, pleasantly
pialla: 1. plane
piangere: 1. cry, weep
piano: 1. even, flat, level, smooth | 2. plain | 3. floor, storey, story
pianola: 1. keyboard
pianta: 1. sole | 2. plant
piantare: 1. plant
pianterreno: 1. ground-floor
piattaforma: 1. platform, quay, wharf | 2. platform
piattino: 1. saucer
piatto: 1. plate
piazza: 1. plaza, square, public square
picchiare: 1. hit, knock, strike
picchiarsi: 1. be at loggerheads, tussle | 2. fight
piccione: 1. dove, pigeon
piccola: 1. girl, lass, wench
piccolo: 1. diminutive, little, small
pidocchio: 1. louse
piegare: 1. fold
pieno: 1. complete, full
pierra: 1. stone
pigro: 1. lazy
pinna: 1. fin
pino: 1. pine, pine-tree
pinzette: 1. pincers, tongs
pioggia: 1. rain
piombo: 1. lead
pioniere: 1. pioneer
pioppo: 1. poplar
piovere: 1. rain
pisciare: 1. urinate
pisello: 1. pea
pista: 1. road, route, way
pittore: 1. painter
pittura: 1. image, picture | 2. painting, picture
piuttosto: 1. preferably | 2. preferably, rather
placare: 1. appease, calm, quiet, soothe, still
poco a poco: 1. gradually, little by little
poema: 1. poem
poema epico: 1. epic poem
poesia: 1. poetry
poeta: 1. poet
poggiare: 1. abet, support, sustain
poi: 1. beyond, next, then, thereafter
polacco: 1. Pole
politica: 1. policy, politics
politico: 1. political
polizia: 1. police
poliziotto: 1. policeman | 2. policeman
pollice: 1. thumb | 2. thumb
pollo: 1. chicken, fowl
polmone: 1. lung
polpaccio: 1. calf
polso: 1. wrist | 2. wrist | 3. pulse
poltrona: 1. armchair | 2. armchair
polvere: 1. dust
pomeriggio: 1. afternoon
pomodoro: 1. tomato
pomo d’Adamo: 1. Adam’s apple
pompa: 1. pump
pompare: 1. pump
ponere: 1. lay down, place, put, put down
ponte: 1. deck | 2. bridge | 3. bridge
ponte di comando: 1. bridge
popolo: 1. folk, nation, people
poppa: 1. poop, poopdeck, stern | 2. poop, poopdeck, stern
populazione: 1. population
porco: 1. hog, pig, swine
porta: 1. door
portabile: 1. portable
portacenere: 1. ashtray
portalettere: 1. postman
portare: 1. bring, fetch | 2. carry, wear | 3. wear
portatile: 1. portable
porta di dietro: 1. back-door
porto: 1. harbor, harbour, port
portoghese: 1. Portuguese
porzione: 1. part, Parthian, share | 2. share
posa: 1. affectation
posare: 1. attitudinize, pose, put on airs
posdomani: 1. the day after tomorrow
possedere: 1. own, possess
possesso: 1. possession, property | 2. possession
possibile: 1. possible
posta: 1. mail, post
postino: 1. postman
posto: 1. seat
postulante: 1. applicant, petitioner
potabile: 1. drinkable
potere: 1. power | 2. be able to
povero: 1. miserable, poor | 2. abject, dismal, meager, miserable, wretched | 3. poor
povertà: 1. poverty
praticabile: 1. passable, practicable
praticare: 1. exert, practice
preciso: 1. accurate, on time, prompt, punctual | 2. exact
prediletto: 1. darling
predire: 1. forecast, foretell, prophesy
predisporre: 1. arrange, fix up
pregare: 1. pray
preghiera: 1. appeal, entreaty, supplication | 2. prayer
pregiudizio: 1. prejudice
premere: 1. press, oppress, squeeze
premio: 1. premium, prize
prendere: 1. capture, catch, grapple | 2. get, lay hold of, pick up, take
prendere a cuore: 1. look after
prendere in affitto: 1. hire
prenome: 1. first name
preparare: 1. prepare | 2. finish, prepare
presente: 1. gift, present | 2. present
presenza: 1. presence
preservazione: 1. conservation, maintenance, preservation, retention
pressione: 1. pressure
presto: 1. fast, quickly, swiftly
prete: 1. clergyman, pastor, priest | 2. priest
prezzemolo: 1. parsley
prezzo: 1. price
prigione: 1. jail, gaol, prison | 2. jail, gaol, prison | 3. jail, gaol, prison
prigioniero: 1. arrested person, prisoner
prima: 1. first, firstly, first of all
primavera: 1. spring, springtime
prima colazione: 1. breakfast
primo: 1. first
principale: 1. boss, master
principalmente: 1. above all, especially, chiefly, mainly, principally | 2. chiefly
principio: 1. beginning, commencement, start | 2. principle
privado: 1. private
privo di sensi: 1. unconscious
probabile: 1. likely, probable
probabilmente: 1. probably
problema: 1. problem, trouble
processo: 1. action, lawsuit | 2. process
proclamare: 1. issue, proclaim
prodotto: 1. article, commodity | 2. product
produrre: 1. afford, bear, produce
professione: 1. profession
profitto: 1. gain, profit | 2. advantage, benefit
profondità: 1. depth | 2. depth
profondo: 1. deep, profound
progettare: 1. plan | 2. make a project of, plan | 3. plan, sketch
progetto: 1. design, diagram, plan, plane | 2. plan, project, scheme | 3. design, outline, sketch
progresso: 1. advance, advancement, progress
promessa: 1. affirmation, promise
promettere: 1. promise
promozione: 1. promotion
promuovere: 1. advance, promote
pronipote: 1. second cousin | 2. greatgrandson | 3. grand-nephew
pronto: 1. finished, ready, through
pronunciare: 1. pronounce | 2. pronounce
proporzionale: 1. proportional
proposito: 1. aim, goal, purpose, target
proprio: 1. own, personal
prosciutto: 1. ham
prosperare: 1. be succesful, prosper
prossimo: 1. close, near, nearby, next
proteggere: 1. protect
protesta: 1. protest
protestare: 1. protest
protetta: 1. protégée
protetto: 1. protégé
protezione: 1. protection | 2. protection
prova: 1. proof, sign, token
provare: 1. attempt, test, try | 2. prove
prua: 1. bow, prow
pubblicare: 1. advertise, announce, give notice | 2. issue, proclaim | 3. publish, reveal
pubblicazione: 1. proclamation | 2. proclamation, publication
pubblico: 1. public
pugnale: 1. dagger
pugno: 1. fist
pulce: 1. flea
pulire: 1. clean, cleanse, make clean, purge
pulizia: 1. cleanliness, purity
pulsante: 1. button
pungere: 1. pick, stab, sting
pungiglione: 1. sting
punire: 1. punish
punizione: 1. punishment
punta: 1. peak, point, tip, summit
punto: 1. dot, period, point, spot
pupillo: 1. pupil
puro: 1. pure | 2. clean
qualche volta: 1. several times, sometimes
quaranta: 1. forty
quartiere popolare: 1. back street, slum
quarto: 1. fourth | 2. fourth
quarto d’ora: 1. quarter of an hour
quasi: 1. almost, nearly
quattordici: 1. fourteen
quattro: 1. four
quercia: 1. oak
questura: 1. police-station
qui: 1. here, hither, this way
quindici: 1. fifteen
quinto: 1. fifth | 2. fifth
quotidianamente: 1. daily
quotidiano: 1. daily
quà: 1. here, hither, this way
rabbioso: 1. mad, rabid
raccogliere: 1. collect, gather, pick up
raccomandabile: 1. recommendable
raccomandare: 1. advise, counsel
raccomandazione: 1. recommendation
raccontare: 1. narrate, relate, tell
radio: 1. radio, wireless
radioterapia: 1. radiation
raffreddare: 1. cool, cool down
raffreddarsi: 1. get cold
raffreddore: 1. cold
ragazza: 1. girl, lass, wench
ragazzo: 1. boy, lad, laddie
ragguardevole: 1. considerable, sizable
ragione: 1. reason, logical reasoning
ragno: 1. spider
rame: 1. copper
ramo: 1. bough, branch
rana: 1. frog
ranocchio: 1. frog
rapa: 1. turnip
rappresentare: 1. act for, represent
raramente: 1. seldom
raro: 1. rare
raschiare: 1. scratch
rassomiglare: 1. be similar, resemble
ravanello: 1. radish
razza: 1. breed, race
reagire: 1. react, respond
reale: 1. actual, practical, real
recentemente: 1. recently
recitare: 1. recite
regalo: 1. gift, present
reggiseno: 1. bra
regime: 1. diet
registratore: 1. tape-recorder
regno: 1. kingdom
regola: 1. regulation, rule
regolare: 1. even, regular
regressione: 1. decline, going down
relativo: 1. relative
relazione: 1. relation
remo: 1. handlebars, helm, rudder | 2. rudder
rendere difficile: 1. hamper, hinder, thwart
rene: 1. kidney
replicare: 1. answer, reply, respond
repubblica: 1. republic
residenza: 1. abode, dwelling-place, residence | 2. abode, dwelling-place-residence
respingere: 1. reduce the price
respirare: 1. breathe
respirazione: 1. respiration
responsabile: 1. accountable, responsible | 2. accountable, responsible
restare: 1. remain, stay, stay over
restituire: 1. give back, return
resti dietro: 1. be kept in, be detained, remain, stay on
restringere: 1. abridge, confine, limit, restrict
rete: 1. net, network
retroguardia: 1. rear, rearguard | 2. defence, rear, rearguard
retroterra: 1. hinterland | 2. hinterland
ribassare: 1. go down
ribes: 1. gooseberry | 2. currant
ribrezzo: 1. abhorrence, abomination, horror | 2. abhorrence, horror
ricchezza: 1. abundance, affluence, wealth
ricco: 1. affluent, rich, wealthy, well-off
ricevere: 1. get, have, receive
ricevuta: 1. acknowledgement, receipt
ricompensa: 1. compensation, reward
ricompensare: 1. compensate, reward
riconoscente: 1. thankful
riconoscenza: 1. gratitude
ricovero: 1. asylum
ridere: 1. laugh
ridicolo: 1. ridiculous
rifiutare: 1. reject
rifiutarsi: 1. refuse, reject
rifiuto: 1. refusal
rifugio: 1. shelter
rigettare: 1. reject
rigido: 1. rigid, stiff
riguardare: 1. concern
riguardo: 1. esteem, regard
rilegare: 1. bind
rilevare: 1. take the place of
rimanere: 1. remain, stay, stay over
rimborsabile: 1. redeemable, repayable
rimorchiatore: 1. tug, tugboat
rimpianto: 1. repentance
rincrescere: 1. be sorry about, regret
ringraziare: 1. thank
rinoceronte: 1. rhino, rhinoceros
rinomato: 1. famous | 2. famous
rione popolare: 1. back street, slum
riparare: 1. fix, repair | 2. shelter, protect
riparo: 1. shelter
ripetere: 1. repeat
ripido: 1. abrupt, steep
riposarsi: 1. repose, rest
riposo: 1. repose, rest
riprendere: 1. blame, rebuke, reproach, reprove, scold
ripugnanza: 1. aversion, dislike | 2. disgust, nausea
risa: 1. laughter
riscaldare: 1. heat, stoke
rischio: 1. hazard, risk
riservare: 1. reserve
riso: 1. laugh | 2. rice
rispettabile: 1. respectable
rispettare: 1. esteem, think well of | 2. respect
rispetto: 1. esteem, regard | 2. respect
risplendere: 1. shine
rispondere: 1. answer, reply, respond
rispondere a: 1. answer
risposta: 1. answer, reply
ristorante: 1. restaurant
risultato: 1. conclusion, effect, result | 2. result
ritardatario: 1. laggard, straggler
ritardo: 1. delay, retardation
ritenere: 1. detain, hold back, retain
ritirare: 1. abstract, take away
ritirata: 1. toilet
ritornare: 1. go back, return
riuscire: 1. succeed
rivenire: 1. come back, return
rivista: 1. periodical | 2. magazine, periodical, revue
roccia: 1. rock
romano: 1. Roman | 2. Roman
romanzo: 1. novel
rompere: 1. pick, pluck, tear off | 2. break
rompersi: 1. break
rondine: 1. swallow
rosa: 1. pink | 2. pink
rospo: 1. toad
rosso: 1. red | 2. red | 3. red
rotondo: 1. round
rovesciare: 1. overthrow, turn, turn over, upset
rovinare: 1. ruin
rozzo: 1. rude
rubare: 1. steal
rude: 1. brutal, gruff, harsh, rough, sour, surly, unkind, unpleasant
rugiada: 1. dew
rumore: 1. ado, din, noise
ruota: 1. wheel
ruscello: 1. stream
russare: 1. snore
russo: 1. Russian
sabato: 1. Saturday
sabbia: 1. sand
sacerdate: 1. clergyman, pastor, priest
sacerdote: 1. priest
saggio: 1. sagacious, sage, wise
salario: 1. salary, wage, wages
salasso: 1. bleeding, blood-letting
sala da bagno: 1. bathroom
sala da pranzo: 1. dining-room
sala d’aspetto: 1. waiting-room, waiting room
salcio: 1. willow
saldare: 1. strike a balance
sale: 1. salt
salice: 1. willow
salire: 1. ascend, get up, go up, lift, rise, arise | 2. ascend, climb, go up
salmone: 1. salmon
salotto: 1. lounge, parlour, salon, sitting-room
salsa: 1. gravy, sauce
salsiccia: 1. sausage
saltare: 1. jump, leap, spring
salto: 1. jump, leap
salutare: 1. greet, salute
salute: 1. cheers, good health | 2. health
saluto: 1. greeting
salvare: 1. keep, save, rescue
salvia: 1. sage
salvo: 1. apart from, but, except, other than | 2. bar, barring, except for, subject to, without prejudice
sangue: 1. blood
sanguinare: 1. bleed
sapere: 1. know, know how
sarto: 1. tailor
sasta: 1. tailor, female tailor
sbadato: 1. careless, negligent
sbadigliare: 1. yawn
sbadiglio: 1. yawn
sbagliarsi: 1. err, make a mistake
sbaglio: 1. aberration, error, mistake
sbalordire: 1. amaze
sbarrare: 1. bar, obstruct
sbocco: 1. market, sales activity
sbrigarsi di: 1. put off, send about his business
scala: 1. staircase, stairs | 2. ladder
scalpello: 1. chisel
scandalo: 1. offence, scandal | 2. commotion, scandal
scandaloso: 1. aggravating
scarpa: 1. shoe
scatenato: 1. wanton
scatola: 1. box
scegliere: 1. choose, elect, pick out
scelta: 1. choice, election
scendere: 1. dismount | 2. descend, get off, go down
scheletro: 1. skeleton | 2. skeleton
schermo: 1. screen
scherzare: 1. jest, joke
scherzo: 1. gag, joke
schifoso: 1. dismal, dreary, horrible, nasty
schiuma: 1. foam, froth
scienza: 1. science
scienziato: 1. scientist
scimmia: 1. ape, monkey
scintilla: 1. spark
sciocco: 1. addled, foolish, stupid
sciopero: 1. beam, ray
scoiattolo: 1. squirrel
scolaro: 1. pupil, scholar
scommettere: 1. bet, wager
scompartimento: 1. compartment, coupé
scomunica: 1. anathema, ban, excommunication
sconosciuto: 1. unknown
sconsigliare: 1. advise against, dissuade from
scopa: 1. broom
scoperta: 1. discovery
scopo: 1. aim, goal, purpose, target
scoprire: 1. discover, uncover
scorgere: 1. descry, perceive
scorrere: 1. flow
scorso: 1. last
scortese: 1. rude
scorza: 1. bast
scozzese: 1. Scot, Scotsman
scremare: 1. cream, skim
screpolatura: 1. crack, crevice | 2. burst, crack, flaw
scrivania: 1. desk, writing desk, writing-desk
scrivere: 1. write
scrivere a macchina: 1. type
scultore: 1. sculptor
scultura: 1. sculpture
scuola: 1. school
scure: 1. axe
scuro: 1. bleak, dark, dismal, dreary | 2. dark, dim
scusa: 1. apology
scusarsi: 1. apologize
scusatemi: 1. excuse me
se: 1. if, provided that
sebbene: 1. though, although
seccare: 1. dry | 2. dry
secchia: 1. bucket, pail
secchio: 1. bucket, pail
secco: 1. dry
secolo: 1. centennial, century
secondo: 1. second | 2. second
secrezione: 1. secretion
sedano: 1. celery
sedere: 1. backside, rump
sedersi: 1. sit down | 2. sit down
sedia: 1. chair
sedici: 1. sixteen
seducente: 1. attractive
sega: 1. saw
segale: 1. rye
segno: 1. character, mark, sign, signal, token
segreto: 1. secret | 2. secret
seguente: 1. following, next | 2. following, next
seguire: 1. follow
seguito: 1. adherents, disciples, following, party, supporters
sei: 1. six
selvaggio: 1. savage, wild
seminare: 1. sow
semplice: 1. simple, straightforward
sempre: 1. always, ever
sensato: 1. prudent, reasonable, sensible
sensibile: 1. sensitive
sentiero: 1. path
sentire: 1. give off an odour, reek, smell
sentire di: 1. smell of
sentirsi: 1. feel
senza impiego: 1. private
separare: 1. divide, separate
separato: 1. apart, particular, separate, special
seppellire: 1. bury | 2. bury, entomb, inter
sera: 1. evening
serio: 1. earnest, serious, staid
serpente: 1. serpent, snake
serrare: 1. press, oppress, squeeze
serrare a chiave: 1. lock
serratura: 1. lock
servire: 1. serve | 2. serve | 3. boy, servant | 4. avail
servizievole: 1. accommodating, helpful
servizio: 1. attendance, service, waiting | 2. service
sessanta: 1. sixty
sesso: 1. sex
sesto: 1. sixth
sete: 1. thirst
settanta: 1. seventy
sette: 1. seven
settembre: 1. September
settimana: 1. week
settimanalmente: 1. weekly
settimo: 1. seventh
severo: 1. severe, strict
sfera: 1. ball, sphere
sfinito: 1. exhausted, tired out, worn out
sfondo: 1. background
sfrenato: 1. wanton
sfruttare: 1. exploit, utilize
sgelare: 1. melt, thaw
sgombro: 1. mackerel
sgradevole: 1. bleak, dismal, dreary, horrible, ghastly, grisly, nasty
sgretolarsi: 1. crumble, crumble away, crumble off
sicurezza: 1. safety, security
sidro: 1. cider
significare: 1. imply, mean, signify
significato: 1. meaning
silenzioso: 1. silent
simile: 1. like, alike, similar
sincero: 1. above-board, sincere
sindaco: 1. mayor
sinistra: 1. left, left side
sinistro: 1. left
sintonizzare: 1. tune
sistema: 1. system
sistemare: 1. arrange, fix up
si capisce: 1. no doubt, undoubtedly
smarrirsi: 1. go astray, stray off
smercio: 1. demand, sale
smussato: 1. blunt | 2. dull, obtuse
snello: 1. agile
sobrio: 1. sober
sociale: 1. social | 2. social
soffiare: 1. blow
soffitto: 1. ceiling
soffocare: 1. choke, quell, suffocate, suppress
soglia: 1. sill, threshold
sogliola: 1. sole
sognare: 1. dream
sogno: 1. dream
soldi: 1. money
sole: 1. sun
solere: 1. accustom, be in the habit of
solo: 1. alone, only, sole, solitary | 2. unique
soltanto: 1. exclusively, just, only
somma: 1. amount, sum
sommario: 1. abridgement, abstract, resumé, summery
sonare: 1. sound
sonno: 1. sleep
sopportare: 1. endure, put up with, tolerate
sopra: 1. above, over
sopracciglio: 1. brow, eyebrow
soprannome: 1. byname, nickname, sobriquet
soprattutto: 1. above all, especially | 2. above all, especially, chiefly, mainly, principally | 3. chiefly
sorcio: 1. mouse
sordo: 1. deaf
sordomuto: 1. deaf and dumb
sorella: 1. sister
sorellastra: 1. half-sister | 2. step-sister
sorgente: 1. fountain, source, spring
sorprendere: 1. surprise
sorpresa: 1. surprise
sorridere: 1. smile
sorriso: 1. smile
sospendere: 1. hang
sospettare: 1. suspect
sospetto: 1. suspicion
sospirare: 1. sigh
sostenere: 1. lean, support, sustain | 2. assert, state | 3. abet, support, sustain
sottile: 1. gaunt, lean, slender, thin
sotto: 1. below, beneath, under, underneath
sottoprodotto: 1. waste product
sovente: 1. frequently, often, regularly
spada: 1. rapier
spagnolo: 1. Spaniard
spagnuolo: 1. Spaniard
spalla: 1. shoulder
sparare: 1. go off
spartire: 1. participate, share, take part
spaventare: 1. deter, discourage, scare
spaventevole: 1. deterrent, forbidding
spazio: 1. room, space
spazzola: 1. brush
spazzolare: 1. brush
specchio: 1. looking-glass, mirror
speciale: 1. particular, special
specie: 1. kind, sort
spegnere: 1. extinguish, put out
spendere: 1. pay out, spend
spengere: 1. extinguish, put out
speranza: 1. hope
sperare: 1. hope
spese: 1. charge, cost, expense
spesso: 1. bold, corpulent, fat, thick | 2. frequently, often, regularly
spezzare: 1. break
spiacevole: 1. bleak, dismal, dreary, horrible, ghastly, grisly, nasty
spiaggia: 1. beach
spiare: 1. spy
spicciole: 1. change
spiegare: 1. account for, explain | 2. account for, clarify, explain
spiegazione: 1. account, explanation | 2. account, explanation
spiga: 1. ear
spigolo: 1. mountain ridge
spina: 1. thorn
spinaci: 1. spinach
spina dorsale: 1. spine
spingere: 1. push, thrust
spinta: 1. push
spirito: 1. spirit
spiritoso: 1. lively, witty
spirituale: 1. spiritual
sporcare: 1. soil
sport: 1. sport
sportello: 1. window, ticket-window
sposa: 1. bride
sposare: 1. marry, be married, get married
sposato: 1. married | 2. married
sposo: 1. husband | 2. bridegroom
spossare: 1. fag out, jade, overdrive, override
sprezzo: 1. contempt
spronare: 1. abet, excite, incite, provoke, rouse, stimulate, stir up
spuntato: 1. blunt | 2. dull, obtuse | 3. blunt
sputare: 1. spit
squama: 1. scale
stabile: 1. stable
staccare: 1. pick, pluck, tear off
stagione: 1. season
stagno: 1. pond | 2. tin
stalla: 1. stable, stall, sty
stamattina: 1. this morning
stampare: 1. print
stancare: 1. fag out, fatigue, jade, overdrive, override, tire out | 2. fag out, jade, overdrive, override
stanco: 1. tired
stanza: 1. living-room, sitting-room
stanza da bagno: 1. bathroom
stare: 1. dwell, live | 2. remain, stay, stay over
stare in piedi: 1. stand
stasera: 1. this evening
stato: 1. state
statua: 1. statue
stazione: 1. station
stazione balneare: 1. spa
stella: 1. star
stendardo: 1. flag, standard
sterile: 1. barren | 2. sterile
stesso: 1. self, herself, himself, itself
stima: 1. esteem, regard
stimare: 1. esteem, think well of | 2. appraise, estimate, rate
stimolare: 1. rouse, stimulate, stir up
stomaco: 1. stomach
storia: 1. story, history
stoviglie: 1. crockery, earthenware, pottery
strada: 1. road, route, way
straniera: 1. alien, foreign
strano: 1. odd, peculiar, strange
straordinario: 1. extraordinary, formidable
stretto: 1. narrow | 2. strait
stringere: 1. press, oppress, squeeze
strumento: 1. agent, means, tool | 2. instrument
studente: 1. academic, student
studiare: 1. study
stupido: 1. addled, foolish, stupid
stupirsi: 1. marvel, marvel at, wonder
su: 1. at, beside, with
subitaneo: 1. abrupt, sudden
subito: 1. at once, immediately, just, right away, right now
succedere: 1. come about, happen, occur | 2. succeed
successivamente: 1. consecutively
successo: 1. achievement, success
succhiare: 1. suck
succiello: 1. bore
succinto: 1. concise
sud: 1. south
sudare: 1. sweat
sufficiente: 1. enough, sufficient
suffisso: 1. extension, suffix
suggerimento: 1. suggestion
sughero: 1. cork
suo: 1. his
suocera: 1. mother-in-law
suoceri: 1. parents-in-law
suocero: 1. father-in-law
suonare: 1. play | 2. play
suono: 1. sound
superficie: 1. surface
superiore: 1. superior
superstizione: 1. superstition
superstizioso: 1. superstitious
supino: 1. backward, on one’s back | 2. backwards
supplicante: 1. applicant, petitioner
supporre: 1. guess, presume, suppose, surmise
sussurrare: 1. whisper
svedese: 1. Swede
sveglia: 1. alarm, alarmclock
sveglio: 1. adroit, clever, dexterous, skillful
svenirsi: 1. faint, swoon
svenuto: 1. unconscious
svilupparsi: 1. develop, evolve
svizzero: 1. Swiss
svoltare: 1. turn | 2. turn
sì: 1. yes
tabacco da fumo: 1. cross-cut Maryland
taccuino: 1. notebook
tacere: 1. be quiet
tagliare: 1. cut, slice
tagliente: 1. sharp
talento: 1. aptitude, disposition, talent
tallone: 1. heel
tallone d’Achille: 1. Achilles’ heel
talvolta: 1. several times, sometimes
tanto: 1. that much
tappeto: 1. carpet
tappeto erboso: 1. lawn
tappezzare: 1. paper
tardo: 1. late, tardy
tassa: 1. tax
tassabile: 1. subject to tax
tassare: 1. tax
tasso: 1. badger
tastiera: 1. keyboard
tavolo: 1. table
tazza: 1. cup
teatro: 1. theatre
tedesco: 1. German | 2. German
teiera: 1. tea-pot
telecomando: 1. remote control
temere: 1. be afraid of, fear
tempesta: 1. storm
tempia: 1. temple
tempo: 1. time, while | 2. weather
tenaglie: 1. handle, knob
tendine d’Achille: 1. Achilles’ tendon
tenebre: 1. darkness, murk
tenebroso: 1. dark, dim
tenere: 1. hang onto, hold
teritorio: 1. territory
terminare: 1. accomodate, end, finish, terminate
terminato: 1. completed, done, finished, over, through
terra: 1. earth, land, soil
terrazzo: 1. balcony
terremoto: 1. earthquake
terrestre: 1. earthen, earthly, terrestrial
terribile: 1. abysmal, dreadful, gruesome, horrible, terrible
terzo: 1. third | 2. third
tessuto di lana: 1. baize
testa: 1. head, pate
tetto: 1. roof
tettoia: 1. penthouse, shed | 2. penthouse, shed | 3. penthouse, shed
tiepido: 1. lukewarm
tiglio: 1. lime-tree, linden-tree
tigre: 1. tiger
timido: 1. abashed, self-conscious, shy
timone: 1. steering-wheel
timore: 1. fright
tingere: 1. paint
tinozza: 1. jug, box, container, vessel
tipografo: 1. printer
tiranno: 1. tyrant
tirare: 1. drag, draw, haul, pull, tug
titubare: 1. hesitate | 2. hesitate, waver
toccare: 1. touch
togliere: 1. take off, put off
tollerare: 1. endure, put up with, tolerate
tomo: 1. volume
tonno: 1. tuna, tuna-fish, tunny
topo: 1. mouse | 2. rat
torace: 1. chest
torcia: 1. torch
toro: 1. bull
torre: 1. castle, tower
torta: 1. cake
torturare: 1. agonize, torture
tossire: 1. cough
totale: 1. entire, overall, whole
tovagliolo: 1. napkin
toviglia: 1. table-cloth
tradurre: 1. translate
traduzione: 1. translation
tram: 1. streetcar, tram
tramonto: 1. sunset
tranquillo: 1. calm, tranquil
trascurare: 1. neglect
trasmettere: 1. broadcast
trasparente: 1. transparant
traspirare: 1. sweat
trasportare: 1. transport
trasporto: 1. transport
trattamento: 1. treatment
trattare: 1. deal with, handle, treat
trattato: 1. treaty
trave: 1. beam, girder
tre: 1. three
trebbiare: 1. thresh
tredici: 1. thirteen
tremare: 1. quiver, shiver, tremble
treno: 1. train | 2. train
treno omnibus: 1. passenger train
treno rapido: 1. fast train
trenta: 1. thirty
tre volte: 1. three times, thrice
triangolo: 1. triangle
triciclo: 1. tricycle
triste: 1. sad | 2. bleak, dismal, dreary, gaunt, miserable, sad, somber | 3. dismal, gaunt, miserable, sad
tristezza: 1. sadness, sorrow
trito e ritrito: 1. hackneyed | 2. hackneyed, hard-worked, stale, trite, worn-out
tromba: 1. hooter | 2. hooter, horn, klaxon | 3. trumpet
tronco: 1. stem, trunk, tree-trunk | 2. stem, trunk
troppo: 1. too, too much
trota: 1. trout
trovare: 1. find
trovarsi: 1. be found, be located, find oneself
truffa: 1. swindle, swindling | 2. swindle
truffare: 1. cheat, deceive
tuffarsi: 1. dive, plunge
tuo: 1. your | 2. your
tuonare: 1. thunder
tuono: 1. thunder
turbato: 1. dazed, perplexed, upset
turco: 1. Turk
tutto: 1. entire, overall, whole | 2. whole | 3. all, altogether, everything
tutt’al più: 1. at most | 2. at most
tè: 1. tea
ubbidiente: 1. obedient | 2. obedient
ubbidire: 1. obey
ubriaco: 1. drunk, intoxicated
ubriacone: 1. drunk
uccello: 1. bird
uccidere: 1. kill, liquidate, slay
udienza: 1. audience
udire: 1. hear
uditorio: 1. audience, auditory
ufficiale: 1. official
ufficio: 1. office | 2. bureau, office
ufficio di collocamento: 1. employment exchange, labor exchange, labour exchange
ufficio d’informazioni: 1. inquiry-office
ufficio postale: 1. post office
uffizio divino: 1. service, worship service
ultimo: 1. last | 2. hind, hindmost
umano: 1. human
umido: 1. damp, humid, moist | 2. moist
umile: 1. humble
un: 1. one
una: 1. one
una volta: 1. once, one time
undici: 1. eleven
ungherese: 1. Hungarian
unghia: 1. nail
unico: 1. unique
unirsi: 1. associate, come together, join, pool
unità: 1. unity
universale: 1. general, universal, worldwide
università: 1. university
uno: 1. one
un’: 1. one
uomo: 1. fellow, man
uomo delle Antille: 1. Antillian
uovo: 1. egg
urto: 1. push
usare: 1. employ, use, make use of
uscio: 1. door
uscire: 1. exit, go out
uscita: 1. exit, way out
usignolo: 1. nightingale
usignuolo: 1. nightingale
uso: 1. use
usuale: 1. accustomed, customary, used to, usual, wonted
utile: 1. advantageous, useful | 2. of use, suitable
utilizzabile: 1. of use, suitable
utilizzare: 1. avail
uva: 1. grape
vacca: 1. cow
vagone: 1. carriage, coach, railway carriage, waggon
valere: 1. be worth
valigia: 1. suitcase, valise
valle: 1. valley
valore: 1. value, worth
valutare: 1. appraise, estimate, rate
valvola: 1. tube, valve
vangelo: 1. gospel
vanitoso: 1. conceited, frivolous, vain
vantaggio: 1. gain, profit | 2. advantage, benefit
variabile: 1. variable
variazone: 1. change, variation | 2. variety
vasca da bagno: 1. bath
vaso: 1. jug, box, container, vessel
vaso da fiori: 1. flowerpot
vecchio: 1. old
vedere: 1. see
vela: 1. sail
veleno: 1. poison
velenoso: 1. poisonous
velocità: 1. speed
vena: 1. vein
vendere: 1. dispose of, sell, vend
vendetta: 1. revenge, vengeance
vendita: 1. demand, sale | 2. sale
venerare: 1. adore, worship
venerdì: 1. Friday
venire: 1. come
venti: 1. twenty
ventilare: 1. aerate, air out, give an airing, ventilate
vento: 1. wind
ventre: 1. abdomen, belly, tummy
venuta: 1. arrival
verde: 1. green | 2. green
vergogna: 1. shame
vergognarsi: 1. be ashamed
verificare: 1. audit, check, check up on, supervise, verify
verità: 1. truth | 2. reality, truth
verme: 1. worm
vero: 1. true
versare: 1. pour, scatter, shed
verso: 1. about, approximately
vescica: 1. bladder, bubble
vescovo: 1. bishop
vespa: 1. wasp
vestire: 1. clothe, dress
vestirsi: 1. dress
veterinario: 1. veterinarian
vetro: 1. glass
vettura: 1. carriage, coach, railway carriage, waggon
vettura letti: 1. sleeping-car
via: 1. street | 2. road, route, way
viaggiare: 1. travel
viaggio: 1. journey, trip, voyage
vicino: 1. adjacent, nearby, neighbouring | 2. neighbour | 3. close, near, nearby
vicolo: 1. alley, lane
vietare: 1. forbid, prohibit
vigna: 1. vine
villaggio: 1. village
vino: 1. wine
violoncello: 1. cello
vipera: 1. adder, viper
virgolette: 1. quotation marks, quotes
virtú: 1. morality, vice
visita: 1. visit
visitare: 1. attend, call on, see, visit
viso: 1. face
vista: 1. view | 2. view | 3. sight, view
visto che: 1. as, because, for, since
vita: 1. life
vite: 1. vine, grapevine | 2. screw
vitello: 1. calf
vittoria: 1. triumph | 2. victory
vivere: 1. be alive, live
vizio: 1. habit, trick
volante: 1. steering-wheel
volare: 1. fly
volentieri: 1. willingly
volere: 1. be willing to, want, wish
volere bene: 1. love
volgare: 1. common, everyday, vulgar
volontà: 1. will, willingness, wish
volpe: 1. fox
volume: 1. volume
vomitare: 1. throw up, vomit
vongola: 1. mussel
vostro: 1. your
votare: 1. vote
vuotare: 1. empty
vuoto: 1. empty, void
zanzara: 1. mosquito
zavorra: 1. ballast
zelo: 1. fervor, fervour, zeal
zia: 1. aunt
zio: 1. uncle
zoccolo: 1. hoof
zodiaco: 1. zodiac
zoppicare: 1. limp
zucca: 1. calabash, gourd
zucchero: 1. sugar