
Indonesian to English

Agustus: 1. August
Ahad: 1. Sunday
Allah: 1. God
April: 1. April
Arab: 1. Arabian, Arabic
Belanda: 1. Dutch
Cina: 1. China | 2. Chinese
Desember: 1. December
Hari Natal: 1. Christmas, Yule
Indonesia: 1. Indonesia
Inggris: 1. English
Januari: 1. January
Jawa: 1. Java
Juli: 1. July
Jumat: 1. Friday
Juni: 1. June
Kamis: 1. Thursday
Lautan Atlantik: 1. Atlantic, Atlantic Ocean
Maret: 1. March
Mei: 1. May
Minggu: 1. Sunday
Nopember: 1. November
Oktober: 1. October
Pebruari: 1. February
Perancis: 1. French
Portugis: 1. Portuguese
Rabu: 1. Wednesday
Sansekerta: 1. Sanskrit
Selasa: 1. Tuesday
Senin: 1. Monday
September: 1. September
abad: 1. centennial, century
abadi: 1. eternal
abai … mengabaikan: 1. ignore, leave out of account | 2. underestimate
abjad: 1. alphabet
absen: 1. absent | 2. absent
abu: 1. ash, cinder
adab … beradab: 1. courteous, polite, well-mannered | 2. courteous, polite, well-mannered
adat: 1. custom, habit, way
adil: 1. fair, just, righteous
administrasi: 1. administration, management
adpertensi: 1. ad, advertisement
agak: 1. a little, rather, some, somewhat, to some extent | 2. fairly, rather, relatively | 3. enough, quite, rather, sufficiently
agama: 1. religion
agen: 1. agent
agung: 1. distinctive
ahli: 1. expert, specialist
air-mata: 1. tear
air-terjun: 1. waterfall | 2. waterfall
air: 1. water
air perah: 1. juice, sap
ajakan: 1. invitation
ajak … mengajak: 1. invite
ajar … mengajar: 1. teach
akal: 1. intelligence
akar: 1. root
akhir: 1. end, ending
akhirnya: 1. at last, finally, ultimately
akibat: 1. consequence, consistency | 2. conclusion, effect, result | 3. result
aktif: 1. active, in action
alamat: 1. address
alat: 1. agent, means, tool | 2. instrument
alir … mengalir: 1. flow
alis: 1. brow, eyebrow
aman: 1. safe, secure
ambil … mengambil: 1. bring, fetch | 2. fetch, get, pick up
amplop: 1. envelope
anak ayam: 1. chick, chicken
anggrek: 1. orchid
angin: 1. air | 2. wind
angkat … mengangkat: 1. carry, wear
angkut … mengangkut: 1. transport
aniaya … menganiaya: 1. agonize, torture
antar … mengantar: 1. accompany
antuk … mengantuk: 1. drowsy
api: 1. fire
arah: 1. direction
arang: 1. charcoal
arca: 1. statue
arloji-tangan: 1. watch, wrist-watch | 2. watch
arti: 1. meaning
aruh … mempengaruhi: 1. act, affect, influence
asap: 1. smoke
asin: 1. salty
asing: 1. alien, foreign, strange
aso … mengaso: 1. repose, rest
asrama: 1. boarding house, boarding school
atap: 1. roof
atur … mengatur: 1. arrange, fix up
awan: 1. cloud
ayam: 1. chicken, fowl
babi-hutan: 1. boar
babi: 1. hog, pig, swine
babu: 1. maid, servant
badai: 1. storm
badan: 1. body
badut: 1. buffoon, jester | 2. clown
bagian: 1. share | 2. section
bagi … membagi: 1. divide, separate, share
bagus: 1. pretty
bahasa: 1. language, tongue
bahaya: 1. danger, peril
bahu: 1. shoulder
baik-haiti: 1. affable, friendly, good-natured, kind
baik: 1. affable, friendly, good-natured, kind | 2. pretty
bajak: 1. plough
bajing: 1. squirrel
bakar: 1. burn
bakar … membakar: 1. burn
ban: 1. tire, tyre
bangga: 1. proud
bangkit: 1. get up, rise, stand, stand up | 2. get up, rise, stand, stand up
bangku: 1. bench
bangsa: 1. nation
bangun: 1. wake, wake up
bangunan: 1. building
bantal: 1. pillow
bantu: 1. abet, aid, assist, help
bantuan: 1. aid, help | 2. aid, help
bantu … membantu: 1. accomodate, aid, assist, help | 2. cooperate, co-operate
banyak: 1. many | 2. a lot of, much, plenty of
barat: 1. west, West
baring … berbaring: 1. lie, recline
baris: 1. file, line, rank, row, turn
basah: 1. wet
batalkan: 1. abjure, abolish, abrogate, annul, cancel, remit
batu: 1. stone
bawang: 1. onion
bayaran: 1. payment
bayarkan: 1. charge
bayar … membayar: 1. pay
baybi: 1. baby
bedil: 1. gun, rifle
begini: 1. so, such, thus
begitu: 1. so, such, thus
bekas: 1. ex-, former
belajar: 1. learn
benang: 1. thread
benar: 1. correct, right
benda: 1. thing | 2. article, object, thing
bensin: 1. gasolene, gasoline, petrol
bepergian: 1. travel
berakhir: 1. end, come to an end, end up, expire
berani: 1. brave, courageous, valiant
berarti: 1. imply, mean, signify
beras: 1. rice
berat: 1. burdensome, heavy, onerous
berbahaya: 1. dangerous
berbantah: 1. quarrel, wrangle
berenang: 1. float, swim
berguna: 1. of use, suitable | 2. of use, suitable
berisi: 1. comprise, contain, include
beri … memberi: 1. give
berkeringat: 1. sweat
bermaksud: 1. intend, mean
bermimpi: 1. dream
bernafas: 1. breathe
berpikir: 1. think
bersalah: 1. guilty
bersembahyang: 1. pray
besar: 1. big, great, large
besi: 1. iron
betul: 1. correct, right
biasa: 1. accustomed, customary, used to, usual, wonted | 2. common, ordinary, usual
biasanya: 1. ordinarily, usually
bibir: 1. lip
bimbang: 1. doubtful | 2. doubt
bingung: 1. dazed, perplexed, upset
bioskop: 1. cinema, movie theatre
biru: 1. blue
bisik … berbisik-bisik: 1. whisper
bocor: 1. lick
boleh jadi: 1. maybe, mayhap, perchance, perhaps, possibly
boros: 1. extravagant, high-flown
botol: 1. bottle
buah: 1. fruit
buang … membuang: 1. throw away
bujuk … membujuk: 1. persuade
buka: 1. open
bukti: 1. proof, sign, token
buku: 1. book
bumi: 1. district
bunga: 1. bloom, flower
bungkusan: 1. packet, parcel
bunuh: 1. kill, liquidate, slay
bunyi: 1. sound
buruk: 1. nasty, ugly | 2. addled, bad, rotten
calon: 1. candidate
campuran: 1. admixture, mixture
cangkir: 1. cup
cantik: 1. beautiful, fine, handsome, lovely | 2. charming, lovely
capai: 1. accomplish, achieve, attain, get, reach
cara: 1. manner, mode, way
celana: 1. pants, trousers
cerdik: 1. intelligent, sagacious
cerita: 1. account, narrative, story, tale
coba … mencoba: 1. attempt, test, try
coklat: 1. chocolate
contoh: 1. model
curi: 1. steal
dada: 1. bosom, breast, chest
daftar: 1. list
daging: 1. meat
daging babi: 1. pork
dahan: 1. bough, branch
dakwa … mendakwa: 1. accuse
damai: 1. peace
dapur: 1. kitchen
darat: 1. country, land
dasi: 1. tie, necktie
debu: 1. dust
delapan: 1. eight
demam: 1. ague, fever
derajat: 1. degree, grade | 2. grade, rank, rate
derita … menderita: 1. abide, bear, endure, put up with, suffer
derma: 1. alms, charity
desak … mendesak: 1. push, thrust
dewasa ini: 1. currently, nowadays, these days
didik … mendidik: 1. breed, bring up, educate, raise
dinding: 1. wall
doa: 1. prayer
domba: 1. sheep
dorong … mendorong: 1. push, thrust
dosin: 1. dozen
dua: 1. two
duit: 1. money
dunia: 1. world
duri: 1. thorn
dusta: 1. lie
emas: 1. gold
ember: 1. bucket, pail
embus … mengembus: 1. blow
empat: 1. four
empuk: 1. soft
enam: 1. six
encok: 1. rheumatism
enteng: 1. light
erat: 1. tight
es: 1. ice
faham: 1. notion, sense, realization
fakta: 1. fact
fikir: 1. think
film: 1. film, motion picture, movie
firma: 1. company, firm
flat: 1. apartment, flat
gagah: 1. firm, robust, sturdy
gagal: 1. abort, fail, miscarry
gajah: 1. elephant
gaji: 1. salary, wage, wages
gali … menggali: 1. dig, grub, spade
garam: 1. salt
garasi: 1. garage
gelang: 1. bracelet
gembira: 1. cheerful, gay, merry
gereja: 1. church, church-building, house of worship, place of worship
gerobak: 1. cart, chariot
giat: 1. diligent, hardworking, industrious
gila: 1. crazy, insane, mad, nuts | 2. fool
gula: 1. sugar
guna: 1. use
gunakan: 1. employ, use, make use of
gunung-api: 1. volcano
gunung: 1. mountain
hakim: 1. judge
halaman: 1. page
halus: 1. soft
hampir: 1. almost, nearly
handuk: 1. towel
hantu: 1. ghost, phantom
harap: 1. hope
harapkan: 1. foresee | 2. abide, expect, wait, await, wait for
hari-libur: 1. holiday
harmonika: 1. accordion
hasil: 1. product
hati: 1. liver | 2. mind
hawa: 1. air | 2. weather
hidung: 1. nose
hijau: 1. green
hilang: 1. disappear
hindari: 1. avoid, evade
hitam: 1. black
hotel: 1. hotel
hujan: 1. rain
hukum: 1. law
hukuman: 1. judgment | 2. punishment | 3. adjudication, verdict
ide: 1. idea
ikan: 1. fish
ikat: 1. bind, connect, join, tie, tie up
iklan: 1. ad, advertisement
iklim: 1. climate
ikuti: 1. follow
ilmu alam: 1. physics
impian: 1. dream
indah: 1. beautiful, fine, handsome, lovely
internasional: 1. international
ipar laki-laki: 1. brother-in-law
isap … mengisap: 1. suck
isi: 1. fill, fill in, fill up
jahat: 1. criminal
jam: 1. hour, o’clock, time
janggut: 1. beard
jantung: 1. heart
jari: 1. finger
jarum: 1. needle
jas: 1. coat, overcoat | 2. coat, overcoat
jelek: 1. nasty, ugly
jembatan: 1. bridge
jenis: 1. kind, sort
jepat: 1. fast, quick, rapid, speedy, swift
jeruk: 1. lemon
jongos: 1. boy, servant
jujur: 1. above-board, honest
jumlah: 1. quantity | 2. amount, sum
jururawat: 1. nurse
kacang: 1. rack, arrack | 2. bean
kacau: 1. chaotic | 2. chaotic
kakus: 1. toilet
kalimat: 1. sentence
kamar-makan: 1. dining-room
kamar: 1. chamber, room
kambing: 1. goat
kami: 1. us, we
kampung: 1. village
karang … mengarang: 1. compose
karcis: 1. bill, ticket, note
kasih: 1. affection, love
kaus: 1. sock
kawan: 1. friend
kayu: 1. timber, wood
keadilan: 1. justice, righteousness
keamanan: 1. safety, security | 2. safety
kebanggaan: 1. pride
kebangsaan: 1. nationality
kebanyakan: 1. generally
kebiasaan: 1. custom, habit, way
kebun-binatang: 1. zoo
kebun: 1. garden
kecelakaan: 1. accident
kecil: 1. diminutive, little, small
kedutaan: 1. embassy
kejam: 1. cruel
kekacauan: 1. chaos, tangle
kelahiran: 1. birth
kelapa: 1. coconut
kelas: 1. class
keluarga: 1. family
kendaraan: 1. vehicle
kentang: 1. potato
kenyataan: 1. fact
keperluan: 1. need, want
keputusan: 1. decision
kera: 1. ape, monkey
kerang: 1. oyster
keranjang: 1. basket
kerbau: 1. buffalo
kereta-api: 1. train | 2. train
kering: 1. dry
keringat: 1. perspiration, sweat
kerja: 1. work
kesalahan: 1. aberration, error, mistake
kesehatan: 1. health
kesempatan: 1. chance, luck
kewajiban: 1. duty, obligation
khayal: 1. imagination
khusus: 1. apart, particular, separate, special | 2. particular, special
kirim: 1. send, transmit
kitab: 1. exercise-book, folder, notebook | 2. book
kodok: 1. frog
kopi: 1. coffee
kopor: 1. suitcase, valise
korban: 1. victim
kosong: 1. empty, void
kotak: 1. box
kuat: 1. strong
kuda: 1. horse
kuil: 1. temple
kuku: 1. nail
kulit: 1. skin | 2. leather
kumis: 1. moustache
kumpulkan: 1. collect, gather, pick up
kunci: 1. key, wrench
kuning: 1. yellow
kunjungan: 1. visit
kunjungi: 1. attend, call on, see, visit
kurban: 1. victim
kursi: 1. chair
kurus: 1. gaunt, lean, slender, thin
lagi: 1. afresh, again, all over again, anew | 2. afresh, again, once more
lahir: 1. bear, give birth to
lalai: 1. careless, negligent
lalat: 1. fly, housefly
lambat: 1. slow
lampu: 1. lamp
langganan: 1. client, customer
lantai: 1. floor
lapangan-terbang: 1. airport
latihan: 1. exercise, practice
lawan: 1. across from, against, in exchange for, opposed to, opposite, upon
lebih kurang: 1. about, approximately
leher: 1. neck | 2. empty, void
lekas: 1. fast, quick, rapid, speedy, swift
lelah: 1. tired
lemah: 1. faint, light, weak
lembah: 1. valley
lembu: 1. ox
lempar … melempar: 1. throw
lengkap: 1. absolute, complete
lidah: 1. tongue
lihat: 1. see
lilin: 1. candle
lima: 1. five
lintang: 1. across, beyond, on the other side of
lipat: 1. fold
lipatan: 1. fold
listrik: 1. electricity
lompat: 1. jump, leap, spring
loncat … meloncat: 1. switch, turn on
luar biasa: 1. extraordinary, formidable
luar negeri: 1. abroad
luas: 1. broad
lubang: 1. hole
lukisan: 1. painting, picture
lukis … melukis: 1. paint
lumpur: 1. mud
lutut: 1. knee
macam: 1. kind, sort
mahal: 1. dear, expensive | 2. costly, dear, expensive, pricey
mahligai: 1. palace
majikan: 1. boss, chief, leader
makan-pagi: 1. breakfast
makna: 1. meaning
maksud: 1. aim, goal, purpose, target | 2. intention, meaning, plan
malas: 1. lazy
mangkuk: 1. basin, bowl, pelvis
manis: 1. gentle, soft, sweet, tender
manusia: 1. man, human being
masih: 1. still, yet
masjid: 1. mosque
masuk: 1. go in, enter, perform
mata-air: 1. fountain, source, spring
mata: 1. eye
matahari: 1. sun
mau: 1. be willing to, want, wish
melalaikan: 1. neglect
melalui: 1. through
melatih: 1. exercise, practise
melipat: 1. fold
melompat: 1. jump, leap, spring
memamerkan: 1. exhibit
memang: 1. naturally
membajak: 1. plough
membakar: 1. burn
membangkitkan: 1. activate, cause, give rise to
membanguni: 1. arouse, wake, awaken, wake up
membantu: 1. abet, aid, assist, help
membasahi: 1. dampen
membasahkan: 1. wet
membatalkan: 1. abjure, abolish, abrogate, annul, cancel, remit
memberi-tahu: 1. advertise, announce, give notice
membersihkan: 1. clean, cleanse, make clean, purge
membuktikan: 1. prove
membunuh: 1. kill, liquidate, slay
memburuk: 1. putrefy, rot
memegang: 1. hang onto, hold
memilih: 1. choose, elect, pick out
mempecahkan: 1. break
mempelajari: 1. exert, practice | 2. study
memperbolehkan: 1. accord, admit, afford, allow, permit
memuati: 1. burden, load
memukul: 1. catch, hit, run across, strike
memungut suara: 1. vote
memutuskan: 1. decide
menaksir: 1. appraise, estimate, rate
menandatangani: 1. sign
menangkap: 1. capture, catch, grapple
menanti: 1. advert, pay attention, pay attention to, watch out for
menarik: 1. interesting
mencampuri: 1. blend, mingle, mix, shuffle
mencapai: 1. accomplish, achieve, attain, get, reach
mencuri: 1. steal
mendusta: 1. lie, tell a lie
menerima: 1. accept, receive, take, take in | 2. get, have, receive
mengampuni: 1. forgive, pardon
mengerti: 1. understand, realize
menggunakan: 1. employ, use, make use of
mengharapkan: 1. foresee | 2. abide, expect, wait, await, wait for
menghasilkan: 1. afford, bear, produce
menghindari: 1. avoid, evade
menghukum: 1. punish
mengikat: 1. bind, connect, join, tie, tie up
mengikuti: 1. follow
mengimpor: 1. import
mengisi: 1. fill, fill in, fill up
mengobrol: 1. chat, chatter
mengubah: 1. change, turn
menguji: 1. examine
mengulangi: 1. repeat
mengumpulkan: 1. collect, gather, pick up
mengunjungi: 1. attend, call on, see, visit
menolak: 1. refuse, reject
mensasihatkan: 1. advise, counsel
mentimun: 1. cucumber
menubruk: 1. collide
menunggu: 1. abide, expect, wait, await, wait for
menyamakan: 1. compare
menyatakan: 1. account for, clarify, explain
menyeterika: 1. iron, iron clothes
menyikat: 1. brush
menyingkat: 1. abbreviate, abridge, shorten
menyisir: 1. comb
menyumbang: 1. contribute
merica: 1. pepper
mesin: 1. engine, machine
mesintik: 1. typewriter
mesjid: 1. mosque
mimpi: 1. dream | 2. dream
minta: 1. ask
minyak: 1. oil
misalnya: 1. for example, for instance
motor: 1. engine, motor
muatan: 1. burden, charge, load
muda: 1. young
muka: 1. face
mungkin: 1. maybe, mayhap, perchance, perhaps, possibly
muntah: 1. throw up, vomit
murah: 1. cheap, inexpensive | 2. cheap, inexpensive
musim: 1. season
nafas: 1. breath
nasehat: 1. advice, counsel
nasihat: 1. advice, counsel
negeri: 1. country, land
nenas: 1. pineapple
nenek: 1. grandmother
night club: 1. night club, night spot
nol: 1. nought, zero
nyamuk: 1. mosquito
nyanyi: 1. sing
nyata: 1. clear, distinct, plain
obat: 1. drug, medicine, pharmaceutical
ombak: 1. wave
opsir: 1. officer
orang Islam: 1. Mohammedan, Moslem, Muslim, Mussulman
orang asing: 1. foreigner
orang dewasa: 1. adult, grown-up
otak: 1. brain
pahit: 1. acerbic, bitter
pajak: 1. tax
pakaian: 1. clothes, clothing
paksa … memaksa: 1. compel, force
paku: 1. nail
palsu: 1. false
palu: 1. hammer
pameran: 1. exhibition, exposition
pamerkan: 1. exhibit
pamili: 1. family
panas: 1. heat
pangkat: 1. grade, rank, rate
pantai: 1. beach
pasar: 1. market, marketplace
pasir: 1. sand
payung: 1. umbrella
pecah: 1. break
pecahkan: 1. break
pegang: 1. hang onto, hold
pekerja: 1. hand, laborer, labourer, operative, worker, working man, workman
pelajar: 1. academic, student
pelajaran: 1. lesson
pelayan: 1. maid, servant | 2. boy, servant
pelayan restoran: 1. waiter
pelukis: 1. painter
pembantu: 1. aid, assistant, helper | 2. aid, assistent, helper
pembatalan: 1. abolition, abrogation
pembayaran: 1. payment
pemberian: 1. gift, present
pemberitahuan: 1. ad, advertisement
pendapat: 1. opinion
pendek: 1. short | 2. brief, short
pendidikan: 1. education | 2. education
penerimaan: 1. acceptance, admission
pengajar: 1. instructor, teacher
penganiayaan: 1. torture
pengarang: 1. author | 2. author, writer
pengaruh: 1. action, influence
pengetahuan: 1. knowledge
penghasilan: 1. expenses
penjahat: 1. criminal
penjahit: 1. tailor
penting: 1. important, serious
peran: 1. actor
perbedaan: 1. difference
perbolehkan: 1. accord, admit, afford, allow, permit
percakapan: 1. conversation
perhitungan: 1. account
perjalanan: 1. journey, trip, voyage
perkakas: 1. agent, means, tool
perkara: 1. affair, business, business deal, case, matter
perlu: 1. need, require | 2. necessary
permainan: 1. game
perut: 1. stomach
pesawat terbang: 1. aeroplane, airplane, plane
petang: 1. afternoon
pikiran: 1. idea
pil: 1. pill
pilih: 1. choose, elect, pick out
pilihan: 1. choice, election
pimpin: 1. conduct, direct, guide, head, lead | 2. conduct, guide, lead
pinggang: 1. waist, waistline
pipa: 1. pipe
pisang: 1. banana
pisau: 1. knife
pohon: 1. tree
praba: 1. aureole, halo
puas: 1. contented, pleased, satisfied
pucat: 1. pale, sallow
pukul: 1. catch, hit, run across, strike
pula: 1. afresh, again, all over again, anew
pulau: 1. island
pungut suara: 1. vote
putuskan: 1. decide
raya: 1. big, great, large
rekening: 1. account, bill, calculation
rendah: 1. low
roda: 1. wheel
rokok: 1. cigarette
roti: 1. bread, loaf
sabun: 1. soap
sakit: 1. ache, pain
sakit kepala: 1. headache
saku: 1. pocket
salah: 1. aberration, error, mistake
salah faham: 1. misunderstanding
salah mengerti: 1. misunderstand
salam: 1. greeting
salaris: 1. salary, wage, wages
salin … menyalin: 1. copy
sandal: 1. sandal
sanggup: 1. able, capable
sapi: 1. cow
sarapan: 1. breakfast
satu: 1. one
sayap: 1. wing
sebab: 1. account, reason
sebelumnya: 1. ahead, formerly, previously
sederhana: 1. simple, straightforward
segera: 1. soon
sehat: 1. healthy, well
sejarah: 1. story, history
sejuk: 1. cool
sekarang: 1. currently, nowadays, these days
selatan: 1. south
selimut: 1. blanket
sembahyang: 1. prayer
sembilan: 1. nine
sempit: 1. narrow
sempurna: 1. perfect
semua: 1. all, altogether, everything
senang: 1. happy, glad
sendiri: 1. alone, only, sole, solitary
sendok: 1. spoon
seng: 1. zinc
sepuluh: 1. ten
seragam: 1. uniform
serbet: 1. napkin
sesudah: 1. after, behind
setan: 1. devil
setasiun: 1. station
seterika: 1. iron, iron clothes | 2. iron, flat-iron
setia: 1. faithful, loyal
setuju: 1. accede, agree, consent
siap: 1. finished, ready, through
sikat-gigi: 1. tooth-brush
sikat: 1. brush
singkat: 1. abbreviate, abridge, shorten
singkatan: 1. abbreviation
sisir: 1. comb | 2. comb
sopan: 1. courteous, polite, well-mannered
suami: 1. husband
suara: 1. sound
subur: 1. fertile | 2. fertile, fruitful
sudah: 1. already, by now, yet
sumbang: 1. contribute
surat: 1. letter
surga: 1. paradise
susu: 1. milk
syair: 1. poem
tabib: 1. doctor, physician
tahu: 1. know, know how
taksi: 1. taxi
taksir: 1. appraise, estimate, rate
takut: 1. afraid | 2. afraid | 3. afraid, timid
tak mungkin: 1. impossible
tak pasti: 1. uncertain
tali: 1. cord, rope, string
tambahan: 1. addition
tampar: 1. cord, rope, string
tanah: 1. country, land
tanda-tangan: 1. signature
tanda: 1. character, mark, sign, signal, token
tangga: 1. ladder | 2. ladder
tangkap: 1. capture, catch, grapple
tanpa: 1. without
taplak-meja: 1. table-cloth
teh: 1. tea
telinga: 1. ear
tembakau: 1. tobacco
tengah: 1. average, mean, middle
terbang: 1. fly
terbukti: 1. evident, obvious
terima: 1. accept, receive, take, take in | 2. get, have, receive
terjadi: 1. come about, happen, occur
tiada berarti: 1. insignificant, meaningless
tidak hadir: 1. absent | 2. absent
tiga: 1. three
tikar: 1. mattress
tikus: 1. mouse
tinggi: 1. tall
tinta: 1. ink
tipis: 1. gaunt, lean, slender, thin
tiru … meniru: 1. imitate
toko: 1. boutique, shop, store
tubruk: 1. collide
tubrukan: 1. collision
tugu: 1. monument
tujuh: 1. seven
tukang-portret: 1. photographer
tulang: 1. bone
tuli: 1. deaf
tunggu: 1. abide, expect, wait, await, wait for
uang: 1. money
ubah … berubah: 1. change
udara: 1. air | 2. weather
uji: 1. examine
ulang-tahun: 1. birthday
ulangi: 1. repeat
umpama: 1. example
umpamanya: 1. for example, for instance
umur: 1. age
undangan: 1. invitation
upah: 1. payment
urat: 1. muscle
urut: 1. massage
visa: 1. visa, visé
wanita: 1. woman
warna: 1. colour, dye
yatim: 1. orphan