
French to English

Abkhasie: 1. Abkhazia
Abkhasien: 1. Abkhazian
Abyssin: 1. Abyssinian
Abyssinie: 1. Abyssinia
Achille: 1. Achilles
Achéron: 1. Acheron
Adam: 1. Adam
Addis-Abeba: 1. Addis Ababa
Aden: 1. Aden
Adjarie: 1. Adzharia
Adonis: 1. Adonis
Afghan: 1. Afghan
Afghane: 1. Afghan woman
Afghanistan: 1. Afghanistan
Africain: 1. African
Afrikander: 1. Afrikaner, Boer
Afrique: 1. Africa
Afrique du Nord: 1. North Africa
Afrique du Sud: 1. South Africa
Agamemnon: 1. Agamemnon
Agathe: 1. Agatha
Aix-la-Chapelle: 1. Aix-la-Chapelle
Ajax: 1. Ajax
Albanais: 1. Albanian
Albanie: 1. Albania
Albe: 1. Alva
Albert: 1. Albert | 2. Albert
Alberta: 1. Alberta
Alep: 1. Aleppo
Alexandre: 1. Alexander
Alexandrie: 1. Alexandria
Alger: 1. Algiers
Algérie: 1. Algeria
Algérien: 1. Algerian
Allemagne: 1. Germany
Allemagne de l’Ouest: 1. West Germany | 2. West Germany
Allemand: 1. German
Allemande: 1. German, German woman
Alost: 1. Alost
Alpes: 1. Alps
Alpes graies: 1. Graian Alps
Alsacien: 1. Alsatian
Amboine: 1. Amboina
Amsterdam: 1. Amsterdam
Américain: 1. American, US citizen
Amérique: 1. America
Amérique centrale: 1. Central America
Amérique du Nord: 1. North America
Amérique du Sud: 1. South America
Amérique septentrionale: 1. North America
Andalou: 1. Andalusian
Andalouse: 1. Andalusian woman
Andalousie: 1. Andalusia
Andorre: 1. Andorra
Andrinople: 1. Adrianople
Anglais: 1. Englishman, Sassenach
Angle: 1. Englishman, Sassenach
Angleterre: 1. England | 2. England
Anglo-Saxon: 1. Anglo-Saxon
Angolais: 1. Angolese
Anne: 1. Ann
Annibal: 1. Hannibal
Annonciation: 1. Annunciation, Lady Day
Antarctique: 1. Antarctic
Antillais: 1. Antillian
Antilles: 1. Antilles
Antioche: 1. Antioch | 2. Antioch
Antoine: 1. Antony
Anvers: 1. Antwerp
Apache: 1. apache, hood, ruffian | 2. apache, hood, ruffian
Apennins: 1. Apennines
Aphrodite: 1. Aphrodite
Apocalypse: 1. Apocalypse
Apollon: 1. Apollo
Appalaches: 1. Appalachian Mountains
Aquitaine: 1. Aquitaine
Arabe: 1. Arabian woman | 2. Arab
Arabie: 1. Arabia
Arcadie: 1. Arcadia
Archimède: 1. Archimedes
Ardennes: 1. Ardennes
Argentin: 1. Argentine
Argentine: 1. Argentina
Argus: 1. Argus
Ariane: 1. Ariadne
Aristote: 1. Aristotle
Armorique: 1. Armorica
Arménie: 1. Armenia
Arménien: 1. Armenian
Arménienne: 1. Armenian woman
Arras: 1. Arras
Aryen: 1. Aryan
Asiate: 1. Asian woman | 2. Asian
Asiatique: 1. Asian woman | 2. Asian
Asie: 1. Asia
Asie Mineure: 1. Asia Minor
Asie du Sud-Est: 1. Sout-East Asia
Assomption: 1. Assumption
Assyrie: 1. Assyria
Assyrien: 1. Assyrian
Asturies: 1. Asturias
Atabasca: 1. Athabasca
Athénien: 1. Athenian
Athènes: 1. Athena, Athene | 2. Athens
Atlas: 1. Atlas
Attique: 1. Attica
Augias: 1. Augeas
Auguste: 1. Augustus
Aurigny: 1. Alderney
Australie: 1. Australia
Australien: 1. Australian
Australienne: 1. Australian woman
Autriche: 1. Austria
Autrichien: 1. Austrian
Babel: 1. Babel, Babylon | 2. Babel, Babylon
Babylone: 1. Babel, Babylon
Babylonie: 1. Babylonia
Bacchus: 1. Bacchus
Balinais: 1. Balinese
Balkans: 1. Balkans
Baléares: 1. Balearic Islands
Bantou: 1. Bantu
Barbade: 1. Barbados
Barbe-Bleue: 1. Bluebeard
Barcelone: 1. Barcelona
Barry: 1. Barry
Barthélemy: 1. Bartolomew
Basque: 1. Basque
Batave: 1. Batavian
Bavarois: 1. Bavarian
Bavière: 1. Bavaria | 2. Bavaria
Belge: 1. Belgian, Belgian woman | 2. Belgian
Belgique: 1. Belgium
Belgrade: 1. Belgrade
Benelux: 1. Benelux
Bengale: 1. Bengal
Benoît: 1. Ben, Benedict
Berlin: 1. Berlin
Berlinois: 1. Berliner
Bermudes: 1. Bermudas
Berne: 1. Berne
Bernois: 1. Bernese
Bessarabie: 1. Bessarabia
Bethléem: 1. Bethlehem
Bible: 1. Bible
Birman: 1. Burmese
Birmane: 1. Burmese woman
Birmanie: 1. Burma
Boer: 1. Afrikaner, Boer
Bohémien: 1. Bohemian
Bohême: 1. Bohemia
Bois-le-Duc: 1. Bois-le-Duc
Bolivie: 1. Bolivia
Bolivien: 1. Bolivian
Boschiman: 1. Bushman
Bosnie: 1. Bosnia
Bosnien: 1. Bosnian
Bosphore: 1. Bosporus
Bouddha: 1. Buddha
Brabant: 1. Brabant
Brabançon: 1. Brabantine
Bretagne: 1. Bretagne, Brittany
Breton: 1. Breton
Britannique: 1. Briton
Bruges: 1. Bruges
Bruxelles: 1. Brussels
Brésil: 1. Brazil
Brésilien: 1. Brazilian
Bulgare: 1. Bulgar, Bulgarian
Byzance: 1. Byzantium
Bédouin: 1. Bedouin
Bâle: 1. Basel, Basle
Cachemire: 1. Kashmir
Calabre: 1. Calabria
Californie: 1. California
Californien: 1. Californian
Calvaire: 1. Calvary, Golgotha
Calvin: 1. Calvin
Cambodge: 1. Cambodia
Cambodgien: 1. Cambodian
Cambodgienne: 1. Cambodian woman
Cameroun: 1. Cameroon
Canada: 1. Canada
Canadien: 1. Canadian
Canadienne: 1. Canadian woman
Cap-des-Caissie: 1. Caissie Cape
Capitole: 1. Capitol
Capricorne: 1. Capricorn
Carpates: 1. Carpathians, Carpathian mountains
Carthage: 1. Carthage
Carthaginois: 1. Carthaginian
Cassandre: 1. Cassandra
Castillan: 1. Castilian
Castille: 1. Castile
Catalan: 1. Catalonian
Catalogne: 1. Catalonia
Caton: 1. Cato
Caucase: 1. Caucasus
Caïn: 1. Cain
Celte: 1. Celt
Cendrillon: 1. Cinderella
Cerbère: 1. Cerberus
Ceylan: 1. Ceylon
Ceylanais: 1. Ceylonese
Chaldée: 1. Chaldea
Chaldéen: 1. Chaldean
Chanaan: 1. Canaan | 2. Canaan
Chandeleur: 1. Candlemas
Charlemagne: 1. Charlemagne
Charybde: 1. Charybdis
Chenal Lost: 1. Lost Channel
Chili: 1. Chile
Chilien: 1. Chilean
Chine: 1. China
Chinois: 1. Chinaman, Chinese
Christ: 1. Christ
Churchill: 1. Churchill, Churchill River | 2. Churchill, Churchill River
Chutes Niagara: 1. Niagara Falls
Chypre: 1. Cyprus
Chypriote: 1. Cyprian woman | 2. Cypriot
Cicéron: 1. Cicero
Cléopâtre: 1. Cleopatra
Coblence: 1. Coblenz, Koblenz
Cologne: 1. Cologne
Colomb: 1. Columbus
Colombie-Britannique: 1. British Columbia
Colombie: 1. Colombia
Colombien: 1. Colombian
Columbia: 1. Columbia, Columbia River
Comines: 1. Comine
Congo: 1. Congo, Zaire | 2. Congo
Copenhague: 1. Copenhagen
Coran: 1. Koran
Cordoue: 1. Cordova
Corinthe: 1. Corinth
Cornouailles: 1. Cornwall
Corse: 1. Corsica | 2. Corsican woman | 3. Corsican
Corée: 1. Korea
Coréen: 1. Korean
Coréene: 1. Korean woman
Corée du Nord: 1. North Korea
Corée du Sud: 1. South Korea
Costaricien: 1. Costa Rican
Costa Rica: 1. Costa Rica
Courtrai: 1. Courtrai
Cracovie: 1. Cracow
Crimée: 1. Crimea
Croate: 1. Croat
Croatie: 1. Croatia
Croix du Sud: 1. Southern Cross
Crète: 1. Crete
Cuba: 1. Cuba
Cubain: 1. Cuban
Cupidon: 1. Cupid
Curaçao: 1. Curaçao
Cyclades: 1. Cyclades
Cypriote: 1. Cyprian woman | 2. Cypriot
Cérès: 1. Ceres
César: 1. Caesar
Côte d’Ivoire: 1. Ivory Coast | 2. Ivory Coast
Dakar: 1. Dakar
Dalmate: 1. Dalmatian
Dalmatie: 1. Dalmatia
Damas: 1. Damascus
Damoclès: 1. Damocles
Danemark: 1. Denmark
Danois: 1. Dane
Danube: 1. Danube
Dardanelles: 1. Dardanelles, Hellespont
Delphes: 1. Delphi
Deutéronome: 1. Deuteronomy
Diane: 1. Diana
Dieu: 1. God
Diogène: 1. Diogenes
Djibouti: 1. Djibouti, Jibuti
Dominicain: 1. Dominican
Dominique: 1. Dominica
Douvres: 1. Dover
Dunkerque: 1. Dunkirk
Ecossais: 1. Scot, Scotsman
Ecossaise: 1. Scotswoman
Ecosse: 1. Scotland
Ecriture sainte: 1. Bible
Eden: 1. Eden
Edimbourg: 1. Edinburgh
Egypte: 1. Egypt
Egyptien: 1. Egyptian
Elbe: 1. Elbe | 2. Elba
Empire romain: 1. Roman Empire
Enée: 1. Aeneas
Eole: 1. Aeolus
Epiphanie: 1. Epiphany, Twelfth-night
Erythrée: 1. Eritrea
Escaut: 1. Scheldt
Espagne: 1. Spain
Espagnol: 1. Spaniard
Espagnole: 1. Spanish woman
Estonie: 1. Estonia
Estonien: 1. Estonian
Estonienne: 1. Estonian woman
Etats-Unis: 1. United States of America, USA
Ethiopie: 1. Abyssinia, Ethiopia
Ethiopien: 1. Ethiopian
Etrusque: 1. Etrurian, Etruscan
Euphrate: 1. Euphrates
Europe: 1. Europa | 2. Europe | 3. Europa
Européen: 1. European
Extrême-Orient: 1. Far East
Finlandaise: 1. Finnish, Finnish woman
Finlande: 1. Finland
Finnois: 1. Finn
Finnoise: 1. Finnish, Finnish woman
Flamand: 1. Flemming
Flandre: 1. Flanders
Flandre Zélandaise: 1. Dutch Flanders
Flessingue: 1. Flushing
Fleuve Churchill: 1. Churchill, Churchill River
Fleuve Columbia: 1. Columbia, Columbia River
Fleuve Fraser: 1. Fraser, Fraser River
Floride: 1. Florida
Fortune: 1. Fortune
Forêt-Noire: 1. Black Forest
France: 1. France
Francfort: 1. Frankfort
Français: 1. Frenchman
Française: 1. Frenchwoman
Fraser: 1. Fraser, Fraser River
Frise: 1. Friesland
Frison: 1. Frisian
Gabon: 1. Gabon
Galice: 1. Galicia
Galicie: 1. Galicia
Galles: 1. Wales
Gallois: 1. Welshman
Gand: 1. Ghent
Gange: 1. Ganges
Gaule: 1. Gaul
Gaulois: 1. Gaul
Genèse: 1. Genesis
Genève: 1. Geneva
Germain: 1. German, Teuton
Ghana: 1. Ghana
Ghanéen: 1. Ghanaian
Golfe d’Aden: 1. Gulf of Aden
Goth: 1. Goth
Grammont: 1. Grammont
Grand-Sault: 1. Grand Falls
Grande-Bretagne: 1. Britain, Great Britain
Grand Lac Salé: 1. Great Salt Lake
Grec: 1. Greek
Grecque: 1. Greek woman
Grenade: 1. Grenada
Groenland: 1. Greenland | 2. Greenland
Groenlandais: 1. Greenlander
Groënland: 1. Greenland | 2. Greenland
Groënlandais: 1. Greenlander
Grèce: 1. Greece
Guadeloupe: 1. Guadeloupe
Guatemala: 1. Guatemala
Guatémaltèque: 1. Guatemalan
Gueldre: 1. Guelderland, Guelders
Guinée-Bissau: 1. Guinea Bissau
Guinée: 1. Guinea
Guinée Equatoriale: 1. Equatorial Guinea
Guyenne: 1. Aquitaine
Gédéon: 1. Gideon
Géorgie: 1. Georgia
Géorgien: 1. Georgian
Gênes: 1. Genoa
Hambourg: 1. Hamburg
Hannibal: 1. Hannibal
Hanovre: 1. Hanover
Hawaii: 1. Hawaii
Haïti: 1. Haiti
Hellade: 1. Hellas
Helvétie: 1. Helvetia
Helvète: 1. Helvetian
Hercule: 1. Heracles, Hercules
Hermès: 1. Hermes
Himalaya: 1. Himalayas
Hippocrate: 1. Hippocrates
Hollandais: 1. Dutchman, Hollander
Hollande: 1. Holland
Hollande septentrionale: 1. North Holland
Homère: 1. Homer
Honduras: 1. Honduras
Hondurien: 1. Honduran
Hondurienne: 1. Honduran woman
Hongrie: 1. Hungary
Hongrois: 1. Hungarian
Hongroise: 1. Hungarian, Hungarian woman
Hong Kong: 1. Hongkong
Hébreu: 1. Hebrew, Jew
Hébrides: 1. Hebrides, Western Islands
Hélène: 1. Helen
Ile-du-Prince-Edouard: 1. Prince Edward Island
Iles de la Reine-Charlotte: 1. Queen Charlotte Islands
Iles de la Reine-Elisabeth: 1. Queen Elizabeth Islands
Iles normandes: 1. Channel Islands
Ile Kénosha: 1. Kenosha Island
Ile Remprouix: 1. Remprouix Island
Ile de Baffin: 1. Baffin Island
Ile de Sable: 1. Sable Island
Ile de Vancouver: 1. Vancouver Island
Ile du Cap-Breton: 1. Cape Breton Island
Ile du Diable: 1. Devil’s Island
Ile d’Anticosti: 1. Anticosti Island
Ile d’Ellesmere: 1. Ellesmere Island
Iliade: 1. Iliad
Inde: 1. India
Indien: 1. Indian | 2. Indian, American Indian
Indienne: 1. Indian, Indian woman
Indochine: 1. Indo-China
Indonésie: 1. Indonesia
Indonésien: 1. Indonesian
Indonésienne: 1. Indonesian woman
Irak: 1. Iraq
Irakien: 1. Iraqi, Iraquian
Iran: 1. Iran, Persia
Iranien: 1. Iranian, Persian
Iranienne: 1. Iranian woman, Persian woman
Irlandais: 1. Irishman
Irlandaise: 1. Iriswoman
Irlande: 1. Ireland
Irlande du Nord: 1. Northern Ireland
Islandais: 1. Icelander
Islande: 1. Iceland
Israël: 1. Israel
Italie: 1. Italy
Italien: 1. Italian
Italienne: 1. Italian woman
Jacob: 1. Jacob
Jacques: 1. Jacob
Jamaïque: 1. Jamaica
Japon: 1. Japan
Japonais: 1. Japanese
Japonaise: 1. Japanese woman
Java: 1. Java
Javanais: 1. Javanese
Javanaise: 1. Javanese woman
Jordanie: 1. Jordan
Jordanien: 1. Jordanian
Joseph: 1. Joseph
Josué: 1. Joshua
Jourdain: 1. Jordan
Juif: 1. Jew
Junon: 1. Juno
Jupiter: 1. Jupiter | 2. Jove, Jupiter
Jéricho: 1. Jericho
Jérusalem: 1. Jerusalem
Jésus-Christ: 1. Jesus Christ
Kenya: 1. Kenya
Kenyan: 1. Kenyan
Khmer: 1. Cambodian
Kremlin: 1. Kremlin
Kurde: 1. Kurd
Kurdistan: 1. Kurdistan
Lac Léman: 1. Lake of Geneva
Laos: 1. Laos
Laotien: 1. Laotian
Lapon: 1. Laplander, Lapp
Laponie: 1. Lapland
Laponne: 1. Lappish woman, Lapponian woman
Laurentides: 1. Laurentian Mountains
La Havane: 1. Havana
La Haye: 1. The Hague
Letton: 1. Latvian, Lett
Lettonie: 1. Latvia
Lettonne: 1. Latvian woman
Leyde: 1. Leyden
Le Caire: 1. Cairo
Liban: 1. Lebanon
Libanais: 1. Lebanese
Libye: 1. Libya
Libyen: 1. Libyan
Libéria: 1. Liberia
Libérien: 1. Liberian
Lierre: 1. Lyra
Lisbonne: 1. Lisbon
Lituanie: 1. Lithuania
Lituanien: 1. Lithuanian
Lituanienne: 1. Lithuanian woman
Livonie: 1. Livonia
Livonien: 1. Livonian
Livourne: 1. Leghorn
Liége: 1. Liège
Liège: 1. Liège
Londonien: 1. Londoner
Londres: 1. London
Lorraine: 1. Lorraine, Lothringen
Louvain: 1. Louvain
Lucerne: 1. Lucerne
Luxembourg: 1. Luxemburg | 2. Luxemburg | 3. Luxemburg
Luxemburgeois: 1. Luxemburger
Lyon: 1. Lyons
Machiavel: 1. Machiavelli
Mackenzie: 1. Mackenzie, Mackenzie River
Macédoine: 1. Macedonia
Macédonien: 1. Macedonian
Madagascar: 1. Madagascar
Madone: 1. Madonna
Madrid: 1. Madrid
Mahomet: 1. Mohammed, Muhammad
Majorque: 1. Majorca
Malais: 1. Malay
Malaisie: 1. Malaysia
Malaisien: 1. Malaysian
Malawi: 1. Malawi
Mali: 1. Mali
Malines: 1. Malines, Mechlin
Maltais: 1. Maltese
Malte: 1. Malta
Mammon: 1. Mammon
Mandchourie: 1. Manchuria
Manille: 1. Manila
Manitoba: 1. Manitoba
Marc-en-Baroeul: 1. Marcus
Marcq: 1. Marcus
Mariannes: 1. Mariana Islands
Marie: 1. Mary
Maroc: 1. Morocco
Marocain: 1. Moroccan
Maroni: 1. Maroni
Mars: 1. Mars
Marseille: 1. Marseilles
Mathusalem: 1. Methuselah
Maure: 1. Moor
Mauritanie: 1. Mauritania
Mauritanien: 1. Mauretanian
Mayence: 1. Mayence
Mecque: 1. Mecca
Mercure: 1. Mercury | 2. Mercury
Messie: 1. Messiah
Messine: 1. Messina
Meuse: 1. Meuse
Mexicain: 1. Mexican
Mexicaine: 1. Mexican woman
Mexico: 1. Mexico City
Mexique: 1. Mexico
Milan: 1. Milan
Minerve: 1. Minerva
Moldave: 1. Moldavian
Moldavie: 1. Moldavia
Moluques: 1. Moluccas
Moluquois: 1. Moluccan
Monaco: 1. Monaco
Mongolie: 1. Mongolia
Monténégrin: 1. Montenegrin
Monténégro: 1. Montenegro
Monégasque: 1. Monacan
Moravie: 1. Moravia
More: 1. Moor
Morphée: 1. Morpheus
Moscou: 1. Moscow
Moscovite: 1. Muscovite
Moselle: 1. Moselle
Moïse: 1. Moses
Munich: 1. Munich
Mycènes: 1. Mycenae
Méditerranée: 1. Mediterranean
Méduse: 1. Medusa
Mélanésie: 1. Melanesia
Mélanésien: 1. Melanesian
Méphistophélès: 1. Mephistopheles
Mésopotamie: 1. Mesopotamia
Nabuchodonosor: 1. Nebuchadnezzar
Namur: 1. Namur
Nankin: 1. Nanking
Naples: 1. Naples
Napolitain: 1. Neapolitan
Nemrod: 1. Nimrod
Neptune: 1. Neptune
Nicaragua: 1. Nicaragua
Nicaraguayen: 1. Nicaraguan
Niger: 1. Niger | 2. Niger
Nigeria: 1. Nigeria
Nigérian: 1. Nigerian
Nigérien: 1. Nigerien
Nil: 1. Nile
Nimègue: 1. Nimwegen
Noir: 1. Negro
Nord-Américain: 1. North American
Nordafricain: 1. North African
Normand: 1. Norman | 2. Northman, Norseman
Norvégien: 1. Norwegian
Norvège: 1. Norway
Nouveau-Brunswick: 1. New Brunswick
Nouvelle-Ecosse: 1. Nova Scotia | 2. Nova Scotia | 3. Nova Skotia
Nouvelle-Galles du Sud: 1. New South Wales
Nouvelle-Guinée: 1. New Guinea
Nouvelle-Orléans: 1. New Orleans
Nouvelle-Zélande: 1. New Zealand
Noé: 1. Noah
Néerlandais: 1. Dutchman
Néerlandaise: 1. Dutch woman
Némésis: 1. Nemesis
Néo-Zélandais: 1. New Zealander
Népal: 1. Nepal
Népalais: 1. Nepalese
Océanie: 1. Oceania, Oceanica
Olympe: 1. Olympus
Ontario: 1. Ontario
Orange: 1. Orange
Orcades: 1. Orkney Islands, Orkneys
Orphée: 1. Orpheus
Ostende: 1. Ostend, Ostende
Ostrogoth: 1. Ostrogoth
Oural: 1. Ural
Pacifique: 1. Pacific, Pacific Ocean
Pakistan: 1. Pakistan
Pakistanais: 1. Pakistani
Pakistanaise: 1. Pakistani, Pakistani woman
Palestine: 1. Palestinian
Palestinien: 1. Palestine | 2. Palestinian
Pan: 1. Pan
Panam: 1. Paris
Panama: 1. Panama
Paname: 1. Paris
Panaméen: 1. Panamanian
Panaméenne: 1. Panamanian woman
Pandore: 1. Pandora
Papou: 1. Papuan
Paris: 1. Paris
Parisien: 1. Parisian
Parthe: 1. Parthian
Passe Lower: 1. Lower Narrows
Pays-Bas: 1. Holland, the Netherlands
Pentateuque: 1. Pentateuch
Pentecôte: 1. Pentecost, Whitsunday
Persan: 1. Persian
Persane: 1. Persian woman
Perse: 1. Iran, Persia | 2. Persia
Petit Poucet: 1. Tom Thumb
Philippin: 1. Filipino
Philippine: 1. Philippine woman
Philippines: 1. Philippine Islands, Philippines
Platon: 1. Plato
Pluton: 1. Pluto | 2. Pluto
Pologne: 1. Poland
Polonais: 1. Pole
Polonaise: 1. Polish woman
Polynésie: 1. Polynesia
Polynésien: 1. Polynesian
Poméranie: 1. Pomerania
Pont-Euxine: 1. Black Sea, Euxine Sea
Porto: 1. Oporto
Portugais: 1. Portuguese
Portugaise: 1. Portuguese woman
Portugal: 1. Portugal
Prague: 1. Prague
Proche-Orient: 1. Middle East
Protée: 1. Proteus
Prusse: 1. Prussia
Prussien: 1. Prussian
Ptolémée: 1. Ptolemy
Pégase: 1. Pegasus
Pékin: 1. Peiping, Peking
Péninsule Ministikawatin: 1. Ministikawatin Peninsula
Pénélope: 1. Penelope
Pérou: 1. Peru
Pâques: 1. Easter
Pâris: 1. Paris
Québec: 1. Quebec
Rameaux: 1. Palm Sunday
Ratisbonne: 1. Ratisbon
Reims: 1. Rheims
Rhin: 1. Rhine
Rhodésie: 1. Rhodesia
Rhénanie: 1. Rhineland
Rhône: 1. Rhone
Richard: 1. Richard
Rivière Churchill: 1. Churchill, Churchill River
Romain: 1. Roman | 2. Roman
Rome: 1. Rome
Roumain: 1. Romanian
Roumaine: 1. Romanian woman
Roumanie: 1. Romania | 2. Romania
Rubicon: 1. Rubicon
Russe: 1. Russian woman | 2. Russian
Russie: 1. Russia
Républic Dominicaine: 1. Dominica
Sagittaire: 1. Sagittarius
Sahara: 1. Sahara
Saint-Marin: 1. San Marino
Saint-Nicolas: 1. Saint Nicholas, St. Nicholas
Saint-Pétersbourg: 1. Saint Petersburg
Saint-Sylvestre: 1. New Year’s Eve
Sainte-Hélène: 1. Saint Helena
Sainte-Vierge: 1. Madonna
Samarie: 1. Samaria
Sardaigne: 1. Sardinia | 2. Sardina
Sarde: 1. Sardinian
Satan: 1. Lucifer, Satan
Saturne: 1. Saturn
Saxe: 1. Saxe, Saxony | 2. Saxe, Saxony
Saxon: 1. Saxon | 2. Saxon
Scandinave: 1. Scandinavian woman | 2. Scandinavian
Scandinavie: 1. Scandinavia | 2. Scandinavia
Scylla: 1. Scylla
Seine: 1. Sein
Serbe: 1. Serb
Serbie: 1. Serbia | 2. Serbia
Seychelles: 1. Seychelles
Siam: 1. Siam, Thailand | 2. Siam, Thailand
Sibérie: 1. Siberia
Sicile: 1. Sicily
Sicilien: 1. Sicilian
Sicilienne: 1. Sicilian woman
Singapour: 1. Singapore
Singapourien: 1. Singaporean
Slave: 1. Slav
Slavon: 1. Slavonian
Slovaque: 1. Slovak woman | 2. Slovak
Slovaquie: 1. Slovakia
Slovénie: 1. Slovenia
Slovène: 1. Slovene, Slovenian
Somalie: 1. Somalia | 2. Somalia
Somalien: 1. Somali, Somalian
Sophie: 1. Sofia | 2. Sofia
Soudan: 1. Sudan
Soudanais: 1. Sudanese
Sparte: 1. Sparta
Spitzberg: 1. Spitsbergen
Strasbourg: 1. Strasbourg
Styrie: 1. Styria
Styx: 1. Styx
Sud-Africain: 1. South African
Sud-Est asiatique: 1. Sout-East Asia
Suisse: 1. Switzerland | 2. Swiss
Surinam: 1. Surinam
Surinamien: 1. Surinamer, Surinamese
Surinamienne: 1. Surinamese woman
Suédois: 1. Swede
Suède: 1. Sweden
Syrie: 1. Syria
Syrien: 1. Syrian
Sémite: 1. Semite
Sénégal: 1. Senegal | 2. Senegal
Sénégalais: 1. Senegalese
Séville: 1. Seville
Tage: 1. Tagus | 2. Tagus
Talmud: 1. Talmud
Tamise: 1. Thames
Tanger: 1. Tangier
Tantale: 1. Tantalus
Tanzanie: 1. Tanzania
Tanzanien: 1. Tanzanian
Tatare: 1. Tartar
Tchad: 1. Chad
Tchécoslovaque: 1. Czechoslovak, Czechoslovakian
Tchécoslovaquie: 1. Czechoslovakia
Tchèque: 1. Czech woman | 2. Czech
Terre-Neuve: 1. Newfoundland
Texan: 1. Texan
Texane: 1. Texan woman
Texas: 1. Texas
Thaï: 1. Thai
Thaïlandais: 1. Thai
Thaïlandaise: 1. Thai woman
Thaïlande: 1. Siam, Thailand | 2. Siam, Thailand
Tibet: 1. Tibet
Tibre: 1. Tiber
Tibétain: 1. Tibetan
Tibère: 1. Tiberius
Tigre: 1. Tigris
Togo: 1. Togo, Togoland
Tokyo: 1. Tokyo
Toussaint: 1. All Hallows, All Saints’ Day
Transylvanie: 1. Transylvania
Troie: 1. Troy
Troyen: 1. Trojan
Trèves: 1. Treves
Tunesie: 1. Tunisia
Tunis: 1. Tunis | 2. Tunis
Turc: 1. Turk
Turin: 1. Turin
Turkménistan: 1. Turkmenistan
Turque: 1. Turkish lady, Turkish woman
Turquie: 1. Turkey
-able: 1. -able, -ible
-al: 1. -ish, -like
-er: 1. -er
-iste: 1. -er, -ist, -or
-ième: 1. -th
-té: 1. -ness, -ship, -ity
Ukraine: 1. Ukraine, the Ukraine | 2. Ukraine, the Ukraine
Ukrainien: 1. Ukrainian
Ukrainienne: 1. Ukrainian woman
Ulysse: 1. Ulysses
Union Européenne: 1. European Union
Uruguay: 1. Uruguay
Valachie: 1. Walachia, Wallachia
Valence: 1. Valencia
Varsovie: 1. Warsaw
Vatican: 1. Vatican, the Vatican
Venise: 1. Venice
Verseau: 1. Aquarius
Victoria: 1. Victoria
Vienne: 1. Vienna
Viennois: 1. Viennese
Viennoise: 1. Viennese woman
Vietnamien: 1. Vietnamese
Vietnamienne: 1. Vietnamese woman
Viking: 1. viking
Visigoth: 1. Visigoth
Vistule: 1. Vistula
Viêt-nam: 1. Vietnam
Volga: 1. Volga
Volta Noire: 1. Black Volta
Vosges: 1. Vosges
Vulcain: 1. Vulcan
Vulgate: 1. Vulgate
Vénus: 1. Venus | 2. Evening Star, Venus
WC: 1. toilet
Wallonie: 1. Wallonia
Westphalie: 1. Westphalia
Wisigoth: 1. Visigoth
Yougoslave: 1. Yugoslav woman | 2. Yugoslav, Yugoslavian
Yougoslavie: 1. Yugoslavia
Ypres: 1. Ypres
Yukon: 1. Yukon, Yukon River
Yémen: 1. Yemen
Yéménite: 1. Yemeni | 2. Yemeni woman | 3. Yemeni
Zambie: 1. Zambia
Zambien: 1. Zambian
Zanzibar: 1. Zanzibar
Zaïre: 1. Zaïre
Zeus: 1. Zeus
Zimbabwe: 1. Zimbabwe
Zoulou: 1. Zulu
Zélandais: 1. Zealander
Zélande: 1. Zealand
… à: 1. … to, from … to, of … to
abaissement: 1. abasement | 2. decay | 3. decrease, lowering | 4. abatement, curtailment, retrenchment | 5. abatement | 6. adversity, decay | 7. decay
abaisser: 1. cry down, cut up, demolish, pull to pieces, run down, write down | 2. abase | 3. decrease, lower | 4. lower | 5. decrease, lower | 6. abate, abridge, decrease, lessen | 7. destroy, ruin | 8. reduce | 9. draw, make a stroke
abandon: 1. abandonment | 2. abandonment | 3. abandonment | 4. abandonment | 5. isolation, separation | 6. acquiescence, rezignation | 7. cession, relinquishment, renunciation, surrender | 8. abandonment
abandonner: 1. cede, give in, give up, give way, relinquish, yield | 2. abandon, forsake, desert, leave, quit | 3. abandon, give up, resign, renounce
abandonné: 1. abandoned | 2. helpless
abaque: 1. abacus | 2. abacus, ball-frame, counting-frame | 3. abacus
abasourdir: 1. puzzle | 2. alarm, appal, dismay, puzzle
abasourdissement: 1. alarm, consternation
abat-jour: 1. lamp-shade
abats: 1. offal
abattage: 1. overthrow, subversion | 2. courage
abattant: 1. valve
abattement: 1. apathy | 2. demand, sale | 3. alarm, consternation | 4. grief, sadness, sorrow | 5. melancholy
abattis: 1. debris, rubbish, rubble
abattoir: 1. abattoir, slaughterhouse
abattre: 1. butcher, slaughter | 2. cut off | 3. depress | 4. dig up, excavate, grub | 5. drop, overthrow | 6. abase | 7. weaken | 8. break down, demolish, pull down, take down | 9. kill, liquidate, slay | 10. shoot dead
abbatial: 1. abbatial | 2. abbatial
abbaye: 1. abbey
abbesse: 1. abbess
abbé: 1. abbot | 2. clergyman | 3. clergyman, pastor, priest
abc: 1. ABC
abcès: 1. abscess
abdication: 1. abdication | 2. abdication | 3. abandonment
abdiquer: 1. abdication | 2. cede, give in, give up, give way, relinquish, yield | 3. abandon | 4. submit | 5. submit
abdomen: 1. abdomen
abdominal: 1. abdominal | 2. abdominal | 3. abdominal
abducteur: 1. abductor
abeille: 1. bee
aberrant: 1. aberrant | 2. crazy, insane, mad, nuts | 3. abnormal | 4. absurd
aberration: 1. craziness, insanity, lunacy, madness
abhorrer: 1. abhor, abominate, loathe
abiogenèse: 1. abiogenesis
abject: 1. abhorrent, abominable, alien, awful, hideous, horrible, gruesome | 2. nasty | 3. abject | 4. abandoned, nasty | 5. abject, base, low, nasty, vile
abjection: 1. abjection
abjuration: 1. abjuration | 2. abjuration, renunciation
abjurer: 1. abjure, abnegate | 2. abjure, forswear, swear off, renounce
abkhasien: 1. Abkhazian
ablatif: 1. ablative
abnégacion: 1. abnegation
abnégation: 1. abnegation
abois: 1. agony, death throes
abolir: 1. abolish, abrogate
abolition: 1. abolition, abrogation | 2. abolition, abrogation
abolitionniste: 1. abolitionist
abominable: 1. abhorrent, abominable, alien, awful, hideous, horrible, gruesome
abomination: 1. abomination | 2. abhorrence, abomination, atrocity, horror | 3. abhorrence, abomination, horror
abominer: 1. abhor, abominate, loathe
abondamment: 1. abundantly | 2. in detail
abondance: 1. abundance | 2. abundance, plenty | 3. abundance
abondant: 1. abundant
abonder: 1. abound
abonnement: 1. subscription
abonné: 1. subscriber
abord: 1. acceptance, admission | 2. approach | 3. access, admission, admittance | 4. acquaintance | 5. relation, understanding | 6. acquaintance | 7. approach | 8. encounter
abordable: 1. accessible | 2. approachable, communicative, get-at-able | 3. moderate, reasonable
aborder: 1. land | 2. hitch on, hook on | 3. hitch on, hook on | 4. accost, address | 5. approach, deal with, tackle | 6. land | 7. begin, come on, set in, start | 8. bring up | 9. collide with, crash into | 10. begin, commence, start
abords: 1. environment, environs, surroundings
aborigène: 1. aboriginal | 2. aboriginal, domestic | 3. aboriginal, native
abortif: 1. abortive, futile, useless, vain
aboucher: 1. connect, connect up, plug in
abouler: 1. give
abouter: 1. succeed
aboutir: 1. accomplish, achieve, attain, get, reach | 2. exit, go out | 3. conduct, guide, lead | 4. abut, adjoin, be next to | 5. result
aboutissement: 1. consequence, consistency | 2. result | 3. consequence | 4. achievement, success
aboyer: 1. bark, bay | 2. bark
aboyer à: 1. cry down, cut up, demolish, pull to pieces, run down, write down
abracadabrant: 1. foolish | 2. inconceivable, unintelligible
abrasif: 1. abrasive
abreuver: 1. irrigate, water | 2. dampen | 3. flood, overwhelm
abreuvoir: 1. bar, pub
abri: 1. penthouse, shed | 2. penthouse, shed | 3. asylum | 4. bunker, shelter | 5. penthouse, shed | 6. place of refuge, shelter | 7. shelter
abricot: 1. apricot
abricotier: 1. apricot-tree | 2. apricot-tree
abriter: 1. accomodate | 2. accomodate, entertain, put up | 3. protect | 4. shelter, protect
abrogation: 1. abolition, abrogation | 2. abolition, abrogation | 3. abrogation | 4. abolition | 5. abolition, abrogation
abroger: 1. abolish, abrogate | 2. abjure, abolish, abrogate, annul, cancel, remit
abrupt: 1. abrupt | 2. abrupt, steep
abruptement: 1. abruptly
abrégement: 1. abbreviation
abréger: 1. abbreviate, abridge, shorten | 2. abate, abridge, decrease, lessen | 3. abbreviate, abridge, curtail, shorten | 4. abstract, summarize
abrégé: 1. abridgement, abstract, resumé, summery
abrévation: 1. abbreviation
abscisse: 1. abscissa
absence: 1. absence
absent: 1. absent | 2. absent
absinthe: 1. absinth
absolu: 1. absolute
absolument: 1. absolutely | 2. absolutely, definitely, without fail
absolutisme: 1. absolutism
absorbant: 1. absorbent
absorber: 1. absorb, sip
absorption: 1. absorption
abstension totale d’alcool: 1. teetotalism, total abstinence
abstention: 1. abstention, abstinence
abstraction: 1. abstraction
abstraire: 1. abstract
abstrait: 1. abstract
absurde: 1. absurd | 2. absurd
absurdité: 1. absurdity, nonsense, rubbish | 2. absurdity
abus: 1. abuse
abuser: 1. abuse
abusif: 1. erroneous, mistaken, wrong
abusivement: 1. by mistake
abyssin: 1. Abyssinian
abécédaire: 1. ABC book
abêtir: 1. dull
abîme: 1. abyss, chasm, gulf, precipice | 2. abyss, gulf, precipice | 3. ravine
abîmer: 1. destroy, quash | 2. damage, injure, spoil | 3. spoil | 4. destroy, ruin
acabit: 1. kind, sort
acacia: 1. acacia
académicien: 1. academician
académie: 1. academy
académique: 1. academic
acanthe: 1. acanthus
acarien: 1. mite
accaparer: 1. corner, monopolize
accent: 1. accent, stress | 2. stress-mark | 3. accent | 4. accent mark, supersign
accentuer: 1. accent, accentuate, stress | 2. accent, accentuate, emphasize
accent circonflexe: 1. circumflex
acceptable: 1. acceptable | 2. acceptable
accepter: 1. accept, receive, take, take in
accepteur: 1. acceptor
accepté: 1. accepted
accessible: 1. obtainable | 2. accessible
accessoire: 1. accessory, adventitious, secondary | 2. accessory, side-issue
accident: 1. accident
accidentel: 1. accidental, adventitious, chance, random
accidentellement: 1. by accident, by chance
accidenté: 1. bumpy
acclamation: 1. acclaim, acclamation, approval
acclamer: 1. acclaim, applaud
acclimatation: 1. acclimatization
acclimatement: 1. acclimatization
accolade: 1. accolade
accommodant: 1. accommodating | 2. accommodating, good-hearted
accommodement: 1. accommodation, accord, agreement
accommoder: 1. arrange, fix up
accomodation: 1. accommodation
accompagnateur: 1. accompanist, companian
accompagnatrice: 1. chaperon, duenna
accompagnement: 1. accompaniment | 2. accompaniment, escort
accompagner: 1. accompany
accompli: 1. fine, great | 2. perfect
accomplir: 1. accomplish, achieve, keep, observe, perform
accomplissement: 1. accomplishment, acquittal
accord: 1. agreement | 2. accord, accordance, agreement, concurrence | 3. chord | 4. concord
accordailles: 1. betrothal, engagement | 2. betrothal, engagement | 3. betrothal, engagement
accorder: 1. tune
accordé: 1. fiancé
accordée: 1. bride, fiancée
accordéon: 1. accordion
accordéoniste: 1. accordionist
accotement: 1. shoulder, verge, verge of a road
accoter: 1. lean, support, sustain
accotoir: 1. arm, arm-rest
accoucher: 1. give birth, labour, be in labour
accoucheur: 1. obstetrician | 2. obstetrician
accoucheuse: 1. midwife, obstetrician | 2. midwife
accouchée: 1. lying-in woman
accoudoir: 1. arm, arm-rest
accouplement: 1. joining, junction | 2. copulation
accoupler: 1. join, unite | 2. couple | 3. join, unite
accoutumer: 1. accustom
accoutumé: 1. accustomed, customary, used to, usual, wonted
accrocher: 1. hitch on, hook on | 2. hitch on, hook on | 3. hook
accroissement: 1. growth | 2. accretion, growth | 3. aggrandizement, enlargement, increase | 4. increase
accroître: 1. aggrandize, augment, enlarge, increase | 2. accrue, increase
accréditer: 1. accredit
accu: 1. accumulator, battery, storage battery
accueil: 1. acceptance, admission
accueillir: 1. accept, receive, take, take in | 2. get, have, receive | 3. greet, salute
accumulateur: 1. accumulator, battery, storage battery
accumulation: 1. accumulation | 2. accumulation, assembly
accumulator: 1. accumulator, battery, storage battery
accumuler: 1. accumulate, heap, pile up, stack
accusateur: 1. accuser
accusatif: 1. accusative
accusation: 1. accusal, accusation | 2. accusation | 3. accusal, accusation, charge, complaint, indictment
accuser: 1. accuse | 2. accuse, denounce | 3. accuse
accusé: 1. accused, defendant | 2. accused, defendant
accusé de réception: 1. acknowledgement, receipt
accéleration: 1. acceleration
accélerer: 1. accelerate, speed up
accélérateur: 1. accelerative | 2. accelerator, accelerator pedal
accélération: 1. acceleration
accélérer: 1. accelerate, pick up | 2. accelerate, advance
accès: 1. access, aggression, attack | 2. access, admission, admittance
acerbe: 1. acerbic, acid, acrid, harsh, sour, tart
achat: 1. acquisition, purchase | 2. acquisition, purchase
acheteur: 1. buyer, client, purchaser
achever: 1. finish, finish off
achevé: 1. perfect
achillée: 1. yarrow
achopper: 1. stumble
acide: 1. acetous, acid, sour, tart | 2. acid
acidifier: 1. acidify
acidité: 1. acidity, acidness
acier: 1. steel
acné: 1. acne
acolyte: 1. acolyte
acompte: 1. initial deposit, instalment, down payment, first instalment | 2. installment payment
aconit: 1. aconite, monkshood
acoustique: 1. acoustic | 2. acoustics
acquisition: 1. acquirement, acquisition | 2. accession, acquisition, gain | 3. accession, acquisition, asset
acquit: 1. acknowledgement, receipt
acquittement: 1. aquittal | 2. acquittal
acquitter: 1. pay off
acquéreur: 1. buyer, client, purchaser
acquérir: 1. achieve, acquire, attain, get, obtain
acquérir péniblement: 1. reclaim
acre: 1. acre | 2. acre
acrobate: 1. acrobat
acrobaties: 1. acrobatics
acrobatique: 1. acrobatic
acrostiche: 1. achrostic
acte: 1. act | 2. certificate, diploma, document
acteur: 1. actor
actif: 1. active | 2. active, in action | 3. assets | 4. adroit, agile, alert, brisk, keen
action: 1. achievement, act, action | 2. share
actionnaire: 1. shareholder
actionner: 1. actuate, drive
action au porteur: 1. bearer share, share to bearer
action de compagnie maritime: 1. shipping share
action nominative: 1. registered share
activer: 1. activate, put on, start, swotch on, turn on
activité: 1. action, activity | 2. activity | 3. activity, vigour | 4. making, manufacture
actrice: 1. actress
actualité: 1. topic | 2. topicality
actualités: 1. news
actuel: 1. current, present, present-day, topical, up-to-date | 2. fashionable
actuellement: 1. currently, nowadays, these days
acuité: 1. acerbity, acrimony, acuity, sharpness
acupuncture: 1. acupuncture
acéré: 1. nasty
acétate: 1. acetate
acétone: 1. acetone
acétylène: 1. acetylene
adagio: 1. adagio
adaptation: 1. adaptation, adjustment
adaptation musicale: 1. orchestration
adapter: 1. orchestrate, score | 2. accomodate
adapteur: 1. adaptor
adapté: 1. adapted
addition: 1. addition | 2. addition, adjunct | 3. account, bill, calculation
additionnel: 1. additional
additionner: 1. add, add up
adhérent: 1. acolyte, member, supporter | 2. member, supporter
adhérents: 1. adherents, disciples, following, party, supporters | 2. adherents, disciples, followers, party members | 3. adherents, disciples, followers, following, party, supporters
adhérer: 1. join | 2. accede, affiliate | 3. accede
adhésif: 1. adhesive
adhésion: 1. adhesion
adieu: 1. adieu, farewell, bye, goodbye | 2. farewell, goodbye, good-bye
adjacent: 1. adjacent | 2. adjacent, adjoining | 3. adjacent, nearby, neighbouring
adjectif: 1. adjectival | 2. adjective
adjoindre: 1. add
adjoint: 1. assistant | 2. aid, assistant, helper
adjoint au maire: 1. alderman
adjudant: 1. adjutant, aide-de-camp
adjudication: 1. tender | 2. tender | 3. tender | 4. tender
adjuger: 1. assign
admettre: 1. accept, receive, take, take in | 2. admit | 3. accede, agree, consent
administrateur: 1. manager | 2. administrator
administratif: 1. administrative
administration: 1. administration, management
administrer: 1. administer, manage
admirable: 1. admirable
admirateur: 1. admirer
admiratif: 1. admiring
admiration: 1. admiration
admiratrice: 1. admirer, female admirer
admirer: 1. admire
admonester: 1. admonish, scold
ado: 1. youngster, youth
adolescence: 1. adolescence, puberty
adolescent: 1. adolescent
adolescente: 1. flapper
adonis: 1. pheasant’s eye
adopter: 1. choose, elect, pick out
adoptif: 1. adoptive | 2. adopted
adoption: 1. adoption | 2. adoption
adorable: 1. adorable
adorateur: 1. adorer, worshipper
adoration: 1. adoration, worship
adoratrice: 1. adorer, female adorer, worshipper, female worshipper
adorer: 1. adore, worship | 2. worship
adorée: 1. adored one
adresse: 1. address | 2. expertness, skilfulness, skill, skillfulness
adresser: 1. address | 2. send, transmit
adresser la parole à: 1. accost, address
adroit: 1. adroit, clever, dexterous, skillful
adrénaline: 1. adrenaline
aduler: 1. flatter
adulte: 1. adult, full-grown | 2. adult, grown-up
adultère: 1. adulterous | 2. adultery | 3. adulteress | 4. adulterer
adverbe: 1. adverb
adverbial: 1. adverbial
adversaire: 1. adversary, opponent
adéquate: 1. adequate
afecté: 1. inflated
affable: 1. affable, friendly, good-natured, kind
affaiblir: 1. weaken
affaire: 1. affair, business, business deal, case, matter
affaires: 1. stuff, things
affectation: 1. affectation | 2. affectation
affecter: 1. affect | 2. move, stir | 3. affect, agitate, move
affection: 1. affection
affectueux: 1. affectionate, devoted, selfless | 2. devoted, selfless
affecté: 1. affected | 2. affected, artificial
affermer: 1. farm, lease
affiche: 1. notice, placard, poster
afficher: 1. placard, post, post up
affiler: 1. sharpen
affilié: 1. acolyte, member, supporter
affinier: 1. clean, cleanse, make clean, purge
affinité: 1. affinity
affirmatif: 1. affirmative
affirmation: 1. assent
affirmer: 1. assert, state | 2. affirm, assent, say yes
affixe: 1. affix
affliction: 1. sadness | 2. affliction
affliger: 1. afflict, grieve
affligé: 1. sad
affluent: 1. affluent
afflux: 1. flood | 2. congestion | 3. congestion, rush
afflux de sang: 1. congestion, rush
affolement: 1. craziness, insanity, lunacy, madness
affranchi: 1. post-paid, stamped
affranchir: 1. prepay, put on stamps
affreusement: 1. awfully
affreux: 1. repellent, repelling, repulsive | 2. dismal, dreary, horrible, nasty | 3. abysmal, dreadful, gruesome, horrible, terrible
affreux jojo: 1. naughty boy, pickle
affriolant: 1. attractive
affront: 1. abuse, insult | 2. abuse
affronter: 1. confront, face | 2. confront, stand up to, withstand
afféterie: 1. affectation
afghan: 1. Afghan
afin de: 1. for, to, in order to, per
afin de pour: 1. so, so that
afin que: 1. so, so that
africain: 1. African
afro-asiatique: 1. Afro-Asian
agacement: 1. offence, scandal
agacer: 1. tease | 2. abet, excite, incite, provoke, rouse, stimulate, stir up | 3. aggravate, annoy
agape: 1. agape
agar-agar: 1. agar, agar-agar
agate: 1. agate
agave: 1. agave
agaçant: 1. acerbic, acrid, tart | 2. aggravating
agence: 1. agency
agence de voyage: 1. tourist agency, travel agency
agenda: 1. agenda, appointment book
agent: 1. agent | 2. policeman | 3. policeman
agent de police: 1. policeman
aggloméré: 1. agglomerate
agglutinant: 1. adhesive
agglutiner: 1. agglutinate | 2. paste, paste up, placard, post, post up
aggraver: 1. blow up, heighten | 2. aggravate
agile: 1. agile
agir: 1. act, take action | 2. act, be effective, have effect
agir avec abnégation: 1. abnegate, deny oneself
agir avec affectation: 1. attitudinize, pose, put on airs
agir en hypocrite: 1. dissemble
agir selon: 1. act on, act upon, follow, observe
agissant: 1. active
agitation: 1. agitation, commotion | 2. agitation, commotion
agiter: 1. abet, agitate, incite, stir up | 2. brandish, fling, swing, wave, wave about
agité: 1. crazy, insane, mad, nuts | 2. agitated, anxious
agneau: 1. lamb | 2. lamb
agnostique: 1. agnostic | 2. agnostic
agonie: 1. agony, death throes
agoniser: 1. agonize, be near death
agoraphobie: 1. agoraphobia
agrafe: 1. clasp, hook
agrafer: 1. clasp
agrafe de vêtement: 1. hooks and eyes
agrander: 1. aggrandize, augment, enlarge, increase
agrarien: 1. agrarian, agricultural, farm-
agresser: 1. commit aggression
agressif: 1. aggressive | 2. aggressive | 3. aggressive | 4. aggressive
agression: 1. aggression, aggro
agriculteur: 1. agrarian, farmer
agriculture: 1. agriculture, farming, tillage | 2. agriculture | 3. agriculture, agronomics
agripper: 1. clutch, grab, grasp, grip, seize
agronome: 1. agriculturist
agronomie: 1. agriculture, agronomics
agronomique: 1. agricultural
agréable: 1. agreeable, enjoyable, lovely, nice, pleasant
agréablement: 1. agreeably, comfortably, pleasantly
agréer: 1. accept, receive, take, take in
agrégat: 1. aggregate
agrément: 1. pleasantness | 2. acclaim, approval
ah: 1. ah, oh, ow | 2. ah, aha
aide: 1. aid, help
aider: 1. abet, aid, assist, help | 2. accomodate, aid, assist, help
aigle: 1. eagle
aiglefin: 1. haddock
aiglon: 1. eaglet
aigre: 1. acetous, acid, sour, tart | 2. nasty
aigreur: 1. tartness
aigrir: 1. acidify
aigu: 1. sharp | 2. shrill | 3. acute | 4. nasty
aiguille: 1. needle | 2. needle
aiguiller: 1. commute
aiguille de montre: 1. needle
aiguille à coudre: 1. needle
aiguiser: 1. sharpen
aile: 1. wing
ailleurs: 1. elsewhere
aimable: 1. affable, friendly, good-natured, kind | 2. dainty, kind, nice, pretty
aimer: 1. love | 2. appreciate, like
aimer mieux: 1. prefer
aine: 1. groin
ainsi: 1. so, such, thus | 2. like that, that way, thus
ainsi soit-il: 1. amen
air: 1. air | 2. appearance, aspect, look, sight, view | 3. expression | 4. appearance
airain: 1. bronze
aire: 1. area
air de musique: 1. air, aria
aisselle: 1. armpit
aisé: 1. in easy circumstances, well-to-do
ajourner: 1. adjourn, delay, postpone
ajouter: 1. add | 2. add
ajuster: 1. accomodate
alarme: 1. alarm
alarmer: 1. alarm, raise the alarm, sound the alarm
albanais: 1. Albanian
albatros: 1. albatross
albino: 1. albino
album: 1. album
albumen: 1. albumen
alcali: 1. alkali
alcalin: 1. alkaline
alchimie: 1. alchemy
alchimiste: 1. alchemist
alcool: 1. alcohol
alcoolique: 1. alcoholic | 2. alcoholic | 3. alcoholic
alcoolisme: 1. alcoholism
alcool dénaturé: 1. methylated spirit
alcôve: 1. alcove, recess
aldéhyde: 1. aldehyde
alentour: 1. roundabout, thereabout, thereabouts
alentours: 1. surroundings
alerte: 1. alarm | 2. adroit, agile, alert, brisk, keen
alerter: 1. alarm, raise the alarm, sound the alarm | 2. caution, warn
algue: 1. alga, seaweed
algébrique: 1. algebraic
algérien: 1. Algerian
algèbre: 1. algebra
alibi: 1. alibi
aliment: 1. food, nourishment
alimenter: 1. feed, nourish
alinéa: 1. paragraph
aliénation: 1. craziness, insanity, lunacy, madness | 2. craziness, insanity, lunacy, madness
aliéniste: 1. psychiatrist
aliéné: 1. lunatic
allaiter: 1. suckle
allemand: 1. German | 2. German, German language
aller: 1. fare | 2. go | 3. go, ride, travel
allergie: 1. allergy
allergique: 1. allergic
aller en pélerinage: 1. go on pilgrimage
aller en véhicule: 1. go, ride, travel
aller à la selle: 1. defecate
alliage: 1. alloy | 2. alloy
alliance: 1. alliance
allier: 1. connect, join
alligator: 1. alligator
allitération: 1. alliteration
allonger: 1. lengthen
allouer: 1. assign
allumer: 1. kindle, light | 2. switch, turn on
allumette: 1. match
allure: 1. appearance, aspect, look, sight, view | 2. speed
alléchant: 1. attractive
allécher: 1. attract, draw
allée: 1. avenue
allégorie: 1. allegory
allégorique: 1. allegoric
allégresse: 1. gladness, joy
allô: 1. hello | 2. hello
almanach: 1. almanac
alors: 1. then | 2. then
alouette: 1. lark
aloès: 1. aloe
alpaga: 1. alpaca
alpestre: 1. alpine
alpha: 1. alpha
alphabet: 1. alphabet
alphabétique: 1. alphabetical
alpin: 1. alpine
alpinisme: 1. mountaineering
alpiniste: 1. Alpinist, climber, mountain climber, mountaineer
alsacien: 1. Alsatian | 2. Alsatian
alternative: 1. alternative, option
alterner: 1. alternate
altier: 1. proud
altitude: 1. height | 2. altitude, height
alto: 1. contralto, contralto voice
altruisme: 1. altruism
altruiste: 1. altruistic | 2. altruist
aluminium: 1. aluminium, aluminum
alun: 1. alum
aléa: 1. hazard, risk
aléatoire: 1. uncertain
amabilité: 1. kindness
amadouer: 1. flatter
amande: 1. almond
amant: 1. lover
amante: 1. lover
amarante: 1. amaranthus
amas: 1. accumulation, crowd, heap, mass, multitude, pile
amateur: 1. amateur, fancier
amazone: 1. Amazon
ambassade: 1. embassy | 2. embassy
ambassadeur: 1. ambassador
ambassadrice: 1. ambassador, female ambassador
ambiance: 1. atmosphere, ethos, mood
ambigu: 1. ambiguous | 2. ambiguous
ambitieux: 1. ambitious
ambition: 1. ambition
ambivalence: 1. ambivalence
ambre: 1. amber
ambre gris: 1. amber
ambre jaune: 1. amber
ambroisie: 1. ambrosia
ambulance: 1. ambulance, field hospital | 2. ambulance
amende: 1. fine
amender: 1. improve | 2. fertilize
amener: 1. bring, fetch
amener à: 1. chase, drive, drive on, impel, shoo
amer: 1. acerbic, bitter | 2. bile, gall
ami: 1. friend | 2. fellow-thinker
amibe: 1. amoeba
amical: 1. friendly
amie: 1. friend
amiral: 1. admiral
amitié: 1. friendship
ami politique: 1. fellow-thinker
ammoniaque: 1. ammonia
amnistie: 1. act of grace, amnesty
amoindrir: 1. abate, abridge, decrease, lessen
amok: 1. amuck
amorphe: 1. amorphous
amour: 1. affection, love
amoureux: 1. affectionate, loving | 2. lover
amour charnel: 1. love, sexual love
amphibie: 1. amphibian
amphibologique: 1. ambiguous | 2. ambiguous
amphitryon: 1. host
amphitéâtre: 1. amphitheatre
amphore: 1. amphora
amphétamine: 1. amphetamine
ample: 1. ample, bulky, extensive | 2. broad | 3. extensive, spacious, vast, wide
ampleur: 1. bulk, dimension, extend, size | 2. width
amplifier: 1. aggrandize, augment, enlarge, increase | 2. blow up, heighten
amplitude: 1. amplitude
ampoule: 1. bulb | 2. blister
amputation: 1. amputation
amputer: 1. amputate
ampère: 1. ampère
amulette: 1. amulet, charm, talisman
amusant: 1. amusing, entertaining, funny | 2. amusing
amusement: 1. entertainment | 2. amusement, fun | 3. distraction, diversion | 4. distraction, diversion
amuser: 1. amuse
amygdale: 1. tonsil
améliorer: 1. improve
aménité: 1. kindness
américain: 1. American | 2. American
américaniser: 1. Americanize
améthyste: 1. amethyst
amène: 1. affable, friendly, good-natured, kind
an: 1. year
anabaptisme: 1. anabaptism
anachronisme: 1. anachronism
anaconda: 1. anaconda
anagramme: 1. anagram
anal: 1. anal
analogie: 1. analogy
analogique: 1. analogous
analogue: 1. analogous
analphabète: 1. illiterate | 2. illiterate
analyse: 1. analysis
analyser: 1. analyse
analyste: 1. analyst, analytical chemist
ananas: 1. pineapple
anapeste: 1. anapaest
anar: 1. anarchist
anarchie: 1. anarchy
anarchique: 1. anarchic, anarchical, anarchist
anarchisme: 1. anarchism
anarchiste: 1. anarchist
anathème: 1. anathema, ban, excommunication
anatomie: 1. anatomy
anatomique: 1. anatomical
anatomiste: 1. anatomist | 2. anatomist
anchois: 1. anchovy
ancien: 1. ex-, former | 2. old
ancolie: 1. columbine
ancre: 1. anchor
ancêtre: 1. forefather
andalou: 1. Andalusian
andorran: 1. Andorrian | 2. Andorrian
andouille: 1. sausage
anecdote: 1. anecdote
anecdotique: 1. anecdotal
anesthésie: 1. anaesthesia
anesthésiste: 1. anaesthesist
ange: 1. angel
angine: 1. angina, quinsy
anglais: 1. English | 2. English, English language
angle: 1. angle
anglican: 1. Anglican
anglicisme: 1. Anglicism
anglo-saxon: 1. Anglo-Saxon
angoisse: 1. agony, anguish, fear
angolais: 1. Angolan
anguille: 1. eel
anguillule: 1. eelworm
angulaire: 1. gaunt
anguleux: 1. angular, sharp-edged
angélique: 1. angelica | 2. angelic
aniline: 1. aniline
animal: 1. animal | 2. animal, beast
animal domestique: 1. domestic animal
animer: 1. animate
anneau: 1. ring
annihilation: 1. destruction
anniversaire: 1. anniversary | 2. birthday
annonce: 1. ad, advertisement
annoncer: 1. advertise, announce, give notice
annuaire: 1. address list | 2. almanac | 3. year-book
annuel: 1. annual, yearly
annuellement: 1. yearly
annulation: 1. abolition, abrogation | 2. abolition, abrogation
annuler: 1. abolish, abrogate | 2. abjure, abolish, abrogate, annul, cancel, remit
année: 1. year | 2. promotion
année financière: 1. financial year
anode: 1. anode
anonymat: 1. anonymity | 2. anonymity
anonyme: 1. anonymous | 2. anonymous, nameless, without a name
anormal: 1. abnormal
antagoniste: 1. adversary, opponent
antarctique: 1. Antarctic | 2. Antarctic
antenne: 1. aerial, antenna
anthologie: 1. anthology | 2. chrestomathy
anthracite: 1. anthracite
anthropologie: 1. anthropology
anthropologiste: 1. anthropologist
anthropologue: 1. anthropologist
antibiotique: 1. antibiotic
antichambre: 1. waiting-room, waiting room
anticipation: 1. anticipation
anticiper: 1. anticipate, think ahead
anticorps: 1. antibody
antidote: 1. antidote | 2. antidote
antigel: 1. antifreeze
antillais: 1. Antillian
antilope: 1. antelope
antimoine: 1. antimony
antipathie: 1. aversion, dislike
antipathique: 1. nasty
antipode: 1. antipode
antique: 1. ancient, antique
antiseptique: 1. antiseptic
antisocial: 1. antisocial, unsocial
antisémite: 1. anti-Semite
antisémitique: 1. anti-Semitic
antisémitisme: 1. anti-Semitism
antithèse: 1. antithesis
antéchrist: 1. Antichrist
antécédent: 1. antecedent
anus: 1. anus, arse
anversois: 1. Antwerp
anxiété: 1. anxiety | 2. fright
anémie: 1. anaemia
anémique: 1. anaemic
anémone: 1. anemone
aorta: 1. aorta
août: 1. August
apache: 1. apache, hood, ruffian | 2. apache, hood, ruffian
apartheid: 1. apartheid
apathie: 1. apathy
apathique: 1. apathetic
apercevoir: 1. descry, perceive | 2. notice
apesanteur: 1. weightlessness
aphasie: 1. aphasia
aphorisme: 1. aphorism
apiculteur: 1. apiarist, bee-keeper, bee-master
apiculture: 1. bee-keeping
apitoiement: 1. compassion, pity
apitoyer: 1. excite pity
aplati: 1. flat
aplomb: 1. aplomb, self-assurance
apocalyptique: 1. apocalyptic
apocryphe: 1. apocryphal
apogée: 1. acme
apologie: 1. apology
apoplexie: 1. fit, apoplectic fit, seizure, stroke, stroke of apoplexy
apostat: 1. apostate
apostolat: 1. apostleship, apostolate
apostolique: 1. apostolic
apostrophe: 1. apostrophe
apothicaire: 1. chemist
apothéose: 1. apotheosis
apparant: 1. visible
apparaître: 1. appear, emerge, perform
appareil: 1. apparatus, device, set
appareil administratif: 1. machine of government
apparemment: 1. apparently, seemingly
apparence: 1. appearance, aspect, look, sight, view | 2. appearance
apparier: 1. couple, match, pair, unite
apparition: 1. ghost, phantom
appartement: 1. apartment, flat
appartenir: 1. belong to
appeler: 1. call, summon
appendice: 1. accessory, side-issue | 2. addition, adjunct | 3. appendix
appendicite: 1. appendicitis
applaudir: 1. acclaim, applaud, clap
application: 1. industry
appliquer: 1. attach, put onto | 2. apply, practice | 3. lay down, place, put, put down | 4. put on | 5. employ, use, make use of
appliqué: 1. diligent, hardworking, industrious
appointements: 1. salary, wage, wages
apporter: 1. bring, fetch
apposer: 1. attach, put onto
apprendre: 1. teach | 2. learn | 3. teach
apprendre par coeur: 1. memorize
apprendre par l’expérience: 1. go through, live to see
apprendre à: 1. acquaint, inform, report | 2. acquaint, let know, inform
apprendre à fond: 1. master
appris: 1. acquired, learnt
apprivoiser: 1. tame
apprivoisé: 1. tame
approbation: 1. acclaim, approval
approche: 1. approach
approcher: 1. bring close together
approuver: 1. approve
apprécier: 1. appreciate | 2. esteem, think well of | 3. appraise, estimate, rate | 4. appreciate, like
appréhension: 1. fear
apprêter: 1. finish, prepare
appui: 1. prop, support
appuyer: 1. lean, support, sustain | 2. abet, support, sustain
appuyer en écrasant: 1. press, oppress, squeeze
appétit: 1. appetite
appât: 1. attraction
appâter: 1. attract, draw
après-demain: 1. the day after tomorrow
après-midi: 1. afternoon
après: 1. after, behind | 2. afterwards, next, subsequently | 3. beyond, next, then, thereafter
apte à: 1. able, capable | 2. of use, suitable
aptitude: 1. predisposition, tendency | 2. ability
apéritif: 1. dram, nip, peg, snifter, snorter
apéro: 1. dram, nip, peg, snifter, snorter
apôtre: 1. apostle
aqu-: 1. aquatic, water-
aquarelle: 1. water-colour
aquarium: 1. aquarium
aquatique: 1. aquatic, water, water-, of water
aqueduc: 1. aqueduct
arabe: 1. Arabian, Arabic
arabesque: 1. arabesque
arabique: 1. Arabian, Arabic
arachide: 1. peanut
arack: 1. rack, arrack
araignée: 1. spider
arbitraire: 1. arbitrary
arbitre: 1. arbiter, arbitrator, referee, umpire
arbouse: 1. arbutus fruit
arbousier: 1. arbutus, strawberry tree
arbre: 1. tree
arbre de transmission: 1. drive shaft, driving axle
arbrisseau: 1. bush, shrub
arbuste: 1. bush, shrub
arc-en-ciel: 1. rainbow
arc: 1. arc, bow
arcane: 1. secret
archange: 1. archangel
archaïsme: 1. archaism
archevêque: 1. archbishop
archiduc: 1. archduke
archiduché: 1. archduchy
archipel: 1. archipelago | 2. archipelago
architecte: 1. architect
architectonique: 1. architectonic, architectural
architectural: 1. architectonic, architectural
architecture: 1. architecture
archiviste: 1. archivist, keeper of the records
archéologie: 1. archaeology
archéologique: 1. archaeological
archéologue: 1. archaeologist
arctique: 1. Arctic
ardant: 1. ablaze, afire, aflame, aglow, ardent
ardeur: 1. glow, heat, passion
are: 1. are, square decametre
argent: 1. silver | 2. money
argentin: 1. Argentine, Argentinean
argile: 1. clay
argon: 1. argon
argument: 1. argument, plea
aria: 1. air, aria
aristo: 1. aristocrat
aristocrate: 1. aristocrat
aristocratie: 1. aristocracy | 2. aristocracy
aristocratique: 1. aristocratic
arithmétique: 1. arithmetic
arlequin: 1. buffoon, jester
arme: 1. weapon
armer: 1. arm
armoire: 1. cabinet, closet, cupboard, sideboard
armure: 1. armour
armée: 1. army | 2. army
armée militaire: 1. army | 2. army
arménien: 1. Armenian
arnica: 1. arnica
aromatique: 1. aromatic, fragrant, nutty
aronde: 1. swallow
arracher: 1. eradicate
arrangement: 1. accommodation
arranger: 1. arrange, fix up
arrestation: 1. apprehension, arrest, detention
arrimer: 1. stow
arrimeur: 1. stevedore
arrivage: 1. arrival
arriver: 1. end up | 2. come about, happen, occur | 3. succeed
arriver en flottant: 1. be washed ashore
arrivée: 1. arrival
arrière-cousin: 1. second cousin
arrière-cousine: 1. second cousin
arrière-garde: 1. rear, rearguard
arrière-grand-mère: 1. great-grandmother
arrière-grand-père: 1. great-grandfather
arrière-neveu: 1. grand-nephew
arrière-nièce: 1. grand-niece
arrière-petit-fils: 1. greatgrandson
arrière-petite-fille: 1. greatgranddaughter
arrière-plan: 1. background
arrière: 1. autumn | 2. behind
arrogant: 1. arrogant | 2. arrogant | 3. arrogant | 4. arrogant
arrondir: 1. round, round off
arrondissement: 1. district | 2. district
arroser: 1. irrigate, water
arrosoir: 1. watering-can
arrêt: 1. decision, judgement
arrêter: 1. arrest | 2. stop
arsenal: 1. armoury, arsenal | 2. armoury, arsenal
arsenic: 1. arsenic
art: 1. art
arthrite: 1. arthritis
artichaut: 1. artichoke
article: 1. article, commodity | 2. article
articulation: 1. joint
artifice: 1. subterfuge, trick, trickery
artificiel: 1. affected, artificial | 2. artificial
artificieux: 1. clever, cunning, sly, smart
artillerie: 1. artillery
artillerie anti-aérienne: 1. ack-ack, anti-aircraft guns
artilleur: 1. artilleryman, gunner | 2. artilleryman, gunner
artisan: 1. artisan
artiste: 1. artist
artériosclérose: 1. arteriosclerosis
artésien: 1. artesian
artère: 1. artery
arum: 1. arum
aryen: 1. Aryan
arène: 1. arena | 2. sand
arête: 1. mountain ridge | 2. coping | 3. mountain ridge
arôme: 1. aroma, flavour
as: 1. ace
asbeste: 1. asbestos
ascenseur: 1. elevator, lift
asile: 1. asylum
aspect: 1. appearance, aspect, look, sight, view | 2. exterior | 3. look
asperge: 1. asparagus
asphalte: 1. asphalt
asphalter: 1. asphalt
asphodèle: 1. asphodel
aspirateur: 1. vacuum cleaner, vacuum-cleaner | 2. vacuum cleaner, vacuum-cleaner
aspirer: 1. aspire, aspire to, hope for | 2. ache, long for, yearn
aspirer à: 1. claim, presume | 2. ache, long for, yearn
aspirine: 1. aspirin
assaillir: 1. assault, attack
assainir: 1. cure, heal, remedy
assaisonner: 1. spice
assassiner: 1. murder
assaut: 1. access, aggression, attack | 2. assault, storming
assembler: 1. put together | 2. take along
assemblée: 1. assembly | 2. assembly
assemblée politique: 1. assembly
asseoir: 1. sit down
assertion: 1. contention, assertion
assez: 1. enough, quite, rather, sufficiently
assidu: 1. diligent, hardworking, industrious
assiette: 1. plate
assigner: 1. assign
assimilation: 1. assimilation
assimiler: 1. assimilate
assister: 1. abet, aid, assist, help | 2. accomodate, aid, assist, help | 3. attend, be present, witness
assister à: 1. watch | 2. attend, be present, witness
assièger: 1. besiege
association: 1. association
associer: 1. connect, join
assoupir: 1. put to sleep
assurance: 1. insurance | 2. certainty
assurer: 1. insure | 2. affirm, assure | 3. guarantee, warrant | 4. accomplish, achieve, keep, observe, perform | 5. promise | 6. protect
assureur: 1. insurer
assuré: 1. certain, sure
assurément: 1. certainly
assyrien: 1. Assyrian
aster: 1. aster
asthmatique: 1. asthmatic, wheezy
asthme: 1. asthma, shortness of breath, wheeziness
astral: 1. sideral, star, star-, of a star
astre: 1. heavenly body
astrologie: 1. astrology
astrologue: 1. astrologer
astronaute: 1. astronaut, spaceman
astronome: 1. astronomer
astronomie: 1. astronomy
astronomique: 1. astronomic, astronomical
astucieux: 1. clever, cunning, sly, smart
astérisque: 1. asterisk
astéroïde: 1. asteroid
asymétrique: 1. asymmetric, asymmetrical, dissymmetric
atavisme: 1. atavism, throw-back
atelier: 1. atelier, studio, work-room, workshop | 2. workplace | 3. workshop
athlétique: 1. athletic
athlétisme: 1. athletics
athlète: 1. athlete
athée: 1. atheist
athéisme: 1. atheism
athénien: 1. Athenian
atlantique: 1. Atlantean | 2. Atlantic
atmosphère: 1. agreement | 2. atmosphere
atmosphèrique: 1. atmospheric
atoll: 1. atoll
atome: 1. atom
atomique: 1. atomic
atout: 1. trump
atroce: 1. cruel | 2. horrible
atrocité: 1. abhorrence, abomination, atrocity, horror
atrophie: 1. atrophy
attachant: 1. attractive
attachement: 1. adherence, attachment
attacher: 1. stick to the pan | 2. attach, determine, fasten, fix, affix, make fast, secure | 3. bind, connect, join, tie, tie up
attaché: 1. affectionate, devoted, selfless | 2. devoted, selfless
attaquant: 1. aggressor, assailant, attacker
attaque: 1. access, aggression, attack
attaquer: 1. commit aggression | 2. assault, attack
atteindre: 1. accomplish, achieve, attain, get, reach | 2. catch, hit, run across, strike
atteler: 1. harness
attendre: 1. abide, expect, wait, await, wait for
attendrissant: 1. affecting, moving, touching | 2. affecting, moving, touching
attendu que: 1. because, for the reason that | 2. because, for the reason that | 3. as, because, for, since
attentat: 1. assault
attente: 1. expectation
attenter: 1. assault, violate
attentif: 1. attentive | 2. attentive
attention: 1. acuity, advertence, advertency, attention
attentivement: 1. attentively
atterrir: 1. land
attester: 1. attest, bear witness of, testify
attirant: 1. attractive
attirer: 1. attract | 2. attract, decoy, lure
attitude: 1. attitude
attraper: 1. capture, catch, grapple
attrayant: 1. attractive
attribuer: 1. assign | 2. accredit
attribut: 1. attribute
attrister: 1. afflict, distress, grieve
au-delà de: 1. beyond, by, past, straight past | 2. across, beyond, on the other side of
au-dessus de: 1. above, over
au: 1. the, to the
aubade: 1. aubade
aube: 1. dawn, daybreak
auberge: 1. hostel, inn
aubergiste: 1. hostess, landlady | 2. host, innkeeper, landlord
audace: 1. audacity, boldness, daring
audacieux: 1. audacious, bold, daring, intrepid
audience: 1. audience | 2. audience, auditory
auditeur: 1. listener
auditoire: 1. audience, auditory
auditorium: 1. auditory
auge: 1. manger, trough
augmenter: 1. accrue, grow | 2. aggrandize, augment, enlarge, increase | 3. accrue, increase | 4. increase | 5. augment, grow, increase
augure: 1. indication, omen, presage, portent, sign
augurer: 1. forecast, foretell, prophesy
aujourd’hui: 1. today
aulne: 1. alder
aumône: 1. alms, charity
aumônier: 1. chaplain, army chaplain, padre
auparavant: 1. ahead, formerly, previously
auprès: 1. close, near, nearby
auquel: 1. whom
aura: 1. aura
aurochs: 1. aurochs
aurore: 1. aurora, dawn | 2. red of dawn | 3. dawn, daybreak
auréole: 1. aureole, halo
aussi: 1. also, likewise, too | 2. on that account, therefore | 3. as, so, that
aussitôt: 1. at once, instantly, immediately, without delay | 2. at once, immediately, just, right away, right now
austral: 1. south, southern
australien: 1. Australian
austérité: 1. severity, rigour, sterness
austère: 1. severe, strict
autant: 1. such, such a, that kind of | 2. that much
autarcie: 1. autarky, self-sufficiency
autel: 1. altar
auteur: 1. author | 2. author, writer
authentique: 1. authentic
autisme: 1. autism
autistique: 1. autistic
auto: 1. car
autobiographie: 1. autobiography
autobiographique: 1. autobiographical
autobus: 1. bus, autobus, omnibus
autochtone: 1. indigenous, native
autocrate: 1. absolute ruler, autocrat
autocratie: 1. absolute power, absolute rule, autocracy
autocratique: 1. autocratic
autodidacte: 1. autodidact, self-taught man | 2. autodidact, self-taught man
autogène: 1. autogenous
automate: 1. automoton
automatique: 1. automatic
automatiquement: 1. automatically
automatiser: 1. automate | 2. automate
automnal: 1. autumn
automne: 1. autumn
automobilisme: 1. motoring
automobiliste: 1. motorist
autonome: 1. autonomic, autonomous
autonomie: 1. autonomy
autopsie: 1. autopsy
autorisation: 1. permission | 2. authorization
autoriser: 1. authorize
autoritaire: 1. authorative
autorité: 1. authority | 2. authority
autoroute: 1. motor road, motorway | 2. expressway, freeway | 3. motor road, motorway
autostrade: 1. motor road, motorway | 2. motor road, motorway
autour: 1. hawk | 2. roundabout, thereabout, thereabouts
autour de: 1. about, round, around, towards
autre: 1. other, another, else | 2. additional, remaining, rest of
autrefois: 1. ahead, formerly, previously
autrement: 1. differently
autrichien: 1. Austrian
autruche: 1. ostrich
autrui: 1. another, another man
aux: 1. the, to the
auxiliaire: 1. accessory, adventitious, secondary | 2. incidental, side | 3. auxilary
aux bords de: 1. about, approximately
au bord de: 1. at, beside, with
au commencement: 1. first, firstly, first of all
au lieu de: 1. instead of
au milieu de: 1. among, between | 2. among, amidst, in the middle of
au milie de: 1. a, in, inside, into, on, per, within
au moins: 1. at least
au moyen de: 1. by, by means of, on, through, with
au repos: 1. motionless
au revoir: 1. bye, goodbye, so long
au sujet de: 1. about, concerning, on, upon
avalanche: 1. avalanche
avaler: 1. swallow
avancement: 1. acceleration | 2. promotion
avancer: 1. advance, go forward | 2. precede | 3. advance, progress
avant-bras: 1. lower-arm
avant-garde: 1. avant-garde
avant-hier: 1. the day before yesterday
avant: 1. before, in front of
avantage: 1. advantage, benefit | 2. gain, profit
avantageux: 1. advantageous
avare: 1. avaricious, miserly, stingy
avarice: 1. avarice, miserliness, stinginess
avaricieux: 1. avaricious, miserly, stingy
avarie: 1. damage
avec: 1. with
avenir: 1. future
avent: 1. advent
aventure: 1. adventure
aventurer: 1. dare | 2. hazard, risk, venture
avenue: 1. avenue
aversion: 1. abhorrence, abomination, horror
avertir: 1. caution, warn
avertisseur: 1. hooter, horn, klaxon
aveu: 1. acknowledgement, admission, confession
aveugle: 1. blind | 2. blind, sightless person
aveugler: 1. dazzle | 2. dazzle
aviateur: 1. airman, aviator
aviation: 1. aeronautics, aviation
avide: 1. acquisitive, eager, greedy
avidité: 1. alacrity, avidity, covetousness, eagerness, greediness
avion: 1. aeroplane, airplane, plane
avion à réaction: 1. jet plane
aviron: 1. oar
avis: 1. advice, counsel | 2. opinion
avisé: 1. acute, astute, shrewd
avocat: 1. advocate | 2. barrister, barrister-at-law, counsel | 3. intercessor, lawyer, solicitor
avocat conseil: 1. intercessor, lawyer, solicitor
avoine: 1. oats
avoir: 1. have, have got | 2. wear
avoir besoin de: 1. need, require
avoir coutume: 1. accustom, be in the habit of
avoir en abomination: 1. abhor, abominate, loathe
avoir faim: 1. be hungry
avoir honte: 1. be ashamed
avoir le hoquet: 1. hiccup
avoir lieu: 1. come about, happen, occur
avoir l’air de: 1. appear, look
avoir l’habitude de: 1. accustom, be in the habit of
avoir peur: 1. be afraid of, fear
avoir pitié: 1. have compassion on, pity
avoir pour but: 1. aim, intend
avoir soif: 1. be thirsty
avoir soin de: 1. care, see, take care, worry
avoir une dette: 1. owe
avoir un accident: 1. have an accident
avortement: 1. abortion | 2. abortion, miscarriage
avortement provoqué: 1. abortion
avortement spontané: 1. abortion, miscarriage
avorter: 1. abort, miscarry
avorteur: 1. abortionist
avouer: 1. acknowledge, admit, confess, profess
avril: 1. April
axe: 1. axis, axle
axiome: 1. axiom
ayant le mal de l’air: 1. airsick
azalée: 1. azalea
azimut: 1. azimuth
azote: 1. nitrogen
aztèque: 1. Aztec
azur: 1. sky blue | 2. sky blue
aïe: 1. ouch, ow | 2. woe
aïeul: 1. grandfather
aïeule: 1. grandmother
aérateur: 1. electric fan, ventilator
aérer: 1. aerate, air out, give an airing, ventilate | 2. ventilate
aérien: 1. aerial, overground, overhead
aérodrome: 1. aerodrome, airdrome, airfield
aérodynamique: 1. aerodynamic | 2. aerodynamics
aérogramme: 1. aerogramme, air letter | 2. air letter, aerogramme
aérolithe: 1. meteoric stone | 2. aerolite, meteorite
aéronaute: 1. aeronaut
aéronautique: 1. aeronautics
aéronef: 1. aircraft
aéroplane: 1. aeroplane, airplane, plane
aéroport: 1. airport | 2. airport
aérosol: 1. aerosol
aérostat: 1. balloon, air-balloon
babil: 1. chat
babilage: 1. chat
babillard: 1. chatterbox, tattler, telltale
babiller: 1. chat, chatter
babiole: 1. trifle
babouin: 1. baboon
baby-sitter: 1. babysitter | 2. babysitter
babylonien: 1. Babylonian
bac: 1. box, chest | 2. ferry | 3. jug, box, container, vessel
baccalauréat: 1. leaving certificate | 2. leaving examination
bactérie: 1. bacterium
badauder: 1. gape, gawk
badinage: 1. gag, joke
badine: 1. rod, switch, wand
badiner: 1. jest, joke
bafouer: 1. jeer at, make fun of, mock
bafouiller: 1. stammer, stutter
bagage: 1. baggage, luggage
bagagiste: 1. porter
bagarre: 1. affray | 2. scuffle | 3. agitation, riot, tumult
bagarreur: 1. truculent
bagasse: 1. bagasse
bagatelle: 1. love, sexual love | 2. trifle | 3. sex
bagnole: 1. car | 2. vehicle
bague: 1. ring
baguette: 1. rod, switch, wand
bai: 1. sorrel
baie: 1. berry | 2. bay
baie Chiyask: 1. Chiyask Bay
baie Georgienne: 1. Georgian Bay
baie James: 1. James Bay
baie chez Lepage: 1. Boundary Bay
baie des Chaleurs: 1. Chaleur Bay
baie de Baffin: 1. Baffin Bay
baie de Fundy: 1. Bay of Fundy
baie d’Hudson: 1. Hudson Bay
baie d’Ungava: 1. Ungava Bay
baigner: 1. bathe
baignoire: 1. bath
bail: 1. farm
bailler: 1. give
bailli: 1. taskmaster
bain: 1. bath | 2. bath
baiser: 1. fuck, screw | 2. kiss | 3. kiss | 4. have sex
baisser: 1. lower | 2. descend, go down
bakélite: 1. bakelite
bal: 1. ball, dance
baladeuse: 1. trailer
baladin: 1. buffoon, jester
balafre: 1. scar | 2. slice | 3. cut
balai: 1. broom
balalaïka: 1. balalaika
balance: 1. weight
balancer: 1. rock, swing
balayer: 1. sweep
balbutier: 1. stammer, stutter
balcon: 1. balcony
baldaquin: 1. baldachin, canopy
baleine: 1. whale
balinais: 1. Balinese
balise: 1. buoy
balistique: 1. ballistics
ballade: 1. ballad, ballade
ballast: 1. ballast
balle: 1. bullet | 2. ball
ballerine: 1. ballerina, ballet dancer, ballet girl
ballet: 1. ballet
balle de fusil: 1. bullet
ballon: 1. balloon, air-balloon | 2. balloon | 3. football, soccer ball
ballon de football: 1. football, soccer ball
balsamine: 1. balsam
balte: 1. Baltic
balustrade: 1. balustrade, banisters, parapet, railing
bambou: 1. bamboo
bamboucher: 1. debauch
banal: 1. commonplace, dismal, trite
banane: 1. banana
bananier: 1. banana plant, banana-plant
banc: 1. bench
bandage: 1. bandage
bande: 1. bevy, collection, group, heap, herd, set | 2. band, bevy, gang | 3. binding, strip, tape | 4. ray, strip, stripe
bandeau: 1. binding, strip, tape
bander: 1. strech, wind up
banderole: 1. wrapper
bande vidéo: 1. video-tape
bandit: 1. bandit
banian: 1. banyan
banjo: 1. banjo
banni: 1. exile | 2. exile
bannir: 1. exile
bannissement: 1. exile
banque: 1. bank
banqueroute: 1. bankruptcy, failure
banquet: 1. banquet
banqueter: 1. banquet, feast
banquette: 1. small bench, stool
banquier: 1. banker, bank manager | 2. bank clerk, bank official
bantou: 1. Bantu
baobab: 1. baobab
baptiser: 1. baptize, christen
baptiste: 1. baptist
baptistère: 1. baptistery
baptême: 1. baptism, christening
baquet: 1. tub, vat | 2. jug, box, container, vessel
bar: 1. bar, barrier | 2. buffet
baraque: 1. barrack, barn, shack, shanty, shed
baratter: 1. churn
barbare: 1. barbaric | 2. barbarian
barbaresque: 1. barbaric
barbarie: 1. barbarity, barbarousness
barbarisme: 1. barbarism
barbe: 1. beard
barbeau: 1. barbel | 2. barbel | 3. cornflower
barbier: 1. barber
barboter: 1. paddle | 2. lap, plash, splash
barbu: 1. bearded
barbue: 1. rhombus
bardane: 1. burr
barde: 1. bard
bardot: 1. hinny
barge: 1. barge
barguigner: 1. hesitate | 2. hesitate, waver
barman: 1. barman, bartender
baromètre: 1. barometer
baron: 1. baron
baronne: 1. baroness
baronnie: 1. barony
baroque: 1. baroque | 2. baroque
baroud: 1. scuffle
barouf: 1. agitation, riot, tumult
baroufle: 1. agitation, riot, tumult
barque: 1. bark, barque | 2. boat
barquette: 1. little boat
barre: 1. pole, rod
barreau: 1. pole, rod
barrer: 1. bar, obstruct | 2. cross out, strike out
barricade: 1. barricade
barricader: 1. barricade
barrière: 1. barrier, fence
baryton: 1. baritone
baryum: 1. barium | 2. barium
bas-relief: 1. bas-relief, low relief
bas-ventre: 1. abdomen
bas: 1. stocking
basalte: 1. basalt, whimstone
bascule: 1. weighing machine
base-ball: 1. baseball
baser: 1. base
basilic: 1. basil
basilique: 1. basilica
basique: 1. basic
basket-ball: 1. basketball
basque: 1. Basque
bassin: 1. basin, bowl, pelvis
bassine: 1. tub, vat
bastille: 1. fortress
bastion: 1. bastion
bataille: 1. action, battle, scuffle, struggle | 2. blow
batailler: 1. fight, struggle
batailleur: 1. truculent
batave: 1. Batavian
bateau: 1. boat | 2. ship, vessel
bath: 1. pretty
batifoler: 1. frolic
batiker: 1. batik
batiste: 1. batiste, cambric, lawn
batterie: 1. battery
battre: 1. beat, hit, strike | 2. thresh | 3. curl, froth, stir, whip, whirl
baudet: 1. ass, donkey
baume: 1. balm, balsam
bauxite: 1. bauxite
bavard: 1. chatterbox, tattler, telltale
bavardage: 1. chat
bavarder: 1. chat, chatter
bavarois: 1. Bavarian
bave: 1. saliva
baver: 1. salivate
bayer aux corneilles: 1. gape, gawk
bazar: 1. bazaar, fair, market
bazooka: 1. anti-tank gun, bazooka
baïonnette: 1. bayonet
beau-fils: 1. son-in-law
beau: 1. beautiful, fine, handsome, lovely
beaucoup: 1. a lot of, much | 2. a lot | 3. frequently, often, regularly
beaucoup de: 1. a lot of, much, plenty of
beauté: 1. beauty | 2. beautiful woman, beauty
beaux-parents: 1. parents-in-law
bec: 1. beak, bill
beige: 1. beige
belette: 1. weasel
belge: 1. Belgian
belladone: 1. belladonna
belles-lettres: 1. belles-lettres
bengali: 1. Bengal
benzène: 1. benzene
berce: 1. cow parsnip, hogweed
bercer: 1. lull, rock
berlinois: 1. Berlin
bernois: 1. Bernese
besoin d’activité: 1. activity
betterave: 1. beet
beurre: 1. butter
biberon: 1. baby’s bottle, feeding-bottle
bibliothèque: 1. library | 2. bookcase
biche: 1. doe, hind
bicyclette: 1. bike, cycle, bicycle | 2. bike, bicycle
bien: 1. estate, farm, property, ranch | 2. okay, well | 3. yes | 4. quite, very, very much
bientôt: 1. soon
bienvenue: 1. welcome
bien entendu: 1. of course
bien sûr: 1. naturally
biffer: 1. cross out, strike out
bifteck: 1. steak, beefsteak
bigarré: 1. multicoloured
bijou: 1. jewel
bijoutier: 1. jeweller | 2. jeweller
bikini: 1. bikini
bile: 1. bile, gall
billet: 1. bill, ticket, note
birman: 1. Burmese
biscuit: 1. biscuit, cookie
bison: 1. bison, buffalo
bitte: 1. cock, prick
bizarre: 1. bizarre, odd, weird
bière: 1. ale, beer
blague: 1. sly joke
blanc: 1. white | 2. pure
blasphémer: 1. blaspheme, cuss, curse, swear
blatte: 1. cockroach
blesser: 1. hurt, wound
blessure: 1. injury, wound
blessé: 1. winged, wounded
bleu: 1. blue
bleuet: 1. cornflower
bloc: 1. block, pad | 2. lump, mass
blond: 1. blond, fair
blouse: 1. blouse
blouse longue: 1. overalls, smock
boa: 1. boa | 2. boa
bobine: 1. bobbin, coil, spool
bohémien: 1. Bohemian
boire: 1. drink
bois: 1. forest, woods | 2. timber, wood
boisson: 1. beverage, drink
boiteux: 1. lame
boite à echo: 1. resonance-box
bol: 1. basin, reservoir | 2. basin, bowl, pelvis
bolivien: 1. Bolivian
bombarder: 1. bombard
bombe: 1. bomb
bombe atomique: 1. atom bomb
bombe à incendie: 1. incendiary bomb
bon: 1. good, nice, okay
bonbon: 1. bonbon, bon-bon
bonjour: 1. good morning | 2. good day
bonnet: 1. cap
bonne nuit: 1. good night
bonsoir: 1. good evening
bord: 1. coast, seaside, shore | 2. border, brim, brink, edge, edging, fringe, rim
bordel: 1. brothel | 2. bawdy, brothel, house of ill fame, whorehouse
bosniaque: 1. Bosnian
bosnien: 1. Bosnian
bosse: 1. bump, hump
bossu: 1. hunch-backed | 2. hunchback
botte: 1. boot
bouc: 1. he-goat
bouche: 1. mouth
boucher: 1. butcher | 2. block, clog, plug up, stop up
boucherie: 1. butcher’s shop
bouchon: 1. plug, electric plug, stopper
bouchon de liège: 1. cork
boucler: 1. gird
boucle de vêtement: 1. buckle
bouddhisme: 1. Buddhism
bouddhiste: 1. Buddhist
bouder: 1. ignore, leave out of account
boue: 1. mud
bougie: 1. candle | 2. plug, spark plug
bougie électrique: 1. plug, spark plug
bougnoul: 1. nigger
bouillie: 1. gruel, mess, mush
bouillir: 1. boil
bouillon: 1. bouillon
boulanger: 1. baker
boulangerie: 1. bakery
boule: 1. chunk, clod, lump
bouleau: 1. birch
boulevard: 1. boulevard
boulier: 1. abacus, ball-frame, counting-frame
bouquet: 1. bouquet
bouquin: 1. buck, buck-rabbit | 2. buck, buck-hare
bourdon: 1. bumblebee
bourdonner: 1. buzz, hum
bourgeois: 1. middleclass citizen
bourse du travail: 1. employment exchange, labor exchange, labour exchange
boussole: 1. compass
bout: 1. end, ending | 2. peak, point, tip, summit
bouteille: 1. bottle
boutique: 1. boutique, shop, store
bouton: 1. pimple | 2. button | 3. button
boxer: 1. box
boîte: 1. box
boîte aux lettres: 1. letterbox, mailbox
brabançon: 1. Brabantine
branche: 1. bough, branch | 2. section
branchie: 1. gill
brandir: 1. brandish, fling, swing, wave, wave about
bras: 1. arm
braser: 1. solder
bras supérieur: 1. upper arm, upper-arm
brave: 1. brave, gallant
bretelles: 1. braces, suspenders
bride: 1. bridle, check, restraints
briller: 1. shine
brique: 1. brick
briser: 1. crush, shatter, smash | 2. break
britannique: 1. British
brochet: 1. pike
brochure: 1. leaflet, pamphlet, paperback
broder: 1. embroider
brosse: 1. brush
brosse à dents: 1. tooth-brush
brouette: 1. wheelbarrow
brouillard: 1. fog, mist
brouiller: 1. befog, cloud, dim | 2. disquiet, interfere with, perturb
broyer: 1. crush, pound
bruine: 1. drizzle, drizzling rain
brun: 1. brown | 2. black
brusquement: 1. abruptly
brut: 1. crude, raw, rough
bruxellois: 1. Brussels
bruyère: 1. heath
brésilien: 1. Brazilian
brèche: 1. breach, gap
brûler: 1. glow, glow with heat | 2. burn
brûlé: 1. burnt
bubale: 1. buffalo
buffet: 1. buffet | 2. larder, pantry, store-cupboard
buffle: 1. buffalo
bulbe: 1. bulb
bulgare: 1. Bulgarian
bulldozer: 1. bulldozer
bulle: 1. bladder, bubble
bulletin: 1. bulletin
bureau: 1. office | 2. bureau, office
bureau de poste: 1. post office
buriner: 1. carve, chisel
but: 1. aim, goal, purpose, target
butter: 1. earth, earth up, hill, hill up | 2. earth, earth up, hill, hill up
byte: 1. byte | 2. byte
byzantin: 1. Byzantine
boeuf: 1. beef | 2. bovine, bovine animal | 3. ox
bébé: 1. baby
bébête: 1. dull, stupid
bécane: 1. bike, cycle, bicycle | 2. bike, bicycle
béer: 1. gape, gawk
bégayer: 1. stammer, stutter
bégonia: 1. begonia
bégueule: 1. prudish | 2. prude
béguinage: 1. beguinage
béguine: 1. beguine
bélier: 1. ram, tup
bénir: 1. bless
bénéfice: 1. benefit, gain, profit
béryllium: 1. beryllium
béton: 1. concrete
bâbord: 1. port side
bâillement: 1. yawn
bâiller: 1. yawn
bâtard: 1. bastard | 2. bastard
bâtiment: 1. building
bâtir: 1. build, construct
bâtisseur: 1. builder
bâton: 1. baton, cane, stick | 2. pole, rod
bâtonnet: 1. stick, little stick
bêche: 1. spade | 2. spade
bêler: 1. bleat
bête: 1. animal, beast
bûche: 1. block, chunk of wood
cabane: 1. cabin, hut, shack
cabine: 1. cabin
cabinet: 1. toilet
cabinet noir: 1. dark-room, small room
cabine de bain: 1. bathing box
cabine de bateau: 1. cabin
cabine téléphonique: 1. call box, telephone kiosk, phone booth, telephone booth
cacahouète: 1. peanut
cacahuète: 1. peanut
cacao: 1. cocoa
cacher: 1. conceal, hide
cachet: 1. mark
cachot: 1. cell
cactus: 1. cactus
cadavre: 1. cadaver, corpse
cadeau: 1. gift, present
cadre: 1. cadre, frame, framework
caduc: 1. decayed, decrepit, dilapidated, lapsed, rickety
cafard: 1. cockroach
cafetière: 1. coffee-pot | 2. coffee-pot
café: 1. café, coffee-house | 2. coffee
cage: 1. cage
cahier: 1. exercise-book, folder, notebook
caille: 1. quail
caillette: 1. rennet-stomach
caisse: 1. cashier’s stand, fund, money box, money-box, till | 2. box, chest
calame: 1. calamus
calcium: 1. calcium
calculer: 1. calculate, count, figure, work out
cale: 1. wedge
calendrier: 1. calendar
calendula: 1. marigold
caleçon: 1. drawers, panties, underpants
californien: 1. Californian
calme: 1. calm, quiet | 2. calm, tranquil
calomnier: 1. slander
camarade: 1. buddy, companion, comrade, pal
cambodgien: 1. Cambodian
camerounais: 1. Cameroon
camion: 1. lorry, truck | 2. lorry, truck
camp: 1. camping ground, camping site | 2. camp of tents, tented camp
campagne: 1. campaign | 2. country, countryside
caméra: 1. camera
canadien: 1. Canadian
canaille: 1. rogue, scoundrel
canal: 1. canal, channel
canapé: 1. couch, sofa
canard: 1. duck
canard mâle: 1. drake
canari: 1. canary
cancaner: 1. gossip
cancer: 1. cancer, canker
candidat: 1. candidate
canne: 1. baton, cane, stick | 2. fishing rod
cannelure: 1. slot
canon: 1. cannon
caoutchouc: 1. rubber
cap: 1. cape
capable: 1. able, capable
capacité: 1. ability
capitaine: 1. captain
capital: 1. capital
capote: 1. coat, overcoat
caprice: 1. caprice, whim
captivant: 1. exciting | 2. absorbing
capturer: 1. capture, catch, grapple
capucine: 1. nasturtium
car: 1. because, for the reason that | 2. because, for the reason that | 3. as, because, for, since
caractère: 1. character, nature, personality
carbone: 1. carbon
carotte: 1. carrot
carpe: 1. carp
carreau: 1. tile
carte: 1. map | 2. card, map, menu | 3. map | 4. menu
carte postale: 1. postcard
carthaginois: 1. Carthaginian
carton: 1. cardboard
cas: 1. affair, case, matter
cascade: 1. waterfall | 2. waterfall
caserne: 1. barracks | 2. barracks
casquette: 1. cap
casserole: 1. casserole, saucepan
cassette: 1. cassette | 2. treasure
castillan: 1. Castillian
castor: 1. beaver
catalan: 1. Catalonian
catastrophe: 1. catastrophe
cathédrale: 1. cathedral
catégorie: 1. category
cause: 1. cause, reason
causer: 1. activate, cause, give rise to | 2. cause, cause to take place
cautionner: 1. guarantee, warrant
cave: 1. basement, cellar
ce: 1. that, that over there, those
ceci: 1. these, this, this here | 2. these, this, this here
ceinture: 1. belt, girdle
cela: 1. that, that over there, those
celle-ci: 1. this | 2. this
cellule: 1. cell
celte: 1. Celtic
celtique: 1. Celtic
celui-ci: 1. this | 2. this
celui: 1. that, that one
cendre: 1. ash, cinder
cendrier: 1. ashtray
censurer: 1. censor
cent: 1. hundred, one hundred
central: 1. exchange, power station
centrale: 1. exchange, power station
centre: 1. centre | 2. core, nucleus, kernel, pit | 3. average, mean, middle
cependant: 1. but, however, nevertheless, yet
cercle: 1. circle | 2. circle
cercueil: 1. coffin
cerf: 1. deer
cerise: 1. cherry
cerisier: 1. cherry-tree
certain: 1. certain, sure
certainement: 1. certainly
certes: 1. certainly, indeed, rather, surely
certifier: 1. affirm, assure
cerveau: 1. brain
cervelle: 1. brain
cesser: 1. accomodate, end, finish, terminate | 2. cease, stop
ceylanais: 1. Ceylonese
ce matin: 1. this morning
ce soir: 1. this evening
chacal: 1. jackal
chacun: 1. everybody, every one
chagrin: 1. affliction
chagriner: 1. annoy, grieve, vex, worry
chair: 1. flesh
chaise: 1. chair
chambre: 1. chamber, room
chambre de travail: 1. lying-in room
chambre à coucher: 1. bedroom
chameau: 1. camel
chamois: 1. chamois
champ: 1. field | 2. field
champagne: 1. champagne
champignon: 1. mushroom | 2. mushroom
champion: 1. champion
chance: 1. chance, luck
chandail: 1. pullover sweater
chandelle: 1. candle
changement d’adresse: 1. change of address
changer: 1. change, turn
chanson: 1. chanson
chanter: 1. sing
chanteur: 1. singer
chanteuse: 1. singer, female singer
chaos: 1. chaos, tangle
chapeau: 1. hat
chaperonner: 1. chaperon, squire
chapitre: 1. chapter
chaque: 1. each, every
chaque jour: 1. daily
chaque semaine: 1. weekly
char: 1. tank | 2. cart, chariot
charbon: 1. coal
chardon: 1. thisle
chardonneret: 1. goldfinch
charger: 1. entrust, tell | 2. charge, load
chariot: 1. cart, chariot
charitable: 1. humane
charlatan: 1. charlatan, imposter, quack
charmant: 1. charming, lovely
charme: 1. grace, gracefulness | 2. grace, gracefulness | 3. hornbeam | 4. sorcery
charnière: 1. hinge
charpenter: 1. build, build from wood
charrette: 1. cart, chariot
charrue: 1. plough
chasser: 1. chase, hunt
chasseur: 1. hunter
chaste: 1. chaste
chat: 1. cat
chatouiller: 1. tickle
chatte: 1. cunt, pussy
chaud: 1. warm
chaudement: 1. warmly
chaudron: 1. boiler, cauldron, kettle
chauffage: 1. heating
chauffer: 1. heat, stoke
chauffeur: 1. chauffeur, driver
chaume: 1. blade, stalk
chaumière: 1. cabin, hut, shack
chaussette: 1. sock | 2. stocking
chaussure: 1. shoe
chaussée: 1. highway
chauve-souris: 1. bat
chauve: 1. bald
chaux: 1. lime
chaîne: 1. fetter, shackle | 2. chain
chaîne Côtière: 1. Coast Mountains
chef: 1. chef | 2. chief, boss
chemin: 1. path, road, way | 2. path | 3. road, route, way
cheminée: 1. fireplace, hearth
chemin de fer: 1. railroad, railway
chemise: 1. folder | 2. shirt
chenal Opimica: 1. Opimika Narrows
chenal Raft: 1. Raft Channel
chenal de la Culbute: 1. Culbute Channel
chenille: 1. caterpillar
cher: 1. dear, expensive, valuable | 2. costly, dear, expensive, pricey
chercher: 1. look for, seek
cheval: 1. horse
cheval entier: 1. stallion | 2. stallion
cheval hongre: 1. gelding
chevaucher: 1. ride
cheveu: 1. hair
cheveux: 1. hair, hairs
cheville: 1. ankle
chevreuil: 1. roe
chewing-gum: 1. chewing-gum
chez: 1. at, beside, with
chicaner: 1. carp at, haze, quibble
chien: 1. dog
chiendent: 1. couch-grass
chiffon: 1. rag, scrap
chiffre: 1. cipher, digit, figure, numeral
chilien: 1. Chilean
chimie: 1. chemistry | 2. chemistry
chimiste: 1. chemist | 2. chemist
chimère: 1. chimera
chirurgie: 1. surgery | 2. surgery
chirurgien: 1. surgeon
chlore: 1. chlorine
chlorure de polyvinyle: 1. polyvinyl chloride, PVC
choc: 1. collision | 2. shock
chocolat: 1. chocolate
choisir: 1. choose, elect, pick out
choix: 1. choice, election
choléra: 1. cholera
choquer: 1. shock
chose: 1. affair, business, business deal, case, matter | 2. thing | 3. article, object, thing
choses: 1. stuff, things
chou-fleur: 1. cauliflower
chou: 1. cabbage
chouette: 1. owl
choyer: 1. coddle, pamper, pet
chrome: 1. chromium
chrétien: 1. Christian
chuchoter: 1. whisper
chute: 1. fall
chypriote: 1. Cypriot, Cypriote
choeur: 1. chorus, coir
chèque: 1. check, cheque
chèvre: 1. she-goat | 2. goat
chèvrefeuille: 1. honeysuckle
châle: 1. shawl
châtaigne: 1. chestnut, horse-chestnut
châtaignier: 1. chestnut-tree | 2. chestnut-tree
château: 1. castle
chêne: 1. oak
ciboulette: 1. chive
cicatrice: 1. scar
cidre: 1. cider
ciel: 1. heaven, sky
cigare: 1. cigar
cigarette: 1. cigarette
cigogne: 1. stork
cime: 1. acme | 2. peak, point, tip, summit
ciment: 1. cement
cimetière: 1. cemetery, God’s acre, graveyard
cinq: 1. five
cinquante: 1. fifty
cinéma: 1. cinema
circonstance: 1. circumstance
circulaire: 1. circular
circulation: 1. circulation, traffic | 2. traffic
circuler: 1. be about, circulate | 2. circumvent, go around
cire: 1. wax
cire d’abeilles: 1. beeswax
cirque: 1. circus
ciseau: 1. chisel
ciseaux: 1. scissors
ciseler: 1. carve, chisel
citation: 1. citation, quotation
citer: 1. cite, quote
citerne: 1. cistern, tank
citoyen: 1. citizen
citron: 1. lemon
cité: 1. city, town
civil: 1. civil, civilian, non-military
clair: 1. bright, clear, light | 2. clear, distinct, plain | 3. bright, light
clairon: 1. clarion
clamer: 1. yell
clameur: 1. scream
clapoter: 1. lap, plash, splash
claquer: 1. clap, click, rattle
classe: 1. class
classique: 1. classic, classical
clavier: 1. keyboard
clef: 1. key, wrench | 2. adjustable wrench, spanner
client: 1. client, customer
climat: 1. climate
climatisé: 1. air conditioned
clique: 1. suite, train
cloaque: 1. sewer
cloche: 1. bell
clochette: 1. bell, little bell
cloche de plongée: 1. diving-bell
cloison: 1. wall
clou: 1. nail
clouer: 1. nail
clown: 1. clown
club: 1. club, society
clébard: 1. monster | 2. dog
cobaye: 1. guinea-pig
cobra: 1. cobra
coccinelle: 1. ladybug
coche: 1. sow
cochon: 1. hog, pig, swine
cochonnet: 1. piglet
cochon d’Inde: 1. guinea-pig
coffre: 1. box, chest | 2. trunk
coffret: 1. box
cognac: 1. brandy, cognac
cohérent: 1. coherent, connected, consistent
coiffer: 1. curl, do
coiffeur: 1. barber, hairdresser
coiffeuse: 1. hairdresser, female hairdresser
coin: 1. corner | 2. wedge
coing: 1. quince
col: 1. defile, mountain pass | 2. neck | 3. collar | 4. pass
colimaçon: 1. atpersand, commercial-at sign, snail
colis: 1. baggage, luggage
colle: 1. adhesive | 2. glue
collection: 1. bevy, collection, group, heap, herd, set | 2. collection
collectionner: 1. collect, gather, pick up
collection à consulter: 1. briefcase, file
coller: 1. paste, paste up, placard, post, post up | 2. glue, stick
colline: 1. hill
colline Boundary: 1. Boundary Hill
collision: 1. collision
collège: 1. high school
collègue: 1. colleague
colombe: 1. dove, pigeon
colombien: 1. Colombian
colonel: 1. colonel
colonial: 1. colonial
colonie: 1. colony, settlement
colonne: 1. column, pillar | 2. column
colonne de journal: 1. column
colonne vertébrale: 1. spine
combat: 1. action, battle, scuffle, struggle
combattre: 1. fight, struggle
combien: 1. how many | 2. how much
combien de: 1. how many | 2. how much
comble: 1. summit, surface, top
combler: 1. flood, overwhelm
comique: 1. comic, comical, funny
comité: 1. committee
commandant: 1. major
commande: 1. order
commandement: 1. board of directors | 2. command | 3. control, reign, rule
commander: 1. book, order, reserve | 2. command, order, tell
commando: 1. detachment
comme: 1. as, like, such as | 2. how | 3. as if, as though, in a way | 4. because, for the reason that | 5. because, for the reason that | 6. so, such, thus | 7. as, because, for, since
commencement: 1. beginning, commencement, start
commencer: 1. begin, come on, set in, start | 2. begin, commence, start
comment: 1. how, in what way | 2. how, in what way
comment allez-vous?: 1. how are you?, how do you do?
commerce: 1. business, commerce, trade
commerçant: 1. merchant
commetre yne faute: 1. sin, transgress
comme cela: 1. so, such, thus | 2. like that, that way, thus
comme ci, comme ça: 1. so so
commissariat: 1. police-station
commission: 1. commission, errand | 2. commission | 3. commission
commode: 1. chest, dresser | 2. convenient, handy, opportune
commun: 1. common, joint
commune: 1. community
communication: 1. account, communication
communion: 1. communion
communiquer: 1. communicate, report
commuter: 1. commute
compagnie: 1. company | 2. gang, squad
compagnon: 1. companion
comparaison: 1. comparison
comparer: 1. compare
compartiment: 1. compartment, coupé
compassion: 1. compassion, pity | 2. charity, mercifulness, mercy
compatir: 1. have compassion on, pity
compenser: 1. compensate
complaisance: 1. favor, favour
complaisant: 1. kind, obliging | 2. kind, obliging
complet: 1. absolute, complete | 2. costume, outfit, suit | 3. complete, full
compliment: 1. compliment
compliquer: 1. complicate
comploter: 1. set a trap, set a trap for
compléter: 1. complete | 2. fill, fill in, fill up
complètement: 1. completely, entirely, through | 2. completely, fully | 3. at all, entirely, quite, wholly
composer: 1. compose | 2. typeset | 3. compose, create, write
composition: 1. composition | 2. consistency | 3. theme, topic, subject
comprendre: 1. understand, realize
compromis: 1. accommodation | 2. accommodation
compte-rendu: 1. minutes, protocol | 2. account, record, report | 3. review
compte: 1. account
compter: 1. calculate, count, figure, work out
compétent: 1. able, accomplished, competent
comte: 1. count, earl
comète: 1. comet
con: 1. cunt, pussy
concernant: 1. about, concerning | 2. as to, as regards, concerning
concerner: 1. concern | 2. concern, relate
concerné: 1. concerned, in question
concert: 1. concert
concevoir: 1. conceive
conciliant: 1. manageable, tractable
concis: 1. concise
conclure: 1. abstract, induce, gather, infer
concombre: 1. cucumber
concordance: 1. accord, accordance, agreement, concurrence | 2. responsibility
concorder: 1. adhere, conform | 2. coincide, fit together
concourir: 1. compete, rival
concours: 1. competition, contest
concret: 1. concrete
condamner: 1. condemn, sentence
condition: 1. condition, stipulation, terms
condom: 1. condom, rubber
conduire: 1. conduct, guide, lead | 2. steer
confectionner: 1. accomplish, achieve, finish
confession: 1. acknowledgement, admission, confession | 2. confession
confiance: 1. confidence
confier: 1. confide, have confidence in, trust, entrust
confier une tâche: 1. entrust, tell
confire: 1. preserve
confirmer: 1. acknowledge, confirm, corroborate
confisquer: 1. confiscate
confiture: 1. jam, marmelade
conflit: 1. conflict
confondre: 1. confuse, puzzle
conforme: 1. conforming, fitting
conforme à: 1. in accordance with
conformément: 1. in accordance with
confort: 1. comfort
confortable: 1. comfortable
confu: 1. indistinct
confus: 1. jumbled up
conférence: 1. lecture
congestion: 1. congestion | 2. congestion, rush
congrès: 1. congress, convention
congé: 1. spare time, time off, vacation | 2. discharge, paying off
conjecturer: 1. conjecture, surmise
connaissance: 1. acquaintance | 2. acquaintance, knowledge | 3. awareness, consciousness | 4. knowledge
connaître: 1. be acquainted with, know
connecter: 1. connect, connect up, plug in
connu: 1. well-known
conque: 1. shell
conquérir: 1. conquer
consacrer: 1. dedicate, devote
conscience: 1. conscience | 2. awareness, consciousness
conscient: 1. aware, conscious
conseil: 1. advice, counsel
conseiller: 1. leader | 2. advise, counsel
conseilleur: 1. counsellor
consentir: 1. accede, agree, consent
conserver: 1. conserve, keep, maintain, preserve
considérable: 1. important, serious | 2. considerable, sizable
considérer: 1. account, consider, esteem, regard, take into account
consister: 1. consist
consolation: 1. consolation
consoler: 1. comfort, console
consommateur: 1. consumer
consommation: 1. beverage, drink
consommer: 1. consume, use up
constamment: 1. constantly
constant: 1. constant, continual, permanent, sustained
constater: 1. ascertain, establish, take note
consterner: 1. alarm, appal, dismay, puzzle
construction: 1. accommodation, adjustment, arrangement | 2. building
construire: 1. achieve, act, do, make, perform | 2. install | 3. build, construct
consulat: 1. consulate
consulter: 1. consult
consumer: 1. consume, use up
conséquence: 1. consequence, consistency
contact: 1. contact
conte: 1. fairy tale
contempler: 1. consider, contemplate, envisage, look at, regard, view
contenir: 1. comprise, contain, include
content: 1. contented, pleased, satisfied
contenter: 1. meet with, satisfy
contenu: 1. contents
conter: 1. narrate, relate, tell
conter fleurette: 1. flirt, flit, flutter
contester: 1. challenge, question
continent: 1. continent, mainland | 2. chaste
contingent: 1. part, piece, share | 2. share
continuel: 1. constant, continual, permanent, sustained | 2. lasting | 3. continuous | 4. constant, lasting, sustained
continuellement: 1. constantly, continually, continuously | 2. constantly | 3. all the time, ceaselessly
continuer: 1. keep | 2. continue, endure, keep on, last | 3. continue, go on, proceed with
continuer à: 1. keep
contracter: 1. make a contract
contradictoire: 1. adverse, alien, contrary
contraindre: 1. force, impose
contre: 1. across from, against, in exchange for, opposed to, opposite, upon | 2. on, upon
contribuer: 1. contribute
contrée: 1. country, land | 2. region
contrôleur: 1. guard
convaincre: 1. convince, persuade
convenable: 1. decent, fitting, proper, suitable | 2. appropriate, becoming, seemly, suitable | 3. convenient, handy, opportune | 4. of use, suitable
convenablement: 1. decently, properly
convenir: 1. coincide, fit together | 2. be appropriate, suit, be suitable | 3. fit, suit, be suitable
convention: 1. accord, accordance, agreement, concurrence
conversation: 1. conversation
convertir: 1. convert
conviction: 1. belief, conviction
convive: 1. guest
copier: 1. imitate | 2. copy
coq: 1. cock, rooster
coque: 1. bark, husk, peel, shell
coquelicot: 1. poppy
coquet: 1. coquettish
coquille: 1. shell
corbeau: 1. raven | 2. crow
corbeille: 1. basket
corde: 1. cord, rope, string
cordonnier: 1. shoemaker
corinthien: 1. Corinthian
cormoran: 1. cormorant
corne: 1. horn
corps: 1. body
correspondance: 1. piece of mail | 2. responsibility
correspondant: 1. compatible, congruent | 2. accountable, responsible
correspondre: 1. adhere, conform | 2. coincide, fit together | 3. correspond
correspondre à: 1. answer, reply, respond
corridor: 1. corridor, passage
corriger: 1. correct
corrompre: 1. bribe
corse: 1. Corsican
cortège: 1. suite, train
coréen: 1. Korean
cosmos: 1. cosmos
costaricien: 1. Costa Rican
costume: 1. costume, outfit, suit
cotisation: 1. dues, subscription
coton: 1. cotton | 2. cotton
cou: 1. neck
couche: 1. layer
coucher: 1. put to bed | 2. lay
coucou: 1. cuckoo
coude: 1. elbow
coudre: 1. sew | 2. quilt, stitch
couler: 1. flow
couleur: 1. dye, paint | 2. colour, dye
couleuvre: 1. adder, viper
couloir: 1. corridor, passage
coup: 1. blow | 2. knock
coupable: 1. guilty
coupant: 1. sharp
coupe: 1. goblet
couper: 1. cut, slice
couper avec des ciseaux: 1. clip, cut, shear
couple: 1. couple, married people | 2. pair
coupler: 1. couple
coupon: 1. coupon
cour: 1. court, yard, courtyard | 2. court
courage: 1. courage
courageux: 1. brave, courageous, valiant
courant: 1. current, flow, stream | 2. current
courbe: 1. bent, curved
courber: 1. bend | 2. bend
courgette: 1. courgette, zucchini
courir: 1. run
couronner: 1. crown
courrier: 1. courier | 2. piece of mail | 3. mail, post
courroie: 1. strap
cours: 1. class, course
court: 1. short | 2. brief, short
courtois: 1. courteous, polite, well-mannered
cousin: 1. gnat | 2. cousin
cousine: 1. cousin
coussin: 1. cushion
coussin d’air: 1. air cushion
couteau: 1. knife
coutume: 1. custom, habit, way | 2. custom, mores
couture: 1. needlework
couturière: 1. tailor, female tailor
couvent: 1. monastery
couver: 1. incubate, sit
couvert: 1. forks, knives and spoons
couverture: 1. cover, hood, lid | 2. blanket
couvrir: 1. cover
coyote: 1. coyote
coïncider: 1. coincide, fit together
coïter: 1. make love
coûter: 1. cost
coûteux: 1. dear, expensive, valuable | 2. costly, dear, expensive, pricey
crabe: 1. crab
cracher: 1. spit | 2. spit
craie: 1. chalk
craindre: 1. be afraid of, fear
crainte: 1. fear
crapaud: 1. toad
craquement: 1. crack
craquer: 1. crack
cravate: 1. tie, necktie
crayon: 1. pencil
creuser: 1. dig, grub, spade
creux: 1. cave, cavity
crever: 1. burst
crevette: 1. prawn
cri: 1. cry, shout
criard: 1. shrill
crier: 1. cry out, scream, shout
crime: 1. crime
criquet: 1. grasshopper, locust
crise: 1. crisis, depression, emergency
cristal: 1. crystal
critique: 1. review
critiquer: 1. censure, criticize
croasser: 1. caw, croak
croate: 1. Croatian
crochet: 1. hook
crocodile: 1. crocodile
croire: 1. acknowledge, recognize | 2. account, accredit, believe, deem
croiser: 1. cruise | 2. cross
croix: 1. cross
croupe: 1. behind, bottom, buttocks
croître: 1. accrue, grow
cru: 1. crude, raw, rough
cruche: 1. jug, pitcher
crucifix: 1. crucifix
cruel: 1. cruel
créature: 1. creature
créer: 1. create
crème: 1. cream
crème glacée: 1. ice, icecream
crève-coeur: 1. affliction
crâne: 1. skull
crêpe: 1. pancake
crête: 1. mountain ridge
cubain: 1. Cuban
cube: 1. cube
cueillir: 1. pick, pluck, tear off | 2. pick, pluck
cuiller: 1. spoon
cuillère: 1. spoon
cuir: 1. leather
cuire: 1. cook
cuir à rasoir: 1. strop
cuisine: 1. kitchen
cuisiner: 1. cook
cuisinier: 1. cook, male cook
cuisinière: 1. furnace, kiln, oven, stove | 2. cook, female cook
cuisse: 1. thigh
cuivre: 1. copper
cul: 1. behind, bottom, buttocks
culotte: 1. drawers, panties, underpants | 2. short pants, shorts | 3. short pants, shorts
culte: 1. cult
cultiver: 1. cultivate, grow
cultivé: 1. cultured, educated, learned, well-informed
culture: 1. cultivation, tillage | 2. culture
curieux: 1. curious, interesting, quaint | 2. agog, inquisitive
curiosité: 1. curiosity
curé: 1. pastor, vicar | 2. pastor, vicar | 3. clergyman, pastor, priest
cuve: 1. tub, vat
cycle: 1. cycle
cyclone: 1. cyclone
cygne: 1. swan
cylindre: 1. cylinder, roller
cynique: 1. cynical
cyprès: 1. cypres
c’: 1. that, that over there, those
c’est-à-dire: 1. that is
c’est pourquoi: 1. on that account, therefore
coeur: 1. heart
céder: 1. cede, give in, give up, give way, relinquish, yield
céleri: 1. celery
célibataire: 1. single, unmarried | 2. unmarried woman, spinster | 3. bachelor
célébrer: 1. celebrate
célèbre: 1. famous | 2. famous
cérémonie: 1. ceremony
césium: 1. caesium
cèdre: 1. cedar
câble: 1. cable
côte: 1. acclivity, hillside, slope | 2. coast, seaside, shore
côtelette: 1. cutlet
côte rivage: 1. coast, seaside, shore
côté: 1. side
dactyle: 1. date
dactylographe: 1. typist
dactylographier: 1. type
dahlia: 1. dahlia
daltonnien: 1. colour-blind
dame: 1. queen | 2. king | 3. lady
danger: 1. danger, peril
dangereux: 1. dangerous
dans: 1. a, in, inside, into, on, per, within
danse: 1. dance
danser: 1. dance
dans le vent: 1. fashionable
dans l’intervalle: 1. all the time, in the meantime, meanwhile | 2. all the while, meanwhile
date: 1. date
dater: 1. date
datte: 1. date
dauphin: 1. dolphin
davantage: 1. more
de: 1. of | 2. from, of | 3. from, out of | 4. at, by, on, upon | 5. because of, for, for sake of, on account of, owing to, through
debout: 1. directly, straigh ahead
dedans: 1. inside
degré: 1. degree, grade
dehors: 1. abroad, out, outside
delta: 1. delta
demain: 1. tomorrow
demain matin: 1. tomorrow morning
demain soir: 1. tomorrow evening
demander: 1. ask | 2. book, order, reserve | 3. ask, ask for, beg, bid, request | 4. demand, postulate, require
demander l’aumône: 1. ask for alms, ask for an alms, ask for charity
demeure: 1. abode, accommodation, dwelling, residence
demeurer: 1. dwell, live | 2. abide
demi: 1. half
demoiselle: 1. Miss
demoiselle noble: 1. dame, lady
denrée: 1. commodity, merchandise, wares
dense: 1. concentrated, dense, thick
dent: 1. tooth
dentelle: 1. lace
dentiste: 1. dentist
depuis: 1. from, since
dernier: 1. last
dernier cri: 1. fashionable
dernièrement: 1. recently | 2. lately, recently
derrière: 1. behind, after | 2. after, behind | 3. backside, rump | 4. behind, bottom, buttocks
des: 1. of the
descendance: 1. offspring | 2. offspring
descendant: 1. offspring, successor
descendre: 1. get out, get out of a car | 2. exit, go out | 3. get out | 4. descend, get off, go down
descendre en rappel: 1. abseil
descente: 1. descent | 2. descent
description: 1. account, description
dessein: 1. aim, goal, purpose, target | 2. intention, meaning, plan
dessert: 1. dessert
dessin: 1. design, drawing | 2. design, drawing
dessiner: 1. design, draw
dessous: 1. below, downstairs, underneath | 2. below, underneath
dessus: 1. above, on top, overhead, upstairs
destinataire: 1. addressee | 2. consignee, recipient
destination: 1. address | 2. destiny, fate
destiner: 1. destine, earmark, ordain
destinée: 1. destiny, fate | 2. destiny, fate, fortune, luck
des Philippines: 1. Philippine
dette: 1. debt
deuil: 1. mourning
deux: 1. two
deuxième: 1. second
deuxième Sault: 1. Second Falls
deux cents: 1. two hundred
devant: 1. before, in front of | 2. ahead, formerly, previously | 3. in the presence of
devenir: 1. become, come about, grow, happen | 2. become, get, grow
deviner: 1. guess
devise: 1. motto
devoir: 1. have to, must, ought to, should | 2. job, assigned job, task | 3. owe
de bonne heure: 1. early
de celle-là: 1. that one’s
de cellui-là: 1. that one’s
de cette manière: 1. like that, that way, thus
de façon ou d’autre: 1. anyway, somehow
de la: 1. of the
de l’Allemagne occidentale: 1. West German
de l’Amérique du Nord: 1. North American
de moins en moins: 1. less and less
de même: 1. equally, likewise
de nouveau: 1. afresh, again, all over again, anew | 2. afresh, again, once more
de plus en plus: 1. increasingly, more and more
de proche en proche: 1. gradually, little by little
de préférence: 1. preferably, rather
de quelle manière: 1. how, in what way | 2. how, in what way
de quelqu’un: 1. someone’s
de suite: 1. at a strech, for … together, on end | 2. consecutively
de temps en temps: 1. now and then
de toute manière: 1. in every way
diable: 1. devil
dialecte: 1. dialect
dialogue: 1. dialogue
diamant: 1. diamond
diarrhée: 1. diarrhoea
dictateur: 1. dictator
dicter: 1. dictate | 2. inspire
dictionnaire: 1. dictionary, vocabulary
dieu: 1. god
diffamer: 1. slander
difficile: 1. difficult, hard, inconvenient
difficilement: 1. hardly, not easily, with difficulty
différence: 1. difference
différent: 1. different | 2. different | 3. different
différer: 1. differ, be different | 2. adjourn, delay, postpone | 3. vary
digitale: 1. foxglove
digne: 1. dignified
dignité: 1. dignity
digérer: 1. digest
diluer: 1. adulterate
dimanche: 1. Sunday
dimension: 1. dimension, measurement
diminuer: 1. decrease, decline, wane | 2. abate, abridge, decrease, lessen
dindon: 1. turkey
diplôme: 1. diploma
diplôme de fin d’études: 1. leaving certificate
dire: 1. say, tell
direct: 1. direct, straight
directement: 1. directly, straigh ahead | 2. directly | 3. at once, instantly, immediately, without delay
directeur: 1. director, manager
direction: 1. steering | 2. direction
dire adieu: 1. say goodbye, say goodbye to, take leave, take leave from
dirigeable: 1. airship
diriger: 1. direct, guide, manage, steer | 2. conduct, guide, lead | 3. steer
discerner: 1. find, notice, perceive
disciple: 1. disciple
discipline: 1. discipline
discours: 1. speech | 2. speech
discret: 1. discrete
discussion: 1. discussion
discuter: 1. discuss
disparaître: 1. disappear
disparition: 1. departure | 2. disappearance
dispenser: 1. deal, distribute | 2. distribute | 3. excuse | 4. except, exclude | 5. exempt
disperser: 1. disintegrate, divide, separate | 2. scatter
disposer: 1. arrange, fix up | 2. absorb, have at one’s disposal
disposer de: 1. absorb, have at one’s disposal
disposition: 1. accommodation, adjustment, arrangement | 2. predisposition, tendency
dispute: 1. dispute, quarrel | 2. quarrel
disputer: 1. challenge, question
disque: 1. dial, disc, record
disquette: 1. diskette
dissiper: 1. disintegrate, divide, separate | 2. disperse | 3. waste
distance: 1. distance, offset
distinction: 1. distinction, renown
distinguer: 1. distinguish
distraction: 1. amusement, fun | 2. distraction, diversion | 3. absence of mind, abstraction | 4. distraction, diversion
distraire: 1. distract, divert, entertain
distrait: 1. careless, negligent
distribuer: 1. deal, distribute | 2. distribute
distribution: 1. distribution
district de Franklin: 1. District of Franklin
district de Keewatin: 1. District of Keewatin
district de Mackenzie: 1. District of Mackenzie
divers: 1. diverse, varied, various
divin: 1. divine
diviser: 1. disintegrate, divide, separate | 2. divide, separate, share
divorce: 1. divorce
dix-huit: 1. eighteen
dix-neuf: 1. nineteen
dix-sept: 1. seventeen
dix: 1. ten
diète: 1. diet
docile: 1. obedient
docilité: 1. manageability, tractability
docteur: 1. doctor | 2. doctor, physician
docteur médecin: 1. doctor, physician
document: 1. certificate, diploma, document | 2. document, paper
dogme: 1. dogma
doigt: 1. finger
doigt du pied: 1. toe
dollar: 1. dollar
domaine: 1. estate, farm, property, ranch | 2. branch, compartment, department, pigeonhole, section, speciality
domestique: 1. domestic animal | 2. domestic | 3. maid, servant | 4. boy, servant
domicile: 1. abode, dwelling-place, residence | 2. home | 3. abode, accommodation, dwelling, residence | 4. abode, dwelling-place-residence
dominant: 1. most important | 2. superior | 3. chief, main, major, principal
dominateur: 1. ruler
dominer: 1. exceed, surpass
dominicain: 1. Dominican
dommage: 1. damage
don: 1. gift, present | 2. dowry
donner: 1. give | 2. exit, go out | 3. pass, spend
donner l’assaut: 1. assault, storm
donner son accord: 1. approve | 2. accede, agree, consent
dont: 1. of which | 2. of which, which one’s, whose | 3. that one’s
don Quichotte: 1. Don Quixote
dorer: 1. gild
dorien: 1. Dorian, Doric
dorique: 1. Dorian, Doric
dorloter: 1. coddle, pamper, pet
dormir: 1. be asleep, sleep
dortoir: 1. sleeping-accomodation, sleeping-place
dos: 1. back
dossier: 1. dossier, file | 2. folder
douane: 1. customs
double: 1. double, dual
doubler: 1. overhaul, overtake, pass
doucereux: 1. bland, sugary
douche: 1. shower
douleur: 1. ache, pain
doute: 1. doubt
douter: 1. doubt
doux: 1. gentle, soft, sweet, tender | 2. gentle, mild
douzaine: 1. dozen
douze: 1. twelve
douzième: 1. twelfth
drainer: 1. drain
drap: 1. sheet
drapeau: 1. banner, flag | 2. flag, standard
drap de lit: 1. sheet
dresser: 1. tame, train
drogue: 1. drug
droit: 1. right, righthand | 2. jurisprudence, law | 3. faithful, loyal | 4. right-angle, square | 5. right | 6. direct, straight
droit de régie: 1. excise, excise-duty
drôle: 1. amusing, entertaining, funny | 2. amusing | 3. comic, comical, funny | 4. odd, peculiar, strange
du: 1. of the
duché: 1. duchy
dur: 1. difficult, hard, inconvenient | 2. hard
durant: 1. for, during, whereas, while, whilst
durcir: 1. harden, temper
durer: 1. continue, endure, keep on, last
durée: 1. time, while
duvet: 1. down, fluff
dynamite: 1. dynamite
dyspepsie: 1. dyspepsia, indigestion
d’Afrikanders: 1. Afrikaans
d’Islande: 1. Icelandic
d’abord: 1. certainly, indeed, rather, surely | 2. at first, at the outset, in the beginning | 3. at once, instantly, immediately, without delay | 4. at once, immediately, just, right away, right now | 5. first, firstly, first of all
d’acier: 1. steal, of steal
d’adieu: 1. goodbye-
d’ailleurs: 1. as for the rest, besides, for the rest, moreover, what’s more | 2. besides, in addition, moreover | 3. besides, in addition, moreover | 4. and also, and … as well, as well as, together with | 5. besides, furthermore, in addition, moreover
d’après: 1. according as, according to, as, by
d’eau: 1. aquatic, water-
d’où: 1. from where, whence
d’une façon ou d’une autre: 1. anyway, somehow
débarcadère: 1. landing-stage, pier
débarquer: 1. disembark
débarrasser: 1. rid
débat: 1. debate
débattre: 1. abet, agitate, incite, stir up | 2. beat off, knock off, strike off | 3. discuss
débit: 1. debit
débiter: 1. divide, separate, share
déborder: 1. overflow
débris: 1. remainder, rest | 2. debris, rubbish, rubble
début: 1. beginning, commencement, inception, opening, outset, start | 2. beginning, commencement, start
débuter: 1. begin, commence, start
décembre: 1. December
déception: 1. disappointment
décharger: 1. unload
déchirer: 1. rip, tear
décider: 1. decide
décision: 1. decision
déclaration: 1. declaration, proclamation, statement
déclarer: 1. declare, state
décor: 1. décor, decoration
décoration: 1. décor, decoration
décorer: 1. adorn, decorate, ornament
découper: 1. clip, cut, shear
découverte: 1. discovery
découvrir: 1. discover, uncover
décrire: 1. describe
décéder: 1. march off, retreat, withdraw | 2. die, expire, pass away
dédaigner: 1. despise | 2. dislike | 3. neglect
dédier: 1. dedicate, devote
déduire: 1. abstract, deduce, gather
défaut: 1. damage | 2. abuse | 3. absence, lack, shortage, shortcoming
défendre: 1. defend
défense: 1. defence, defense
défense anti-aérienne: 1. air-defence, anti-aircraft defence, anti-aircraft defences
défiler: 1. string
défilé Woolsey: 1. Woolsey Narrows
définer: 1. define, determine
définitif: 1. definite, definitive
déféquer: 1. defecate
dégager: 1. distinguish | 2. release | 3. flow down, flow off
dégeler: 1. melt, thaw
dégoût: 1. abhorrence, abomination, horror
dégoûtant: 1. nasty
dégât: 1. damage | 2. damage
déjeuner: 1. dinner, midday meal
déjà: 1. already, by now, yet
délabré: 1. decayed, decrepit, dilapidated, lapsed, rickety
délaisser: 1. abandon, forsake, desert, leave, quit
délicat: 1. dainty, delicate, fine, refined
délice: 1. delight
délicieux: 1. delightful, lovely
délirer: 1. be delirious
délivrer: 1. release
déléguer: 1. delegate
délétère: 1. fumy
démanger: 1. itch
démarche: 1. attempt, effort
démarrer: 1. start off
démissioner: 1. quit, resign
démocrate: 1. democrat
démolir: 1. destroy, quash | 2. break down, demolish, pull down, take down
démontrer: 1. attest, bear witness of, testify | 2. demonstrate, prove | 3. prove
déménagement: 1. removal, move
dénoncer: 1. accuse, denounce
dénonciation: 1. accusation
dénudé: 1. bare, naked, nude
départ: 1. departure
dépasser: 1. pass, pass by | 2. overtake, pass by | 3. overhaul, overtake, pass | 4. exceed, surpass | 5. cross, go beyond, transfer | 6. go beyond
dépeindre: 1. paint
dépendre: 1. depend
dépense: 1. expenses
dépenser: 1. pay out, spend
déployer: 1. spread out
déposer: 1. dispatch | 2. hand in | 3. deposit
dépouiller: 1. discover, uncover | 2. skin | 3. deprive, deprive … of | 4. deprive, deprive … of | 5. shell, peel | 6. steal
député: 1. delegate, deputy, representative
déranger: 1. disquiet, interfere with, perturb | 2. bother, disturb, hinder, trouble
dériver: 1. derive | 2. drift, be adrift
dérober: 1. steal
désagréable: 1. bleak, dismal, dreary, horrible, ghastly, grisly, nasty
désastre: 1. catastrophe | 2. decay
désert: 1. dreary, gaunt | 2. desert
désespoir: 1. despair
désespérer: 1. despair
déshabiller: 1. undress
désigner: 1. choose, elect, pick out | 2. indicate, suggest | 3. indicate, point out, show | 4. indicate, point out, show
désir: 1. desire, want, wish
désirer: 1. desire, wish
désobéissant: 1. disobedient, insubordinate
désolation: 1. affliction, ordeal, trial | 2. sadness | 3. affliction | 4. annoyance, disappointment, grief
désoler: 1. afflict, grieve
désolé: 1. sad | 2. dreary, gaunt
désordre: 1. confusion, disorder
déstination: 1. location, place, spot
détachement: 1. detachment
détacher: 1. uncouple | 2. untie
détail: 1. detail
détente: 1. amusement, fun | 2. distraction, diversion | 3. distraction, diversion
déterminer: 1. determine, fix | 2. activate, cause, give rise to
détester: 1. dislike
détourner: 1. entice, seduce | 2. turn away
détroit: 1. strait
détroit Davis: 1. Davis Strait
détroit de Belle Ile: 1. Strait of Belle Isle
détroit de Cabot: 1. Cabot Strait
détroit de Northumberland: 1. Northumberland Strait
détruire: 1. destroy, quash
détériorer: 1. damage, injure, spoil
développement: 1. accretion, growth
développer: 1. account for, clarify, explain | 2. unroll | 3. develop, reveal
dévier: 1. turn
dévorer: 1. eat up
dévouement: 1. attachement
dévoué: 1. affectionate, devoted, selfless | 2. devoted, selfless
dévoyer: 1. entice, seduce
déçu: 1. cheated, deceived
dé à coudre: 1. thimble
dès: 1. from, since
dîner: 1. dinner, midday meal | 2. evening meal, supper
eau-de-vie: 1. brandy
eau-forte: 1. etching
eau: 1. water
edelweiss: 1. edelweiss
effacer: 1. delete | 2. delete, wipe, wipe off
effacer en grattant: 1. scrape, scratch
effectif: 1. actual, real
effet: 1. effect, impression
effleurer: 1. touch lightly
effort: 1. attempt, effort | 2. effort
effraie: 1. owl
effroi: 1. alarm, terror
eh bien: 1. now, well, well then
elle: 1. it | 2. her, she
elles: 1. they
embarras: 1. abashment, embarrassment, perplexity
embaucher: 1. employ, hire
embaumer: 1. give off an odour, reek, smell
embellir: 1. embellish
embouchure: 1. mouth
embrasser: 1. embrace | 2. kiss
emmailloter: 1. bandage, wind
empereur: 1. emperor
emphase: 1. accent, emphasis
empire: 1. empire | 2. action, influence
emplette: 1. acquisition, purchase
emploi: 1. function, job, office, post | 2. post
employer: 1. employ, use, make use of
employé: 1. employee
empreinte: 1. trace, track
empressement: 1. acceleration
emprunter: 1. borrow, lend, loan
emprunter sur gages: 1. borrow money on, pawn
empêcher: 1. prevent
empêtrer: 1. entangle, implicate
en: 1. at, to, toward, towards | 2. a, in, inside, into, on, per, within | 3. at, by, on, upon
enchantement: 1. sorcery
enchanter: 1. delight
enchaînement: 1. order
enchaîner: 1. link together, link up
enclin: 1. inclined
enclin aux accidents: 1. accident-prone
encoche: 1. notch
encore: 1. still, yet | 2. afresh, again, all over again, anew | 3. afresh, again, once more
encre: 1. ink
encyclopédie: 1. encyclopaedia
endommager: 1. damage
endroit: 1. location, place, spot
enduire: 1. anoint, smear, spread
endurer: 1. abide, bear, endure, put up with, suffer
enfant: 1. bairn, child, infant | 2. child
enfants: 1. sons and daughters
enfant adoptif: 1. adoptive child
enfin: 1. at last, finally, ultimately | 2. at last, at long last
enflammer: 1. kindle, light
engendrer: 1. beget, generate
engrais: 1. fertilizer, manure
enjoindre: 1. command, order, tell
enlever: 1. take off, put off | 2. put away, store
ennemi: 1. adverse, hostile | 2. adversary, enemy
ennuyer: 1. bore
ennuyeux: 1. boring, stodgy, tiresome
enquête: 1. inquiry, investigation
enregistrer: 1. record, register
enrouler: 1. roll, roll up, wind, wind up
enrôler: 1. recruit
enseigne: 1. shield, sign-board
enseignement: 1. education | 2. instruction
enseigner: 1. teach | 2. teach
ensemble: 1. bevy, collection, group, heap, herd, set | 2. co-, fellow | 3. together
ensoleillé: 1. solair, sun, sun-, of the sun
ensorceler: 1. bewitch
ensuite: 1. afterwards, next, subsequently | 2. beyond, next, then, thereafter | 3. accordingly, consequently, so, subsequently, thus
entamer: 1. break into, broach, cut into
entasser: 1. accumulate, amass, heap, pile up, stack | 2. stack
entendre: 1. hear
entente: 1. accord, accordance, agreement, concurrence
enterrement: 1. burial, funeral, interment | 2. burial, funeral, interment
enthousiasme: 1. alacrity, enthusiasm
entier: 1. integer | 2. complete, full | 3. entire, overall, whole
entièrement: 1. completely, entirely, through | 2. completely, fully | 3. at all, entirely, quite, wholly
entonner: 1. intone, raise
entonnoir: 1. funnel
entortiller: 1. entangle, implicate
entourer: 1. surround
entraîner: 1. bring away, carry away | 2. coach, train
entraîner des conséquences: 1. develop | 2. activate, cause, give rise to
entraîner hors du droit chemin: 1. entice, seduce
entre: 1. among, between
entreprendre: 1. undertake
entrer: 1. go in, enter, perform | 2. penetrate
entrer dans: 1. go in, enter, perform
entrevue: 1. interview
entrée: 1. access, admission, admittance
envahir: 1. invade
enveloppe: 1. envelope
envie: 1. envy | 2. jealousy
envier: 1. envy
environ: 1. about, approximately
environnement: 1. environment
envoyer: 1. send, transmit
envoyeur: 1. sender
en accord avec: 1. in accordance with
en aucune façon: 1. by no means, in no way, not at all, not on any account
en aucune manière: 1. by no means, in no way, not at all, not on any account
en avant: 1. ahead, foreward, on
en dehors de: 1. outside, outside of
en dépit de: 1. defiantly, despite, in spite of
en face de: 1. across from, against, in exchange for, opposed to, opposite, upon
en fait: 1. absolutely, genuinly, indeed, really, truly
en gros: 1. wholesale
en général: 1. generally
en haut: 1. above, on top, overhead, upstairs
en imposer à: 1. impress, strike
en largeur: 1. across, crossways
en même temps: 1. at the same time
en outre: 1. apart from, besides, except, except for | 2. besides, in addition, moreover | 3. besides, in addition, moreover | 4. besides, furthermore, in addition, moreover
en partie: 1. partially, partly
en passant: 1. by the way
en premier lieu: 1. first, firstly, first of all
en prime: 1. besides, in addition, moreover | 2. and also, and … as well, as well as, together with
en présence de: 1. in the presence of
en relation avec: 1. toward, towards, with reference to
en réalité: 1. absolutely, actually, in fact | 2. genuinely, indeed, really, truly
en sûreté: 1. safe, secure
en tous temps: 1. always, ever
en vain: 1. in vain
en vérité: 1. absolutely, genuinly, indeed, really, truly
errer: 1. roam, wander
erreur: 1. aberration, error, mistake
escadron aérien: 1. air-squadron
escalier: 1. staircase, stairs
escargot: 1. snail
escarpé: 1. abrupt, steep
esclave: 1. slave
escorte: 1. suite, train
espace: 1. room, space
espagnol: 1. Spanish | 2. Spanish, Spanish language
espion: 1. spy
esplanade: 1. plaza, square, public square
espoir: 1. hope
esprit: 1. mind | 2. spirit
espérance: 1. hope
espéranto: 1. Esperanto
espérer: 1. hope
espèce: 1. species | 2. kind, sort
espèce biologique: 1. species
esquisse: 1. design, outline, sketch
esquisser: 1. plan, sketch
essai: 1. experiment | 2. attempt, test
essayer: 1. attempt, test, try
essence: 1. gasolene, gasoline, petrol
essentiel: 1. essential
essuyer: 1. delete, wipe, wipe off
est-ce que: 1. <question particle>
est-ce qu’: 1. <question particle>
est: 1. east, East
estampiller: 1. mark, stamp
estime: 1. esteem, regard
estimer: 1. esteem, think well of | 2. appraise, estimate, rate | 3. appreciate, like
estomac: 1. stomach
estonien: 1. Estonian
estrade: 1. platform, podium
esturgeon: 1. sturgeon
et: 1. and
etc.: 1. etc.
et puis: 1. as for the rest, besides, for the rest, moreover, what’s more | 2. and also, and … as well, as well as, together with
exact: 1. exact | 2. correct, exact, proper, right
exactement: 1. exactly
exactitude: 1. accuracy, exactitude, precision
examen: 1. investigation, examination, test
examen de sortie: 1. leaving examination
examen final: 1. leaving examination
examiner: 1. examine | 2. examine, explore, investigate, research
excellent: 1. fine, great
excepter: 1. except, exclude
exciter: 1. agitate, excite, rouse, stir up
excrément: 1. dung, excrement
excursion: 1. excursion, outing, sightseeing trip
excuser: 1. excuse | 2. forgive, pardon | 3. excuse
excès: 1. excess
exemple: 1. example
exempter: 1. except, exclude | 2. exempt
exercer: 1. exercise, practise
exercice: 1. exercise, practice
exhalaison: 1. fume
exhaler un odeur: 1. give off an odour, reek, smell
exhorter: 1. admonish, scold
exiger: 1. demand, postulate, require
exiler: 1. exile
exister: 1. exist
experimenté: 1. accomplished, adept, experienced, expert
expliquer: 1. account for, explain | 2. account for, clarify, explain | 3. unroll
exploitant: 1. manager
exploiter: 1. exploit, utilize
explorer: 1. examine, explore, investigate, research
exploser: 1. explode
exposition agricole: 1. agricultural exhibition
exposé: 1. lecture
exprimer: 1. express
exprès: 1. deliberately, on purpose
expédier: 1. dispatch, send off, ship
expérience: 1. experiment
exterminer: 1. exterminate, wipe out
extraordinaire: 1. extraordinary, formidable
extrême: 1. extreme
extrêmement: 1. extremely | 2. most
exécuter: 1. execute
fable: 1. fable
fabrique: 1. factory
fabriquer: 1. fabricate, manufacture | 2. achieve, act, do, make, perform
face: 1. face
facile: 1. easy, facile
facilement: 1. easily
faciliter: 1. facilitate
facteur: 1. postman
facture: 1. account, bill, invoice
faculté: 1. faculty
faible: 1. faint, light, weak
faiblesse: 1. cowardice
faiblesse de caractère: 1. accommodation
faim: 1. hunger
faire-part: 1. account, information | 2. account, communication | 3. advice, announcement, communication, message, notice, report
faire: 1. achieve, act, do, make, perform | 2. cause, get, make
faire accepter: 1. force | 2. drive through
faire allusion: 1. allude, hint
faire appel: 1. appeal
faire attention à: 1. pay attention to, take account of, take into account | 2. pay attention to
faire avancer: 1. chase, drive, drive on, impel, shoo
faire banqueroute: 1. be bankrupt, go broke
faire cadeau: 1. donate, give
faire cesser: 1. stop
faire cuire au four: 1. bake
faire du bruit: 1. make a noise
faire du bruit avec les lèvres: 1. smack
faire du jogging: 1. jog
faire escale à: 1. call at
faire fondre: 1. melt
faire glisser: 1. push along, shove
faire la cour: 1. court, woo
faire la noce: 1. debauch
faire les cent pas: 1. pace, stalk, step, stride, tread
faire le courtage: 1. act as a middleman
faire le malin: 1. boast, brag
faire l’acteur: 1. act
faire l’amour: 1. make love
faire naître: 1. bear, give birth to
faire part de: 1. acquaint, let know, inform
faire paître: 1. feed
faire pipi: 1. urinate | 2. urinate
faire ses adieux: 1. say goodbye, say goodbye to, take leave, take leave from
faire son nid: 1. nest
faire tomber: 1. drop, overthrow
faire tournoyer: 1. curl, froth, stir, whip, whirl
faire un bruit de succion: 1. smack
faisan: 1. pheasant
faiseur d’embarras: 1. attitudinizer, poseur
fait: 1. mature, ripe | 2. adult, full-grown
falaise: 1. cliff
falsifier: 1. falsify
fameux: 1. famous | 2. famous | 3. famous, glorious | 4. famous
famille: 1. family
fanatique: 1. fanatical
fanfarroner: 1. boast, brag
fantaisie: 1. fantasy
fard: 1. make up, make-up
farine: 1. flour, meal
fatalité: 1. fate, ill fate
fatiguer: 1. bore
fatigué: 1. tired
faucher: 1. cut, mow
faucon: 1. falcon
fausser: 1. falsify
fauteuil: 1. armchair | 2. armchair
faux-col: 1. collar
faux: 1. scythe
favorable: 1. advantageous, favourable
favori: 1. favorite, favourite
faîte: 1. summit, surface, top
façade: 1. façade
feldspath: 1. feldspar, felspar
femelle: 1. female | 2. female
femme: 1. wife | 2. woman
femme de chambre: 1. maid
femme en travail: 1. lying-in woman
fendre: 1. split
fenêtre: 1. window
fer-blanc: 1. sheet metal, tin, tin plate
fer: 1. iron
ferme: 1. fast, firm, stable
fermer: 1. close, shut | 2. lock
fermer à clé: 1. lock
fermeture-éclair: 1. zipper
fermeture à glissière: 1. zipper
fermier: 1. farmer
fermoir: 1. hooks and eyes
fervent: 1. full of zeal, zealous
ferveur: 1. fervor, fervour, zeal
fer à repasser: 1. iron, flat-iron
fesse: 1. buttock
feu: 1. fire
feuille: 1. leaf, sheet
feuilleter: 1. leaf through
feuille de déclaration: 1. tax form
feuille de placage: 1. layer
fiancé: 1. fiancé
fiancée: 1. bride, fiancée
fiançailles: 1. betrothal, engagement | 2. betrothal, engagement | 3. betrothal, engagement
fiche: 1. filing card, slip
fichier: 1. file
fidélité: 1. adherence
fidèle: 1. faithful
fiel: 1. bile, gall
fier: 1. proud
figue: 1. fig
figuier: 1. fig-tree
figure: 1. figure, diagram, image, picture, representation | 2. face
fil: 1. wire | 2. thread
file: 1. column | 2. file, line, rank, row, turn
filet: 1. net, network
filiale: 1. affiliate, affiliation, branch
fille: 1. daughter | 2. girl, lass, wench | 3. hooker, whore | 4. hooker, prostitute, whore
filler la laine: 1. spin
fille publique: 1. hooker, prostitute, whore
film: 1. film, motion picture, movie
fils: 1. son
fils adoptif: 1. adoptive child
filtrer: 1. filter
filtre à air: 1. air-filter
fin: 1. end, ending | 2. lively, witty | 3. subtle
finalement: 1. at last, finally, ultimately | 2. at last, at long last
finance: 1. finance
finir: 1. accomodate, end, finish, terminate | 2. end, come to an end, end up, expire
finlandais: 1. Finnish
finnois: 1. Finnish
fiord: 1. fjord, inlet, loch
fixe: 1. fixed | 2. motionless
fixer: 1. define, determine | 2. attach, determine, fasten, fix, affix, make fast, secure
fièvre: 1. ague, fever
flageller: 1. whip
flairer: 1. smell
flamand: 1. Flemmish
flamber: 1. flame
flamme: 1. flame
flanc: 1. side
flatter: 1. flatter
fleur: 1. bloom, flower
fleuve: 1. river
fleuve Mackenzie: 1. Mackenzie, Mackenzie River
fleuve Saint-Laurent: 1. Saint Lawrence, Saint Lawrence River
fleuve Yukon: 1. Yukon, Yukon River
flirter: 1. flirt, flit, flutter
flocon de neige: 1. snowflake
florin: 1. guilder, gulden
flot: 1. fluid, liquid | 2. torrent, volley
flotte: 1. fleet | 2. fleet
flotter: 1. float
flotte aérienne: 1. air-fleet
fluor: 1. fluorine
fléau: 1. calamity, scourge
fléchir: 1. bend
flêche: 1. arrow
flûte: 1. flute
foi: 1. confidence, faith, trust | 2. belief
foie: 1. liver
foin: 1. hay
foire: 1. bazaar, fair, market | 2. fair, market
foire agricole: 1. agricultural exhibition
fois: 1. occasion, time
foncer: 1. darken
fonction: 1. function | 2. function, job, office, post
fonctionnaire: 1. officer, official
fonctionner: 1. function, operate, run, work
foncé: 1. bleak, dark, dismal, dreary
fond: 1. background | 2. bottom, foundation, ground
fondation: 1. foundation | 2. institution
fonder: 1. erect, establish, found
fondre: 1. melt, thaw | 2. cast, mold, mould
fonds: 1. estate, farm, property, ranch | 2. fund | 3. capital
fontaine: 1. fountain | 2. fountain, source, spring
foot: 1. football, soccer
football: 1. football, soccer
force: 1. force, strength | 2. force, strength, vigour
forcer: 1. soften up
forer: 1. bore, broach, sink, strike, tap | 2. bore, drill
forger: 1. forge
forgeron: 1. smith
forme: 1. form, shape
former: 1. form, shape
formidable: 1. extraordinary, formidable | 2. gigantic, huge | 3. enormous, huge, immense | 4. colossal, huge | 5. horrible
formulaire: 1. blank, form
formule: 1. formula
formuler: 1. formulate
fort: 1. strong | 2. loud | 3. loudly | 4. quite, very, very much
fortement: 1. strongly
fortune: 1. fortune | 2. destiny, fate, fortune, luck
forum: 1. forum
forêt: 1. forest, woods
forêt vierge: 1. primeval forest
fossé: 1. hole, ditch, pit
fou: 1. crazy, insane, mad, nuts
foudre: 1. lightning
fouet: 1. whip
fouetter: 1. whip
fougère: 1. fern
fouiller: 1. examine, explore, investigate, research
foule: 1. crush | 2. accumulation, crowd, heap, mass, multitude, pile
fouler aux pieds: 1. trample on, tread
four: 1. furnace, kiln, oven, stove
fourchette: 1. fork
fourmi: 1. ant, emmet
fourmiller: 1. abound, swarm
fourneau: 1. furnace, kiln, oven, stove
fournir: 1. deliver, furnish, supply
fourniture: 1. arrival, arrivals, supply
fourrer: 1. insert, put in, put away, stow | 2. insert | 3. stuff | 4. push along, shove
fourrure: 1. fur, hide, skin | 2. fur, fur coat, fur piece
foutre: 1. fuck, screw
foyer: 1. hearth
fracasser: 1. crush, shatter, smash
fraction: 1. fraction
fracture: 1. fracture
fragile: 1. fragile | 2. breakable, brittle, fragile
fragment: 1. bit, lump, piece
frais: 1. fresh, recent
fraise: 1. strawberry
framboise: 1. raspberry
franc-maçon: 1. freemason, Mason
franc: 1. Frankish
francium: 1. francium
français: 1. French | 2. French, French language
frapper: 1. beat, hit, strike | 2. hit, knock, strike | 3. catch, hit, run across, strike
frauder: 1. defraud, swindle
frein: 1. brake
freiner: 1. brake
frein de secours: 1. communication-cord
frein de sûreté: 1. communication-cord
friandise: 1. candy | 2. delicacy, tidbit, sweet
frire: 1. fry
friser: 1. curl, do
frisonne: 1. Frisian, Frisian woman
frisson: 1. quiver, quivering, vibration
frivole: 1. frivolous | 2. conceited, frivolous, vain
froid: 1. cold, frigid | 2. bleak, chilly, cold
froisser: 1. crease, crumble
fromage: 1. cheese
froment: 1. wheat
front: 1. front, battlefront, frontage | 2. forehead
frontière: 1. border | 2. boundary, frontier, limit
frotter: 1. rub
fruit: 1. fruit
fruitier: 1. fruit-tree | 2. fertile, fruitful
fruit à coque: 1. nut
fréquemment: 1. frequently, often, regularly
fréquent: 1. frequent
fréquenter: 1. frequent, visit regularly
frère: 1. brother
frêne: 1. ash
fuir: 1. flee, run away
fuite: 1. flight, run
fumer: 1. smoke | 2. fertilize
fumier: 1. fertilizer, manure
fumée: 1. smoke
furieux: 1. furious | 2. furious
fusil: 1. gun, rifle
fusiller: 1. shoot dead
fusil à air comprimé: 1. air gun, air-gun
fusée: 1. rocket
futilité: 1. vanity
futur: 1. future | 2. future
fécond: 1. fertile
fédération: 1. federation
fée: 1. fairy
féliciter: 1. congratulate
féroce: 1. fierce | 2. horrible
février: 1. February
fève: 1. bean
fête-Dieux: 1. Corpus Christi
fête: 1. celebration, festival, party
fêter: 1. celebrate | 2. celebrate
fôlatrer: 1. frolic
fût: 1. barrel
gagner: 1. earn, gain, win | 2. recruit
gai: 1. cheerful, gay, merry
gain: 1. benefit, gain, profit | 2. gain, profit | 3. achievement, success
gaine: 1. salary, wage, wages
galerie: 1. gallery
galicien: 1. Galician
gallois: 1. Welsh
galoche: 1. galosh, overshoe
galoper: 1. gallop
gambader: 1. caper, frolic about | 2. frolic
gamin: 1. naughty boy, pickle
gant: 1. glove, mitten
garage: 1. garage
garantir: 1. affirm, assure | 2. guarantee, warrant | 3. protect | 4. shelter, protect
garde: 1. guard | 2. conservation, maintenance, preservation, retention | 3. protection
garder: 1. guard, keep, look after, watch over
gardien: 1. guard
gare: 1. station | 2. stage, station, stop
garer: 1. park
garnir: 1. garnish, fit out, trim
garçon: 1. bachelor | 2. waiter | 3. boy, lad, laddie
garçon de café: 1. waiter
gaspiller: 1. waste
gauche: 1. left
gaufre: 1. waffle
gaule: 1. pole, rod
gaulois: 1. Gallic, Gaulish
gaz: 1. fart | 2. gas
gazette: 1. gazette, magazine, newspaper, periodical
gazon: 1. lawn | 2. lawn
gazouiller: 1. chirp, peep, twitter
gaz intestinale: 1. fart
gaélique: 1. Gaelic | 2. Gaelic, Gaelic language
gel: 1. freezing cold, frost
geler: 1. freeze
gelée: 1. freezing cold, frost | 2. frost
gencive: 1. gum
gendarme: 1. gendarme, patrolman
gendre: 1. son-in-law
genou: 1. knee
genre: 1. kind, sort
gens: 1. people
gentil: 1. affable, friendly, good-natured, kind | 2. gentle, soft, sweet, tender | 3. kind, obliging | 4. charming, lovely
genêt: 1. greenweed
gerbe: 1. sheaf
germain: 1. Germanic, Teutonic
germanique: 1. Germanic, Teutonic
germe: 1. germ
germer: 1. germinate
geste: 1. gesture
ghanéen: 1. Ghana
gibbon: 1. gibbon
gigantesque: 1. gigantic, huge
gilet: 1. vest, waistcoat
girafe: 1. giraffe
giroflée des murailles: 1. wallflower
gisement: 1. layer
gitan: 1. gypsy, Gypsy
glace: 1. ice, icecream | 2. ice
gland: 1. acorn
glaïeul: 1. gladiolus
glissant: 1. slippery | 2. slippery
glissant comme une anguille: 1. slippery as an eel
glisser: 1. glide, slip
glisser comme une anguille: 1. be as slippery as an eel
globe: 1. ball, ball-bearing, globe
gloire: 1. fame, glory, renown | 2. merit | 3. glamor, glamour, prestige
glorieux: 1. famous, glorious
glorifier: 1. commend, glorify, laud, praise
gnome: 1. brownie, gnome, goblin
gnou: 1. gnu, wildebeest
golfe Persique: 1. Persian Gulf
golfe du Saint-Laurent: 1. Gulf of Saint Lawrence
gomme: 1. eraser, gum | 2. rubber
gonfler: 1. swell
goret: 1. piglet
gorge: 1. throat
gorille: 1. gorilla
gosse: 1. girl, lass, wench | 2. boy, lad, laddie
gothique: 1. Gothic
goudron: 1. tar
gouffre: 1. abyss, chasm, gulf, precipice | 2. jaws, maw
goutte: 1. drop, drop of water | 2. drip, drop
goutte d’eau: 1. drop, drop of water
gouvernail: 1. handlebars, helm, rudder | 2. rudder | 3. joystick, steering-wheel
gouvernement: 1. control, reign, rule | 2. administration, government
gouverner: 1. control, govern, restrain, rule
goût: 1. taste
goûter: 1. taste
gracieux: 1. graceful
grade: 1. degree, grade | 2. grade, rank, rate
grain: 1. grain, granule, pip
graine: 1. grain, granule, pip | 2. seed
graisse: 1. fat, grease
grammaire: 1. grammar
gramme: 1. gram, gramme
grand-maman: 1. granny
grand-mère: 1. grandmother
grand-père: 1. grandfather
grand: 1. big, great, large
grandeur: 1. bulk, dimension, extend, size | 2. size | 3. nobleness
grande personne: 1. adult, grown-up
grandiose: 1. grand, grandiose, magnificent, superb
grandir: 1. accrue, grow
grand lac des Esclaves: 1. Great Slave Lake
grand lac de l’Ours: 1. Great Bear Lake
granit: 1. granite
grappe: 1. cluster
gras: 1. fat, fatty, greasy
gratitude: 1. gratitude
gratter: 1. scratch | 2. scrape, scratch
grave: 1. important, serious
graver: 1. engrave
gravier: 1. gravel, grit
gravir: 1. climb
gravitation: 1. gravity
grec: 1. Greek
gredin: 1. rogue, scoundrel
grenouille: 1. frog
griffe: 1. claw
griffer: 1. scratch
grille: 1. grate, grid, grill
griller: 1. roast, toast
grille d’aération: 1. air-grid
grillon: 1. cricket
grillé: 1. roasted
grimper: 1. climb
grincer: 1. creak, grate
grippe: 1. flu, grip, influenza
gris: 1. tipsy | 2. tipsy | 3. grey
grive: 1. thrush
groenlandais: 1. Greenland
grogner: 1. growl, grumble
gronder: 1. admonish, scold | 2. menace, threaten | 3. howl, roar | 4. blame, rebuke, reproach, reprove, scold | 5. reproach, rebuke, reprove, scold
gros: 1. bold, corpulent, fat, thick
groseille: 1. gooseberry | 2. currant | 3. currant, red currant
groseillier: 1. currant, currant bush
grossier: 1. crude, raw, rough | 2. coarse, crude, harsh
grossir: 1. thicken | 2. accrue, increase
grotte: 1. cave, grotto
grouiller: 1. abound, swarm
groupe: 1. group | 2. detachment
groupe de travail: 1. commission
groënlandais: 1. Greenland
grue: 1. crane | 2. crane, derrick | 3. crane
gré: 1. will, willingness, wish
grève: 1. strike
grâce: 1. favor, favour | 2. grace, gracefulness | 3. grace, gracefulness
grâce à: 1. thanks to
grêle: 1. hail
guatémaltèque: 1. Guatemalan
guerre: 1. war
guerroyer: 1. make war, wage war
guetter: 1. keep an eye on, spy on
gueule: 1. jaws, maw
gui: 1. mistletoe
guichet: 1. window, ticket-window
guide: 1. leader | 2. guide | 3. handbook, guide, guidebook | 4. counsellor
guider: 1. conduct, direct, guide, head, lead
guignol: 1. doll, puppet
guillemet: 1. inverted comma, quotation mark, quote
guillemets: 1. quotation marks, quotes
guinéen: 1. Guinea
guitare: 1. guitar
guérir: 1. care for, cure, treat | 2. cure, heal, remedy | 3. recover
guêpe: 1. wasp
gymnastique: 1. gymnastics
gémir: 1. groan, moan
génie: 1. genius
général: 1. general | 2. general, usual
génération: 1. generation
généreux: 1. generous
géographe: 1. geographer
géographie: 1. geography
géographique: 1. geographic, geographical
géologie: 1. geology
géologique: 1. geological
géologue: 1. geologist
géométrie: 1. geometry
géorgien: 1. Georgian
géranium: 1. crane’s-bill | 2. geranium
gérant: 1. manager
gène: 1. gene
gâcher: 1. botch, bungle, screw up, spoil
gâteau: 1. cake
gâter: 1. spoil | 2. spoil
gêner: 1. bother, disturb, hinder, trouble
gîte: 1. abode, accommodation, dwelling, residence | 2. shelter
habile: 1. adroit, clever, dexterous, skillful
habileté: 1. expertness, skilfulness, skill, skillfulness
habilité: 1. ability
habiller: 1. clothe, dress
habit: 1. dress-coat, evening dress, tails | 2. article of dress, garment
habitant: 1. inhabitant
habitation: 1. abode, accommodation, dwelling, residence
habiter: 1. dwell, live
habitude: 1. custom, habit, way
habituel: 1. accustomed, customary, used to, usual, wonted
habituer: 1. accustom
hache: 1. axe
hacher: 1. chop, cut, hack
haie: 1. hedge
haleine: 1. respiration | 2. breath
halte: 1. stop
hameau: 1. hamlet, township
hameçon: 1. hook
hanche: 1. hip
hangar: 1. penthouse, shed
hanneton: 1. june bug
hardi: 1. impertinent | 2. daring
hareng: 1. herring
haricot: 1. haricot
harmonieux: 1. harmonious
harmonique: 1. overtone
hasard: 1. accidence, chance, hazard
hausser: 1. inflate
hausser les épaules: 1. shrug
haut: 1. high, lofty, tall | 2. loud | 3. summit, surface, top
hauteur: 1. height | 2. altitude, height
hawaiien: 1. Hawaiian | 2. Hawaiian, Hawaiian language
haïr: 1. abhor, abominate, loathe | 2. hate
hebdomadairement: 1. weekly
hectolitre: 1. hectolitre
hectomètre: 1. hectometre
hein: 1. <question particle> | 2. isn’t it, isn’t that so, or not
hennir: 1. whinny
hente: 1. fetch, get, pick up
herbe: 1. grass
herser: 1. harrow
heure: 1. hour, o’clock, time
heureusement: 1. fortunately | 2. unfortunately
heureux: 1. fortunate, happy
heurter: 1. beat, hit, strike | 2. hit, knock, strike | 3. shock
hibou: 1. owl
hideux: 1. abhorrent, abominable, alien, awful, hideous, horrible, gruesome
hier: 1. yesterday
hier soir: 1. last night
hindou: 1. Hindu
hipothétique: 1. hypothetical
hippopotame: 1. hippo, hippopotamus
hirondelle: 1. swallow
hirsute: 1. bristly, standing on end, untidy
hispanique: 1. Spanish
histoire: 1. fairy tale | 2. story, history
hiver: 1. winter
homard: 1. lobster
hommage: 1. homage
homme: 1. man, human being | 2. fellow, man
homme de science: 1. scientist
hondurien: 1. Honduran
hongrois: 1. Hungarian
honneur: 1. honor, honour
honnête: 1. above-board, honest | 2. faithful, loyal
honorer: 1. honor, honour
hop: 1. gee-up
hoqueter: 1. hiccup
horizon: 1. horizon
horizontal: 1. horizontal, level
horloge: 1. clock, watch
horloger: 1. watchmaker
hormis: 1. apart from, besides, except, except for
horoscope: 1. horoscope
horreur: 1. abomination | 2. abhorrence, abomination, atrocity, horror | 3. phi
horrible: 1. abhorrent, abominable, alien, awful, hideous, horrible, gruesome | 2. repellent, repelling, repulsive | 3. dismal, dreary, horrible, nasty
hors-d’oeuvre: 1. entrée
hors de: 1. from, out of
hostile: 1. adverse, hostile
houblon: 1. hop, hops
houe: 1. hoe
houp: 1. gee-up
houx: 1. holly
huile: 1. oil
huit: 1. eight
humain: 1. humane
humble: 1. humble
humide: 1. moist
humilier: 1. abase
humour: 1. humor, humour
humus: 1. humus
huppe: 1. hoopoo
hurler: 1. howl
hutte: 1. cabin, hut, shack
huître: 1. oyster
hybride: 1. hybrid, mongrel
hygiénique: 1. hygienic
hygiène: 1. hygiene
hymne: 1. anthem, hymn
hypnose: 1. hypnosis, hypnotic trance
hypnotiser: 1. hypnotize
hypocrite: 1. hypocritical | 2. hypocrite
hypothèque: 1. mortgage
hypothèse: 1. hypothesis | 2. supposition
hystérie: 1. hysteria
hystérique: 1. hysterical
hyène: 1. hyaena
hébraïque: 1. Hebrew, Jewish
hébreu: 1. Hebrew, Jewish | 2. Hebrew, Hebrew language
hélas: 1. woe
hélice: 1. helix, propeller
hélium: 1. helium
hémorrhoïde: 1. haemorrhoid, hemorrhoid, pile
hémorrhoïdes: 1. haemorhoids
héraut: 1. herald
hérisser: 1. agitate, excite, rouse, stir up | 2. tousle
héritage: 1. inheritance
hériter: 1. inherit
héron: 1. heron
héros: 1. hero
héroïne: 1. heroine | 2. heroin
héroïque: 1. heroic
héroïsme: 1. heroism
hérésie: 1. heresy
hésiter: 1. hesitate | 2. hesitate, waver
hâte: 1. haste | 2. speed
hâter: 1. accelerate, speed up | 2. accelerate, advance | 3. accelerate, advance
hâtif: 1. early | 2. hurried
hêtre: 1. beech
hôpital: 1. hospital
hôte: 1. host | 2. guest
hôtel: 1. hotel
hôtel de ville: 1. town-hall | 2. city hall, town hall
hôtesse de l’air: 1. air hostess, stewardess
ibérien: 1. Iberian
ibérique: 1. Iberian
ibère: 1. Iberian
identifier: 1. distinguish | 2. identify
identique: 1. identical | 2. same
idiot: 1. idiot | 2. addled, foolish, stupid
idéal: 1. ideal | 2. ideal
idée: 1. idea
if: 1. yew-tree
igname: 1. yam
ignominie: 1. phi
ignorer: 1. ignore, leave out of account
ignoré: 1. unknown
il: 1. he, him | 2. it
illettré: 1. illiterate | 2. illiterate
illimité: 1. absolute
illuminer: 1. enlighten, illuminate
illusion: 1. illusion
illustre: 1. famous
illustrer: 1. illustrate
ils: 1. they
il paraît que: 1. allegedly, as is being said
il y a: 1. there is, there are
il y a …: 1. … ago
image: 1. image, picture
imaginer: 1. fancy, imagine
imbroglio: 1. tangle
imbécile: 1. fool
imiter: 1. imitate
immense: 1. enormous | 2. enormous, huge, immense | 3. colossal, huge | 4. absolute | 5. abysmal, immense
immerger: 1. immerse
immeuble: 1. mansion | 2. building
immobile: 1. motionless
immoral: 1. abandoned, nasty
immédiat: 1. immediate
immédiatement: 1. at once, immediately, just, right away, right now
impasse: 1. dead-end street
imperméable: 1. impenetrable | 2. raincoat
impliquer: 1. imply
implorer: 1. beseech
impoli: 1. rude
importance: 1. bulk, dimension, extend, size | 2. concern | 3. meaning
important: 1. important, serious
importer: 1. import
imposant: 1. imposing | 2. considerable, sizable | 3. majestic
imposer: 1. force, impose upon | 2. compel, force | 3. tax | 4. put on | 5. force, impose
impossible: 1. impossible
impression: 1. effect, impression | 2. impression | 3. print, imprint | 4. printed matter | 5. trace, track
imprimer: 1. print
imprimeur: 1. printer
improviser: 1. ad-lib
impulsion: 1. access, impetus, impulse | 2. insistence, pressure, urgency
impérialisme: 1. imperialism | 2. imperialism
impôt: 1. tax
inattendu: 1. abrupt
inattention: 1. absence of mind, abstraction
inauguration: 1. inauguration | 2. beginning, commencement, start
inaugurer: 1. inaugurate
incalculable: 1. countless | 2. countless
incendie: 1. conflagration, fire
incertain: 1. doubtful | 2. uncertain
inceste: 1. incest
incitation: 1. access, impetus, impulse | 2. impetus, incitement, stimulus
inciter: 1. encourage, impel, instigate, spur on, stimulate, urge | 2. incite, rouse, spur, stimulate, stir up
incliner: 1. incline, be inclined | 2. bend, incline, tilt
inconnu: 1. anonymous writer | 2. foreigner, stranger | 3. unknown
inconvénient: 1. disadvantage
indication: 1. indication
indien: 1. Indian
indifférent: 1. immaterial, indifferent
indigner: 1. aggravate, annoy
indiquer: 1. indicate, suggest | 2. indicate, point out, show
indispensable: 1. indispensable
individu: 1. individual | 2. chap, guy, fellow, person
indonésien: 1. Indonesian
indulgent: 1. lenient | 2. charitable, merciful
industrie: 1. industry
industriel: 1. industrial | 2. industrialist
indépendant: 1. independant
ineluctable: 1. absolute
inerte: 1. inert
infanterie: 1. infantry
infecter: 1. infect
infini: 1. everlasting
infiniment: 1. ad infinitum, endlessly
infirme: 1. disabled person | 2. decayed, decrepit, dilapidated, lapsed, rickety | 3. crippled, infirm
infirmier: 1. nurse
infirmière: 1. nurse
influence: 1. action, influence
influer: 1. act, affect, influence
informer: 1. acquaint, inform, report
inférieur: 1. subordinate
ingrat: 1. thankless, ungrateful, unthankful
ingénieur: 1. engineer
injecter: 1. inject
injure: 1. abuse, insult | 2. abuse
innocent: 1. guiltless, innocent
inné: 1. congenital, inborn, inbred, innate, native | 2. congentital, inborn, inbred, innate, native
inondation: 1. flood
inonder: 1. flood
inquiet: 1. agitated, anxious | 2. anxious
inscription: 1. accession | 2. entry | 3. superscription
inscrire: 1. enter
insecte: 1. bug, insect
insigne: 1. badge, insignia
insinuer: 1. allude, hint
insister: 1. insist
inspecter: 1. inspect
inspecteur: 1. inspector | 2. inspector
inspirer: 1. inhale | 2. inspire | 3. persuade | 4. advance, suggest
installer: 1. install
instance: 1. insistence, pressure, urgency | 2. insistence, pressure, urgency
instances: 1. insistence, pressure, urgency | 2. insistence, pressure, urgency
instant: 1. instant, moment
instinct: 1. instinct
institut: 1. academy | 2. institute
instituteur: 1. instructor, teacher
institutrice: 1. teacher, female teacher
instruction: 1. education | 2. education | 3. directions, instruction
instruire: 1. exercise, practise | 2. teach
instrument: 1. agent, means, tool
insuffisance: 1. absence, lack, shortage, shortcoming
insuffisant: 1. in short supply, scanty, scarce
insulter: 1. abuse, insult, offend
intact: 1. in good condition
intellectuel: 1. intellectual | 2. intellectual | 3. mental
intelligence: 1. intelligence | 2. wisdom
intelligent: 1. intelligent, sagacious
intendance: 1. stewardship
intense: 1. acute, intense, intensive
intention: 1. intention, meaning, plan
interdire: 1. forbid, prohibit
interface: 1. interface
interjection: 1. interjection
interminable: 1. everlasting
intermédaire: 1. mediation
intermédiaire: 1. average, mean, middle | 2. agent
international: 1. international
interne: 1. inner, inside, internal
interpeller: 1. accost, address
interpréter: 1. interpret
interprète: 1. interpreter
interroger: 1. interrogate
interrompre: 1. interrupt | 2. stop
interrupteur: 1. switch
interruption: 1. interruption
intervalle: 1. interval
intervenir: 1. converse | 2. intervene | 3. come about, happen, occur
interview: 1. interview
interéssant: 1. advantageous
intestin: 1. intestine
intime: 1. close, intimate
intitulé: 1. degree, heading, title
intriger: 1. manoeuvre
intrigue: 1. plot | 2. maneuver, manoeuvre, manoeuvre
intriguer: 1. intrigue
introduction: 1. introduction, preface
introduire: 1. advertise, announce, give notice | 2. enter, insert, put in | 3. insert, put in, put away, stow | 4. insert
intéressant: 1. interesting | 2. curious, interesting, quaint
intéresser: 1. interest | 2. concern
intérieur: 1. inner, inside, internal
intérêt: 1. good | 2. concern | 3. interest | 4. interest | 5. advantage, benefit
inutile: 1. abortive, useless
invariable: 1. constant, continual, permanent, sustained
invasion: 1. invasion
inventer: 1. invent
invention: 1. invention | 2. invention | 3. invention | 4. invention
inverse: 1. reverse, reversed
investir: 1. invest
invitation: 1. invitation
inviter: 1. invite
invoquer: 1. invoke | 2. appeal to, invoke
invraisemblable: 1. incredible
inédit: 1. original
iode: 1. iodine
irakien: 1. Iraqi, Iraquian
iranien: 1. Iranian
iris: 1. iris
irlandais: 1. Irish
ironie: 1. irony
irriter: 1. abet, excite, incite, provoke, rouse, stimulate, stir up
islam: 1. Islam
islandais: 1. Icelandic
isoler: 1. insulate, isolate, seclude
issue: 1. exit, way out
italien: 1. Italian
itinéraire: 1. route
ivoire: 1. ivory
ivre: 1. drunk, intoxicated
ivresse: 1. drunkenness, inebriety
jadis: 1. at some time, ever, sometime
jaillir: 1. gush, spurt, spurt out
jaloux: 1. jealous
jamais: 1. never
jambe: 1. leg | 2. leg, paw
jambon: 1. ham
janvier: 1. January
japonais: 1. Japanese | 2. Japanese, Japanese language
jardin: 1. garden
jardinage: 1. gardening
jardinier: 1. gardener
jaser: 1. gossip
jaune: 1. yellow
javanais: 1. Javan, Javanese
je: 1. I | 2. I | 3. I | 4. I
jeter: 1. spit | 2. throw
jeu: 1. game
jeudi: 1. Thursday
jeune: 1. young
jeune fille: 1. girl, lass, wench
jeûner: 1. fast
je vous demande pardon: 1. excuse me
joie: 1. gladness, joy
joindre: 1. add | 2. adjust, put right | 3. join, unite | 4. connect, join | 5. put together | 6. link together, link up
joint: 1. seam
joli: 1. pretty
joncher: 1. sprinkle, strew
jonc odorant: 1. calamus
jongler: 1. juggle
joue: 1. cheek
jouer: 1. act | 2. play
jouir: 1. delight in, enjoy
jouir de: 1. delight in, enjoy
jour: 1. day
journal: 1. gazette, magazine, newspaper, periodical | 2. daily paper, journal, newspaper
journalier: 1. daily
journaliste: 1. journalist | 2. journalist, female journalist | 3. journalist
journellement: 1. daily
journée: 1. day
jour de l’an: 1. New Year | 2. New Year’s Day
jour férié: 1. holiday
joyeux: 1. cheerful, gay, merry | 2. happy, glad
juge: 1. judge
jugement: 1. adjudication, trial
juger: 1. judge
juillet: 1. July
juin: 1. June
jumeau: 1. twin
jumeaux: 1. twins
jumelles: 1. binoculars
jungle: 1. jungle
jupe: 1. skirt
jurer: 1. swear
jus: 1. juice, sap
jusqu’à: 1. until, till
juste: 1. fair, just, righteous | 2. correct, exact, proper, right
justement: 1. exactly | 2. exactly, sharp | 3. just, just now
j’: 1. I | 2. I | 3. I | 4. I
kenyan: 1. Kenyan
kermesse: 1. fair
khmer: 1. Cambodian
kilobyte: 1. kilobyte | 2. kilobyte
kilogramme: 1. kilo
kilomètre: 1. kilometre
kimono: 1. kimono
kiosque: 1. barn, shed, stand
krypton: 1. krypton
kurde: 1. Kurdish
la: 1. the | 2. it | 3. her
laboratoire: 1. laboratory
laborieux: 1. diligent, hardworking, industrious | 2. active, hardworking
labourer: 1. plough
laboureur: 1. farmer
lac: 1. lake, loch
lacet: 1. shoe-lace | 2. shoe-lace
lacs de la Frontière: 1. Boundary Lakes
lac Athabasca: 1. Lake Athabasca
lac Champlain: 1. Lake Champlain
lac Clarice: 1. Clarice Lake
lac Donquan: 1. Donquan Lake
lac Fonteneau: 1. Fonteneau Lake
lac Gaillot: 1. Gaillot Lake
lac Holden: 1. Holden Lake
lac Huron: 1. Lake Huron
lac Kingroy: 1. Kingroy Lake
lac Labyrinthe: 1. Labyrinth Lake
lac Mabille: 1. Mabille Lake
lac Michigan: 1. Lake Michigan
lac Nipigon: 1. Nipigon Lake
lac Norman: 1. Norman Lake
lac Ontario: 1. Lake Ontario
lac Ross: 1. Ross Lake
lac Sainte-Clair: 1. Lake Saint Clair
lac Supérieur: 1. Lake Superior
lac Sénécal: 1. Sénécal Lake
lac Témiscamingue: 1. Lake Timiskaming
lac Winnipeg: 1. Lake Winnipeg | 2. Lake Winnipegosis
lac aux Allumettes: 1. Allumette Lake
lac des Bois: 1. Lake of the Woods
lac des Marets: 1. Cheeseman Lake
lac à la Pluie: 1. Rainy Lake
lagune: 1. lagoon
laid: 1. nasty, ugly
laine: 1. wool
laisser: 1. allow, leave, let, release
lait: 1. milk
laiton: 1. brass | 2. brass
laitue: 1. lettuce
lambeau: 1. rag, scrap
lambris: 1. dash-board, panel, wainscot
lame: 1. blade | 2. razor
lamentable: 1. miserable
lame tranchante: 1. blade
lamier: 1. dead-nettle
lampe: 1. lamp
lancer: 1. launch
langage: 1. speech
langue: 1. tongue | 2. language, tongue
langue allemande: 1. German, German language
langue anglaise: 1. English, English language
langue espagnole: 1. Spanish, Spanish language
langue française: 1. French, French language
langue gaélique: 1. Gaelic, Gaelic language
langue hawaiienne: 1. Hawaiian, Hawaiian language
langue hébraïque: 1. Hebrew, Hebrew language
langue japonaise: 1. Japanese, Japanese language
langue portugaise: 1. Portuguese, Portuguese language
langue russe: 1. Russian, Russian language
langue tchèque: 1. Czech, Czech language
lanière: 1. strap
lanterne: 1. lantern
laotien: 1. Laotian
lapin: 1. rabbit
lapon: 1. Lapp, Lappish
lard: 1. bacon
large: 1. ample, bulky, extensive | 2. broad | 3. extensive, spacious, vast, wide
largement: 1. abundantly | 2. widely
largeur: 1. width | 2. width
larme: 1. tear
larve: 1. grub, larva
las: 1. tired
lasser: 1. bore
latin: 1. Latin | 2. Latin
laurier: 1. laurel
lavande: 1. lavender
laver: 1. wash
laïc: 1. layman
laïque: 1. lay
la Manche: 1. Channel, English Channel
le: 1. the | 2. him | 3. it
lecteur: 1. reader
lent: 1. slow
lentement: 1. leasurely, slowly
lentille: 1. lentil
les: 1. them | 2. them | 3. the
lessive: 1. lye
lest: 1. ballast
les deux: 1. both
letton: 1. Latvian, Lettish
lettre: 1. letter | 2. letter
lettre de créance: 1. credential
lettre de recommandation: 1. letter of introduction, letter of recommendation
lettre de relance: 1. dunning-letter
lettre recommandée: 1. registered letter | 2. registered letter
leur: 1. them, to them | 2. them, to them | 3. their | 4. her, his, its, their
lever: 1. lever, lift, raise
levier: 1. crowbar
leçon: 1. class, course | 2. lesson
le matin: 1. in the morning
le mieux: 1. preferably, rather
le néant: 1. nothing
le plus: 1. most
le soir: 1. in the evening
libanais: 1. Lebanese
libellule: 1. dragonfly
liber: 1. bast
liberté: 1. freedom
libraire: 1. bookseller
librairie: 1. bookshop, bookstore
libyen: 1. Libyan
libérer: 1. release
libérien: 1. Liberian
licence: 1. licence, license | 2. permission
licencier: 1. discharge, dismiss, fire, sack | 2. discharge, dismiss, fire, sack
lien: 1. bond, tie
lier: 1. tie on
lierre: 1. ivy
lieu: 1. inducement, motive, occasion | 2. location, place, spot
lieue: 1. league
lieutenant: 1. lieutenant
ligne: 1. line | 2. line
ligue: 1. connection, league
lilas: 1. lilac
limace: 1. slug
limaçon: 1. snail
lime: 1. file
limer: 1. file
limite: 1. boundary, frontier, limit
limiter: 1. abridge, confine, limit, restrict
limpide: 1. clear, distinct, plain | 2. transparant
lin: 1. flax
linge: 1. cloth
lion: 1. lion
liquide: 1. liquid
liquider: 1. liquidate
lire: 1. read | 2. lira
lis: 1. lily
liseron: 1. bindweed
lisière: 1. border | 2. border, brim, brink, edge, edging, fringe, rim
lisse: 1. smooth
liste: 1. nomination, recommendation | 2. list | 3. index, table, tablet, tabulation
liste de candidats: 1. nomination, recommendation
liste de présentation: 1. nomination, recommendation
liste d’adresses: 1. address list
lis des marais: 1. calamus
lit: 1. bed
lithium: 1. lithium
litre: 1. liter, litre
littéralement: 1. verbatim, word-for-word
littérature: 1. literature
lit d’accouchement: 1. childbed
livonien: 1. Livonian
livre: 1. book
livrer: 1. accuse, denounce | 2. abandon, forsake, desert, leave, quit | 3. deliver, furnish, supply
liège: 1. cork
lièvre: 1. hare
local: 1. place | 2. local | 3. regional | 4. chamber, room
localité: 1. location, place, spot | 2. abode, dwelling-place-residence | 3. town | 4. village
locataire: 1. renter, tenant
locomotive: 1. engine
locution: 1. expression
logement: 1. abode, accommodation, dwelling, residence
loger: 1. dwell, live
logique: 1. consistent | 2. logical | 3. logic
logis: 1. abode, accommodation, dwelling, residence
loi: 1. law
loin: 1. away | 2. distant, far, remote
lointain: 1. distant, far, remote
loisirs: 1. spare time, time off, vacation
lombes: 1. loin
lombric: 1. earthworm
long: 1. long
longtemps: 1. a long time, for a long time, long
longuement: 1. a long time, for a long time, long
longueur: 1. length | 2. length
lors: 1. for, during, whereas, while, whilst | 2. on the occasion of
lorsque: 1. when
loterie: 1. lottery, raffle
louange: 1. praise
loucher: 1. look askance, squint
louer: 1. hire
loup: 1. wolf
loupe: 1. magnifying glass
lourd: 1. burdensome, heavy, onerous
lourdement: 1. hardly, not easily, with difficulty
louve: 1. she-wolf
loyal: 1. faithful, loyal
loyer: 1. rent, rent money
lubie: 1. addiction
lucarne: 1. porthole, skylight
lui: 1. the, to the | 2. him, to him | 3. it, to it | 4. her, to her | 5. he, him | 6. it
luire: 1. shine
luisant: 1. bright, brilliant
lumineux: 1. bright, light
lumière: 1. light
lundi: 1. Monday
lune: 1. moon
lunette: 1. binocular, binoculars
lunettes: 1. glasses, spectacles
lupanar: 1. brothel
lupine: 1. lupine
luter: 1. fight, struggle
luth: 1. lute
lutin: 1. elf | 2. fairy | 3. goblin, imp
lutter: 1. struggle, wrestle
luxe: 1. luxury
luxembourgeois: 1. Luxemburg
lycée: 1. lyceum
lynx: 1. lynx
lyre: 1. lyre
l’: 1. the | 2. him | 3. it | 4. her
l’une et l’autre: 1. both
l’un et l’autre: 1. both
lécher: 1. lick
léger: 1. light
légerement: 1. a little, rather
légitime: 1. legal
légume: 1. vegetable
léopard: 1. leopard
lézard: 1. lizard
lèvre: 1. lip
lâche: 1. abject, base, low, nasty, vile
lâcher: 1. release
lâcheté: 1. cowardice
ma: 1. my
machine: 1. engine, machine
machine administrative: 1. machine of government
machine à adresser: 1. addressing machine
machine à écrire: 1. typewriter
macédonien: 1. Macedonian
madame: 1. lady | 2. madam, Mrs.
mademoiselle: 1. Miss
maestro: 1. adept, maestro, master
magasin: 1. boutique, shop, store | 2. shop, store
magie: 1. magic
magique: 1. magical | 2. magic
magnifique: 1. lovely | 2. bright, brilliant | 3. grand, grandiose, magnificent, superb | 4. resplendant
magnésium: 1. magnesium
magnétophone: 1. tape-recorder
magnétoscope: 1. video recorder, video-recorder
mai: 1. May
maigre: 1. gaunt, lean, meager, skimpy, skinny, thin | 2. gaunt, thin
maille: 1. loop, mesh
maillet: 1. mallet
maillot de bain: 1. bathing suit, bathing-suit
maillot de corps: 1. vest
main: 1. hand
maint: 1. a lot of, much
maintenant: 1. at present, now
maintenir: 1. continue, go on, proceed with | 2. conserve, keep, maintain, preserve | 3. abet, support, sustain
maire: 1. mayor | 2. burgomaster, mayor, provost
mais: 1. but
maison: 1. house
maison close: 1. brothel
maison de repos: 1. resting-place
maitriser: 1. exceed, surpass
majesté: 1. majestic | 2. majesty | 3. majesty
majeur: 1. important, serious | 2. considerable, sizable | 3. adult, grown-up, full-grown
majorité: 1. majority | 2. majority
majuscule: 1. capital letter
mal: 1. ache, pain | 2. pity | 3. bad, miserable, nasty, poor | 4. badly
malade: 1. ill, sick
maladroit: 1. awkward
malais: 1. Malay
malaisien: 1. Malaysian
malard: 1. drake
malaria: 1. malaria
malentendu: 1. misunderstanding
malgré: 1. despite, in spite of, notwithstanding
malheureusement: 1. alas, regrettably, unfortunately | 2. unfortunately | 3. unfortunately
malheureux: 1. dismal, miserable, pitiful, poor | 2. unhappy | 3. poor
malin: 1. vicious | 2. airy-fairy, frolic, frolicsome, petulant | 3. clever, cunning, sly, smart
malle: 1. trunk
malsain: 1. abandoned, nasty | 2. ill, sick
maltais: 1. Maltese
maltraiter: 1. abuse
mal de l’air: 1. airsickness
mal de mer: 1. seasickness
maman: 1. mam, mammy, mom, mommy
mamelle: 1. breast, teat
mamelon: 1. nipple
mammifère: 1. mammal | 2. mammal
manche: 1. sleeve
manchette: 1. cuff
mandarine: 1. tangerine
mandat-poste: 1. money order
mandat: 1. mandate
mandchou: 1. Manchurian
manie: 1. addiction
manier: 1. handle, manipulate
manifestation: 1. demonstration
manifester: 1. demonstrate, manifest, show
maniéré: 1. affected
manière: 1. manner, mode, way
manière d’être: 1. condition, state
manne: 1. manna
manque: 1. absence, lack, shortage, shortcoming
manquer: 1. miss | 2. be lacking, be missing | 3. miss
mansarde: 1. attic, garret
manteau: 1. cloak, mantle | 2. coat, overcoat
manoeuvre: 1. maneuver, manoeuvre, manoeuvre
manoeuvrer: 1. manoeuvre
maquereau: 1. mackerel
maquillage: 1. make up, make-up
maquiller: 1. make up
marais: 1. marsh, swamp
marbre: 1. marble
marchand: 1. merchant | 2. salesman
marchander: 1. bargain, haggle
marchandise: 1. merchandise, wares | 2. commodity, merchandise, wares
marche: 1. stair, step, rung
marcher: 1. march, walk
marcher dans l’eau: 1. wade
marcher sur: 1. trample on, tread
marché: 1. bazaar, fair, market | 2. market, sales activity | 3. market, marketplace
mardi: 1. Tuesday
marge: 1. margin
marguerite: 1. marguerite
mari: 1. husband
mariage: 1. marriage, matrimony | 2. marriage | 3. marriage
marier: 1. marry, wed | 2. marry, be married, get married
marin: 1. maritime, sea, sea-, of the sea | 2. sailor | 3. sailor
marionnette: 1. doll, puppet
marié: 1. married
mariée: 1. married
mariés: 1. married
mari et femme: 1. couple, married people
mark: 1. mark
marocain: 1. Moroccan
marque: 1. mark
marquer: 1. mark | 2. indicate, point out, show
marron: 1. chestnut
marronnier: 1. chestnut-tree | 2. chestnut-tree
mars: 1. March
marsouin: 1. porpoise
marte: 1. marten
marteau: 1. hammer
martin-pêcheur: 1. halcyon, kingfisher | 2. halcyon, kingfisher
martre: 1. marten
martyr: 1. martyr
martyre: 1. martyr, female martyr
marécage: 1. marsh, swamp
marée: 1. tide
marée basse: 1. low tide
marée haute: 1. high tide
masque: 1. mask
massacrer: 1. massacre
masse: 1. accumulation, crowd, heap, mass, multitude, pile | 2. lump, mass
masser: 1. massage
massif: 1. massive | 2. mountain chain
massif de montagnes: 1. mountain chain
matelas: 1. mattress
mathématique: 1. mathematical
mathématiques: 1. mathematics
matin: 1. morning
matinée: 1. morning
matière: 1. matter
matière plastique: 1. plastic
matériau: 1. data, material
matériel: 1. material
maudire: 1. curse
maure: 1. Moorish, Moresque
mauritanien: 1. Mauretanian
maussade: 1. boring, stodgy | 2. brutal, gruff, harsh, rough, sour, surly, unkind, unpleasant | 3. bleak, dismal, dreary, horrible, ghastly, grisly, nasty | 4. cross, peevish, pettish, petulant | 5. bleak, dismal, dreary, gaunt, miserable, sad, somber
mauvais: 1. rotten, ugly | 2. bad, miserable, nasty, poor | 3. bad
maximum: 1. maximum
maïs: 1. corn, Indian corn, maize, mealies
maître: 1. adept, maestro, master | 2. boss, master
maîtresse: 1. lover | 2. mistress
maçon: 1. mason
maçonner: 1. build
me: 1. me, to me | 2. me, to me | 3. me, to me | 4. me, to me | 5. me | 6. me | 7. me | 8. me
meilleur: 1. better
melon: 1. melon
melon d’eau: 1. water-melon
membre: 1. limb, member
menace: 1. menace, threat
menacer: 1. menace, threaten
mendiant: 1. beggar
mendier: 1. beg
mener: 1. conduct, guide, lead
mensonge: 1. lie
mensuel: 1. monthly
mensuellement: 1. monthly
mental: 1. mental | 2. lively, witty
menthe: 1. mint
mentionner: 1. mention
mentir: 1. lie, tell a lie
menton: 1. chin
menu: 1. menu
mer: 1. sea
merci: 1. thank you, thanks
mercredi: 1. Wednesday
mercure: 1. mercury, quicksilver
merle: 1. blackbird
merveilleux: 1. wonderful
mer Adriatique: 1. Adriatic, Adriatic Sea | 2. Adriatic, Adriatic Sea
mer Baltique: 1. Baltic Sea
mer Caspienne: 1. Caspian Sea
mer Egée: 1. Aegean, Aegean Sea
mer Tyrrhénienne: 1. Tyrrhenian Sea
mer de Beaufort: 1. Beaufort Sea
mer du Labrador: 1. Labrador Sea
mer du Nord: 1. North Sea
mer d’Irlande: 1. Irish Sea
mes: 1. my
message: 1. errand, message
messager: 1. advertiser | 2. courier
mesure: 1. measure, measurement | 2. musical time, tact
mesurer: 1. measure
mesure de largeur: 1. width
mettre: 1. insert, put in, put away, stow | 2. lay down, place, put, put down | 3. put on
mettre au monde: 1. bear, give birth to
mettre d’accord: 1. bring into agreement
mettre en adjudication: 1. invite tenders for, put out to tender
mettre en place de: 1. replace, substitute
mettre à l’entreprise: 1. invite tenders for, put out to tender
meuble: 1. piece of furniture
meubler: 1. furnish
meunier: 1. miller
meurtrier: 1. deadly | 2. murderer | 3. murderer
mexicain: 1. Mexican
mica: 1. mica
microbe: 1. germ, microbe
micromètre: 1. micrometre
microsillon: 1. LP
midi: 1. midday, noon
miel: 1. honey
miette: 1. crumb
mieux: 1. preferably | 2. preferably, rather
mignon: 1. pretty | 2. graceful | 3. charming, lovely
milan: 1. kite
milieu: 1. inside | 2. environment | 3. average, mean, middle
militaire: 1. warrior
mille: 1. thousand, one thousand
millimètre: 1. millimetre
minauderie: 1. affectation
mince: 1. gaunt, lean, slender, thin
mine: 1. expression
miner: 1. subvert, undermine
minerai: 1. ore
mineur: 1. insignificant, trifling | 2. miner | 3. unimportant
minimum: 1. minimum | 2. minimum
miniscule: 1. tiny
ministre: 1. minister
ministère: 1. ministry
minorité: 1. minority
minuscule: 1. lower case letter, small letter
minute: 1. minute
minéral: 1. mineral | 2. mineral
miracle: 1. miracle
miroir: 1. looking-glass, mirror
mission: 1. mission
missionnaire: 1. missionary
misérable: 1. dismal, miserable, pitiful, poor | 2. abject, dismal, meager, miserable, wretched
misère: 1. misery
mite: 1. moth
mobile: 1. prompt | 2. mobile
mobilier: 1. furniture | 2. mobile
mode: 1. fashion, mode
modeler: 1. model, mold, mould
moderne: 1. fashionable | 2. modern
modeste: 1. modest
modestie: 1. humility | 2. modesty
modifier: 1. modify
modiste: 1. milliner
modéré: 1. moderate, reasonable
modèle: 1. model | 2. type | 3. pattern, stencil, template, templet
moi: 1. me, to me | 2. me, to me | 3. me, to me | 4. me, to me | 5. me | 6. me | 7. me | 8. me | 9. I | 10. I | 11. I
moine: 1. monk
moineau: 1. sparrow
moins: 1. minus
mois: 1. month
moisi: 1. mouldy, musty
moisir: 1. get mouldy
moisson: 1. harvest
moitié: 1. half
moldave: 1. Moldavian
mollet: 1. calf
moluquois: 1. Moluccan
moment: 1. instant, moment
mon: 1. my
monde: 1. world
monnaie: 1. money | 2. change
monopoliser: 1. corner, monopolize
monotone: 1. monotonous
monseigneur: 1. monsignor
monstre: 1. monster
mont: 1. mountain
montage: 1. assemblage, assembly, composing, erecting, fitting up, mounting
montagne: 1. mountain chain | 2. mountain
montagnes Rocheuses: 1. Rocky Mountains
montant: 1. amount, sum
monter: 1. get in, get into a car | 2. assemble, link, mount | 3. ascend, climb, scale
monter à bicyclette: 1. ride
monter à cheval: 1. ride
monter à l’abordage: 1. hitch on, hook on | 2. hitch on, hook on
montre: 1. watch, wrist-watch | 2. watch
montrer: 1. indicate, point out, show
monts Torngat: 1. Torngat Mountains
monténégrin: 1. Montenegrin
mont Cervin: 1. Matterhorn
mont d’Iberville: 1. Mount Caubvick
monument: 1. monument
monégasque: 1. Monegasque
moral: 1. fair, just, righteous | 2. moral
morale: 1. morals
morceau: 1. bit, lump, piece
mordre: 1. bite
morne: 1. desolate, dismal, dreary, gaunt, gloomy, mournful
morphine: 1. morphia, morphine
morpion: 1. naughty boy, pickle
mort: 1. death
mortel: 1. deadly
mortier: 1. morter
morue: 1. cod, codfish
moscovite: 1. Muscovite
mosquée: 1. mosque
mot: 1. word
moteur: 1. engine, motor
motif: 1. account, reason | 2. account, motive, reason
motion: 1. motion, resolution
moto: 1. motorcycle
mou: 1. soft
mouche: 1. fly, housefly
mouchoir: 1. handkerchief
moudre: 1. grind, pulverize
mouette: 1. seagull
mouiller: 1. wet
moule: 1. mussel
mourir: 1. die, expire, pass away
mousquet: 1. musket | 2. musket
mousse: 1. moss
moustache: 1. moustache
moustique: 1. gnat | 2. mosquito
moutarde: 1. mustard
mouton: 1. mutton | 2. sheep
mouvement: 1. movement
mouvoir: 1. actuate, move
moyen: 1. means, remedy, resources
moyenne: 1. average | 2. average, mean | 3. average
moyeu: 1. hub, nave
muet: 1. dumb, mute, speechless
mugir: 1. howl, roar
muguet: 1. lily-of-the-valley
mulet: 1. mule
multicolore: 1. multicoloured
multiple: 1. multiple
multitude: 1. accumulation, crowd, heap, mass, multitude, pile
munir: 1. provide, supply
munitions: 1. munition, ammunition
mur: 1. wall
murmure: 1. murmur
murmurer: 1. murmur, mutter
muscle: 1. muscle
muselière: 1. muzzle
musicien: 1. musician
musique: 1. music
musée: 1. museum
mutiler: 1. top, truncate
mutilé: 1. disabled person
myope: 1. near-sighted, short-sighted
myosotis: 1. forget-me-not
myriapode: 1. centipede
myrrhe: 1. myrrh
myrtille: 1. blueberry
mysticisme: 1. mysticism
mystification: 1. mystification
mystifier: 1. fool, hoax, mystify, trick | 2. bilk, cheat, take in
mystique: 1. mystic, mystical | 2. mystic
mystérieux: 1. abstruse, mysterious
mystère: 1. mystery
mythe: 1. myth
mythique: 1. mythical
mythologie: 1. mythology
mythologue: 1. mythologist
myxomatose: 1. myxomatosis
m’: 1. me, to me | 2. me, to me | 3. me, to me | 4. me, to me | 5. me | 6. me | 7. me | 8. me
moelleux: 1. soft
mécanicien: 1. mechanic | 2. mechanic
mécanicien aéronautique: 1. flight engineer, flight mechanic
mécanique: 1. mechanics | 2. mechanics
méchant: 1. cruel | 2. bad, miserable, nasty, poor | 3. malicious, mischievous, nasty, vicious
méconnaître: 1. ignore, leave out of account
mécontent: 1. discontented, displeased, dissatisfied
médaille: 1. medal
médecin: 1. doctor, physician
méditer: 1. meditate, think to oneself
méduse: 1. jelly-fish
méfiance: 1. suspicion
méfiant: 1. suspicious
mégère: 1. cat
mélancolie: 1. melancholy
mélancolique: 1. bleak, dismal, dreary, gaunt, melancholy
mélange: 1. admixture
mélanger: 1. blend, mingle, mix, shuffle
mélanésien: 1. Melanesian
mélodie: 1. air, aria | 2. melody, tune
mélèze: 1. larch
mémoire: 1. memory, recollection
ménager: 1. begrudge, regret
mépriser: 1. despise
mérite: 1. value, worth | 2. merit
mériter: 1. be worthy of, deserve, merit
mésange: 1. titmouse
métal: 1. metal
métamorphose: 1. metamorphosis, recreation, regeneration, transformation
méthode: 1. method
métier: 1. handicraft, occupation, trade
métro: 1. subway, underground
mèche: 1. fuse, wick
mère: 1. mother
mètre: 1. metre
mâcher: 1. chew
mâchoire: 1. jaw, jawbone
mâle: 1. male, masculine | 2. fellow, man
mât: 1. mast
mêler: 1. blend, mingle, mix, shuffle
même: 1. even | 2. self, herself, himself, itself | 3. same
mûr: 1. mature, ripe | 2. adult, full-grown
mûre sauvage: 1. blackberry, blackberry bush, bramble
mûrier: 1. mulberry-tree | 2. mulberry-tree
mûrir: 1. ripen
nageoire: 1. fin
nager: 1. float, swim
nain: 1. dwarf, midget
naissance: 1. birth
napolitain: 1. Neapolitan
nappe: 1. table-cloth
nappe de table: 1. table-cloth
narcisse: 1. daffodil, narcissus
nation: 1. nation
national: 1. national
natter: 1. braid, plait, twine, wreathe
nature: 1. nature
naturel: 1. congenital, inborn, inbred, innate, native | 2. congentital, inborn, inbred, innate, native | 3. natural
naturellement: 1. of course | 2. naturally
naufrage: 1. shipwreck
navet: 1. turnip
naviguer: 1. navigate
navire: 1. ship, vessel
naïf: 1. naïf, naïve
naître: 1. arise, be born
necessaire: 1. necessary
neige: 1. snow
neiger: 1. snow
nerf: 1. nerve
nerveux: 1. agitated, nervous | 2. agitated, nervous
net: 1. clear, distinct, plain
neuf: 1. nine
neutre: 1. impartial, neutral
neveu: 1. nephew
nez: 1. nose
nez aquilin: 1. aquiline nose | 2. aquiline nose
ne … guère: 1. barely, hardly, only just, scarcely
ne … jamais: 1. never
ne … nullement: 1. not at all
ne … pas: 1. not
ne … plus: 1. no longer
ne … que: 1. exclusively, just, only
ne pas s’éteindre: 1. stay on
nicaraguayen: 1. Nicaraguan
niche: 1. niche
nicher: 1. nest
nickel: 1. nickel
nid: 1. den, nest
nier: 1. deny | 2. deny
nigérian: 1. Nigerian
nigérien: 1. Nigerien
niveau: 1. level
nièce: 1. niece
ni … ni: 1. neither … nor
noble: 1. nobleman | 2. noble
noce: 1. dissipation, debauchery
noir: 1. black
noisette: 1. hazelnut
noix: 1. walnut | 2. nut
nom: 1. appellation, name
nombre: 1. amount, number
nombreux: 1. many
nombril: 1. navel
nommer: 1. call
non: 1. no
nord-coréen: 1. North Korean
nord: 1. north, North
nordafricain: 1. North African
normal: 1. normal
normand: 1. Norman
norvégien: 1. Norwegian
norvégienne: 1. Norwegian woman
nostalgie: 1. nostalgia
notaire: 1. notary
note: 1. account, bill, calculation
noter: 1. note, make a note, write down
notion: 1. notion
nouer: 1. tie on | 2. bind, connect, join, tie, tie up | 3. knot
nourrir: 1. feed, nourish
nourriture: 1. food | 2. food, nourishment
nous: 1. us, to us | 2. us, we | 3. us
nouveau: 1. new, novel
nouvelle: 1. short story
novembre: 1. November
noyau: 1. core, nucleus, kernel, pit
noyer: 1. drown | 2. walnut-tree | 3. walnut-tree
nu: 1. bare, naked, nude
nuage: 1. cloud
nuance: 1. hue, nuance, shade, tint
nucléaire: 1. nuclear
nuire: 1. harm
nuisible: 1. adverse, harmful | 2. harmful
nuit: 1. night
nul: 1. neither, nobody, none, no-one | 2. worthless
nulle part: 1. nowhere
numéro: 1. number, numeral
nuque: 1. back of the neck, nape
nurembergeois: 1. Nuremberg
nylon: 1. nylon
nymphe: 1. nymph
nymphéa: 1. waterlily | 2. waterlily
n’est-ce pas: 1. isn’t it, isn’t that so, or not
n’importe: 1. at all, -ever
noeud: 1. knot, node
néanmoins: 1. but, however, nevertheless, yet
nécessaire: 1. necessary
nécessité: 1. necessity
néerlandais: 1. Dutch | 2. Dutch, Dutch language
négligence: 1. carelessness, negligence, remissness
négligent: 1. careless, neglectful, negligent, remiss | 2. careless, neglectful, negligent, remiss
négliger: 1. neglect
négociant: 1. businessman, merchant
nématode: 1. nematode
néo-zélandais: 1. New Zealand
néon: 1. neon
népalais: 1. Nepalese
névralgie faciale: 1. face-ache, tic douloureux
nègre: 1. Negro
oasis: 1. oasis
objet: 1. article, object, thing
obligatoire: 1. compulsory
obliger: 1. compel, force | 2. force, impose
obliger à: 1. compel, force
oblique: 1. oblique, slanting
obscur: 1. dark, dim | 2. obscure
obscurité: 1. darkness, murk
observation: 1. admonition, exhortation | 2. observation | 3. notice, observation
observer: 1. keep, mind, observe
obstacle: 1. obstacle
obstiné: 1. obstinate, stubborn
obséder: 1. obsess
obsèques: 1. burial, funeral, interment
obtenir: 1. get
obtus: 1. dull, obtuse
obéir: 1. obey
obéissance: 1. manageability, tractability
obéissant: 1. obedient
occasion: 1. inducement, motive, occasion | 2. chance, event, occurence, opportunity
occident: 1. west, West
occupation: 1. occupation | 2. activity, occupation
occuper: 1. occupy, take
octet: 1. byte | 2. byte
octobre: 1. October
océan: 1. ocean
océan Antarctique: 1. Antarctic Ocean
océan Arctique: 1. Arctic Ocean | 2. Arctic Ocean
océan Atlantique: 1. Atlantic, Atlantic Ocean
océan Glacial du Nord: 1. Arctic Ocean
océan Pacifique: 1. Pacific, Pacific Ocean
odeur: 1. odor, odour, scent, smell
odeur délétère: 1. fume
odieux: 1. abhorrent, abominable, alien, awful, hideous, horrible, gruesome
odorat: 1. smell
offenser: 1. abuse, insult, offend
office: 1. function, job, office, post | 2. pantry | 3. service
office religieux: 1. service, worship service
officier: 1. officer
offre: 1. offer | 2. presentation | 3. presentation | 4. offer, tender
offrir: 1. donate, give | 2. bid, offer, make an offer of | 3. offer, present with | 4. offer | 5. offer | 6. offer, tender
oficiel: 1. official
oh: 1. oh
ohm: 1. ohm
oie: 1. goose
oignon: 1. onion
oiseau-mouche: 1. hummingbird
oiseau: 1. bird
oisillon: 1. little bird
olda: 1. old
olive: 1. olive
olivier: 1. olive-tree | 2. olive-tree
ombre: 1. shadow | 2. shade
omettre: 1. leave out, omit, overlook
omnibus: 1. omnibus
omoplate: 1. shoulderblade
on: 1. you, one, they
oncle: 1. uncle
ondatra: 1. musk-rat, musquash
onde: 1. water | 2. wave
ondoyer: 1. flare, flare up
onduler: 1. undulate | 2. corrugate, wave
ongle: 1. nail
onze: 1. eleven
onzième: 1. eleventh
opinion: 1. opinion
opportun: 1. convenient, handy, opportune
opposition: 1. opposition
opposé: 1. adverse, alien, contrary | 2. contrary, opposite
oppression: 1. pressure | 2. tightness of the chest
opter: 1. choose, elect, pick out
opticien: 1. optician
optimisme: 1. optimism
opération: 1. operation, surgical operation
opération de caisse: 1. turnover
opérer: 1. act, take action | 2. act, be effective, have effect | 3. achieve, act, do, make, perform | 4. operate
or: 1. gold
orage: 1. storm
orange: 1. orange-coloured | 2. orange
oranger: 1. orange-tree | 2. orange-tree
orateur: 1. orator
orbite: 1. orbit
orchestration: 1. orchestration
orchestre: 1. orchestra
orchestrer: 1. orchestrate, score
ordinaire: 1. common, ordinary, usual
ordinairement: 1. ordinarily, usually | 2. usually | 3. generally
ordinateur: 1. computer
ordonnance: 1. prescription, recipe
ordonner: 1. arrange, put in order, tidy | 2. command, order, tell
ordre: 1. order
ordre du jour: 1. agenda
ordures: 1. debris, rubbish, rubble
oreille: 1. ear
oreiller: 1. pillow
organe: 1. organ
organiser: 1. organize
orge: 1. barley
orgie: 1. orgy
orgue: 1. organ
orient: 1. east, East
orifice: 1. aperture, opening
original: 1. original
origine: 1. origin
orme: 1. elm
ornament: 1. adornment, decoration, ornament
ornement: 1. adornment, ornament | 2. robes of office
orner: 1. adorn, decorate, ornament
orphelin: 1. orphan
orteil: 1. toe
orthodoxe: 1. orthodox
orthographe: 1. orthography
ortie: 1. nettle
os: 1. bone
osciller: 1. oscillate
oser: 1. dare | 2. be bold, dare | 3. hazard, risk, venture
oser attaquer: 1. dare to fight, stand up to
oser entreprendre: 1. dare, venture
osseux: 1. bony
otage: 1. hostage | 2. hostage
ou: 1. or
ouate: 1. cotton-wool, wadding
oublier: 1. forget
ouest-allemand: 1. West German
ouest: 1. west, West | 2. west
oui: 1. yes
ouragan: 1. hurricane
ours: 1. bear
ourse: 1. she-bear
outil: 1. agent, means, tool
outre: 1. across, beyond, on the other side of
ouverture: 1. aperture, opening | 2. opening | 3. overture
ouvrage: 1. accomplishment, achievement | 2. job, work
ouvrier: 1. hand, laborer, labourer, operative, worker, working man, workman
ouvrir: 1. open, open up | 2. unlock
ou bien: 1. or
oxygène: 1. oxygen
ozone: 1. ozone
oïl: 1. yes
où: 1. where, where … to, whither | 2. where, where … to, whither | 3. where | 4. where
pacte: 1. accommodation, accord, agreement
page: 1. page
paille: 1. straw
pain: 1. bread, loaf
paire: 1. pair
paisible: 1. calm, quiet | 2. calm, tranquil
paisiblement: 1. quietly, leisurely
paix: 1. peace
pakistanais: 1. Pakistani
palais: 1. palace
paletot: 1. coat, overcoat
palladium: 1. palladium
palmier: 1. palm, palmtree
palper: 1. feel, grope
pamplemousse: 1. grapefruit
pan: 1. bit, lump, piece
panaméen: 1. Panamanian
panier: 1. basket
panique: 1. panic
panne: 1. brakedown
panneau: 1. dash-board, panel, wainscot | 2. board, plank
panneau d’affichage: 1. bill-board, notice-board
panorama: 1. view
panser: 1. dress | 2. curry
pantalon: 1. pants, trousers
panthère: 1. panther
pantoufle: 1. slipper
paon: 1. peacock
papa: 1. dad, daddy
paparazzo: 1. paparazzo
pape: 1. pope
papier: 1. paper
papier buvard: 1. blotter, blotting paper
papillon: 1. butterfly
paprika: 1. paprika
paquet: 1. packet, parcel | 2. pack
par: 1. by | 2. by, by means of, on, through, with | 3. through
parachute: 1. parachute
parader: 1. display, parade
paradis: 1. paradise
paradoxe: 1. paradox
parages: 1. about, round, around, towards
parallèle: 1. parallel
paralyser: 1. paralyse
parapluie: 1. umbrella
paraître: 1. appear, emerge, perform | 2. appear, look | 3. appear, appear to be, seem
parc: 1. park
parce que: 1. because, for the reason that | 2. because, for the reason that | 3. as, because, for, since
parcourir: 1. cover, go through, pass through
pardessus: 1. coat, overcoat
pardon: 1. absolution, pardon
pardonner: 1. forgive, pardon
pare-chocs: 1. buffer, bumper
pareil: 1. like, alike, similar
pareillement: 1. equally, likewise
parent: 1. relative
parente: 1. relative, female relative
parenthèse: 1. clamp, brace, bracket, parenthesis, staple
parents: 1. parents
parer: 1. avoid, evade | 2. adorn, decorate, ornament
parfait: 1. perfect
parfois: 1. several times, sometimes
parfum: 1. perfume
parfumer: 1. perfume
parier: 1. bet, wager
parlement: 1. parliament
parler: 1. speak, talk
parler à: 1. accost, address
parmi: 1. a, in, inside, into, on, per, within | 2. among, between | 3. among, amidst, in the middle of | 4. at, beside, with
paroi: 1. wall
paroisse: 1. parish
parole: 1. speech
parrain: 1. godfather
parsemer: 1. disseminate | 2. punctuate
part: 1. part, Parthian, share | 2. part, piece, share | 3. share
partager: 1. divide, separate, share
parterre: 1. parterre
parti-pris: 1. prejudice
parti: 1. adherents, disciples, following, party, supporters | 2. decision-making | 3. faction, party, side | 4. adherents, disciples, followers, following, party, supporters
participation aux bénéfices: 1. share
participe: 1. participle
participer: 1. participate, share, take part
particulier: 1. apart, particular, separate, special
particulièrement: 1. apart, separately | 2. particularly, specially | 3. chiefly
partie: 1. part, Parthian, share | 2. part, piece, share
partir: 1. start out | 2. discharge, fire, fire off | 3. absent onself, depart, go away, leave | 4. start off
partisan: 1. acolyte, member, supporter | 2. member, supporter
partisan de la même doctrine: 1. fellow-thinker
parti aux bénéfices: 1. share
partout: 1. all about, everywhere
parure: 1. adornment, decoration, ornament
parvenir: 1. accomplish, achieve, attain, get, reach | 2. succeed | 3. catch, hit, run across, strike
par acclamation: 1. by acclamation
par alliance: 1. by marriage, -in-law | 2. by marriage, related by marriage
par coeur: 1. by heart
par exemple: 1. for example, for instance
par hasard: 1. by accident, by chance
par moins: 1. monthly
par voie d’adjudication: 1. by tender
pas: 1. not | 2. pace, step, stride
passablement: 1. enough, quite, rather, sufficiently
passager: 1. passenger
passeport: 1. passport
passer: 1. give | 2. pass, pass by | 3. pass, spend | 4. pass, pass by | 5. overtake, pass by | 6. cross, go beyond, transfer | 7. go beyond
passereau: 1. sparrow
passer chez: 1. call at …’s house, call on
passer la nuit: 1. pass the night, spend the night
passer à tabac: 1. thresh
passion: 1. lust, passion
passionnant: 1. exciting | 2. absorbing, fascinating | 3. absorbing
passé: 1. past | 2. last | 3. past
pasteur: 1. pastor | 2. shepherd
pas du tout: 1. not at all
patauger: 1. paddle | 2. wade
patience: 1. patience
patient: 1. patient
patin: 1. skate
patriote: 1. patriot
patron: 1. boss, master | 2. pattern, stencil, template, templet
patte: 1. leg
paume: 1. palm
paupière: 1. eyelid
pause: 1. break, intermission, pause, recess
pauvre: 1. dismal, miserable, pitiful, poor | 2. miserable, poor | 3. abject, dismal, meager, miserable, wretched
pavillon: 1. banner, flag | 2. pavilion | 3. flag, standard
pavot: 1. poppy
pavé: 1. pavement
paye: 1. payment
payer: 1. pay
payer un premier acompte: 1. make a deposit, make a down payment
pays: 1. country, land
paysage: 1. landscape, scenery
paysan: 1. countryman, peasant | 2. farmer
pays de Galles: 1. Wales
peau: 1. fur, hide, skin | 2. skin
peau de vache: 1. cat
peigne: 1. comb
peigner: 1. comb
peindre: 1. paint
peine: 1. ache, pain | 2. attempt, effort | 3. effort | 4. punishment | 5. annoyance, disappointment, grief
peiner: 1. aim, attempt, endeavour, try
peintre: 1. painter | 2. painter
peinture: 1. dye, paint
peiné: 1. sad
pelage: 1. fur, hide, skin
pelle: 1. shovel
pelleter: 1. shovel
pellicule: 1. film, motion picture, movie
pelouse: 1. lawn | 2. lawn
pencher: 1. stoop
pendant: 1. for, during, whereas, while, whilst
pendant que: 1. for, during, whereas, while, whilst
pendre: 1. droop, hang
pendule: 1. clock, watch
penible: 1. difficult, hard, inconvenient
penser: 1. think
penser que: 1. account, deem, opine, think
pension: 1. pension, retirement | 2. boarding house, boarding school
pensionnat: 1. boarding house, boarding school
pension alimentaire: 1. alimony
pension de famille: 1. boarding house, boarding school
pensée: 1. thought | 2. pansy
pente: 1. acclivity, hillside, slope
perce-neige: 1. snowdrop
percer: 1. bore, drill
percevoir: 1. find, notice, perceive
perche: 1. bass | 2. pole, rod
perdre: 1. lose
perdrix: 1. partridge
perfection: 1. perfection
perfide: 1. malicious, mischievous, nasty, vicious
peril: 1. danger, peril | 2. hazard, risk
perle: 1. bead | 2. pearl
perluète: 1. ampersand
permanent: 1. abiding, lasting | 2. constant, continual, permanent, sustained | 3. continuous | 4. everlasting
permettre: 1. accord, admit, afford, allow, permit
permis: 1. permission
permission: 1. furlough, leave, pass | 2. permission
perpétuel: 1. everlasting | 2. constant, lasting, sustained | 3. everlasting
perroquet: 1. parrot
perruque: 1. hairpiece, wig
persan: 1. Persian
persil: 1. parsley
persister: 1. persevere, persist, pursue one’s point | 2. abide, persevere, persist
personnage: 1. person | 2. character
personne: 1. neither, nobody, none, no-one | 2. person
personnel: 1. personal | 2. own, personal
personne qui ne boit jamais d’alcool: 1. teetotaller, total abstainer
person de connaissance: 1. acquaintance
perspective: 1. perspective
persuader: 1. persuade
perséverer: 1. abide, persevere, persist
persévérer: 1. persevere, persist, pursue one’s point
perte: 1. loss | 2. loss
pertinence: 1. relevance
perturber: 1. disquiet, interfere with, perturb
pervenche: 1. periwinkle
perçant: 1. abrasive, acrid, acrimonious, sharp-toned, shrill, snappy, tard | 2. shrill
pesanteur: 1. gravity
peser: 1. weigh | 2. weigh
pessimisme: 1. pessimism
pessimiste: 1. pessimist
pestilentiel: 1. fumy
pet: 1. fart
petit-fils: 1. grandson
petit: 1. diminutive, little, small
petit déjeuner: 1. breakfast
petit pain: 1. roll
petit à petit: 1. gradually, little by little
peuple: 1. folk, nation, people
peuplier: 1. poplar
peur: 1. fright | 2. fear
peureux: 1. afraid, timid | 2. coward, funk
peut-être: 1. maybe, mayhap, perchance, perhaps, possibly
peu de: 1. little | 2. little
peu à peu: 1. gradually, little by little
phare: 1. lighthouse | 2. headlight
pharmacie: 1. chemist’s shop, drugstore
pharmacien: 1. chemist
phase: 1. phase, stage
philippin: 1. Philippine
philosophie: 1. philosophy
phonographe: 1. cylinder phonograph | 2. phonograph, record-player
phoque: 1. seal, sea-dog
phosphore: 1. phosphorus
photo: 1. photograph | 2. photograph
photographe: 1. photographer | 2. photographer
photographie: 1. photography
photographier: 1. photograph
phrase: 1. sentence
physique: 1. physics
phénix: 1. phoenix
phénomène: 1. phenomenon
piano: 1. piano
pie: 1. magpie
pierre: 1. stone
pieu: 1. pole, post, stanchion, stake | 2. stake
pieuvre: 1. polyp
pieux: 1. pious
pigeon: 1. dove, pigeon | 2. pigeon
piler: 1. crush, pound
pilier: 1. column, pillar
piller: 1. plunder, rob
piloter: 1. steer
pilote de ligne: 1. airline-pilot
pilule: 1. pill
pin: 1. pine, pine-tree
pinceau: 1. paintbrush
pincer: 1. pinch
pinces: 1. pincers, tongs | 2. tongs
pioche: 1. pick-axe
pionnier: 1. pioneer
pipe: 1. pipe
piquant: 1. nasty | 2. sting
piquer: 1. pick, stab, sting | 2. quilt, stitch
piqûre: 1. prick, spades, sting
pirate de l’air: 1. skyjacker
pire: 1. worse
pis: 1. udder
piscine: 1. pool, swimming-bath, swimming-pool
pissenlit: 1. dandelion
pisser: 1. urinate
piste: 1. arena | 2. course, race-course, track, running track | 3. path
pistil: 1. pestle
pistolet: 1. pistol, spray gun
piston: 1. piston
pitié: 1. compassion, pity
pittoresque: 1. picturesque
pivot: 1. pivot
piétiner: 1. trample on, tread
piéton: 1. pedestrian
pièce: 1. certificate, diploma, document | 2. bit, lump, piece | 3. chamber, room
pièce de théâtre: 1. play, theatre play
piège: 1. snare, trap
placard: 1. notice, placard, poster
place: 1. place | 2. location, place, spot | 3. plaza, square, public square | 4. post
placer: 1. locate, place
placer d’argent: 1. invest
plafond: 1. ceiling
plage: 1. beach
plaider: 1. plea, plead
plaie: 1. calamity, scourge
plaindre: 1. have compassion on, pity
plaine: 1. plain
plainte: 1. accusal, accusation | 2. accusation | 3. accusal, accusation, charge, complaint, indictment | 4. complaint
plaire: 1. please
plaisir: 1. pleasure | 2. fun, pleasure
plan: 1. map | 2. design, diagram, plan, plane
planche: 1. bed | 2. shelf | 3. board, plank
plancher: 1. floor
planer: 1. glide, plane | 2. float, hover
plante: 1. sole | 2. plant
planter: 1. plant
plante du pied: 1. sole
planète: 1. planet
plaque: 1. plate, sheet, slab
plastique: 1. plastic
plat: 1. even, flat, level, smooth | 2. flat
platane: 1. plane, plane-tree, sycamore
plate-bande: 1. bed
plate-forme: 1. bed
plateau: 1. plateau | 2. tray
platine: 1. platinum
pleur: 1. tear
pleurer: 1. cry, weep
pleuvoir: 1. rain
pli: 1. fold
plier: 1. fold
plomb: 1. lead
plonger: 1. dive, plunge
plongé dans: 1. absorbed in
ployer: 1. bend
pluie: 1. rain
plume: 1. feather
plupart: 1. mostly
plus: 1. more | 2. else, further, more, on | 3. plus
plusieurs: 1. several | 2. several
plusieurs fois: 1. repeatedly
plus loin: 1. beyond, farther, further
plutonium: 1. plutonium
plutôt: 1. preferably | 2. preferably, rather | 3. enough, quite, rather, sufficiently
poche: 1. pocket
poids: 1. weight | 2. weight
poids lourd: 1. lorry, truck
poignet: 1. wrist | 2. wrist
poignée: 1. handful
poignée de main: 1. handshake
poil: 1. hair
poilu: 1. hairy, shaggy
poil d’animal: 1. fur, hide, skin
poing: 1. fist
point: 1. point | 2. dot, period, point, spot
pointe: 1. peak, point, tip, summit
pointu: 1. pointed, spiked
point culminant: 1. acme
point de contact: 1. starting point
point de vue: 1. viewpoint
point du jour: 1. dawn, daybreak
poire: 1. pear
poirier: 1. pear-tree
pois: 1. pea
poison: 1. poison
poisson: 1. fish
poitrine: 1. bosom, breast, chest
poivre: 1. pepper
poli: 1. courteous, polite, well-mannered
police: 1. police
policier: 1. policeman
polir: 1. polish
politesse: 1. politeness
politique: 1. policy, politics
pollution atmosphérique: 1. air-pollution
polonais: 1. Polish
polynésien: 1. Polynesian
polémique: 1. controversy
pomme: 1. apple
pomme de pin: 1. cone
pomme de terre: 1. potato
pommier: 1. apple-tree
pompe: 1. display, parade | 2. pomp, splender | 3. pump
pomper: 1. pump
pompette: 1. tipsy | 2. tipsy
ponctuation: 1. interpunction, punctuation
ponctuel: 1. accurate, on time, prompt, punctual
pont: 1. deck | 2. bridge
pont aérien: 1. air bridge, airlift
populaire: 1. popular
population: 1. population
porc: 1. pork | 2. hog, pig, swine
port: 1. postage | 2. harbor, harbour, port
porte-monnaie: 1. purse, wallet
porte: 1. door
portefeuille d’actions: 1. share-capital
porter: 1. carry, wear | 2. wear
porter plainte: 1. complain
porteur: 1. porter
porte document: 1. briefcase, file
portion: 1. part, piece, share | 2. share
portrait: 1. portrait
portugais: 1. Portuguese | 2. Portuguese, Portuguese language
poser: 1. achieve, act, do, make, perform | 2. install | 3. build, construct | 4. locate, place | 5. lay down, place, put, put down | 6. pose
poser une question: 1. ask
poseur: 1. attitudinizer, poseur
positif: 1. positive
position: 1. position
possession: 1. colony, settlement | 2. possession, property | 3. possession
possible: 1. possible
posséder: 1. own, possess
poste: 1. post | 2. mail, post
poste aérienne: 1. airmail
pot: 1. jug, pot | 2. vase, vessel
potable: 1. drinkable
potage: 1. soup
potassium: 1. potassium
poteau: 1. pole, post, stanchion, stake
potiron: 1. gourd, pumpkin, squash
pou: 1. louse
pouah: 1. shame
poubelle: 1. garbage can
pouce: 1. thumb | 2. thumb
poudre: 1. powder, cosmetic powder | 2. powder
poudre à canon: 1. gunpowder
poulailler: 1. coop
poule: 1. chicken, fowl | 2. chicken, fowl
poulet: 1. chicken, hen
poulpe: 1. octopus
pouls: 1. pulse
poumon: 1. lung
poupée: 1. doll, puppet
pour: 1. for, to, in order to, per
pourboire: 1. tip
pourcentage: 1. percent, percentage
pourchasser: 1. chase, drive, drive on, impel, shoo
pourpre: 1. purple
pourrir: 1. putrefy, rot
poursuivre: 1. chase, drive, drive on, impel, shoo | 2. chase, persecute, prosecute, pursue | 3. chase
pourtant: 1. but, however, nevertheless, yet
pourvoir: 1. provide, supply
pour ainsi dire: 1. so to speak
pour combien de temps: 1. how long | 2. how long
pour la plus part: 1. for the greater part, for the most part | 2. for the greater part, for the most part
pour que: 1. so, so that
pour toutes sortes de raisons: 1. for every reason
pousser: 1. chase, drive, drive on, impel, shoo | 2. push | 3. push, thrust
pousser à: 1. encourage, impel, instigate, spur on, stimulate, urge
poussin: 1. chick, chicken
poussière: 1. dust
poutre: 1. beam, girder
pouvoir: 1. be able to
poésie: 1. poetry
poème: 1. poem
poète: 1. poet
poêle: 1. frying-pan, frying pan
prairie: 1. meadow
pratique: 1. practice
pratiquer: 1. apply, practice | 2. exert, practice
premier: 1. first
premier acompte: 1. down payment, first instalment, initial deposit, instalment
prendre: 1. get, lay hold of, pick up, take
prendre dans les bras: 1. embrace
prendre fin: 1. end, come to an end, end up, expire
prendre l’initiative: 1. initiate, start
prendre part: 1. participate, share, take part
prendre à bail: 1. farm, lease
presque: 1. as if, as though, in a way | 2. almost, nearly
presqu’île: 1. peninsula
presse: 1. crush | 2. press
presser: 1. accelerate, speed up | 2. insist | 3. press, press firmly | 4. press, oppress, squeeze | 5. hurry, press, urge
presser le pas: 1. mend one’s pace, step out
pression: 1. pressure
pression atmosphérique: 1. air-pressure
prestige: 1. glamor, glamour, prestige
preuve: 1. proof, sign, token
prier: 1. ask, ask for, beg, bid, request | 2. pray
primaire: 1. elemental, elementary
primeur: 1. newness
primevère: 1. primrose
prince: 1. prince
princesse: 1. princess
principal: 1. most important | 2. main, predominant, principal | 3. chief, main, major, principal
principalement: 1. above all, especially, chiefly, mainly, principally | 2. chiefly
principe: 1. principle
printemps: 1. spring, springtime
prise: 1. drive
prise de courant: 1. electric socket
prise de courant femelle: 1. electric socket
prise de courant mâle: 1. plug, electric plug, stopper
prison: 1. cell | 2. jail, gaol, prison | 3. jail, gaol, prison | 4. jail, gaol, prison
prisonnier: 1. prisoner | 2. prisoner
privation: 1. absence, lack, shortage, shortcoming
privilégié: 1. privileged
privilège: 1. privilege
privé: 1. private
prix: 1. premium, prize | 2. price
prière: 1. prayer
probablement: 1. probably
problème: 1. problem, trouble
procession: 1. procession
processus: 1. process
prochain: 1. speedy | 2. following, next | 3. next
prochaine: 1. close, near, nearby, next
proche: 1. close, near, nearby, next
proches: 1. relations, relatives
proclamer: 1. issue, proclaim
procurer: 1. get, procure | 2. activate, cause, give rise to | 3. cause, cause to take place | 4. act as agent
procureur: 1. public prosecutor
procéder: 1. act, proceed
procédé: 1. behavior, behaviour, conduct, deportment | 2. procedure, process
procès-verbal: 1. fine | 2. minutes, protocol
procès: 1. action, lawsuit
prodigieux: 1. extraordinary, formidable
prodiguer: 1. waste
production: 1. production
produire: 1. afford, bear, produce
produit: 1. thing | 2. income | 3. agent, means, tool | 4. commodity, merchandise, wares
produit agricole: 1. agricultural product
professeur: 1. professor
profession: 1. profession
profit: 1. gain, profit
profiter: 1. profit
profond: 1. deep, profound
profondeur: 1. depth
prognostic: 1. forecast, prognosis
progresser: 1. advance, progress
progrès: 1. advance, advancement, progress
proie: 1. prey | 2. prey
projectile: 1. bullet
projet: 1. design, diagram, plan, plane | 2. plan, project, scheme
projeter: 1. plan | 2. make a project of, plan | 3. throw
projeter une image: 1. project
projeter un liquide: 1. squirt
prologue: 1. prologue
prolonger: 1. lengthen
prolétaire: 1. proletarian
promenade: 1. stroll, walk | 2. promenade
promeneur: 1. stroller
promesse: 1. affirmation, promise
promettre: 1. promise
promoteur: 1. promotor
promotion: 1. promotion
promouvoir: 1. advance, promote
prompt: 1. fast, quick, rapid, speedy, swift
prononcer: 1. pronounce
prononciation: 1. pronunciation
propagande: 1. propaganda, publicity
propager: 1. advertise, publicize
prophète: 1. prophet
propice: 1. advantageous, favourable | 2. of use, suitable
proportion: 1. proportion, rate
propos: 1. intention, meaning, plan
proposition: 1. nomination, recommendation | 2. presentation | 3. presentation
propre: 1. own, personal | 2. pure
proprement: 1. decently, properly | 2. appropriately | 3. in the final analysis | 4. just, exactly, okay, right
propreté: 1. cleanliness, purity
propriété: 1. estate, farm, property, ranch | 2. property, quality | 3. ownership
propriété foncière: 1. estate, farm, property, ranch
prospectus: 1. prospectus
prospérer: 1. be succesful, prosper
prospérité: 1. prosperity, success
prostituer: 1. prostitute
prostitution: 1. prostitution
prostituée: 1. prostitute | 2. hooker, prostitute, whore
protecteur: 1. patron | 2. patron | 3. protectionist | 4. patron
protection: 1. protection | 2. protection
protestant: 1. Protestant | 2. Protestant
protestation: 1. protest
protester: 1. protest
protocole: 1. minutes, protocol
proton: 1. proton
prototype: 1. prototype
protéger: 1. guard, keep, look after, watch over | 2. protect
protéine: 1. protein
prouver: 1. prove
provenir: 1. accrue, come, derive, originate, result
proverbe: 1. adage, proverb
province: 1. province
provision: 1. supply
provisoire: 1. provisional, temporary
provoquer: 1. defy, incite, provoke
prudence: 1. discretion, generalship, prudence
prudent: 1. prudent, reasonable, sensible | 2. careful, cautious
prune: 1. plum
prussien: 1. Prussian
pré: 1. meadow
précaution: 1. thoughtfulness | 2. discretion, generalship, prudence
précieux: 1. pricey
précipitation: 1. acceleration
précipiter: 1. cast off, fling off, throw off
précis: 1. accurate, precise
précisément: 1. exactly, sharp | 2. exactly, sharp
précoce: 1. early
précédent: 1. former, last, previous, prior | 2. antecedent
précéder: 1. precede | 2. precede
prédire: 1. forecast, foretell, prophesy | 2. forecast, foretell, prophesy | 3. forecast
préface: 1. foreword
préfixe: 1. prefix
préférer: 1. prefer
préjudice: 1. damage | 2. damage | 3. loss | 4. harm
préjugé: 1. prejudice
prélever: 1. deduct, take away
prématuré: 1. unripe
prénom: 1. first name | 2. first name | 3. Christian name
préoccuper: 1. agitate, alarm
préparatif: 1. thoughtfulness | 2. preparation
préparation: 1. preparation
préparer: 1. prepare
préposition: 1. preposition
présence: 1. presence
présent: 1. present
présentation: 1. accession | 2. entry
présenter: 1. offer, present with | 2. present | 3. tender | 4. present | 5. present
préservatif: 1. condom, rubber | 2. preservative
préserver: 1. guard, preserve, protect, save
président: 1. chairman, president
présider: 1. preside
prétendre à: 1. pose | 2. claim, presume
prétexte: 1. pretext
prétexter: 1. give as an excuse, pretend
prévenir: 1. prevent
prévisible: 1. foreseeable, measurable
prévoir: 1. foresee | 2. conjecture, surmise | 3. forecast
près: 1. nearby | 2. close, near, nearby
près de: 1. at, beside, by, near, nearby, near to, next to
prêcher: 1. preach
prêt: 1. finished, ready, through
prêter: 1. borrow, lend, loan
prêter attention à: 1. pay attention to, take account of, take into account | 2. pay attention to
prêter serment: 1. swear
prêtre: 1. clergyman, pastor, priest | 2. priest
psaume: 1. psalm
pseudonyme: 1. pseudonym
psychiatre: 1. psychiatrist
psychiatrie: 1. psychiatry
psychique: 1. psychic
psychisme: 1. psyche
psychologie: 1. psychology
psychologue: 1. psychologist
public: 1. public
publicité: 1. publicity | 2. ad, advert, advertisement
publier: 1. advertise, announce, give notice | 2. publish, reveal
puce: 1. flea
puis: 1. afterwards, next, subsequently
puiser: 1. draw
puisque: 1. because, for the reason that | 2. because, for the reason that | 3. as, because, for, since
puissance: 1. force, strength | 2. power | 3. realm, state
puissant: 1. strong | 2. powerful
puits: 1. well
puits de mine: 1. shaft
pull-over: 1. pullover sweater
puma: 1. cougar, mountain lion, puma
punaise: 1. bug, bedbug
punir: 1. punish
punition: 1. punishment
pupitre: 1. desk, lectern, school desk
pur: 1. mere, solitary, sole | 2. pure | 3. clean | 4. simple, straightforward
purifier: 1. clean, cleanse, make clean, purge
purin: 1. liquid manure, muck-water, stale
purée: 1. gruel, mess, mush
pus: 1. pus
putain: 1. hooker, whore | 2. hooker, prostitute, whore
puzzle: 1. enigma, puzzle, riddle
pygmée: 1. pigmy
pyjama: 1. pyjamas
pyramide: 1. pyramid
pécher: 1. sin, transgress
péché: 1. sin, transgression
pédale: 1. pedal
pédale d’accélération: 1. accelerator, accelerator pedal
pélargonium: 1. geranium
pélican: 1. pelican
pénible: 1. painful | 2. dismal, miserable
péniblement: 1. hardly, not easily, with difficulty | 2. with effort
péniche: 1. barge, Rhine barge
péninsule: 1. peninsula
pénis: 1. penis
pénétrer: 1. penetrate
pépier: 1. chirp, peep, twitter
pépin: 1. grain, granule, pip
périlleux: 1. dangerous | 2. adventurous, hazardous, risky
période: 1. period
périr: 1. perish
pérégriner: 1. go on pilgrimage
pétale: 1. petal
péter: 1. fart
pétrir: 1. knead
pétrole: 1. paraffin-oil, petroleum
père: 1. father | 2. father
père adoptif: 1. foster-father
père et mère: 1. parents
pâle: 1. pale, sallow
pâlir: 1. fade
pâquerette: 1. daisy
pâte: 1. dough, paste
pâtisserie: 1. confectioner’s, confectioner’s shop
pâtre: 1. shepherd
pâturage: 1. meadow
pâture: 1. food, nourishment | 2. meadow
pâté: 1. pate, pie
pêche: 1. peach
pêcher: 1. fish
pêcheur: 1. fisherman
pêcheur à la ligne: 1. angler
pôle: 1. pole
quai: 1. platform, quay, wharf
qualifier: 1. qualify
qualifié: 1. able, accomplished, competent | 2. able
qualité: 1. property, quality
quand: 1. when | 2. when
quantité: 1. quantity
quant à: 1. about, concerning | 2. as to, as regards, concerning
quant à moi: 1. as far as I am concerned
quarante: 1. forty
quart: 1. fourth
quartier: 1. district, neighbourhood, quarter
quartz: 1. rock-crystal
quatorze: 1. fourteen
quatorzième: 1. fourteenth
quatre-vingt-dix: 1. ninety
quatre-vingts: 1. eighty
quatre: 1. four
quatrième: 1. fourth
que: 1. that | 2. that, who | 3. that, who | 4. than
quel: 1. who | 2. which
quelconque: 1. some kind of
quelle: 1. who
quelles: 1. who | 2. which | 3. which
quelle heure: 1. what time
quelle heure est-il?: 1. what time is it?
quelquefois: 1. several times, sometimes
quelques: 1. a few, any, some
quelques uns: 1. a few, some
quelque chose: 1. anything, something
quelque part: 1. anywhere, somewhere
quelqu’un: 1. a, any, anybody, some, somebody, one, someone, some one
quels: 1. who | 2. which
querelle: 1. quarrel
question: 1. question
queue: 1. stalk, stem | 2. tail
qui: 1. who | 2. that, who | 3. who | 4. that, who
quiet: 1. calm, quiet
quinze: 1. fifteen
quittance: 1. receipt
quitter: 1. abandon, forsake, desert, leave, quit
qui a raison: 1. right, true
qui reste: 1. additional, remaining, rest of
quoi: 1. what
quoique: 1. though, although
quotidien: 1. daily | 2. daily paper, journal, newspaper
quotidiennement: 1. daily
qu’: 1. that, who | 2. that, who
qu’est-ce qui: 1. who
rabais: 1. abatement, discount, rebate
rabbin: 1. rabbi
rabot: 1. plane
raccommoder: 1. block, clog, plug up, stop up
raccourcir: 1. abbreviate, abridge, shorten
race: 1. breed, race
racine: 1. root
raconter: 1. narrate, relate, tell
radeau: 1. raft
radiateur: 1. radiator
radical: 1. drastic | 2. fundamental | 3. radical | 4. thoroughgoing
radio: 1. radio, wireless
radis: 1. radish
radium: 1. radium
radon: 1. radon
raffiner: 1. refine
rafraîchir: 1. refresh
rage: 1. rabies
ragoût: 1. ragout, stew
raide: 1. abrupt, steep | 2. rigid, stiff
raidir: 1. strech, wind up
raie: 1. skate, stingray | 2. streak, stroke | 3. ray, strip, stripe
raifort: 1. horse-radish, horseradish
rail: 1. rail
railler: 1. look for, seek
rainure: 1. slot | 2. slot
raisin: 1. grape
raison: 1. reason, logical reasoning
raisonable: 1. moderate, reasonable
raisonnable: 1. appropriate, becoming, seemly, suitable | 2. prudent, reasonable, sensible | 3. sagacious, sage, wise
ralentir: 1. moderate
ramasser: 1. accumulate, amass, heap, pile up, stack | 2. collect, gather, pick up
rame: 1. oar | 2. train
rameau: 1. twig
ramer: 1. row
rammasser: 1. pick, pluck
rampe: 1. balustrade, banisters, parapet, railing
ramper: 1. crawl, creep
rancune: 1. grudge, rancour, resentment | 2. grudge, rancour, resentment
rand: 1. rand
randonnée: 1. excursion, outing, sightseeing trip
rang: 1. grade, rank, rate | 2. file, line, rank, row, turn
ranger: 1. arrange, put in order, tidy
rangée: 1. file, line, rank, row, turn
rapide: 1. fast, quick, rapid, speedy, swift
rapidement: 1. fast, quickly, swiftly | 2. shallowly
rapides Deschênes: 1. Deschênes Rapids
rapides Norman: 1. Norman Rapids
rapides Remic: 1. Remic Rapids
rapidité: 1. speed | 2. speed
rapiécer: 1. mend, patch, patch up
rappeler: 1. evoke
rapper: 1. rap
rapport: 1. relevance | 2. account, record, report
rapporter: 1. give an account, report
rapporter des propos: 1. cite, quote
rapprocher: 1. bring close together | 2. bring near to
rapsodie: 1. rapsody
rare: 1. rare | 2. rare, precious
rarement: 1. seldom
raser: 1. shave
rassasié: 1. full, replete, satisfied
rassembler: 1. accumulate, amass, heap, pile up, stack | 2. collect, gather, pick up | 3. take along
rassis: 1. stale
rassurer: 1. appease, calm, quiet, soothe, still
rat: 1. rat
rater: 1. miss
ration: 1. share
rationnel: 1. rational
raton laveur: 1. raccoon, racoon, washing-bear
rattraper: 1. earn back, regain, win back
rat musqué: 1. musk-rat, musquash
rauque: 1. hoarse
ravage: 1. destruction
ravager: 1. destroy, quash | 2. ruin
ravin: 1. ravine
ravir: 1. plunder, rob | 2. delight | 3. charm
ravissant: 1. delightful, lovely | 2. charming, lovely
ravisseur: 1. robber
ravitaillement: 1. catering | 2. arrival, arrivals, supply
rayer: 1. cross out, strike out
rayon: 1. shelf | 2. beam, ray | 3. radius
rayonner: 1. radiate
rayon de rangement: 1. shelf
rayon de soleil: 1. sunbeam
rayure: 1. streak, stroke | 2. ray, strip, stripe
rebelle: 1. disobedient, insubordinate | 2. insubordinate, rebellious
rebondir: 1. rebound
recensement: 1. inventory
receptionniste: 1. receptionist
recette: 1. income | 2. procedure, process | 3. prescription, recipe | 4. reception room
recevabilité: 1. susceptibility
recevoir: 1. accept, receive, take, take in | 2. get, have, receive
recevoir des visiteurs: 1. entertain, receive
recevoir officiellement: 1. do the honours
recevoir solennellement: 1. welcome
recherche: 1. exploration, investigation, research | 2. exploration, investigation, research | 3. quest, search
rechercher: 1. examine, explore, investigate, research
recommandable: 1. recommendable
recommandation: 1. admonition, exhortation | 2. warning | 3. recommendation
recommander: 1. commend, recommend
recommandé: 1. registered | 2. registered
recommencer: 1. resume
reconduire: 1. continue, go on, proceed with | 2. renew
reconnaissance: 1. acknowledgement | 2. gratitude | 3. exploration, investigation, research | 4. patrol | 5. acknowledgement | 6. scout, boyscout, boy scout
reconnaissant: 1. thankful
reconnaître: 1. acknowledge, recognize | 2. distinguish | 3. examine, explore, investigate, research
record: 1. record
recourir à: 1. apply to
recours: 1. appeal | 2. use
recouvrer: 1. recover | 2. recover
recouvrir: 1. cover | 2. cover, overlay
recruter: 1. recruit | 2. recruit
rectangle: 1. right-angle, square
rectifier: 1. correct | 2. kill, liquidate, slay | 3. murder | 4. adjust
recueiller: 1. accept, receive, take, take in
recueillir: 1. collect, gather, pick up | 2. harvest
reculer: 1. cede, give in, give up, give way, relinquish, yield | 2. adjourn, delay, postpone | 3. walk back, walk backwards
redire: 1. repeat
redoubler: 1. double | 2. augment, grow, increase
redoutable: 1. dangerous
redouter: 1. be afraid of, fear | 2. alarm, frighten
redresser: 1. correct
redresser un jugement: 1. adjust, put right
refaire: 1. fix, repair
reflet: 1. reflection
refléter: 1. reflect
reformer: 1. reform
refuge: 1. asylum | 2. place of refuge, shelter | 3. refuge
refuser: 1. refuse, reject
regagner: 1. recover | 2. earn back, regain, win back
regard: 1. look
regarder: 1. concern
regarder bouche bée: 1. gape at | 2. gape at
regarder un spectacle: 1. watch
regret: 1. regret
regretter: 1. be sorry about, regret | 2. begrudge, regret | 3. feel sorry for, regret, repent, repent of | 4. mourn
rein: 1. kidney
reine: 1. queen
reins: 1. loin
rejeter: 1. throw away | 2. reject | 3. refute | 4. repulse | 5. refuse, reject | 6. throw up, vomit
rejeter de la nourriture: 1. throw up, vomit
rejeter par intolérance: 1. drive out
rejoindre: 1. be similar, resemble
relatif: 1. relative
relatif à la maison: 1. domestic
relation: 1. relation, understanding | 2. acquaintance | 3. account, narrative, story, tale | 4. account, record, report | 5. relation
relativement: 1. fairly, rather, relatively
relier: 1. bind | 2. connect, join | 3. bind, connect, join, tie, tie up
religieux: 1. religious
religion: 1. religion
reliquat: 1. balance
relire: 1. read again, read over again, re-read
rellier: 1. connect, join
relâcher: 1. anchor | 2. release
remarquable: 1. noteworthy, remarkable
remarque: 1. remark | 2. notice, observation
rembourrer: 1. pad, upholster, stuff
rembourser: 1. repay
remerciement: 1. gratitude, thanks
remercier: 1. thank
remise: 1. abatement, discount, rebate | 2. delivery
remonter: 1. strech, wind up
remorque: 1. trailer
remplacer: 1. take the place of | 2. replace, substitute
remplir: 1. complete | 2. fill, fill in, fill up | 3. accomplish, achieve, keep, observe, perform
remporter: 1. accomplish, achieve, attain, get, reach | 2. earn, gain, win
remuer: 1. move, stir | 2. affect, agitate, move | 3. actuate, move | 4. move, transfer
remédier: 1. repair | 2. fix, repair
remède: 1. drug, medicine, pharmaceutical | 2. means, remedy, resources
renard: 1. fox
renarde: 1. vixen
rencontre: 1. appointment, date, rendezvous | 2. encounter
rencontrer: 1. bore, broach, sink, strike, tap | 2. come across, encounter, meet, see
rendez-vous: 1. appointment, date, rendezvous
rendre: 1. cause, get, make | 2. throw up, vomit
rendre confus: 1. befog, cloud, dim | 2. disquiet, interfere with, perturb
rendre plus beau: 1. embellish
rendre trouble: 1. befog, cloud, dim | 2. disquiet, interfere with, perturb
renfermer: 1. comprise, contain, include
rennomée: 1. fame, hearsay, renown, repute, rumor, rumour
renommée: 1. fame, renown | 2. fame, glory, renown
renoncer: 1. abandon, give up, resign, renounce
renouveler: 1. renew
renseignement: 1. account, information | 2. advice, announcement, communication, message, notice, report
renseigner: 1. acquaint, inform, report
rente: 1. income, return
rentrée: 1. return
renverser: 1. overthrow, turn, turn over, upset
renvoyer: 1. discharge, dismiss, fire, sack | 2. chase away, drive away, expel | 3. discharge, dismiss, fire, sack | 4. adjourn, delay, postpone | 5. reflect
repas: 1. meal
repasser]: 1. iron, iron clothes
reporter: 1. transport
repos: 1. calmness, quietness | 2. calm, quiet, silence | 3. break, intermission, pause, recess | 4. repose, rest | 5. calmness, composure
repoussant: 1. nasty
repousser: 1. chase away, drive away, expel | 2. condemn, disapprove, disapprove of, rebuke | 3. refuse, reject
reprendre: 1. censure, criticize | 2. repay | 3. blame, rebuke, reproach, reprove, scold
reprise: 1. round
reproche: 1. reproach
reprocher: 1. blame, rebuke, reproach, reprove, scold
représentant: 1. delegate | 2. broker | 3. agent, representative
représentatif: 1. typical
représentation: 1. presentation
représenter: 1. express | 2. play | 3. describe | 4. act for, represent
requin: 1. shark
requérir: 1. need, require
requête: 1. attempt, effort
respect: 1. respect
respecter: 1. act on, act upon, follow, observe | 2. respect
respectif: 1. respective
respiration: 1. respiration | 2. breath
respirer: 1. breathe
respondre: 1. answer, reply, respond
responsable: 1. accountable, responsible
ressembler: 1. be similar, resemble
ressentir: 1. feel, sense
ressort: 1. spring
ressource: 1. means, remedy, resources
restaurant: 1. restaurant
restaurer: 1. fix, repair
reste: 1. remainder | 2. remainder, rest | 3. remainder, rest
rester: 1. remain, stay, stay over
rester en arrière: 1. be kept in, be detained, remain, stay on
retarder: 1. adjourn, delay, postpone
retenir: 1. bridle, check, restrain | 2. conserve, keep, maintain, preserve | 3. recall, recollect, remember | 4. book, order, reserve | 5. moderate | 6. book | 7. thunder
retirer: 1. abjure | 2. draw back, withdraw
retomber: 1. droop, hang | 2. lapse
retour: 1. return
retourner: 1. turn | 2. blend, mingle, mix, shuffle | 3. turn, turn around, turn round
retraite: 1. pension, retirement
retraité: 1. retired person
retrancher: 1. count down | 2. deduct, take away | 3. cut off | 4. abstract, take away | 5. subtract
revanche: 1. revenge, vengeance
revenir: 1. come back, return
revenir toujours sur la même chapitre: 1. always harp on the same string, always harp on one string
revenir à: 1. cost
revenu: 1. income, return
revoir: 1. see again | 2. revise
revolver: 1. revolver
revue: 1. magazine, periodical, revue
revêtir: 1. plaster | 2. put on | 3. cover, overlay | 4. clothe, dress
rez-de-chaussée: 1. ground-floor
reçu: 1. receipt | 2. acknowledgement, receipt
re retirer: 1. quit, resign
rhinocéros: 1. rhino, rhinoceros
rhododendron: 1. Alpenrose, rhododendron
rhum: 1. rum
rhumatisme: 1. rheumatism
rhume: 1. catarrh | 2. cold
rhénan: 1. Rhineland
ricaner: 1. sneer
riche: 1. affluent, rich, wealthy, well-off
richesse: 1. luxury | 2. abundance, affluence, wealth
ride: 1. furrow, wrinkle
rideau: 1. curtain
rider: 1. furrow, wrinkle
ridicule: 1. ridiculous
rien: 1. nothing | 2. not an ace
rigide: 1. rigid, stiff
rigoureux: 1. rigourous, stringent
rimarquer: 1. notice
rime: 1. rhyme
rincer: 1. gargle, rinse
rire: 1. laugh | 2. laugh
risque: 1. hazard, risk
risquer: 1. hazard, risk, venture
risque d’accident: 1. accident risk
rite: 1. rite
rival: 1. rival
rivaliser: 1. compete, rival
rivet: 1. rivet
rivière: 1. river
rivière Again: 1. Again River
rivière Atabasca: 1. Athabasca
rivière Bujeault: 1. Bujeault River
rivière Harricana: 1. Harricanaw River
rivière Joir: 1. Joir River
rivière Kachekaosipou: 1. Kachekaosipou River
rivière Kedgwick: 1. North Branch Kedgwick River
rivière Madawaska: 1. Madawaska River
rivière Magusi: 1. Magusi River
rivière Mercereau: 1. Mercereau River
rivière Napetipi: 1. Napetipi River
rivière Natashquan: 1. Natashquan River
rivière Natashquan Est: 1. East Natasquan River
rivière Patapédia: 1. Patapedia River
rivière Piscapecassy: 1. Piscapecassy River
rivière Rigaud: 1. Rigaud River
rivière Rigaud Est: 1. East Rigaud River
rivière Rimouski: 1. Rimouski River
rivière Ristigouche: 1. Restigouche River
rivière Saguenay: 1. Saguenay River
rivière Saint-Augustin: 1. Saint Augustin River
rivière Saint-François: 1. Saint Francis River
rivière Saint-Jean: 1. Saint John River
rivière Saint-Paul: 1. Saint Paul River
rivière Saskachewan Nord: 1. North Saskatchewan, North Saskatchewan River
rivière Saskachewan Sud: 1. South Saskatchewan, South Saskatchewan River
rivière Turcotte: 1. Turcotte River
rivière Verte: 1. Green River
rivière des Outaouais: 1. Ottawa River
rivière de la Paix: 1. Peace River
rivière du Détour: 1. Detour River
rivière du Petit Mécatina: 1. Little Mecatina River
rivière à la Pluie: 1. Rainy River
riz: 1. rice
robe: 1. dress, gown, robe
robinet: 1. faucet, tap
robot: 1. robot
robuste: 1. firm, robust, sturdy
roc: 1. rock
rocher: 1. rock | 2. boulder
roder: 1. wear down, wear off, wear out
roi: 1. king
roman: 1. novel
romantique: 1. romantic
rompre: 1. break
rond-point: 1. plaza, square, public square
rond: 1. circle
ronde: 1. round | 2. circle
ronfler: 1. snore
ronger: 1. gnaw, nibble
ronronner: 1. buzz, hum
rose: 1. pink | 2. rose
roseau: 1. cane, reed
rosse: 1. cat
rosser: 1. thresh
rossignol: 1. nightingale
rosée: 1. dew
roter: 1. belch, burp
roue: 1. wheel
rouge: 1. red | 2. red
rougir: 1. blush
rouille: 1. rust
rouleau: 1. roll
rouler: 1. roll | 2. bilk, cheat, take in
roulure: 1. slut, trollop
roumain: 1. Romanian, Rumanian
rouspéter: 1. oppose
route: 1. track | 2. road, route, way | 3. highway
route aérienne: 1. airway
routine: 1. routine
royal: 1. regal, royal
royaume: 1. kingdom
ruban: 1. ribbon
rubidium: 1. rubidium
rubrique: 1. column, header
ruche: 1. beehive
rucher: 1. apiary
rude: 1. coarse, crude, harsh
rue: 1. street
ruelle: 1. alley, lane
ruine: 1. ruin
ruiner: 1. ruin
ruisseau: 1. stream
ruisseau Armstrong: 1. Armstrong Creek
ruisseau Benedict: 1. Benedict Brook
ruisseau Burwash: 1. Burwash Creek
ruisseau Cedar: 1. Cedar Brook
ruisseau Chanion: 1. Chanion Brook
ruisseau Chisholm: 1. Chisholm Brook
ruisseau Julian: 1. Julian Creek
ruisseau McDiarmid: 1. McDiarmid Creek
ruisseau Pollard: 1. Pollard Brook
ruisseau Pontiac: 1. Pontiac Creek
ruisseau Pontleroy: 1. Pontleroy Creek
ruisseau Prices: 1. Prices Brook
ruisseau Quigley: 1. Quigley Brook
ruisseau Saugeen: 1. Saugeen Creek
ruisseau Sisson: 1. Sisson Brook
ruisseau States Nord: 1. North Branch States Brook
ruisseau Sunday: 1. Sunday Creek
ruisseau Sunrise: 1. Sunrise Creek
ruisseau Teed: 1. Teed Brook
ruisselet: 1. brooklet, rill, rivulet
ruminer: 1. chew the cud
rupture: 1. interruption
rural: 1. rural
russe: 1. Russian | 2. Russian, Russian language
rustique: 1. rural | 2. crude, raw, rough | 3. coarse, crude, harsh
rusé: 1. clever, cunning, sly, smart
rythme: 1. rhythm
rythmique: 1. rhythmic
rythmé: 1. rhythmic
réaction: 1. reaction
réaliser: 1. accomplish, achieve, act out | 2. accomplish, achieve, keep, observe, perform | 3. produce
réalité: 1. reality | 2. actuality
récemment: 1. recently
réception: 1. acceptance, admission | 2. reception room, reception-room
récif: 1. reef
réciproque: 1. mutual, reciprocal
récit: 1. account, narrative, story, tale
réciter: 1. recite
réclame: 1. ad, advert, advertisement
réclamer: 1. need, require
récolte: 1. harvest
récolter: 1. harvest
récompense: 1. premium, prize
récompenser: 1. compensate, reward
réconforter: 1. encourage
récréation: 1. amusement, fun | 2. distraction, diversion
récupérer: 1. recover
récurer: 1. rub
rédaction: 1. editorial office
rédiger: 1. edit
réduction: 1. abatement, curtailment, retrenchment | 2. abatement, discount, rebate
réduction de texte: 1. abridgement, abstract, resumé, summery
réduire: 1. reduce
réduire en miettes: 1. crush, shatter, smash
réel: 1. actual, practical, real | 2. true
réellement: 1. genuinely, indeed, really, truly
réfectoire: 1. dining-room
réflexion: 1. notice, observation
réfléchir: 1. think, think about, reflect on | 2. reflect | 3. reflect
réformer: 1. release | 2. improve | 3. repair | 4. reform
réfrigérateur: 1. refrigerator
réfugié: 1. refugee
réfuter: 1. refute
régaler: 1. entertain, treat
régime: 1. régime
régiment: 1. regiment
région: 1. region
réglage: 1. agreement
réglement: 1. acquittal, payment, full payment | 2. regulations, rules | 3. regulations, rules
régler: 1. conduct, direct, guide, head, lead | 2. arrange, put in order, tidy | 3. regulate
régner: 1. control, govern, restrain, rule
régulier: 1. even, regular
régulièrement: 1. regularly
réjouir: 1. make glad
répandre: 1. distribution | 2. scatter | 3. draw out, drive out, express, utter, give utterance to, pull out | 4. release
réparer: 1. fix, repair
répartir: 1. distribute
répercussion: 1. echo
répersussion: 1. consequence, consistency
répondre: 1. reduce the price
réponse: 1. answer, reply
réponse d’un problème: 1. solution
réprimander: 1. blame, rebuke, reproach, reprove, scold
réprimer: 1. brake | 2. bridle, check, restrain | 3. detain, hold back, retain | 4. suppress
république: 1. republic
répulsion: 1. abhorrence, abomination, horror
réputation: 1. fame, renown | 2. fame, hearsay, renown, repute, rumor, rumour | 3. fame, glory, renown | 4. fame, renown | 5. reputation
répéter: 1. repeat
réseau: 1. net, network
réserve: 1. box-room, storage room | 2. pantry | 3. supply
réserver: 1. reserve
réserver pour: 1. destine for
résigner: 1. abandon, give up, resign, renounce
résine: 1. resin
résistance: 1. resistance
résistance à l’air: 1. air-resistance
résister: 1. resist, withstand
résolution: 1. decision | 2. motion, resolution
résonner: 1. echo, resound | 2. sound
résoudre: 1. dissolve | 2. transform
résultat: 1. conclusion, effect, result | 2. result
résulter: 1. result
résumer: 1. abstract, summarize
rétorquer: 1. reduce the price
réunion: 1. assemblage, gathering, meeting
réunir: 1. connect, join | 2. assemble, congregate, gather, meet
réussir: 1. succeed
réveil-matin: 1. alarm, alarmclock
réveil: 1. alarm, alarmclock
réveiller: 1. arouse, wake, awaken, wake up
réviser: 1. revise
révolte: 1. mutiny, rebellion, revolt
révolution: 1. revolution
révéler: 1. develop, reveal
règle: 1. regulation, rule
règne: 1. control, reign, rule | 2. realm, state | 3. kingship, royalty
râler: 1. growl, grumble
râper: 1. grate, rasp
râteau: 1. rake
râteler: 1. rake
rêve: 1. dream, daydream | 2. dream
rêver: 1. dream
rêver éveillé: 1. dream, daydream, fancy
rôder: 1. roam, wander
rôle: 1. part, role, rôle
rôtir: 1. roast, toast
s.v.p.: 1. please
sa: 1. his | 2. its | 3. her
sable: 1. sand
sabot: 1. hoof
sacoche: 1. purse, wallet
sacré: 1. holy, sacred
sac tyrolien: 1. backpack, knapsack
sagace: 1. acute, astute, shrewd
sage-femme: 1. midwife, obstetrician | 2. midwife
sage: 1. prudent, reasonable, sensible | 2. sagacious, sage, wise
sagement: 1. with wisdom, wisely
sagesse: 1. wisdom
saillant: 1. noteworthy, remarkable
sain: 1. healthy, well
saint: 1. holy, sacred
saisir: 1. scald | 2. clutch, grab, grasp, grip, seize | 3. capture, catch, grapple | 4. confiscate | 5. find, notice, perceive | 6. catch, hit, run across, strike
saison: 1. autumn | 2. season
salade: 1. salad
salaire: 1. salary, wage, wages
salami: 1. salami
sale: 1. dirty, filthy, nasty, soiled, unclean
saler: 1. pickle | 2. salt
salir: 1. slander | 2. soil, spot, stain | 3. soil
salive: 1. saliva
salle: 1. chamber, room
salle de bains: 1. bathroom
salle à manger: 1. dining-room
salon: 1. lounge, parlour, salon, sitting-room
salon de réception: 1. reception room, reception-room
saluer: 1. greet, salute
salut: 1. greeting | 2. salvage, salvation, recovery
salutation: 1. greeting
samedi: 1. Saturday
sanction: 1. sanction
sandale: 1. sandal
sandwich: 1. sandwich
sang: 1. blood
sanglier: 1. wild boar
sanglot: 1. hiccup
sangsue: 1. leech
sans: 1. without
sans doute: 1. no doubt, undoubtedly
sans détour: 1. directly, straigh ahead
sans faute: 1. absolutely, definitely, without fail
santé: 1. health
saper: 1. subvert, undermine
sapin: 1. fir
sarcler: 1. weed, weed out
sardine: 1. sardine
satellite: 1. satellite
satisfaire: 1. meet with, satisfy
satisfaisant: 1. acceptable | 2. satisfactory
satisfait: 1. contented, pleased, satisfied
saturer: 1. saturate
sauce: 1. gravy, sauce
saucisse: 1. sausage
sauf: 1. apart from, besides, except, except for
sauge: 1. sage
saule: 1. willow
saumon: 1. salmon
saut: 1. jump, leap
sauter: 1. jump, leap, spring
sauterelle: 1. grasshopper, locust | 2. grasshopper
sauter à l’abordage: 1. hitch on, hook on | 2. hitch on, hook on
sautiller: 1. hop
sauvage: 1. savage, wild
sauver: 1. keep, save, rescue
savant: 1. scholar | 2. scholar
savoir: 1. know, know how
savon: 1. soap
savourer: 1. relish
savoureux: 1. nice, tasty | 2. delicious
saxophone: 1. saxophone
scandale: 1. commotion, scandal
scandinave: 1. Scandinavian
scaphandre autonome: 1. scuba
scarabée: 1. beetle | 2. beetle
sceau: 1. seal
sceller: 1. seal
sceptique: 1. skeptical
schah: 1. shah
schéma: 1. model, pattern, scheme
scie: 1. saw
science: 1. science
scier: 1. saw
scintiller: 1. flicker | 2. flare, flare up
score: 1. point
scorpion: 1. scorpion
scénario: 1. script
scène: 1. scene
se: 1. mutually, reciprocally
seau: 1. bucket, pail
sec: 1. dry
second: 1. second
secondaire: 1. accessory, adventitious, secondary
seconde: 1. second
secouer: 1. agitate, shake, shock
secourir: 1. abet, aid, assist, help | 2. accomodate, aid, assist, help
secours: 1. first aid
secret: 1. secret
secrétaire: 1. secretary
secte: 1. sect
secteur: 1. sector
section: 1. section
sectionner: 1. dissect
seigle: 1. rye
seigneur: 1. nobleman
seigneurie: 1. fief | 2. excellency, majesty
sein: 1. bosom, breast, chest | 2. bosom
seize: 1. sixteen
sel: 1. salt
selle: 1. saddle
selon: 1. according to | 2. according as, according to, as, by
semaine: 1. week
semblable: 1. fellow-creature, neighbour | 2. like, alike, similar
sembler: 1. appear, appear to be, seem
semelle: 1. sole
semence: 1. seed | 2. sperm
semer: 1. sow
sens: 1. meaning, sense | 2. sense
sensible: 1. accessible, impressible, sensitive | 2. charitable, merciful
sensé: 1. sagacious, sage, wise
sentence: 1. maxim, proverb | 2. adjudication, verdict
sentier: 1. path | 2. path
sentiment: 1. sentiment | 2. feel, feeling, sensation
sentinelle: 1. sentry
sentir: 1. smell | 2. give off an odour, reek, smell | 3. feel, grope | 4. feel, sense
sept: 1. seven
septembre: 1. September
septique: 1. infected, septic
serbe: 1. Serb
serein: 1. serene, untroubled
sergent: 1. sergeant
serment: 1. oath
sermon: 1. sermon
sermonner: 1. admonish, scold | 2. blame, rebuke, reproach, reprove, scold | 3. reproach, rebuke, reprove, scold
serpe: 1. sickle
serpent: 1. serpent, snake
serrer: 1. put away, stow | 2. lock up, shut up | 3. press, press firmly | 4. press, oppress, squeeze | 5. strech, wind up | 6. fasten, tighten, turn, turn on
serrer plus fort: 1. press, press firmly
serrure: 1. lock
servage: 1. serfdom, servitude
servante: 1. maid, servant
serveur: 1. waiter
serviable: 1. kind, obliging
service: 1. favor, favour | 2. function, job, office, post | 3. section | 4. crockery set | 5. service
serviette: 1. napkin | 2. towel
serviette de table: 1. napkin
servir: 1. serve
serviteur: 1. boy, servant
session: 1. session
seuil: 1. sill, threshold
seul: 1. alone, only, sole, solitary
seulement: 1. exclusively, just, only
sexe: 1. sex
se bagarrer: 1. be at loggerheads, tussle
se baigner: 1. bathe, have a bath
se battre: 1. be at loggerheads, tussle
se conduire: 1. behave, conduct oneself
se conformer: 1. abide by
se coucher: 1. go to bed | 2. lie down
se disputer: 1. argue, dispute | 2. quarrel, wrangle
se douter de: 1. conjecture, surmise
se dresser: 1. stand
se débattre: 1. flounder, struggle, writhe
se délecter: 1. relish
se démener: 1. flounder, struggle, writhe | 2. aim, attempt, endeavour, take steps, undertake | 3. strive for
se déplacer: 1. go | 2. move | 3. go, ride, travel
se dépêcher: 1. go fast, hurry, rush
se déshabiller: 1. undress, strip
se dévouer: 1. abnegate, deny oneself
se faner: 1. fade, wither
se fatiguer: 1. get tired
se fier: 1. have faith, have faith in, trust
se fier à: 1. have faith, have faith in, trust | 2. confide, have confidence in, trust, entrust
se lamenter: 1. lament, wail
se lever: 1. wake, wake up
se marier: 1. marry, be married, get married | 2. marry, be married, get married
se masturber: 1. masturbate
se mettre d’accord: 1. come to an agreement
se mettre en tranvers: 1. oppose
se mettre en travers: 1. block, blockade
se mettre à l’abri: 1. shelter
se mettre à l’abri de: 1. protect from, ward off
se méfier: 1. distrust, suspect
se perdre: 1. be lost, get lost
se plaindre: 1. complain
se porter: 1. fare
se promener: 1. go for a walk, stroll
se précipiter: 1. race, run
se quereller: 1. quarrel, wrangle
se racornir: 1. shrink, shrivel up
se rappeler: 1. recall, recollect, remember
se ratatiner: 1. shrink, shrivel up
se recommander: 1. recommend oneself
se relâcher: 1. relax
se rendre compte: 1. descry, perceive
se repentir: 1. repent
se reposer: 1. repose, rest
se retirer: 1. retire | 2. retreat
se retrancher: 1. give as an excuse, pretend | 2. shelter
se réfugier: 1. emigrate | 2. take refuge
se réjouir: 1. enjoy oneself, have a good time
se réserver: 1. abstain
se résigner: 1. acquiesce, resign oneself
se résoudre à: 1. compose, conclude, dispatch, settle
se réveiller: 1. wake, wake up
se révolter: 1. rebel, revolt
se servir de: 1. employ, use, make use of
se soucier de: 1. care, see, take care, worry | 2. care about, take care of
se soulever: 1. ascend, get up, go up, lift, rise, arise
se souvenir: 1. recall, recollect, remember
se suicider: 1. commit suicide, kill oneself
se surveiller: 1. control oneself
se taire: 1. be quiet
se terminer: 1. end, come to an end, end up, expire
se tromper: 1. err, make a mistake
se trouver: 1. be found, be located, find oneself
shah: 1. shah
shérif: 1. sheriff
si: 1. accordingly, so, then, therefore | 2. certainly, indeed, rather, surely | 3. yes | 4. if, provided that | 5. as, so, that | 6. so | 7. <question particle>, if, either, whether
siamois: 1. Siamese | 2. Thai
sibérien: 1. Siberian
sicilien: 1. Sicilian
sida: 1. AIDS
siffler: 1. whistle | 2. hiss
sifflet: 1. whistle
signal: 1. mark, sign, signal, token
signaler: 1. draw attention | 2. signal
signature: 1. signature
signe: 1. character, mark, sign, signal, token
signer: 1. sign
signification: 1. meaning, sense | 2. meaning
signifier: 1. imply, mean, signify
silencieux: 1. noiseless | 2. silent
silex: 1. flint, gravel
silhouette: 1. outline, silhouette
sillon: 1. slot | 2. furrow, wrinkle
simple: 1. simple, straightforward
simulacre: 1. mockery | 2. mockery
sincérité: 1. sincerity
sincère: 1. above-board, sincere
singaporien: 1. Singaporean
singe: 1. ape, monkey
singulier: 1. bizarre, odd, weird | 2. extraordinary, formidable | 3. curious, interesting, quaint | 4. odd, peculiar, strange
sinistre: 1. accident | 2. damage | 3. menacing, threatening | 4. suspicious | 5. horrible
sirop: 1. syrup
sirène: 1. alarm
situation: 1. circumstances, condition, situation
situer: 1. identify | 2. locate, place | 3. cause, cause to take place
sitôt: 1. at once, immediately, just, right away, right now
six: 1. six
siècle: 1. centennial, century
siège: 1. chair | 2. seat | 3. siege
sièger: 1. sit
ski: 1. ski
slave: 1. Slavic
slavon: 1. Slavonian
slip: 1. briefs
slip de bain: 1. swimming trunks
slovaque: 1. Slovak
slovène: 1. Slovenian
sobre: 1. abstemious, sober, staid, temperate
social: 1. social | 2. social
socialisme: 1. socialism
société: 1. society
sodium: 1. sodium
soie: 1. silk
soif: 1. thirst
soigner: 1. attend, nurse, tend to | 2. care for, cure, treat | 3. look after
soin: 1. care, concern
soir: 1. evening
soirée: 1. evening
soit: 1. agreed, okay | 2. that is
soit … soit: 1. either … or
soixante-dix: 1. seventy
soixante: 1. sixty
soixantième: 1. sixtieth
sol: 1. ground, soil
soldat: 1. pawn, soldier
solde: 1. balance
sole: 1. sole
soleil: 1. sun
solennel: 1. ceremonious, solemn
solidaire: 1. standing together
solidarité: 1. solidarity
solide: 1. firm, solid
solliciter: 1. attract, draw | 2. attract | 3. beseech
somalien: 1. Somali, Somalian
sombre: 1. bleak, dismal, dreary, gaunt, miserable, sad, somber | 2. bleak, dark, dismal, dreary | 3. dark, dim | 4. dismal, dreary | 5. bleak, dismal, dreary, gaunt, melancholy | 6. desolate, dismal, dreary, gaunt, gloomy, mournful
sommation: 1. admonition, exhortation | 2. exhortation, warning
somme: 1. amount, sum
sommeil: 1. sleep
sommer: 1. admonish, scold | 2. command, order, tell
sommet: 1. acme | 2. peak, point, tip, summit | 3. summit, surface, top
son: 1. his | 2. sound | 3. its | 4. her
songe: 1. dream
songer: 1. meditate, think to oneself | 2. dream, daydream, fancy | 3. dream
sonner: 1. sound | 2. peal, ring | 3. give a ring, ring, ring the bell | 4. give a ring, ring, ring the bell
sonner à la porte: 1. give a ring, ring, ring the bell
sonnette: 1. bell, little bell | 2. bell | 3. bell
sonore: 1. loud | 2. sonorous, sonourous
sorcier: 1. enchanter, magician, sorcerer, warlock, wizard
sorcière: 1. witch
sort: 1. destiny, fate, fortune, luck | 2. kind, sort
sorter: 1. exit, go out
sortie: 1. exit, way out | 2. expenses
sortilège: 1. sorcery
sortir de: 1. spring, well up
sot: 1. fool | 2. dull, stupid | 3. addled, foolish, stupid | 4. fool
souci: 1. sadness | 2. marigold | 3. care, concern
soucoupe: 1. saucer
soudain: 1. abrupt, sudden
soudainement: 1. all of a sudden, suddenly
soudanais: 1. Sudanese
souder: 1. solder
souffle: 1. inspiration | 2. breath
souffler: 1. blow
souffler sur: 1. fan, blow
souffrir: 1. abide, bear, endure, put up with, suffer
soufre: 1. brimstone, sulphur
souhait: 1. ambition, aspiration | 2. desire, want, wish
souhaiter: 1. desire, wish | 2. hope
souiller: 1. soil, spot, stain | 2. soil
soulager: 1. facilitate
soulever: 1. lever, lift, raise
soulier: 1. shoe
souligner: 1. accent, accentuate, stress | 2. accent, accentuate, emphasize
soumettre: 1. subdue, subjugate, submit
soupe: 1. soup
souper: 1. evening meal, supper
soupirant: 1. adorer, worshipper
soupirer: 1. ache, long for, yearn
souple: 1. elastic | 2. flexible
souplesse: 1. manageability, tractability
soupçonner: 1. suspect
source: 1. fountain, source, spring
sourcil: 1. brow, eyebrow
sourd-muet: 1. deaf and dumb
sourd: 1. deaf
sourire: 1. smile | 2. smile
souris: 1. mouse
sous-entendu: 1. overtone
sous: 1. below, beneath, under, underneath
soustraction: 1. subtraction
soustraire: 1. subtract
soutenir: 1. abide, endure
souterrain: 1. underground
soutien-gorge: 1. bra
souvenir: 1. keepsake, memento, souvenir | 2. keepsake, memento, souvenir | 3. recollection
souvent: 1. frequently, often, regularly
souverain: 1. of paramount importance, predominating | 2. sovereign | 3. sovereign
soyeux: 1. silk, silk-, silken, of silk
speaker: 1. announcer | 2. chairman, president
spectacle: 1. appearance, aspect, look, sight, view | 2. exterior | 3. look | 4. show, spectacle
spectacle de variété: 1. variety entertainment
spectateur: 1. spectator
sperme: 1. sperm
sphère: 1. ball, sphere
spirale: 1. spiral
spirituel: 1. lively, witty
splendeur: 1. pomp, splender
splendide: 1. lovely
spontané: 1. spontaneous
sport: 1. sport
spécial: 1. particular, special
spécialement: 1. particularly, specially
spécialité: 1. branch, compartment, department, pigeonhole, section, speciality
spécimen: 1. sample, specimen
squelette: 1. skeleton
stable: 1. stable
stade: 1. stadium, stage | 2. stadium
stagner: 1. stagnate
stand: 1. barn, shed, stand
standard: 1. normal
star: 1. celebrity, star | 2. celebrity, star
station: 1. stage, station, stop
stationner: 1. park
statue: 1. statue
stature: 1. stature
statut: 1. by-laws, statute, regulations
steppe: 1. moor, steppe
stimuler: 1. rouse, stimulate, stir up
stock: 1. stock
store: 1. roller-blind
store vénitien: 1. Venetian blind
stratégie: 1. strategy
strict: 1. tight
strident: 1. shrill
strontium: 1. strontium
strophe: 1. verse
structure: 1. structure
stuc: 1. plaster
studio: 1. atelier, studio, work-room, workshop | 2. studio
stupeur: 1. alarm, consternation
stupide: 1. idiotic | 2. addled, foolish, stupid
stupidement: 1. stupidly
stupéfaction: 1. alarm, consternation | 2. alarm, consternation
stupéfait: 1. aghast, taken aback, upset
stupéfiant: 1. drug
stupéfier: 1. alarm, appal, dismay, puzzle
style: 1. style
stylo: 1. fountain-pen, fountain pen
stylo à bille: 1. ballpoint pen | 2. ballpoint, ball-point pen
suave: 1. gentle, soft, sweet, tender | 2. gentle, mild
subir: 1. go through, live to see | 2. abide, bear, endure, put up with, suffer
subit: 1. abrupt, sudden
subitement: 1. all of a sudden, suddenly
subordonné: 1. dependent | 2. subordinate
substance: 1. matter, stuff, substance
substituer: 1. replace, substitute
subtil: 1. subtle
subvention: 1. subsidy
suc: 1. juice, sap
successeur: 1. offspring, successor
succession: 1. order
successivement: 1. in turn | 2. at a strech, for … together, on end | 3. consecutively
succulent: 1. nice, tasty
succursale: 1. affiliate, affiliation, branch
succès: 1. achievement, success
sucer: 1. suck
sucette: 1. comforter, baby’s comforter, dummy, pacifier | 2. comforter, baby’s comforter, dummy, pacifier
sucre: 1. sugar
sucré: 1. gentle, soft, sweet, tender
sud-africain: 1. South African
sud-américain: 1. South American
sud: 1. south
suer: 1. sweat
sueur: 1. perspiration, sweat
suffire: 1. suffice
suffisamment: 1. enough, quite, rather, sufficiently
suffisant: 1. enough, sufficient
suffixe: 1. extension, suffix
suffoquer: 1. choke, quell, suffocate, suppress
suggérer: 1. advance, suggest
suie: 1. soot
suisse: 1. Swiss
suite: 1. suite, train | 2. continuation | 3. consequence, consistency | 4. result | 5. adherents, disciples, followers, following, party, supporters | 6. consequence | 7. order
suivant: 1. hind, hindmost | 2. next | 3. following, next | 4. following, next
suivre: 1. act on, act upon, follow, observe | 2. follow
sujet: 1. subject | 2. theme, topic, subject
sujet secondaire: 1. subsidiary subject
summon: 1. summit, surface, top
superbe: 1. delightful, lovely
superficiel: 1. shallow, superficial | 2. superficial
superstition: 1. superstition
supplément: 1. adjunct
supplémentaire: 1. additional | 2. another, one more
supporter: 1. abide, endure
supposer: 1. guess, presume, suppose, surmise
supposé que: 1. supposing that
supprimer: 1. exterminate, wipe out | 2. do away with, get rid of, remove | 3. cross out, strike out | 4. liquidate | 5. abjure, abolish, abrogate, annul, cancel, remit
suprème: 1. superior
supérieur: 1. superior | 2. upper
sur: 1. above, on top, overhead, upstairs | 2. on, upon | 3. at, beside, with
sureau: 1. elder
surface: 1. surface
surgir: 1. appear, emerge, perform | 2. get up, rise, stand, stand up
surinamien: 1. Surinamese
surmonter: 1. exceed, surpass | 2. go beyond | 3. defeat, win over
surplombant: 1. superior
surprendre: 1. surprise
surprise: 1. surprise
sursauter: 1. start | 2. get up, rise, stand, stand up
sursis: 1. adjournment, delay
surtout: 1. above all, especially | 2. above all, especially, chiefly, mainly, principally | 3. particularly, specially | 4. chiefly
surveiller: 1. advert, pay attention, pay attention to, watch out for | 2. audit, check, check up on, supervise, verify | 3. control, govern, restrain, rule
sur la recommandation de: 1. on the recommendation of
suspecter: 1. suspect
suspendre: 1. discharge, dismiss, fire, sack | 2. hang | 3. adjourn, delay, postpone | 4. postpone
sussurer: 1. rustle, swish
suédois: 1. Swedish
symbole: 1. symbol
sympa: 1. sympathetic
sympathie: 1. sympathy
sympathique: 1. sympathetic
syndicat: 1. labour-union, trade-union, syndicate
syndicat agricole: 1. farmers’ union
syrien: 1. Syrian
système: 1. system
s’abaisser: 1. descend, go down | 2. abate, settle | 3. abate, decrease, diminish, drop, fall | 4. abase oneself | 5. descend, get off, go down
s’abattre: 1. drop, fall | 2. abate, settle | 3. land
s’abonner: 1. subscribe, subscribe to
s’aboucher avec: 1. contact
s’abouler: 1. come
s’abriter: 1. hide, hide oneself | 2. shelter | 3. protect from, ward off
s’absenter: 1. absent oneself
s’abstenir: 1. abstain
s’abstenir de: 1. abstain from | 2. avoid, evade
s’abâtardir: 1. degenerate
s’abêtir: 1. become dull
s’abîmer: 1. break down | 2. perish
s’acclimater: 1. acclimate, acclimatize
s’accorder: 1. accord, agree
s’accoter: 1. lean
s’accoupler: 1. associate, come together, join, pool | 2. have sexual intercourse, mate
s’accoutumer: 1. accustom oneself, get used
s’accoître: 1. accrue, increase
s’accroître: 1. accrue, grow
s’acidifier: 1. acidify, sour, grow sour
s’adapter: 1. accomodate oneself, adapt, adapt oneself
s’adjoindre des aides: 1. recruit
s’adosser: 1. lean
s’adresser à: 1. break down upon, make for | 2. apply to
s’affilier: 1. accede, affiliate
s’agenouiller: 1. kneel
s’agglutiner: 1. stick
s’aigrir: 1. acidify, sour, grow sour
s’ajuster: 1. accomodate oneself, adapt, adapt oneself
s’allumer: 1. burn, catch, flash on, strike, take fire
s’amoindrir: 1. abate, decrease, diminish, drop, fall
s’amuser: 1. frolic
s’apercevoir: 1. descry, perceive
s’apitoyer: 1. have compassion on, pity
s’appeler: 1. be called
s’approcher: 1. advance, come close, come closer, come on
s’arrêter: 1. halt, come to a halt, stop
s’arrêter à: 1. call at
s’attabler: 1. draw up to the table, sit down to table
s’avancer: 1. approach, deal with, tackle
s’efforcer: 1. strive for
s’enfuir: 1. abscond
s’engager: 1. make a contract
s’enivrer: 1. drink, drink to excess
s’ennuyer: 1. be bored, be tired of something
s’entremettre: 1. match, match-make
s’en aller: 1. absent onself, depart, go away, leave
s’excuser: 1. ask forgiveness, excuse oneself
s’habiller: 1. dress, get dressed
s’harmoniser: 1. accord, agree
s’humilier: 1. abase oneself, humble oneself
s’il vous plaît: 1. please
s’incliner: 1. stoop
s’indigner: 1. be indignant
s’indigner de: 1. resent, take exception to, take offence at
s’informer: 1. be advised, find out
s’intéresser: 1. be interested, take an interest
s’obstiner: 1. be obstinate, be stubborn, persist
s’occuper: 1. care, see, take care, worry
s’occuper de: 1. care about, take care of
s’ébattre: 1. frolic
s’échapper: 1. escape, flee
s’élancer: 1. race, run
s’ériger en: 1. pose
s’étendre: 1. lie down
s’étonner: 1. marvel, marvel at, wonder
s’évanouir: 1. faint, swoon
s’éveiller: 1. wake, wake up
soeur: 1. sister
séance: 1. meeting | 2. presentation
sécher: 1. dry | 2. dry
sécurité: 1. safety, security
séditieux: 1. inflammatory
séisme: 1. earthquake
séjour: 1. stay
sémitique: 1. Semitic
séparer: 1. divide, separate | 2. disintegrate, divide, separate
série: 1. series, set
sérieux: 1. earnest, serious, staid
sévère: 1. severe, strict
sèchement: 1. abruptly
sève: 1. juice, sap
sûr: 1. certain, sure | 2. reliable, trustworthy | 3. safe, secure
sûrement: 1. certainly | 2. absolutely, definitely, without fail
ta: 1. your | 2. your
tabac: 1. tobacco
table: 1. table
tableau: 1. index, table, tablet, tabulation
tableau d’affichage: 1. bill-board, notice-board
tablette: 1. shelf
tablier: 1. apron
tabouret: 1. stool
tache: 1. blot, spot
tact: 1. musical time, tact
tactique: 1. tactic, tactics
taille-haie: 1. hedge clippers, hedge shears
taille: 1. bulk, dimension, extend, size | 2. dimension, measurement | 3. measure, measurement | 4. stature | 5. waist, waistline
tailler: 1. cut off | 2. chop, cut, hack | 3. cut, polish | 4. cut, slice | 5. carve, chisel
tailleur: 1. tailor
talon: 1. heel
talon d’Achille: 1. Achilles’ heel
tambour: 1. drum
tamiser: 1. sift
tampon: 1. buffer, bumper
tandis que: 1. for, during, whereas, while, whilst
tank: 1. tank
tant: 1. so | 2. that much
tante: 1. aunt
tanzanien: 1. Tanzanian
taon: 1. hornet | 2. gadfly, horse-fly
taper: 1. pat, tap | 2. type
tapis: 1. carpet
tapisser: 1. paper | 2. cover, overlay
tapisserie: 1. tapestry, wall covering
taquiner: 1. tease
tarder: 1. be late
tarif postal: 1. postal rates
tarte: 1. pie, tart
tas: 1. accumulation, crowd, heap, mass, multitude, pile | 2. heap, pile, stack
tasse: 1. cup
tasser: 1. press, press firmly
tatare: 1. Tatar
taupe: 1. mole
taureau: 1. bull
taxe: 1. tax
taxer: 1. appraise, estimate, rate
taxe d’octroi: 1. excise, excise-duty
taxi: 1. taxi
taïlandais: 1. Thai
taïs: 1. Thai
tchécoslovaque: 1. Czechoslovak, Czechoslovakian
tchèque: 1. Czech | 2. Czech, Czech language
te: 1. thee, to thee, to you, to thee | 2. thee, to thee, to you, you | 3. thee, you | 4. thee, you
technique: 1. technics, technique
teindre: 1. dye, tint
teint: 1. complexion
teinte: 1. colour, dye | 2. hue, nuance, shade, tint
tel: 1. such, such a, that kind of
tellement: 1. so, such, thus | 2. so
tempe: 1. temple
temple: 1. temple
temporaire: 1. temporary | 2. provisional, temporary
temps: 1. time, while | 2. weather
température: 1. temperature
tempête: 1. storm
tenace: 1. obstinate, stubborn
tenailles: 1. pincers, pair of pincers
tendance: 1. tendency
tendon d’Achille: 1. Achilles’ tendon
tendre: 1. dainty, delicate, fine, refined | 2. affectionate, caressing, cuddlesome, cuddly | 3. soft | 4. strech, wind up
tendresse: 1. tenderness
tendre un piège: 1. set a trap, set a trap for
tenir: 1. hang onto, hold
tenir place de: 1. take the place of
tension: 1. tension, voltage
tentation: 1. temptation
tente: 1. tent
tenter: 1. entice, tempt
tenue: 1. platform, stage | 2. control, reign, rule
terme: 1. expression | 2. term
terminer: 1. accomodate, end, finish, terminate | 2. stop
terminus: 1. end-of-the-line
terrain: 1. ground, grounds, terrain
terrasse: 1. terrace
terre: 1. ground, soil | 2. earth, land, soil
terrer: 1. earth, earth up, hill, hill up | 2. earth, earth up, hill, hill up
terrestre: 1. terrestrial | 2. earthen, earthly, terrestrial | 3. terrestrial
terreur: 1. terror, reign of terror | 2. alarm, terror
terrible: 1. abysmal, dreadful, gruesome, horrible, terrible
territoire: 1. territory
territoires du Nord-Ouest: 1. Northwest Territories
territoire du Yukon: 1. Yukon Territory
testament: 1. testament, will
testicule: 1. testicle
texte: 1. lyric, text
textile: 1. fabric, textile
thaïlandais: 1. Siamese
thermomètre: 1. thermometer
thon: 1. tuna, tuna-fish, tunny
thé: 1. tea
théière: 1. teapot | 2. tea-pot
théocratie: 1. theocracy
théorie: 1. theory
théâtre: 1. theatre
thème: 1. theme, topic, subject
thèse: 1. essay, thesis
tibétain: 1. Tibetan
ticket: 1. bill, ticket, note | 2. coupon
tien: 1. your
tiers: 1. third
tige: 1. stalk, stem
tigre: 1. tiger
tilleul: 1. lime-tree, linden-tree
timbre-poste: 1. stamp, postage stamp
timbre: 1. alarm | 2. stamp, postage stamp
timbre de poste aérienne: 1. air-mail stamp
timide: 1. afraid, timid | 2. shy
tinter: 1. peal, ring | 2. jingle, tinkle
tique: 1. tick
tir: 1. firing
tire-bouchon: 1. corkscrew
tirer: 1. fire, shoot | 2. drag, draw, haul, pull, tug
tirer au sort: 1. draw lots
tirer un trait: 1. draw, make a stroke
tiroir: 1. drawer
tisser: 1. braid, plait, twine, wreathe | 2. weave
tissu: 1. cloth, material
titane: 1. titanium
titre: 1. certificate, diploma, document | 2. degree, heading, title
tiède: 1. lukewarm
toi: 1. thee, you
toile: 1. linen
toilette: 1. toilet
toit: 1. roof
tolérer: 1. endure, put up with, tolerate
tomate: 1. tomato
tombe: 1. grave, tomb
tomber: 1. drop, fall
tomber amoureux de: 1. fall in love with | 2. fall in love with
ton: 1. your | 2. tone | 3. your
tondre: 1. clip, cut, shear
tonne: 1. ton
tonneau: 1. barrel
tonnelle: 1. arbor
tonner: 1. thunder
tonnerre: 1. thunder
ton aigre: 1. tartness
toquade: 1. addiction
toque: 1. cap
torche: 1. torch
torchon: 1. dish cloth, dust rag
tordre: 1. contort, twist
torpiller: 1. abort, quash | 2. torpedo
torrent: 1. torrent, volley
torse: 1. trunk
tortue: 1. tortoise
torture: 1. torture | 2. torment
total: 1. overall, total | 2. entire, overall, whole
totalement: 1. at all, entirely, quite, wholly
touche: 1. key
toucher: 1. bore, broach, sink, strike, tap | 2. touch
toucher à: 1. call at
touche de clavier: 1. key
touffu: 1. indistinct
toujours: 1. always, ever
toujours plus: 1. increasingly, more and more
tour: 1. castle, tower | 2. file, line, rank, row, turn
tourbe: 1. peat
tourbilloner: 1. swirl | 2. swirl
tourisme: 1. tourism
tourmenter: 1. abuse, agonize, torment
tourner: 1. turn | 2. turn, turn around, turn round | 3. switch, turn on
tournevis: 1. screwdriver
tourterelle: 1. turtle-dove
tous: 1. both
tousser: 1. cough
tous les jours: 1. daily
tous près de: 1. at, beside, with
tout: 1. quite, very, very much | 2. at all, entirely, quite, wholly | 3. all, every kind of | 4. all, altogether, everything
toutes: 1. both
toutes les fois: 1. all, all of it
toute espèce de: 1. all, every kind of
toute sorte de: 1. all, every kind of
tout au plus: 1. at most | 2. at most
tout de même: 1. but, however, nevertheless, yet
tout de suite: 1. at once, immediately, just, right away, right now
tout d’abord: 1. above all, especially | 2. at once, instantly, immediately, without delay
tout le: 1. all the
tout le monde: 1. all | 2. everybody, every one
tout à coup: 1. all of a sudden, suddenly
tout à l’heure: 1. soon
trace: 1. trace, track
trachée: 1. windpipe
tracteur: 1. tractor
tradition: 1. tradition
traduire: 1. translate
trafic: 1. traffic
tragique: 1. tragic
tragédie: 1. tragedy
trahir: 1. betray
train: 1. train | 2. train
traire: 1. milk
trait: 1. feature, trait
traiter: 1. deal with, handle, treat
trajectoire: 1. trajectory
tramer: 1. weave
tramway: 1. streetcar, tram
tranchant: 1. sharp
trancher: 1. cut, slice
tranquille: 1. calm, quiet | 2. calm, tranquil
transformation: 1. adaptation, adjustment | 2. recreation, refashioning, regeneration, transformation | 3. metamorphosis, transformation | 4. alteration, change, conversion, transformation | 5. alteration, change, conversion, transformation | 6. metamorphosis, recreation, regeneration, transformation | 7. reform | 8. transformation | 9. refashioning, transformation | 10. alteration, change, conversion, transformation | 11. about-face, alteration, change, conversion, transformation
transformer: 1. transform
transitif: 1. transitive
transmission: 1. delivery
transpirer: 1. sweat
transport: 1. delirium | 2. impetus
transporter: 1. transport
travailler: 1. work
traîner: 1. drag, tow
traître: 1. unfaithful | 2. treacherous
treize: 1. thirteen
treizième: 1. thirteenth
tremble: 1. aspen
tremblement de terre: 1. earthquake
trembler: 1. quiver, shiver, tremble
tremper: 1. harden, temper | 2. dip, immerse, soak
trente: 1. thirty
tresser: 1. braid, plait, twine, wreathe
triangle: 1. triangle
triangulaire: 1. triangular
tribu: 1. tribe
tribunal: 1. tribunal
tribune: 1. rostrum, speaker’s platform
tribut: 1. tribute
tricher: 1. cheat, do something crooked | 2. cheat, deceive
tricoter: 1. knit
trier: 1. divide, separate
triomphe: 1. triumph
triompher: 1. be proud
triste: 1. sad | 2. dismal, dreary
trivial: 1. commonplace, course, vulgar
trois: 1. three
trombone: 1. trombone
trompe: 1. proboscis, trunk
tromper: 1. commit adultery | 2. disappoint | 3. be unfaithful, be unfaithful to | 4. cheat, deceive
trompette: 1. trumpet
tronc: 1. stem, trunk
trop: 1. too, too much
tropical: 1. tropical
trotter: 1. trot
trottoir: 1. pavement, sidewalk
trou: 1. hole
trouble: 1. indistinct
troubler: 1. abet, agitate, incite, stir up | 2. confuse, puzzle
troupe: 1. bevy, collection, group, heap, herd, set | 2. troop, troupe
troupeau: 1. flock, herd
trouver: 1. find
troène: 1. privet
trucs: 1. stuff, things
truie: 1. sow
truite: 1. trout
trébucher: 1. stumble
trésor: 1. treasure
trésorier: 1. cashier
très: 1. quite, very, very much
trêve: 1. truce | 2. break, intermission, pause, recess | 3. repose, rest
tu: 1. thou, you | 2. thou, you
tube: 1. barrel, channel, pipe, tube
tuer: 1. kill, liquidate, slay
tungstène: 1. tungsten
tunnel: 1. tunnel
tutoyer: 1. thee and thou
tuyau: 1. barrel, channel, pipe, tube
tylenchus: 1. eelworm
type: 1. type
typhus: 1. typhus
tyran: 1. tyrant
tzigane: 1. gypsy, Gypsy
t’: 1. thee, to thee, to you, to thee | 2. thee, to thee, to you, you | 3. thee, you | 4. thee, you
télégramme: 1. telegram
télégraphe: 1. telegraph
téléphone: 1. telephone
téléphoner: 1. telephone
télévision: 1. television, TV
témoignage: 1. certificate, testimony | 2. proof, sign, token | 3. character, mark, sign, signal, token
témoigner: 1. attest, bear witness of, testify
témoin: 1. witness
ténèbres: 1. darkness
ténères: 1. darkness, murk
tâche: 1. job, assigned job, task
tâter: 1. finger, handle | 2. feel, grope
tête: 1. head, pate
tête de bétail: 1. head of cattle
tête d’ail: 1. garlic bulb
têtu: 1. obstinate, stubborn
tôle: 1. sheet metal, tin, tin plate
tôt: 1. early
ukrainien: 1. Ukrainian
ulcère: 1. ulcer, sore
un: 1. a, any, anybody, some, somebody, one, someone, some one | 2. one | 3. a, an
une: 1. one | 2. a, an
une certaine quantité: 1. a little, rather, some, somewhat, to some extent
uni: 1. even, flat, level, smooth | 2. smooth
uniforme: 1. uniform
unique: 1. unique
unir: 1. join, unite
unité: 1. unity | 2. unit
univers: 1. universe
université: 1. university
un jour: 1. at some time, ever, sometime
uranium: 1. uranium
uriner: 1. urinate | 2. urinate
user: 1. wear down, wear off, wear out
user de: 1. employ, use, make use of
usine: 1. factory | 2. factory | 3. factory, mill
ustensile: 1. agent, means, tool
utile: 1. advantageous, useful
utérus: 1. uterus, womb
vacance: 1. holiday
vacances: 1. vacation | 2. spare time, time off, vacation
vacciner: 1. vaccinate
vache: 1. cow
vaciller: 1. flare, flare up
vagin: 1. vagina
vague: 1. uncertain | 2. wave | 3. vacant
vaguer: 1. roam, wander
vaillant: 1. brave, gallant | 2. brave, courageous, valiant
vain: 1. abortive, futile, useless, vain | 2. conceited, frivolous, vain
vaincre: 1. defeat, win over
valable: 1. valid
valeur: 1. value, worth
valise: 1. suitcase, valise
vallée: 1. valley
valoir: 1. be worth
valve: 1. air-valve
vaniteux: 1. conceited, frivolous, vain
vanité: 1. vanity
vapeur: 1. steam, vapor, vapour
varier: 1. vary
variété: 1. variety entertainment
vase: 1. mud | 2. vase, vessel
vautour: 1. vulture
veau: 1. veal | 2. calf
vedette: 1. motor-boat, motor-launch | 2. celebrity, star
veiller sur: 1. look after, nurse
veiller à: 1. care, see, take care, worry
veine: 1. vein
velours: 1. velvet
velu: 1. hairy, shaggy
vendre: 1. dispose of, sell, vend
vendredi: 1. Friday
vendre d’occasion: 1. deal in secondhand goods
venger: 1. avenge, avenge oneself
venimeux: 1. poisonous
venin: 1. poison
venir: 1. come
vent: 1. wind
vente aux enchères: 1. auction
ventiler: 1. ventilate
ventre: 1. abdomen, belly, tummy
venue: 1. arrival
ver: 1. worm
verbe: 1. verb
verdict: 1. adjudication, verdict
verger: 1. orchard
vernis: 1. glaze | 2. varnish
verrat: 1. boar
verre: 1. glass | 2. glass
verrouiller: 1. bolt, fasten
verrue: 1. wart
vers: 1. at, to, toward, towards | 2. toward, towards | 3. verse
versement: 1. payment
versement initial: 1. down payment, first instalment, initial deposit, instalment
verser: 1. pour, scatter, shed | 2. dump, pour, pour out, scatter
verser un premier acompte: 1. make a deposit, make a down payment
vert: 1. green
vertical: 1. vertical
vertu: 1. morality, vice
vertèbre: 1. vertebra
ver de terre: 1. earthworm
vessie: 1. bladder, bubble
veste: 1. jacket
vestiaire: 1. cloakroom
veston: 1. jacket
veuf: 1. widower
veuillez m’excuser: 1. excuse me
veuve: 1. widow
viande: 1. meat
vibrer: 1. vibrate
vice: 1. damage | 2. vice | 3. absence, lack, shortage, shortcoming
victime: 1. victim
vide: 1. empty, void | 2. miserable, needy | 3. vacant
vider: 1. empty
vie: 1. life
vieillard: 1. old man | 2. old man
viennois: 1. Vienna, Viennese
vierge: 1. virgin, virginal | 2. virgin
vietnamien: 1. Vietnamese
vieux: 1. decayed, decrepit, dilapidated, lapsed, rickety | 2. old
vif: 1. adroit, agile, alert, brisk, keen
vigilant: 1. adroit, agile, alert, brisk, keen
vigne: 1. vine, grapevine
vignoble: 1. vine
vigueur: 1. activity, gusto, spirit, stir, zest
vilain: 1. nasty, ugly
villa: 1. villa
village: 1. village
villageois: 1. villager
ville: 1. city, town
vin: 1. wine
vinaigre: 1. vinegar
vingt: 1. twenty
vingtième: 1. twentieth
violer: 1. force, violate | 2. defile, profane | 3. break
violet: 1. violet
violette: 1. violet
violon: 1. violin
violoncelle: 1. cello
virer: 1. endorse
virginal: 1. virgin, virginal
virgule: 1. comma
virus: 1. virus
vis-à-vis: 1. opposite | 2. toward, towards, with reference to
vis: 1. screw
visa: 1. visa, visé
visage: 1. face
viser: 1. aim, intend
visible: 1. visible
vision: 1. vision
visite: 1. visit
visiter: 1. attend, call on, see, visit
visiteur: 1. caller, visitor
vite: 1. fast, quickly, swiftly
vitesse: 1. speed
vitre: 1. glass
vitrine: 1. show window | 2. showcase
vivant: 1. alive
vive sollicitation: 1. insistence, pressure, urgency
vivre: 1. be alive, live
vodka: 1. vodka
voici: 1. behold, here is, here are, look, there
voie: 1. track | 2. road, route, way
voile: 1. sail | 2. veil
voiler: 1. veil
voilà: 1. behold, here is, here are, look, there
voir: 1. see
voisin: 1. neighbour
voisinage: 1. proximity
voiture: 1. vehicle
voix: 1. voice
volant: 1. steering-wheel
volcan: 1. volcano
voler: 1. fly | 2. steal
volontaire: 1. willing
volontiers: 1. preferably, rather | 2. willingly
volonté: 1. will, willingness, wish
volt: 1. Volt
voltiger: 1. flirt, flit, flutter
volume: 1. volume
volupté: 1. lust, sexual pleasure
vomir: 1. spit | 2. throw up, vomit
votre: 1. your
vouloir: 1. be willing to, want, wish
vous: 1. to you, you | 2. to you, you | 3. to you, you | 4. thee, you | 5. thee, you | 6. thee, you | 7. thou, you | 8. ye, you | 9. ye, you | 10. you
voyage: 1. journey, trip, voyage
voyager: 1. travel
voyager au loin: 1. migrate, roam, wander, wander about
voyageur: 1. traveller
voyelle: 1. vowel
voûte: 1. dome, vault, vaulted ceiling
vrai: 1. right, true | 2. true
vraiment: 1. absolutely, genuinly, indeed, really, truly
vraisamblable: 1. plausible
vraisemblable: 1. likely, probable
vrille: 1. bore
vrombir: 1. snore
vue: 1. exterior | 2. view | 3. view | 4. look | 5. view | 6. sight, view
vulgaire: 1. coarse, crude, harsh | 2. common, everyday, vulgar
vu que: 1. because, for the reason that | 2. because, for the reason that | 3. as, because, for, since
voeu: 1. vow
végéter: 1. vegetate
véhicle: 1. vehicle
vélo: 1. bike, cycle, bicycle | 2. bike, bicycle
vélomoteur: 1. moped | 2. motorcycle
véreux: 1. unsound, worm-eaten
vérifier: 1. audit, check, check up on, supervise, verify
véritable: 1. true
véronique: 1. speedwell
vésicule: 1. bladder, bubble
vêtements: 1. clothes, clothing
vêtir: 1. clothe, dress
vôtre: 1. yours
wagon: 1. carriage, coach, railway carriage, waggon
wallon: 1. Walloon
week-end: 1. week-end
whisky: 1. whisky, whiskey
xylophone: 1. xylophone
xénon: 1. xenon
yaourt: 1. yoghourt, yoghurt
yen: 1. yen
yoga: 1. yoga
yoghourt: 1. yoghourt, yoghurt
yogourt: 1. yoghourt, yoghurt
yougoslave: 1. Yugoslav, Yugoslavian
zambien: 1. Zambian
zapper: 1. zap
zinc: 1. zinc
zip: 1. zipper
zob: 1. cock, prick
zone: 1. zone
zoo: 1. zoo
zélandais: 1. Zealand
zéro: 1. naught, nought, null, zero, zilch
zèbre: 1. zebra
zèle: 1. fervor, fervour, zeal
Oedipe: 1. Oedipus
oeil: 1. eye
oeillet: 1. carnation, pink
oeuf: 1. egg
oeuvre: 1. work
ébouriffer: 1. dishevel, tousle
ébouriffé: 1. bristly, standing on end, untidy
ébranler: 1. shake
écaille: 1. scale
échalas: 1. stake
échanger: 1. interchange, swap
échapper: 1. escape, flee
échapper comme une anguille: 1. be as slippery as an eel
écharde: 1. splinter
échauder: 1. scald
échec: 1. abortion, failure, fiasco | 2. chess
échelle: 1. ladder | 2. scale | 3. ladder
écho: 1. echo
échoppe: 1. barn, shed, stand
éclair: 1. lightning
éclat: 1. splinter
écluse: 1. lock, sluice
école: 1. school | 2. school
école d’agriculture: 1. agricultural school
économat: 1. stewardship
économie: 1. economy
économiser: 1. save, spare
écorce: 1. bark | 2. bark, husk, peel, shell
écouter: 1. listen
écrevisse: 1. crayfish
écrire: 1. write | 2. compose, create, write
écrou: 1. nut | 2. nut
écueil: 1. reef
écume: 1. foam, froth
écureuil: 1. squirrel
écurie: 1. stable, stall, sty
écoeurer: 1. nauseate
éditer: 1. issue, publish
éduquer: 1. breed, bring up, educate, raise
égal: 1. equal, even, level
église: 1. church | 2. church, church-building, house of worship, place of worship
égout: 1. sewer
égyptien: 1. Egyptian
élan: 1. elk, moose
élastique: 1. elastic
électricité: 1. electricity
électrique: 1. electric
électron: 1. electron
élever: 1. breed, keep, raise, rear | 2. lever, lift, raise
élevé: 1. noble
éloquent: 1. eloquent
élément: 1. element
éléphant: 1. elephant
émaner: 1. spring, well up
éminent: 1. fine, great
émotion: 1. emotion | 2. emotion
émouvoir: 1. abet, agitate, incite, stir up | 2. move, stir | 3. affect, agitate, move
ému: 1. seized with emotion
énergie: 1. energy
énergique: 1. drastic
énigme: 1. enigma, puzzle, riddle
énorme: 1. gigantic, huge | 2. enormous, huge, immense | 3. colossal, huge
épais: 1. bold, corpulent, fat, thick
épargner: 1. save, spare
épaule: 1. shoulder
épi: 1. ear
épice: 1. spice
épicéa: 1. spruce, spruce-fir
épier: 1. keep an eye on, spy on
épigraphe: 1. motto
épinard: 1. spinach
épine: 1. thorn | 2. spine
épine dorsale: 1. spine | 2. spine | 3. spine
épingle: 1. pin, needle
éponge: 1. sponge
époque: 1. age, epoch, era
épouse: 1. wife
épouvantable: 1. repellent, repelling, repulsive | 2. dismal, dreary, horrible, nasty
époux: 1. husband | 2. couple, married people
équipe: 1. detachment | 2. team
équiper: 1. equip
équivalent: 1. equivalent
érable: 1. maple, sycamore
érotique: 1. erotic
étable: 1. stable, stall, sty
établi: 1. bench, easel, tressle, workbench
étage: 1. floor, storey, story
étagère: 1. shelf
étain: 1. tin
étaler: 1. anoint, smear, spread
étalon: 1. stallion | 2. stallion
étang: 1. pond
étape: 1. stadium, stage
état: 1. condition, state | 2. state
état politique: 1. state
éteindre: 1. extinguish, put out
étendard: 1. flag, standard
étendre: 1. adulterate | 2. extend, strech out | 3. unroll | 4. aggrandize, augment, enlarge, increase | 5. lay out, spread, spread out | 6. anoint, smear, spread
étendu: 1. ample, bulky, extensive | 2. extensive, spacious, vast, wide
éternel: 1. eternal
éternuer: 1. sneeze
éthiopien: 1. Ethiopian
étincelle: 1. spark
étoffe: 1. cloth, material
étoile: 1. star
étonner: 1. amaze
étouffant: 1. airless, oppressive, stiffling, sultry
étouffer: 1. choke, quell, suffocate, suppress
étourdi: 1. careless, negligent
étrange: 1. odd, peculiar, strange
étranger: 1. foreigner | 2. alien, foreign, strange
étroit: 1. narrow
étrusque: 1. Etrurian, Etruscan
étude: 1. study
étudiant: 1. academic, student
étudier: 1. study
été: 1. summer
évaluer: 1. appraise, estimate, rate
éventuel: 1. contingent, eventual
évidemment: 1. apparently, obviously
évident: 1. evident, obvious
éviter: 1. avoid, evade
évoluer: 1. develop, evolve
événement: 1. event
évêque: 1. bishop
à-propos: 1. relevance
à: 1. at, to, toward, towards | 2. at, beside, by, near, nearby, near to, next to | 3. a, in, inside, into, on, per, within | 4. with | 5. for, to, in order to, per | 6. on, upon | 7. until, till
à cause de: 1. because of, for, for sake of, on account of, owing to, through
à cause de rien: 1. for no reason
à condition que: 1. if, provided that
à deux: 1. by twos
à droite: 1. on the right
à elles: 1. them, to them
à eux: 1. them, to them
à forfait: 1. by tender | 2. job-
à haute voix: 1. loudly
à la: 1. the, to the
à la hâte: 1. hastily, hurriedly, in a hurry
à la mode: 1. fashionable
à la vôtre: 1. cheers, good health
à lui: 1. him, to him | 2. it, to it | 3. her, to her
à l’: 1. the, to the
à l’abri: 1. safe, secure
à l’heure: 1. exactly, sharp
à l’instant: 1. just, just now
à l’unamité: 1. with one accord
à l’étranger: 1. abroad
à merveille: 1. fine, very well | 2. fine, very well
à moi: 1. me, to me | 2. me, to me | 3. me, to me | 4. me, to me
à nous: 1. us, to us
à partir de: 1. from, since
à peine: 1. barely, hardly, only just, scarcely
à personne: 1. no-one’s
à peu près: 1. about, approximately
à pic: 1. abrupt, steep
à propos: 1. by the way
à propos de: 1. on the occasion of
à proprement parler: 1. verbatim, word-for-word | 2. to tell the truth
à qui: 1. of which, which one’s, whose
à temps: 1. at the right time, in time
à toi: 1. thee, to thee, to you, you
à tout le monde: 1. everyone’s
à travers: 1. through
à volonté: 1. as you wish, at will
à votre santé: 1. cheers, good health
à vous: 1. to you, you | 2. to you, you | 3. to you, you
âcre: 1. acerbic, bitter
âcreté: 1. acerbity, bitterness | 2. acerbity, bitterness
âge: 1. age
âgé: 1. aged
âme: 1. soul
âne: 1. ass, donkey
ânesse: 1. jenny-ass, she-ass
ânier: 1. donkey-driver
être: 1. be | 2. be
être accro: 1. be addicted
être accroupi: 1. cower, crouch, squat
être assis: 1. sit
être bon à: 1. fit, suit, be suitable
être composé de: 1. consist of
être couché: 1. lie, recline
être debout: 1. stand
être de service: 1. be on duty, serve
être différent: 1. differ, be different
être d’accord: 1. accord, agree | 2. accede, agree, consent
être d’avis: 1. account, deem, opine, think
être décent: 1. befit, be fitting
être efficace: 1. act, be effective, have effect
être en colère: 1. be angry
être en feu: 1. glow, glow with heat
être en relation avec: 1. concern, relate
être fou: 1. act crazy, rave
être habitué à: 1. accustom, be in the habit of
être humain: 1. man, human being
être indulgent: 1. be lenient with, indulge, spare
être joyeux: 1. be glad, enjoy, rejoice
être lumineux: 1. shine
être obligé: 1. have to, must, ought to, should
être présent: 1. attend, be present, witness
être situé: 1. be situated
être spectateur de: 1. watch
être urgent: 1. hurry, press, urge
être vacant: 1. be vacant
être à l’agonie: 1. agonize, be near death
île: 1. island
îles Canaries: 1. Canary Islands
îles Sorlingues: 1. Scilly Islands
île Maurice: 1. Mauritius
ôter: 1. do away with, get rid of, remove | 2. put away, store | 3. abstract, take away
ça: 1. that, that over there, those
ça va: 1. agreed, okay