The Farewell
drama movies | Chinese moviesDirector Lulu Wang CastAwkwafina, Tzi Ma & Diana LinRelease Aug 9th, 2019 A headstrong Chinese-American woman returns to China when her beloved grandmother is given a terminal diagnosis. Billi struggles with her family's decision to keep grandma in the dark about her own illness as they all stage an impromptu wedding to see grandma one last time.
The Farewell is directed by Lulu Wang and was released on Aug 9th, 2019.
All release dates
Cinema Release Date | Friday August 9, 2019 |
DVD Release date | TBA |
Netflix DVD release date | TBA |
Netflix streaming | Not available |
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Production details
Director Lulu Wang's Comedy & Drama movie The Farewell is produced by Big Beach & Depth of Field & was released 2019-07-12.Costs: $250,300 Box Office Results: $23,076,657 Length/Runtime: 100 min The Farewell Official page