

christmas movies

Marc Lawrence
Anna Kendrick, Bill Hader & Shirley MacLaine
Nov 12th, 2019
Kris Kringle's daughter, Noelle, sets off on a mission to find and bring back her brother, after he gets cold feet when it's his turn to take over as Santa.

Noelle is directed by Marc Lawrence and was released on Nov 12th, 2019.

All release dates

Cinema Release Date Tuesday November 12, 2019
DVD Release date Wednesday March 11, 2020
Netflix DVD release date Wednesday March 11, 2020
Netflix streaming Not available
Where can you stream Noelle:
Stream On Disney Plus
DVD/Bluray via Amazon

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Production details

Director Marc Lawrence's Family & Comedy movie Noelle is produced by Walt Disney Pictures & was released 2019-11-12.

Costs: $0
Box Office Results: $0
Length/Runtime: 100 min
Noelle Official page