

time travel movies

Shane Carruth
Shane Carruth, David Sullivan & Casey Gooden
May 25th, 2005
Friends and fledgling entrepreneurs invent a device in their garage which reduces the apparent mass of any object placed inside it, but they discover that it has some highly unexpected capabilities - ones that could enable them to do and to have seemingly anything they want. Taking advantage of this unique opportunity is the first challenge they face. Dealing with the consequences is the next.

Primer is directed by Shane Carruth and was released on May 25th, 2005.

All release dates

Cinema Release Date Wednesday May 25, 2005
DVD Release date Friday November 18, 2016
Netflix DVD release date Friday November 18, 2016
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Production details

Director Shane Carruth's Science Fiction & Drama movie Primer is produced by Shane Carruth & was released 2004-10-08.

Costs: $7,000
Box Office Results: $545,436
Length/Runtime: 77 min
Primer Official page