Isle of Dogs
animation moviesDirector Wes Anderson CastBryan Cranston, Koyu Rankin, Edward Norton, Bob BalabanRelease Apr 13th, 2018 Synopsis All dogs have been quarantined on a island in future Japan. Now a boy goes looking for his four-legged friend. Isle of Dogs is directed by Wes Anderson and was released on Apr 13th, 2018.
All release dates
Cinema Release Date | Friday April 13, 2018 |
DVD Release date | TBA |
Netflix DVD release date | TBA |
Netflix streaming | Not available |
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Production details
Director Wes Anderson's Adventure & Comedy movie Isle of Dogs is produced by Studio Babelsberg & American Empirical Pictures & was released 2018-03-23.Costs: $62,770,198 Box Office Results: $64,337,744 Length/Runtime: 101 min Isle of Dogs Official page