The Drummer and the Keeper
Irish moviesDirector Nick Kelly CastNiamh Algar, Andrew Carroll Peter CoonanRelease Sep 8th, 2017 Synopsis A 17-year old bipolar drummer befriends a boy diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome. The Drummer and the Keeper is directed by Nick Kelly and was released on Sep 8th, 2017.
All release dates
Cinema Release Date | Friday September 8, 2017 |
DVD Release date | TBA |
Netflix DVD release date | TBA |
Netflix streaming | Available - stream The Drummer and the Keeper on Netflix now |
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Production details
Director Nick Kelly's Comedy & Drama movie The Drummer and the Keeper is produced by Calico Pictures & was released 2017-09-08.Costs: $0 Box Office Results: $0 Length/Runtime: 94 min