The Fury of a Patient Man

The Fury of a Patient Man

Spanish movies | thriller movies

Raúl Arévalo
Antonio de la Torre Luis Callejo Ruth Díaz
Feb 15th, 2017
A man who has been imprisoned after a failed robbery, plots a revenge on the men who got away. The Fury of a Patient Man is directed by Raúl Arévalo and was released on Feb 15th, 2017.

All release dates

Cinema Release Date Wednesday February 15, 2017
DVD Release date TBA
Netflix DVD release date TBA
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Production details

Director Raúl Arévalo's Thriller movie The Fury of a Patient Man is produced by La Canica Films & was released 2016-09-09.

Costs: $1,200,000
Box Office Results: $1,813,729
Length/Runtime: 92 min