Under the Skin
British moviesDirector Jonathan Glazer CastScarlett Johansson Jeremy McWilliams Lynsey Taylor MackayRelease Apr 18th, 2014 Synopsis The film depicts the self-realization of her identity by a woman who seduces young men every evening and in the process, she discovers the inner truths about herself. Under the Skin is directed by Jonathan Glazer and was released on Apr 18th, 2014.
All release dates
Cinema Release Date | Friday April 18, 2014 |
DVD Release date | TBA |
Netflix DVD release date | TBA |
Netflix streaming | Available - stream Under the Skin on Netflix now |
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Production details
Director Jonathan Glazer's Thriller & Science Fiction movie Under the Skin is produced by Nick Wechsler Productions & JW Films & was released 2014-03-14.Costs: $13,300,000 Box Office Results: $5,735,963 Length/Runtime: 108 min Under the Skin Official page