Muzi v nadeji

Muzi v nadeji

Czech movies

Jirí Vejdelek
Jirí Machácek Bolek Polívka Petra Hrebícková
Aug 25th, 2011
A funny 'Men will be Men' story that highlights a light in-law bonding and comic consequences as a father teaches his own son about the advantages of cheating only to set a series of unexpected events. Muzi v nadeji is directed by Jirí Vejdelek and was released on Aug 25th, 2011.

All release dates

Cinema Release Date Thursday August 25, 2011
DVD Release date TBA
Netflix DVD release date TBA
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Production details

Director Jirí Vejdelek's Comedy & Romance movie Muzi v nadeji is produced by Infinity & RWE & was released 2011-08-25.

Costs: $1,130,710
Box Office Results: $6,638,849
Length/Runtime: 115 min