Rare Exports
Finnish moviesDirector Jalmari Helander Cast Jorma Tommila Peeter Jakobi Onni TommilaRelease Dec 3rd, 2010 Synopsis Christmas's biggest secret is held 486 meters deep in the earth of a forest, and an adventurous group of explorers has decided to dig it out to prove the existence of Santa Claus. Rare Exports is directed by Jalmari Helander and was released on Dec 3rd, 2010.
All release dates
Cinema Release Date | Friday December 3, 2010 |
DVD Release date | TBA |
Netflix DVD release date | TBA |
Netflix streaming | Not available |
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Production details
Director Jalmari Helander's Fantasy & Horror movie Rare Exports is produced by Filmpool Nord & Cinet & was released 2010-12-03.Costs: $0 Box Office Results: $0 Length/Runtime: 84 min Rare Exports Official page