mystery movies
Director Michael Cuesta CastJeremy Renner Robert Patrick Jena SimsRelease Jan 1st, 1970 Synopsis The depiction of a true story of a journalist who revealed CIA's role in smuggling huge amount of cocaine into the US so as to raise money to fuel the Nicaragua rebellion; once exposed CIA fuels s smear campaign against him putting his family and life in danger.
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Director Michael Cuesta CastJeremy Renner Robert Patrick Jena SimsRelease Jan 1st, 1970 Synopsis The depiction of a true story of a journalist who revealed CIA's role in smuggling huge amount of cocaine into the US so as to raise money to fuel the Nicaragua rebellion; once exposed CIA fuels s smear campaign against him putting his family and life in danger.
All release dates
Cinema Release Date | Thursday January 1, 1970 |
DVD Release date | Thursday January 1, 1970 |
Netflix DVD release date | Thursday January 1, 1970 |
Netflix streaming | Available - stream on Netflix now |
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