

action movies

Joon-ho Bong
Chris Evans Jamie Bell Tilda Swinton
Jul 11th, 2014
A class system emerges in the train 'Snowpiercer' that travels around the globe and contains the only survivors on the Earth after a climate change experiment led to its annihilation. Snowpiercer is directed by Joon-ho Bong and was released on Jul 11th, 2014.

All release dates

Cinema Release Date Friday July 11, 2014
DVD Release date TBA
Netflix DVD release date TBA
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Production details

Director Bong Joon Ho's Action & Science Fiction movie Snowpiercer is produced by Opus Pictures & Moho Film & was released 2013-08-01.

Costs: $39,200,000
Box Office Results: $86,758,912
Length/Runtime: 126 min