

Lebanese movies

Philippe Aractingi
Nagham Abboud Rafik Ali Ahmad Bshara Atallah
Feb 9th, 2017
Despite living in a doomed country that hangs by a thread, Joud, a sound engineer meets and falls in love with strong and free-spirited Rana. Ismaii is directed by Philippe Aractingi and was released on Feb 9th, 2017.

All release dates

Cinema Release Date Thursday February 9, 2017
DVD Release date Tuesday October 20, 2020
Netflix DVD release date Tuesday October 20, 2020
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Production details

Director Philippe Aractingi's Drama & Family movie Ismaii is produced by Fantascope & was released 2017-02-09.

Costs: $0
Box Office Results: $0
Length/Runtime: 109 min