

Dutch movies

Michiel ten Horn
Fedja van Huêt, Sezgin Güleç & Livia Lamers
Jan 30th, 2025
Small-town criminal Jos (55) has, to his great frustration, been completely sidelined. His daughter disrespects him, his wife doesn't trust him, and his friends laugh at him openly. As he scrambles to fix a drug deal that went catastrophically wrong, he desperately searches for an answer to the question: Who or what is punishing me!?

Fabula is directed by Michiel ten Horn and was released on Jan 30th, 2025.

All release dates

Cinema Release Date Thursday January 30, 2025
DVD Release date TBA
Netflix DVD release date TBA
Netflix streaming Not available
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Production details

Director Michiel ten Horn's Comedy & Crime movie Fabula is produced by New Amsterdam Film Company & Fobic Films & was released 2025-01-30.

Costs: $0
Box Office Results: $0
Length/Runtime: 125 min