The Virgin of the Quarry Lake

The Virgin of the Quarry Lake

Argentine movies

Laura Casabe
Dolores Oliverio, Luisa Merelas & Fernanda Echevarría del Rivero
One hot summer at the beginning of the new millennium and on the eve of the great economic crisis of the year 2001, a group of adolescent girls falls madly in love with a boy called Diego. The romance is interrupted when Diego starts hanging out with Silvia, a 30-year-old woman he met in a chat room. Then Natalia, one of the teenagers, decides to turn to the knowledge of her grandmother Rita, and...

The Virgin of the Quarry Lake is directed by Laura Casabe and was released on TBA.

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Cinema Release Date TBA
DVD Release date TBA
Netflix DVD release date TBA
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Production details

Director Laura Casabe's Horror & Drama movie The Virgin of the Quarry Lake is produced by Mostra Cine & AjiMolido Films & was released 2025-01-27.

Costs: $0
Box Office Results: $0
Length/Runtime: N/A
The Virgin of the Quarry Lake Official page