Fatti vedere

Fatti vedere

Italian movies


Matilde Gioli, Pierpaolo Spollon & Asia Argento
Jan 1st, 1970
Sandra (Matilde Gioli), a young Psychology graduate, has just been hired by the famous online psychotherapy site FATTIVEDERE.COM. But when she retourns home to tell everything to Stefano (Francesco Centorame), her boyfriend with whom she has been happily cohabiting for 10 years, she finds him with his suitcases in his hands: he is dumping her without giving her an explanation. Sandra goes into...

All release dates

Cinema Release Date Thursday January 1, 1970
DVD Release date Thursday January 1, 1970
Netflix DVD release date Thursday January 1, 1970
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Production details

Director 's Comedy & Romance movie Fatti vedere is produced by Eagle Pictures & was released 2025-02-06.

Costs: $0
Box Office Results: $0