

Brazilian movies

Leonardo Mouramateus
Amandyra, Mauro Soares & Luara Learth
Greice, a 21 year old Brazilian girl, studies at Fine Arts university in Lisbon. In the early days of summer, she gets involved with the mysterious guy: Afonso. The couple is accused for a strange accident that occurs at the students welcoming night party. Greice needs to return to Fortaleza, her hometown, to renew his residence permit. Hidden in a hotel, while preventing her mother from...

Greice is directed by Leonardo Mouramateus and was released on TBA.

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Cinema Release Date TBA
DVD Release date TBA
Netflix DVD release date TBA
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Production details

Director Leonardo Mouramateus's Comedy & Drama movie Greice is produced by Ukbar Filmes & Glaz Entretenimento & was released 2024-01-25.

Costs: $0
Box Office Results: $0
Length/Runtime: 110 min