The Mount 2

The Mount 2

Isaac Barrao, Ian Sera
Niall Serra, Esther Roiz & Mia Sen
A year after the incident at the Mount, the police are still investigating the murders of Philomena and Caroline. The Mount has been cordoned off by the police. However, on Halloween night, a group of teenagers break in. They plan on holding a wedding between friends, conducted by a rather odd character, however, little did they know some unexpected guests would show up to crash the party.

The Mount 2 is directed by Isaac Barrao, Ian Sera and was released on TBA.

All release dates

Cinema Release Date TBA
DVD Release date TBA
Netflix DVD release date TBA
Netflix streaming Not available
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Production details

Director Isaac Barrao, Ian Serra's Horror movie The Mount 2 & was released 2023-05-12.

Costs: $0
Box Office Results: $0
Length/Runtime: N/A
The Mount 2 Official page