A Sad, Sad Ghost Picking at the Hairs of Their Knuckles

A Sad, Sad Ghost Picking at the Hairs of Their Knuckles


Becca Willow Moss, Ava Deuxberry & Sebastian Clermont
Jan 1st, 1970
A wandering young woman explores the crevices of her apartment, of her corporeal creases, as well as the shadows made up of those things. Through her journey, she comes into contact with fellow vagrancies: a nondescript man of around similar age; a young girl with similar, even familiar, eyes; streets that can only exist during those brief moments of glazing stares. The rain comes and goes, but...

All release dates

Cinema Release Date Thursday January 1, 1970
DVD Release date Thursday January 1, 1970
Netflix DVD release date Thursday January 1, 1970
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Production details

Director 's Drama & Fantasy movie A Sad, Sad Ghost Picking at the Hairs of Their Knuckles & was released 2023-01-31.

Costs: $15,000
Box Office Results: $0