The Deep House

The Deep House

Alexandre Bustillo, Julien Maury
James Jagger, Camille Rowe & Eric Savin
Nov 5th, 2021
While diving in a remote French lake, a couple of YouTubers who specialise in underwater exploration videos discover a house submerged in the deep waters. What was initially a unique finding soon turns into a nightmare when they discover that the house was the scene of atrocious crimes. Trapped, with their oxygen reserves falling dangerously, they realise the worst is yet to come: they are not...

The Deep House is directed by Alexandre Bustillo, Julien Maury and was released on Nov 5th, 2021.

All release dates

Cinema Release Date Friday November 5, 2021
DVD Release date TBA
Netflix DVD release date TBA
Netflix streaming Not available
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Production details

Director Alexandre Bustillo, Julien Maury's Horror & Mystery movie The Deep House is produced by Radar Films & Logical Pictures & was released 2021-06-30.

Costs: $0
Box Office Results: $1,900,000
Length/Runtime: 85 min