Afterlife of the Party

Afterlife of the Party

Stephen Herek
Victoria Justice, Midori Francis & Robyn Scott
Sep 2nd, 2021
A social butterfly who dies during her birthday week is given a second chance to right her wrongs on Earth.

Afterlife of the Party is directed by Stephen Herek and was released on Sep 2nd, 2021.

All release dates

Cinema Release Date Thursday September 2, 2021
DVD Release date Thursday September 2, 2021
Netflix DVD release date Thursday September 2, 2021
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Production details

Director Stephen Herek's Fantasy & Comedy movie Afterlife of the Party is produced by Advantage Entertainment & DAE Light Media & was released 2021-09-02.

Costs: $0
Box Office Results: $0
Length/Runtime: 109 min
Afterlife of the Party Official page