Caught by a Wave

Caught by a Wave

Massimiliano Camaiti
Elvira Camarrone, Christian Roberto & Vincenzo Amato
Mar 25th, 2021
A summer fling born under the Sicilian sun quickly develops into a heartbreaking love story that forces a boy and girl to grow up too quickly.

Caught by a Wave is directed by Massimiliano Camaiti and was released on Mar 25th, 2021.

All release dates

Cinema Release Date Thursday March 25, 2021
DVD Release date Thursday March 25, 2021
Netflix DVD release date Thursday March 25, 2021
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Production details

Director Massimiliano Camaiti's Drama & Romance movie Caught by a Wave is produced by Cinemaundici & Mediaset & was released 2021-03-25.

Costs: $2,000,000
Box Office Results: $0
Length/Runtime: 99 min
Caught by a Wave Official page