Bell Bottom

Bell Bottom

Indian/Hindi movies

Ranjit Tewari
Akshay Kumar, Vaani Kapoor & Huma Qureshi
Aug 19th, 2021
By the early ‘80s, India had already witnessed multiple airplane hijacks. In 1984, the country was made to face another such challenge. BellBottom, a RAW Agent, sees through the plan and thus begins India's first overseas covert operation. An operation, lead by a forgotten hero, that went on to create one of the most defining moments for India.

Bell Bottom is directed by Ranjit Tewari and was released on Aug 19th, 2021.

All release dates

Cinema Release Date Thursday August 19, 2021
DVD Release date TBA
Netflix DVD release date TBA
Netflix streaming Not available
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Production details

Director Ranjit Tewari's Action & Thriller movie Bell Bottom is produced by Emmay Entertainment & Pooja Entertainment & was released 2021-08-19.

Costs: $9,535,827
Box Office Results: $0
Length/Runtime: 123 min