I’m No Longer Here

I’m No Longer Here

Mexican movies

Fernando Frias
Juan Daniel Garcia Treviño, Bianca Coral Puernte Valenzuela & Xueming Angelina Chen
May 27th, 2020
In Monterrey, Mexico, a young street gang spends their days dancing to slowed-down cumbia and attending parties. After a mix-up with a local cartel, their leader is forced to migrate to the U.S. but quickly longs to return home.

I’m No Longer Here is directed by Fernando Frias and was released on May 27th, 2020.

All release dates

Cinema Release Date Wednesday May 27, 2020
DVD Release date Wednesday May 27, 2020
Netflix DVD release date Wednesday May 27, 2020
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Production details

Director Fernando Frias's Drama movie I’m No Longer Here is produced by PPW Films & Panorama Global & was released 2019-10-21.

Costs: $849,080
Box Office Results: $0
Length/Runtime: 112 min