The Zulu Language is spoken in South-Africa by more than 10 million people. About 50% of the South-African population can understand the it. After Shona, it is the second biggest Bantu language. We have gathered a list of Zulu words and meanings translated into English below
English to Zulu
Afrikaans: 1. iBhunu, iliBhunu
Afrikaner: 1. iBhunu, iliBhunu
Amanzimtoti: 1. eManzimtoti
America: 1. eMelika
April: 1. uApreli
Bible: 1. iBhayibheli, iliBhayibheli
Boer: 1. iBhunu, iliBhunu
Cape Province: 1. eKapa
Christmas: 1. uKhisimuzi
December: 1. uDisemba
Dundee: 1. eDandi
Durban: 1. eThekwini
Dutchman: 1. umHholandi | 2. umHholandi
East London: 1. eMonti
England: 1. eNgilandi | 2. eNgilandi
English: 1. isiNgisi
Englishman: 1. iNgisi, umNgisi
English language: 1. isiNgisi
European: 1. umlungu
February: 1. uFebruwari
French: 1. isiFulentshi
Frenchman: 1. iFulentshi
French language: 1. isiFulentshi
Friday: 1. uLwesihlanu
German: 1. isiJalimane | 2. iJalimane, iliJalimane
Germany: 1. eJalimani
German language: 1. isiJalimane
Germiston: 1. eDukathole
God: 1. uNkulunkulu
Hollander: 1. umHholandi
Johannesburg: 1. eGoli
July: 1. uJulayi
June: 1. uJuni
Ladysmith: 1. eMnambithi
London: 1. eLandani
March: 1. uMashi
May: 1. uMeyi
Miss: 1. inkosazana
Mister: 1. ubaba
Monday: 1. umSombuluko
Mr.: 1. ubaba
Mrs.: 1. inkosikazi, uma
Ndebele: 1. isiNdebele | 2. iNdebele
Ndebele language: 1. isiNdebele
Nelspruit: 1. eNelspotho
October: 1. uOktoba
Pedi: 1. isiPedi | 2. umPedi
Pedi language: 1. isiPedi
Pietermaritzburg: 1. eMalitzboko, eMungundlovu
Port Elizabeth: 1. eBhayi
Pretoria: 1. ePitoli
Sabbath: 1. uMgqibelo
Sassenach: 1. iNgisi, umNgisi
Saturday: 1. uMgqibelo
Saviour: 1. uMsindisi
Scot: 1. isiKoshi
Scotsman: 1. isiKoshi
Sotho: 1. isiSuthu | 2. umSuthu
Sotho language: 1. isiSuthu
Soweto: 1. eSoweto
Sunday: 1. iliSonto, iSonto
Swazi: 1. isiSwati | 2. umSwati
Swazi language: 1. isiSwati
TV set: 1. umabonwakude
Thursday: 1. uLwesine
Tsonga: 1. isiTsonga | 2. umTsonga
Tsonga language: 1. isiTsonga
Tuesday: 1. uLwesibili
Umlazi: 1. eMlazi
Venda: 1. isiVenda | 2. umVenda
Venda language: 1. isiVenda
Vryheid: 1. eFilidi
Wednesday: 1. uLwesithathu
Xhosa: 1. isiXhosa | 2. umXhosa
Xhosa language: 1. isiXhosa
Yule: 1. uKhisimuzi
Zulu: 1. isiZulu | 2. umZulu
Zululand: 1. KwaZulu
Zulu language: 1. isiZulu
abatement: 1. isephulelo
aberration: 1. isiphosiso
abet: 1. ukunceda, ukusiza
abide: 1. ukulinda | 2. ukuhlupheka
abort: 1. ukuehluleka
abroad: 1. phandle
abscond: 1. ukubaleka
absent onself: 1. ukuhamba
academic: 1. isitshudeni
accept: 1. ukuamukela
accomodate: 1. ukuqeda | 2. ukunceda, ukusiza
account: 1. iakhawunti | 2. ukuethemba
accredit: 1. ukuethemba
accustom: 1. ukuejwayele
ache: 1. ukubuhlungu
achieve: 1. ukuenza
acknowledgement: 1. ilirisidi, irisidi
acolyte: 1. lilunga, ilunga
acquire: 1. ukuthenga
act: 1. ukuenza
actually: 1. eqinisweni
address: 1. ikheli, ilikheli
adieu: 1. hamba kahle
administration: 1. uhulumeni
adult: 1. umuntu osekhulile
advocate: 1. ummeli
aerodrome: 1. inkundla yezindiza
aeroplane: 1. indiza
affair: 1. indaba
after: 1. emuva | 2. emuva, emva kwa-
afternoon: 1. intambama
age: 1. ubudala
agreed: 1. kulungile
ague: 1. imfiva
ahead: 1. phambili
aid: 1. ukunceda, ukusiza | 2. ulusizo, usizo | 3. ukunceda, ukusiza | 4. ulusizo, usizo
air: 1. umoya
aircraft: 1. indiza
airdrome: 1. inkundla yezindiza
airfield: 1. inkundla yezindiza
airplane: 1. indiza
airport: 1. inkundla yezindiza
ale: 1. ubhiya, utshwala
all the: 1. -nke
alone: 1. -dwa
also: 1. futhi
among: 1. phakathi kwa-
angle: 1. ikhona, ilikhona
animal: 1. isilwane | 2. inkomo
another: 1. -nye
answer: 1. ukuphendula
anything: 1. into, noma yini
appellation: 1. igama, iligama
apple: 1. ihabhula, ilihabhula
appreciate: 1. ukuthanda
arise: 1. ukuzalwa
arrive: 1. ukufika
as: 1. kanjani | 2. kanjani | 3. kanjalo | 4. ngoba
ask: 1. ukubuza
assist: 1. ukunceda, ukusiza | 2. ukunceda, ukusiza
as a matter of fact: 1. eqinisweni
at: 1. eduze
attempt: 1. ukuzama
attend: 1. ukuvakashela
at home: 1. ekhaya
at last: 1. ekugcineni
at present: 1. manje
at that place: 1. lapho
audit: 1. ukuhlola
autobus: 1. ibhasi, ilibhasi
autumn: 1. ikwindla
await: 1. ukulinda
away: 1. kude
a little: 1. kancane
bad: 1. -bi, -bolile
badly: 1. kabi
bag: 1. isaka, isikhwama | 2. isaka, isikhwama
bairn: 1. ingane, umntwana
bakery: 1. ibhikawosi
ball: 1. ibhola
banana: 1. ubhanana | 2. ubhanana
bank: 1. ibhange
barrister-at-law: 1. ummeli
barrister: 1. ummeli
basket: 1. ibhasikidi, ilibhasikidi
bath: 1. ibhavu
beach: 1. ibhishi, ilibhishi
beam: 1. ilirediyo, irediyo, umsakazo
bean: 1. ubhontshisi
bear: 1. ukuhlupheka
beast: 1. inkomo
beautiful: 1. -bukekayo, -hle
because: 1. ngoba | 2. ngoba | 3. ngoba
bed: 1. umbhede
beer: 1. ubhiya, utshwala
before: 1. phambi kwa-
begin: 1. ukuqala
behind: 1. emuva | 2. emuva, emva kwa-
believe: 1. ukuethemba
below: 1. phansi | 2. phansi kwa- | 3. phansi
beneath: 1. phansi kwa-
beside: 1. eduze
better: 1. -ngcono
between: 1. phakathi kwa-
beverage: 1. isiphuzo
be acquainted with: 1. ukuazi
be afraid of: 1. ukuesaba
be alive: 1. ukuphila
be born: 1. ukuzalwa
be different: 1. ukuehlukile
be full: 1. ukusuthi
be hungry: 1. ukulambile
be in the habit of: 1. ukuejwayele
be painful: 1. ukubuhlungu
be quiet: 1. ukuthula
be thirsty: 1. ukuomile
be willing to: 1. ukufuna
bicycle: 1. ibhayisikili, ilibhayisikili
bike: 1. ibhayisikili, ilibhayisikili
bill: 1. ilithikithi, ithikithi | 2. iakhawunti
bird: 1. inyoni
birthday: 1. usuku lokuzalwa
bit: 1. isiqhephu
black: 1. -mnyama
black rhinoceros: 1. ubhejane
blank: 1. -mhlophe
bleak: 1. -bandayo
bless: 1. ukubusisa
blood: 1. igazi, iligazi
blushing: 1. -bomvu
boat: 1. umkhumbi
boil: 1. ukubila
book: 1. ibhuku, ilibhuku, incwadi
border: 1. ilirandi, irandi
borrow: 1. ukuboleka | 2. ukuboleka
boss: 1. umakhonya | 2. umakhonya | 3. inkosi
both: 1. kokubili
bottle: 1. ibhodlela, ilibhodlela
boutique: 1. isitolo
box: 1. ibhokisi
boy: 1. umfana
bread: 1. isinkwa
breakfast: 1. ibhulakufesi, ilibhulakufesi
brim: 1. ilirandi, irandi
bring: 1. ukuletha
brink: 1. ilirandi, irandi
broad: 1. -banzi
brother: 1. ubhuti
brown: 1. -bomvu, -nsundu
buffalo: 1. inyathi
build: 1. ukuakha
bulk: 1. usayizi
bull: 1. inkunzi
bureau: 1. ihhovisi, ilihhovisi
burglar: 1. umgqekezi
burglar alarm: 1. izihlabamkhosi
burial: 1. umngcwabo | 2. umngcwabo
bus: 1. ibhasi, ilibhasi
business: 1. indaba
businessman: 1. usomabhizinizi | 2. usomabhizinizi
business deal: 1. indaba
but: 1. kodwa | 2. nokho
butter: 1. ibhotela, ilibhotela
buy: 1. ukuthenga | 2. ukuthenga | 3. ukuthenga | 4. ukuthenga | 5. ukuthenga | 6. ukuthenga
by: 1. eduze
bye: 1. hamba kahle
café: 1. ikhefi, ilikhefi
cake: 1. ikhekhe, ilikhekhe
calculation: 1. iakhawunti
calf: 1. inkonyane
call: 1. ukubiza
call on: 1. ukuvakashela
car: 1. imoto
carrot: 1. ikherothi, ilikherothi
case: 1. indaba
cat: 1. ikati, ilikati
cauliflower: 1. ukholifulawa
chair: 1. isihlalo
chamber: 1. indawo, ikamelo, ilikamelo
chance: 1. ilithuba, ithuba
change: 1. imfalakahlana
cheap: 1. -shibile | 2. -shibile
check: 1. ukuhlola | 2. ilisheke, isheke
check up on: 1. ukuhlola
cheers: 1. impilontle
cheese: 1. ushizi
chemist: 1. ikhemisi, ilikhemisi
cheque: 1. ilisheke, isheke
chest: 1. isifuba
chief: 1. umakhonya | 2. inkosi
child: 1. ingane | 2. ingane, umntwana | 3. ingane, umntwana
chilly: 1. -bandayo
choose: 1. ukukhetha
cinema: 1. ibhayisikobho, ilibhayisikobho
cistern: 1. ilitanki, itanki
city: 1. idolobha, ilidolobha
class: 1. ikilasi, ilikilasi
clean: 1. -hlanzekileyo
clerk: 1. umabhalane
client: 1. ikhasimende, ilikhasimende
cloud: 1. ifu
coffee-house: 1. ikhefi, ilikhefi
coffee: 1. ikhofi, ilikhofi
cold: 1. -bandayo | 2. umkhuhlane | 3. umkhuhlane
colour: 1. umbala
come: 1. ukufika, ukuza
come about: 1. ukuenzeka
come across: 1. ukuhlangana
come back: 1. ukubuya
come to an end: 1. ukugcina
commence: 1. ukuqala
commend: 1. ukuphakamisa
competition: 1. umncintiswano
complain: 1. ukukhala
complete: 1. ukuqeda
computer: 1. ikompiyutha
concert: 1. ikhonsathi, ilikhonsathi
confide: 1. ukuethemba
conserve: 1. ukugcina
consider: 1. ukubukela
construct: 1. ukuakha
continue: 1. ukuqhubeka
cook: 1. ukupheka | 2. pheka
cord: 1. intambo
corner: 1. ikhona, ilikhona
correct: 1. -phakeme
costly: 1. -bizayo
cough: 1. ukukhwehlela
counsel: 1. ummeli
counter: 1. ikhawunda, ilikhawunda
course: 1. ilipuleti, ipuleti, isitsha
cream: 1. ulaza
cucumber: 1. ikhukhamba
cup: 1. inkomishi
cure: 1. ukupholisa
currently: 1. okwamanje
curtain: 1. ikhethini, ilikhethini
custom: 1. ilisiko, isiko
customer: 1. ikhasimende, ilikhasimende
cut: 1. ukusika
cycle: 1. ibhayisikili, ilibhayisikili
daily paper: 1. inyuziphepha
dam: 1. idamu, ilidamu
danger: 1. inngozi
date: 1. idethi, ilidethi
daughter: 1. indodakazi
day: 1. umhla, ulusuku, usuku
dear: 1. -bizayo | 2. -bizayo | 3. -bizayo
deem: 1. ukuethemba | 2. ukubukela
delete: 1. ukuesula, ukusula
deliver: 1. ukudiliva
dentist: 1. udokotela wamazinyo
deny: 1. ukuphikisa
depart: 1. ukuhamba
desire: 1. ukufisa
dialogue: 1. ingxoxo
differ: 1. ukuehlukile
difficult: 1. -nzima
dimension: 1. usayizi
diminutive: 1. -ncane
discount: 1. isephulelo
dish: 1. ilipuleti, ipuleti, isitsha | 2. ilipuleti, ipuleti, isitsha
dispose of: 1. ukuthengisa
distant: 1. -de
do: 1. ukuenza
doctor: 1. udokotela
don’t mention it: 1. akunandaba
door: 1. umnyango
downstairs: 1. phansi
dozen: 1. idazini, ilidazini
dress: 1. ililokwe, ilokwe
drink: 1. isiphuzo | 2. ukuphuza
drive: 1. ukushayela
driving-licence: 1. ilayisense lokushayela, ililayisense lokushayela
drug: 1. umuthi
duck: 1. idada
dye: 1. umbala
each: 1. -nke
eagle: 1. ukhozi, ulukhozi
ear: 1. indlebe
earn: 1. ukuhola, ukuwina
edge: 1. ilirandi, irandi
edging: 1. ilirandi, irandi
egg: 1. iliqanda, iqanda
eight: 1. isishiyagalombili
eighteen: 1. ishumi nesishiyagalombi
elbow: 1. indolowane
elect: 1. ukukhetha
elephant: 1. indlovu
eleven: 1. ishumi nanye
else: 1. -nye
employ: 1. ukusebenzisa
encounter: 1. ukuhlangana | 2. umhlangano
end: 1. ukuqeda | 2. ukugcina
endure: 1. ukuqhubeka | 2. ukuhlupheka
end up: 1. ukufika | 2. ukugcina
engine: 1. umshini | 2. injini
engineer: 1. unjiniyela
enter: 1. ukungena
entrust: 1. ukuethemba
errand: 1. umbiko, umumayalezo
error: 1. isiphosiso
estate: 1. ilipulazi, ipulazi
evening: 1. isikhathi sakusihlwa
event: 1. ilithuba, ithuba
every: 1. -nke
everybody: 1. -nke
every one: 1. -nke
examine: 1. ukuhlola
exclusively: 1. kuphela
excuse me: 1. ngiyaxolisa, nxephe
expect: 1. ukulinda
expensive: 1. -bizayo | 2. -bizayo
expire: 1. ukugcina
extend: 1. usayizi
eye: 1. ihlo
face: 1. ubuso
factory: 1. ifektri, ilifektri | 2. ifektri, ilifektri
fail: 1. ukuehluleka
family: 1. umuzi
far: 1. -de
farewell: 1. hamba kahle
farm: 1. ilipulazi, ipulazi
fast: 1. ngokushesha
father: 1. ubaba | 2. ubaba
fear: 1. ukuesaba
fellow: 1. indoda
fetch: 1. ukuletha
fever: 1. imfiva
fifteen: 1. ishumi nesihlanu
fill: 1. ukugcwalisa
fill in: 1. ukugcwalisa
fill up: 1. ukugcwalisa
film: 1. ifilimu, ilifilimu
finally: 1. ekugcineni
find: 1. ukuthola
fine: 1. -bukekayo, -hle
finish: 1. ukuqeda
first: 1. ukuqala
firstly: 1. ukuqala
first name: 1. isibongo
first of all: 1. ukuqala
fish: 1. inhlanzi
five: 1. -hlanu
float: 1. ukubhukuda
flu: 1. imfluwenza
follow: 1. ukulandelayo
following: 1. -landelayo
food: 1. ukudla | 2. ukudla
foot: 1. unyawo | 2. unyawo
for: 1. ngoba
force: 1. amandla
forget: 1. ukukhohlwa
forgive: 1. ukuxolela
form: 1. ifomu, ilifomu
formerly: 1. phambili
fortunately: 1. ngenhlanhla
for the reason that: 1. ngoba | 2. ngoba
four: 1. -ne
fourteen: 1. -yishumi nane
frequently: 1. kaningi
friend: 1. umngane
fringe: 1. ilirandi, irandi
frog: 1. ixoxo
fruit: 1. isithelo
funeral: 1. umngcwabo | 2. umngcwabo
furnish: 1. ukudiliva
gain: 1. ukuhola, ukuwina
garage: 1. igalaji, iligalaji
garden: 1. ingadi
gasolene: 1. uphetroli
gasoline: 1. uphetroli
gate: 1. ilisango, isango
gateway: 1. ilisango, isango
gazette: 1. iliphephandaba, inuyziphepha, iphephandaba
gentleman: 1. ubaba
get: 1. ukufika | 2. ukuthatha
get up: 1. ukusukuma | 2. ukusukuma
gift: 1. isipho
girl: 1. intombazane, intombi
give: 1. ukuazisa, ukuethula
give an account: 1. ukubika
glass: 1. ingilazi
glasses: 1. izibuko
go: 1. ukuhamba, ukuya
goat: 1. imbuzi
golf: 1. igalofu, iligalofu
good: 1. -hle
goodbye: 1. hamba kahle
good day: 1. sawubona
good health: 1. impilontle
goose: 1. ihansi
government: 1. uhulumeni
gown: 1. ililokwe, ilokwe
go away: 1. ukuhamba
go back: 1. ukubuya
go in: 1. ukungena
grandmother: 1. ugogo
grip: 1. imfluwenza
grown-up: 1. umuntu osekhulile
guarantee: 1. igaranti, iligaranti
habit: 1. ilisiko, isiko
hair: 1. ulunwele, unwele
half: 1. ingxenye yesibili, uhafu
hand: 1. isisebenzi | 2. isandla
handsome: 1. -bukekayo, -hle
hang onto: 1. ukubamba
happen: 1. ukuenzeka
hard: 1. -nzima
have confidence in: 1. ukuethemba
have enough: 1. ukusuthi
have faith: 1. ukuethemba
have faith in: 1. ukuethemba
have to: 1. ukufanele
head: 1. ikhanda, ilikhanda | 2. ikhanda, ilikhanda | 3. ikhanda, ilikhanda | 4. ikhanda, ilikhanda
head of cattle: 1. inkomo
heal: 1. ukupholisa
heart: 1. inhliziyo
heaven: 1. ilizulu, izulu
help: 1. ukunceda, ukusiza | 2. ulusizo, usizo | 3. ukunceda, ukusiza | 4. ulusizo, usizo
hire: 1. ukuqasha
hit: 1. ukungqongqoza
hog: 1. ingulube
hold: 1. ukubamba
holiday: 1. iholide, iliholide
home: 1. ikhaya, ilikhaya
hope: 1. ukuethemba
horse: 1. ihhashi, ilihhashi
hospital: 1. isibhedlela
hot: 1. -shisayo
hotel: 1. ihhotela, ilihhotela
hour: 1. ihora
house: 1. indlu
how: 1. kanjani | 2. kanjani | 3. kanjani
however: 1. nokho
how are you?: 1. Ninjani?, Unjani?, Wena unjani?
how do you do?: 1. Ninjani?, Unjani?, Wena unjani?
how many: 1. -ngaki
how much: 1. -ngaki
hurt: 1. ukubuhlungu
husband: 1. indoda, umnyeni
hyaena: 1. impisi
ice: 1. uayiskhrimu
icecream: 1. uayiskhrimu
ill: 1. -gulayo
important: 1. -phakeme
inconvenient: 1. -nzima
indeed: 1. eqinisweni
indicate: 1. ukukhombisa
inexpensive: 1. -shibile | 2. -shibile
infant: 1. ingane, umntwana
influenza: 1. imfluwenza
inject: 1. ukujova
injection: 1. umjovo
instructor: 1. uthisha
insurance: 1. inshuwarensi
intention: 1. injongo
intercessor: 1. ummeli
interest: 1. irente, inzalo
interment: 1. umngcwabo | 2. umngcwabo
introduce: 1. ukuazisa, ukuethula
invitation: 1. isimemo
in fact: 1. eqinisweni
in front of: 1. phambi kwa-
in what way: 1. kanjani | 2. kanjani
iron: 1. ayina
it doesn’t matter: 1. akunandaba
jacket: 1. ibhantshi, ilibhantshi
jam: 1. ujamu
job: 1. umsebenzi
journal: 1. inyuziphepha
just: 1. kuphela
keep: 1. ukugcina
keep on: 1. ukuqhubeka
key: 1. isikhiye, ukhiye
kill: 1. ukubulala
kilo: 1. ikhilogramu, ilikhilogramu
kilometre: 1. ikhilomitha, ilikhilomitha
kind: 1. umhlobo
kindness: 1. umusa
king: 1. inkosi
kitchen: 1. ikhishi, ilikhishi
knife: 1. ummese
knock: 1. ukungqongqoza
know: 1. ukuazi
laborer: 1. isisebenzi
labourer: 1. isisebenzi
lad: 1. umfana
laddie: 1. umfana
lady: 1. inkosikazi, uma
lance: 1. umkhonto
language: 1. ulimi, ululimi
lass: 1. intombazane, intombi
last: 1. ukuqhubeka
late: 1. -phuzileyo
lawyer: 1. ummeli
lay hold of: 1. ukuthatha
leader: 1. umakhonya
leave: 1. ukuhamba
left: 1. -bunxele
leg: 1. umlenze | 2. umlenze
lend: 1. ukuboleka
leopard: 1. ingwe
letter: 1. incwadi
lettuce: 1. uletisi
lie: 1. nga
light: 1. isibane
like: 1. kanjani | 2. ukuthanda
likewise: 1. futhi
like that: 1. kanjalo
lion: 1. ibhubesi, ilibhubesi
lip: 1. udebe, uludebe
liquidate: 1. ukubulala
list: 1. ilisti, ililisti
listen: 1. ukulalela
little: 1. -ncane
live: 1. ukuphila
loaf: 1. isinkwa
loan: 1. ukuboleka
location: 1. indawo
lock: 1. ukukhiya
long: 1. -de
look: 1. ukubukela
look at: 1. ukubukela
lord: 1. ubaba
lovely: 1. -bukekayo, -hle | 2. -bizayo
luck: 1. inhlanhla
lump: 1. isiqhephu
lunch: 1. ilantshi, ililantshi, indlamini
machine: 1. umshini
madam: 1. inkosikazi, uma
magazine: 1. iliphephandaba, inuyziphepha, iphephandaba
mail: 1. iliposi, iposi
maintain: 1. ukugcina
make: 1. ukuenza
make use of: 1. ukusebenzisa
male cook: 1. pheka
man: 1. indoda
manager: 1. ilimeniyu, imeniyu | 2. ilimeniyu, imeniyu, umphathi
mango: 1. umango
many: 1. -ningi
march: 1. ukuhamba
marijuana: 1. insangu
marmelade: 1. ujamu
master: 1. umakhonya
matter: 1. indaba
maybe: 1. ngabe
mayhap: 1. ngabe
meal: 1. ukudla
meaning: 1. injongo
measles: 1. isimungumungwane
meat: 1. inyama
mechanic: 1. umakhaniki
medicine: 1. umuthi
meet: 1. ukuhlangana
member: 1. lilunga, ilunga
merchant: 1. usomabhizinizi | 2. usomabhizinizi
message: 1. umbiko, umumayalezo
midnight: 1. phakathi kwamabili
mile: 1. ilimayela, imayela
milk: 1. ubisi, ulubisi
miscarry: 1. ukuehluleka
miserable: 1. -bi, -bolile | 2. -mpofu
mistake: 1. isiphosiso
money: 1. imali
month: 1. inyanga
moon: 1. innyanga
more: 1. -ningi
morning: 1. ekuseni
mother: 1. umame
motion picture: 1. ifilimu, ilifilimu
motor: 1. injini
motorcycle: 1. isithuththu
mountain: 1. intaba
mouth: 1. umlomo | 2. umlomo | 3. umlomo
movie: 1. ifilimu, ilifilimu
movie theatre: 1. ibhayisikobho, ilibhayisikobho
muscle: 1. umsipha
must: 1. ukufanele
mustard: 1. umasitadi
my: 1. -mi
name: 1. igama, iligama
narrate: 1. ukutshela
nasty: 1. -bi, -bolile
nation: 1. isizwe
nationality: 1. umhlobo
near: 1. eduze
nearby: 1. eduze
near to: 1. eduze
neck: 1. intamo
need: 1. ukudinga
neighbour: 1. umakhelwane
nevertheless: 1. nokho | 2. nokho
never mind: 1. akunandaba
new: 1. -sha
newspaper: 1. iliphephandaba, inuyziphepha, iphephandaba | 2. inyuziphepha
next: 1. -landelayo
next to: 1. eduze
nice: 1. -hle | 2. -mnandi
night: 1. ubusuku
nine: 1. isishiyagalolunye
note: 1. ilithikithi, ithikithi
nothing: 1. lutho
nourishment: 1. ukudla
novel: 1. -sha
now: 1. manje
nowadays: 1. okwamanje
number: 1. inombolo
numeral: 1. inombolo
nurse: 1. ilisistela, isistela, unesi
occur: 1. ukuenzeka
occurence: 1. ilithuba, ithuba
offer: 1. ukuazisa, ukuethula | 2. ukuazisa, ukuethula | 3. ukuazisa, ukuethula | 4. ukuphakamisa
office: 1. ihhovisi, ilihhovisi | 2. ihhovisi, ilihhovisi
offspring: 1. ingane
often: 1. kaningi
oil: 1. uowoyela
okay: 1. -hle | 2. kahle | 3. kulungile
old: 1. -dala | 2. -dala
old man: 1. ikhehla, ilikhehla
omnibus: 1. ibhasi, ilibhasi
on: 1. phezu kwa-
one: 1. -nye
onion: 1. uanyanisi
only: 1. kuphela | 2. -dwa
operative: 1. isisebenzi
opportunity: 1. ilithuba, ithuba
or: 1. noma
orange: 1. iliwolintshi, iwolintshi
other: 1. -nye
ought to: 1. ukufanele
out: 1. phandle
outside: 1. phandle
overtake: 1. ukuedlula
over there: 1. lapho
o’clock: 1. ihora
packet: 1. iliphakethe, iphakethe, iliphasela, iphasela
pants: 1. ibhulukwe, ilibhulukwe
papaw: 1. uphopho
papaya: 1. uphopho
paper: 1. iliphepha, iphepha
parcel: 1. iliphakethe, iphakethe, iliphasela, iphasela
pardon: 1. ukuxolela
parent: 1. umzali
park: 1. ukupaka
passport: 1. ilipasipoti, ipasipoti
pass by: 1. ukuedlula
pastor: 1. umfundisi
pate: 1. ikhanda, ilikhanda
paw: 1. umlenze
pay: 1. ukukhokha
pea: 1. uphizi
peach: 1. ilipentshisi, ipentshisi
peanut: 1. ilintogomane, intogomane
pencil: 1. ilipensele, ipensele
pepper: 1. upelepele
perchance: 1. ngabe
perform: 1. ukungena | 2. ukuenza | 3. ukuazisa, ukuethula
perhaps: 1. ngabe
peril: 1. inngozi
periodical: 1. iliphephandaba, inuyziphepha, iphephandaba
person: 1. umuntu
petrol: 1. uphetroli
pharmaceutical: 1. umuthi
physician: 1. udokotela
pick out: 1. ukukhetha
pick up: 1. ukuthatha
piece: 1. isiqhephu
pig: 1. ingulube
pill: 1. iliphilisi, iphilisi
pineapple: 1. uphayinaphu
place: 1. indawo | 2. indawo
plan: 1. injongo
plane: 1. indiza
plate: 1. ilipuleti, ipuleti, isitsha
platter: 1. ilipuleti, ipuleti, isitsha
play: 1. ukudlala | 2. ukudlala | 3. ukudlala
plum: 1. ilipulamu, ipulamu
point out: 1. ukukhombisa
police-station: 1. ilipolisiteshi, ipolisiteshi
police: 1. iphoyisa
policeman: 1. iliphoyisa, iphoyisa
poor: 1. -bi, -bolile | 2. -mpofu | 3. -mpofu
portal: 1. ilisango, isango
possibly: 1. ngabe
post: 1. ukuposa | 2. iliposi, iposi
postage stamp: 1. isitembu
postcard: 1. iliposikhadi, iposikhadi
post office: 1. iliposihhovisi, iposihhovisi
potato: 1. ilizambane, izambane
pour: 1. ukuthela
pray: 1. ukuthandaza
premium: 1. umklomelo
present: 1. isipho | 2. ukuazisa, ukuethula | 3. ukuazisa, ukuethula | 4. ukuazisa, ukuethula
present with: 1. ukuazisa, ukuethula
preserve: 1. ukugcina
pretty: 1. -hle
previously: 1. phambili
price: 1. intengo
pricey: 1. -bizayo
privilege: 1. ililungelo, ilungelo
prize: 1. umklomelo
problem: 1. inkinga
property: 1. ilipulazi, ipulazi
pudding: 1. uphuthini
purchase: 1. ukuthenga | 2. ukuthenga | 3. ukuthenga | 4. ukuthenga
pure: 1. -hlanzekileyo
put off: 1. ukukhumula
put on the stage: 1. ukuazisa, ukuethula
put up with: 1. ukuhlupheka
question: 1. umbuzo
quickly: 1. ngokushesha
radio: 1. ilirediyo, irediyo, umsakazo
railroad: 1. ujantsi wesitimela
railway: 1. ujantsi wesitimela
ranch: 1. ilipulazi, ipulazi
rand: 1. ilirandi, irandi
rather: 1. kancane
ray: 1. ilirediyo, irediyo, umsakazo
read: 1. ukufunda
reality: 1. iliqiniso, iqiniso
realize: 1. ukuqonda
rebate: 1. isephulelo
recall: 1. ukukhumbula
receipt: 1. ilirisidi, irisidi
receive: 1. ukuamukela
recollect: 1. ukukhumbula
recommend: 1. ukuphakamisa
record: 1. ukurejista
recover: 1. ukuphola
red: 1. -bomvu | 2. -bomvu
refrigerator: 1. ifriji, ilifriji
refuse: 1. ukuala
regard: 1. ukubukela | 2. ukubukela
register: 1. ukurejista | 2. ukuphakamisa
regularly: 1. kaningi
reject: 1. ukuala
relate: 1. ukutshela
relative: 1. isihlobo
remain: 1. ukuhlala, ukusala
remedy: 1. ukupholisa
remember: 1. ukukhumbula
remote: 1. -de
repeat: 1. ukuphinda
reply: 1. ukuphendula
report: 1. ukubika
repose: 1. ukuphumula
require: 1. ukudinga
reserve: 1. ukubhalisa
respect: 1. ukuhlonipha
respond: 1. ukuphendula
rest: 1. ukuphumula
restaurant: 1. ilirestouranti, irestouranti
return: 1. ukubuya | 2. ukubuya
rice: 1. ilayisi
right: 1. -lungileyo | 2. -phakeme | 3. ililungelo, ilungelo
righthand: 1. -lungileyo
rim: 1. ilirandi, irandi
rise: 1. ukusukuma | 2. ukusukuma
river: 1. umfula
road: 1. indlela, umgwaqo
robber: 1. izigebengu
robe: 1. ililokwe, ilokwe
room: 1. indawo, ikamelo, ilikamelo
rope: 1. intambo
route: 1. indlela, umgwaqo
sack: 1. isaka, isikhwama
salad: 1. ilisaladi, isaladi
salt: 1. usawoti
sandwich: 1. ilisendiwishi, isendiwishi
sausage: 1. isositshi
say: 1. ukuthi
say goodbye: 1. ukuvalelisa
say goodbye to: 1. ukuvalelisa
scatter: 1. ukuthela
school: 1. isikolo
sea: 1. ulwandle
see: 1. ukuhlangana | 2. ukubona | 3. ukuvakashela
sell: 1. ukuthengisa
send: 1. ukuthumela
sentence: 1. umusho
sergeant: 1. ilisayini, isayini
serious: 1. -phakeme
seven: 1. isikhombisa
seventeen: 1. ishumi nesikhombisa
shape: 1. ifomu, ilifomu
shed: 1. ukuthela
shelf: 1. ilishalofu, ishalofu
shine: 1. ukukhanya
ship: 1. isikebhe
shirt: 1. ihembe, ilihembe
shoe: 1. isicathulo
shop: 1. isitolo
should: 1. ukufanele
show: 1. ukukhombisa
shut off: 1. ukuvala
sick: 1. -gulayo
sign: 1. ukusayina
signature: 1. isayini
since: 1. ngoba
sing: 1. ukuhlabelela
sir: 1. ubaba
sister: 1. udade, usisi
sit: 1. ukuhlala
six: 1. -isithupha
sixteen: 1. ishumi nesithupha
size: 1. usayizi
skirt: 1. ingubo
sky: 1. ilizulu, izulu
slay: 1. ukubulala
slice: 1. ukusika
slow: 1. -ephuzayo | 2. -ephuzayo
small: 1. -ncane
smoke: 1. inthuthu
snack: 1. ilantshi, ililantshi, indlamini
so: 1. kanjalo | 2. kanjalo | 3. kanjalo
sole: 1. -dwa
solicitor: 1. ummeli
solitary: 1. -dwa
something: 1. into, noma yini
son: 1. indodana
soon: 1. masinya
sort: 1. umhlobo
soup: 1. isobho
speak: 1. ukukhuluma
spear: 1. umkhonto
spectacles: 1. izibuko
spinster: 1. inkosazana
spoon: 1. isipunu
spot: 1. indawo
spring: 1. entwasahlobo
springtime: 1. entwasahlobo
stamp: 1. isitembu
stand: 1. ukusukuma | 2. ukuma | 3. ukusukuma
stand up: 1. ukusukuma | 2. ukusukuma
start: 1. ukuqala
station: 1. isiteshi
stay: 1. ukuhlala, ukusala
stay over: 1. ukuhlala, ukusala
steal: 1. ukueba
stomach: 1. isisu
stop: 1. ukuvala
store: 1. isitolo
storm: 1. isiphepho
street: 1. isitaladi
strength: 1. amandla
strike: 1. ukungqongqoza
string: 1. intambo
student: 1. isitshudeni
study: 1. ukufunda
such: 1. kanjalo
such a: 1. kanjani
such as: 1. kanjani
suffer: 1. ukuhlupheka
suffice: 1. ukuanele
sugar: 1. ushukela
suggest: 1. ukuphakamisa
summer: 1. ihlobo
summon: 1. ukubiza
sun: 1. ilanga, ililanga
supermarket: 1. ilisupamakethe, isupamakethe | 2. ilisupamakethe, isupamakethe
supervise: 1. ukuhlola
supply: 1. ukudiliva
supporter: 1. lilunga, ilunga
sweep: 1. ukushanela
swiftly: 1. ngokushesha
swim: 1. ukubhukuda
swine: 1. ingulube
switch off: 1. ukuvala
table: 1. ilitafula, itafula
take: 1. ukuamukela | 2. ukuthatha
take in: 1. ukuamukela
take leave: 1. ukuvalelisa
take leave from: 1. ukuvalelisa
take off: 1. ukukhumula
take over: 1. ukuthenga
talk: 1. ukukhuluma
tank: 1. ilitanki, itanki | 2. ilitanki, itanki
tardy: 1. -phuzileyo
tasty: 1. -mnandi
taxi: 1. ilithekisi, ithekisi
tea: 1. ilitiye, itiye
teach: 1. ukufundisa | 2. ukufundisa
teacher: 1. uthisha
telegram: 1. ilitelegilamu, itelegilamu
telephone: 1. ucingo, ulucingo, uthelefoni
television set: 1. umabonwakude
tell: 1. ukuthi | 2. ukutshela
temperature: 1. ithemperetsha
ten: 1. ishumi
tender: 1. ukuazisa, ukuethula | 2. ukuphakamisa
tent: 1. itende
terminate: 1. ukuqeda
test: 1. ukuzama
thanks: 1. ngiyabonga, siyakubonga
thank you: 1. ngiyabonga, siyakubonga
that: 1. -ni | 2. -phi, ubani | 3. kanjalo
that’s all right: 1. akunandaba
that’s okay: 1. akunandaba | 2. akunandaba
that way: 1. kanjalo
there: 1. lapho | 2. lapho
there are: 1. kukhona
there is: 1. kukhona
these days: 1. okwamanje
the day before yesterday: 1. kuthangi
thief: 1. izigebengu
thing: 1. into
thirteen: 1. ishumi nantathu
thirty: 1. amashumi amathathu
thou: 1. wena | 2. wena | 3. wena
three: 1. -thathu
throat: 1. umphimbo
thus: 1. kanjalo | 2. kanjalo
ticket: 1. ilithikithi, ithikithi
time: 1. ihora | 2. isikhathi
tin: 1. ilithini, ithini
tip: 1. umbhanselo
tobacco: 1. ugwayi
today: 1. namhlanje
toilet: 1. ilithoyilethe, ithoyilethe
tomato: 1. utamatisi
tomorrow: 1. kusasa
tongue: 1. ulimi | 2. ulimi, ululimi
too: 1. futhi
tooth: 1. ilizinyo, izinyo
tortoise: 1. ufudu, ulufudu
town: 1. idolobha, ilidolobha
tradition: 1. ilisiko, isiko
train: 1. isitimela | 2. isitimela
transmit: 1. ukuthumela
travel: 1. ukuhamba
treatment: 1. impatho
trouble: 1. inkinga
trousers: 1. ibhulukwe, ilibhulukwe
trust: 1. ukuethemba | 2. ukuethemba
truth: 1. iliqiniso, iqiniso
try: 1. ukuzama
turkey: 1. ikalkuni
turn off: 1. ukuvala
twelve: 1. -yishumi nambili
twenty: 1. amashumi amabili
twice: 1. kabili
two: 1. -bili
ultimately: 1. ekugcineni
uncle: 1. umalume
under: 1. phansi kwa-
underneath: 1. phansi | 2. phansi kwa- | 3. phansi
understand: 1. ukuqonda
unfortunately: 1. ngeshwa
university: 1. iliyunivesithi, iyunivesithi
unmarried woman: 1. inkosazana
upon: 1. phezu kwa-
us: 1. thina
use: 1. ukusebenzisa
valuable: 1. -bizayo
vegetable: 1. uhlaza
vend: 1. ukuthengisa
verify: 1. ukuhlola
vessel: 1. isikebhe
view: 1. ukubukela
vigour: 1. amandla
village: 1. umuzi
visit: 1. ukuvakashela
vote: 1. ukuvota
wait: 1. ukulinda
waiter: 1. uweta
wait for: 1. ukulinda
wake: 1. ukuvuka
wake up: 1. ukuvuka
walk: 1. ukuhamba
want: 1. ukufuna
warrant: 1. igaranti, iligaranti
wash: 1. ukugeza | 2. ukugeza
watch: 1. iwashi | 2. iliwashi, iwashi | 3. ukubukela
water: 1. amanzi
way: 1. ilisiko, isiko | 2. indlela, umgwaqo
we: 1. thina
weather: 1. ilizulu, izulu
week: 1. iliviki, iviki
well: 1. kahle
wench: 1. intombazane, intombi
what: 1. -ni | 2. -ni
what a: 1. kanjani
what for: 1. yini ndaba | 2. yini ndaba
what kind of: 1. inhloboni | 2. inhloboni
what sort of: 1. inhloboni | 2. inhloboni
wheel: 1. ilisondo, isondo
wheelbarrow: 1. ibhala, ilibhala
when: 1. nini | 2. nini | 3. nini | 4. nini
where: 1. -phi, kuphi | 2. -phi, kuphi
wherefore: 1. yini ndaba
which: 1. -phi, ubani | 2. -phi, ubani
while: 1. isikhathi
whiskey: 1. uwiski
whisky: 1. uwiski
white: 1. -mhlophe | 2. -mhlophe
white man: 1. umlungu
who: 1. -phi, ubani
why: 1. yini ndaba | 2. yini ndaba | 3. yini ndaba
wife: 1. inkosikazi, umfazi
win: 1. ukuhola, ukuwina
wind: 1. umoya
window: 1. ifasitela, ilifastela
winter: 1. ubusika
wireless: 1. ilirediyo, irediyo, umsakazo
wish: 1. ukufisa | 2. ukufuna
woman: 1. umfazi
wonderful: 1. -mangalisayo
word: 1. igama
work: 1. ukusebenza | 2. umsebenzi
worker: 1. isisebenzi
working man: 1. isisebenzi
workman: 1. isisebenzi
wrench: 1. isikhiye, ukhiye
wrist-watch: 1. iwashi
write: 1. ukubhala
yard: 1. iyaladi, iliyaladi | 2. iyaladi, iliyaladi
ye: 1. wena | 2. wena
year: 1. umnyaka, unyaka
yes: 1. yebo
yesterday: 1. izolo
yet: 1. nokho
yon: 1. lapho
yonder: 1. lapho
you: 1. wena | 2. wena | 3. wena | 4. wena
young: 1. ingane | 2. -sha
youngster: 1. insizwa
your: 1. -kho
youth: 1. insizwa
you’re welcome: 1. akunandaba
zoo: 1. ilizu, izu
Zulu to English
KwaZulu: 1. Zululand
Ninjani?: 1. how are you?, how do you do?
-bandayo: 1. bleak, chilly, cold
-banzi: 1. broad
-bi: 1. bad, miserable, nasty, poor
-bili: 1. two
-bizayo: 1. costly, dear, expensive, pricey
-bolile: 1. bad, miserable, nasty, poor
-bomvu: 1. brown | 2. red
-bukekayo: 1. beautiful, fine, handsome, lovely
-bunxele: 1. left
-dala: 1. old
-de: 1. long | 2. distant, far, remote
-dwa: 1. alone, only, sole, solitary
-ephuzayo: 1. slow | 2. slow
-gulayo: 1. ill, sick
-hlanu: 1. five
-hle: 1. beautiful, fine, handsome, lovely | 2. pretty | 3. good, nice, okay
-isithupha: 1. six
-kho: 1. your
-landelayo: 1. following, next
-lungileyo: 1. right, righthand
-mangalisayo: 1. wonderful
-mi: 1. my
-mnandi: 1. nice, tasty
-mnyama: 1. black
-mpofu: 1. miserable, poor | 2. poor
-ncane: 1. diminutive, little, small
-ne: 1. four
-ngcono: 1. better
-ningi: 1. many | 2. more
-nsundu: 1. brown
-nye: 1. other, another, else | 2. one
-nzima: 1. difficult, hard, inconvenient
-phakeme: 1. important, serious | 2. correct, right
-phuzileyo: 1. late, tardy
-sha: 1. young | 2. new, novel
-shibile: 1. cheap, inexpensive | 2. cheap, inexpensive
-shisayo: 1. hot
-thathu: 1. three
-yishumi nambili: 1. twelve
-yishumi nane: 1. fourteen
Unjani?: 1. how are you?, how do you do?
Wena unjani?: 1. how are you?, how do you do?
amandla: 1. force, strength, vigour
amanzi: 1. water
amashumi amabili: 1. twenty
amashumi amathathu: 1. thirty
ayina: 1. iron
eBhayi: 1. Port Elizabeth
eDandi: 1. Dundee
eDukathole: 1. Germiston
eFilidi: 1. Vryheid
eGoli: 1. Johannesburg
eJalimani: 1. Germany
eKapa: 1. Cape Province
eLandani: 1. London
eMalitzboko: 1. Pietermaritzburg
eManzimtoti: 1. Amanzimtoti
eMlazi: 1. Umlazi
eMnambithi: 1. Ladysmith
eMonti: 1. East London
eMungundlovu: 1. Pietermaritzburg
eNelspotho: 1. Nelspruit
eNgilandi: 1. England | 2. England
ePitoli: 1. Pretoria
eSoweto: 1. Soweto
eThekwini: 1. Durban
eduze: 1. at, beside, by, near, nearby, near to, next to
ekhaya: 1. at home
ekugcineni: 1. at last, finally, ultimately
ekuseni: 1. morning
emuva: 1. behind, after | 2. after, behind
emva kwa-: 1. after, behind
entwasahlobo: 1. spring, springtime
eqinisweni: 1. actually, as a matter of fact, indeed, in fact
futhi: 1. also, likewise, too
hamba kahle: 1. adieu, farewell, bye, goodbye
iBhayibheli: 1. Bible
iBhunu: 1. Afrikaans | 2. Afrikaner, Boer
iFulentshi: 1. Frenchman
iJalimane: 1. German
iNdebele: 1. Ndebele
iNgisi: 1. Englishman, Sassenach
iSonto: 1. Sunday
iakhawunti: 1. account, bill, calculation
ibhala: 1. wheelbarrow
ibhange: 1. bank
ibhantshi: 1. jacket
ibhasi: 1. bus, autobus, omnibus
ibhasikidi: 1. basket
ibhavu: 1. bath
ibhayisikili: 1. bike, cycle, bicycle
ibhayisikobho: 1. cinema, movie theatre
ibhikawosi: 1. bakery
ibhishi: 1. beach
ibhodlela: 1. bottle
ibhokisi: 1. box
ibhola: 1. ball
ibhotela: 1. butter
ibhubesi: 1. lion
ibhuku: 1. book
ibhulakufesi: 1. breakfast
ibhulukwe: 1. pants, trousers
idada: 1. duck
idamu: 1. dam
idazini: 1. dozen
idethi: 1. date
idolobha: 1. city, town
ifasitela: 1. window
ifektri: 1. factory | 2. factory
ifilimu: 1. film, motion picture, movie
ifomu: 1. form, shape
ifriji: 1. refrigerator
ifu: 1. cloud
igalaji: 1. garage
igalofu: 1. golf
igama: 1. appellation, name | 2. word
igaranti: 1. guarantee, warrant
igazi: 1. blood
ihabhula: 1. apple
ihansi: 1. goose
ihembe: 1. shirt
ihhashi: 1. horse
ihhotela: 1. hotel
ihhovisi: 1. office | 2. bureau, office
ihlo: 1. eye
ihlobo: 1. summer
iholide: 1. holiday
ihora: 1. hour, o’clock, time
ikalkuni: 1. turkey
ikamelo: 1. chamber, room
ikati: 1. cat
ikhasimende: 1. client, customer
ikhawunda: 1. counter
ikhaya: 1. home
ikhefi: 1. café, coffee-house
ikhehla: 1. old man
ikhekhe: 1. cake
ikheli: 1. address
ikhemisi: 1. chemist
ikherothi: 1. carrot
ikhethini: 1. curtain
ikhilogramu: 1. kilo
ikhilomitha: 1. kilometre
ikhishi: 1. kitchen
ikhofi: 1. coffee
ikhona: 1. corner
ikhonsathi: 1. concert
ikhukhamba: 1. cucumber
ikilasi: 1. class
ikompiyutha: 1. computer
ikwindla: 1. autumn
ilanga: 1. sun
ilantshi: 1. lunch, snack
ilayisense lokushayela: 1. driving-licence
ilayisi: 1. rice
iliBhayibheli: 1. Bible
iliBhunu: 1. Afrikaans | 2. Afrikaner, Boer
iliJalimane: 1. German
iliSonto: 1. Sunday
ilibhala: 1. wheelbarrow
ilibhantshi: 1. jacket
ilibhasi: 1. bus, autobus, omnibus
ilibhasikidi: 1. basket
ilibhayisikili: 1. bike, cycle, bicycle
ilibhayisikobho: 1. cinema, movie theatre
ilibhishi: 1. beach
ilibhodlela: 1. bottle
ilibhotela: 1. butter
ilibhubesi: 1. lion
ilibhuku: 1. book
ilibhulakufesi: 1. breakfast
ilibhulukwe: 1. pants, trousers
ilidamu: 1. dam
ilidazini: 1. dozen
ilidethi: 1. date
ilidolobha: 1. city, town
ilifastela: 1. window
ilifektri: 1. factory | 2. factory
ilifilimu: 1. film, motion picture, movie
ilifomu: 1. form, shape
ilifriji: 1. refrigerator
iligalaji: 1. garage
iligalofu: 1. golf
iligama: 1. appellation, name
iligaranti: 1. guarantee, warrant
iligazi: 1. blood
ilihabhula: 1. apple
ilihembe: 1. shirt
ilihhashi: 1. horse
ilihhotela: 1. hotel
ilihhovisi: 1. office | 2. bureau, office
iliholide: 1. holiday
ilikamelo: 1. chamber, room
ilikati: 1. cat
ilikhasimende: 1. client, customer
ilikhawunda: 1. counter
ilikhaya: 1. home
ilikhefi: 1. café, coffee-house
ilikhehla: 1. old man
ilikhekhe: 1. cake
ilikheli: 1. address
ilikhemisi: 1. chemist
ilikherothi: 1. carrot
ilikhethini: 1. curtain
ilikhilogramu: 1. kilo
ilikhilomitha: 1. kilometre
ilikhishi: 1. kitchen
ilikhofi: 1. coffee
ilikhona: 1. corner
ilikhonsathi: 1. concert
ilikilasi: 1. class
ililanga: 1. sun
ililantshi: 1. lunch, snack
ililayisense lokushayela: 1. driving-licence
ililisti: 1. list
ililokwe: 1. dress, gown, robe
ililungelo: 1. privilege | 2. right
ilimayela: 1. mile
ilimeniyu: 1. manager | 2. manager
ilintogomane: 1. peanut
ilipasipoti: 1. passport
ilipensele: 1. pencil
ilipentshisi: 1. peach
iliphakethe: 1. packet, parcel
iliphasela: 1. packet, parcel
iliphepha: 1. paper
iliphephandaba: 1. gazette, magazine, newspaper, periodical
iliphilisi: 1. pill
iliphoyisa: 1. policeman
ilipolisiteshi: 1. police-station
iliposi: 1. mail, post
iliposihhovisi: 1. post office
iliposikhadi: 1. postcard
ilipulamu: 1. plum
ilipulazi: 1. estate, farm, property, ranch
iliqanda: 1. egg
iliqiniso: 1. reality, truth
ilirandi: 1. rand
ilirediyo: 1. radio, wireless
ilirestouranti: 1. restaurant
ilirisidi: 1. acknowledgement, receipt
ilisaladi: 1. salad
ilisango: 1. gate, gateway, portal
ilisayini: 1. sergeant
ilisendiwishi: 1. sandwich
ilishalofu: 1. shelf
ilisheke: 1. check, cheque
ilisiko: 1. custom, habit, way | 2. tradition
ilisistela: 1. nurse
ilisondo: 1. wheel
ilisti: 1. list
ilisupamakethe: 1. supermarket | 2. supermarket
ilitafula: 1. table
ilitanki: 1. cistern, tank | 2. tank
ilitelegilamu: 1. telegram
ilithekisi: 1. taxi
ilithikithi: 1. bill, ticket, note
ilithini: 1. tin
ilithoyilethe: 1. toilet
ilithuba: 1. chance, event, occurence, opportunity
ilitiye: 1. tea
iliviki: 1. week
iliwashi: 1. watch
iliwolintshi: 1. orange
iliyunivesithi: 1. university
ilizambane: 1. potato
ilizinyo: 1. tooth
ilizu: 1. zoo
ilizulu: 1. weather | 2. heaven, sky
ilokwe: 1. dress, gown, robe
ilunga: 1. acolyte, member, supporter
ilungelo: 1. privilege | 2. right
imali: 1. money
imayela: 1. mile
imbuzi: 1. goat
imeniyu: 1. manager | 2. manager
imfalakahlana: 1. change
imfiva: 1. ague, fever
imfluwenza: 1. flu, grip, influenza
imoto: 1. car
impatho: 1. treatment
impilontle: 1. cheers, good health
impisi: 1. hyaena
incwadi: 1. letter | 2. book
indaba: 1. affair, business, business deal, case, matter
indawo: 1. place | 2. location, place, spot | 3. chamber, room
indiza: 1. aeroplane, airplane, plane | 2. aircraft
indlamini: 1. lunch, snack
indlebe: 1. ear
indlela: 1. road, route, way
indlovu: 1. elephant
indoda: 1. husband | 2. fellow, man
indodakazi: 1. daughter
indodana: 1. son
indolowane: 1. elbow
ingadi: 1. garden
ingane: 1. child, offspring, young
ingilazi: 1. glass
ingubo: 1. skirt
ingulube: 1. hog, pig, swine
ingwe: 1. leopard
ingxenye yesibili: 1. half
ingxoxo: 1. dialogue
inhlanhla: 1. luck
inhlanzi: 1. fish
inhliziyo: 1. heart
injini: 1. engine, motor
injongo: 1. intention, meaning, plan
inkinga: 1. problem, trouble
inkomishi: 1. cup
inkomo: 1. animal, beast | 2. head of cattle
inkonyane: 1. calf
inkosi: 1. king | 2. chief, boss
inkosikazi: 1. wife
inkundla yezindiza: 1. aerodrome, airdrome, airfield | 2. airport
inkunzi: 1. bull
inngozi: 1. danger, peril
innyanga: 1. moon
inombolo: 1. number, numeral
insangu: 1. marijuana
inshuwarensi: 1. insurance
insizwa: 1. youngster, youth
intaba: 1. mountain
intambama: 1. afternoon
intambo: 1. cord, rope, string
intamo: 1. neck
intengo: 1. price
inthuthu: 1. smoke
into: 1. thing | 2. anything, something
intogomane: 1. peanut
intombazane: 1. girl, lass, wench
intombi: 1. girl, lass, wench
inuyziphepha: 1. gazette, magazine, newspaper, periodical
inyama: 1. meat
inyanga: 1. month
inyathi: 1. buffalo
inyoni: 1. bird
inyuziphepha: 1. daily paper, journal, newspaper
inzalo: 1. interest
ipasipoti: 1. passport
ipensele: 1. pencil
ipentshisi: 1. peach
iphakethe: 1. packet, parcel
iphasela: 1. packet, parcel
iphepha: 1. paper
iphephandaba: 1. gazette, magazine, newspaper, periodical
iphilisi: 1. pill
iphoyisa: 1. policeman | 2. police
ipolisiteshi: 1. police-station
iposi: 1. mail, post
iposihhovisi: 1. post office
iposikhadi: 1. postcard
ipulamu: 1. plum
ipulazi: 1. estate, farm, property, ranch
iqanda: 1. egg
iqiniso: 1. reality, truth
irandi: 1. rand
irediyo: 1. radio, wireless
irente: 1. interest
irestouranti: 1. restaurant
irisidi: 1. acknowledgement, receipt
isaladi: 1. salad
isandla: 1. hand
isango: 1. gate, gateway, portal
isayini: 1. sergeant | 2. signature
isendiwishi: 1. sandwich
isephulelo: 1. abatement, discount, rebate
ishalofu: 1. shelf
isheke: 1. check, cheque
ishumi: 1. ten
ishumi nantathu: 1. thirteen
ishumi nanye: 1. eleven
ishumi nesihlanu: 1. fifteen
ishumi nesikhombisa: 1. seventeen
ishumi nesishiyagalombi: 1. eighteen
ishumi nesithupha: 1. sixteen
isiFulentshi: 1. French, French language
isiJalimane: 1. German, German language
isiKoshi: 1. Scot, Scotsman
isiNdebele: 1. Ndebele, Ndebele language
isiNgisi: 1. English, English language
isiPedi: 1. Pedi, Pedi language
isiSuthu: 1. Sotho, Sotho language
isiSwati: 1. Swazi, Swazi language
isiTsonga: 1. Tsonga, Tsonga language
isiVenda: 1. Venda, Venda language
isiXhosa: 1. Xhosa, Xhosa language
isiZulu: 1. Zulu, Zulu language
isibane: 1. light
isibhedlela: 1. hospital
isibongo: 1. first name
isicathulo: 1. shoe
isifuba: 1. chest
isihlalo: 1. chair
isihlobo: 1. relative
isikebhe: 1. ship, vessel
isikhathi: 1. time, while
isikhathi sakusihlwa: 1. evening
isikhiye: 1. key, wrench
isikhombisa: 1. seven
isiko: 1. custom, habit, way | 2. tradition
isikolo: 1. school
isilwane: 1. animal
isimemo: 1. invitation
isimungumungwane: 1. measles
isinkwa: 1. bread, loaf
isiphepho: 1. storm
isipho: 1. gift, present
isiphosiso: 1. aberration, error, mistake
isiphuzo: 1. beverage, drink
isipunu: 1. spoon
isiqhephu: 1. bit, lump, piece
isisebenzi: 1. hand, laborer, labourer, operative, worker, working man, workman
isishiyagalolunye: 1. nine
isishiyagalombili: 1. eight
isistela: 1. nurse
isisu: 1. stomach
isitaladi: 1. street
isitembu: 1. stamp, postage stamp
isiteshi: 1. station
isithelo: 1. fruit
isithuththu: 1. motorcycle
isitimela: 1. train | 2. train
isitolo: 1. boutique, shop, store
isitshudeni: 1. academic, student
isizwe: 1. nation
isobho: 1. soup
isondo: 1. wheel
isositshi: 1. sausage
isupamakethe: 1. supermarket | 2. supermarket
itafula: 1. table
itanki: 1. cistern, tank | 2. tank
itelegilamu: 1. telegram
itende: 1. tent
ithekisi: 1. taxi
ithemperetsha: 1. temperature
ithikithi: 1. bill, ticket, note
ithini: 1. tin
ithoyilethe: 1. toilet
ithuba: 1. chance, event, occurence, opportunity
itiye: 1. tea
iviki: 1. week
iwashi: 1. watch, wrist-watch | 2. watch
iwolintshi: 1. orange
ixoxo: 1. frog
iyunivesithi: 1. university
izambane: 1. potato
izibuko: 1. glasses, spectacles
izigebengu: 1. robber | 2. thief
izihlabamkhosi: 1. burglar alarm
izinyo: 1. tooth
izolo: 1. yesterday
izu: 1. zoo
izulu: 1. weather | 2. heaven, sky
kabi: 1. badly
kabili: 1. twice
kahle: 1. okay, well
kancane: 1. a little, rather
kaningi: 1. frequently, often, regularly
kanjalo: 1. so, such, thus
kodwa: 1. but
kokubili: 1. both
kude: 1. away
kukhona: 1. there is, there are
kulungile: 1. agreed, okay
kuphela: 1. exclusively, just, only
kusasa: 1. tomorrow
kuthangi: 1. the day before yesterday
lilunga: 1. acolyte, member, supporter
lutho: 1. nothing
manje: 1. at present, now
masinya: 1. soon
namhlanje: 1. today
nga: 1. lie
ngabe: 1. maybe, mayhap, perchance, perhaps, possibly
ngenhlanhla: 1. fortunately
ngeshwa: 1. unfortunately
ngiyabonga: 1. thank you, thanks
ngiyaxolisa: 1. excuse me
ngoba: 1. because, for the reason that | 2. because, for the reason that | 3. as, because, for, since
ngokushesha: 1. fast, quickly, swiftly
nokho: 1. nevertheless | 2. but, however, nevertheless, yet
noma: 1. or
noma yini: 1. anything, something
nxephe: 1. excuse me
okwamanje: 1. currently, nowadays, these days
phakathi kwa-: 1. among, between
phakathi kwamabili: 1. midnight
phambili: 1. ahead, formerly, previously
phambi kwa-: 1. before, in front of
phandle: 1. abroad, out, outside
phansi: 1. below, downstairs, underneath | 2. below, underneath
phansi kwa-: 1. below, beneath, under, underneath
pheka: 1. cook, male cook
phezu kwa-: 1. on, upon
sawubona: 1. good day
siyakubonga: 1. thank you, thanks
thina: 1. us, we
uApreli: 1. April
uDisemba: 1. December
uFebruwari: 1. February
uJulayi: 1. July
uJuni: 1. June
uKhisimuzi: 1. Christmas, Yule
uLwesibili: 1. Tuesday
uLwesihlanu: 1. Friday
uLwesine: 1. Thursday
uLwesithathu: 1. Wednesday
uMashi: 1. March
uMeyi: 1. May
uMgqibelo: 1. Sabbath
uMsindisi: 1. Saviour
uNkulunkulu: 1. God
uOktoba: 1. October
uanyanisi: 1. onion
uayiskhrimu: 1. ice, icecream
ubhanana: 1. banana | 2. banana
ubhejane: 1. black rhinoceros
ubhiya: 1. ale, beer
ubhontshisi: 1. bean
ubhuti: 1. brother
ubisi: 1. milk
ubudala: 1. age
ubusika: 1. winter
ubuso: 1. face
ubusuku: 1. night
ucingo: 1. telephone
udade: 1. sister
udebe: 1. lip
udokotela: 1. doctor, physician
udokotela wamazinyo: 1. dentist
ufudu: 1. tortoise
ugogo: 1. grandmother
ugwayi: 1. tobacco
uhafu: 1. half
uhlaza: 1. vegetable
uhulumeni: 1. administration, government
ujamu: 1. jam, marmelade
ujantsi wesitimela: 1. railroad, railway
ukhiye: 1. key, wrench
ukholifulawa: 1. cauliflower
ukhozi: 1. eagle
ukuakha: 1. build, construct
ukuala: 1. refuse, reject
ukuamukela: 1. accept, receive, take, take in
ukuanele: 1. suffice
ukuazi: 1. be acquainted with, know
ukubaleka: 1. abscond
ukubamba: 1. hang onto, hold
ukubhala: 1. write
ukubhalisa: 1. reserve
ukubhukuda: 1. float, swim
ukubika: 1. give an account, report
ukubila: 1. boil
ukubiza: 1. call, summon
ukuboleka: 1. borrow | 2. borrow, lend, loan
ukubona: 1. see
ukubuhlungu: 1. ache, be painful, hurt
ukubulala: 1. kill, liquidate, slay
ukubusisa: 1. bless
ukubuya: 1. go back, return | 2. come back, return
ukubuza: 1. ask
ukudiliva: 1. deliver, furnish, supply
ukudinga: 1. need, require
ukudla: 1. food | 2. meal | 3. food, nourishment
ukudlala: 1. play
ukueba: 1. steal
ukuedlula: 1. overtake, pass by
ukuehlukile: 1. differ, be different
ukuehluleka: 1. abort, fail, miscarry
ukuejwayele: 1. accustom, be in the habit of
ukuenza: 1. achieve, act, do, make, perform
ukuenzeka: 1. come about, happen, occur
ukuesaba: 1. be afraid of, fear
ukuesula: 1. delete
ukuethemba: 1. hope | 2. have faith, have faith in, trust | 3. confide, have confidence in, trust, entrust | 4. account, accredit, believe, deem
ukufanele: 1. have to, must, ought to, should
ukufika: 1. come
ukufisa: 1. desire, wish
ukufuna: 1. be willing to, want, wish
ukufunda: 1. read | 2. study
ukufundisa: 1. teach | 2. teach
ukugcina: 1. end, come to an end, end up, expire | 2. conserve, keep, maintain, preserve
ukugcwalisa: 1. fill, fill in, fill up
ukugeza: 1. wash | 2. wash
ukuhamba: 1. absent onself, depart, go away, leave | 2. go | 3. march, walk | 4. travel
ukuhlabelela: 1. sing
ukuhlala: 1. remain, stay, stay over | 2. sit
ukuhlangana: 1. come across, encounter, meet, see
ukuhlola: 1. examine | 2. audit, check, check up on, supervise, verify
ukuhlonipha: 1. respect
ukuhlupheka: 1. abide, bear, endure, put up with, suffer
ukuhola: 1. earn, gain, win
ukujova: 1. inject
ukukhala: 1. complain
ukukhanya: 1. shine
ukukhetha: 1. choose, elect, pick out
ukukhiya: 1. lock
ukukhohlwa: 1. forget
ukukhokha: 1. pay
ukukhombisa: 1. indicate, point out, show
ukukhuluma: 1. speak, talk
ukukhumbula: 1. recall, recollect, remember
ukukhumula: 1. take off, put off
ukukhwehlela: 1. cough
ukulalela: 1. listen
ukulambile: 1. be hungry
ukulandelayo: 1. follow
ukuletha: 1. bring, fetch
ukulinda: 1. abide, expect, wait, await, wait for
ukuma: 1. stand
ukunceda: 1. abet, aid, assist, help | 2. accomodate, aid, assist, help
ukungena: 1. go in, enter, perform
ukungqongqoza: 1. hit, knock, strike
ukuomile: 1. be thirsty
ukupaka: 1. park
ukuphakamisa: 1. advance, suggest
ukupheka: 1. cook
ukuphendula: 1. answer, reply, respond
ukuphikisa: 1. deny
ukuphila: 1. be alive, live
ukuphinda: 1. repeat
ukuphola: 1. recover
ukupholisa: 1. cure, heal, remedy
ukuphumula: 1. repose, rest
ukuphuza: 1. drink
ukuposa: 1. post
ukuqala: 1. begin, commence, start | 2. first, firstly, first of all
ukuqasha: 1. hire
ukuqeda: 1. accomodate, end, finish, terminate | 2. complete
ukuqhubeka: 1. continue, endure, keep on, last
ukuqonda: 1. understand, realize
ukurejista: 1. record, register
ukusala: 1. remain, stay, stay over
ukusayina: 1. sign
ukusebenza: 1. work
ukusebenzisa: 1. employ, use, make use of
ukushanela: 1. sweep
ukushayela: 1. drive
ukusika: 1. cut, slice
ukusiza: 1. abet, aid, assist, help | 2. accomodate, aid, assist, help
ukusukuma: 1. get up, rise, stand, stand up | 2. get up, rise, stand, stand up
ukusula: 1. delete
ukusuthi: 1. be full, have enough
ukuthanda: 1. appreciate, like
ukuthandaza: 1. pray
ukuthatha: 1. get, lay hold of, pick up, take
ukuthela: 1. pour, scatter, shed
ukuthengisa: 1. dispose of, sell, vend
ukuthi: 1. say, tell
ukuthola: 1. find
ukuthula: 1. be quiet
ukuthumela: 1. send, transmit
ukutshela: 1. narrate, relate, tell
ukuvakashela: 1. attend, call on, see, visit
ukuvala: 1. shut off, stop, switch off, turn off
ukuvalelisa: 1. say goodbye, say goodbye to, take leave, take leave from
ukuvota: 1. vote
ukuvuka: 1. wake, wake up
ukuwina: 1. earn, gain, win
ukuxolela: 1. forgive, pardon
ukuya: 1. go
ukuza: 1. come
ukuzalwa: 1. arise, be born
ukuzama: 1. attempt, test, try
ulaza: 1. cream
uletisi: 1. lettuce
ulimi: 1. tongue | 2. language, tongue
ulubisi: 1. milk
ulucingo: 1. telephone
uludebe: 1. lip
ulufudu: 1. tortoise
ulukhozi: 1. eagle
ululimi: 1. language, tongue
ulunwele: 1. hair
ulusizo: 1. aid, help | 2. aid, help
ulusuku: 1. day
ulwandle: 1. sea
umHholandi: 1. Dutchman, Hollander | 2. Dutchman
umNgisi: 1. Englishman, Sassenach
umPedi: 1. Pedi
umSombuluko: 1. Monday
umSuthu: 1. Sotho
umSwati: 1. Swazi
umTsonga: 1. Tsonga
umVenda: 1. Venda
umXhosa: 1. Xhosa
umZulu: 1. Zulu
umabhalane: 1. clerk
umabonwakude: 1. TV set, television set
umakhaniki: 1. mechanic
umakhelwane: 1. neighbour
umakhonya: 1. boss, chief, leader | 2. boss, master
umalume: 1. uncle
umame: 1. mother
umango: 1. mango
umasitadi: 1. mustard
umbala: 1. colour, dye
umbhanselo: 1. tip
umbhede: 1. bed
umbiko: 1. errand, message
umbuzo: 1. question
umfana: 1. boy, lad, laddie
umfazi: 1. wife | 2. woman
umfula: 1. river
umfundisi: 1. pastor
umgqekezi: 1. burglar
umgwaqo: 1. road, route, way
umhla: 1. day
umhlangano: 1. encounter
umhlobo: 1. nationality | 2. kind, sort
umjovo: 1. injection
umkhonto: 1. lance, spear
umkhuhlane: 1. cold | 2. cold
umkhumbi: 1. boat
umklomelo: 1. premium, prize
umlenze: 1. leg | 2. leg, paw
umlungu: 1. European, white man
ummese: 1. knife
umncintiswano: 1. competition
umngane: 1. friend
umngcwabo: 1. burial, funeral, interment | 2. burial, funeral, interment
umnyaka: 1. year
umnyango: 1. door
umnyeni: 1. husband
umoya: 1. air | 2. wind
umphathi: 1. manager
umphimbo: 1. throat
umsakazo: 1. radio, wireless
umsebenzi: 1. job, work
umshini: 1. engine, machine
umsipha: 1. muscle
umumayalezo: 1. errand, message
umuntu: 1. person
umuntu osekhulile: 1. adult, grown-up
umusa: 1. kindness
umusho: 1. sentence
umuthi: 1. drug, medicine, pharmaceutical
umuzi: 1. family | 2. village
umzali: 1. parent
unesi: 1. nurse
unjiniyela: 1. engineer
unwele: 1. hair
unyaka: 1. year
uowoyela: 1. oil
upelepele: 1. pepper
uphayinaphu: 1. pineapple
uphetroli: 1. gasolene, gasoline, petrol
uphizi: 1. pea
uphopho: 1. papaya, papaw
uphuthini: 1. pudding
usawoti: 1. salt
usayizi: 1. bulk, dimension, extend, size
ushizi: 1. cheese
ushukela: 1. sugar
usisi: 1. sister
usizo: 1. aid, help | 2. aid, help
usomabhizinizi: 1. businessman | 2. merchant | 3. businessman, merchant
usuku: 1. day
usuku lokuzalwa: 1. birthday
utamatisi: 1. tomato
uthelefoni: 1. telephone
uthisha: 1. instructor, teacher
utshwala: 1. ale, beer
uweta: 1. waiter
uwiski: 1. whisky, whiskey
yebo: 1. yes
yini ndaba: 1. what for, wherefore, why