Istanbullu Gelin

Istanbullu Gelin

Zeynep Günay Tan
Aslı Enver, Özcan Deniz & Salih Bademci
Star TV
Air Date
Mar 3rd, 2017
Faruk is the owner of a bus company and the leader of a powerful family in Bursa which is a metropol in Turkey. Faruk meets a violonist girl and falls in love with her. But the dominant mother of Faruk isn't happy with her son's relationship.

All release dates

TV Air Date Mar 3rd, 2017
DVD Release date TBA
Netflix DVD release date TBA
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Air dates of all seasons

On 2017-03-03 Family/Drama TV Series Istanbullu Gelin first aired on Star TV. Written and created by Gülseren Budayıcıoğlu, and produced by O3 Medya, Istanbullu Gelin has ended and last broadcasted on 2019-05-31.

IMDb Rating: 7.0/10
Istanbullu Gelin Official page on Star TV
All Seasons: 3
All Episodes: 87
Average Episode length: 120 minutes


Season 1 - 2017-03-03 with 16 Episodes
Season 2 - 2017-09-22 with 37 Episodes
Season 3 - 2018-09-21 with 34 Episodes