Grimms Notes: The Animation

Grimms Notes: The Animation

Seiki Sugawara
Takuya Eguchi, Miyu Kubota, Reina Ueda, Ryôta Ôsaka
Air Date
Jan 10th, 2019
The story takes place in a world created by a beings known as "Story Tellers." At birth, all inhabitants of this world are bestowed with a "book of fate" where all their lives are written in advance. However, rogue Story Tellers known as Chaos Tellers are writing bad events into people's books without them knowing. It is up to the holders of blank books of fate to seek out the Chaos Tellers and...

All release dates

TV Air Date Jan 10th, 2019
DVD Release date TBA
Netflix DVD release date TBA
Netflix streaming Not available
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Air dates of all seasons

On 2019-01-11 Animation/Action & Adventure TV Series Grimms Notes: The Animation first aired on TBS. Written and created by , and produced by Brain's Base, Grimms Notes: The Animation has ended and last broadcasted on 2019-03-29.

IMDb Rating: 5.1/10
Grimms Notes: The Animation Official page on TBS
All Seasons: 1
All Episodes: 12
Average Episode length: 23 minutes


Season 1 - 2019-01-11 with 12 Episodes